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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

清嘉道咸時期士人的時代關懷 / The social and political concerns of the literati in the Mid-Qing period

唐屹軒, Tang, Yi Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)

兩岸軍事互信機制之研究 / A Study of Military Confidence Building Measures between the Cross-Strait Relationship

袁光華 Unknown Date (has links)
一、冷戰時期的兩岸關係發展,受到美國圍堵政策的戰略利益與美中交往下經濟考量的影響,不同時期的兩岸互動關係相當程度反映出當時國際和區域環境的變化。冷戰之後,亞太區域環境,尤其是亞太安全環境出現結構性的變化,就是美國在亞太區域的單極主導地位。 二、1987年11月2日,政府正式宣布,基於傳統倫理及人道立場的考量,允許臺灣民眾赴中國大陸探親,為兩岸互動關係開創一個新的里程碑。但兩岸長期封閉隔閡的大閘,卻隨著探親政策的開放,兩岸之間的交流便起了急遽的變化,使得兩岸關係不再限於單獨探親旅遊,而衍生至經貿、體育、法律、政治等等各層面的互動。 三、自中國大陸建政至今,其「統一臺灣」的最終目標,則未曾變更或終止,其中歷經「武力解決」、「和平統一」及「一國兩制」的時期,現今雖海峽兩岸關係重新定位與改善後,中國大陸仍然堅持不承諾放棄使用武力。尤以1996年的飛彈危機更使得兩岸的敵意加深,為結束兩岸敵對狀態憑添更多的波折。兩岸無法結束敵對狀態,則兩岸根本無法論及建立軍事互信機制。 四、政府當前對「兩岸建立軍事互信機制」的立場,皆表示時機尚未成熟,但無論從國際環境的趨勢、中國歷史的經驗,與臺灣未來的發展來看,兩岸走向統一的路雖不可期,談判協商曠日費時,在建構和平的過程中,軍事互信機制的建立將是兩岸遲早必須面對的課題。

日治時期廣告中的女性圖像分析-以《臺灣日日新報》為分析場域 / Representing Female Image during the Period of Japanese Occupation: An Analysis of “Taiwan Jih Jih Shin Pao”s Advertisements

陳燕蓉, Chen, Yen-Jung, Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用Roland Barthes符號學分析,研究日治時期發行量最大的《臺灣日日新報》廣告中的女性圖像,試圖瞭解日治時期報紙廣告的圖像運作邏輯,以及廣告中呈現的理想女性形象為何,在女性形象背後又隱藏著什麼樣的意識型態。 研究發現,日治時期,殖民臺灣的總督府雖然基於發展經濟的理由,透過放足運動與興辦現代化教育等手段,提供女性走出家庭,進入工作職場等機會,但由殖民者主導的現代化過程,並沒有讓臺灣女性地位有實質上的提升。女性雖然在現代化的過程中,形象越趨多元、活潑,但一但圖像出現與「他者」的互動關係,傳統社會與殖民統治產生的階級差異便呈現在圖像運作原則之中,「殖民者 > 被殖民者」、「男性 > 女性」的原則顯而易見。日治時期的「理想女性」形象也依循對「賢妻良母」要求而生,最終還是需要符合社會期望,回歸家庭才能成為「理想女性」。此外研究也發現,無論臺灣女性在殖民時期現代化程度為何,最終還是擺脫不了被殖民者被剝削的結果。 / Adopting pictorial semiotics, the present study analyzes female images of advertisements of Taiwan Jih Jih Shin Pao (1898-1944), the largest newspaper in colonial Taiwan. The research aims at discovering the textual and graphic strategies employed by advertisers to represent ”women” and therefore explaining the social, cultural and political struggles embedded in these print ads. The research results indicates that although during the period of the Japanese occupation, the colonialist liberated the bound feet of Taiwanese women and provided opportunities for women to work and to receive western education. However, Taiwanese women’s social status did not improve accordingly. According to our analysis, even though various female images might be found in the samples, the presentation strategies of the women in print ad often follow two semiotic rules: the status of males is higher than of females. Women in Taiwan were mostly portrayed as dutiful wives or caring mothers at home so as to meet the social expectation of traditional and ideal women. In summary, the social role of Taiwanese women war restricted and exploited despite the modernization during the Japanese occupation period.


陳立人, Chen li-jen Unknown Date (has links)
誠如North所言「制度將過去、現在和未來連在一起,以致於歷史大致上是制度逐步演變的故事」,臺灣在荷據時期土地墾佃之相關制度對於其後臺灣土地制度史的發展可說是深具意義。關於荷蘭東印度公司在臺期間之內部檔案與史料,近年來在國內歷史學者致力研究與譯註下,已有豐富的成果發表,惟其中有關此一時期土地利用以及地權型態變遷情形之論述,似尚屬少數,且仍瑣碎散見於荷蘭東印度公司內部檔案及以教會傳教史為主題之相關譯註及研究論述中。有鑑於此,本文以赤崁一帶包括臺灣西南部之麻豆至二層行溪(二仁溪)之間為範圍,經由相關史料及研究論述的歸納整理,透過對荷蘭人、原住民、以及漢人三者間互動關係的分析,為臺灣在荷據時期這段目前普遍為臺灣土地制度史或土地相關問題之研究所忽略的階段,填補上歷史影像。 荷據時期臺灣赤崁一帶之墾佃制度為一制度結構的概念,係為當時期荷、原、漢三者間的互動以及各種與農業發展有關之正式與非正式制度安排的總和,包括荷蘭東印度公司由上而下所強加施行之原住民封建領地制度、地方會議制度、漢人首領制度、財產權界定、徵稅措施、對漢人移民及從事農作之激勵措施等有助於農業發展環境建構之正式制度的安排,以及漢人移民土地拓墾方式、租佃習慣及意識型態等非正式制度的安排。經由本文之研究獲致四點結論如下: 一、1624年至1662年期間,荷蘭東印度公司在臺灣逐步於其勢力所及的範圍內,界定財產權、行使徵稅權、並提供保護與治安的服務,可視為一準政府組織,在土地墾佃制度形成的過程中,該公司係立於強制性制度供給者的地位。 二、荷據時期臺灣原住民在部分土地之利用轉向定耕農業發展的同時,其地權型態已有脫離氏族公有而朝向個人私有制發展之趨勢,除赤崁地區蕭壠、麻豆與目嘉溜灣等村社外,大部分原住民對農業生產仍不熱衷,荷蘭東印度公司基於稅收等利益考量,藉宗教及政治因素之理由,將部分原屬於封建領地範圍內之原住民村社土地出售予漢人,臺灣原住民地權流失之現象,自荷據時期已經發生。 三、漢人移民是荷據時期臺灣農業發展的主力,當時期臺灣土地墾佃制度是與荷蘭人所施行之治理與激勵措施、漢人移民(包括移民原鄉之租佃習慣)、以及荷、原、漢三者間的互動息息相關,在資源、技術、文化與制度的交互作用下,臺灣糖、米經濟之興盛可說是從荷據時期開始。 四、荷據時期臺灣的地權制度是「王田」制與私有制併存之型態;漢人對於土地拓墾之方式主要沿襲原鄉之土地租佃型態,「結首」制之拓墾方式並非起源於荷據時期。 / Exactly as the North, D.C. said, The connect the past with the present and the future so that history is a largely incremental story of institutional evolution. The institutions of farmland cultivation in Dutch Formosa, had important significance to the further development of land institutions. The interior records during A.D.1624-1662 of V.O.C had been studied and translated by historians, but among the achievements, concerning of the change of utilizing and the rights of the land seems only a minority and dispersed in the theme of missionary work. For this reason, this thesis study on institutions of farmland cultivation in Saccams area of Taiwan in the Dutch Era, in order to fill up the historical image of this stage, which had been ignored by the historical institutions of Taiwan land research, by way of analysis the interactions of the Hollander, the aborigine and the emigration of Hahn people. The institutions of farmland cultivation in Saccams area is a conception of institutional configuration, that are the aggregation of the interactions of the Hollander, the aborigine and the emigration of Hahn people, as well as the arrangement of formal and informal institutions of agricultural development, including the institutions of feudal tenure, landdag, cabessa, definition the property right, apply for receiving farmland to cultivate, distribute the certificate of land dominium, tithe taxation, encouraging measures etc, which theV.O.C enforced top - down on the Hahn emigration and Aborigine. Besides the formal institutions the Hahn emigration also transplant customs and habits from their country, base on the congenial ideology, their customs and conventions formation the informal institutions of the farmland cultivation. The conclusion is described as follows: 1.During A.D.1624-1662, the V.O.C manipulated its comparative advantage in violence to stake the property rights between the Hollander, the aborigine and the emigration of Hahn people in Taiwan. That company can be regarded as a emergence government-to-be organization, in the process of institutions of farmland cultivation in Saccams area, the V.O.C is a formal institutions provider. 2.Beside Mattau, Soulang and Bakaloan villages, mostly aborigine had not fallen overboard for farming, because of the benefit of revenue from tax, the Hollander under the cloak of political and religious reason, offer for sale the aborigine land to the Hahn people. 3.The emigration of Hahn people was the backbone of agriculture development, due to the interaction of resource, technology, culture and institution; the prosperous of agricultural economy was from the Dutch Era. 4.In the Dutch Era, the types of right to land besides the「wang-tian」system, part of Hahn emigration who in cooperation with the Tayouan Hong, acquire the management right of the farmland. The statement about the「jie-shou」system originated from the Dutch Era is fallacious.

日治時期臺灣婚姻、親子關係與戶籍制度 / Taiwan Japanese colonial era &its marriage、parenthood、household registration system

周淑玲, Chou,Shu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以探討日治時期臺灣人民間的婚姻、親子關係及與戶籍制度之關聯性,並將時空背景延伸至臺灣光復後,與甫施行於臺灣之中華民國民法親屬編間所產生的新舊法體系適用的問題。並以現今法院處理日治時期台灣人民間所生之婚姻、親子關係為案例,作為分析並歸納出法院於處理類似案件時所適用之準據法為何?臺灣自1895年甲午戰爭後便成為日本統治領域之一部份,法律上主權自然移歸於日本之管轄範圍,理當成為日本法律所適用之地域。惟在統治初期因有感於對於臺灣本島事物未能有全盤之了解,因此在法律適用上仍依臺灣舊慣;而隨著開始一連串對於臺灣舊慣調查活動的進行與蒐集相關研究報告等,便一步步將日本本國法律適用於全臺,惟對於臺灣本島人民間的親屬及繼承事項仍依舊慣。即使在後期內地延長方針之政策下,仍未將日本民法親屬編適用於臺灣人民。只能藉由總督府法院以判決方式或以日本民法為條理,將臺灣人民之舊慣改造成為符合日本明治民法精神之家族制度。 尤其隨著戶口制度的建立而將日本家制中「戶主權」概念引進臺灣本島,其不僅取代了中國傳統家族制度中的家長權與尊長權,更顯現出日本殖民政府欲藉著戶口制度之展開在臺灣建構出與日本本國相同的家族制度之企圖。但其卻忽略了臺灣的家族關係與戶口制度並無關聯,因此在未能適用日本民法及戶籍法之規範,且又未針對臺灣人民間訂立一有效民事法源使得家族法制化之情形下,光憑戶口規則之規範難以與臺灣家族制度相互連結。最後則是出現戶口登記事項與家族法律關係無涉,是否發生身分上效力仍得依實際情形判斷之矛盾局面,則該判斷之方式已從最初之臺灣人民舊慣改變成為經總督府法院判決中所認可之習慣與法理。此一準據方式的改變,亦造成了光復後對於日治時期臺灣人民間家族關係認定的困難性,於判斷時應以日本總督府府法院判決為依據、或是臺灣人民之習慣、又或者是臨時臺灣舊慣調查會所編之「臺灣私法」以及日本總督府法院法官姉歯松平之論著為準。此一問題並未隨著日本統治結束而消失,反而隨著時代的更迭而彰顯出其所面臨的困境。

台湾の日式住宅における居住空間の変容過程に関する研究 - 台北市青田街を対象として -

郭, 雅雯 23 March 2010 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第15362号 / 工博第3241号 / 新制||工||1487(附属図書館) / 27840 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市環境工学専攻 / (主査)教授 髙田 光雄, 教授 小林 正美, 教授 川﨑 雅史 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当

後冷戰時期俄羅斯之朝鮮半島政策 / Russia's Policy toward the Korean Peninsula in the Post-Cold War Era

熊嘉琪, Chia Chi Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
朝鮮半島由於地理位置特殊,在戰略上極具重要性,長久以來一直為列強覬覦爭奪之地。第二次世界大戰之後,朝鮮半島亦籠罩在兩極對峙的氣氛裡,首先是南北韓的分裂,而韓戰的發生,使美蘇在東亞地區的對抗局面更為激化,冷戰時期的朝鮮半島遂成為東亞地區內兩極對峙氣氛最為明顯的「火藥庫」,因而獲得「東方的巴爾幹」的稱號。隨著東歐變天、蘇聯瓦解,雖然冷戰時期的兩極對峙局面已不復見,國際瀰漫一片和解氣氛,然而東亞地區並未因此脫離冷戰的陰影,尤其是朝鮮半島的南北對抗依然持續、北韓引發的核武危機更使東亞地區陷入隨時可能爆發衝突的臨界點。由於朝鮮半島的局勢不僅攸關區域安全,亦與東亞列強間的權力平衡息息相關,後冷戰時期朝鮮半島已然成為國際關注的焦點,不論是區域傳統強權──美國與俄羅斯,抑或東亞新興的力量──中共與日本,皆極力爭取在朝鮮半島事務的發言權,一方面確保自身國家利益,另一方面更意圖在區域內發揮影響力,提升國際地位。 綜觀諸強權對朝鮮半島的政策,以美國最為大眾所知,各種期刊與學者論著足以證明美國影響之深度與廣度。中共與日本的參與和影響,亦有諸多學者研究,然而關於俄羅斯與朝鮮半島關係之研究卻少之又少。事實上俄羅斯在冷戰前後對於朝鮮半島的政策有相當幅度的變化,也是朝鮮半島穩定局勢的重大變數之一。從冷戰時期為與美國制衡、確保區域強權地位,極力與北韓維持密切關係,並刻意斷絕與南韓的接觸,到八0年代為求內部經濟發展,極力塑造周邊環境的穩定,開始與南韓接觸,乃至蘇聯解體後為求取經濟資源向南韓一面倒、以及1996年之後為維持在朝鮮半島的影響力而採取「等距離外交」,皆對朝鮮半島局勢產生相當程度的影響。基於意識型態與國家利益,對朝鮮半島所採取的政策因時而異,筆者欲就後冷戰時期俄羅斯的朝鮮半島政策作一番通盤整理,將莫斯科在朝鮮半島政策上的變化加以分析。 本文主要目標係探討後冷戰時期俄羅斯對朝鮮半島的政策,因此對於冷戰時期蘇聯對兩韓的政策著墨不多,僅以少部分篇幅對戈巴契夫主政前各蘇聯領導人的朝鮮半島政策作一番概述,提供讀者了解莫斯科當局在決定對兩韓政策時的歷史背景。筆者除了對葉爾欽時期俄羅斯對朝鮮半島的政策詳細加以整理與歸納之外,由於朝鮮半島的安全穩定攸關東亞區域的安全,並涉及周邊列強的國家利益,筆者認為在探究俄羅斯朝鮮半島政策時,亦須對美國、中共、日本的朝鮮半島政策有基本認知,因此亦以一個章節來討論列強在此地的競逐與制衡。俄羅斯長期以來為維持周邊環境的穩定,推動亞太安全不遺餘力,而朝鮮半島事務是當前俄羅斯最能發揮區域影響力的議題,本文亦將探討俄羅斯朝鮮半島政策對亞太安全的影響,諸如兩韓統一、核武問題皆在研究範圍之內。 本文共分七章,第一章為緒論,第二章先概述冷戰時期朝鮮半島的地緣政治與蘇聯的關係,並以蘇聯領導人作為區隔,就戈巴契夫主政前蘇聯與兩韓的關係加以探討。第三章分析戈巴契夫新思維對蘇聯亞太政策產生的衝擊,並分析朝鮮半島在戈氏新思維當中扮演的角色,此外更詳述戈巴契夫時期對朝鮮半島政策的調整。第四章為本論文的主要章節,筆者先就俄羅斯內部自蘇聯解體後持續進行的對外政策激辯過程加以概述,分析俄羅斯對外政策的重大變化,並探究朝鮮半島政策受到的影響,以及俄羅斯與南北韓關係的發展;其次筆者就俄羅斯1996年之後對朝鮮半島政策的調整過程加以分析,「等距離外交」的執行與障礙亦為研究重點。第五章係討論有關朝鮮半島周邊列強在此地的競逐與制衡,筆者分別就美國、中共與日本的朝鮮半島政策加以論述。第六章俄羅斯對兩韓統一與核武問題的立場有詳細說明,此外讀者亦可自本章得知俄羅斯朝鮮半島政策與亞太安全的關聯,第七章為結論。 第一章  緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的..................................1 第二節 研究方法與限制..................................2 第三節 論文架構........................................3 第二章 冷戰時期蘇聯的朝鮮半島政策 第一節 二次大戰結束後的東亞局勢與韓國的處境...............5 第二節 蘇聯的東亞政策與朝鮮半島地緣政治...................6 第三節 第二次世界大戰結束後蘇聯與南北韓的關係............11 第三章 戈巴契夫時期蘇聯的朝鮮半島政策 第一節 戈巴契夫「新思維」與俄羅斯外交政策之轉變..........33 第二節 戈巴契夫初期蘇聯對朝鮮半島的政策..................42 第三節 蘇聯對兩韓政策之轉變..............................45 第四章 葉爾欽時期的朝鮮半島政策 第一節 蘇聯解體與俄羅斯對外政策大辯論.................69 第二節 「新東方政策」與朝鮮半島..........................74 第三節 俄國對兩韓的等距離外交............................96 第五章 朝鮮半島周邊其他列強之角逐 第一節 美國朝鮮半島政策……………………………………..131 第二節 中共朝鮮半島政策……………………………………..145 第三節 日本朝鮮半島政策……………………………………..161 第六章 俄羅斯朝鮮半島政策與亞太安全 第一節 俄羅斯對兩韓統一之看法………………………………175 第二節 俄羅斯對核武問題之立場………………………………182 第三節 俄國朝鮮半島政策對亞太安全之意義………………..192 第七章 結論…………………………………………………………..213 參考書目……………………………………………………………………217 / Summary Based on the specialty of its location, the Korean Peninsula has been extremely important on strategy, and the surrounding major powers have fought for it for a long time. After the World War II, the Korean Peninsula was also under the atmosphere of confrontation like other regions and the Korean War made the confronting situation more irrigated. Although the international society has been filled with reconciliation since the sudden change of Eastern Europe and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, East Asia didn’t get rid of the shadow of the Cold War. The situation of confrontation between North and South on the Korean Peninsula has still existed, and the nuclear crisis caused by DPRK made the East Asia Region involved in a critical point, at which various of conflicts would burst out at any time. The situation of the Korean Peninsula not only affects the regional security, but also concerns about the balance of power among the East Asian major powers. In the post-Cold War Era the Korean Peninsula has been an international focus, concerned by both the traditional regional powers, such as U.S.A. and Russian, and the new powers, such as PRC and Japan. All the surrounding nations are trying to have the floor in the Korean Peninsula affairs, not only to secure their own national interests, but also to produce a marked effect in the region and promote national status. The intent of the thesis is trying to study Russia’s policy toward the Korean Peninsula in the post-Cold War Era. In order to introduce the historical background of Moscow’s policy making toward Korea, the thesis is classified into several parts according to various Kremlin leaderships. After a series of arrangement and analysis, we can find that Moscow’s policy toward the Korean Peninsula since 1945 has been influenced by the changes of the international environment, but also by the development of domestic politics and economy in Russia. In addition, the latter affects Moscow’s foreign policy in the post- Cold War Era much more than the former. Based on the need of democratic policy and economic reform after the disintegration of Soviet Union in 1991, Russia decided to approach the West to get political and economic support. Therefore, getting along with ROK, which has democratic experience and strong economic capability, while cutting original ties with DPRK gradually, is the best choice for Moscow. As for ROK, Russia’s influence on DPRK can promote direct dialog between the two sides, and then secure the peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. Under the consideration of economy and politics, Russia and ROK accordingly established formal diplomatic relations on September 30, 1991, and the bilateral relationships has been developed smoothly. On the other hand, based on the differences of political structure and economic system, Russia and DPRK have departed for a long distance. Although Moscow insisted to develop full-scale relations with ROK without regarding to the objection of DPRK, the achievement of developing relations with ROK couldn’t fit the expectation of Russian people. The bare economic situation hadn’t been improved, and at the same time, Russians felt be treated as a debtor by ROK. Based on the poor economy and the declining nation status in the international society, Russia had been filled with a conservative atmosphere since 1993. The extreme complaint about the domestic and external affairs provoked the Communism and Nationalism, and the foreign policy inclining to the West suffered from fierce critics. Judging from the distribution of the Duma in 1993 and 1995, we can easily find the dramatic change of Russian domestic politics. To preserve national interest and dignity, Kremlin decided to change its policy toward the Korean Peninsula in 1996. The former policy inclining to ROK has been given up, and Moscow makes efforts to regain close relationships with DPRK while developing normal ties with ROK to maintain Russia’s importance and floor not only on the Korean Peninsula, but also in East Asia affairs. In addition, keeping in touch with DPRK and providing any possible assistance will prevent the sudden collapse of Pyongyang Government, which might result in dramatic turbulent in the region. In short, maintaining close ties with North and South at the same time not only promote peace and stability in the region, but also fit Russia’s national interests.

日治時期臺灣總督府圖書館之研究—以閱覽者為中心 / The study of Readers in the Library of Office of Taiwan Governor-General During Japanese Colonial Period

黃慈怡, Huang, Chi Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本文試圖釐清總督府圖書館建立之歷史脈絡,同時以「閱覽者」為問題中心而出發,透過統計與史料呈現,試圖勾陳出閱覽者的身分,以及閱覽者如何與為何使用圖書館,進一步讓該館閱覽者使用圖書館的歷史,得以呈現。   經由本文,發現下列五點,茲陳列如下。首先,該館藏書與閱覽者使用藏書方向,出現些微差異。該館藏書以和漢書為主。觀察和漢書的歷年度藏書部分,主要以「總類」、「文學、語學」等類為主;然而,依照歷年閱覽借閱累計總量排序,最受館內成人閱覽者愛好之分類,依次為「文學、語學」、「總類」等類。可發現,藏書方向與閱覽者使用方向,呈現不一致的結果。 其次,館內閱覽者以內地男性學生為大宗,館外閱覽者則量上最高者為本島男性。閱覽者職業表現方面,館內閱覽者中,以學生占絕對多數,館外閱覽者則未見資料。   再者,閱覽者實際使用表現中,「準備考試」是館內閱覽者使用該館的主要行為,可以看到許多內地男學生以預備考試為目的,來使用圖書館硬體和館藏中的參考書籍。館外閱覽者則暫時未得見普遍動機。   還有,在硬體部分,在圖書館初期,閱覽者使用圖書館時,常得面臨到座位不足的問題。同時,在圖書館營運後期逐漸嚴重的藏書區不足之問題,乃至該館缺乏餐廳和休息室,加上採光和通風不良,及缺乏防火設備等,都是閱覽者使用時所面臨到的困難。特別是營運後期進館人次屢創高峰,當閱覽者湧入時,人聲、木屐、鞋子所造成的聲響,產生整體圖書館整體閱讀環境水準不良的情況。   最後,自本文研究中,總督府圖書館閱覽者在該館營運期間,由於「閱讀」的行為,因而與圖書館產生了相應的互動結果。對大部分的圖書館閱覽者而言,欲使用的只是圖書館的設備,以幫助自己通過考試,而圖書館館藏或者活動,是其自身動機獲得滿足後,空閒時才考慮是否使用。也就是說,閱覽者在其總督府圖書館的使用歷程中,擁有一定的主動空間,可以選擇使用該館的方式,而非服膺圖書館自社會教育出發,必然存在教化功能的命題,或純然而無條件接受社會教育之教化。在此,歷史行動者的主體性似乎隱約得見。 / This study aims to uncover the history of the readers in the library of Office of the Taiwan Governor-General during Japanese colonial period. We want to investigate the readers in this library would be consisted of whom and what reason. By analyzing the tones of statistics data and historical material from the library, we find out the readers’ occupations and motivations eventually. With this reach, there are five points need to be mentioned. First, collection of books which stored by the library are indirect to readers’ favorite categories. Observing the data, we exposed the library had collected the category “General” most, and then is “literature and language”. In contrast, the most favorite books in this library are “literature and language”. It would be known that there is different between collection in library and readers’ favorite books. Second, in this library, most readers are Japanese male students. Comparing to this, most outside readers who use the circle service(巡迴書庫) were Taiwanese male, and it is pity that we don’t know the exactly occupation of these outside reader because of data locking. Furthermore, what were the real activities when readers were in the library?It is very interesting that preparing examinations were the main behavior. Most of Japanese male students used the equipment and the books to prepare the subjects for examinations. Unfortunately, the circle service readers’ purpose had not been discovered yet. Fourth, this building of library did not build as a library’ standard in the beginning. Therefore, readers faced the problem that they would not find enough seats inner the library. As time pass by, problem got worse. The library had been confronted with more locking problems as storage for collection, restaurants, restrooms and fire-avoiding equipment. In addition, the library was not well-ventilated and without plenty of light. Based on these conditions, readers had experienced the uncomfortable environment when they entered the library. Especially in the busy day, there were a lot of noises from human voices and stepping sounds. In the end of all, the behavior of the readers in this library did not follow the rules designed by the library officers specifically. However, to most readers, they used the equipment and books in order to pass examination they faced. After their purposes were fulfilled, they would consider using the services and other books in their second choices. The exactly readers were not a lot, it made a space that readers in this library not just purely obeying the intention which was from the library officers or the government policy. On the whole of our analyzing result, readers owned their subjective to complete their personal objective, in this view of part, we would have one more peek of the readers as the real subjective in history.


林永芳, Lin, Yong-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
我國自民國七十六年七月十五日解嚴以降,人民權利意識高漲,尤其修正公布動員戡亂時期人民團體法後,各種有關組織團體之禁制亦陸續的解除和緩和。是以,憲法中明定之結社自由權利,亦為公民之一份子的公務員,可否因其公務員身分而受到限制,淪為「二等國民」之角色?唯公務員係代表國家執行公權力,因此享有特殊地位、機會及權力;倘若允許其組織團體爭取自身利益,而無所限制,恐有損於社會公共福祉,且此損害必然超乎未具公權力之一般公民。基於此考量,公務員的結社自由權利 應不以其身分特殊而被剝奪,而賦予公務員組織團體之權利,以為爭取本身權利及向管理階層溝通協商之管道,惟不能毫無限制,以避免其因享有公權力之方便,而在爭取權益過程中損害大多數人之權利。 本文以我國公務員繼受德日傳統之特別權力關係,公務員之組織團體權利向不被允許,惟公務員權利意識抬頭,復以大法官會議釋字第二四三號解釋,打破傳統以來之特別權力關係法理,允許公務員因二大過免職處分不服可提起行政訴訟以玆救濟。因此,在今日世界各國日漸重視公務員基本權利,我國似宜就釋字二四三號解釋之精神,亦賦予公務員組織團體之權利。 本文共分六章,第一章緒論,乃就大法官會議釋字第二四三號解釋所引發公務員法律關係演變說明研究本文之動機,其次就「公務員」「組織團體權利」等名詞之意義加以說明,並界定本文研究範圍。第二章則自公務員組織團體之理論基礎加以研究,首先說明傳統以來之特別權利關係,因受民主政治思潮影響,多數國家均有所放棄或改變;其次以基本人權之內涵亦因社會安全制度興起,而從形式自由到重視實質自由;再者,因近代之管理理論改變,參與管理大行。是以,現代國家大都允許公務員組織 團體,以符合現代民主自由之立憲精神。第三章則闡述公務員組織團體之演進,並以美日為例說明第四章則自工作權保障觀點,論述公務員組織團體之功能。第五章乃是說明公務員組織團體之限制,以公務員享有特殊地位、權力,如其組織團體漫無限制,恐有損多數國民福祉。是以,其應守「行政中立」之原則,並禁止罷工。第六章乃結論,首先公務員基本上仍為國民一份子仍應享有結社自由而賦予其組織團體之權利,其次乃探究我國目前擬制定之公務員基準法之種種,以期能有所助益,並完成公務員法制化之理想。


宗秀英, ZONG,XIU-YING Unknown Date (has links)
民國七十六年七月十五日,台灣地區實施了長達三十八年的戒嚴宣告解除,人民長期 遭受限制的集會游行權利終於可以重新行使。本文主要以C.O.Jones 政策制定過程理 論, 並配合David Easton的系統理論來探究動員戡亂時期集會游行法的制定過程,以 研究解嚴後法律制定方式的轉變,並試圖找出法案制定過程中所存在的問題。本文主 要參考政策制定相關書籍,法律制定過程有關文件,立法院公報及報章雜誌等資料, 以文獻研究法為主,訪問法為輔來進行。 本文共分為六章,第一章緒論主要在說明研究動機與目的,研究方法與限制及所使用 的理論架構。 第二章在釐清集會游行的概念以及本法制定的背景,筆者將制定背景分為內外社會環 境兩部份。內社會環境因素包括因應解嚴保障人民權益及規範群眾沽動維護社會秩序 。外社會環境因素包括人權保障潮流對我國的衝擊及英美日德等國立法對我國的影響 。 第三章以行政部門的研擬與規劃為重點,透過草案在行政部門研擬過程,發掘行政部 門研擬草案的缺失。第四章立法部門的審議,以法案在立法過程中的修正為重點,探 究黨團運作所發揮的影響力,特別是民進黨團在本法制定過程中扮演相當重要的角色 。 第五章係檢討集會游行法的制定過程,主要在討論行政部門在當前政策制定過程中扮 演的角色,行政與立法兩部門間關係的調整及政黨運作對本法制定過程的影響。第六 章結論與建議。 透過集會游行法制定過程之研究,筆者發現我國政黨政治運作已略具雛形,新興的政 治力量日漸狀大,政治發展歷程展現出新契機,如果能妥善運用這些有利因素,我國 將能邁回民土、憲政之坦途。

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