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探索創新智慧資本對新產品開發績效之影響 -個案研究以製藥產業為例-

許秀菁, Hsiu-Ching Hsu Unknown Date (has links)
對製藥產業而言,不斷推出創新產品是其價值創造的最大動力。另一方面,市場之競爭與價格限制之壓力使所有的製藥業者莫不將提高研發的績效視為企業維持高成長的關鍵途徑。因而製藥企業一直面臨的巨大壓力便是要能快速、確實推出安全有效的新藥上市。隨著競爭模式的轉移,無形資產及知識創造之價值將是決勝的關鍵。受限於本土藥品市場規模的限制與有限的研發能量,本土製藥企業之新藥研發大多以發展階段的新藥開發為主而非風險大、時程長的新藥研究。於是瞭解智慧資本的創造、加值、運用與管理對製藥產業新產品開發績效之影響也將更為關鍵。本研究先就智慧資本之文獻與各種衡量模式進行歸納,並引用Skandia智慧資本導航者之架構,分別以人力資本、流程資本、創新資本與關係資本四個構面評量企業之創新智慧資本之內涵與建置,並試圖瞭解本土製藥產業創新智慧資本對新產品開發績效之影響,期能對我國產製藥產業智慧資本之管理方向提出建議,以提供業界進行創新智慧資本管理與發展之參考。 / The lifeblood of the pharmaceutical industry is its ability to produce innovative products. Additionally, both the heavy competition in the market and the trend of cutting price by the health insurance payers also force the industry turns their focus on increasing the performance of R&D to maintain the high growth rate. Therefore, how to launch a safe and effective new drug in a shortest time is a great challenge to the industry. Along with the changing of the core competitive advantages, the value of the intangible assets and knowledge creation become the key success factors. Linking intellectual capital management with R&D activities in pharmaceutical companies would be a critical factor in enhancing R&D performance. For a local pharmaceutical, limited by the market size and the R&D ability, the R&D activities would be more on the development phase than research phase. The relationship between intellectual capital with new product development would be more critical especially in this knowledge-base pharmaceutical industry. By literature review and adopting the intellectual capital assessment model of the Skandia Nevigator, the study divides the intellectual capital into human capital, processes capital, innovation capital and relationship capital and try to find the elements of innovative intellectual capital related to new drug development in a local pharmaceutical company. It also tries to find out how a local pharmaceutical company creates and manages its innovative intellectual capital. The research results show the current situation about intellectual capital of the case and will be provide a reference for the industry and further research.

創新產品開發之概念生成─以Eee PC和Wii為例

張秉生 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣資訊科技系統大廠往自有品牌方向發展,接受委託代工製造業務之營運比重減少,自有品牌產品業務比重逐漸增加,然而發展自有品牌與替他人代工製造服務的新產品開發模式有所差異,自有品牌產品的產品規格與概念多半需由廠商自行定義,若只是參考他人之產品規格發展新產品,則生產出來的產品無特殊性,消費者的品牌印象與品牌認同也不強,並不符合發展自有品牌的目標;而若觀察全球資訊科技的品牌大廠,SONY與Apple皆有其成名代表作,代表作品皆為自行定義產品規格與概念的創新產品,而如何發想創新產品的概念遂成為本研究的研究目的。 近年來台灣電腦公司華碩,與日本遊戲機公司任天堂相繼在2006年及2007年推出足以對公司品牌印象貢獻良多的代表產品,遂成為本研究的研究對象,藉由對兩家公司的質性個案研究,蒐集與整理次級資料,並佐以公司訪談彌補次級資料不足的部分,嘗試找出這兩家雖屬不同產業的公司,在什麼市場環境背景下,新產品開法團隊如何發想新產品概念。而於研究結果發現,個案公司發起新產品開發專案皆有改變市場競爭狀況的動機,並期望用新產品創造新的市場,藉由在先進入新市場獲得優勢而爭強自己的市場競爭力;且當時市場上既有產品的某項屬性有性能過度提供的情形,因此個案公司跳脫產業對該產品屬性原有的技術路徑規畫,及性能與功能的追求,以使用者為中心,參考市場上既有產品的產品屬性及市場反應,與產品開發者獲取的使用者資訊發想產品概念。雖初期沒有外部使用者介入,但由於產品開發者同時具有使用者的身分,加上產品開發者平時對於使用者生活型態與行為多有觀察,或是在新產品開發後期,將測試原型提供給一般使用者試用,從此兩方面陸續取得使用者資訊;另外,個案公司若沒有強烈「與別人不同」的企業文化,獨立於原有組織主流運作方式與文化,且由跨部門成員組成的新產品開發團隊,將有助於產品創新。 / As Taiwan's information technology systems manufacturers to develop its own brand business, and the proportion of the OEM & ODM business gradually decreased as the proportion of own-brand business increased, but the way to develop new products in own-brand business is quite different from the way in OEM business, a innovative own-brand manufacturers usually generate the new product concepts or specifications by itself to make differentiation from other competitors. If someone just follow the concepts or specifications written on the orders by clients or imitating what others have done before, the new products are non- uniqueness to consumers, and firms can’t build strong consumer brand image and brand identity, does not comply with the objectives of the development of own-brand. Taking a look at global brand IT firms like SONY and Apple, we can find that they have their representative products, and the concepts and specifications of products are generated and defined by firms their self. Thus, how to make concepts of innovative products becomes the purpose of this study. In recent years, Taiwan's computer company ASUS launched its new product in 2007,and the Japanese gamesole company Nintendo launched its new product in 2006, both products were successful and made a great impact on the market, contributed so much to their brand image, and became each firm’s representative product. So these two products are qualified to be the cases of this study. For these two cases, the use of qualitative case study approach, through the collection of secondary data and interviews with company information to make up for lack of secondary data, trying to find out the new product development team of these two companies how to generate concepts of new product and the relation between new product development project and market environment at that time. The result of this study indicate that two companies both have motivations to change their market competition, want to create new markets then enter new markets through earlier access to get advantage and enforce market competitiveness. Some dimension of products already on the market in technology performance oversupply situation at that time, so the case companies are user-centered rather than following the industry usual technology planning path of pursuing performance and function, taking the consumer responses and concepts of products already on market as reference and the user information obtained by new product developer to generate product concepts. Although there is no user involved in the beginning of new product development, developer also can get user information because they also represent a kind of user, observe user daily lifestyle and even hold a user test with prototype in the later of new product development. Furthermore, the study results also indicate that if there is no strong corporate culture like “like no others”, a new product development team which is independent of the mainstream mode of operation of the existing organization and culture, and with cross-department members will contribute to product innovation.


許文泰 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要透過台灣筆記型電腦廠商兩岸產品創新分工情形,探討產品開發能力移轉層次對科技能力移轉程度及兩岸新產品開發流程活動的影響,深入訪談具有兩岸產品創新分工經驗的專案/研發主管,瞭解筆記型電腦廠商外移大陸初期之技術移轉過程及新產品開發與專案移轉過程,本研究結果顯示如下:   一、大陸投資動機與產品開發能力移轉層次之相關性    1.大陸投資動機影響產品開發能力移轉層次   二、產品開發能力移轉層次與科技能力移轉程度之關連性    2.產品開發能力移轉層次影響科技能力移轉程度    3.研發中心的設立可作為從「調適到零件本土化」到「產品再設計」間的重要參考指標   三、產品開發能力移轉層次對新產品開發流程與活動之關連性    4.產品開發能力移轉層次不影響新產品開發流程    5.產品開發能力移轉層次越高,兩岸專案轉移時點越早,新產品開發過程中之互動更密切   四、其他研究發現    6.低廉的勞動力為台灣筆記型電腦廠商外移大陸之主要動機    7.筆記型電腦廠商在外移大陸前之績效影響產品開發能力移轉層次    8.廠商之垂直整合程度影響實體系統的移轉程度    9.科技能力移轉程度與進入該國時機似無明顯的關連性    10.產品開發能力移轉層次影響研發生產據點數量    11.筆記型電腦廠商之科技能力移轉程度受各廠商於大陸原有其他產品線之影響程度不同    12.筆記型電腦廠商在台灣之廠辦合一/分離經驗對於兩岸產品創新分工之影響差異不大

影響專案成效的因素之探討 -以A公司為例 / A Study of Key Influencing Factors of Project Performance: the case of a High-Tech Company

黃顯榮 Unknown Date (has links)
企業存在的目的與價值在於提供客戶所需的商品或是服務。企業若想永續的經營,就需要能夠持續提供滿足客戶需求的商品與服務。對科技公司來說,能夠有持續推出好的專案,才能持續開發出好的商品。如何能持續推出好的專案,便是各科技公司非常重視的議題。本文想探討的議題是有關專案成功的要素,專案管理以及公司組織文化與組織學習對開發新市場專案成效的影響。 文獻探討中發現,專案管理、組織文化、組織學習雖皆對專案的成效皆習習相關,然而影響的方式與層面有所不同。專案管理主要是探討以何種方式與方法,能夠有效的讓專案進展得更順暢,更為有效的管理,對專案的成效直接的影響。而組織文化與組織學習是屬於企業經營層面的部分,會對專案管理的方法與方式產生影響,並間接影響專案的成效。然而,專案管理方式亦受到組織文化與組織學習的影響。僅有專案管理制度,而未能有適切的組織文化與組織學習能力配合,專案管理制度亦不能發揮其效果。 根據第一章所述之研究動機與第二章之文獻探討,本研究提出研究架:包括組織文化、組織學習、專案管理等三構面。本研究以一家上市科技公司為研究對象,深入探討該公司三個具有不同創新科技的專案,並藉由深度訪談該的高階主管、公司專案經理與參與團隊成員,以收集本研究所需要的資料。 本研究得到的結論包括,一、組織文化對專案組織類型與結構有重大的影響,而專案組織類型與結構專案成效有重大的影響。二、組織學習與知識管理非常重要。好的組織學習能力與知識管理,會讓專案開發流程更為順暢。三、不同專案特性應採用不同且適當的專案組織結構。創新與突破程度越高的專案越需要高度整合的專組織結構。除了專案組織結構外,專案經理對專案具有決定性的影響。

台灣資訊電子業自有品牌廠商產品經理機制之研究 / A Study on Product Manager Mechanism of Own Brand Manufacturers of Information and Electronic Industry in Taiwan

錢紫晴, Chien, Tzu Ching Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自1980年起,政府積極推動資訊電子產業發展,而在發展過程中,最初以OEM、ODM代工為主要的業務型態,藉由低成本、高品質的製造優勢,大量承接國際資訊大廠的外包業務,發展出具有產業影響力的競爭優勢,成為全球資訊產品重要供應商。然而,近年受到全球化、區域經濟整合以及中國與印度等新興國家崛起等因素,台灣的代工業獲利空間面臨嚴重威脅;此外,高科技產品生命週期縮短、全球進入「超競爭」的經營環境,使台灣的代工製造業進入「微利」時代。誠如宏碁集團創辦人施振榮先生提出的「微笑曲線」概念,若能邁向附加價值高的「自有品牌」(OBM),則可擺脫OEM、ODM代工微薄利潤的狀況。 然而,掌握「品牌」不只是技術能力的問題,而是一種感覺的掌握、對生活的理解。在企業中,要將抽象的顧客需求化為實際的產品上市,則需要重要的推手—「產品經理」,從最初的產品構想、協調及管理產品的開發,及產品開發完成後之上市等活動,過程當中皆需要產品經理的投入。 OBM廠商之產品開發流程與OEM/ODM廠商最大之差異在於:OEM/ODM廠商的產品經理主要職責係依據客戶訂單控管產品開發的時程;而OBM廠商在新產品開發過程中,則需自行負責新產品開發前端之概念形成、規格制訂階段,及新產品上市後之行銷推廣階段;其客戶已不再僅限於下訂單的大廠,而必須面對終端的消費者市場,也必須自行承擔產品之成敗。因此,如何將顧客需求(Customer Needs)轉換為產品規格,以開發出成功的新產品,更是產品經理所需面對的課題。此外,新產品開發後,如何建立銷售管道,使產品成功上市,亦是OBM廠商的產品經理所要面臨的挑戰。本研究著重於探討OBM廠商之產品經理在新產品開發的過程中,最初概念形成階段,及新產品開發後之上市階段,產品經理如何發揮其管理功能,以達成每階段的順利運作。本研究經由個案訪談及次級資料的分析結果如下: 一、台灣OBM廠商「產品經理」在新產品概念形成階段,主要扮演規劃者的角色,且「內部」與「外部」為創意之重要來源。 二、台灣OBM廠商「產品經理」在新產品上市階段,從主導的角色轉換為協助的角色。 三、台灣OBM廠商「產品經理」在新產品開發過程中,需要與來自於公司內部及外部之不同對象溝通協調,尤以內部溝通為重;與顧客甚少直接溝通。 四、台灣OBM廠商「產品經理」在新產品開發過程中,主要權力來源為「專家權力」,且並非扮演重要的實際決策角色。


沈燕柏 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球個人電腦市場競爭愈演愈烈的趨勢下,台灣個人電腦硬體產業在面對多年來所賴以生存的設計代工設計製造已面臨微利化的時代,企業必須以更積極的創新精神,提高技術障礙,研發差異化的產品,引進新技術並及時推出具競爭力的創新性產品才能脫離紅海戰場的價格戰,進而為企業創造更高的營運績效。 本論文屬探索性研究,並採用個案研究法,以選取一家台灣的個人電腦硬體設計製造公司為研究對象。本研究透過人員訪談的方式,針對個案公司的中高階主管(業務、行銷、研發副總及產品規劃經理等),就該個案公司的新產品研發與新產品創新策略作深入之訪談。並藉由文獻中探討所建構的觀念架構與理論基礎來界定本研究的探討範圍,其包括了探討新產品發展策略、組織結構、核心能力、創新概念來源、創新能力及競爭策略等各個構面與產品創新策略之間的關連性。 本個案研究的結論如下所述: 1、企業所擁有的資源越豐富時,其創新的可能性就越高。企業領導者對於創新,若能給予較豐富的資源,則直接提供了創新重要的基礎。因充裕的資源,亦會使得管理階層可以更有能力去追求創新,負擔創新所產生的成本,以及承擔創新可能所帶來的失敗。 2、企業領導人必須建構動態的組織結構。動態的組織結構相對於僵固型組織而言,對創新會較有正面的影響。因動態的組織會對組織成員產生較少的規範,以及會給予較大的授權。因此,往往會表現出較大的彈性與調適性,所以組織內的成員較易創新。 3、企業各個單位之間的互動程度高低,決定了創新的成敗。成員之間的高度互動,有助於打破創新時所需面對的障礙。企業高階管理者應積極建立跨部門之互動平台機制,供組織內成員面臨技術瓶頸時,可更容易且快速獲得集團內的資源協助,以提早將創新的產品推出到市場。 關鍵字:新產品、新產品開發流程、創新、產品創新策略、競爭策略、五力分析、SWOT

組織特性與新產品發展過程對新產品開發績效之影響研究—以中科院為例 / Effects of the organization characteristic and new product development processes on performance of new product development – A study of Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology

茹鴻英, Hung-Ying Ju January 1992 (has links)
高科技產業本身所具備的高風險、快速變動、產品生命週期短的特質,促使置身高科技產業中的企業必須具備更快速的因應能力,方能在競爭激烈的環境中生存。 有鑑於研發活動重要性日漸提高,市場上新產品的競爭狀況越演越烈,在台灣不論什麼產業都需不斷致力於發展新產品的活動。而列為國內首屈一指高科技國防武器研發單位的中科院;其新產品的研發績效,是一值得探討的課題。 本研究遂以組織特性及新產品發展過程,探究新產品開發所產生的影響效果,以中科院大型武器系統研發為研究對象;採用個案研究的方式,進行結構性深度訪談。本研究採用組織特性中的組織對創新的鼓勵、主管支持、資源、時間壓力等四個變數;將新產品發展過程分為產品創意、產品概念、產品雛形、最終產品、行銷計畫五個構面;探究對於新產品開發績效包括:「財務績效」、「市場績效」、「機會窗口」等之影響,作為研究架構。 主要研究目的為以下三點: 1. 探討組織特性與新產品發展過程之關係。 2. 探討組織特性與新產品發展過程對新產品開發績效之影響。 3. 探討中科院的組織特性與新產品發展過程對新產品開發績效之影響。 研究主要發現為: 1. 新產品發展過程中,不管是組織鼓勵、主管支持或是充裕的資源皆有助於提高員工的創造力;組織鼓勵與主管支持與激勵員工內在的動機有較大的關連,但是充裕的資源對員工創造力的提升可能會帶來最直接的立即效果。 2. 由研究的個案資料中發現,中科院在新產品發展過程中的阻礙有兩項因素:(1)產品生命週期較長,故不需要不斷的創新或發展新的產品;(2)因為有特定市場及需求顧客,所以沒有去注重行銷計畫。 / High-tech industry itself possesses high risks, combined with fast fluctuation, short product life cycles. High-tech enterprises thus have to own the flexibility to deal with such situation and enable to survival in the most competitive environment. In the light of increasingly important Research & Development activities and more competitive new products on the market, industries in Taiwan have all require being committed to activities for developing new products. Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, an eminent institution developing national defensive weapons, deserves to be explored in its performances of new products development. This research explores the effects of organization characteristic and new product development process on the performance of new product development, and takes large-sized weapon system of Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology as the research object; the research is carried out in the way of the case study, conducting in-depth interviews in structure. The research uses four variables in the organization characteristic, such as encouragements for creativity, supervisor’s support, resources and time pressure; the new product development process contains five stages, which are product creativity, product concept, product prototype, final product and marketing plan; New product development performances to be explored in their influences include financial performance, market performance, window of opportunity as the framework of the research. The purpose of the research focuses on the following three points: 1. It explores the relations between organization characteristic and new product development process. 2. It explores the effects of the organization characteristic and new product development process to new products, 3. It explores the effects of the organization characteristic and new product development process to new products in Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology Important findings: 1. On the process of developing new products, either organizational encouragements or superiors’ supports or ample resources have been beneficial to the increase of employees’ creativity; organizational encouragements, superiors’ supports and employee stimulation have greater links with employees’ inner motive; however, ample resources may bring direct effect on employees’ creativity. 2. Case study reveals that there are two hindrance factors on the process of developing new products at Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology: (1) the product life cycle is longer, so it required less continuing innovation nor new product developments; (2) it has certain markets and fixed customers, so marketing strategies have not been particularly emphasized. / 第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------------------------------1    第一節 研究背景與動機---------------------------------------------1    第二節 研究目的------------------------------------------------------3 第三節 研究範圍------------------------------------------------------5 第四節 研究流程------------------------------------------------------5 第二章 文獻探討---------------------------------------------------------------7    第一節 組織特性------------------------------------------------------7 1-1 組織特性與創新之關係-------------------------------9 1-1-1組織鼓勵與創新之關係------------------------------9 1-1-2主管支持與創新之關係-----------------------------11 1-1-3資源與創新之關係-----------------------------------12 1-1-4時間壓力與創新之關係-----------------------------14    第二節 新產品發展過程--------------------------------------------14 2-1 創新的定義---------------------------------------------15 2-2 創新的類型---------------------------------------------16     2-3 新產品之定義與分類---------------------------------20   2-4 新產品發展過程---------------------------------------25 第三節 新產品開發績效--------------------------------------------35 第三章 研究方法--------------------------------------------------------------43    第一節 研究方法-----------------------------------------------------45    第二節 研究架構-----------------------------------------------------46    第三節 研究假設-----------------------------------------------------47    第四節 研究限制-----------------------------------------------------47 第五節 訪談問卷設計-----------------------------------------------47 第四章 個案研究--------------------------------------------------------------50    第一節 研究對象-----------------------------------------------------50    第二節 訪談內容彙整及分析--------------------------------------51 第五章 研究發現與命題-----------------------------------------------------59 第六章 修正研究架構與管理意涵-----------------------------------------62    第一節 修正研究架構-----------------------------------------------62    第二節 管理意涵-----------------------------------------------------62 第七章 結論與建議-----------------------------------------------------------64 第一節 結論-----------------------------------------------------------64 第二節 研究建議-----------------------------------------------------65 參考文獻--------------------------------------------------------------------------66 附錄一 個案研究及其種類--------------------------------------------------70 第一節 個案研究及其特徵-----------------------------------------70 第二節 個案研究的種類--------------------------------------------70 第二節 個案研究的實施步驟--------------------------------------71 附錄二 訪談問卷--------------------------------------------------------------74 附錄三 問卷訪談之完整內容-----------------------------------------------80 圖 目 錄 圖1-4-1  研究流程圖---------------------------------------------------------5 圖2-1-1  組織創新能力及創新組成理論---------------------------------8 圖2-2-1  創新架構------------------------------------------------------------19 圖2-2-2  實用創新矩陣------------------------------------------------------20 圖2-3-1  新產品的種類------------------------------------------------------21 圖2-4-1  部門階段模式------------------------------------------------------28 圖2-4-2  新產品發展過程---------------------------------------------------31 圖3-2-1  本研究之觀念性架構圖------------------------------------------46 圖6-1-1 修改後觀念性架構圖---------------------------------------------63 表 目 錄 表2-2-1 創新能力的組織影響因素--------------------------------------7 表2-2-2 創新之分類--------------------------------------------------------16 表2-3-1 各學者對新產品發展類型之分類-----------------------------24 表2-3-2 各學者對新產品開發績效衡量的構面與指標--------------41 表3-5-1 訪談問卷表--------------------------------------------------------48 表3-5-2 訪談問卷表--------------------------------------------------------48 表4-1-1 受訪者背景資料表-----------------------------------------------50 表4-2-1 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(一)、組織鼓勵/1.【支持創新文化】之統計-------------------------------------------------------51 表4-2-2 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(一)、組織鼓勵/2.【組織獎酬】之統計-------------------------------------------------------------52 表4-2-3 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(一)、組織鼓勵/3.【承擔風險的意願】之統計----------------------------------------------------52 表4-2-4 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(二)、主管支持/1.【支持的程度】之統計-------------------------------------------------------53 表4-2-5 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(三)、資源/1.【資源充足性】之統計----------------------------------------------------------------54 表4-2-6 訪談問卷壹、組織特性/(四)、時間壓力/1.【工作時間】之統計------------------------------------------------------------54 表4-2-7 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(一)、產品創意之統計 ---------------------------------------------------------------------55 表4-2-8 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(二)、產品概念之統計 ----------------------------------------------------------------------55 表4-2-9 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(三)、產品雛型之統計 ----------------------------------------------------------------------56 表4-2-10 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(四)、最終產品之統計 -----------------------------------------------------------------------57 表4-2-11 訪談問卷貳、新產品發展過程/(五)、行銷計畫之統計 -----------------------------------------------------------------------57 表4-2-12 訪談問卷參、新產品開發績效之統計----------------------58


陳芬芳, Chen,Fen-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣數位遊戲產業規模呈現持續成長之際,隨著產業環境的變遷,卻也面臨許多的挑戰,如代理產品比例過高、遊戲研發人才不足、市場規模有限等。近年來,國內遊戲軟體業者紛紛進軍大陸,因此,本研究透過個案研究與深入訪談,探討國內四家遊戲廠商赴大陸投資動機、地點選擇、新產品開發兩岸分工模式,並比較兩岸遊戲研發人才之優劣,及大陸研發人才之任用與訓練等議題,得到發現如下: 一、台灣遊戲廠商赴大陸投資動機 (一)台灣遊戲廠商赴大陸投資的主要動機在於大陸遊戲市場的興起,其次為人力成本與取得的考量。 (二)大陸投資據點的選擇以遊戲研發人才取得容易為主要考量。 二、遊戲新產品開發策略 (一)遊戲軟體新產品的開發朝向網路多人使用化及多平台化發展。 (二)遊戲的開發組成專案團隊進行,遊戲企劃扮演靈魂人物角色。 三、兩岸分工模式 不同的公司,採用不同的分工方式: (一)採用兩岸水平分工者,依遊戲產品分類,各產品分別於兩岸研發;兩岸人員的交流主要來自於公司的正式會議。 (二)採取兩岸垂直分工者,將遊戲開發中美術的部份由大陸製作。 (三)兩岸遊戲研發人才比較:台灣的遊戲企劃優於大陸,美術設計兩岸各有專長,程式撰寫兩岸程度相差無幾。 四、大陸子公司人員任用與訓練控制機制 (一)大陸分公司之高階主管,偏好不當地化,主要派遣台籍幹部。 (二)減少研發人員的流動,提供內部升遷管道。 五、大陸投資動機與兩岸分工方式對於新產品開發之影響 (一)大陸投資主要動機影響遊戲新產品研發類型,主要動機為市場因素者著重於線上遊戲的研發,成本因素者另著重於電視遊樂器遊戲之研發。 (二)兩岸分工方式影響遊戲開發團隊專業成員的佈置,水平分工者,兩岸皆擁有完整的研發團隊,垂直分工者,研發團隊重心放在台灣。 / Taiwan's digital game industry faces a lot of challenges when they try to grow up. For example, there are too many imported products, short of research & development (R&D) manpower and the limited market scale. In recent years, many domestic companies move their factories to China. The purpose of this research is to find out the industrial firms’motive,location choice, new products development in Taiwan and China,to compare the R&D manpower between Taiwan and China,to understand how they employ the staff and design the training program, etc. The study selected four major Taiwanese game software companies as research subjects for case studies in depth. Preliminary research findings are as follows: I.The motive of Taiwanese game software companies invested in China: 1.The main motive to invest in China is the marketing raising. The second consideration is human resources and availabilities. 2.The choice of location is based on obtaining R&D manpower easily. II.New products development strategy: 1.The new game toward to multi-user and multi-platform on the network. 2.Forming project team for each new products development. III.The division of labor between Taiwan and China. Different company has way of division: 1.If the company adopts horizontal division way, it conducts R&D for different products separately between Taiwan and China. The communication between Taiwan and China is implemented through the company's formal meetings. 2.If the company adopts vertical division way,its drawing or artistic design of game production process is completed in China. 3.Compare the R&D manpower between Taiwan China:the game planning of Taiwan is superior to China, the artistic design each have specialty,the program writing degree is very nearly the same. IV.The employment and training in China subsidiary company: 1.The China subsidiary company prefers assigned its executive to be from Taiwan instead of local people. 2.To prevent the research staff from losing,the company provides the internal promotion system to local people. V.The impact of Investment motive and the division of labor between Taiwan and China on new product development. 1.The main motive influences the new products development. With a motive on local market,the firm will focus on the on-line games development; with a motive on cost consideration,the firm will focus on the TV games development. 2.The division of labor between Taiwan and China influences the allocation of R&D manpower. If the company adopts horizontal division way, it will have complete R&D team in both Taiwan and China. If the company adopts vertical division way, it will place its R&D center in Taiwan.

鞋品零售業運用服務創新改善新產品開發之研究 - 以個案公司為例 / Application on innovative service to improve the new product development in footwear retail industry- a case Study

葉思妤 Unknown Date (has links)
面臨來自中國、越南廉價鞋品及國外鞋品業者高品牌知名度的威脅,台灣的鞋品零售業者除了在品質上力求精進外,開始逐漸轉型走向OBM(Original Brand Manufacture),企圖尋找相關的策略來因應來自國外的競爭。而在企業經營中,新產品開發的成功代表著獲利來源及取得競爭優勢的要項。鞋品零售產業屬於流行時尚業的一環,面對消費者快速多變、個性化的需求,如何從市場調查中精準的掌握消費者流行喜好及潛在需求,是業者進行鞋品開發時的一大考驗。 本研究採個案研究法,首先針對鞋品零售產業之經營環境進行檢視,並透過訪談與實地觀察,分析位於該產業龍頭的個案公司是如何透過導入門市服務創新—「鞋品e學專家服務系統」來精確掌握消費者需求變動,協助開發符合消費者需求之鞋品。本研究從兩個面向進行探討,其一先針對個案公司既有之新產品開發模式進行分析,接著探討導入服務創新後的新產品開發模式,並將兩模式進行比較,討論其中相異之處。最後,透過導入服務創新後之個案公司績效,以瞭解該模式所帶來之效益。 本研究期望探討個案公司係如何透過提供服務創新來改善其新產品開發模式,並提出一概念模式給台灣的業者參考。透過該模式,除了加強對消費者需求的掌握度外,更期許業者能瞭解如何提升鞋品的附加價值及經營績效,進而轉型至服務型精緻鞋業,提高國內鞋品零售廠商的競爭優勢。 / Nowadays, the Taiwanese footwear retail industry is facing two direct challenges: the low price footwear imported by Chinese and Vietnamese competitors, and also the dominant branding and marketing power of American and European leading players. In order to stay in the game, besides continuing improve the quality of footwear, the Taiwanese footwear retailers also starting to engaged with the strategy of OBM(Original Brand Manufacture), hoping to confront with the oversea competitors. On the other hand, a successful New Product Development(NPD) means the potential of gaining revenue and acquiring competition advantages. As one members of the fashion industry, the footwear retail industry also facing the rapid change in consumer demand, how to accurately grasp the needs and potential demand from the market remains a difficult task for all retailers. This thesis uses Case Study method. Firstly, the thesis surveyed the business environment of the footwear industry. Secondly, through interviews and field observations, the thesis analyzed the case company, to see how the company accurately grasps the demand of consumers by importing an innovative service system- Footwear E Expert Service System, and examined how this system helps the company to improve the NPD process. The analysis is divided into two aspects. One is the analysis of the traditional NPD model; another part is the analysis of the new NPD model after importing the new innovative service. Then these two models would be compared and discussed. Finally, the thesis analyzed the performance of the case company after the implementation of the system. The goal of this thesis is to examine how the case company improves its NPD model by importing the new service system, and hoping to provide a novel concept for the Taiwanese footwear retailers. In addition to NPD, this study also provides an example of enterprise transformation for the retailers from the traditional service model to tailor-made service model, and allows them to understand how to increase the added value and operating performance through the implementation of innovative service.

產品協同設計流程與管理之探討-以手機大廠與台灣ODM公司協同設計為例 / A study of collaboration product development process and management

許曉嵐, Hsu, Hsiao Lan Unknown Date (has links)
國外大廠下單、台灣公司ODM設計製造這樣的模式在近十幾年在不同的消費性電子產包含手機、電視機上盒及筆記型電腦等等為台灣創造了驚人的產值。過去比較常見的方式是由國外大廠定規格,而由台灣公司設計產品,但因為上市時機 ( Time to Market ) 的壓力,國外大廠愈來愈願意分享客戶及技術上的資訊與台灣公司建立伙伴關係,利用協同設計的方式來加速產品的設計開發。 本研究即透過個案研究的方式去了解國外的手機品牌大廠如何與台灣ODM公司協同開發新產品及如何去進行跨公司的專案管理。本研究發現包含: 一、在協同設計方面 1. 技術開發的不確定性會影響協同設計合作模式選擇及國外大廠所投入的資源多寡,當技術開發的不確定性愈高,則雙方協同設計合作會愈加密切;若技術不確定性低,則國外大廠在協同合作上所需投入的資源會較少。 2. 在進行協同合作前,企業會有完整的前置動作進行伙伴評估及選擇。 二、在新產品開發流程及管理上 1. 架構性的開發流程有助於協同開發伙伴雙方彼此了解開發現況及完成協同開發工作。 2. 企業內部雖講求以市場需求為導向的專案開發,但其新產品開發流程設計上,消費者對產品的回饋常未能在設計早期被納入評估。 3. 完整的新產品開發流程會考量保持適度的彈性而不致於僵化。 4. DFSS流程與既有流程的整合有利於DFSS的推行。 三、在上下游溝通模式及媒介上 5. 在協同開發模式下,上下游溝通模式的選擇同時考慮內部技術的保護與外部資訊分享。 6. 有效的資訊及溝通科技是達成成功協同開發的重要因素。 / Due to the decrease of market price of cell phones and reduction of product life cycle, more and more branded cell phone companies seek ODM vendors to develop new products. In order to speed up the develop time of new product and leverage experiences from branded companies to ODM vendors, product development collaboration present a common way in this industry. However, product development collaboration cross companies bring more challenges over in-house design. The object of this research is to introduce how a global branded company to collaborate with ODM companies. The paper cites the different kinds of collaboration and new product development (NPD) process cross companies from case study. In order to integrate ODM companies into NPD, the global branded company should overcome the barriers as the unmatched NPD process of counterparts and the limitation of communication due to the far locations of companies. The following aspects were analysed to understand the collaboration: the NPD process under collaboration condition, the project management over companies, and the communication medium used for inside and outside communication. The result of the study shows global branded companies effectively use internal resources by implementing flexible NPD process for different kind of collaborations Various information and communication technology (ICT) can reduce the barriers of communication cross companies.

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