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夏制服改正の取り組み(共同研究)石榑, 悦子 15 August 1992 (has links)
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我國利率自由化發展之研究王芳瓊, Wang, Fang-Qiong Unknown Date (has links)
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誰否決?新興市場金融自由化改革的政治分析:智利、南韓與巴西經驗的比較葉長城, Yeh, Chang Chen Unknown Date (has links)
首先,本文根據三國金改在「步伐、範圍與程度」上的差異,建構三種不同長期金改路徑,即:「震盪-全面型改革」(shock-comprehensive reform)、「漸進-部分型改革」(gradual-partial reform)與「延緩-有限型改革」(delayed-limited reform)。這三種長期金改路徑的分歧,主要來自三國短期金改類型(即大幅改革、緩慢改革、無改革與改革倒退)變遷的累積。
1985年以後,市場導向的政策取向逐漸在執政聯盟裡取得主導地位,但反對勢力否決力量反而在恢復民主體制後轉強。巴西推動改革的兩項重要條件未能配合,使其長期金改路徑始終無法脫離改革緩慢與延宕的狀態。迄Cardoso民主政府執政後,新自由主義的改革路線在執政聯盟裡取得主導地位,再加上反對勢力的否決力量相對轉弱,才促成巴西出現少見的大幅改革現象。 / The dissertation mainly explains why these three emerging markets, Chile, South Korea and Brazil, while facing the same challenge from the international economic liberalization since the late 1970s, have different short-term policy responses. These differences ultimately create the divergence among these three countries on the long-term financial liberalization reform. This research integrates the domestic and international level of analysis by focusing on two parts, the international policy environment and the domestic policy process and outcome, to observe the interaction between the institutional veto points and the key actors in policymaking and its impact on the financial liberalization reforms among three countries over time.
First, this research constructs three typologies of long-term financial liberalization paths by their different reform “pace”, “scope” and “depth”. They are “shock-comprehensive reform”, “gradual-partial reform”, and “delayed-limited reform.” The divergence of these three long-term financial reforms is mainly accumulated by the change of three countries’ short-term type of reform (large reform, gradual reform, non reform and reform reversal) over time.
Second, this research clarifies the evolution of the long-term financial liberalization paths of three countries by conducting comparative and longitudinal case-studies. It argues that the change of short-term type of reform is mainly influenced by two causes, i.e. the veto power of opponents among key actors in policymaking (weak or strong) and policy orientations of the ruling coalition (market-oriented or state intervention).
The case of Chile shows that the “shock-comprehensive reform paths” during 1970-2000 is mainly based on the successful large financial reform of Pinochet regime from 1975 to 1989. The pro-Pinochet authoritarians checked the change of pragmatic neoliberal reform with the constitutional veto powers after the democratic Concertación government in office and kept Pinochet-style economic policies intact in the end.
In South Korea case, the “gradual-partial reform paths” was from the big conglomerates’ (chaebols) opposition to the complete financial liberalization during 1980-1997. It brought the tug of war of ruling coalition’s policy orientation between market-oriented and state intervention, hence contributed to the oscillation of short-term financial liberalization reform types between large reform and reform reversal in South Korea. In 1997, the Asian financial crisis hit the economy of South Korea severely, and brought the turning point of the change of “gradual-partial reform path” in the past.
The structure of old ruling coalition was collapsed due to the regime change and the takeover of President Kim Dae-jung, the market reform faction. While the veto power of opposition party was getting weaker, Kim Dae-jung administration was able to boost the structural reform of financial system in South Korean during 1998-2000, and ultimately contributed to the major change of “gradual-partial reform path”.
In Brazil, the absence of the combination of policy orientation and veto power of opponents among key actors in policymaking, which may cause the large reform, was the main reason of its “delayed-limited reform”. During 1961-1979, the weakening opponents’ veto power opened the window of opportunity for the large reform, but failed due to the state-intervention policies adopted by the successive ruling coalitions most of time.
After the advent of democratic era in 1985, the market-oriented policy was dominant in various democratic ruling coalitions. However, the strengthening veto power of opponents after the recovery of democratic regime became the obstacle of the actualization of reform policy. The mismatch of two causes which may contribute to the happening of large reform was not changed until Cardoso government in office. The neoliberal policy orientation of President Cardoso’s ruling coalition and the weakening veto power of opponents contributed to the rare large reform in the path of delayed and limited financial liberalization in Brazil.
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WTO資訊科技協定(ITA)之研究:科技發展下ITA產品範圍的爭議與解決 / Information technology agreement (ITA) of the WTO: Product coverage, dispute settlement and technological development曾顯照, Tseng, Hsien Chao Unknown Date (has links)
鑑於此類爭議將演變為體制性問題,本文提出二項建議方案。第一,採行ITA委員會通知處理機制尋求通案解決,討論過程納入貨品貿易規範在其他領域敘及之「同類產品」的認定要素,基於創新產品變動並參照當前科技發展等市場實務進行考量,合理擴張ITA產品範圍。第二,爭取在當前杜哈回合談判通過相關部門別自由化方案擴大ITA產品範圍,建構零或低關稅的資訊科技產品貿易環境,其落實將有助於全球資訊科技產業之發展,亦可強化多邊貿易體系之整體運作。 / Information Technology Agreement (hereinafter ITA) has made significant contribution to the free trade in IT products since its conclusion at the end of 1996. It has been recognized as a successful model of sectorial trade liberalization in the WTO multilateral trading system. However, with the rapid advent of new technology, challenges arising from the determination of tariff treatment on newly innovated IT products become outstanding. Indeed, whether those innovated products are subject to the duty-free treatment of ITA merits intensive considerations. As demonstrated in the first dispute specifically on the prodcut coverage of ITA, where Taiwan, United States and Japan filed against the European Communities in 2008 for three IT products, i.e. set-top box, multi-functional office machine and LCD monitor, how the disptue settlement institutions respond to the applicability of the ITA in the context of techonogical develpment would be critical to the effectiveness of future ITA.
In this study, the author argues that relevant factors to be taken into account by the panel adjudicating the ITA dispute include the tariff classification principle embodied in the Harmonized System Convention of the WCO, as well as the “common intention” of all or a great majority of ITA participants pursuant to Article 31 and 32 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT). Specifically, an examination of the EC’s commitments under schedules of tariff concession by virtue of text (ordinary meaning), object and purpose, context, subsequent practice and relevant rules of international law as stipulated in Article 31 of the VCLT are of importance. Furthermore, looking at elements as to preparatory work and circumstances of the conclusion of the EC’s schedule in accordance with Article 32 of the VCLT is also relevant.
On systemic issues, the author proposes two solutions. First, the inclusion of a new notification mechanism into the ITA Committee could be feasilbe. By adopting the concept of “like products” applicable to other fields of trade in goods, the ITA’s product coverage can be reasonably expanded on the basis of the modification of innovated products and advent of modern technology in the market. Second, achieving the consensus on sectorial liberalization of expanded IT products under on-going Doha Round would contribute to establish zero (or low) tariff environment for IT products, which would benefit not only to the global IT industry but also to the multilateral trading system as a whole.
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台灣產物保險業之資金成本與費率自由化 / Cost of capital and deregulation in Taiwan property-liability insurance張孝銓, Chang, Hsiao Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的欲探討實施費率自由化第一及第二階段後之情形,即在2006年第二階段實施後,台灣產物保險公司及各險種個別之資金成本,以檢視兩階段自由化實施後是否顯著影響國內產險業。而資金成本為公司每段期間內應支付資金提供者之期望報酬,故以此可做為日後公司經營之參考指標。研究期間為2002年至2008年,分別由一因子模型及多因子模型解釋台灣產物保險業之資金成本,及系統風險(β)的變化是否會影響其資金成本之變動。利用資本資產定價模型(Capital Asset Pricing Model, CAPM)及Fama-French三因子模型(Fama-French Three-Factor Model, FF3F)求得公司資金成本,再透過完備資訊方法(The Full-information Industry Beta Method, FIB)了解不同險種間之系統風險及資金成本。實證結果顯示:
1. 無論在整體產險公司或是不同險種間,由FF3F模型所估計之資金成本均高於由CAPM模型所估計之資金成本。說明CAPM模型無法反映公司規模及財務危機因子(淨值市價比因子)之溢酬,而造成資金成本之低估。
2. 經CAPM模型及FF3F模型之估計,顯示台灣產險業之資金成本均低於國外產險業之資金成本,如美國。說明台灣產險業於資本市場之融資成本較低,造成其資本效率偏低,投資人變相縱容產險公司從事高風險性資產之投資。
本研究由台灣實證資料,顯示現行產險業資金取得成本低,導致其資本效率偏低,且投資人無法由市場資訊檢視其保險本業是否根據成本之考量來定價,故主管機關應於費用完全自由化後,加強產險業經營之監理,導正產險市場經營模式,避免因核保循環(underwriting cycle)而影響公司財務穩健。
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歐洲聯盟與「非加太國家」關係之研究黃凱苹 Unknown Date (has links)
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論中共之反「和平演變」 / On Chinese Communists' Anti-Peaceful Evolution王翼龍, Wang, Yi Lung Unknown Date (has links)
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競爭市場下汽車險業務經營管理策略之研究 / Operating Management and Strategy forAutomobile Insurance in Taiwan's Competitive Market沈順卿, Shen,Shun-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文主要係在探討競爭市場下汽車險業務經營管理策略,並以寶來證券集團在中央產物經營汽車險業務的結果為個案研究。首先介紹台灣汽車險市場的現況,接著並就費率自由化的實施,探討其對台灣汽車險市場的影響,同時也針對汽車險市場經營的瓶頸加以瞭解及提出解決之道,筆者也藉此提供個人的些微建議,希望能對政府擬訂監理政策及產險同業透過汽車險業務經營策略的再思考,藉由創新商品的開發及行銷通路的多元化等多方的努力,以對開創台灣汽車險業務經營的藍海策略有所助益,是本篇論文提出的最主要目的。 / In 2005, the written premium of automobile insurance was NT$ 58.87 billion, occupied 49.67% and the majority part of the written premium of non-life insurance in Taiwan(the written premium of non-life insurance was NT$ 118.5 billion in 2005). In the meantime, the business portfolio of automobile insurance to non-life insurance remain at 45%-50% steadily. Because the growth and decrease of business portfolio of automobile insurance will significantly influent the ranking and the cash flow of non-life insurance companies, the owners of non-life insurance companies pay highly attention on the operation of automobile insurance.
In Taiwan, the source of automobile insurance can be divided into two parts: direct market approach and indirect market approach. Indirect market approach contributed 40% business income, and the automobile insurance agents contributed 30% premium income.
The market share of non-life insurance business is approximately fixed. Due to the business scope of automobile insurance agents and brokers are selling the new cars, the non-life insurance companies give ultimate efforts to attract them. Moreover, we must pay attention on the fact that the automobile insurance commodities is homogeneous, the reason is affected by the tariff of regulator, therefore, under the premise that the market can’t be obviously divided, if the insurance companies still intend to raise its’business portfolio, the most rapid and efficient way is to lift up commission to match the commission requirement of automobile insurance agents, and to collocate with certain ratio of damaged car requiring and/or regular maintence. This kind of operation mode makes insurance company can cover the cost by its investing profit while economic boom, but will overload while economic depression, then causing operating crisis. The most conspicuous case is that the Polaris Securities Group sold Central Insurance Company(CIC)to AIG Group while Polaris Securities Group found the operating results of automobile insurance business in CIC was inconsistent with its anticipation.
This thesis mainly discusses the operating and management strategy of automobile insurance in a competitive market, and give an example by Polaris Securities Group’s running automobile insurance business in CIC for case study. The thesis first introduces the current condition of Taiwan automobile insurance market, then probe into the influence of rate liberalization to the said market. Simultaneously, to understand the predicament of automobile insurance market and bring up the possible solution. The author provides some suggestions for government agency to draw up supervisory policy and for non-life insurance companies to set up operating strategy. By the way of innovating insurance commodities and diversifying marketing routes, the author hopes that it will helpful to jointly inaugurate the“Blue Ocean Strategy”of the operation of Taiwan automobile insurance. It’s the main goal of this thesis.
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本文將採用溫特的社會建構論做為研究的理論框架,亦即建構主義中的三個I:認同(身分)、利益和制度。以社會建構論應用在兩岸關係上是有其意義的,同時也顧及了國際關係理論做為一種積累式學科的特殊性。根據社會建構論指出,國家認同(身分)是透過文化規則以塑造,如1980年代臺灣人民對於民主的認知,及1970年代之後中國自由化的過程,都是其政治文化的一部分。因此,國家認同(身分)在以利益為驅動的國際關係下,必須以「國與國」的關係所取代。本文將以1970-80年代兩岸關係做為案列,解釋國家認同(身分)在「國與國」的關係中的使用。 / The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the state identity in the state-to-state relations of mainland China and Taiwan. Following the ‘liberalization’ process on the mainland in the late 1970s and Taiwan’s ‘democratization’ of the 1980s, a thawing of relations between the PRC and the ROC was effected. The subsequent exchange between both sides of the Taiwan Strait has included such important changes as the ROC government’s lifting of travel and trade-related restrictions to mainland China in 1987. More importantly, when one-party rule was lifted the people of Taiwan were given the chance to shape the political landscape with the help of democratic reforms which gave a new substance to the political nature of the exchange.
The focal point of this study will be the argument that the ‘democratization’ and the ‘liberalization’ processes on both sides is not only because of the regime change but also the ideological shift caused by a number of extra-political factors, most notably economic factors. Although no effective mechanism for long-lasting peace has been established in Cross-Strait Relations since the end of the militarized disputes between the PRC and the ROC in 1979, this period also witnessed a shift in policy towards social liberalization along with an increased emphasis on economic development on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. I will approach the relationship between ‘democratization’ or ‘liberalization’ and Cross-Strait Relations through three focal questions:
i.How has it been the effect of state identity in the late 1970s and 1980s in China and in Taiwan under their respective leaderships?
ii.How did these developments within the two Chinese entities affect relations across the Taiwan Strait?
iii.How will both sides modify their policies in the future to create circumstances more conducive to reconciliation with the other side?
I intend to use Wendt's Social Constructivist theory as the theoretical framework of the research on the basis of “3 I’s of Social Constructivism”, namely ‘Identity, Interest and Institution’. The application of Social Constructivism as an International Relations theory to Cross-Strait Relations aims to be relevant and persuasive considering the ad hoc –event driven– characteristic of International Relations as a discipline being accumulative. In Social Constructivism, state identities shape through the cultural norms, such as the Taiwanese perception of democracy as part of its own political culture in the early 1980s and the liberalization process of China from the late 1970s onwards. The state identity, therefore, makes room for the state-to-state relations under the International Relations driven by the national interest. The effect of the state identity in the state-to-state relations in the case study of Cross-Strait Relations, in the late 1970s and in the late 1980s respectively, will be comprehensively subjected to examination in my research.
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新興市場國家金融危機成因之研究—以俄羅斯為案例 / The Research on the Causes of Financial crises in the Emerging-Market Economies -- the Case Study of Russia羅任媛, Lo, Jen-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究含括了墨西哥金融危機、亞洲金融危機與俄羅斯金融危機,主要是希望能歸納出90年代新興市場國家發生金融危機的普遍性原因。首先本論文先探討分析文獻上三大類型的金融危機理論,含括金融危機可預測與不可預測的原因。本論文試圖將可預測的經濟基本面歸為內部因素,不可預測的國際資金變動歸為外部因素。當一新興市場國家正在從事經濟結構改革或經濟轉型,而資本市場架構與金融機構監督機制與規範都尚未健全時,如果該國將金融市場自由化並允許大筆外資流入國內金融體系,則短期、投機性國際資金將會扭曲金融結構,造成經濟基本面的惡化。當不可預測的國際資金環境轉變時,一方面受到資金逆流衝擊著脆弱的金融部門,另一方面已經不健全的經濟基本面將嚴重惡化。此時政府採取的提高利率政策與賣出外匯捍衛本國釘住匯率制,卻會同時嚴重傷及本國銀行體系,促使金融機構面臨倒閉、陷入流動性不足的危機,結果投資者的信心仍然潰散而國內則造成金融體系的崩潰,終而引發全面性的金融危機。在建立了初步的研究假設後,我們以墨西哥金融危機與亞洲金融危機作為驗證。我們的研究案例中將包括危機發生的國家與當時未發生危機的國家作為對照組。在墨西哥危機,我們以智利作為對照組。在亞洲五國危機(印尼、韓國、馬來西亞、菲律賓與泰國),我們以中國大陸、新加坡、台灣作為對照組。在確立了我們的理論模型後,我們以個案研究的方式深入瞭解俄羅斯特殊的轉型經濟體質。俄羅斯激烈的經濟結構改革措施,使國家從金融封閉整合入世界資本市場。俄羅斯面臨著外資大量流入金融市場,然而總體經濟面卻在財政與貨幣政策相互矛盾的狀況下,實質經濟依舊無法發展起來,而金融體質嚴重惡化的情況。俄羅斯的案例也同樣證明本論文的論點,一個新興市場國家資本帳的開放必須有其先決條件且循序漸進的開放。一國能否將國際資金導入對於實質產業有所助益的直接投資,是新興市場國家所面臨的重要課題。不然,資本自由化先決條件的不足而快速地實施自由化,將只是加速金融危機的到來。 / This research has included the financial crises of Mexico, Asia and Russia, mainly expecting to conclude the general causes for the financial crises of emerging market economies in the 1990s. First, the paper reviews the three types of theoretical literature on financial crises, including predictable and unpredictable causes. This thesis tries to refer to the predictable economic fundamental part as internal factors, and the unpredictable, international capital mobility as external factors. When an emerging market country is engaged in economic structural reform or economic transition, and when the capital-market architecture and the system of financial-sector supervision and regulation are not sound, if the country liberalize financial market and allow large-scale foreign capital to inflow into domestic financial system, then short-term, speculative international capital will deteriorate financial structure and the economic fundamentals will become worse. When the environment of unpredictable international capital changes, on the one hand, the withdrawal of foreign capital impacts the vulnerable financial sector, and on the other hand, the unhealthy economic fundamentals will become seriously worse. At the same time, the government takes measures to raise interest rates and to sell foreign currency to defend the pegged exchange rate, which will seriously weaken the banking system, causing the bankrupt and the crisis of illiquidity. As a result, the confidence of investors will crash down and the native financial institutions will collapse, and this gives rise to the financial crisis in large scale. After the presumption of this research, we take Mexican and Asian financial crises for example. We try to give corresponding cases for contrast. In Mexican crisis, we take Chile as a contradistinctive group. In five Asian country crises (Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philip, and Thailand), we take China, Singapore, and Taiwan as a contradistinctive group. After proving our model, we try to take Russia as a case study because of the special nature of economic transformation of Russia. The policy of drastic structural economic reform has made Russia step from the financial isolation to the integration into World’s capital market. Russia faces the large-scale foreign capital inflow in the financial market, while the real economy can not recover and domestic financial institutions become structurally weak because of the contradiction of the fiscal and monetary policy. The case of Russia also shows us the argument of this thesis--capital-account liberalization of an emerging market must depend on its prerequisites and steadiness of liberalization. When a nation can make proper use of the capital, conducting foreign investment to real economy is the important challenge of an emerging market. Otherwise, the capital-account liberalization will speed up the coming of financial crisis.
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