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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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我國政治菁英政治文化之研究:以憲法修正為中心的分析 / The study of political culture of political elite in ROC:Analyzing of amendment to the constitution

陳育佐, Chen, Yu Tso Unknown Date (has links)
我國自1978年解嚴以降,修憲一直是我國民主化發展中最為重要的途徑。 而每一次的修憲皆對我國的政治、經濟、社會等層面產生極大的影響,也塑造出我國的政治文化。 自1950年代末期,Almond首次以「政治文化」(political culture)作為研究主題後,五十多年來,無論國內外,政治文化之研究已是重要的研究方向。 一般政治文化研究多著墨在人民的政治態度與取向;相對而言,「政治菁英的政治文化」的相關研究上卻付之闕如。在我國政治發展的歷程中,政治菁英扮演了重要的角色,尤其在威權轉型之後,他們對於國家重要制度的建立及政府體制的革新等,深深影響著我國之國家發展的走向。 故本文以政治菁英為主體,利用政治文化指標,從歷次修憲中探究政治菁英所表現出的政治文化類型,並深入探討政治菁英在修憲歷程中所扮演的角色與影響的層面。

臺灣女性菁英的政治參與-以蔡英文為例 / A Study on the Political Participation of Female Elites in Taiwan: the case of Tsai Ing-wen

陳貴琳, Chen, Kuei Lin Unknown Date (has links)
民主成為一股全球性的潮流,帶動女性在缺席以久的政治場域上的出現和積極參與。從1960年斯里蘭卡誕生第一位民選女性總理開始,近半個世紀以來世界各國紛紛出現女性領導人。台灣於1996年首度舉行總統直選,2016年選出首位女性總統蔡英文,這樣的發展對台灣的性別平權有重大意義。本研究旨在透過文獻分析與深度訪談來分析,蔡英文身為一位女性在台灣的脈絡下成為首位女性國家領導人的條件;研究結果發現,政治機會、社會文化與個人資本是女性從政的重要條件。豐沛的個人資本奠定蔡英文政治參與的基礎,也是她進入合格人才庫及參選人才庫的要件;其次,即使具有高教育程度與專業經歷等條件,蔡英文的出場一開始仍然受到「男性不在場」的性別框架限制,但政治機會的出現與把握是她能夠突破參選人才庫的天花板成為民進黨內最高權力者的主因;最後,台灣社會性別文化由排斥女性參政逐漸轉變為鼓勵女性參政甚至欣賞女性政治菁英特質,也成為蔡英文當選總統的重要脈絡條件。本研究最後認為,以蔡英文為個案來探討台灣女性菁英的政治參與的重要意義在於進一步觀察,蔡英文成為首位女性國家領導人是否有助於提升台灣社會整體性別意識、改變父權的社會結構與文化,最終達成多數甚至全體台灣女性的解放。 / Against the background of global trend of democracy, women appear to be more active in the field of politics and public sphere where they have been absent for a long time. Since the election of the first ever female national leader in Sri Lanka in 1960, we have seen more democratically-elected female leaders around the world. Taiwan held its first direct presidential election in 1996, and elected its first female president Tsai Ing-wen in 2016. This is certainly a notable achievement as far as the pursuit of gender equality in Taiwan is concerned. Through literature analysis and in-depth interview and using Tsai Ing-wen as its case, this study seeks to explore the conditions, institutional as well as cultural, conducive to political empowerment and participation of female elites in the context of Taiwan. It is found that political opportunity, women-friendly culture, and personal capital are important for understanding the success of women in politics. In the case of Tsai, abundant personal capital lays the foundation for her participation in the government and in party politics. Which helps her enter ‘the pools of eligibles and of candidates.’ Despite the various forms of capital Tsai has enjoyed, political opportunities were only available for Tsai when “male are absent” specifically within her party, the Democratic Progressive Party. Last but not the least, an emerging more women-friendly culture among the society in Taiwan also contributes to Tsai’s success in politics. This study concludes that the contribution and value of studying the case of Tsai to discuss the elite women 's political participation in Taiwan lie in first, exploring the conditions that help female elites break the glass ceiling in traditionally male-dominate field of politics; and secondly, emphasizing that the election of Tsai as Taiwan’s first ever female president will only be truly meaningful for the pursuit of gender equality when the society’s gender consciousness is enhanced, patriarchal structure and culture changed, and most if not all women liberated.

後極權發展模式下的政治甄補:以中共海歸派為例 / Political Recruitment in Post-Totalitarianism Capitalist Developmental State:the Case of Chinese Returned Students

黃意植 Unknown Date (has links)
吳玉山提出「後極權資本主義發展國家」的概念來形容為何中國在維持高速經濟發展的同時,依然保有對國家機器的控制與公民社會的滲透,他認為中國大陸發展趨勢乃是揉合了蘇東和東亞模式,經改上的亮眼表現雖然帶來政治參與的壓力,但中共卻能夠有效轉化這些壓力,回應外界挑戰並且持續執政、鞏固一黨領導。隨著中國大陸擴展國際視野,具有留學背景的菁英也逐漸在高層政治中嶄露頭角,然而海歸菁英由於曾經接觸西方民主思潮,因此成為政治甄用對象中最有可能產生價值矛盾的族群。依循這樣的思路,本文試圖從政治菁英甄補(political recruitment)的面向,解釋中共如何在推動經濟成長的同時延續國家統治的絕對優勢。本文發現海歸派在政治領域中發揮諮詢的功能並扮演執行的角色,主要集中在學術單位與政府職能部門。在仕途發展方面,除了在原生系統升遷之外,海歸官員於不同升遷渠道間的水平流動,以「政府機關往人大政協」的晉升為主。我們認為造成這種現象的原因,乃是中共致力於推動現代化建設,但另一方面又擔心西方民主思想滲透動搖共產黨領導的結果。 / The party control over state apparatuses and civil society has remained strong during China’s rapid economic rise. The approach China has taken after economic reform has been an amalgamation of the Soviet/Eastern European and East Asian models, which is the Post-Totalitarian Capitalist Developmental State, provided by Yu-Shan Wu. Foreign-educated returnees have already emerged in China’s political arena as a distinguished political elite group, as characterized by the skills for external communication and technical knowledge that they posses. Furthermore, for the foreign-educated political elite, the experience of oversea studies also may cause tension between the one-party dictatorship thinking and the western democratic ideals in their mind. We attempt to explain how the CCP simultaneously promotes economic growth and maintains political domination from the dimension of political recruitment. There are two main findings in this paper: First, most of the returnees work in academic units and professional departments in government. They play the role of consultants or executives during decision making processes. Second, for career paths the most obvious political mobility of the foreign-educated elites among recruitment channels is the “Government toward NPC and CPPCC”. To conclude, this reveals that the Chinese leaders are determined on preventing the penetration of western democratic ideals on one hand, and accelerating the modernization of China on the other.

美國對中國崛起之認知分析:1992~2009年 / How U.S. perceive a rising China:1992~2009

王怡婷 Unknown Date (has links)
中國的國力及影響力在本世紀以來顯著地上升,使得美中關係成為國際事務中最重要的議題。本研究試圖從決策層次的角度來檢視美中關係,透過對一系列意見調查數據的分析及歸納,分別描繪出「美國公眾」及「美國菁英」兩個團體對中國崛起的認知樣貌,並且說明此種認知之內涵與意義。 本研究發現,美國公眾與美國菁英對於中國崛起的認知皆帶有濃厚的務實主義(pragmatism)色彩:他們雖然對美中之間日益接近的經濟力量、中國的軍事發展及以人權狀況感到憂慮,卻同時也認知到中國日益高漲的國際影響力及其所帶來的經濟利益對美國的重要性,因此支持政府與中國進行經濟上的交往,並在能源及亞太安全等議題上合作,而非與之正面衝突。而這樣的務實看法形塑了美國的中國政策,鼓勵了中國在國際體系中的制度性崛起,將可能的衝突來源轉化為兩國間之共同利益,以降低中國的威脅性。值得注意的是,由於美國公眾與美國菁英對外交事務的思考有著層次之別,使得他們在對中國的貿易政策上抱持差異化的觀點;雖然公眾與菁英皆將貿易視為美中之間最大的共同利益,贊同市場開放,但是前者對開放所造成的工作外移感到威脅,在經濟環境惡化時,容易將這樣的認知轉化為對中國的負面觀感,然而,這樣的情況卻容易為後者所忽略。 / The power and influence of China have been rising significantly in this era, and made U.S.-China relation the most important issue among international affairs. This study tried to watch the relationship between U.S.-China from decision-making level, drawing the pattern of perception of U.S. public and elite on a rising China separately through summarizing, reasoning and analyzing series of survey of public and elite opinion. This study found that U.S. public and elite both hold a pragmatic perception toward a rising China. Though these two groups feel worried about the narrowing economic strength between U.S. and China, and the development of Chinese military, they also perceive the rising influence of China and the importance of huge economic interest that it brings. Therefore, they both support the government to engage and cooperate with China on trade, energy and security of Asia-Pacific region issues instead of rigid confrontation, which directly formed the China Policy of U.S., encouraged China to develop institutionally in international system. In addition, U.S. public and elite think differently about the trade policy to China due to their basic belief of foreign affairs: The former particularly feels threatened by outsourcing brought by the open market, and this kind of feeling will get stronger when the economy goes down, which easily ignored by the latter.

解密新列寧式政黨的組織化邏輯: 中國共產黨第十七屆非軍職中央委員共事網絡研究 / Decoding the Organizational Logic of the Neo-Leninist Party: A Study of the Colleague Network of the Chinese Communist Party’s 17th Central Committee

賈士麟, Jia Shilin Unknown Date (has links)
在本研究中,我通過對中國共產黨第十七屆中央委員之間的共事網絡的蒐集和分析,探索的是胡錦濤時代的黨國權力的集中化特徵。作為一個高度組織化的列寧式政黨,中國共產黨在21世紀初期依然保持了對中國的有效的威權統治,其政權的穩定和不穩定性是外界高度關注的焦點,但長期以來也因為資訊的不透明而被視為「黑盒子」。因為任何組織或者制度都是鑲嵌在社會關係中的,而組織內的共事關係是使組織作為組織運轉的重要社會關係,對共事網絡的研究有助於釐清中共作為一個菁英式政黨的組織邏輯。研究結果顯示,傳統的恩庇侍從、派系或者官僚模型對中共權力集中化的解釋都是有限的。在胡錦濤的第二屆中共中央總書記任期內,中共政治菁英的共事網絡中出現的是高度的團體與團體之間鑲嵌的狀況,結構洞大量地存在。而在控制了政治資歷變項的影響後,開放網絡中的社會資本對十七大政治菁英在十八大後擔任黨國的重要職位的機率有顯著的正向影響。社會鑲嵌應有助於解釋中共的威權韌性。 / Through collecting and analyzing the colleague network of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s 17th Central Committee, this research attempts to analyze the characteristic of the party state’s power centralization in the Hu Jintao era. As a highly organized Leninist party, the CCP still effectively maintains its authoritarian control of China at the beginning of the 21st century. The stability and instability of the regime has always been of great interest to outside observers, but its elite politics has always been seen as a “black box” because of its lack of transparency. Insofar as all organizations and institutions are embedded in social relations, and colleague relationships inside an organization are key social relationships that facilitate the organization to run as an organization, a study of the CCP’s colleague network would help to explicate the elitist party’s organizational logic. My finding suggests that classical models of patron-clientelism, factionalism, or bureaucracy provide only limited explanation of the CCP’s current form of power centralization. During Hu Jintao’s second term serving as the General Secretary of the Party, there exist a great amount of mutual embeddedness and structural holes among different groups inside the colleague network of the CCP’s political elites. After controlling the effect of political qualification variables, their amount of social capitals in open networks have significant positive correlation with their chance of occupying more advanced positions after the 18th Party Congress. Social embeddedness helps to explain the CCP’s authoritarian resilience.

普丁時期俄羅斯菁英政治之研究 / A study of elite politics in Putin's Russia

林子恆, Lin, Tzu Heng Unknown Date (has links)
蘇聯時期性質單一的「意識型菁英」在戈巴契夫的政經改革下開始分化成政治菁英與經濟菁英兩大類。到了葉爾欽時期,由於國家制度不彰、政府職能紊亂以及聯邦從屬關係被破壞,再加上總統本人執政後期健康情形不佳而導致大權旁落等緣故,造成各方菁英團體為了自身利益而彼此傾軋不已,也形成了以地方勢力、反對派政黨以及經濟寡頭為箭頭的「分散型菁英」。進入普丁時期,新執政者承繼了前朝唯一「正面」的遺緒 –「集權總統制」,再佐以個人的施政風格與高人氣支持,於第一任期內便大抵完成收編菁英的政治改革:於新設立的七大聯邦區派駐聯邦權力代理人 – 總統全權代表;改革聯邦委員會以削弱地方首長勢力;組建權力黨「統一俄羅斯黨」 並掌控國家杜馬。而在「共識型菁英」的氛圍下,作為普丁政權主要幹部甄補來源的「聖彼得堡幫」成員當中,又以所謂的「強力部門幹部」為大宗。其軍警情治背景與國家治理手法不僅為普丁治下的俄羅斯型塑了「軍事政體」的外觀,更讓後共俄羅斯或多或少出現了「蘇維埃化」的傾向。 / The single-natured “ideocratic elite” of the Soviet Union begins to differentiate into political and economic elite under the impact of Gorbachev’s reforms. After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Yeltsin’s elites jostled with each other for their interests and transformed into the “fragmented elite,” characterized by regional leaders, opposition parties and economic oligarchs. This occurred due to the malfunction of state institutions, disorder of government functions, destruction of central-peripheral relations and the regency by the President’s cronies during his illness in the second term. Later in Putin’s Russia, with the only “positive” legacy – “authoritarian presidential rule” that the new ruler inherits from his predecessor as well as his own personal ruling styles and high popularity, Putin achieves the approximate incorporation of Russian elites with the political reforms in his first term, including the delegation of Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoys as federal agents in the seven new federal districts, the weakening of regional elites by reforming the Federation Council, and the seizure of the State Duma with the party of power – “United Russia.” Under the atmosphere of the “consensual elite,” the “Petersburgers” – especially the so-called “siloviki” – constitute the main source of cadre recruitment in Putin’s Russia. The security-intelligence background and state governance tactics of these siloviki not only mold the façade of “militocracy” for Putin’s regime, but more or less contribute to the tendency of “sovietization” in post-communist Russia.


陳耀煌 Unknown Date (has links)

中國國有企業領導幹部晉升的制度性流動:以國有石油石化、電力、電信產業為例 / The political mobility of state-owned enterprise elites in China: petroleum, electricity and telecommunications industries

陳鄭為, Chen, Cheng Wei Unknown Date (has links)
在中共「以黨領政」的黨國體制下,中共菁英政治的演變一向為研究中共政治的一門重要課題,菁英流動的模式與規則化則是為評析中共菁英甄補的主要觀察項目。本文的研究旨趣乃從菁英甄補的視角出發,以中國中央級國有企業高階領導幹部作為實證對象,個案產業則涵蓋石油石化、電力以及電信等三大產業共13家央企。藉由對央企領導幹部個人簡歷的查察,梳理國有企業領導幹部的晉升與流動路徑,以充實中共菁英政治研究在國有企業領導幹部此一區塊上的觀察。 本文發現,儘管國有企業歷經長時改革的過程,但在幹部人事晉用的層次上,中共黨國專制性的角色並未出現鬆動,改變只發生在企業徵用人員時,領導幹部個人所繫有之任用年齡年輕化、專業與學歷要求門檻的提高。在仕途發展方面,「企業黨組領導職務」與「產業類別」則為決定企業領導幹部個人流動與能否取得晉升機會的關鍵。以前者言,若國企領導幹部具有企業黨組書記、副書記的任職經驗,則相對具備有明顯的仕途競爭優勢。就後者而論,本文則提出一套中共操作國有企業菁英幹部甄補的規則:任職於石油石化產業的央企領導幹部,若於任內兼任黨組書記或黨組副書記一職,可以期待未來離任企業領導後,將具有較強的競爭力轉入政府部門副部級以上職位述職。電力及電信業央企領導幹部,若於任內兼任黨組書記或黨組副書記一職,則以轉任業內其他央企更高領導職位作為主要出路,並且作為幹部在個人離退前的最後一項職務。總結來說,「企業黨組領導職務」決定升遷的「准入機會」,「產業類別」則攸關晉升的部門流向。

習近平的人事調動:減緩代理問題 / Personnel reshufflings in the Xi Jinping era: alleviating the agency problem

張士峯, Chang, Shih Feng Unknown Date (has links)

中國大陸威權政體轉型的研究-以台灣經驗之對照 / A Study on the Transition of the Authoritarian Regime in China - A Case Study of Taiwan

陳佳梅, Chen,Chia-Mei Unknown Date (has links)

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