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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

比較性廣告之研究 / The research of comparative advertising

侯雪芬, Hou, Sheue-Fen Unknown Date (has links)
本文首重比較性廣告的定義,係以國外有關比較性廣告的規定為主,並就相類似 概念一併介紹以確實掌握比較性廣告的範圍,如商品試驗廣告.損害他人營業信 譽.虛偽不實及引人錯誤廣告.頂尖廣告等第三章係介紹比較性廣告之類型與相關實例,第四章為環繞比較性廣告的一 些主要問題,商業言論自由在美.德.日甚至我國的發展過程,以及對比較性廣 告之影響;其次是公平競爭概念,比較性廣告是否本質上即屬不公平競爭行為, 競爭子自由的前提下,競爭者採取比較性廣告時是否可以為所欲為?最後是消費 者資訊的觀念,於比較性廣告中所佔之地位第五章及第六章分就歐美各國有關發展比較性廣告的法律規範,以及廣告自 律體系如何運作對不當廣告的影響力,為概略的敘述及相關事例的介紹,作為我 國規範比較性廣告之參考第七章為我國對比較性廣告的態度以及公平會相關案例之研究,第八為總結

整合行銷傳播在媒體行銷上的應用––以台北之音為例 / the application of integrate marketing communications in media marketing

洪淑宜, Hong, Shu-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究深入探討新行銷觀念整合行銷傳播在媒體行銷上的應用情形,希望 透過實務上的翔實觀察,以期能將國內外學者關於這方面的理論觀念,與 國內實務界的情況作一番整理與分析,提供媒體行銷相關研究與實務界參 考。在國內目前尚無任何相關研究的情況下,本研究適合採用探索式式研 究,因此本研究乃採用個案研究的方式,以朝全傳播媒體發展的新商業廣 播媒體「台北之音」為個案研究對象。 @ 在「請注意消費者」此一消 費者導向行銷乾念取代「請消費者注意」此一傳統行銷導向行銷觀念;「 整合行銷傳播」取代傳統行銷推廣的新行銷時代理,新廣播時代的商業廣 播媒體係如何應用落實這些新行銷觀念在廣播媒體行銷,亦即媒體、廣告 客戶﹐聽眾這三者間的互動整合策略性思考及戰術運作上﹐來打這場廣播 媒體開放後新廣播媒體的行銷爭霸戰呢?這是本研究所關注的主要議題。 在上述主要關注議題下﹐本研究經過理論與實務基礎探研後﹐發現整合行銷傳播在媒體行銷上有下列四項主要研究問題。 一、在整合行銷傳播的觀念架構下、商業廣播媒體應如何定位? 二、在整合行銷傳播的觀念架構下、商業廣播媒體對掌握其目標消費者––聽眾﹐廣告客戶應採何種作法? 三、在整合行銷傳播的觀念架構下、商業廣播媒體在行銷傳播(針對聽眾﹐廣告客戶)上的策略性思考及戰術運作為何? 四、總體而言﹐商業廣播媒體如何運用整合行銷傳播來打這場媒體行銷戰?研究總結論係商業廣播媒體的整合行銷傳播﹐ 首先必須針對整個廣播媒體市場的需求找出一適切的媒體定位;其次﹐針對廣播媒體兩大基礎消費區隔(聽眾、廣告客戶)進行精確調查﹐瞭解與界定;最後﹐透過整合行銷傳播來更緊密連結互動廣播媒體、聽眾﹐廣告客戶這三角關係﹐以達資源統合、創造綜效、各得其利的極大化目標。

公共利益團體影響政策制定過程之研究-以消費者文教基金會為例 / The Effect of Public Interest Group on Policy - making Process— A Case Study of the Consumer Protective Law in Taiwan

簡徐芬, Chien, Hsu Fen Unknown Date (has links)
利益團體以接近政府,影響政府政策制定為現代民主國家多元社會的表徵。政治學上團體理論認為,無論任何團體若欲影響政府政策制定,莫不介入政策制定過程中,政策制定為團體競爭的結果。因此,政策制定的過程充滿複雜多元的性質。   本文主要針對公共利益團體如何影響政策制定過程作一探討,並且以「消費者保護法」的制定過程為個案分析。因此,本文涵蓋下列章節:   第一章緒論。說明本文之研究動機與目的、研究方法與限制、名詞界定、研究範圍與本文的章節安排。   第二章為相關文獻探討。首先說明政策制定之概念,本文基於研究需要,將政策制定過程視為一從政策問題形成經政策規劃以迄於政策合法化之過程;其次就公共利益團體對政策制定可運用之資源與接近決策之管道以及公共利益團體的策略行動做一檢視;最後經由上述文獻的探討建立本文之分析架構。   第三章為個案研究的背景。本章將說明有關我國「消費者保護法」制定之形成背景、制定經過以及主要爭議。   第四章為個案分析。本章將分析中華民國消費者文教基金會在「消費者保護法」之政策問題形成階段、政策規劃階段以及政策合法化階段,如何運用組織資源及接近決策管道進而採取行動策略。   第五章結論。就以上各章節之研究結果提出筆者之研究發現,並提出相關建議,以供相關機關、人員以為政策制定之參考,同時提出未來相關研究之建議,期冀未來之相關研究者能對我國公共利益團體參與政策制定活動做更進一步的研究。

消費者信心指數與房地產景氣相關之研究 / The study of relation between Consumer Confidence Index and Real Estate Industry

陳天德, Chen, Tien-Te Unknown Date (has links)
在國外, 消費者信心指數常被用來預測經濟情勢 (如股價、油價、消費支出等) , 縱然有部份學者對此抱持著懷疑的看法。在台灣, 則因缺乏┌消費者信心指數┘的資料, 以往一直無人從事這方面的相關研究。房地產業是火車頭工業, 也是民生工業; 其榮枯不但影響國家之經濟發展, 亦影響到每一個人居住的能力。因此, 房地產業的景氣波動, 是與大家休戚相關的。透過工商時報所編製的┌消費者信心指數┘資料, 與房地產預售屋公開價的變動情況, 我們發現:在大台北區, 兩者之間呈顯著正相關, 而且前者領先後者九個月。 / The forecast of Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) to Economy is usally used in many nations for years, even someone suspects the effect of it. For lack of CCI, there is seldom such study in Taiwan. Estate industry is an important one, due to its influences on national economic development and the capacity for purchasing dwelling house of everyone, therefore, people pay much attention to it in Taiwan. By collecting the data of CCI and open-price of pre-sold housing in Taipei Area, we can recognize that there is obviously positive relation between them. And the former is a leading in- dicator with 9 months Ahead.

3C連鎖通路消費者購買決策、知覺服務品質與滿意度及忠誠度之關係研究-以全國電子為例 / Research of the relationship among consumer purchase decision, perceived service quality, satisfaction and loyalty in 3c chain stores:a case study of the e-life mall

林政儒, Lin, Cheng Ju Unknown Date (has links)
隨著數位化科技發展迅速,導致數位化產品快速在市場上崛起,加上國人生 活水準提高,對生活品質也越加重視,因此許多科技大廠紛紛快速推出新穎的產品吸引消費大眾,造成市場激烈的競爭,由於商機龐大伴隨而來的則是3C 通路業的競爭。台灣3C 連鎖通路的興起,產業結構已由末端零售通路取代產品供應商主導市場,越來越多人認為掌握通路便能掌握市場,這使新加入的3C 通路業者紛紛以連鎖店的形態出現,試圖擴展企業版圖與市場佔有率,加上顧客導向的時代來臨,消費者的購買力增加,在選購產品的同時,已不再只單一考慮產品品質因素,因此3C 通路業者必須更進一步了解消費者的購買決策,提高服務品質並創造顧客的滿意度,進而讓顧客產生忠誠度,才能提高競爭力在市場中勝出。 本研究探討3C 消費者「購買決策」、「知覺服務品質」、「滿意度」及「忠誠度」之關係及影響因素並以全國電子為例,回收有效問卷320 份,運用敘述性統計、因素分析、變異數分析、信度分析、T 檢定及迴歸分析,將資料進行統計分析獲得假設驗證。 研究結果如下: 一、消費者「購買決策」與「顧客滿意度」具有顯著相關性。 二、消費者「購買決策」與「顧客忠誠度」具有顯著相關性。 三、「服務品質」與「顧客滿意度」具有顯著相關性。 四、「服務品質」與「顧客忠誠度」具有顯著相關性。 五、「顧客滿意度」與「顧客忠誠度」具有顯著相關性。 六、不同人口統計變數在消費者「購買決策」具有顯著差異性。 七、不同人口統計變數在「服務品質」具有顯著差異性。 八、不同人口統計變數在「顧客滿意度」具有顯著差異性。 九、不同人口統計變數在「顧客忠誠度」具有顯著差異性。 / The rapid development of digital technologies has accelerated release of digital products in the market. With the improvement in living standards, domestic people are paying more attention to their living quality. Many high-tech manufacturers are thus dedicated to developing new and innovative products to satisfy consumer demands, resulting in an increase of competition in the 3C industry. The structure of the 3C industry has also changed with the rise of 3C chain stores. Retail stores which used to be at the end of the supply chain have gradually taken the place of suppliers to dominate the market. Believing that dominating channels means dominating the market, many 3C retailers have been established in the form of chain stores to expand their business and market share. In this customer-oriented era, consumers have greater purchase power and no longer consider one single factor in the choice of products. Therefore, 3C chain stores need to understand consumers’ purchase decision, so as to effectively enhance their service quality, create customer satisfaction, induce customer loyalty, and remain competitive in the market. This study investigated the relationships of “purchase decision”, “perceived service quality”, “customer satisfaction”, and “customer loyalty” among 3C consumers. The research sample comprised of 320 valid responses from consumers of E-Life Mall. These responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics, factor analysis, analysis of variance, reliability test, t-test, and regression analysis to test the proposed hypotheses. The research results are as follows: 1. A significant relationship exists between “purchase decision” and “customer satisfaction”. 2. A significant relationship exists between “purchase decision” and “customer loyalty”. 3. A significant relationship exists between “service quality” and “customer satisfaction”. 4. A significant relationship exists between “service quality” and “customer loyalty”. 5. A significant relationship exists between “customer satisfaction” and “customer loyalty”. 6. Consumers with different demographic variables have significantly different “purchase decisions”. 7. Consumers with different demographic variables have significantly different perceptions of “service quality”. 8. Consumers with different demographic variables show significantly different levels “customer satisfaction”. 9. Consumers with different demographic variables show significantly different levels “customer loyalty”.

虛擬社群中離線體驗對消費行為之影響 / The impact of offline experience on consumer behavior in virtual community

劉芙妤 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以理性行為理論為研究架構,針對同時提供線上服務結合離線體驗服務特色之社群,探討其使用者之行為信念與態度、主觀規範對消費意願之影響與實際消費行為強度。研究中於行為信念與態度部份,提出網站服務品質、離線體驗、網站滿意度、網站忠誠度等構面;而主觀規範的部份,根據相關學者文獻探討,以虛擬社群之社群意識作為衡量構面;並且以相關研究為基礎,進一步探討社群成員之使用年資對社群意識以及消費意願間關係之影響。 本研究以愛評網為個案研究對象,針對網站使用者進行一對一訪談,並於該社群網站首頁放置問卷連結邀請網站會員進行填答。共回收 556 份有效問卷,以結構方程模式進行分析,得到以下結論: 1. 網站服務品質與網站滿意度有正向關係 2. 網站滿意度與網站忠誠度有正向關係 3. 網站忠誠度與消費意願間有正向關係 4. 離線體驗與網站忠誠度有正向關係 5. 離線體驗與消費意願間有正向關係 6. 消費意願與實際消費行為強度有正向關係 7. 使用年資之長短會影響社群意識與消費意願間之關連

訪問買賣規範及爭議問題之探討 / The statutory issues on door- to- door sales

呂惠珍 Unknown Date (has links)
訪問買賣之消費糾紛有逐年增加之趨勢,然而國內研究文獻卻相當稀少。本論文嘗試以較宏觀之角度,整理歸納學說理論及實務見解,並與外國法進行比較分析,藉以檢討現行法規範及提出修正建議。 第一章「緒論」:本論文之研究動機與目的在於探討實務上訪問買賣常見之糾紛類型,並依消費者保護法規範之體系,從定義、適用範圍、企業經營者之告知義務、消費者之解除權逐次展開,檢討現行法是否足以預防或解決問題?主管機關或司法判決對於訪問買賣有何發展性之見解?外國法制對於類似行銷方式之規範,是否有值得我國借鏡之處?期本文之初步探討能拋磚引玉。   第二章「訪問買賣之規範」:介紹我國消費者保護法及其施行細則、定型化契約應記載事項與範本、地方消費者保護自治條例等有關訪問買賣相關規範;外國法部分主要介紹與我國法制淵源較深之德國及日本相關規範,其餘主要國家法規範摘要則列為附錄。   第三章「訪問買賣定義及適用範圍之檢討」:由於消費者保護法對於訪問買賣之定義及適用範圍不夠清淅,具體個案是否可適用訪問買賣易形成爭議。就訪問買賣之定義:「指企業經營者未經邀約而在消費者之住居所或其他場所從事銷售」而言,其簡短之文字並無法清楚勾勒那些情形符合訪問買賣。實務上常見業者主張其到宅銷售係先以電話聯繫,經過消費者事先同意,不屬「未經邀約」之情形,另有主張消費者成立契約係在展覽會場或業者之營業場所,故不屬訪問買賣。究竟何種行銷方式符合消費者保護法所定義之「訪問買賣」?在法律定義曖昧不明之情況下,主管機關於函釋中所表示之見解及司法判決實務所承認之類型,即顯重要,故除了學說之外,本論文將實務見解納為主要觀察對象,並嘗試將觸角伸展至外國法規範,尋求解答。其次,在訪問買賣之適用主體上,金融商品結合訪問買賣之行銷方式為實務所常見,而多層次傳銷參加人亦有購買傳銷商品自用之情形,是否可適用消費者保護法訪問買賣之規定?學說及實務見解存有極大之爭議,本論文就此爭點加以整理並提出解釋意見;在適用之客體上,外國法對於訪問買賣多有除外適用之標的,我國法並未有排除之規定,全國工業總會對此曾提出修正建議,是否應適當調整無條件解除權之適用客體,本論文嘗試從客觀之角度加以分析。   第四章「告知義務及解除權規範之檢討」:為保護消費者於訪問買賣過程中處於弱勢之地位,要求業者應盡買賣條件等資訊提供義務及賦予消費者猶豫期間以重新考量,為比較法上所常見,惟我國之規範內容與外國法相較,除了告知內容顯得不夠充分外,亦欠缺違反告知義務之法律效果,造成許多業者未遵守告知義務,而消費者亦不瞭解自己權利所衍生之糾紛;另外,有關契約解除後,雙方當事人如何回復原狀,亦屬實務上常見之爭議,依現行法制,雖可適用民法第259條等相關規定加以補充,惟若能針對訪問買賣之特性,考量作特別之規範,應較能定分止爭。   第五章「訪問買賣常見消費糾紛類型及實務發展」:經歸納司法院網站所公布最近10年(2000年至2009年)與訪問買賣相關之裁判,發現其契約標的以涉及教材及各類學習課程最多,其次為度假村會員權。此外,訪問買賣銷售人員於行銷時,經常對於資金不足之消費者宣稱可分期付款,惟實際上卻讓不知情之消費者簽下金融機構貸款申請書,一旦發生業者停業、倒閉之情形,消費者不但無法繼續受領商品或服務,反而成為金融機構訴追貸款之對象,形成大量「假分期 真貸款」之爭訟案件。本章針對上述三種消費糾紛類型,探討如何解決類似爭議。   第六章「法制上之建議-代結論」:現行法有關訪問買賣之規範難以符合時代之需求,非但學說存有爭議,主管機關之見解亦常瞹眛不明。實務判決依個案事實,或有引用外國立法例作為法理,依誠信原則調整企業經營者與當事人間之法律關係,然檢討現行法規範,適當地修正或增訂,為釜底抽薪之道。本章綜整前面各章節之議題,就未來修法可思考之方向提出建議。 / The disputes over” door- to- door sales” are increasing year after year. However, the related dissertations are rare. This thesis is trying to generalize theories and rules in order to review current laws and bring up some suggestions. The first chapter “preface” states about the motive and objective of this thesis which is aiming to find the dispute types. Meanwhile, in compliance with the article order of Consumer Protection Act, from definition, application, information notification to rescission, review if current laws could prevent or resolve disputes. Furthermore, observe foreign legislation which is worth imitating. The second chapter ”the statute of door- to- door sales” which is introducing related national statutes and local ordinances; meanwhile, introducing German and Japanese codes, etc. The third chapter “review on definition and application of door- to- door sales”: Since the legal definition “door- to- door sales means a sale completed through trader’s solicitation at the consumer's premises or other locations without any invitation” is not specific enough, there are lots of controversial issues such as- (a) If a consumer shall be considered to have made an express request for a visit by the trader by reason only that the consumer consented to the visit by the trader after an initial contact at which the trader indicates expressly or by implication that the trader is willing to visit the consumer? (b) If a consumer agreement that is concluded at the trader’s place of business or the trade fair could be considered “door- to- door sales”? In addition to discussing above-mentioned issues, who and what subjects are applicable to “door- to- door sales” articles in CPA is a question, too. If an investor or a participant in multi-level sales may apply to them? If the supply of goods which, by reason of their nature, are liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly, or the supply of audio or video recordings or computer software which were unsealed by the consumer shall render the consumer the right of withdrawal? This thesis is trying to analyze foregoing issues objectively. The fourth chapter” review on obligation of providing information and withdrawal of contract”: The consumer is often unprepared in contracts made at the doorstep; therefore it is necessary to provide the consumer a right of cancellation over a period of days and adequate information to enable him to understand the contract. However, the CPA is too simple to protect consumers when comparing with foreign laws. In case we could aim at the characteristics of “door- to- door sales” to regulate individually, the disputes would decrease. The fifth chapter” familiar disputes and legal opinion development”:To sum up the cases filed during last ten years, the most related contract subjects are learning materials including encyclopedias, language books or on-line lessons, etc.;The second is time-sharing membership which is usually touted by taking advantage of human vulnerability;Besides, “linked credit agreement” is also regularly seen. This chapter would make a study of how to resolve the similar problems. The sixth chapter “legal suggestions-instead of conclusion”:Domestic “door- to- door sales” statutes are not able to meet time steps. Not only is there discrepancy between theories, but the opinion of the competent authority is not clear. Some court cases cited foreign laws as jurisprudence to revise the right or obligation between the trader and consumer; Nevertheless, if the competent authority could overhaul the current statutes, the problem-solving methods may be found and established.

信任對消費者行為影響之研究–以台灣電視購物產業為例 / A study of the influence of trust on consumer behavior - Taiwan TV shopping

秦民 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用結構方程模式,驗證電視購物產業中,信任對消費者行為的影響。研究結果發現:電視購物產業中,特性滿意度正向影響顧客滿意度,顧客滿意度正向影響顧客忠誠度,信任正向影響顧客忠誠度及特性滿意度。 「品質→滿意→忠誠」此一消費者的行為模式,在電視購物產業中仍然適用。其中,特性滿意度對顧客滿意度的影響極大,而特性滿意度的影響來自商品、節目、促銷及服務四大構面。各個構面之間相關極高且對特性滿意度的相關差異不大,顯示每一次的交易關係,或僅僅是節目的播出、促銷訊息的傳遞以及服務的接觸,都會對顧客滿意度產生影響。 此外,研究結果發現:電視購物產業中,除了顧客滿意度之外,信任是顧客忠誠度的形成的主要前因。電視購物產業與電子商務產業類似,因為顧客無法從銷售人員的肢體動作評估其是否值得信任,也無法從店家的裝潢陳列評估店家,或是把玩商品評估商品的品質。顧客的不確定性因此增加,信任對忠誠的影響也因此增加。 從管理的意涵來看,電視購物業者當前的經營重點,應落實商品以及節目素材的管理,以避免從業人員為了業績而違反法令規範。如此才能讓顧客認為電視購物業者信守承諾,以建立顧客信任,進而產生顧客忠誠。 其次,資安議題關係到業者是否值得信賴,因此是顧客信任的另一個重要基石。對電視購物業者而言,資安的強化,除了避免違反法令所帶來的賠償風險,其實是建立顧客信任的重要投資。長期而言,對顧客忠誠以及長期利潤都會有正向的影響。

產品、網路評論與消費者特質類別對網路口碑效果之影響 / The effect of product, internet comment, and consumer types on eWOM.

施得琪 Unknown Date (has links)
針對近年來消費者從被動地由廠商給予到主動搜尋產品資訊的趨勢,本研究欲探討網路口碑效果影響消費者在面對不同種類產品時所產生的認知差異與偏好的改變。 過去探討網路口碑對消費者的影響往往著重於網路口碑本身的性質,諸如口碑的傳播路徑、口碑所在網站的社群關係或是參考團體的影響力等。然而在網路口碑的傳遞過程當中,除了作為訊號的網路評論之外,還有發訊者:產品及重要的口碑接受者:消費者這兩方。為補足過去研究網路口碑效果的缺陷,本研究希望結合三方的觀點一併探究網路評論的類型、產品類型與消費者類型之間的影響關係,及是否會有任何交互作用的產生。 研究方法以問卷方式進行,樣本選擇經常上網人口的大宗:大學生為主要受測對象,並以ANOVA及t檢定探討網路口碑對於消費者是否有顯著的影響。大部分的研究假設皆受到支持,總合研究結果如下: 1. 評論的正負、產品與消費者類別對於消費者產品態度、評論有用度及影響度皆有獨立的顯著影響 2. 評論的正負、產品與消費者類別等兩兩變數之間甚至是三個變數之間有交互作用產生,而使口碑傳播的結果或有不同。廠商在執行網路行銷活動或面對不同目標市場的消費者時應採取適當的因應辦法,以達到市場有效率的目的。 / The trend of receiving product information given passively by firms has been changed to actively searching the information by consumers. The purpose of this study wants to find out the effects of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) to differences in consumer’s cognition and preference changes. In the past, the research of eWOM always focused on the characteristics of eWOM, like spreading path, the community relationship or the influence of reference groups etc.. However, eWOM not only includes e-comments, but the sender of the comments. To make up the gap of the past researches, this study wants to combine different product categories, types of comments and types of consumers and explore their influences to each other and potential interactions. This study distributes questionnaires to frequent internet users: college students and uses ANOVA and t test to examine the regression model. The major findings are as the followings: 1. Different product categories, comment types and consumer types each have independent influences on consumer’s attitude and cognition. 2. The interactions effects of different product categories, comment types and consumer types influence the eWOM effect and consumer’s attitude. Firms should select appropriate internet marketing methods corresponding to their target consumers in order to achieve market efficiency.

台灣與法國消費者生活型態及消費價值觀之比較 / A comparison of lifestyles and consumption values between Taiwanese and French consumers

柯佳慧 Unknown Date (has links)
價值觀與生活型態是消費者從事各項消費行為的基礎,透過價值觀及生活型態可以解釋及預測消費者行為,因此對於研究消費者行為是相當重要的基礎主題之一。Rokeach (1973) 認為價值觀是一種持久的信念,這樣的信念使個人或社會對於某些特定的行為模式或是事情的結果產生偏好。Lazer (1963) 將生活型態定義為一種有特性的生活模式,代表某一個群體或社會有別於其他群體之特徵,這些特徵之差異來自於文化、價值觀及資源等綜合影響的結果。過去學者研究消費者的價值觀及生活型態時,多半以單一國家的消費者為主,雖然也有學者比較跨文化的消費者生活型態,但仍以美歐等地之研究居多。因此,本研究藉由交換至法國的機會,於當地進行消費者調查,取得第一手資料,以瞭解當地消費者生活型態及消費價值觀,並與台灣消費者進行跨文化比較。 本研究採滾雪球法抽樣,深度訪談十三位法國消費者及十九位台灣消費者。訪談內容為消費價值觀及生活型態等主題,包括工作與休閒生活、家庭及朋友關係、消費模式及金錢分配方式,並導出相關命題如:台灣人較法國人之價格敏感度高、台灣人較法國人具有品牌意識、台灣人在消費時較法國人具他人導向、台灣人較法國人具投資理財觀、台灣人較法國人重視工作所帶來的金錢滿足以及台灣人較法國人對婚姻關係有較高的期待等命題。 此外,本研究並探討消費價值觀如何具體影響消費者的生活型態及消費模式,透過本研究可發現:價格敏感度高的消費者,會隨著折扣或低價而調整其消費頻率;具他人導向的消費者會傾向購買外顯性的名牌產品,也較易受他人影響而產生衝動性消費行為。 藉由本研究可瞭解兩地消費價值觀及生活型態之差異,廠商進入兩地市場時,可參考本研究結果設計適合當地消費者之行銷策略,以期更貼近消費者需求。 / Values and lifestyles can be the foundation of most kinds of consumptions. Therefore, studying values and lifestyles is of importance for marketers to explain and predict consumers’behavior. According to Rokeach (1973), a value is defined as “an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end-state of existence.”As for lifestyle, it is defined as“a distinctive or characteristic mode of living (Lazer, 1963). Past studies concerning values and lifestyles mostly focused consumers in one country. Even though some studies dealed with cross-cultural comparison, they usually compared two or more markets in American and European. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the lifestyles and consumption values of consumers in Taiwan and France to do a cross-cultural comparison between Taiwanese and French consumers. Thirteen French consumers and nineteen Taiwanese consumers were interviewed during this study. The interview questions were regarding to lifestyles and consumption values, such as respondents' work and leisure life, relations with family and friends, consumption patterns and the way to allocate money. Some important propositions are derived based on content analysis: Taiwanese consumers have higher price sensitivity, more brand consciousness, higher other-oriented degree and more saving and investment concept than French consumers. Besides, Taiwanese people place more importance on the salary of work and have higher expectation about marriage than French consumers. Furthermore, this study also discusses how consumption values influence consumers' lifestyles and consumption patterns. It reveals that consumers with higher price sensitivity will adjust their consumption patterns according to discount frequencies. Besides, people-oriented consumers tend to choose prestige brands and have more impulsive consumptions under the influence of friends. The findings of this reseach can provide suggestions to marketers in these two markets to develop marketing strategies corresponding with the values and lifestyles of local consumers.

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