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策略及策略執行力對經營績效之影響 / Strategy and Strategy Execution to Business Management程孝盈, Cheng, Hsiao Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究想探討策略及策略執行力對經營績效之影響,經由因素分析萃取出五個策略及流程構面,分別為策略運用、研發策略執行力、製造策略執行力、出貨策略執行力及物流策略執行力; 在經營績效方面萃取出營運績效及財務績效兩個構面。 經由典型相關分析發現在投入項(X組)策略及流程構面,分別為策略運用、研發策略執行力、製造策略執行力、出貨策略執行力及物流策略執行力五個構面(因素)對於產出項(Y組)營運績效及財務績效兩個構面有顯著相關。
本研究採取多元迴歸分析,分別就策略及策略執行力的構面包括策略運用、研發策略執行力、製造策略執行力、出貨策略執行力及物流策略執行力等構面對營運績效及財務績效構面探討分析,結果發現在策略運用、研發策略執行力、製造策略執行力、出貨策略執行力及物流策略執行力等構面對營運績效具有正向影響; 同樣的財務績效上亦同樣受策略運用、研發策略執行力、製造策略執行力、出貨策略執行力及物流策略執行力等構面的正向影響。
本研究旨在探討企業策略的運用可謂是企業的思考,對於企業整體外在環境的變遷及經營實況都要在策略規 劃中確實考量分析,將成功關鍵因素能夠融入在策略中來運用,真正根據事實來做決策。 而企業策略是指引流程運作的藍圖,企業在流程運作及績效訂定須與策略規劃要能夠精準的連結,流程能有效執行策略的規劃,如此方能展現企業執行力與策略的一致性。 企業須知策略是否能有效地貫穿在整個組織中來運作須藉由流程有效的運作來實現,故企業在執行流程時應有效界定策略執行力指標,來做為流程日常運作量測及監控,並做為流程持續改善相當重要的來源。 企業平時若能有效執行策略執行力的監控與改善則不論在成本及效率上更具有競爭力,並且能有效達成企業經營策略上的要求。
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台商赴中國大陸投資經營績效的決定因素:海、內外整合所扮演的角色 / The Performance Determinants of Taiwan Manufacturing Industries Investing in China: the Role of Integration between Parent Company and Overseas Subsidiaries王小慈, Wang, Hsiao Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以經濟部2007年「製造業對外投資實況調查」問卷資料赴中國大陸地區投資採垂直整合及水平整合共計1, 194家廠商為研究對象,利用OLS多元計量模型進行實證分析,並以勞動生產力作為衡量經營績效的指標,首先欲探討「廠商特性」、「投資動機」與「整合模式」對勞動生產力的決定因素,進而分析不同整合模式下的「廠商特性」與「投資動機」對勞動生產力的影響。整體實證結果發現「垂直整合」對台商赴中國大陸投資勞動生產力具有顯著影響,「資本密集度」、「國際化程度」與「政策因素」之垂直整合廠商,亦均對勞動生產力具有顯著影響。就廠商特性而言,「廠商規模」、「研發密集度」、「資本密集度」是影響台商赴中國大陸投資勞動生產力的決定因素;當廠商不考慮「研發密集度」因素時,「資訊電子工業」及「國際化程度」方為影響勞動生產力的重要因素。而投資動機方面,僅「政策因素」是影響勞動生產力的決定因素。
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公營銀行民營化經營績效之研究 / The Operating Performance Research of State-owned Banks' Privatization洪偉洲, Hung,Wei-Chou Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:公營銀行、民營化、經營績效、銀行經營原則、結構方程式模式 / In recent years, there are many difficulties in the Taiwanese banking industry, especially the over-banking problem. Every bank uses the price competition to broaden its market share because they have no innovative ability to create new products and services. In order to solve this problem, Taiwanese government regarded privatization as the best way to improve state-owned banks’ operating performance. This issue has also become a very popular subject of studies.
This study investigated the difference of operating performance between pre-privatization and post-privatization. It discussed and examined the relationship among Safety, Activity, Liquidity, Profitability and Growth. Based on the results, Profitability is directly affected by Safety and Growth. In addition, Growth is also directly affected by Activity. So, if managers of a bank want to make profit continuously, they have to care about not only sales growth but also risk management.
After privatization, there are three increasing indicators, including equity ratio, current ratio and quick ratio. However, there are still eight decreasing ones, inclusive of fixed asset turnover ratio, equity turnover ratio, total asset turnover ratio, return on asset (ROA), return on equity (ROE), profit margin on sales, equity growth rate and sales growth rate. As a result, privatization is probably not the best solution to improve the operating performance of state-owned banks.
Key words: state-owned banks, privatization, operating performance
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學術理論與實務觀點的對話─傳統紡織企業的經營績效與公司治理問題探討 / The Dialogues between Academic and Practice -- Business Performance and Corporate Governance from Traditional Textile Industry李淑芬 Unknown Date (has links)
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國際化程度對台灣銀行業經營績效之影響:2005-2013 / The Effect of Internationalization on Bank Performance for Taiwan Banking Industry:2005-2013龔俊吉 Unknown Date (has links)
在本國銀行國際化方面,研究結果顯示三種國際化變數FSTS、FATA、OSTS對於ROA、ROE皆呈現顯著正相關;外資銀行進入程度方面,FATA2、OSTS2對於ROA、ROE皆呈現顯著正相關。表示國際化確實對於我國銀行之財務績效有正面助益。最後進一步分析國際化策略差異之影響,發現採用攻擊型國際化策略之銀行績效顯著高於防禦型國際化策略之銀行,唯邊際效果並不顯著,因此建議銀行業可積極採取至具高成長潛力的海外國家設立據點的國際化策略。 / The robustness of the financial sector is usually closely related to a country’s economic development. In recent years, domestic banks have proactively expanded into overseas markets. This study investigates the influence of internationalization on the performance of Taiwan’s banking sector in terms of financial globalization. First, the degree of internationalization of Taiwan’s banking industry and the extent of foreign bank entry will separately examined on the basis of statistical data. Next, the effects of the domestic banks’ internationalization and foreign banks entry on overall financial performance of Taiwan banks from 2005-2013 will be evaluated by applying the multiple regression analysis. Finally, a further analysis on whether the various internationalization strategies will lead to different performance among the banks will be conducted. The results of this study are as follows:
The degree of internationalization of Taiwan’s banking sector is explored from the following aspects: the proportion of oversea branches, the ratios of oversea assets, and the percentage of oversea revenues. The results show that there has been a steady growth of oversea branches and assets in the past decade except oversea revenues that declined initially but rose later. The degree of internationalization of Taiwan’s banking sector was 10.4%, 17.5%, 19.3% respectively by the end of 2014. Similarly, the degree of foreign bank entry is inspected from the following aspects: the proportion of foreign bank branches, the ratios of foreign bank assets, and the percentage of foreign bank revenues. The percentage of foreign banks entry was 4.7%, 14%, 13.5% by the end of 2013. Overall, this rate is not too high.
When it comes to domestic banks’ internalization, the results demonstrate that three variables FSTS, FATA, and OSTS are significantly positively correlated with ROA, and ROE. As for the foreign bank entry level, FATA2, OSTS2 are significantly positively correlated with ROA and ROE. This indicates that globalization does have a positive effect on the financial performance of Taiwan’s banks. Finally, as far as the further analysis of internationalization strategies is concerned, it is found that banks with offensive approaches have significantly higher performance than those with defensive approaches. However, the marginal effect is not significant. Thus, it is recommended that the banking industry can adopt an aggressive internationalization strategy to establish overseas branches in countries which have a high growth potential.
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台商大陸投資對其經營績效之影響 —以連接器產業為例 / The Impact of Investing in China on the Operating Performance of Taiwanese Firms—Evidence from the Connector Industry陳志哲 Unknown Date (has links)
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集團企業執行庫藏股之個案研究 / Corproate stock repurchases case study胡為之, Hwu, Wei Jy Unknown Date (has links)
一、動 機:經營管理人員認為公司股價被低估,為買回庫藏股的主要動機,其次為對未來盈餘與股價具有信心,轉讓員工排名第三,與訊號發射假說關係密切;經營管理者認為執行庫藏股並非單一財務事件,而是公司整體策略面變革的一環,可協助公司達成每股盈餘的改善目標。
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以RAROC評估產險公司經營績效─以富邦產物保險公司為例李建忠 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 在傳統財務比率之下,富邦產物保險公司的經營能力與本國老公司大致相同,但獲利能力明顯優於本國老公司。
2. 在風險調整資本報酬比率下,營運部分之績效比較結果為:
(1) 在全部業務之下,富邦產物保險公司與本國老公司大致相同。
(2) 在扣除分保業務之後,富邦產物明顯優於本國老公司
3. 在風險調整資本報酬比率下,富邦產物之投資方面的經營績效明顯優於本國老公司。 / After the renovation of financial market and the establishment of financial holding company in Taiwan, insurance companies, banks and security institutes will not operate independently, and their efficiency on operation will affect themselves. Subsidiary companies not only focus on efficiency on operation, but also measure variation of risk on operation to achieve a balance between risk and return.
This study applies the concept of Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC) to measure efficiency on operation of non-life insurance company in financial holding company. The empirical analysis is conducted based on the financial data of non-life insurance companies in Taiwan during the period of 1984-2003.
The empirical results are summarized as follow.
1. Base on traditional financial ratios, the underwriting efficiency of Fubon is the same as the other companies, but in the part of investment, Fubon is more efficient than other companies.
2. Based on Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital for measuring underwriting efficiency:
(1) Fubon and old local companies are the same efficient for total business.
(2) Fubon is significantly more efficient than other companies for the retained business.
3. Based on Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital for measuring investment efficiency, Fubon is better than other companies.
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財務主管異動之決定性因素與異動對後續經營績效及財務危機之關聯性探討周慈芳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究首先從經營績效、公司特性及公司治理角度探討財務主管之異動行為,並分析財務主管異動與後續經營績效及財務危機之關聯性。相關實證結果發現,前期經營績效不佳與內部治理愈差之公司會傾向更動財務主管,且當公司經營績效及財務狀況逐期惡化時,財務主管異動會較頻繁,但未發現控股結構複雜度與財務主管異動有關。此外,財務主管異動後之公司經營績效並無改善之跡象,符合惡性循環假說。財務主管異動與財務危機之研究結果發現,財務主管異動頻率與財務危機呈正向關係惟並不顯著,但若以下市或全額交割定義財務危機時,實證結果顯示,財務主管異動較頻繁、公司內部治理較差之公司,發生下市或全額交割之可能性愈高。 / This thesis examines the determinants of chief financial officer (CFO) turnover behavior and whether CFO turnover signals the operating performance of subsequent period. In addition, the association between CFO turnover and financial distress is also investigated.
The empirical findings show that CFOs of firms with poor operating performance and weak internal governance environment are more likely to have turnovers. Deterioration in operating performance and financial conditions leads increase in frequency of the CFO turnover. Moreover, the CFO turnover tends to precede a poorer subsequent operating performance. While there is no association between the frequency of CFO turnover and occurrence of financial distress, it is found that higher the frequency of CFO turnover and poorer the internal governance environment, higher the probability of delisting of firms.
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運用財報資訊評估企業經營績效與預測財務危機之研究-以分析損益表及現金流量表之資訊為主蔡惠玲, Tsai, Hui-ling Unknown Date (has links)
2.損益與現金流量項目對企業財務危機之預測攸關性:本研究所選取之關鍵損益與現金流量項目均對企業爆發財務危機前3年度內,區分出財務危機公司與正常公司之顯著差異,顯示所採取的變數具有差異性價值。 / The individual investors account for 80% as compared to 20% institutional investors, which characterized Taiwan’s stock market. Individual investors lack the capability to comprehend financial statements. They seldom rely on fundamental analysis of corporate performance to make investment decisions. In a stock market with the characteristics as Taiwan the individual investors are usually the victims of insider trading and market speculation.
The purpose of this study is to identify certain financial items from income statement and the statement of cash flows which are easy to understand by the individual investors and are valuation relevant as well as possessing the capability to predict the financial distress of listed companies.
Nine financial items from income statement and the statement of cash flows were selected for test and the results indicate that:
1.All selected financial items are valuation relevant in distinguishing short term, mid-term and long term operating performance.
2.All selected financial items are capable of predicting financial failure of enterprises three years preceding the financial distress emerge.
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