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2006年總統罷免案我國主要報紙社論及新聞報導之內容分析陳信豪 Unknown Date (has links)
2006年,我國立法院發生三次未過門檻的總統罷免案表決,並伴隨紅衫軍聲討貪腐運動、國務機要費挪用等一連串政治事件的起伏,其中大眾傳播媒介扮演了一個相當關鍵的角色。本研究擬以國內發行量與影響力較大的四份報紙作為分析對象,探討國內報社在報導罷免案相關新聞時,是否能秉持客觀公正的新聞專業,抑或在立場上呈現特定的論述偏好。 / 本研究以內容分析法(content analysis)為工具,將2006年5月22日~12月31日(8個月共224天)包含三次罷免案表決日(6/27、10/13、11/24),分別依罷免案議題的醞釀、引爆與後效,畫分作七個時期,而以框架理論、媒介社會責任論、政治社會化、媒介與我國民主化、罷免權與我國罷免制度等為理論依據,藉以檢證三個研究目的:1、在社論內容與立場上,四大報對罷免案是否有預設框架,若有,其立場為何;2、四大報在處理三次罷免案過程中,相關社論在報導數量、主角、標題上,在不同的時期、社會事件上是否有所差異;3、四大報在對罷免權意義、程序的報導,能否彰顯媒介社會責任與對我國民主化有正面的影響。 / 研究結果發現:由於三次罷免案皆無法成案,顯示現行罷免制度存在結構性缺陷;四大報在社論立場上,除了中國時報有關罷免的替代手段、蘋果日報在是否支持罷免案上出現過立場論述不一外,大致上皆依據固定的框架去審視相關議題,進而發表社論。各報在社論數量上,隨七個時期的議題熱度,有明顯的高低起伏,在社論主角與標題上,較偏重於「政黨」與「朝野政黨」,當重要新聞事件發生,在社論主角與標題的選擇上也會隨之轉移。在933篇與罷免意義、程序相關的新聞報導中,以純新聞且無關罷免權的意義與處理程序的報導最多(802篇),而罷免權意義(51篇)與罷免權程序(80篇)僅佔一成多(14%),可見閱聽人無法從報導中獲得對於罷免權的實施利弊做深入理解,實為民主發展的一項隱憂。 / 總觀而論,本研究發現國內四大報皆帶有既定框架且不夠周延地去處理罷免案相關議題,在相關社論與報導的分析中,可看見新聞框架的強勢運作,偏向於一面倒的論述,或流於浮面喧囂的報導。此現象就媒介社會責任與政治社會化而言,勢必造成負面的影響,是否會妨害我國民主的未來發展,值得我們嚴肅看待。
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框架為本之分類詞分析:以台灣華語為例 / A Frame-based Approach to Classifiers:A Case Study of Taiwan Mandarin謝禎田, Hsieh, Chen tien Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文從認知語意學的角度來探討分類詞的本質,並且結合了Fillmore (1975) 的框架 (frame) 理論和Langacker (1987) 的顯影(profiling) 概念,作為分析的理論基礎,說明語言如何透過分類詞機制來凸顯名詞在認知上的某些語意特徵。本論文所嘗試提出的理論架構最終目的在於解釋所有的分類詞語言,但為提昇語料的可信度,語料來源以台灣華語中的分類詞為主。
研究分析主要建構於名物框架 (N-frame) 的認知基礎上,進而檢視台灣華語中不同類別之名詞藉由不同之分類詞所彰顯的語意特徵 (feature),同樣重要的是不同的語意特徵在台灣華語分類詞系統中的優先排序。最後我們從其他的分類詞語言中,如閩南語及日語,論證名物框架系及彰顯機制統的普遍性;唯不同的分類詞語言或不同方言中所選擇顯影的語意特徵以及其優先排序都可能有所不同,分類詞系統也因此呈現複雜多樣的面貌。 / On the basis of the theory of Frame, proposed by Fillmore (1975), and the models of profile and base segregation, proposed by Langcker (1987), this thesis aims at a cognitive approach to explain how languages manifest certain cognitive features of a noun by means of classifiers. In addition, the theoretical framework tries to explain all the known classifier languages and to foster a greater accountability and reliability of the data, this study focuses on Taiwan Mandarin.
The data analysis is based on the cognitive foundation of an N-frame, whereby it is found that Taiwan Mandarin categorizes nouns by profiling different features of nouns through the use of different classifiers. A hierarchy or ranking of classifier features in Taiwan Mandarin is also provided. Finally, in all known classifier languages, such as Southern Min and Japanese, it is found that the application of the use of an N-frame is consistent and universal in human cognition. The only thing that varies is the profiling system that each language employs and the hierarchy of features it selects. Thus, the use of classifiers manifests varied and complex aspects.
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中國城市房屋拆遷問題研究-釘子戶的個案分析 / The Research of urban houses' demolistion in China: case study on Nail-houses李奇峰, Li, Qi Feng Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟的快速發展,中國開始進入大規模的城市擴張和舊城改造。城市發展與建設被當作是地方官員治理績效的指標。為了推動城市改造,房屋拆遷成了不可避免的問題。地方政府以提升居民居住水準與城市化的發展等理由作為拆遷的合法性,以行政權力介入拆遷,卻沒有合理的拆遷補償機制,導致土地開發的利益歸於開發商及地方政府所有,而原居住者得不到合理足夠的補償,引發被拆遷戶的反彈。因拆遷而引發的各類信訪、上訪、起訴及重大惡性案件也呈上升趨勢。 屢屢發生於各地的房屋拆遷衝突事件,造成嚴重的社會問題。
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女性私密處保養品廣告中框架與代言人一致性對廣告態度、品牌態度、購買意圖之影響 / The influence towards ad attitude, brand attitude and purchase intention -- from the perspective of the consistency between framing and endorser in female hygiene product ad李明芬, Li, Ming Fen Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣K歌產製框架研究 / Frame Analysis of Taiwan Karaoke Pop Music呂理傑, Lu, Li Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Csikszentmihalyi「創造力系統模式」個人、守門及領域三角模式觀點為指引,針對2000年至2008年產製最多Top 5 K歌作詞者、作曲者與唱片製作人進行深度訪談,歸納出台灣K歌產製框架。研究目的包括:第一、以框架理論觀點作質性分析,歸納K歌產製流程的框架作用與框架化產製元素;第二、藉由本研究解構K歌產製模式,提供台灣流行音樂產業未來產製省思。
由於本研究對象為領域中最具代表性的K歌產製者,守門與個人互動方式並非傳統篩選作品模式,而是雙方採取合作方式,共同為表演者「量身訂作」文本。本研究亦發現,領域中較高地位之「大牌K歌產製者」,具有統合個人與守門角色的權限,少了守門干預的個人作為,可以破除既有格式,自由地使用創意元素於新專輯之中。此外,網路科技降低了出版門檻,衝撞傳統K歌產製系統模式。過去被排除於領域之外的獨立音樂產製者,跳脫出「K歌產製創造力系統模式」,尋求另類出路。個人風格導向之產製,加速了流行音樂領域的變遷。 / In this study, the Csikszentmihalyi "creativity system” model, a triangular relationship between individuals, field influences, and domain impacts, is used to understand qualitatively the Taiwanese Karaoke song production popularity and success in the years between 2000 to 2008. The composers, lyricists and producers interviewed produced the most top five karaoke songs during this time. The purpose of this study is first; to use the frame analysis qualitative research method to understand the framework and production elements of Taiwanese Karaoke and Music. Secondly; to provide a model or framework for future production and to offer information that could advise future productions.
This study concluded that lyricists and composer’s core abilities were highly dependant upon what previously successful models were imitated. At first, it was often a matter of imitating successful models that preceded them. Later, as they developed they would transform or elaborate upon this imitation. Individual personalities building upon these imitation inspired works defined the domain. Transformation of the imitation into something new was based upon the habitus of each individual. The frame of the model and personal thought combine to become a personal style
The frame affects the personal content in two ways. First, Karaoke is an already widely accepted format that is familiar to composers. Therefore this structure or frame is already an accepted format to create songs within. Secondly, lyricists choose content based upon the audiences experiences. The most commonly shared experience is often expressed in sad love songs. The lyricist and composer are not purist creators, as audience expectation and interaction forms a collective and collaborative relationship. In order to reach the domain requirements, composers will use rules to form redundancy in the music to improve the contents communicative efficiency to the audience. The three most popular rules used by the composers interviewed were:
1) The hook. 2) Classical music techniques. 3) The top seven most commonly used chords.
Due to the nature of the group represented, the traditional gate keeper method of selecting individuals for work was most often set aside in favor of cooperative collaboration between the individuals, and the producers in selecting new content for the talent. This study also found that if the domain status is high the most popular composers and lyricists have the power to combine the rights of the gate keeper and the individual. Without the field or gatekeeper the individual can break-out of format models and freely use creative elements in their new productions. Moreover, internet technology opened the door for increased production and lowered the material requirements necessary to produce music. The caused a collision with traditional karaoke music production. Those independent music producers previously excluded from the domain now jump out of the Karaoke Production Creation System. They find alternate means to produce music and expose the audience to their work. Whoever’s personality or strong style stands out clearly will change the domain rapidly.
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企業領導人的形象建構與管理 : 以傑克威爾許為例 / The image management of business leaders - Case Study of Jack Welch鄭繡瑩, Cheng, Hsiu Ying Unknown Date (has links)
進一步分析「從符號研究的觀點理解新聞媒體的企業領導人形象建構原則」,可歸納為以下要點:一、形象符號的建構需與其本身本質與其所投放的訊息相符。二、形象符號的建構需將當下時代社會氛圍納入考量。三、形象符號的建構需先釐清主要(優先)利益關係人與其立場。四、運用符號的轉喻,以部份代替全體,可以暗示欲建構的形象。五、透過隱喻以「熟悉」代替不熟悉的,有利於進行形象溝通與拉抬。六、符號與符號之間可以透過意涵的連結,進行意義的翻轉,進而重塑形象。七、名人與主流媒體的背書,可以協助形塑輿論風向。八、形象建構為動態過程,需隨時監控與調整。 / Business leaders and companies are thus closely linked and inseparable. Every movement of the business leaders could possibly affect the public's perception for the companies, and furthermore it can’t be considered as the category of personal affairs. Image Management of business leaders has become the crucial point to control the risk of the corporate image management. As a public relations officer, one should take the responsibility of corporate internal/external communication management so that possible negative effects as a result of poor image management could be alleviated.
The present study raises three research questions: First of all, taking the perspective of Semiotics, what kinds of images were presented by Jack Welch, one of the best manager in the twentieth century? Second, what signs were used to construct the images of this business leader? What are the principles of signification? Third, according to the image construction principles, we wish to provide useful suggestions for the public relations practitioners and business leaders nowadays.
In this study, the media texts under semiotic analysis are from three major domestic mainstream commercial media: "Business Weekly", "Common Wealth Magazine” and " Global Views Monthly". The results are as follows:
Taking the perspective of semiotics, we find that although Welch was called the best professional manager, people were never stopped criticizing him. However, many negative implications for the original meaning of the wordings used in the media text under analysis, seems to be converted into positive ones in the context of reporting Welch’s accomplishment.
On one hand, this conversion of meanings depends on the angle the frame, on the other depends on the mixed signs in a certain context. That is, Welch could be portrayed as a cruel guy (negative in connotation) but being cruel is necessary to save the corporation (positive in connotation). By combining these two seemingly contradictory connotations the whole meaning of the media text become positive. In addition, by using quantitative figures of metonymy, Welch's leadership management skills were highlighted by media reports, and by using the metaphor of accomplishments of other successful people Welch achievements and status were also established.
What are the principles of signification? First, principles of the image construction need to be matched their own corporate nature consistent with the messages delivered. Second, we need to take into consideration of the social environment when analyzing Welch’s image construction process. Third, we need to fully understand what stakeholders’ stances are when analyzing image construction process. Fourth, the strategy of metonymy to substitute part of the whole helps to construct a successful image. Fifth, through the metaphor by using the "familiar" signs instead of the unfamiliar ones, we can help to construct a positive image. Sixth, a sign with originally negative connotations could be converted to positive ones when Welch’s management skills are new and innovative implied by the media contexts. Seven, the mainstream media and celebrity endorsement can help to shape public opinions. Eight, the image construction process needs to be constantly monitored and adjusted.
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影響第三方支付平台導入、發展與使用之關鍵要素研究 / Critical Factors Affecting Adoption and Usage of Third Party Payment Platform張亦美, Chang, Cecilia Unknown Date (has links)
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見鬼了! 電視新聞為何鬼話連篇?-泛靈化電視新聞初探研究 / Why are ghosts on TV? primary study on paranormal TV news in Taiwan張之穎, Chang, Chih Yin Unknown Date (has links)
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品牌承諾影響顧客關係之研究 / The study of the effect between brand commitment and customer relationship.陳茂鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
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電視新聞框架研究-以電視新聞報導集會遊行事件為例 / Framing taiwan television news: a content analysis of protest news林常富 Unknown Date (has links)
過去國內電視新聞的相關研究中指出,國內電視新聞報導出現「時段區塊固 定」、「嚴肅新聞比例下降」、「報導內容感官主義化」、「報導形式視覺化」等情況。但僅了解電視新聞的發展趨勢似乎仍不足以了解電視新聞對國人的影響,甚至每日潛移默化的改變。
政治立場偏藍的電視新聞報導中,比偏綠的新聞台呈現更多「衝突框架」和「經濟影響框架」,其他新聞框架則無太大差異。另外,政治中立的電視台明顯比政治立場偏頗的電視台呈現更多的「衝突框架」;另外,政治偏藍的電視台也比偏綠和中立的電視台運用更多的「經濟影響框架」。 / This study examines how Taiwan television news frames protest news by investigating the prevalence of 5 news frames identified in earlier studies on faming and framing effects: frames of attribution of responsibility, conflict, human interest, economic consequences, and morality.
This study content analyzed 206 television news stories in the protest against president Ma Ying-jeou’s 100th day in office in August 30th, 2008. The results showed that, overall, the human interest frame was most commonly used in the television news, respectively followed by the attribution of responsibility, conflict, economic consequences, and morality. It also appeared that sensational presentation as popular outlets in Taiwan’s television news. The use of news frames not only was differenced from channels, but also in partisan stances taken by various channels.
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