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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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陳碧珍, Chen, Bi-Zhen Unknown Date (has links)
前言: 第一章導論:第一節研究主題及主要概念: (一) 研究主題, (二) 主要概念之界定 。第二節有關研究理論與文獻: (一) 守門理論, (二)有關新聞從業員專業性的研究 , (三) 中文可讀性的研究。第三節研究目的。 第二章研究設計:第一節研究設計模式,第二節研究方法之一--調查法: (一) 問 卷設計, (二) 選樣與訪問, (三) 資料處理。第三節研究方法之二--內容分析法 : (一) 分析對象與選樣, (二) 測量的單元, (三) 分析題目, (四) 資料處理。 第四節資料的綜合處理。 第三章研究結果之分析:第一節信度與效度,第二節國會記者專業性之分析: (一) 國會記者之性別、年齡、教育程度與其專業性之關聯性, (二) 報紙經營型態與其客 觀報導國會新聞之關聯性, (三) 國會記者之專業性與其新聞寫作重點強調之關聯性 , (四) 國會記者之專業性與其新聞寫作可讀性之關聯性。 第四章研究結果之討論:第一節國會記者之專業性,第二節報紙處理國會新聞之型態 ,第三節國會記者之專業性與其處理新聞之關係。 結語


游勝福, You, Sheng-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
我國目前之企業仍以中小企業為主, 由於新近其他開發中國家在輕工業方面之發展, 對我國產品的國際市場壓力愈來愈大, 又因天然資源有限, 能源危機之來臨, 中小型 企業所能承受環境變化之衝擊遠遜於具有經濟規模的企業, 政府乃積極地於獎勵投資 條例中訂定鼓勵合併之條文, 惟施行以來, 成效不彰, 究其原因, 除國人喜歡自己經 營之民族性外, 有關合併程序、會計處理及租稅負擔等有關問題, 多少也使投資人對 合併之意願受到抑減, 本文即將就合併程序、會計處理及租稅負擔三方面予以探討。 在合併程序方面將以我國公司法規定為主, 就實務上之問題提出討論, 例如合併契約 有關換股比率、訂約日以後至實際依法合併前之股東權益、異議債權人之處理等。 合併之會計處理部份, 將介紹我國公司法、商業會計法及所得稅法有關公司合併之規 定, 並分析該規定與美國一般公認會計原則之異同, 再介紹我國實務。 租稅負擔將介紹企業與股東的租稅問題。 在結論及建議中, 就研究所得提出個人的看法及建議事項。


楊惠瑄, Yang, Hui-Xuan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主旨在藉各種有關理論, 實證我國上市公司之盈餘處理情形, 並歸納結果以提 供企業將來作業之參考。 各章大意如左: 第一章緒論 有關研究動機、目的、方法、限制及大綱之說明。 第二章盈餘的概念及處理 有關盈餘定義、分類及處理。 第三章股利政策 有關股利涵義、種類、釐訂因素的內容。 第四章盈餘保留 盈餘保留與資金籌措、企業成長及物價變動之關係。 第五章盈餘處理與課稅問題 股票股利與未分配盈餘課稅問題之探討。 第六章我國股票上市公司盈餘處理的情形及分析。 第七章結論及建議。


王志銘, Wang, Zhi-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本論文內容為: 第一章 導論 第一節 研究動機及研究之目的 第二節 研究之範圍 第三節 本研究之假設及觀念性架構 第四節 本研究之限制 第二章 電腦舞弊之研究 第一節 成長中的電腦舞弊案 第二節 電腦舞弊案件之探討 第三節 電腦舞弊的技巧 第四節 誰應該對電腦舞弊負責 第三章 電子資料處理制度下之一般控制 第一節 組織控制 第二節 文書及制度控制 第三節 硬體控制 第四節 資料檔及文書之接近控制 第五節 其他資料及程序控制 第四章 電子資料處理制下應用控制 第一節 輸入控制 第二節 處理控制 第三節 輸出控制 第四節 錯誤改正程序控制 第五章 即時作業及其他高等電腦系統的內部控制 第一節 建立可靠的即時系統 第二節 環境控制 第三節 即時系統的檔控制 第四節 即時系統的輸入控制 第五節 即時系統的處理控制 第六節 資料庫的控制 第七節 電子資金轉帳系統的內部控制 第六章 電腦服務中心的內部控制 第一節 服務中心的類型 第二節 服務中心的組織及作業 第三節 文書的建立 第四節 使用公司及服務中心的內部控制 第七章 結論及建議 第一節 內部控制的必要性 第二節 最基本的預防工作(建議) 第三節 結論 #2810620

The Basic Units Processed in the Discourse-Based and Non-Discourse-Based Texts under the Constraints of Working Memory / 工作記憶限制之下,在篇章及非篇章段落中的語句處理基本單位

徐東伯, Dennis Dong-Bo Hsu Unknown Date (has links)
當我們在處理語句的訊息時,即使接收到的訊息是處於一種模糊不清的狀態之下,我們仍然可以藉由語境或者是儲存在長期記憶中的知識表徵來幫助我們理解語句。然而,在可以被視為一般語句處理的篇章中以及去除儲存在長期記憶的知識表徵的非篇章段落中的基本的言語的處理單位,甚少被提及。在本文中,我們將探討在兩種韻律結構的篇章語句以及非篇章為主的言語基本處理單位為何。 接著,我們將用具有心理實證的語句基本單位檢視詞彙學派以及範疇學派在句法分析上所使用的初始單位,探討哪一個學派的句法分析同時具有理論性以及實證性的證據支持。此外,經由探究韻律結構、詞語分斷之間的互動,來檢驗語言以及句法的獨立性假說。更進一步的,我們比較男女之間,對於語句提取的效率是否存有差異。分別有六男、六女,共十二名的大學生參與這次的實驗。實驗的材料是由實驗者將兩種韻律結構的篇章以及非篇章的段落分別錄音之後,讓受試者對所聽到的語句,做斷詞的工作。我們使用分斷派典以及統計考驗,來驗證本文中提出的各個假說。結果發現,在相似於我們一般說話語句的篇章中,基本處理的言語單位是詞,而在去除韻律結構以及分篇章為主的段落中,處理的基本言語單位是音節。這樣的結果符合工作記憶模式的預測。另外,詞彙學派的句法分析得到了理論上及實證上的支持。構詞、音韻、句法、以及長期記憶中的知識表徵,應該被視為是一個整體,而非句法、語言是獨立於整個認知系統之外的。至少,在本文中,利用語句產生證據來看,是反駁這個觀點的。大體上,男女之間對於語句處理的基本單位是沒有差別的,但似乎女孩子在語句產出時,更依賴韻律結構存在的與否。作者在文中提出了社會語言學的解釋。由本文可以得知,在語句產出的證據看來,詞彙句法學派得到了理論上及實證上的支持。語言是和整個認知系統互動的一種機制。而男女在提取言語單位上的效率並無不同。 / It is widely accepted that the routine of the perceptual processing of ongoing speech can be comprehended even in a degraded quality through the aid of the context or real-world knowledge stored in LTM. However, the basic units processed in the discourse-based text that can be recognized as the normal sentential input and those processed in the non-discourse-based text which removes the contribution of the knowledge representation stored in LTM are not yet investigated. In this study the basic units processed in these two textual patterns were discovered. The basic unit processed in normal prosodic, discourse-based text was employed to resolve the controversy between lexicalists’ and categorical syntacticians’ primitives of syntactic analyses. In addition, purposes of the interaction between prosodic patterns, namely the prosodic pattern, prosody-free pattern and the syntactic segmentation were examined to testify the autonomy hypotheses whether they gain the support from the speech production. Furthermore, the retrieval efficiency between genders were analyzed as well to investigate whether different genders employed different retrieval efficiency in different textual and prosodic patterns. 12 undergraduate students, six male and six female students participated in the two experiments. Discourse-based texts with two prosodic patterns and non-discourse-based pattern were recorded in the auditory form to conduct the experiments. Segmentation paradigm and statistical analysis were used to make the production analyses. Results indicated that a word is the basic unit processed in the prosodic, discourse-based text while a syllable is the basic unit processed in the prosody-free discourse-based text and non-discourse-based text which confirms to the prediction of WM model. The evidence favors lexicalists’ primitive of syntactic analysis psychologically. The cooperation between morphology, syntax, phonology and knowledge representations in general cognitive system argues against the autonomy hypotheses. Language should be recognized as a submechanism embedded in the cognitive system. The results suggested that, in general, there was no difference between genders but it seemed that female subjects tended more to rely on phonological cues. A plausible sociolinguistic reason was proposed. The results suggest that lexicalists’ primitive for syntactic analysis has theoretical as well as psychological support. In speech production, language seems to interact with other cognitive mechanisms rather than isolate to form an independent, self-contained domain. No retrieval difference exists between genders.


楊修銘, Yang,Hsiu-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
在不利的環境下做交通標誌的偵測與辨識是一件非常艱困的工作,無論在郊區或市區,複雜的環境、天候、陰影以及任何和光線有關的因素甚至是交通標誌遭到遮蔽都將使得偵測與辨識交通標誌變得相當困難。在本篇論文中,我們定義出較寬鬆的顏色分類(color thresholding)方法,配合一些交通標誌的特徵(如外形)來實作出召回率(Recall)較高的偵測系統,另外在辨識方面,最重要的是找出好的辨識特徵,因此我們利用離散餘弦轉換(discrete cosine transform)和奇異值分解(singular value decomposition)處理待辨識標誌擷取其特徵,並配合一些其他的交通標誌特徵,當作類神經網路(ANN)、naïve Bayes classifier等辨識方法的輸入,來幫助我們完成辨識的工作。目前實作出來的系統在有挑戰性的測試資料下有七成六左右的辨識率。 / Robust traffic sign recognition can be a difficult task if we aim at detecting and recognizing traffic signs in images captured under unfavorable environments. Complex background, weather, shadow, and other illumination-related problems may make it difficult to detect and recognize signs in the rural as well as the urban areas. In this thesis, I define a formula for color classification and apply other related features such as the shape of the traffic signs to implement the detection component that offers high recall rate. In traffic sign recognition, the most important thing is to get the effective features. I use discrete cosine transform and singular value decomposition to collect the invariant features of traffic signs that will not be severely interfered by disturbing environments. These invariant features can be used as the input to artificial neural networks or naïve Bayes models to achieve the recognition task. This system yields satisfactory performance about 76% recognition rate when I test them with very challenging data.

語法與語句處理對於中文關係子句接應代詞之影響 / The Grammar and Processing of Resumptive Pronouns in Chinese Relative Clauses

甯俐馨, Ning, Li Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在從語法及語句處理的觀點探討中文關係子句中接應代詞(resumptive pronouns) 的現象。在語法上,本研究認為中文的接應代詞屬於詞基生成 (base-generated) 元素而非句法變項 (syntactic variables) 。接應代詞的出現受限於派生簡約原則 (derivational economy) 及合法度 (grammaticality) 的要求,唯有當間隙型關係子句 (gap relatives) 為非法時,接應代詞才是必要的;在其他情況下,接應代詞在中文裡為選擇性的策略之一。在語句處理上,本研究施測了三份合法度問卷並進行了兩項線上閱讀測驗。合法度的判別及線上的閱讀反應時間顯示,接應代詞之所以不被喜歡是因為接應代詞本身會引發花園路徑效果 (garden path effect) (在此為主要子句假象 (main-clause illusion) 的形成)。然而,接應代詞在間隙型關係子句為非法或引發花園路徑效果 (在此為重建困難 (difficult reconstruction) 所造成) 時卻變得較受喜愛。當間隙型關係子句涉及到複雜結構或複雜語句處理領域 (在此指的是重建複雜 (intricate reconstruction) ) 時,中文母語使用者並不會偏好使用間隙(gap)或是接應代詞來形成關係子句。這些研究結果意味著中文接應代詞不僅受限於合法度的要求,也受制於語句可處理性 (processability) 的程度,亦即有無受到花園路徑效果所影響。 / This thesis examines resumptive pronouns in Chinese relative clauses from the perspectives of grammar and processing. In the grammar, it is claimed in this research that resumptives in Chinese are base-generated pronouns rather than syntactic variables. Their occurrence can be predicted via derivational economy and grammaticality. Resumptives in Chinese are obligatory only when the gap relatives are ungrammatical. Otherwise, resumptives are optional. As for processing, three grammaticality judgments and two on-line self-paced reading tasks were conducted. The grammaticality judgments and the on-line reading times show that resumptives were dispreferred because they induced a garden-path effect (the main-clause illusion). However, resumptives became preferred when the gap relatives resulted in ungrammaticality or led to a garden path, thus inducing the difficulty of reconstruction. There was no preference for gaps or resumptives when the gap relatives involved complex structures or complicated processing domains (the intricate reconstruction). These results suggest that resumptives in Chinese are related not only to the issue of grammaticality but also to that of the processability (i.e. the garden-path effect).

女性BBS社群的衝突處理--從符擔性概念談PTT「站崗的女人」版集體合作溝通行為 / Conflict Tackling in Female BBS Communities -- Taking An Affordance Perspective on the Cooperative Communication Behavior of PTT's GFonGuard Discussion Board

王靜怡, Wang, Flora Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究者採取合作原則與符擔性理論的觀點,以在台灣特有的徵兵制度下形成的「站崗的女人」版面為田野,探究其使用者面對衝突事件時採取高度合作溝通行為的原因,其中特別關注在使用者最後決定採取高度合作溝通行為之前,她們如何思考自己與環境(社群/介面)以及她們與其他社群成員的關係。研究發現,「站崗的女人」版成員面對衝突時,並不尋求長足的討論並推衍出結論以解決該衝突凸顯的問題,而是採取情感取向的方式,求急切、快速地平息衝突;採取此溝通模式的過程中,她們透過文章與推文的文字感知到社群的溫馨氛圍,並修正自身的溝通方式,集體追求在短時間內平抑衝突以確保個人層次與社群層次溝通目的的存續。本研究並且發現,在她們的思考過程中,人際的因素比介面的物理因素影響其溝通行為更甚。 / This research aimed at taking an affordance perspective on the collective cooperative communication behavior of members of the GFonGuard discussion board amid conflicts in one of Taiwan’s most popular bulletin board systems (BBS). The researcher was most interested in the reasons behind the conflict tackling mode of members of the GFonGuard – an online community whose spaciotemporal peculiarity results from Taiwan’s compulsory military service – and how members of the community deliberate over their relations with the community/text-only medium and with other participants of the communication while deciding on how to tackle conflicts. The research found that members of the community sought to immediately quell the conflicts instead of seeking a lengthy discussion and a final resolution to the problems the conflicts highlighted. Throughout the deliberation process, the members perceived an amicable atmosphere via the choice of words and tone of articles on the discussion board. They modified their own communication style and pursued immediate appeasement of conflicts in an attempt to ensure the survival of their communication goals on the individual and community levels. The research also found that they were more concerned about “interpersonal” factors than about “medium” factors during their deliberation.

以範例為基礎之英漢TIMSS詴題輔助翻譯 / Using Example-based Translation Techniques for Computer Assisted Translation of TIMSS Test Items

張智傑, Chang, Chih Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本論文應用以範例為基礎的機器翻譯技術,應用英漢雙語對應的結構輔助英漢單句語料的翻譯。翻譯範例是運用一種特殊的結構,此結構包含來源句的剖析樹、目標句的字串、以及目標句和來源句詞彙對應關係。將翻譯範例建立資料庫,以提供來源句作詞序交換的依據,接著透過字典翻譯,以及利用統計式中英詞彙對列和語言模型來選詞,最後填補缺少的量詞,產生建議的翻譯。我們是以2003年國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查測驗詴題為主要翻譯的對象,以期提升翻譯的一致性和效率。以NIST 和BLEU 的評比方式,來評估和比較Google Translate 和Yahoo!線上翻譯系統及本系統所達成的翻譯品質。我們的系統經過詞序調動以及填補量詞後,翻譯品質比我們前一代系統要佳,但整體效果沒有比Google Translate 和Yahoo!線上翻譯的品質要佳。 / This paper presents an example-based machine translation based on bilingual structured string tree correspondence (BSSTC). The BSSTC structure includes a parse tree in source language, a string in target language and the correspondence between the source language tree and the target language string. / We designed an English to Chinese computer assisted translation system for Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), through the BSSTC structure reordering, directory translation, choosing translation statistics model and measure word generation. / We evaluated our system by the BLEU and NIST score and compared with Google Translate and Yahoo! Translate. By reordering selected word sequences and inserting measure words in the default translations, the current system achieved a higher quality of default translations than the previous implementation of our research group, but the overall effects still lag behind that achieved by Google and Yahoo!.

中文訴訟文書檢索系統雛形實作 / A Prototype of Information Services for Chinese Judicial Documents

藍家樑, Lan, Chia Liang Unknown Date (has links)
訴訟案件與日俱增,欲閱讀完所有案件顯然不容易,此時便需要一套較完善的檢索系統來輔助使用者。我們整合前人的相關研究成果,實作一套分群式檢索系統的雛形,依檢索條件搜尋相關案件,並將結果分群輸出,便於使用者對各群集進行查詢,以期減少使用者閱讀案件上的負擔,同時獲得較完整資訊。另設計文件標記與註解功能,供使用者建立個人化資料庫,便於日後檢索。 當輸入為關鍵詞時我們利用階層式分群法來為結果作分群,也以共現詞彙的概念建立的索引,列出可能的相關詞彙提供使用者作查詢;檢索條件亦可輸入一段犯罪事實,系統透過k最近鄰居法的概念,找到相似的案件,依照案由分群。另外也可以透過判決刑期分佈針對特定區間作檢索。 本系統難以進行較正規的實驗,因為這是一個使用者互動的系統,而適不適用也難有一個評定標準。我們從使用者的執行效率,以及對於分群結果的相似度與判決刑期統計來分析與討論,檢驗本系統對使用者的助益以及討論系統本身須要再改善之處。 / Because cumulative number of the judgments grows unceasingly, it is obviously not easy for the users to read all the judicial documents. They need a handier system to retrieve the judgment information. We present a prototype of clustering retrieval system for Chinese judicial documents. The system can automatically cluster and integrate the search results. It is easy for the users to focus on the information they need and pass over the others. When they read a judicial document, they can mark some parts of sentences or annotate some comments if they are interested in. We let them create the personalized database and search more easily. We can type a keyword, and then our system executes the hierarchical clustering method to cluster search results. We also can view some words which may be relative to the keyword from the collocation word lists. Besides we can input a crime description, and then our system executes the k-nearest neighbor method to classify the crime into some prosecution reason and provide the similar cases. Moreover, our system lets the users view the distribution of prison sentence lengths and the documents in the specific interval. A formal evaluation of our system is not easy because this is an interactive system. We cannot definitely judge whether it is helpful or unhelpful. We evaluated the efficiency of our system by the operations of human subjects. Besides we made some statistics about the similarity and the distribution of prison sentence lengths from the clustering results. We tried to discuss the help by our system for users and how to improve the system.

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