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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


林瑞山, Lin, Jui Shan Unknown Date (has links)
2005年陳水扁總統,針對軍公教退休人員之退休金及公保養老給付,得以18%利率辦理優惠存款、降低所得替代率等,要求相關單位提出改革方案。銓敘部經與教育部、國防部及行政院人事行政局等相關主管機關組成專案小組,在公務人員方面擬具「公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案」報請考試院於同年11月10日確定方案內容;至部分執行內涵則於2006年1月5日決議由銓敘部依權責自行負責處理。案經銓敘部邀集相關主管機關開會研商後,決定軍公教人員改革方案於同年2月16日同步實施。 值此,軍公教退休人員多數表達無法接受,組織退休聯盟進行各項訴求與抗爭行動;同時立法院中國國民黨黨團及親民黨黨團多數委員支持退休聯盟之主張,運用預算審查權為手段,燃起本項改革方案再度討論的關鍵力量。 本文採文獻探討法針對公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案進行研究,筆者從相關文獻及媒體的報導中發現,本項改革方案的政策制訂過程乃是以菁英決策的方式出現,主要涉及行政官員、考試委員、立法委員及軍公教退休聯盟之間的互動過程。 爰此,筆者藉由菁英理論的觀點透過David Easton 所提出的政治系統理論為基礎,將「公務人員退休所得合理化改革方案」相關影響政策制訂過程之參與者納入,提出一整合性的研究架構進行論述,並依參與人員為標準,分為行政菁英、立法菁英、知識菁英及標的團體四類,試圖經由本項改革個案的探討,進一步對菁英理論相應於政策制訂過程有較為深入之瞭解。 本文以2005年9月陳總統對外界作出「政策」宣示,迄至2008年1月立法院第六屆立法委員任期屆滿止,為研究時間範圍。首先對政策制訂過程與菁英理論進行探討,並將四類菁英就其角色與影響政策制訂的方式與策略加以論述;其次對本項改革方案制訂過程及主要爭議作詳細闡述;接續對四類菁英運用之策略進行分析;最後作出結論,整合歸納前述之研究內容,提出研究發現與後續研究之建議。


葉俊麟, Yeh, Chun-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
政治代表著一種權威性的價值分配,政府的工作便是在制訂與執行這些價值分配的政策,其間必然牽涉到權力的形成、分配與運用,而菁英往往比一般人更有權力,因此菁英如何影響政策制訂是一個值得關注的問題。 而「國民身分健保合一智慧卡(簡稱國民卡)計畫」,從相關的報導中,筆者發現國民卡一案的決策過程乃是以菁英決策的方式出現,主要涉及行政菁英、立法菁英、知識菁英與企業菁英間的互動,因而希望藉由國民卡個案的探討,進一步對菁英理論如何應用於政策制訂過程有較為深入的了解。 本文係採文獻探討法與深度訪談法,首先對政策制訂過程與菁英理論進行探討,並將菁英分為行政菁英、立法菁英、知識菁英與企業菁英四類,進而就其角色、影響政策的策略進行說明,在獲得菁英理論如何應用於政策制訂過程的大致輪廓後,接著對國民卡政策制訂過程進行說明,並對國民卡方案中各類菁英運用策略進行分析,最後作出結論。 本文研究發現如下:一、國民卡方案的制訂,深受菁英理念之影響;二、社會大眾對國民卡方案制訂之影響有限;三、少數菁英對於政策有重大影響;四、權力由一元轉為多元。 在研究建議方面,本文除對菁英理論作出建議外,對於實務上亦提供相關政策建議,包括:一、政策綠皮書的公布;二、建立完善諮詢制度,善用吸納策略;三、採取漸進策略;四、強化政黨協商,適度滿足各方需求;五、健全資訊政策相關立法。

論俄烏天然氣衝突之政治意涵―以2006年與2009年衝突為例 / A study on the political implications of natural gas conflicts between russia and ukraine: the cases in 2006 and 2009

游雅韻 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究嘗試以地緣政治研究途徑針對國際層面、國家層面來解釋俄烏天然氣爆發的深層政治因素與俄羅斯此作為的實際目的何在。 烏克蘭擁有黑海出海口,位居歐亞大陸中心,俄羅斯若控制了烏克蘭,便可直接與歐洲對話,因此烏克蘭對俄羅斯的戰略意義是不可忽視的。同時,2004年北約東擴後,烏克蘭是俄羅斯地緣安全的最後一道防線,尤申科加入北約之政策,自然招致莫斯科反彈。綜合以上因素,可以解釋出橙色革命後,俄羅斯與烏克蘭兩造於對外政策之矛盾,形成了天然氣衝突之背景。 從國際層面分析,長年依賴自俄羅斯進口之低廉能源導致烏國能源部門效率相對低落,加強了莫斯科對基輔的能源外交力度,故本文認為兩次天然氣衝突皆為俄羅斯藉由天然氣議題對烏克蘭施壓。儘管斷氣風波也招致歐盟抨擊,使得俄烏兩國國際形象大為受損;但短期來說,俄羅斯與歐盟的能源合作難以改變,但烏克蘭之能源過境地位則可能因為替代管線投入營運因素而受到弱化。 從國家層面分析,烏克蘭東部與南部多數人民支持親俄政權,西部多數人民則支持親西方政權,究其原因可分為:語言因素、宗教因素、民族因素、經濟因素、與歷史因素。本研究認為烏克蘭政治菁英之分歧導致政局動盪,同時,天然氣衝突給予不同政黨互相攻訐之議題,加上烏克蘭目前處於政治轉型之階段,以致於2006年至2008年爆發了多次政治危機。 2009年之天然氣協議提升了兩國交易透明度,然而烏克蘭之積欠天然氣債務問題仍為未知數,意味著未來俄羅斯依舊有再度對烏克蘭施壓之空間。 / In this study, I attempt to explain the political implications of natural gas conflicts between Russia and Ukraine at international and international level by means of geopolitical approach. Ukraine faces Black Sea and possesses central location in Euro-Asia continent. Russia has an initiative to intervene in European affairs if Ukraine is under its control. In a result, Ukraine is critical to Russia in its strategic layout. Meanwhile, after NATO Enlargement, Ukraine is the last defense boundary of Russia to ensure its geopolitical security. The policy of joining NATO under Yushchenko definitely brought Russia’s objections. It shows after Orange Revolution the discrepancy in foreign policy between Russia and Ukraine gave an incentive to natural gas conflicts. In the International system level, relying on gas imported from Russia at a low price led to relatively low-efficiency in Ukraine’s energy sections which strengthens the power of Russia’s energy diplomacy. Therefore, I believe the natural gas conflicts were aimed to put political pressure upon Ukraine. Although the interruptions brought about criticism from EC and caused great damage to the reputations of Russia and Ukraine, in the short term, it is unlikely to cease Russia-EC cooperation relationship in energy field. However, the status of Ukraine in energy transition could become less important due to the operations of alternative pipelines. In the state system level, most people in Eastern and Southern are in favor of pro-Russia parties or candidates and those in Western and Northern are in the opposite. There are five factors that led to its discrepancy: race, religion, language, economic, and history. The political unrest in Ukraine came from disagreements among elites and gas conflicts provided a pretext for them to attack their opponents. Additionally, this country was under political transformation. Because of these elements, Ukraine suffered from several political crises in the following three years since 2006. The new contract in 2009 provided a better transparency to Russia-Ukraine gas deal, but the problem of Ukraine’s gas debts was not yet dissolved. It suggests Russia is likely to put pressure upon Ukraine by means of energy diplomacy in the future.

台灣政黨體系的變遷:1986-2008 / The changing process of Taiwan's party system:1986-2008

莊天憐, Chuang, Tien Lien Unknown Date (has links)
本文討論焦點在於台灣政黨體系的變遷過程,影響台灣政黨體系變遷的因素,以及台灣政黨體系未來的可能走向。分別使用社會分歧理論、政治菁英理論以及制度論來解釋台灣政黨體系的變遷過程,並由各政黨在選舉結果的消長與選民政黨認同的變化兩個指標來觀察我國政黨體系的變遷。試圖建構一個通用的模式來解釋我國政黨體系發展的過程,以預期台灣政黨體系發展的未來走向。 經過全面觀察各政黨選舉結果的消長,以及選民政黨認同的變動情形之後,本文發現台灣政黨體系的變遷,主要發生在四個重要的時間點,第一個時間點是1986年民進黨的成立,第二個時間點是1993年新黨的成立,第三個時間點是2000年親民黨的成立與2001年台聯的成立,第四個時間點則是立委選制改變後的2008年立委選舉。 在變動的因素方面,雖然每一個變遷的時間點都有新政黨的出現,但是民進黨的出現是整個憲政環境由威權時期轉成民主化的結果,而新黨、親民黨與台聯則都是政治菁英之間的分裂。2008年主要是選舉制度的影響,不但新成立的政黨無法生存,連原有的小黨也都消失無蹤。 在穩定不變的因素方面,在台灣的政黨體系整個變遷的過程裡面,藍綠的區分一直都存在著。在藍綠對抗的主軸之下,台灣的政黨體系受到省籍、統獨立場以及國家認同等因素混合在內的分歧結構的長期影響,泛綠基本上掌握三成左右的基本盤,泛藍則是有四成出頭的支持度,中間還有二成多搖擺不定的部分,這個部分就是藍綠角逐的關鍵所在。這個藍綠對抗中第一個最重要的因素就是混雜了統獨立場、國家認同與省籍在內的社會與議題分歧,其次是政治菁英在歷次選舉過程中不斷地去操作這個分歧結構,藉此找到新政黨在意識型態光譜上的定位點,再加上SNTV選制容許小黨有生存空間,因此台灣的政黨體系隨之產生變遷。最後到了2008年,選舉制度的變革發揮了決定性的影響,使得我國的政黨體系確立為兩黨制。 在未來的發展趨勢上,研究發現,無論就政黨得票率、政黨支持度以及選舉制度的層面來看,國民黨似乎已經逐漸取回過半的優勢,民進黨則回到四成左右的基本盤。在沒有新議題或是新的政治社會分歧足以重新切割現有政黨體系之下,在目前雙首長制的憲政架構以及單一選區兩票制的國會選舉制度之下,我們預期政治菁英們的互動將朝向由國民黨代表泛藍勢力,民進黨代表泛綠勢力的兩黨政治體系逐步鞏固的方向前進。 / The main theme of this thesis focuses on the changing process of Taiwan’s party system, the factors which effecting the changing process of Taiwan’s party system, and the trend of Taiwan’s party system in the future. The author use social cleavage theory、political elite theory and institutional theory to explain the changing process of Taiwan’s party system. The author also uses two indexes including the vote-share of each party in every election, and the changing of voter’s party identification to observe the changing of Taiwan’s party system. This thesis tries to build a general model to explain the developing process of Taiwan’s party system and predict the future trend of Taiwan’s party system. After observing the election outcomes of each party and the changing of voter’s party identification, this thesis points out four important time points of Taiwan’s party system changing. The first time point is the presence of DPP in 1986, the second time point is the presence of NP in 1993, the third time point is the presence of PFP in 2000 and the presence of TSU in 2001, the fourth time point is the changing of electoral rule of legislative election in 2008. About the changing factor, in spite of the new party presence in each changing time point, the presence of DPP is due to the constitutional environment which the authoritarian regime transferred into democracy. The presence of NP、PFP and TSU are the outcome of the separation of political elites. The changing of party system in 2008 is mainly effected by electoral system, not only the new parties can’t survive, but the existing small parties also disappear. About the stable factor, during the changing process of Taiwan’s party system, there’s always a clearly distinction between “blue” and ”green”. Underneath the main stream of the confrontation between “blue” and “green”, Taiwan’s party system has long been effected by the cleavage structure which mixed with ethnic origin、unification or independent with china and national identity. The pan-green group basically maintains about 30% of vote share, the pan-blue group has more than 40% of vote share, the remaining 20% more of vote share is the key point for the struggle of pan-green and pan-blue forces. The most important factor in this confrontation process is the social and issue cleavage mixed with ethnic origin、unification or independent with china and national identity. Meanwhile the political elites are consequently manipulating the cleavage structure in every election process, in order to find some spaces in the ideological spectrum to form new parties. In addition to the SNTV electoral system allows small parties to appear and survive. That’s the reason why Taiwan’s party system changes over time. But in 2008, the changing of electoral system has the decisive influence and turn Taiwan’s party system into the two-party system. In the trend of future development, the research shows that, no matter in party’s vote share、party support rate or electoral system, KMT seems gradually having a leading advantage to get more than 50% of vote share. DPP has about 40% of vote share. If no more new issue or political-social cleavages to cut the existing party system, in the two-head executive constitutional structure and MMM electoral system, the interactions of political elites will tend to a consolidation of the two-party system which including a pan-blue force presented by KMT, and a pan-green force presented by DPP.


曾小瓔 Unknown Date (has links)

晉升解釋模型的內生性侷限?: 中共幹部非正式關係對政績表現的影響 / Limitation of Promotion Model: the Relation between Cadre's Faction and Performance

姚伊蕙, Yao, I Hui Unknown Date (has links)

文官菁英文化與電子化參與-以計畫行為理論的觀點 / Elite Culture and E-Participation in the Public Sector – Perspectives from Theory of Planned Behavior

熊子翔, Hsiung, Tzu Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
資訊與通訊科技的發達,公部門將其應用在公民參與,形成電子化參與。然而,由於政策議題的複雜使得一般大眾對其不甚了解而選擇冷漠,一般大眾將此種複雜的議題交給公部門中的行政菁英作決策,長久以來形成菁英文化。雖然近年來,文官致力於推展電子化參與,但電子化參與所獲得的網路民意,多半具有非理性、瑣碎、情緒化等特性,可能促使公部門菁英文化更加顯著,而影響電子化參與的推展。為了解公部門菁英文化是否會影響文官電子化參與的推展,利用計畫行為理論為研究架構。然而,由於計畫行為理論經常用於非組織內行為的研究,因此忽略組織無形因素的影響(例如:組織文化),因此本研究在利用計畫行為理論為研究架構檢視文官推展電子化參與時,特別納入菁英文化。本研究以文官推展網路民意論壇為研究範圍,採用問卷調查法,以非隨機抽樣,發放250份問卷,回收185份,回收率為74%,有效問卷為179份。 本研究主要發現為,第一、以計畫行為理論檢視組織內個體行為,雖然皆有顧及資源和機會等組織有形的影響因素,然而,許多研究忽略組織抽象的影響因素,如組織氣候,組織文化等。第二、菁英文化對於文官推展民意論壇的行為意圖有其影響性,只是僅有菁英文化其中之一的概念-公務人員相對於民眾對本身知識的看法對於行為意圖有影響,另一概念-公務人員相對於民眾對本身主導與影響力的看法則無影響。第三、計畫行為理論預測行為意圖僅考量態度、主觀規範、認知行為控制,然而,本研究認為在檢視文官推展民意論壇行為意圖時,更需考量菁英文化對行為意圖的直接影響。 為了改善菁英文化對於文官推展民意論壇的影響,本研究對此提出的實務建議有三,第一、利用願景工作坊改善文官對於菁英文化的看法,第二、促使電子化參與制度化使得網路民意品質提升,第三、文官民意分析能力提升以及機關資源的有效利用,促使文官提高推展民意論壇的行為頻率。而本研究後續研究建議有五,第一、樣本代表性的改善,第二、檢驗電子化參與的不同個案,第三、應用結構方程模型及質化研究方法,第四、檢視菁英文化與主觀規範之間的中介變項,第五、檢視菁英文化與行為意圖之間的調節變項。 / The civil servants have set into e-participation due to the fast development of information communication technologies (ICTs). However, because the public can’t understand policy domain knowledge in decision making, they expect the civil servants to cope with these professional matters. This long-term dependence on the civil servants and their expertise may foster the elite culture in the public sector and the elite culture has also impact on the civil servants’ intention for e-participation. In my thesis, the theory of planned behavior (TPB) is used to design and survey the above-mentioned elite culture situation for the public servants dealing with e-participation. The survey focuses on the civil servants’ intention and behavior of handling e-forum. 250 copies of questionnaires (non-probability sampling) are distributed and 185 copies returned, with 179 valid responses. Through data analysis, there are three key research findings. First, the majority of the existing research includes the physical organizational factors such as organizational resources. However, many previous studies do not include the implicit organizational factors such as organizational climate, organizational culture. Second, elite culture has general impact on the civil servants’ intention of setting into e-forum. However, only the civil servants’ evaluation of citizens’ policy expertise has impact on the intention; the other concepts fail to affect their attitude. Third, the study proposes to add elite culture to the existing TPB framework when we study the civil servants’ intention of setting into e-forum. To change elite culture’s impact on the civil servants’ intention, my thesis addresses three pragmatic suggestions. First, the civil servants can change their perspectives of elite culture through the scenario workshop. Second, the institutionalization of e-participation can enhance the quality of public opinions. Third, the enhancement of the civil servants’ ability of public opinions analysis and efficiency of organization resources can contribute to their performance of e-participation. The following research suggestions are recommended, including improving the representative of samples, studying multiple cases of e-participation, applying structural equation modeling and qualitative methods, studying the potential mediating variables between elite culture and subjective norm, and studying the moderating variables between elite culture and intention.

中央政府執政菁英之代表性研究:國民黨與民進黨政權之比較(1993-2004) / A Comparative Study of Representative Governing Elites in Taiwan:KMT and DDP Regimes, 1993-2004.

邱育琤, Chiu,YuCheng Unknown Date (has links)
【目的與理論】 探討「統治現象」的方法有二:一是透過制度研究的方式,第二則是進行統治菁英的研究。本文即是以「人」的角度出發,探討國民黨、民進黨政府執政菁英的生態與差異。並以代表理論延伸至「代表性中央執政菁英」的觀點,以兩千年台灣社會人口統計作為檢視這兩個政權的執政團隊是否具有社會代表性的標準。預期透過這樣的研究,去理解一個統治台灣長達五十年的國民黨,以及成立於一九八六年的新興民進黨,這兩個背景迥然不同的政黨,執政團隊的結構究竟有什麼樣的差異,而其趨勢為何…等,進行初始性的探索與研究。 【研究方法】 本文為國內首起有關中央政府執政菁英組成之比較性研究,必須透過蒐集國史館網站、行政院暨所屬各機關人事名錄、中華民國名人錄…等次級資料,來進行本研究資料庫的建立。預期透過比較兩政府執政菁英的黨籍、性別、省籍、區域、世代及前職等個人變項,去理解這兩個政權是否因為政黨間特色的差異,所以形成了不同的執政菁英生態,並以代表理論作為呼應。 【研究結論】 分析新、舊政權執政菁英的組成生態後,發現落實兩性共治理念的限制、世代的交替、外省族群勢力的全面性撤退、雲嘉南政治菁英的崛起及民進黨政府取才管道的多樣化等。透過比較由遠至近的時間點,印證了執政菁英的組成生態(例如性別、世代、族群及區域等變項)在符合台灣社會人口的代表性上,不是政權交替之後才急遽地產生變化,而是逐漸改變的,雖然其在改變的幅度上有所差異。再者,民進黨政府於取得執政權後逐漸於政務層級中置入實際的政治權力,全民政府的理念僅是首次組閣的政治性宣傳。最後,民進黨執政團隊於可替代性較高的部門及政務層級中,社會人口的代表性較易達成。 / This thesis is an exploratory study of the composition of governing elites on Taiwan. Secondary data analysis is the primary method used in this research. The data of elite profiles are mainly collected from the following sources: (1) a website database on historical figures from the Academia Historica; (2) the official address-book on superintendents of the Executive Yuan and its departments; (3) Who's Who of the Republic of China. This research compared personal variables of governing elites of two regimes, such as party membership, gender, ethnic group, area, generation, and pervious profession. In this way, this study tries to answer whether the characteristic differences between KMT and DPP governments will lead to the different characteristics of the governing elites as depicts in the theory of representative bureaucracy. After analyzing the composition of governing elites of the two regimes, we have following five findings. First, there is a long way to go to gender equality in governing elites regardless a little progress has been made by the DPP. Second, governing elites of DPP government are younger than KMT government. Third, much less elites of mainland Chinese origin are appointed by the DPP than the KMT. Forth, DPP appointed much more southern Taiwanese elites than the KMT does. Lastly, governing elites in DPP government are coming from a more diverse prior professions than those in the KMT government.

從民主轉型到民主鞏固:蒙古與台灣之比較分析 / Democratic Transition and Consolidation: Mongolia and Taiwan

額爾登巴雅爾, Erdenebayar Munkhuu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文從轉型理論與大眾動員理論來探討蒙古與台灣在民主轉型時期其影響選舉制度與憲政制度的因素。其中,將選舉制度進一步區分為總統選舉制度和國會選舉制度,以了解政治菁英間的互動與社會運動此兩個自變項的影響力。在民主鞏固時期,本論文則聚焦在影響兩國採取不同憲政體制的因素,欲探討政治菁英改革的動機與當時政治脈絡如何促使蒙古採用總理總統制,如何使得台灣採用總統議會制。此外,社會運動對當時政治菁英是否亦發揮一定程度的作用,是否提升或阻礙憲政的改革,亦是本研究探討重點之一。 本研究指出兩國在民主轉型時期,既有統治菁英在民主改革的壓力下,開始與反對運動菁英協商,既有的政治菁英有較大的決定權。政治菁英之間的互動是政治改革的重要推進力量,而下面的大衆抗議社會運動則提供了這些菁英之間達成協商的條件,其導致憲政改革或選舉制度改革。在憲政制度上,除了既有憲政遺緒與政治文化外,政治菁英間的不同偏好,亦影響兩國憲政體制的發展。在蒙古,制度的遺續應使得憲政體制傾向於總統制,但大多數菁英偏好權力較為分散的議會制,在政治協商下,最後促成半總統制的施行。在台灣,保守派政治菁英與改革派政治菁英的互動促成半總統制的影響,不過,也存在相關程度上的社會運動間接影響。 在民主鞏固時期台灣和蒙古皆是由政治菁英主導修憲,其中政治菁英間的互動主要影響憲政體制的設計,取得總統職位的民進黨和掌握立法院多數的國民黨政治菁英間的互動因素使得台灣偏向總統議會制,而掌握國會多數的民主黨和反對勢力人革黨政治菁英互動使得蒙古採用總理總統制。然而,公民社會對憲政體制設計並沒有直接的影響,但兩國的公民社會對於新生民主體制的鞏固扮演著重要角色。 綜言之,本研究所論有關政治菁英的互動與公民社會回顧如何影響選舉制度與憲政制度的設計,由於蒙古和台灣的經驗來看,大抵可了解政治菁英的改革動機與社會運動的壓力,是特定選舉制度與憲政制度被建立的重要關鍵。 / In this dissertation, the theory of transition and mass mobilization trying to explore different factors between Mongolia and Taiwan in the period of democratic transition and its impact on the electoral system and constitutional system. The electoral system will be further divided into presidential and parliamentary, to understand the interaction of political elites, the social movements, and their influence on the electoral and constitutional systems. Then, this dissertation will focus on the factors of democratic consolidation, affecting Mongolia and Taiwan to develop into a different constitutional system, the political elite reform motivation and how the political context promoted the premier-presidentialism in Mongolia, and how Taiwan acquired the president-parliamentarism. Moreover, to understand whether social movements played a certain degree of influence on the political elites, or whether they enhanced or hindered the constitutional reform is also one of the priorities of this investigation research. The dissertation also pointed out the ruling elite under the pressure of democratic reform, when they began negotiations with the opposition movement elites, they had greater discretion. The interaction among the political elite was an important force to promote political reform, and the following Mongolia public protest social movement created the conditions to reach consensus among these elites, which led to constitutional reforms or the reform of electoral systems. On the constitutional system, in addition to the existing constitutional legacy of the political culture, the different preferences among the political elites, but also affect the development of the two countries constitutional system. In Mongolia, institutional legacy made constitutional system tend to presidentialism, however most of the political elites prefer a more decentralized parliamentary system, in political consultations finally led to the implementation of semi-presidentialism. In Taiwan, the interaction with the conservative and the reformist political elite contributed to the impact of semi-presidentialism, however, there are indirect effects on the relevance of social movements either. The period of democratic consolidation in Taiwan and Mongolia was dominated by the political elites on constitutional system, the interaction among the political elites mainly affected the establishment of the constitutional system. The DPP won the presidency and the KMT the parliamentary majority, and the interaction of these political elites tend to shape Taiwan’s president-parliamentarism. In Mongolia, the Democratic Party political elite, with parliamentary majority, and the opposition MPRP political elite interaction evolved to premier-presidentialism. Although civil society had no direct impact on the constitutional system establishment, however, the development of civil society in Taiwan and Mongolia played an important role to consolidate the nascent democratic institutions. In conclusion, from Mongolian and Taiwan experience, we can understand that the motivation for the reforms of the political elite and the social movement pressure are the key for a particular electoral and constitutional system to be established.


徐嬿玲, Hsu,Yen Ling Unknown Date (has links)

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