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適用於無線隨意式網路之逐節點TCP傳輸協定 / Hop-by-Hop TCP over MANET游逸帆, Yu,Yi-Fan Unknown Date (has links)
為了使封包較快送達目的地端,我們提出了Hop-by-Hop TCP的方法,使每個節點使用當地重傳以保證封包成功的傳到下一個節點,遺失的封包不必重新由傳送端重傳,能更快反應封包遺失,並且提昇傳輸可靠度,使封包在高遺失率的情形之下能順利且較為快速的送達目的地端。
我們利用NS-2網路模擬器進行實驗,驗證我們的機制,實驗在不同的拓樸及負載等參數下進行,觀察傳輸成功率及封包傳輸時間,以及公平性。實驗結果指出,本方法在網路環境不穩定時吞吐量能有25.7%以上的提昇,而延遲時間也能有25%的提昇,亦有相當好的公平性。 / A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) MANET is composed of a group of mobile computing devices (nodes) that are equipped with Wireless LAN (WLAN) capability. Nodes can transmit packets to each other to construct Intranet without any base station. In an MANET environment, the communication links are unstable due to various reasons. Error rate is higher and bandwidth is smaller than fixed networks. Running regular TCP protocol on MANET will suffer from serious performance degradation in MANET.
To handle packet lost, regular TCP can only retransmit lost packets from the source. However, when error rate is high, several retransmissions may be needed to transmit a packet to its destination successfully. As a result, the effective bandwidth is much lower and the average time to transmit a packet will be much longer.
Considering that most applications on MANET prefer shorter transmission time to higher bandwidth, this thesis proposes Hop-by-Hop TCP protocol aiming to accelerate the transmission of packets. Hop-by-Hop TCP makes every intermediate node in the transmission path running a local TCP to guarantee the transmission of each packet on each link. The retransmission of a lost packet is right at the transmitting end of the link where the packet is lost. It doesn't need to retransmit a lost packet from its source node. It takes less time in average to transmit a packet to its destination in a high error rate environment.
We evaluate the performance of our approach by simulation using NS-2 simulator. Our experiments show that our proposed protocol outperforms TCP Reno by 25.7% in throughput and 25% reduction in average transmission time. The fairness requirement is also achieved while our proposed protocol coexists with other major TCP variants.
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以一整合性架構探討台灣行動商務科技接受度之研究 / Exploring the Technology Acceptance of Mobile Commerce in Taiwan under an Integrated Framework陳盈妘, Chen,Ying Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將以Sally& Indrit所提出的概念性整合性行動商務採用模型為基礎,加以修正後利用結構方程式進行假說驗證,並以不同類型的行動商務服務如功利型與享樂型作為調節變數,探討使用者在使用不同類型的服務時,影響其採用該服務的因素會對其採用態度有何種程度的影響,試圖解釋台灣地區使用者的採用行動商務之行為。
(8)使用者所認知的易用性這項因素在使用者採用享樂型服務時更顯重要。 / With the higher availability of mobile devices, people’s needs in receiving information, consuming, pursuing entertainment, and other convenient services in life have augmented, resulting in the increase the variety of mobile services and attributing to the prosperity of mobile commerce. Both the possession rate of mobile phones and the penetration rate of the access to the Internet in Taiwan occupied the leading positions in global market, yet the consumers’ acceptance for mobile commerce is comparatively low. Thus, the purpose of the research is to discover possible factors that influence users’ adoption of mobile commerce in Taiwan, and to explore how these factors affect one another and further make impact on the users’ intention to use.
This research, based on the conceptual framework for the acceptance of mobile commerce proposed by Sally & Indrit (2007), underwent the revision of the model and validated the hypotheses, including using different kinds of mobile services such as utilitarian and hedonic types as moderators to explore how these factors can influence the users’ attitude toward use differently when adopting different types of mobile services. The research intends to explicate the users’ adoption behavior of mobile commerce in Taiwan.
The research induces the following findings:
(1)The higher degree the users perceive that the mobile services are useful, joyful, secure, and that the price of the services is reasonable, the more positive the users’ attitude toward adoption for mobile services is.
(2)The factor of price not merely influences the users’ attitude toward use, but also influences their intention to use.
(3)When the users find the mobile services easy to use, they tend to feel that the services are useful.
(4)When the users find the mobile services very useful, they tend to perceive less enjoyment of the services.
(5)When the users possess more prior knowledge, experience, and behavior control for the mobile services, they tend to perceive higher degree of ease of use, which results in higher perceived usefulness, and their attitude toward use for mobile services will be more positive.
(6)Peer influence and promotion from the enterprises can easily affect the users’ perception of usefulness and enjoyment for mobile services, which further influences their attitude toward use. External influence and promotion from the enterprises will make indirect impact on users’ attitude toward use.
(7)The users’ perceived enjoyment makes greater influence to their attitude toward use when using utilitarian services than hedonic services.
(8)The users’ perceived ease of use makes greater influence to their attitude toward use when using hedonic services than utilitarian services.
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行動電話基地台對住宅價格影響之研究 / The Impact of Cell Phone Towers on House Prices's Research何俊男, Ho,Chung-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現無論問卷調查或特徵價格實證分析皆顯示行動電話基地台對周遭住宅價格影響是負面的,問卷調查的受訪者普遍對基地台設施存有負面觀感,且有高達54.4﹪的受訪者認為該設施對周遭住宅價格的負面影響程度在10﹪以上;而在特徵價格實證分析方面,研究地區內房屋所在樓層較高者(七樓以上)相較於較低者(七樓以下),其住宅價格更容易受到行動電話基地台設施的負面影響,而住宅價格因距離行動電話基地台遠近因素所受到折損程度平均約為2.35﹪,惟行動電話基地台設施之可視性因素對住宅價格的影響並不顯著。 / The cellular phone towers has become another NIMBY, although the absence of domestic research for how detract from real estate's value. The article first use the Questionnaire Investigation method’s way to realize that people’s opinion of cellular phone towers and cognition of the effective level of cellular phone towers on house’s price ; secondly use Hedonic Price Method on real estate's value, by using Regression Analysis’s way to prove the impact of cellular phone towers on house’s price .
In which we found no matter Questionnaire Investigation or Regression Analysis both announces that the effective level of cellular phone towers on house’s price is negative, there are up to 54.4% of subjects involved in the survey though that the negative influence is above 10% ; on Hedonic Price Method’s way, the house whereabouts higher stairs on the area of researchs, its price is more easy effected by cellular phone towers than the lower one. And the house's price is effected by the distance of cellular phone towers that the average of detractive level is about 2.35%.Only the effect on cellular phone towers of the cause of visual by house price was not broad.
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與他人一起扮演「他人」:角色扮演活動的建構 / Playing as “Other” with Others : the Construction of Cosplay Activities馬士傑, Ma Jason Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:cosplay、coser、角色扮演、互動、建構、行動者、劇班 / The purpose of this study is threefold. First, it examines the current phenomenon of cosplay activities in Taiwan and discusses its future development. Second, the study compares the cosplay activities in Taiwan with those in Japan, where this cultural phenomenon was originated. Third, this thesis uses symbolic intercationism and Goffman’s theory of drama and theater as the main theoretical point of view, to explore how cosplay activities in Taiwan are constructed by different agents’interaction.
The study utilizes qualitative research methods(including participant observation and in-depth interviewing techniques)to conduct field study about a year. Based on the analysis of the field data, some major findings are stated as follows:
The thesis analyzes the construction of cosplay activities and divides the process into two parts: the preparing stage and the real-show stage. In the preparing stage, the cosers interact with those costume makers, and such interactions differ among different grenerations. While the early generation of cosers prefers to act in groups, the cosers from the new generation tends to act in solo. Furthermore, the researcher discusses three tendencies that costume making is facing: specialization, commercialization and internationalization. In the real-show stage, the thesis finds three types of cosplay activities: the exhibition activity, the photography activity and the third which is categorized as “other”. These three activities have different characteristics and different interactions.
The researcher finds two unique characteristics existing in cosplay activities in Taiwan whild comparing with those in Japan. First, cosplay activities in Taiwan have loose regulations. Second, there is a large commercial organization which plays a very important role in PI-LI Chinese puppet show cosplay activities in Taiwan. This organization not only affects the contents of cosplay activities but also controls the resources in PI-LI Chinese puppet show cosplay activities.
From the perspective of symbolic interactionism, the thesis claims that all agents involved in cosplay activites co-construct the cosplay activities. Unlike the playing house in childhood, cosplay activities are not a socialization activity which aims at teaching the rule of daily life. Instead, cosers escape from regulations of daily life and re-socialize in the cosplay field. From the perspective of Goffman’s theory, cosplay activity is a performance orchestrated by a team. In the preparing stage, all the backstage agents cooperate to set up a front stage area. In the real-show stage, there are managers, cosers, photographers and audiences co-construct the performance at the front stage.
Keyword: cosplay, coser, costume play, interaction, construction, agents, team
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行動化物流牛明章 Unknown Date (has links)
其次,研究個案應用M化設備將傳統庫存管理系統M化,以專案開發角度,做一完整的事前規劃、評估,中階段測試,事後分析檢討,並對未來提出修正建議,做一個完整的PDCA(plan, do, check, action)循環個案研究。
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環境議題紀錄片的敘事策略研究:一個集體行動框架的觀點 / The Narrative Strategies of Environmental Documentaries: A Perspective of Collective Action Frame王玉燕, Wang, Yu Yan Unknown Date (has links)
「藝術不是一面鏡子,而是一把槌子。」引領英國紀錄片運動發展的John Grierson曾作出如此嘹亮的宣稱。足見紀錄片作為一種藝術傳達的形式,得以建構社會議題,敲擊現實,撼動主流意識,揭發社會問題的根源。因此本研究將強調紀錄片作為政治行動的可能性。
本研究由以環境議題三大主要子議題 ── 環境公害、生態保育、反核運動
──為主題的紀錄片中,各篩選出一部近年來具代表性的環境議題紀錄片作為分析文本,包括《奇蹟背後》、《獼猴列傳》、《貢寮,你好嗎?》。研究發現,上述紀錄片除了提出處理方針之方式有別之外,皆以「環境正義框架」作為主導框架、並深入探究環境議題的結構性因素,以召喚觀者共鳴與動員的可能。 / “Art is not a mirror, but a hammer,” claimed John Grierson, who exerted pivotal influence on British documentary film movement. It is believed that documentary as one of the art forms is able to construct social issues, and explore further the causes of those problems. This study is going to focus on the possibility of documentary as political action.
This study will adopt “collective action frame” as analyzing structure, to analyze how documentaries represent environmental issues, evaluate its effectiveness in related ideas, and mobilize the viewer to take up social actions.
Behind the Miracle (2002), Biographies of the Macaques (2004), and How Are You, GongLiao? (2004) are the three environmental documentaries that the author chooses to examine. There are four findings in this study:
1.Environmental justice frames are adopted as master frames
2.Structural elements of environmental issues become the major investigating points
3.Proposals of management policy vary
4.The directors endeavor to call for the resonance and mobilization of the audience
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行動通訊產業價值鏈之分析研究以智慧型手機為例黃軍維, Huang, Chun Wei Unknown Date (has links)
在行動通訊的快速發展下,手機和PDA開始經由多功能整合外,也開始內建開放式作業系統平台,通常使用的作業系統有Symbian、Windows Mobile、Linux、Palm。早期的智慧型手機發展主要是以商務人士為主要服務對象,隨著智慧型手機不斷的整合多功能於一機之下。智慧型手機逐漸從語音的服務轉移到內容服務。智慧型手機目前全球以將近40%的高成長率快速發展。
在產業與個案分析之後,本研究整理出幾個研究發現: 1.智慧型手機在未來幾年的發展會具有高毛利,高成長率的市場機會;2.智慧型手機的研發需花費相當大的資源來做應用軟體和系統平台和硬體之間的整合;3.智慧型手機研發能力門檻相對於一般手機製造廠商高;4.智慧型手機的使用者介面和應用服務將使整個產業的附加價值拉高;5.智慧型手機市場的產品定位從商務人士移轉到一般消費者市場的定位;6.智慧機行動上網加值服務提供使用者內容服務驅向多元化;7.智慧型手機製造商與電信系統業者的合作關係會成為未來主流的商業模式。
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客服人員人格特質、組織文化與工作績效關係之研究-以行動電話業者為例 / The Relationships among personality traits, organizational culture and job performance of customer service representatives -A Case study of mobile telecommunications companies伍麗芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討行動電話客服人員人格特質、組織文化與工作績效之關係。除應用文獻分析法,建構本研究架構與研究假設,並採用問卷調查研究法,內容包含五大人格特質量表、組織文化量表、工作績效量表與行動電話客服人員個人基本資料等四部分之問卷為研究工具,採隨機抽樣方式實施問卷測試,問卷總共發出750份,回收715份,回收率95.33%,有效問卷為706份。其以SPSS for Windows 12.0為處理分析資料的工具,分別以敘述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及多元迴歸分析等方法,敘寫結果分析及提出結論與建議。
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MANET中利用節點移動方向降低廣播風暴發生之路由策略 / Direction-Based Routing Strategy to Reduce Broadcast Storm in MANET洪志佳, Hung, Chih-Chia Unknown Date (has links)
藉由許多配備無線通訊能力的嵌入式系統裝置,如筆記型電腦、行動電話、PDA、車用導航系統及車用電腦等,不同的裝置透過無線通訊的能力,將彼此連接,構成行動隨意網路 (Mobile Ad Hoc Network) 的環境。這些網路上的節點可能任意且快速移動,隨時改變既有網路拓樸,造成原先已經建立好的路由中斷。採用被動式路由協定 (Reactive Routing Protocol) 的路由重建,往往增加了資料傳送的延遲及重建路由時所需要大量路由發現 (Route Discovery) 的封包,造成廣播風暴 (Broadcast Storm),嚴重影響整個網路的效能。
在論文中,我們提出一個利用節點的移動方向做為選擇適當中繼節點 (Relay Node) 的策略,稱之為Directive Location-Aided Routing,簡稱DLAR。DLAR將節點的移動方向因素加入於既有的LAR中做為選擇中繼節點的考量。中繼節點的決定,需要符合與來源節點相同的移動方向,目的是維持較長的連線時間,且讓路由中斷的位置靠近目的節點,並使用AODV的Local Repair的機制做為路由搜尋的協定,加速路由的恢復。
實驗模擬結果顯示,DLAR與AODV、DSR及LAR比較,在減少找尋路由路徑時所需的路由請求封包、降低點對點 (End -To-End) 的延遲及資料成功送達率,都有較佳的表現。在網路中節點數較多時,DLAR在封包送達率能有6%– 55%的改善,降低搜尋及維持路由時需要的控制封包量達40%以上,降低廣播風暴發生的機率, DLAR也同時在End-to-End Delay的表現較之於其他路由機制,有20%以上的改善。 / In MANET the nodes may move fast and unpredictable, this may cause the original set up route well broken. Adopt those Reactive Routing Protocols may not only cause seriously data delivery delay but also produce a large number of control packages (RREQ) thus reducing network capacity. This is known as Broadcast Storm Problem. In this thesis, we proposed a routing protocol, Directive Location-Aided Routing (DLAR), that helps to choose appropriate relay nodes (intermediate nodes) in MANET. DLAR considers the node movement direction factor in deciding a stable route. Relay node is considered to be the same movement direction as source node. The goal is to maintain longer path lifetime, and make the broken very close to the destination node. DLAR adopts AODV to discovery route and accelerate the route recovery using Local Repair mechanism.
Simulations show that as the network loading is high, DLAR can increase the packet delivery ratio by 6% ~ 55 % and increase the bandwidth utility by 40%, reduce the largely broadcast storm probability, and reduce end-to-end delay by 20%.
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論亞里斯多德尼各馬科倫理學中隱含的意志概念 / On the implied notion of will in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics施鈺娟, Shih, Yu-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
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