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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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政府採購納入環境考量之研究── 以我國與歐盟法制為中心 / The Adoption and Promotion of Environment Protection in Government Procurement: A Comparative Study on the Legislation of Taiwan and EU

楊懷慶, Yang, Huai Ching Unknown Date (has links)
政府採購向來金額龐大,以民國 103 年為例,該年度機關辦理逾 10 萬元之採購決標總金額為 1 兆 1367 億餘元,同年度中央政府總預算歲出合計為 1 兆 9162 億餘元,政府採購金額約為總預算歲出的 60%,故就政府採購所制定之法規範具有實務上之重要性。復因政府之採購金額龐大,政府之採購偏好足以影響經濟運作與競爭秩序,因此各國政府經常藉以達成特定政策目標。   我國政府採購法第 96 條訂有採購環境保護產品之特別規定,環境保護在國家政策中、甚至國際社會中向來為重要議題,民國 90 年起,行政院核定實施之「機關綠色採購推動方案」、國家永續發展委員會提出之「台灣二十一世紀議程國家永續發展願景與策略綱領」和「永續發展政策綱領」等政策方案,都希望藉由政府採購達成環境保護的目標,我國簽屬之「政府採購協定」(Agreement on Government Procurement)亦於 2012 年修訂環境保護相關條款,然而我國政府採購「環保」之成效卻十分有限,同樣以民國 103 年為例,該年政府採購納入環境考量之比例,約僅為政府採購總金額的 0.5%、總預算歲出的 0.3%。因此,本論文嘗試探討我國政府採購納入環境考量之現行法規,是否符合憲法誡命、或是否存有更佳的立法方式,以回應國內政策的需求、並善盡國際義務。   本論文以憲法就環境保護和經濟秩序之規定探討為始,界定立法者具體化相關法令規定之立法形成界限,復以此為前理解,檢視現行規範是否妥適,初步認為政府採購法第 96 條之相關子法,有不當限縮環境保護範圍之嫌,因而手段不足以落實國家對環境的保護義務,可能係實務上納入環境考量比例不足的原因之一;因此以綠色政府採購(Green Public Procurement)成效顯著、且為「政府採購協定」修訂環境保護相關條款之原始提案國──即歐洲聯盟為研究對象,探討其政府採購法制設計,作為我國法制修正之參考。   本論文參酌歐洲聯盟採購法制,認為我國應放寬政府採購納入環境考量的範圍、增加可資運用之手段、於採購時計算產品生命週期費用並妥適運用環境標誌與宣告,進而提出初步修法解決之框架建議,以期環境保護能夠確切、妥適地於政府採購中落實。 / Government procurement has been constantly adopted as a policy tool in many countries for its profound effect on a nation’s economic performance and market competition. Legislation concerning government procurement becomes therefore important. According to Article 96 of Taiwan’s Government Procurement Act and other related regulations, procuring entities subjected to those provisions may provide preference to environmentally friendly products. Furthermore, as the Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) was revised and come into force in 2014, it suggested that environment protection can be promoted via government procurement. As a consequence, the Executive Yuan formulated several policies to enhance environmentally friendly procurement. Nevertheless, such policies were not as effective as expected. Official statistics show that as government procurement value accounted for 60% of annual expenditures in 2014, the adoption and promotion of environment protection in that value merely accounted for 0.5%. Recognizing the problem, the thesis raises two questions: Is current legislation concerning environment protection in government procurement in accordance with the Constitution? Is there any better way to legislate? To begin with, the thesis first discusses the Constitution’s stipulation of environment protection and economic system to figure out the limit of legislative discretion. Secondly, by reviewing current legislation based on such limit, the thesis finds that neither the definition of “environment protection” nor the methods of priority procurement are appropriate. The thesis hence concludes that such inappropriateness of current legislation may be one of the reasons why those policies did not work out. Last but not least, the thesis has done a comparative study on government procurement legislation of the European Union (EU) to see how legislation in Taiwan may improve. While it is the first party to propose to amend the GPA by adding environment protection into the provisions, EU has also achieved remarkably in “Green Public Procurement” (GPP). In conclusion, the thesis has the following legislative suggestions: First, redefine “environment protection” in the Government Procurement Act and other related regulations. Second, add additional ways in current legislation for procuring entities to better adopt and promote of environment protection in government procurement, including using life-cycle costing and eco-labels.

從電子化政府建立政府統計知識挖掘系統模型架構之研究~以內政統計為例 / Research into a System Framework for Knowledge Discovery in the Context of Statistics Tasks within e-Government – on Examples of Interior Statistic

江欣容, Chiang, Hsin Jung Unknown Date (has links)
各國政府為提高國際競爭優勢,紛紛積極推動「電子化政府」。我國電子化政府建設自八十六年起開始推動,迄今已經行政院擴大為e-Taiwan計畫。電子化政府推動之業務電腦化,帶動政府業務資訊系統的快速發展,其彙集而成之大型資料庫,為政府統計工作帶來莫大的發展契機。 本研究從電子化政府的過程、內政業務行政程序、知識挖掘及採勘方法,提出參考資料模型,可能的統計軟體工具以及電子化政府中知識發現的實驗架構。再者,本研究藉臺閩地區外籍與大陸配偶結婚登記資料集,運用各種群集分析如K-means、ANN、TwoStep等,並利用我國人口數時間序列採用多模式方法進行人口預測,並將前述分析結果回饋資料庫,最後,作者實現一個知識發現系統雛型,其中包含了前端資料庫、資料集、知識庫以及EIS使用介面。 本研究成果總結如下:(1)資料挖掘工作產出之知識,除真實呈現社會現象外,亦作為政府政策之指南;(2)在本研究發展之系統中,新興資料挖掘技術及傳統資料分析方法,二者相輔相成;(3)某些資料挖掘技術適合相符的資料型態,例如文中人口預測資料較適合指數平滑法勝於ANN,亦即,我們可以籍由多模式分析比較其結果,來達到更佳的效果;(4)藉由知識庫模型的建立達成知識創造、共享與管理的目標;(5)資料挖掘工作可以回饋改善資訊系統或業務缺失。 / In order to enhance international competitive advantages, most of the government authorities over the world are engaging in realizing their e-Government platforms. The ROC Government began to develope its e-Government- Infrastructure since 1997, and up-to-date is expanding the e-Taiwan Project as a whole by Executive Yuan. The computerization of administration processes within various government agencies push forward fast development of administration information systems via handling administrative works and lead to utmost opportunities for the government statistics by means of very large databases. Starting from a survey on developements of e-Government, administrative processes for interior affairs, and knowledge mining as well as discovery techniques, this study brings out reference data models, potential statistical softwaretools, and an experimental framework as a whole for knowledge discovery in the context of e-Government. In the next step, this study experiments with applying clustering techniques such as K-means, ANN, and Twostep on datamart regarding marriage of foreigners ( including citizens from Mainland China ) in Taiwan, and with employeeing multi-modes approach on population forecasting. The results of aforementioned analysises are feed into backend database. At last, this author carries out a prototype of knowledge discovery system which includes front-end data base, data marts, knowledge base and interfaces to EIS. The results of the research can be summarized as following: 1.Knowledge derived by means of data mining is capable to represent social events / affairs as well as to serve as a kind of guideline for developing government ploicies. 2. The modern data-ming techniques and classical data-analysis approaches complement with each other in the system developed in this research. 3. Certain mining technique is suitable of corresponding data pattern, for example, expotential smoothing is more suitable for our population data than ANN, which means that we may often achieve better result by multi-mode analysis and comprison with the outputs of different modes. 4. Knowledge creation, sharing, and management can be achieved by means of the knowledge discovery processes on the framework developed in this research. 5. We can figure out errorful raw data in the mining output and feedback to the data source to improve its quality.


孫百佑, Sun, Pai-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要是從民眾的角度,深入瞭解政府在推動業務電子化的過程,在便民服務方面所產生的效益,進而探討國外先進國家的推動概況,由於國情不同,各國均有其特別之處可供參考;隨著我國電子化政府快速的推展,在國際著名調查機構對世界各國的評比中大多名列前茅,使政府願意在電子化政府的投資加碼,因此在數位台灣計畫中包括了許多e 化政府的計畫;目前在電子化政府相關計畫中除了更新現有大型系統的計畫之外,其核心計畫是一個跨機關橫向整合的計畫,建立e政府服務平台,以期能達到「提供民眾更豐富、精緻的資訊內容、更深化的網路申辦服務、與網路公民更多的互動,經由網路的溝通管道,實踐政府治理的目標」。 本文中除探討e政府服務平台對各級政府機關e化的影響之外,也一併探討在政府e化過程,可能對國內軟體產業的影響,以及目前政府推動建置平台的政策,對產業生態的可能影響;這些政策的落實,未來對於國內軟體產業的衝擊將非常可觀,因此,本論文也對國內軟體業者提出一些建議,以供業界因應與轉型參考。 / This paper mainly emphasizes on the effect of which the electronic government interface in Taiwan brings to the citizens, especially in the aspect of citizen-oriented services. Moreover, this article reviews the e-government services in other countries and their vary kinds of developing experiences as reference. Along with the quick development of the e-government service, the rank of Taiwan is always in the top list judged and rated by world-famous institutions. As a result, the government of Taiwan is willing to invest more to the plans of e-government which play an important role in the e-Taiwan project. Currently the plan attempts not only to renew the existing mainframe system, but also to build an “e-government service platform” to integrate services over different departments and resources. This platform is the core of Taiwan e-government plan. It can offer citizens vary and delicate information, more high level applications of service, and more interaction with Internet citizens. By utilizing Internet as a communication channel, it can implement the aim of governance more effectively. In the final part of this paper, it analyzes the influence of “e-service platform“ towards each level of government units. In addition, it discusses about how the e-government plan affects the software industry. Furthermore, how the policy about the platform influences the status of software industry is also mentioned in this paper. Once the policy is carried out, it is expected to be some serious impacts on domestic software industry. Therefore, this study also gives suggestions to software companies to make a preparation or reformation in advance.


張俊揚, Chang, Chun-Young Unknown Date (has links)
公共組織長期以來給人一種浪費、效率不彰及態度傲慢的負面印象,在處於複雜多變的環境下,一般民眾莫不期待政府能提昇行政績效,以增加組織的學習力,掌握人民(顧客)的偏好,並迅速回應環境的變化。本研究即基於民眾對政府感到失望卻又渴望的情愫,而擬探究資訊科技如何應用於公共組織,進而探討公共組織網絡化的可能性,以做為公共組織因應時代潮流變遷的對策。 為了降低公共組織對資訊科技衝擊的適應不良,及確保能永續發展,本研究以為公共組織當就組織的管理與結構面進行調整,就管理面而言,善用資訊科技工具是其可行的途徑之一;就結構面而言,或可調整科層結構為網絡式組織。換言之,即希望藉由引進資訊網路科技,以建構一個網絡式的公共組織。其理想的運作模式是組織的成員、團隊或是整個組織的運作都彷彿是一個獨立的節點,可以突破時空的屏障而形成多重連結,以構成一個網絡。每個節點的權力來源,不是來自階級,而是自身擁有的技術和知識,彼此相互支援與分享資訊,為共同的價值觀與目標而努力。使它不再是一種政治結構,而是近似於一種生活方式。 植基於新公共行政(New Public Administration)與後官僚組織(post-bureaucratic organization)等觀點的影響,研究中從反思科層型政府為濫觴,並在「資訊科技」與「網絡式組織」兩者間釐探其互動互補的關係,期望這良性的互動能賦予公共組織變革時一個新的思考方向。基於這樣的邏輯思考,而於理論面上發現可以資訊科技為核心技術,提出建構理想型「網絡式公共組織」的三大願景方向-「再造的政府」、「虛擬式政府」及「團隊型政府」,並分別擬定其運作的可行性策略如後: (一)以「便民服務」、「資訊與知識流通」及「流程改造」等策略形塑「再造的政府」。 (二)以「即時通訊,傳遞正確資訊」、「擴大參與,共享民主政治」及「相互信賴,以求共存共榮」等策略形塑「虛擬式政府」。 (三)以「搭起開放便捷的溝通管道」、「培養合作共享專業知識的組織文化」及「建立工作績效評估制度」等策略形塑「團隊型政府」。 在實務面上,以我國電子化/網路化政府政策為例,從官方文獻資料的閱讀,瞭解到該政策的規劃內涵及未來願景與本研究所建構的網絡式公共組織之策略內涵有相通互補之處;另外對相關官員與洽公民眾進行一系列的深度訪談,得知該政策在實際運作上均分別引發了政府再造、虛擬政府及團隊政府的產生,所以本研究建構網絡式公共組織的構念,似乎可以在該實例的政策執行上獲得有力的註腳。 總而言之,本研究從理論與實務的探究中發現,網絡式組織無論在理論上的引介或實務上的應用,似乎均可藉由資訊科技的力量,讓公共組織走向一個較為具開放、動態與彈性的組織型態。惟目前公共組織在進行網絡化的過程中,本研究擬建議政府當持續應用資訊網路科技,在策略聯盟共享資源的原則下,達成「以客為尊」的服務宗旨。另外政府對於組織「知識管理」的概念與作為,及建立一套「客觀公正的績效評估辦法」是較為不足的。若期望公共組織能發揮最大效用,則需加強這兩面向的建置,因為強化知識管理與建立客觀公正的績效評估辦法,有利於絡網式公共組織的建立。

地方政府管理之理念與實踐 / The Idea and The Practice Of Local Government Management

陳秋政, Chen, Chiu-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本文探討政府再造發展歷程,以理念層次探討為主,著重於八0年代以降,新管理主義之源起,及其理論背景作一粗略的介紹,進而整理其內涵價值,並佐以若干各國政府再造實例,以佐證之。再者,則針對1968年以來,新公共行政學者對新管理主義所提出的質疑與反思作一介紹,文中將論及新公共行政之源起、理論背景及相關主張,並針對其內涵價值作一整理。最後,將介紹目前方興未艾的「第三條路」(the third way)之源起、理論背景及其具體主張,並歸納本文在地方政府管理理念上之主張。期能對政府再造理念提出具有史觀的脈絡陳述,並且作為未來地方政府再造之參考依據。 是以,本文乃針對地方政府管理之理念與實踐進行研究,強調意識型態的區隔,及政府再造背景的時空性、急迫性,進而將地方政府再造,區分為效率的地方政府管理、民主的地方政府管理,及整合的地方政府管理三波,透過理念層次之「效率途徑」與「民主途徑」,以建構地方政府管理之「整合途徑」,及其未來願景(vision)。 文中提出「創新、效率、競爭、資訊」作為效率途徑的核心價值;提出「責任、機會、公道、參與」作為民主途徑的核心理念;最後就整合途徑而言,強調「位中、時中、知所權變、順乎自然及執兩用中」的原則,並引用論者所提出七項典範轉移之道,重申地方政府再造的勵革方向。其實整合的地方政府管理,不但重視權利與責任的對等關係,更注重環境時空系絡之影響,而強調權變觀點,但仍有本末先後、輕重緩急之考量。 回顧本研究,其釐清政府再造的歷史脈絡傳承,建構地方政府管理之理念型模(typology),並發現地方政府管理與地方治理的概念,或有互通相關之處,似可作為地方政府管理研究的新領域。


紀佳伶 Unknown Date (has links)
電子化/網路化政府是政府再造中非常重要的一項工作,企圖藉由政府中各項資訊系統的使用,使行政效率提昇及行政運作更為便利,在資訊科技引進政府公部門的同時,也產生了許多問題,如資訊貧富差距、資訊不對稱以及資訊內容隱私權的侵害等問題,其中後者的嚴重性及廣泛性更是前二項所不能比擬,當政府結合各項行政資訊系統以快速、便捷的提供服務時,在運用關於民眾個人的資訊及資料上,可能產生資訊隱私權侵害的情形。這是由於政府為了達到效率與行政便利、公共利益、國家安全或是資訊公開等行政目標、價值,運用各項新興行政資訊系統時,忽略了考量其他價值所產生的問題。 以往在個人資訊隱私權侵害的案例上,往往是私人間的問題,私人對私人的侵害,但事實上此種侵害可分為兩種形式,一為私人間的侵害,另一則為政府對人民的侵害,後者的範圍及情形往往更為嚴重。因此本文擬將焦點置於國家與政府機關,探討資訊隱私權的意涵、起源、保障基礎,針對我國在推動電子化/網路化政府所欲追求的目標中,有哪些與民眾資訊隱私權相互衝突,其衝突點為何,進行深入分析,並嘗試運用四項政策工具—技術、法律、社會及文化,建構一個安全的資訊隱私環境。首先探討此四項政策工具的理論性內涵,並實際對照目前我國政府行政機關運用這四項政策工具的情形,有何缺失,並嘗試提出改善建議。最後並以行政院研考會規劃推動的國民卡計畫為例,探討政府實際對人民資訊隱私權侵害的可能性,及如何運用這些政策工具來降低侵害的產生。因此本研究的主要研究問題即為: 1、政府在採行業務電腦化,並進一步拓展為電子化/網路化政府時,對人民資訊隱私權侵害的可能性及型態為何? 2、人民資訊隱私權與政府引進資訊科技從事公務運作所追求的行政價值間衝突為何? 3、如何運用四項政策工具—技術、法律、文化及社會—來調和並建構健全的資訊隱私環境? 在主要問題之下,次要研究問題則有: 1、資訊隱私權的意涵為何? 2、資訊隱私權的保障基礎為何? 3、我國政府行政機關實際運用四項政策工具保障民眾資訊隱私權的現況如何? 各章節內容要點概說如下: 第壹章 緒論:旨在闡述本研究之研究動機與目的、研究範圍與限制、研究方法與流程、研究架構及相關重要名詞釋義。 第貳章 資訊隱私權與行政價值間的衝擊:其中先對資訊隱私權此一概念從事文獻檢閱,瞭解其目前學術及實務發展狀況,之後探討其意涵、保障基礎、侵害型態等,最後並針對政府機關引進資訊科技時所欲追求的目標、價值與資訊隱私權間的衝突進行深入分析。 第參章至第伍章屬於本研究的主要架構,分別探討建構健全資訊隱私環境的四項政策工具。 第參章 建構安全資訊隱私環境之技術面保障:探討保障資訊隱私的可行技術,主要分三部分來說明,使用者認證機制與防火牆、加密技術以及數位簽章與公開金鑰認證機構。 第肆章 建構安全資訊隱私環境之法律面保障:探討相關的法律規定,主要分為二部分,分別為各國相關法律規範及國際組織保障新趨勢。 第伍章 建構安全資訊隱私環境之其他層面保障:主要探討文化面及社會面的保障,文化面即公務人員資訊倫理文化之培養;社會面則為外部保障監督機制的設置。 第陸章 我國安全資訊隱私環境之現況分析:針對上述三章的討論內容,分析我國實際應用情形,並指出其問題所在。 第柒章 個案分析:以國民卡專案計畫為例,針對其所引發的一些資訊隱私權爭議進行分析,並且嘗試提出運用上述四項政策工具加以改善的建議。 第捌章 結論與建議:內容包含研究發現、研究建議以及後續研究建議等。

國家企業改革中政府與企業之關係分析 : 東風汽車公司 行政管理與策略個案研究 / 東風汽車公司行政管理與策略個案研究

孫懌芳 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration

從內部顧客觀點看G2E計畫成效─以政府電子採購網為例 / G2E Program Evaluation from the Viewpoint of Internal Customers-A Case Study of Government e-Procurement System

黃貴凰, Huang, Kuei Huang Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊與通訊科技的發達,電子化政府隨之興起,政府開始利用資訊與通訊科技服務民眾。對電子化政府而言,其面臨的顧客不只包含外部顧客─公民與企業,也包含一大群的內部顧客─公務人員,由於公務人員是電子化政府重要的內部顧客,了解他們對於電子化系統、服務的使用感受有其必要性,也顯現G2E計畫成效評估的重要性。有鑑於政府採購為國家龐大支出,因此,本研究以政府電子採購網作為研究的個案。 本研究回顧電子化政府計畫評估、顧客導向的電子化政府、顧客滿意度的影響因素三類文獻,並結合Heeks (2006)電子化政府價值鏈、DeLone & McLean資訊系統成功模型,以及朱斌妤(2010-2013)的G2E計畫指標,從內部使用者角度發展電子採購內部顧客成效評估因果模型,主要由六大構面組成,分別為組織管理、服務品質、系統品質、資訊品質、員工感受效益以及員工滿意度,並透過次級資料進行驗證。 研究結果發現,本研究提出的電子採購內部顧客成效評估因果模型具有一定的解釋力,各構面之間的影響關係皆達統計上的顯著。本研究也比較不同機關性質與標案性質,進行不同構面之間的路徑係數比較,結果顯示不同的機關性質、標案性質對於不同構面之間的路徑係數確實有影響,根據研究結果,本研究也提出了一些政策建議與後續研究的建議。 / Electronic Government (e-Government) is about governments interacting, conducting business and delivering services to their citizens and private companies electronically through the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). All key stakeholders including the government employees, private sectors, and citizens benefit from successful implementation of ICTs. The usage evaluation from e-government employees’ point of view (G2E), i.e., the internal customers of e-government, is vital. This research uses Government e-Procurement System as a case study of G2E program evaluation. Topics of literature review for this research include e-Government programs assessment, customer-orientede-Government and influencing factors of customer’s satisfaction, combines with Heeks’ e-Government Value Chain, DeLone and McLean’s Information System Success Model, and Chu’s G2E programs assessment indicators, which propose a casual model for internal customers’ evaluation of e-Procurement system in Taiwan. This model consists of six dimensions-organization management, service squality, system quality, information quality, employee perceived benefits, and employee satisfaction. The outcomes of this research indicate that our model is strongly supported by the empirical data. This research also includes comparations of different organizations and procurement cases, which indicate that different organizations and procurement cases have difference in path coefficients. Finally, this research makes some suggestions for the improvement of e-Procurement policy, and for future researches.

冷戰後日本與非洲關係 / Relations between Japan and Africa in the Post-Cold War Era

林秀鳳, Lin, Hsiu-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從利益的觀點切入,研究冷戰後日本與非洲關係。透過國內因素、國際因素及國際建制三方面,研究日本對非洲政策的改變,及追求的國家利益改變。。日本與非洲交往主要在獲得兩種利益,一是政治利益,一是經濟利益,政治利益為國際威望和入常機會;經濟利益則定義為確保能源、礦產和取得海外商業發展。冷戰期間日本對非洲僅存在著經濟利益的追求,1993年第一屆東京國際非洲發展會議(Tokyo International Conference on African Development, TICAD)的召開,則代表著日本開始追求政治利益。 從國內政治權力來看,1993年的東京國際非洲發展會議,其實是外務省為了順應國際非洲援助熱潮和提升官僚地位的手段之一。90年代無論日本財界、大藏省、經濟產業省及自民黨竹下派都以亞洲為中心,態度消極,故外務省僅能提倡「南南協力」來加強日非間的經濟利益。TICAD只能說是外務省獨立運作的會議,僅能以增加無償援助和技術援助的方式,加強日非關係。2001年森喜朗(Yoshiro Mori)和小泉純一郎(Ichiro Koizumi)等為首的清和政策研究會(簡稱清和研),勢力正式上升後,「官邸領導」的政治模式出現,首相個人重視非洲政策,於是外務省的權力也藉此勝出,舉凡大使館、JICA辦事處等數目都增加。尤其北非埃及、南非和東非衣索比亞對日本來說,政治意義特別重要。 2005年聯合國爭常失敗後,檢討過發現非洲國家日本正視到若要取得政治利益,必須加強非洲關係,於是追求政治利益開始優先經濟利益。首先從ODA分配就能發現,即使ODA預算持續減少,也未影響到非洲地區得到的分配比例,受到排擠的卻是以往日本重視的亞洲地區。另一方面,21世紀後非洲經濟成長快速,經濟成長率平均6%,財界開始對非洲發生興趣,過去「經濟大國」路線,經濟產業省追求經濟利益掛帥的經濟外交,再度出現。在貿易方面,雖然日非間的貿易型態改變不大,但2001年起,對非洲貿易就一直保持赤字,顯示日本較依賴非洲的商品。在投資方面,日本企業也逐漸增加非洲投資,除了基礎建設,服務及金融等非製造業的投資趨勢也取代以往著重製造業投資的趨勢。在援助方面,東部非洲是日本援助的重點區域,而2013年12月因為伊波拉病毒(Ebola virus)影響,日本增加對西非的援助,顯示政治利益仍然優先經濟利益。 最後,由TICAD觀察,發現在聯合國援助體制中,日本由制度追隨者逐漸成為領導者,日非正創造共同的經濟利益,但日本能否藉此創造共同的政治利益則不明朗。 / This study examines the relations between Japan and Africa in the post-Cold War era with points of profits. The author explores domestic implementation of international aid regimes in Japan to find how Japan’s policy towards Africa and its pursuited state profits have changed. Japan’s engagement with Africa mainly focuses on the pursuit of two profits. The political one is status of superpower and its bid to a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council; the economic one is the energy /resource security and its overseas business expansion. During the Cold War, Japan only pursued economic profits from Africa utill the opening of Tokyo International Conference on African Development, TICAD I in 1993, a symbol of political profits pursuing. The MOFA set up TICAD I as a forum to follow the international issues, solving African problems while maintaining its power among other departments. In 1990s, TICADs, held by the MOFA alone, provided aid and technical assistance to maintain Japan-Africa partnership. The MOFA also promoted the South-South Cooperration to gain economic profits while businessmen, beaurocrats in the MOF and the METI as well as the FDP politicians were Asia-centric and uninterested in Africa. When SEIWAKEN, led by Ichiro Koizumi, got strong in 2001, a politician-led government was formed. Whenever the prime minister turned his attention towards Africa, the power of the MOFA outweighs others, as the number of ambassadors and JICA offices in Africa increased. Some African countries, like Egypt, South Africa and Ethiopia are politically important to Japan. Failure to bid for a permanent seat on the UNSC in 2005 made Japan realize that it should stengthen its partnership with Africa if it tries to gain political profits. Political profits became Japan’s priority. First, the ODA allocation showed that, compared to decreasing one in Asia, the share in Africa has never decreased even though the budget is shrinking on the whole. On the contrary, Economy in Africa is soaring with an average of 6% since the 21st centur, which attracts business investments. Economic Giant Policy which the METI once promoted to pursue economic profits came to life again. The trade pattern between Japan and Africa doesn’t change much; however, Japan relies on Africa’s resource for sure since its trade with Africa became deficit in 2001. Japan’s FDI to Africa grow. Investments in non-manufacture like fundamentals, service and financial industry are much more than those in manufacture. Besides, Japan’s humanitarian aid increase in Western Africa also shows its priority in political profits. Until the Ebola virus offbreak in December 2013, Japan’s most foreign aid was sent to Eastern Africa. It can be concluded from the TICADs that Japan is transcending from follower to a leader in United Nations aid regime. Japan and Africa are economically beneficial. However, it is not clear if they will be politically beneficial profits in the future.

官僚體系創新的動態分析:以臺北市大同區公所為例 / Analyzing the Dynamics of Bureaucratic Innovation: The Case of Tatung District, Taipei

林淇勻 Unknown Date (has links)
過去的研究多認為領導者若採用威權領導風格,對組織創新行為會有負面的影響。而本研究選擇基層公部門組織「臺北市大同區公所」進行個案研究,並觀察到該機關的領導者雖然以威權方式領導,但組織卻從各項評比落後的窘境,逐漸展現出諸多與其他區公所不同的創新服務,甚至因此獲得第六屆政府服務品質獎的殊榮。經過深入訪談及文獻分析之後,發現該機關正因為領導者重視「紀律」的威權風格,任期長又讓紀律深化落實到組織中,加上首長主動提出創新服務,並在機關內建立「制度」藉以養成同仁的創新習慣,又機關內高流動率的人力結構形成為年輕有幹勁的初任公務人力,紀律的壓力使組織成員產生團結的情誼與向心力,因此讓大同區公所在我國傳統的科層官僚體系中,成功展現出大不同的創新風貌。只可惜區公所囿於其定位與功能的限制,且官僚體系內創新的誘因制度尚未完善,因此無法將其蘊藏的創新能量發揮的淋漓盡致,目前做為引領我國政府創新改造的政府服務品質獎,也未有明確的追蹤機制,因此機關的創新作為能否內化成公部門的組織文化,仍有待後續觀察。 / While new technologies, ideas, and values keep emerging, innovation has been emphasized by public as well as private organizations to meet the expectations of their clients. Factors contributing to an innovation-oriented organization have widely been detected, seldom any studies would endorse the idea that an authoritarian leadership would facilitate the innovation. By examining the case of “Tatung District Office” of Taipei City, this study points out some conditions that actually makes an iron-fist leading style an essential contributor to successful initiatives of innovation. Through in-depth interviews and participatory observation, this study presents evidence about the effects of personal engagement of the leader and stable tenure in indoctrinating the innovation attitude to the subordinates. This study also provides some discussion on institutional settings for the bureaucratic system to avoid maintaining idle in facing rapid environmental changes.

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