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黃浩綱, Huang,Haw Guang Unknown Date (has links)
汽車類消費爭議一直在整體消費糾紛中佔有一定比例,而汽車商品亦已不同於從前時代,是遙不可及之奢侈品,擁有一台車已非不可能之夢想。車輛消費糾紛亦隨著國人購買汽車之比率與數量逐年增加,而在消費爭議中,消費者因其專業知識及資訊來源之不足,常處於消費地位弱勢之ㄧ方。 本文討論之重點在於透過實務面之角度及案例切入觀察,第一章為緒論,第二章討論汽車買賣定型化契約約款之相關問題,第三章就汽車瑕疵之類型、鑑定、召回、民事責任等問題進行分析及討論,第四章結論中,透過實際案例分析與相關之汽車消費議題,進行解析並提出相關觀察及建議。 本文藉由汽車買賣契約約款之分析,提出建言及可能解決之方式;亦期待隨著汽車消費議題及消費爭議受到重視,消費環境及法制逐漸改善,對消費者而言,未來能面對一更友善且爭議更少之汽車消費環境。

凶宅買賣之法律問題研究 / A Study on Legal Issues of Trades of Haunted Houses

廖珊億, Liao, Shan Yi Unknown Date (has links)
凶宅係我國房屋交易市場中之重要交易訊息,由於我國風俗民情之關係,凶宅之出賣人有時會隱瞞房屋為凶宅之情事,使得不願買受凶宅之買受人買到凶宅,出賣人和買受人之爭端即因此而產生,這些關於凶宅交易的爭端都有個前提問題就是-何謂凶宅?因此本文首先整理法院實務對凶宅之定義、內政部與法院實務對於出賣人就凶宅之說明義務範圍之認定及出賣人違反說明義務之法律效果。 再者,凶宅交易之法律問題除了違反說明義務之法律效果外,尚涉及物之瑕疵擔保責任及意思表示錯誤之問題,是本文以買賣瑕疵擔保與意思表示錯誤等規定為中心,整理法院實務與學說之見解,探討買受人於買到凶宅時是否可主張物之瑕疵擔保責任及意思表示錯誤。 / Hounted houses have always been considered important transactional information by housing trading market in Taiwan. Because of custom and tradition, a seller often conceals haunted houses from a buyer, and the buyer who does not want to buy a haunted house will buy that. Then, the dispute between the seller and the buyer will happen. Therefore, the article collects and analyzes the meaning of haunted houses defined by courts, which kinds of hounted houses sellers should tell buyers defined by courts and the Ministry of the Interior, and the legal effects of violating the duty to disclose. Moreover, the legal issues of the trades of hounted houses are warranty for defective goods and mistake of expression of intent besides the legal effects of violating the duty to disclose. Based on Civil Code, court decisions of District Court and High Court and scholars' opinions, the article discusses whether the buyer who bought a haunted house may revoke the expression or not and whether the seller may be responsible for a warranty when there is a defect in the thing he sold or not.


張益祥, Chang, Yi-Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
清代的法令,無論是律、條例或是定例,均是瞭解清代田產買賣法規範的必經之路。雖然,與今日的買賣法體系相較,這些清代的田產買賣法規尚未建構出一套在形式上全面而完整的田產買賣法體系,以致於在實際運作上不乏以慣例予以補充,從而近年來學界多從契字與訴訟檔案所揭示的民間慣例出發,並試圖以更貼近民間實況的觀點描繪清代的田產買賣圖像。這種描繪方式在比對民間法與官方法的差異、衝突,以及研究兩者間的互動問題方面已然取得不少成果,可是過於強調民間法的結果,極易把官府制定法簡化為民間買賣田產慣例的對照組,不啻使官府制定法呈現出一種相對扁平的形象。事實上,儘管清代田產買賣的法令不若當今民法典的規範整全,但透過律學著作的闡釋、中央與地方官員對於律例意旨的討論,以及官員於裁判中所表達的法律見解,也隱然形成一套官方觀點的田產買賣結構與運作邏輯,因此本論文嘗試重新檢視清代官方或史家已先行整理的各類法令彙編、法律註釋等刊物,以釐清清代官方所制定之田產買賣法的意義,以及其所呈現出的買賣法律結構。 本文分為六章,第一章為緒論,第二章至第五章為本論,第六章為結論。為了論述方便,也為了使讀者初步瞭解清代買賣田產的輪廓,本文在第二章先從清代田產買賣所應循的步驟入手。在買賣田產的過程中,隱約分成兩個階段,第一個階段只存在於買賣當事人之間,大致上從立契開始,到成交為止;第二個階段與賦稅制度有密切的關係,因此法律要求買賣當事人須赴官進行稅契與推收等手手續。當第一階段契、價成交時,田產買賣即已完成,但清代官方始終認為田產買賣須經稅契與推收,該筆買賣方為完整。事實上,從買賣形態的角度觀察,清代官方基本上認為田產買賣與現金交易無異,因此嚴格說來,只有成交時,買賣才會發生並已完成,此時田宅的管業狀態亦同時移轉於買主,至於成交前後,買賣雙方均不負擔任何債務。上述這個見解,將成為本文的主軸。基於這個理由,也基於其它事實上的證明或詮釋上的見解,本文推論出立契、稅契與推收均非清代買賣田產的成立要件。 在解明清代官方眼中的買賣形態後,本文試圖從清代田產買賣的法律規定,進一步解析田產買賣更為細緻的結構,而這就是第三章與第四章所進行的工作。在第三章中,本文以清律中的盜賣田宅律、任所置買田宅律、典買田宅律(重複典賣律)以及給沒贓物律為買賣瑕疵的四大類型,並儘量藉由清代律學註釋者的觀點進行法律文義的釋義,澄清諸如盜賣、盜換易、虛錢實契、重賣、取與不和等概念,其後,並以比較的方法論證這四種瑕疵類型所顯示的法律意義。在此,清律原則上把這些有瑕疵的買賣當作應予制裁的犯罪,而田宅的原業主就成為被害人,因此,官方若非以田產及田價俱還原主的方式,使買賣雙方回復未買賣前的狀態,就是將田產還原業主而田價入官的方式,使出價的買主受到財產上的責罰。這種法律效果,也顯示官方在現金買賣的思維底下,並未要求賣方對於買方再負另一種特別的債務,即瑕疵擔保責任。 至於第四章,則特別探討活賣的問題。本文對於活賣是否為典與賣之外的另一交易類型,以及清代如何判定何種契字屬於活賣,均作出回應。在此,本文仍然無法徹底釐清某些記載不明之契的屬性是活是絕,可是筆者相信清代官方基本上希望田產買賣儘量以賣斷為原則,並有意使活賣的範圍更為明確,只是由於活賣係介於典與賣之間,使得在立法上不免顧此失彼,捉襟見肘。 第五章則不從法律規定的層面討探田產買賣,而是從官府裁判的角度,來看官方是如何處理田產買賣糾紛的案件。在此,筆者依照所接觸的文獻史料,整理出九種紛爭類型。由於這九種紛爭類型頗為雜沓,因此尚難再進而論證其間共同的法律意義,但讀者可與前三章的內容相互參照比較,藉以體會官府在實際斷案時所著重的考量因素。由於案件的複雜程度常為法律規定的意料之外,因此並不令人意外地,在許多種田產買賣糾紛案件中,裁判所昭示的處置與律例規定的法律效果會有相當的落差。但是這些偏離法律規定的處置通常也有某種程度的一致性,這也可說明官方對於某些特別情事的處置已達成共識。例如在決定可否找贖的案件,賣價是否充分反映真實地價就成為官方考量的重點。 最後,從上述的研究,獲得下列結論:首先在清代官府對於田產買賣的認知方面,清代法律所呈現的田產買賣,是一種基於現金買賣思維下的田產買賣形態,且賣主可以不向買主負擔類似今日的瑕疵擔保責任。此外,官方也承認有一種介於絕賣與典之間的活賣。而對於失調的買賣關係,清代的法律基於平息爭端的立場,採取刑罰制裁的方式以禁止可能產生糾紛的買賣關係,這種態度自然難以藉由體系化的立法,以確定買賣雙方間的權利義務關係。而在對清代官方法規進行一系列的探討後,將會發現,法律所呈現出不利於買主的田產買賣結構,一方面體現出原業主對於田產有著深刻的影響力,另一方面也突顯「中人」在民間買賣的重要性。最後,清代律例規定所呈現出來田產買賣結構,除了極少數的情況下,基本上並沒有因官方的裁判而受到根本上的動搖。

專利授權之侵權風險管控研究-從侵權責任契約設計觀點 / Risk Management of Infringement for Patent Licensing: Focus on Contract Design

吳雅貞, Wu, Ya Chen Unknown Date (has links)
台灣科技業代工廠常面臨購買合法來源零組件,仍無法擺脫專利侵權控訴之命運,亦或常居於談判地位劣勢之被授權方角色,只能接受授權方完全排除自身擔保責任之契約條款,導致國內廠商始終擺脫不了高額權利金及侵權損害賠償金之累。本論文之核心研究問題,即在於探討如何在專利授權之架構下,降低未來潛在之第三人侵權責任風險?並區分法律制度層面、契約設計層面、管理制度層面,三個面向進行探討,嘗試提出可行之風險管控策略。個案研究方面,選擇美國最高法院Quanta v. LG專利侵權訴訟案,此案受各界宣稱為近期美國司法界對於專利制度最具指標性之判決,本論文透過判決評析探求美國法院見解真意,並在此架構下,提出個人意見及看法,進而對於專利權人未來之策略轉變,以及台灣代工業者應之因應方式提出建議。 1、法律制度面管控: 被控侵權者可運用專利制度下賦予專利權本質上限制之「專利權耗盡原則」,衡平原則發展下之「默示授權原則」,以及「再授權理論」對於專利權人之權利主張限制,以達降低侵權責任成立之風險。美國法下針對專利權耗盡原則及默示授權原則發展出多種態樣,惟其是否於個案中有所適用空間,往往仍取決於授權契約條款之解釋,此即彰顯出事先明確定義授權條款之重要性。 2、契約設計面管控: 由於我國法與美國法下對於專利授權契約定性上之差異,進而推衍出我國法下相較於美國法較加重授權人責任之結果,是以我國學說有主張當被授權人因運用授權標的遭受第三人主張侵權時,應準用民法瑕疵擔保規定使授權人承負一定責任者;反之,美國學說則普遍否認授權人存在有此等法定契約責任,此亦和雙方政策選擇保護立場互異之結果不謀而合。惟在現階段實務及學說對於授權人是否承擔被授權人之侵權瑕疵擔保責任尚無定見之下,以契約條款預先分配侵權風險最可達成管控風險之目的。美國企業之授權契約發展已十分成熟,與侵權責任分配相關之典型條款,如:授權條款、聲明擔保條款、補償條款,均存有許多附隨之細節需於契約設計談判時預先留意。惟若於契約條款中無法獲得有利於己之責任分配模式,即應評估風險性高低,決定是否採行其他之風險管控方式,如:專利侵權責任保險、企業自行提撥風險準備金、進行專利侵權訴訟評估與管理等。 3、管理制度面管控: 授權做為專利眾多換價模式之一,其背後最終之目的即在於具體落實為企業利潤收益,自然無法背離商業策略思維而獨立運作。國內現階段之專利授權實務發展成效不彰,其原因即在於國內普遍認為授權是單純法律之範疇,而未於企業內建立一套完備之授權管理制度。事實上,授權契約設計亦應與智財行銷要素、商業模式建構要素,以及企業營運流程相互配套,藉由平時有效之管理制度,方能確實將侵權風險防患於未然。 4、個案判決評析結論: 國內代工業者Quanta雖於本案中獲得最終勝訴判決,可說是貫徹了美國最高法院近年來持續傾向限縮專利權人權能之見解。然其是否代表台灣代工業者獲得了完全的勝利?往後不需再為合法採購之零件是否侵權一事苦惱?本論文採取保留之態度。因本案判決事實上僅圍繞在判斷LG與Intel授權範圍之解釋,並未對於能否以契約條款限制專利權耗盡原則表示見解。且本案判決出爐後,專利權人未來勢必轉變其授權策略,亦可預見其授權條款將更趨嚴苛,以規避判決中劃定之界限。台灣代工廠商實應謹慎集思因應策略以對。 / Taiwan OEMs are often situated in the role as licensees with inferior bargaining power when negotiated license agreements with foreign companies, and usually had no choice but to accept unfair contract terms. Therefore, Taiwan companies cannot get ride of high royalties and infringement penalty for all these years. This paper aims to discuss how to reduce potential patent infringement risk under the license system. The discussion will be elaborated from three aspects: Legal, Contract, and Management, and it will also try to propose some feasible risk management strategies. Furthermore, the paper will include a case study on Quanta v. LG, which is believed to be the most significant patent infringement case in United States Supreme Court in 2008.Through the analysis of Court opinions, the thesis then proposes some different suggestions about conversion of the patentee’ license strategies and how Taiwan OEMs should cope with the change in the future. 1.Legal Aspect: The defendant of a infringement case can apply for the doctrine of patent exhaustion, implied license, and sublicense. These doctrines are derived from patent right essential limitation. The U.S. law develops a lot of different models of patent exhaustion and implied license. It often depends on the interpretation of the terms of license agreement whether theses doctrines should be applied to individual case. This demonstrates the importance of precise definition and arrangement of contracts in advance. 2.Contract Aspect: The contract qualification of patent license agreement are different in Taiwan Law and the U.S. Law. Taiwan law intensifies licensor’s liability than American Law. Some Taiwan theories consider that when the licensee is accused of infringement because of the use of licensed articles, the licensor should have liability corresponding to the liability of warranty against defects in Civil Law. On the contrary, the majority of American theories deny such contract liability from law of licensor. Such difference corresponds to the different policies adopted in both countries. Since the defect warranty liability of the licensors are still in dispute, it will be the best way for risk management to distribute the infringement liability of both parties in contract explicitly. License agreement research has been fully developed in the U.S.. Grant Clause, Representations & Warranties and Indemnifications are all accompanied with details to be concerned. If the corporation unfortunately cannot obtain favorable clauses for its own side, it should evaluate risk to decide should it adopt another way for risk control, such as insurance, setting up risk reserves or litigation management. 3.Management Aspect: License is one of business models for corporation to make profit from patent. Its main purpose is to realize intangible patents into tangible profit. Accordingly, licensing strategy cannot be apart from commercial strategies. Patent license practice is still immature in Taiwan. Domestic corporations generally consider license as only a legal issue and do not properly construct a management system. In fact, license agreement design is a multidisciplinary subject and should coordinate with IP marketing strategies, business model, and enterprise operation procedure. Effective management system can establish necessary precautions against infringement liabilities. 4.Case Study: United States Supreme Court finally decided in favor of Quanta, Taiwan OEM, in Quanta v. LG case. The judgment does not mean a complete victory for Taiwan OEMs and neither did it indicate that the manufacturers do not need to bother for patent infringement by combining licensed components. Because the Court opinion only focuses within the scope of the license agreement by LG to Intel, without mentioning about if license conditions could break free of the doctrine of patent exhaustion. Furthermore, the stricter license conditions from the licensor is expectable after this case. Taiwan OEMs should make their best to find a solution.

信用狀統一慣例UCP 600相關問題之研究-以定義解釋及單據條款為中心 / Studies on issues related to UCP 600 - Focusing on the articles regarding the definitions, interpretations, and documents

馬翠吟 Unknown Date (has links)
國際貿易實務上,「信用狀」係往來銀行提供信用狀擔保付款之模式,確保跨國貿易之順利完成、加速貿易進行,為當今世界重要付款方式。「信用狀統一慣例(UCP)」係國際商會(ICC)制定之信用狀交易實務慣例,自1933年首次頒布以來,目前已成為全世界公認遵行之信用狀標準處理方針。2007年,國際商會公佈最新修訂版本之第600號出版物“UCP 600”,明定因應銀行及航運實務發展、檢討UCP 500之規範文字及語體、抑制銀行拒絕付款率等為主要修訂目標。 鑑於UCP 600對於未來國際貿易發展之影響力,實有全面且深入研究UCP 600條款內容及規範目的之必要。本文以UCP 600新增定義解釋條款、審查單據條款、及運送單據條款為研究主題,透過闡釋條文涵義、比較與UCP 500之差異、探究新條款影響、檢討修訂目標之成效等,俾使信用狀當事人及相關銀行正確理解及適用UCP 600條款內容。 本文首先介紹信用狀之特性、經濟功能及信用狀統一慣例之定位適用等基本概念;其次從文義解釋、法律性質及當事人間法律關係等觀點切入,闡釋UCP 600本次新增之定義及解釋條款;並研究銀行實務最常發生爭議之審查單據程序,詳盡分析UCP 600規定之審單標準、符合提示、拒付瑕疵單據等重要條款。此外,本文探討UCP 600所規定國際航運常見之提單、多式運送單據、不可轉讓海運單及傭船提單等運送單據條款。最後,本文針對UCP 600條款之重要修訂內容予以彙整,嘗試提出該等條款之修正趨勢及未來發展。 / In international trade practice, “letter of credit”which is the most important type of payment in the world is the means of settlement that an issuing bank independently undertake to honour a complying presentation , and that ensures international trade to successfully completed, and speeded up the transactions.“ICC Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit(UCP)”is the rules of international letter of credit practice promulgated by the Commission on Banking Technique and Practice of the International Chamber of Commerce(ICC).The 2007 Revision, UCP 600, is the latest of a series of revisions of these ICC rules that date from 1933 and have in their evolution become the universal norm for commercial letter of credit. The introduction of UCP 600 expressly indicated the main revised objective was to address developments in banking and transport industries, to look at the language and style used in UCP 500, and to reduce the rejections of the documents presented under letter of credit. In consideration of the influence of UCP 600 for the development of international trade in the future, it was necessary to generally and deeply research the clauses and provisions of UCP 600 and the revised objective. This paper’s research subjects include the formal definitions and interpretations of UCP 600, the provision regarding examination of documents, and the provisions regarding transport documents. In order to make the parties of letter of credit and the relevant banks correctly understand and apply the UCP 600 clauses, this paper interprets the meaning of UCP 600 clauses, compares the differences between UCP 600 and UCP 500, analyses the influence of new provisions, and look at the achievements of this revision. This paper first introduces the fundamental concepts included the characteristic of letter of credit, the economic functions of letter of credit, and the position and application of UCP 600.The second part is to discuss the formal definitions and interpretations that UCP 600 new formulated from the perspectives of language interpretation, quality of law, and the law relationship of the parties. Then this paper discusses the rules for the examination of documents that most controversial in banking industries, and analyses the important provisions regarding standard for examination of documents, complying presentation, and rejection of discrepant documents. Moreover, this paper is referring to the general transport documents clauses stipulated in UCP 600, including bill of lading, multimodal transport document, non-negotiable sea waybill, and charter party bill of lading. Finally, this paper synthesizes the significant revised provisions, and recommends several suggestions about modifying the relevant provisions in UCP 600 and development in the future.

股東會決議瑕疵連鎖效應之研究-以選任董事決議瑕疵為中心 / A Study for chain of defect of shareholder meeting of the company-focus on the election of directors of the resolution

陳宣至, Chen Hsuen Chin Unknown Date (has links)
關於股東會決議之瑕疵,依我國目前法律與實務通說下,共有三種類型:股東會決議無效、不存在與得撤銷。惟我國公司法並未規範一旦法院判決認定股東會決議無效、不存在或撤銷股東會決議後之法律效果為何,若將具瑕疵之決議限縮於選任董事之決議上,則不具董事身分之人擔任公司董事一職下,由於訴訟程序冗長,此段期間公司對外之法律關係(或董事代表公司所為之法律行為)、公司與不具董事身分之人間之法律關係及公司後續的程序召集上,其法律效果為何?日本學說上提出「連鎖瑕疵」闡述此問題。我國公司法學者通說採取對外類推適用表見代理、對內適用無因管理之見解;惟本文以為此見解將生諸多疑問,故本文參考英國法、美國法與日本學說上之見解,介紹英國公司法第161條規定並採取「事實上董事理論」以嘗試解決此問題。最後並進一步探究股東會決議瑕疵所產生的後續相關法律問題。 / According to the current law and common practice, there are three types of the defect of shareholder meeting of the company. There are void resolution, no resolution, and annulment of such resolution. However, our corporate law didn’t regulate the results once the court makes the verdict of the above mentioned types of defects of shareholder meeting of the company. If the defect of shareholder meeting of the company could be restrained on the election of directors of the resolution, while the person who was disqualified to act as a director is still in charge, the legal effect of the company’s external legal affairs, also the relationship between the company and the disqualified director, and the assembly of the meeting remain discussible. The Japanese scholars bring up a theory called the chain of defect to elaborate the upper mentioned problem. Our corporate law scholars mainly consider that the legal effect of the company’s external legal affairs should be an apparent agent situation. The company’s internal legal affairs, such as the relationship between the company and the disqualified director, and the assembly of the meeting should think as a management of affairs without mandate situation. However, my article considers that the previous perspective remains plenty of doubtful points. For this reason, my article would refer to the Companies Act 2006 (United Kingdom Company Law), Laws of the United States, and Japan’s legal theories. Moreover, I would introduce the Sec.161 of the Companies Act 2006, and adopt the theory of de facto directors in order to solve the problem. Eventually, I would analyze the extended and related legal problems of the defect of shareholder meeting of the company.

政府採購法減價收受制度之研究 / The study of the acceptance with price-reduction of the government procurement act

許增如, Hsu, Tseng-Ju Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 政府採購法72條第2項減價收受規定,可說是機關處理驗收之例外規定,關係機關採購後續使用情形及廠商權益甚鉅。本文以工程採購為研究對象,以工程採購著眼於工作之完成,來探討採購法驗收之法律效果,以釐清減價收受之效力。 依採購法72條第2項規定,明定減價收受之要件,包括驗收結果與規定不符、不妨礙安全及使用需求、通常效用或契約預定效用,經機關檢討不必拆換或拆換卻有困難、得於必要時,機關得採減價收受,因此機關驗收時,發現與規定不符,仍須滿足前開之要件,方得採減價收受,否則應依採購法72條第1項規定,請廠商限期改善。 從民法概念來看,減價收受無所謂過失責任,基本上肇因於廠商債務不履行,債務不履行可分為給付不能或不完全給付,二者區分實益在於給付是否可能,亦關係機關評估是否辦理減價收受及後續損害賠償問題。此外,減價收受亦關係工程承攬契約之瑕疵擔保責任與保固責任,以及減價收受之額度與違約金等相關問題。本論文希望藉由理論探討,及法院判決、調解建議及仲裁等相關實務案例,以釐清減價收受所遭遇之相關問題。 / The acceptance with price-reduction under Article 72, paragraph 2 of the “Government Procurement Act”, could be said an exceptional part of the inspection and acceptance under the Act. It is regulated to the interests and duties between the two parties of governmental purchasement. This study intentioally analyzes the “construction work”, which is used to focus on the completeness of definit work and to cope with the contract requirements. When it happens to be accepted with price reduction, what is the reason and what will be going on? According to the Article 72, paragraph 2 of the “Government Procurement Act”, where the result of inspection indicates any non-conformity with the contractual requirements, but the non-conformity neither hinders the safety or use required nor decreases the general function or the function designated by the contract, an acceptance with price-reduction may be conducted under conditions that the entity has determined that there is no need or it is difficult to make replacement. Otherwise, the entity should require the suppliers make improvement within a time-limit according to the paragraph 1 of Article 72. Based on the concepts of the Civil Code, the acceptance with the price-reduction does not depend on responsibility for intentional or gross negligent acts. It is caused by the suppliers’ non-performance, when the performance becomes impossible or imcomplete. The governmental entity will also transfer to claim conpensation for the injury. This issue also involves the obligation of suppliers to repair the defects within the specified period, not only after the inspection and acceptance. The reasonable amount of price-reduction and the penalties are also important to be disscussed. This study wants to clarify all the issues and the effects of the acceptance with price-reduction through the theory discussion and the reviewing of juridical cases, mediations and arbitrations.


吳俊達, Wu,Chun Ta Unknown Date (has links)
在醫療糾紛與日俱增的趨勢下,醫療損害民事責任之研究,無疑是法學研究所必須面對的重要課題。除了在實體法層面上,建構適當的醫療損害賠償歸責體系外,程序法上發展出一套特別適用於醫療訴訟的舉證責任分配規則,對於司法審判實務尤具實益。此一舉證責任分配規則具有適當緩和過失責任與無過失責任爭論之作用,使民事損害賠償法面對醫療糾紛得以發揮功能,進一步正當化醫療傷害去刑化努力,並能減少體制外抗爭上演。 關於醫療行為所生損害賠償責任可概分為:基於「醫療瑕疵行為」與基於「自我決定告知義務違反」兩種類型之損害賠償責任。在一般舉證責任分配的基本原則—規範說之適用下,病患(或家屬)原則上仍必須就「醫療疏失行為」、「受有損害」、「兩者間存在因果關係」等要件負舉證責任,惟鑑於醫療資訊上的高度專業性、證據的構造性偏在情況及醫界組織上的專業自律性,不論在醫療疏失或因果關係之舉證上,病患都遭遇舉證上的困難。因此,有必要在一定條件下,適當修正規範說於醫療訴訟之適用,發展出醫療訴訟之舉證責任分配特別規則,以減輕病患的舉證責任。 就醫療瑕疵類型之舉證責任分配特別規則,實包括以下各種舉證責任減輕之制度:表見證明、民法第二二七條之舉證責任減輕、重大醫療瑕疵之舉證責任減輕、證明妨礙、違反文件義務與診斷報告作成及確保義務之舉證責任減輕、可完全控制危險領域之舉證責任減輕、損害賠償之舉證責任減輕等,及證明度之降低等制度。關此,本論文整理德國及我國學理看法、實務案例,並就上述各項制度逐一詳細討論,俾使讀者瞭解各項舉證責任減輕制度之實際運作功能。 另在「病患自我決定告知義務違反」之類型上,根據目前多數見解,每一個侵害身體完整性的醫療行為,都是構成要件該當的身體侵害,此一侵害本身即表徵出違法性,唯有存在「病患有效的同意」,始得排除之。因此,關於「對病患已善盡告知義務」且「已取得病患之同意」,醫師或醫院則負有舉證責任。關此,本論文乃以「醫師告知」、「病患同意」為主軸,分析「告知後同意」原則所衍生之舉證責任問題。 最後,本論文除了回顧歸納各章節之重要結論外,並再就醫療訴訟上之舉證責任分配規則體系,重新作一建構。


薛全晉, Hsueh, Chuan Chin Unknown Date (has links)
工程契約係具特殊性質之承攬契約,而工程契約之開工、完工、驗收進程中,可能遭遇不同之風險事件,故本文先於第二章對工程契約之開工、完工、驗收及後續保固期間之意義及相關爭議為概略性之論述。 其次,於第三章先以一般承攬契約之風險分配為出發,就承攬契約之危險負擔、瑕疵擔保責任及定作人協力義務為概述,而在工程契約之風險分配原則上,採用「優勢風險承擔人原則」作為立論基礎,認為工程契約之風險應由對風險較具「預見能力」、「控制能力」及「規避能力」者承擔;進而就工程進程中不同階段可能遭遇之風險事件,建構可能之風險分配原則,並探究工程契約中常見「棄權條款」,包含工期展延、物價調整及權利行使期間等棄權條款,是否與合理之工程風險分配原則相符;另本文就工程保險契約制度為簡要之說明,並論述工程保險在工程實務中之地位,而將工程保險契約認定為工程契約分散風險之重要機制。 於第四章,特別針對國內論者甚少討論之「完工後驗收前」期間之實務爭議為判決整理及評析,而以本文建構之風險分配藍圖,對包含完工後驗收前之先行使用、減價驗收、部分驗收、試運轉及第三人侵權等爭議問題為分析。

股東表決權利益迴避制度之研究—台電求償案之分析與檢討 / Study on The Exclusion of Shareholder’s Voting Right

周宛蘭, Chou, Wan Lan Unknown Date (has links)
股份有限公司在「企業經營與企業所有分離」之原則下,公司經營事務固專由法定必備業務機關—董事會職司之,然為保障股東權益,公司法乃賦予各股東表決權,使股東能在股東會中,透過作成決議之方式,形成股東之意見並參與公司之經營決策。因而,表決權可謂股東之重要權利。如欲禁止股東行使此項權利,實應格外慎重。公司法第178條規定「股東對於會議之事項,有自身利害關係致有害於公司利益之虞時,不得加入表決,並不得代理他股東行使其表決權」,為我國公司法制下,股份有限公司之股東表決權利益迴避制度。然此一規定及其規範模式,是否有其正當性及合理性,不無探討之空間。 首先,由於此一規定使用不確定法律概念,「有自身利害關係」、「有害公司利益之虞」等要件之意義、範圍,學說及實務解釋適用上均有不同看法。又因該規定之規範主體為「股東」,當遇有政府或法人股東時,所謂「自身利害關係」之判斷應為「股東」本身,或及於股東之「代表人」,即不無疑義。另構成該規定,法律效果為具有利害關係之「股東」不得加入表決,並不得「代理」他股東行使其表決權,然如有自身利害關係之股東委託他人代理行使表決權時,或受委任者不具股東身分,或受委任者為股東之「代表人」時,應如何解釋適用,亦值探討。此部分將置於本文第二章討論。 其次,整理我國司法判決對公司法第178條之實際運用案例,約略可分為「會計表冊承認」、「董事競業禁止義務解除」及「解任董監事」等三類。另外,「台電求償案」除涉及台灣電力股份有限公司大股東經濟部,應否對「就核四停建一事向政府求償」議案利益迴避之爭議,亦涉及股東會決議權限與股東利益迴避制度間之關係、股東權利義務變動之時點限制、系爭議案求償對象之解釋及股份多數決原則與表決權利益迴避制度之衝突等問題。上開實務見解對於相關規定之解釋適用,是否妥適,本文第三、四章,將先就相關判決予以摘要臚列,復就其中所涉及之爭議,提出一己拙見。 最後,觀諸日本法對於股東表決權利益迴避制度之演變,可知日本最早亦採我國公司法第178條事前禁止之規範模式,惟在1981年(昭和56年)即全面改採事後救濟制。對照日本法制,恰可凸顯我國現行制度下,出現適用範圍不明確、配套措施不足及議事難以進行等問題。本文以為,回歸資本多數決之精神,並考量公司法第178條之規範目的,既係在於確保決議的公正性及公平性,應直接針對不當的決議設計救濟途徑,當更為妥適。如將公司法第178條修改為「股東會決議如因有特別利害關係者行使表決權,而作出顯著不當決議時,股東得訴請法院撤銷該決議」。或逕將此條刪除,改設立多數決濫用禁止之規定,在現行公司法第189條下,新設後段或第2項之規定:「股東會之決議內容,有害公司或少數股東利益而顯著不當者,亦同」,賦予小股東在多數決濫用時一定之救濟管道。過去在我國現行制度下所產生之許多爭議事例,即得以迎刃而解。

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