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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中國國民黨與新加坡人民行動黨之比交較研究- 精英的概念與運作之分析

余一平, YU, YO-PING Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在從政治發展之「制度」與「心理」二個層面的機體,來比較中國國民黨與新 加坡人民行動黨的發展策略。全文共約十二萬字,分為六章,內容簡述如下: 第一章:緒論。說明研究動機、方法與架構。 第二章:政黨與國家建立。主要論述開發中國家政黨的特徵、類型與功能。 第三章:黨的統治體制──組織分析。說明比較兩黨的正式組織體系,外圍民眾服務 組織及幹部訓練機構。 第四章:政治精英的領導與甄補分析。說明比較兩黨領袖的領導特質,領導階層精英 的甄補模型及對精英的甄補功能(選舉)。 第五章:意識型態的運作功能分析。首先敘述意識型態的概念,特性及在國家發展中 所扮演的角色,再就中國國民黨的三民主義與中民行動黨的民主社會主義,加以說明 比較。 第六章:結論。總結本文所述,以明瞭兩黨的發展策略,並為開發中國家現代化的參 考。


趙知廉, Zhao, Zhi-Lian Unknown Date (has links)
一黨系統的政黨是一個很值得研究的對象,因為一黨獨大是傳統社會步向現代化的過 程中很普遍的現象,它們之間有何共同的特征?應該從什什角度進行分析?我的辦法 是以蘇俄、新加坡、印度作為個案,然後從興起之因、組織與埋念、黨扮演的角色、 維持獨大的策略及發展方向等方面進行了解,共六章十四節。 第一章 導論 第二章 一黨系統政黨興起的探討:第一節蘇俄共產黨,第二節新加坡人民行動黨, 第三節印度國大黨,第四節結語。 第三章 組織的方式與理念的角色:第一節組織的方式,第二節理念的角色。 第四章 政黨扮演的角色:第一節蘇俄共產黨,第二節新加坡:人民行動黨,第三節 印度國大黨。 第五章 政黨維持獨大的策略:第一節極權模式與蘇共,第二節人民行動黨與國大黨 ,第三節結語。 第六章 一黨系統發展方向的探討:第一節民主化?多元化?第二節結論。


黃愷銘 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在呈現筆者如何透過「行動研究」的方法與「線上學習」的途徑,來改善「族語教學」的困境。研究參與者以阿美族學生會的成員為主,研究過程是透過行動研究的方法,不斷修正與改善「線上學習融入族語教學」各種教學實驗模式,來進一步模擬「浸滲式教學」的情境,營造出族語的環境,進而解決學生會「族語教學」的困境。主要的研究發現和貢獻如下: 研究發現 一、「線上學習」可以解決學生會「族語教學」的困境。 (一)族語環境:以「網路非同步教學」尤佳。 (二)學習動機:以「維持」與「滿足」學習動機為主。 二、建構出適合學生會的族語教學模式,其中以「線上學習融入小班課堂教學」效果最好。 三、「教學模式」愈接近「浸滲式教學」的情境,愈能解決族語教學的困境。 四、族語教學所產生的問題(族語環境缺乏、民族認同變遷等),大多是主流社會所造成的。 研究貢獻 一、「線上語言巢」的提出—族語教學的最佳模式。 二、提出「轉化模型」和「並存模型」來說明推動「族語」 發展的迷思。 關鍵字:線上學習、族語教學、行動研究、浸滲式教學、轉化模型、並存模型 / The purpose of this thesis will solve the difficulty of ethnic language program by action research and e-learning approach. The participants rely mainly on member of Pangcah Students Organization(PSO). By method of action research, it can constantly modifies and improve the model of infusing e-learning into ethnic language program and simulates condition of ‘immersion program’ , and goes a step further to construct environment of ethnic language to solve difficulty of ethnic language program. The main findings and contribution are as follows: Findings First, e-learning approach can solve difficulty of ethnic language program of PSO. (1) Environment of ethnic language: Asynchronous teaching and learning is the best. (2) Learning motivation: It only maintains and satisfies learning motivation. Second, it has constructed models of ethnic language program, and the third model (infusing e-learning into little class program) is the best. Third, the more the model is close to immersion program, the more it can solve difficulty of ethnic language program. Fourth, the questions of ethnic language program (lack of environment of ethnic language, shift of ethnic identity etc.) cause by mainstream society. Contribution First, researcher address that the best model of ethnic language program will be ‘On-line Language Nest’ in the future. Second, address ‘Convert Model’ and ‘Compatible Model’ to break myth of ethnic language development. Key word: e-learning, ethnic language program, action research, immersion program, convert model, compatible mode.

生活世界與合理性 / 由哈伯瑪斯何謂普遍語用學至溝通行動理論之探究

吳佩瑾, Wu,Peggie Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要任務為探討哈伯瑪斯(J?rgen Habermas, 1929-) 於《溝通行動理論》(Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns, 1981) 中生活世界概念與其普遍語用學之關聯


江俊緯 Unknown Date (has links)
數位內容產業為這幾年政府大力推廣的產業之一,為扶植數位內容產業能順利領導華文市場以落實知識經濟發展政府已於2002年3月將數位內容產業列為「新世紀兩兆雙星產業發展計畫」之一,而數位內容這種將傳統形式的內容透過數位科技的轉換,使無形資產可以創造出有形利潤的概念,正好是「知識經濟」的精神,因此台灣廠商若要走出有別以往製造業微利的競爭,就不能夠在全球數位內容產業中缺席。 而在數位內容產業中,行動內容是很重要的一個環節,由於電信網路為一封閉的系統,因此在收費機制具有高度的可靠性及安全性,而在終端設備方面,國內的手機市場也已將當成熟,根據數據顯示,台灣手機普及率已超過 100 %,而目前全球對於行動內容的發展又以亞洲市場之起步最快,且根據我國經濟部的資料,台灣3 G行動網路商機在二○○五年可達新台幣一百卅八億元,二○一○年更將突破三千二百廿二億元,商機潛力雄厚,而台灣行動內容整個產業可以說是處於一個剛起步發展的階段,需要相關文獻針對行動內容的價值鏈作深入的分析探討,特別是針對行動內容產業價值鏈中內容提供者、內容整合商與電信業者間的互動關係之討論,而本論文認為,內容業者進入行動內容產業具有一定門檻,而目前存在之內容整合商提供的功能尚未成熟,因此本研究認為行動內容加值平台在產業價值鏈有其生存的空間,未來更有甚著可能在產業價值鏈中扮演極關鍵的角色。 因此本論文將以探索性研究的方式,提出一套「行動內容加值服務平台」之創新事業模式,並利用交易成本的觀點,進ㄧ步探討行動內容加值平台在產業中發展之空間及可能性,及研究眾多內容提供者與電信業者間之交易行為,使數位內容之價值能充分發揮。 本論文的結論主要可分為兩個部份,第一個部份就是前提假設驗證的結果,也就是平台存在的必要因素,而第二部份則是對於平台發展之建議,也就是平台存在的充要因素,分別論述如下: 一、 平台存在之必要因素: (1) 本平台存在能有效降低交易雙方之交易成本: 透過專業分工,能夠替內容提供者省去許多技術密集的工作項目,使其能夠專注於內容的開發;另一方面也替電信業者省去了搜尋內容的成本,透過與本平台的一次交易,接觸到更多的內容提供者,有效的降低交易成本。 (2) 本平台的經營具有經濟效益: 也就是說本平台的經營是能夠帶來利潤的,只要本平台所連結的內容提供者越多,對於降低雙方交易成本就會有越明顯的效果,相對的本平台的經營成本就能更有效的壓縮,所帶來的利潤也越大,本平台也越有獨立存在的空間。 二、 平台存在之充分因素: (1) 平台經營的重點及方向 交易前本平台應多瞭解市場對於行動內容的需求,主動針對電信業者可能的需求提供服務;交易中的營運重點應該放在系統界接與手機格式問題的解決;交易後:本平台需能主動提供給電信業者消費者使用資訊。 (2) 在降低交易成本的作法 像是「後台」概念的建立:建構一套系統架構,統一處理在行動內容交易的過程中產生之重複且繁瑣的動作,不但可節省分開處理之成本,而且方便管理。 (3) 在技術背景選擇的方面 目前發展 JAVA 技術的行動內容是需要花費較多成本,而且由於市場規模不夠大,因此並不能符合經濟效應。所以在本平台的經營上,必須密切注意行動內容相關技術的特性,並配合市場研究,選擇最適合之技術發展平台。 (4) 在平台的切入點方面 本平台要盡量避免電信業者經營的行動應用有所衝突,未來的應用將會越來越多樣化,技術層次也將越來越高,因此本平台更必須密切觀察新技術的發展,以利發展市場新應用,作為切入行動內容產業的最佳時間點。 / Digital content has been one of industries that government highly promotes since 2002. Transferring content of traditional forms through digital technology, digital content is able to make tangible profits out of invisible assets, which is the spirits of “Economics of Knowledge”. Therefore, we cannot be absent from the competition of digital content industry that is different from low-profit traditional manufacturing industry. Mobile content is an essential link in the digital content industry. For telecommunication network, charging system has had high security and reliability. For terminal equipment, cell phone market in Taiwan has been mature enough. According to Ministry of Economics, mobile content is an industry with high potentiality of making profit out of. However, in Taiwan, mobile content is at its infant stage and the functions of content integrators, which the researcher of this study regarded as a necessity of existence and a key role in the value chain in the industry, still have room for development. Therefore, there is a need to analyze closely the value chain of mobile content industry, especially aiming at the interaction among content provider, content integrator, and telecommunication industry. Using explorative way of research, we addressed an innovative business model , “Added-value platform of mobile content”. Besides, its development in the industry and transactions between various content providers and operators were discussed to make the value of digital content revealed. The conclusion of the study are two-fold. The first one is the results of hypothesis-verifying process, the essential factors of platform’s existence. The other is the suggestion of future development of such platform, the adequate factors of platform’s existence. The results are as follows. 1. The essential factors of platform’s existence (1) The existence of platform could reduce the transaction cost effectively. Professional cooperation lessons the tech-intensive work for content providers and enables them to focus on the development of content. Moreover, cooperation could help save searching cost for operators. (2) Operation of such platform brings profits. The more the content providers cooperate with the platform, the lower the transaction cost is. 2. The adequate factors of platform’s existence (1) Keys to platform operation. Before transaction, we should analyze the market, providing services that operators need. During transaction, we should focus on inter-system integration and cell phone differences. After transaction, we should initiate consumers’ feedback to operators. (2) Ways to lower transaction cost. Construction of “Back-end” idea: building a system that deals with repetitive and trivial action from various transactions can not only reduce cost but easily manage. (3) Aspects of choosing technology. We should avoid immature and high-cost technology at the beginning. Therefore, for platform management, we should notice the mobile-related technology. (4) Cutting points of the platform. We should avoid operation conflicts with operators and keep an eye on the development of new technology for new application of mobile content.


孫弘鑫, SUN,HUNG-HSIN Unknown Date (has links)
自二次世界大戰結束以後,美國對朝鮮半島的安全政策經歷了不同的轉變。韓戰後各個時期的政府主要仍是以對南韓的安全承諾與〈美韓共同防衛條約〉的軍事嚇阻作為其政策與戰略的基石。冷戰後朝鮮半島遭遇了兩次核子危機,但是柯林頓政府卻改變政策,以合作與對話的方式試圖解決危機。小布希政府團隊在執政以前,對於柯林頓政府的作法始終抱持反對的態度,認為應該要對北韓採取強硬態度。但是隨著小布希政府執政、911事件的發生與反恐戰爭的進行,小布希政府對朝鮮半島安全政策卻採取了與柯林頓政府類似的作法。這種變化是否意味柯林頓政府在朝鮮半島安全政策上有其優點,值得後任政府效法。因此,本論文以薄富爾的「行動戰略」理論作為研究途徑,藉由政策與戰略選擇的分析、行動計畫中「政治診斷」與「戰略診斷」的研判,以及各種戰略行動模式的鋪陳,探討柯林頓政府時期的朝鮮半島安全政策。同時比較柯林頓和小布希政府政策與戰略上的差異與因襲,並分析當前情勢,嘗試提出未來可能的變化。 本論文發現,柯林頓政府對於北韓自始至終都是採取「交往與擴大」政策,希望能以「交往與擴大」政策將北韓拉回國際體系內,使其遵守國際體系的規範。小布希政府則是一開始採取典型的現實主義政策,不願意與北韓交往,因為典型現實主義者所重視的是和國際體系中強權國家之間關係的處理,而不是注重在衰敗國家或轉變中國家的事務。一直到911事件後才改採兼具現實主義與理想主義的新政策,對北韓的態度與作法才有所轉變。 柯林頓政府始終均是運用多邊主義的戰略行動。小布希政府最初對於北韓是「冷處理」的方式,不予理會,但是911事件之後,開始調整政策,在戰略也有所改變。小布希的戰略是所謂的「鷹派交往」。「鷹派交往」戰略和「選擇性交往」戰略比較貼近,但是二者還是有差異。雖然「鷹派交往」戰略和「選擇性交往」戰略的內涵均是以多邊主義的方式,聯合經過慎選的重要國家採取間接模式的總體戰略行動來追求政策目標,但是「鷹派交往」戰略卻對對手國更具有壓力,因為「鷹派交往」戰略在採取交往的同時,不忘記強硬的手段。換言之,「鷹派交往」戰略將交往的內容作為誘因,引誘對手國往本國所期望的方向行動,當其行動違反本國所欲時,這項誘因便可以隨時轉變成為懲罰的工具。從這點看來,小布希的戰略選擇,在戰略行動的產出上較柯林頓來得有效率。 由於戰略是「兩個對立意志使用力量以來解決其爭執時所用的辯證法藝術」,因此在決定戰略的選擇時必須考量敵我之間的各項資源、行動自由的大小,乃至於互動模式,這些都是在進行行動計畫,選取戰略之時,必須審慎考量的,否則便可能產生無法指導行動的戰略。柯林頓政府的戰略雖然立意甚佳,但卻沒有考慮到採取此種戰略是否能夠從中規劃出有效的行動模式,來維持原有的行動自由、並進一步爭取最大的行動自由。這是柯林頓政府朝鮮半島安全政策的缺憾。 / Since the end of World War II, There have been different changes in the U.S. Korean Peninsula security policy. During the post-Korean war era, each administration makes its policy and strategy on the basis of security promise to the South Korea and military deterrence toward the North with U.S.-R.O.K. Mutual Defense Treaty. There were two nuclear crises after the end of the cold war, but the Clinton administration changed its policy and tried to solve the problem in way of cooperation and dialog. Before taking office, George W. Bush’s team was against Clinton’s policy and declared that the United States should take coercive actions against the North Korea. However, since George W. Bush took office, 911 broke out and the war on terror was going on, the Bush administration took the similar policy on the Korean Peninsula security policy as the Clinton’s. Does this mean that Clinton’s policy may have goodness that worthy for the administrations after his to follow? Thus, I took Andr□ Beaufre’s “strategy of action” theory as my thesis study approach. Through the analysis on the choice of policy and strategy, the decision on “political diagnosis” and “strategic diagnosis” of action planning, and the display of each kind of strategic actions, this thesis analyzed the Korean Peninsula security policy in the Clinton era. At the same time, I compared the difference and continuance between the two administrations and analyzed the status quo trying to figure out the would-be changes in this thesis In the thesis I discovered that the Clinton administration took the “engagement and enlargement” policy from the beginning to the end, hoping that the policy would pull back the North Korea into the international system and make it follow the international order. At the beginning, Bush administration took the classical realist policy and was not willing to engage North Korea. Because the emphasis of classical realists is to deal with the relations among power nations, not paying attention to the affairs of declining and falling states. Not until the outbreak of 911 did the Bush administration take new policy composite with realism and idealism, and change the attitude toward North Korea. The Clinton administration undertook the strategic action in multi-polarity from the beginning to the end. Bush administration chose to ignore North Korea at the beginning, but changed his policy and strategy after the 911. What Bush undertook is called “Eagle Engagement Strategy”. “Eagle Engagement Strategy” is similar to “Selective Engagement Strategy” but there are still some differences between them. Though both Strategies unite those states carefully chosen and undertake indirect total strategic actions to chase the policy goals in multi-lateral way, the “Eagle Engagement Strategy” is much powerful in pressing the rival states. That is because when people undertake the “Eagle Engagement Strategy” to engage, there are still ways in coerciveness. In other words, the “Eagle Engagement Strategy” provides engagement as motive to make rival states undertake the way we wish. When the rival states do not follow our will, this motive may switch into the tool of punishment. In this point of view, the Bush administration’s strategy is more effective than the Clinton’s. The Clinton administration’s strategy was base on good will, but the Clinton administration did not considerate its effective action modes to maintain its original action freedom and chase the most action freedom by this strategy. To Clinton’s Korean Peninsula security policy it is a pity.


陳瑋鴻 Unknown Date (has links)
哈伯瑪斯的政治哲學不僅綜合了當代的許多學科與理論,同時也具體地回應二十世紀許多的政治問題。對於哈伯瑪斯的研究,一直以來可分為許多的切入途徑:現代性、批判理論、論辯倫理學、交往行動理論、歷史唯物論或審議式民主等,那麼究竟有沒有一個「整體的」哈伯瑪斯? 本文的工作便是在回答如何詮釋一個整體的哈伯瑪斯,而研究採取三個層次來鋪陳與推演:普遍性的問題—哈伯瑪斯的「基源問題」何在?特殊性的研究途徑—交往行動理論如何架構起現代社會的批判功能?個別性的判斷—二十世紀的政治問題哈伯瑪斯如何進行回應?此三個層次環環相扣,從第一章現代性的思維特徵與方法、第二章交往行動理論詮釋現代社會之構成,以及開展新的批判之動力,到第三章現代性思維方式的重建與交往行動理論應用到具體的政治問題上,可以見到本文所力圖詮釋的「現代性政治哲學」之意義。 首先,第一章對「現代性」此一頗具爭議的概念進行解釋。哈伯瑪斯考察了啟蒙哲學以來人類的思維狀況,並且從康德、黑格爾與馬克思三人身上,區分出其各自的方法:理性批判、倫理的自我反思,以及政治經濟學批判。哈伯瑪斯進一步拓展,批判了此三種模式的困境,也提出了其後形上學的「方法」。第二章從現代性的社會學理論著手,韋伯提供了最基本的分析架構,而此為法蘭克福學派所一脈相承,然而,連接第一章的後形上學方法來看,社會學理論的概念架構也必須進行重建;哈伯瑪斯的「交往行動理論」,重新回答了「理性之行動」如何可能的問題。第三章從基本問題意識與理論架構的確立,進入政治哲學之判斷;本文將現代性的政治哲學理解為「一元與多元之關係」,而哈伯瑪斯最重要的貢獻,便是提出如何理解「一元秩序」的新可能性。然而,此種新的「一元」之思考,在哈伯瑪斯一生的思考架構中乃是前後一致的,不僅回應了「後形上學」方案,也連結起早期的「公共領域」,以及近期法哲學之研究、「憲政愛國主義」與「後民族格局」等思考。

3G的技術標準及專利聯盟 / 3G Technical Standards and Patent Platform

涂旭志, Roger,Tu Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球3G行動通訊產業的快速發展,行動通訊服務市場正從傳統的單純語音走向與資料傳輸整合的趨勢,並發展出多種不同型態的通訊服務方式與系統設備,其中所牽涉到的3G技術範圍十分廣泛而複雜,其技術標準規格的發展則是由3G的技術標準組織所負責制定。本論文研究針對3G行動通訊產業進行解析,並探討3G行動通訊技術標準組織的運作及功能,並進一步瞭解在3G行動通訊技術標準的制定過程中所衍生出來的關鍵性專利問題,此外也特別針對專利聯盟公司3G Licensing Ltd.的成立與運作做一說明,以進一步瞭解3G產業中專利平台運作的情形,最後並總結對台灣行動通訊產業所可以參考的結論與建議。 / 3G technologies are being deployed to worldwide markets rapidly. The mobile services are converging with voice and data transmission. There are various companies involving in 3G system and terminal business. The relative technologies are complicated and quite broad. The 3G standard organizations are the main bodies responsible for the establishment of 3G technical specifications. This article would describe an overview of 3G industries and 3G standard organizations. It would specify how the 3G standard organizations function and discuss the issues of 3G essential patents. Regarding 3G patent platform, this article would also talk about the history and status of 3G Licensing Ltd. In the last chapter, it would try to summarize the key points as the references for Taiwan mobile industry.


黃瀅潔 Unknown Date (has links)
體驗行銷近年來在實務界引起相當程度地討論,多數的行銷活動與廣告,均有某種程度地使用體驗行銷作為溝通,廠商已認知必須抓住消費者的經驗感受與情感,才能創造出觸動人心的品牌,也才能獲取消費者喜好。   有鑒於目前國內外學術研究,少去探討科技產品與體驗行銷之關聯,本研究特別以第三代行動通訊作為行銷產品,並單一討論廣告媒介。由於第三代行動通訊的高娛樂性,本研究延伸科技接受模型,納入知覺有趣性作為衡量變項,企圖探討體驗訴求之廣告所帶來的四種樂趣(感官愉悅訴求、心智愉悅訴求、社交愉悅訴求及情感愉悅訴求),以及廣告態度,在不同消費價值下(功利型消費價值/享樂型消費價值),對3G手機產品信念(知覺有用性、知覺易用性、知覺有趣性)的影響,並進而推論產品態度以及購買意圖。   結果顯示體驗樂趣對產品有用性及有趣性均有正向影響關係,其中,又以心智樂趣對知覺有用性的影響效果最大;感官樂趣則是對知覺有趣性有最大影響效果。而知覺有趣性更同時對知覺有用性及知覺易用性產生正向影響效果,顯示就3G手機而言,消費者會先考量產品的趣味性,進而感受到產品用途或是操作難易度。此外,知覺有趣性也較知覺有用性,對產品態度產生較大的正向影響效果,再次證實3G手機產品趣味的重要性。而產品態度也的確會正向影響購買意圖。   享樂型價值與功利型價值對體驗樂趣之效果調節作用雖僅能於少數樂趣面向呈現,但也提醒廣告主需考量產品主要利益,進而設計廣告訴求或內容,以求能創造加乘效果。

土石流災害下行動弱勢族群疏散避難決策行為之研究 / Study of Disable Groups Evacuation Decision-making behavior in Debris Flow Vulnerable Area

秦立林, Chin,li-lin Unknown Date (has links)
台灣近年來發生許多土流災害,導致許多傷亡與損失,而行政單位在救災時,卻忽略了土石流潛勢地區民眾的疏散避難決策需求,尤其是行動弱勢族群。本研究透過問卷調查與訪談的方式,針對三處土石流潛勢地區之一般家戶行動弱勢族群以及全省十個土石流潛勢溪流較多縣市之社福機構行動弱勢族群,瞭解其對於土石流災害的認知情形以及疏散避難之決策行為特性,並以二元羅吉斯特迴歸方法,建立疏散避難的決策行為模式,協助行政單位瞭解其疏散避難之需求與決策行為,設計更完善之疏散避難計畫。 在與美國Lili颶風案例進行分析比較後,發現一般家戶與社福機構之行動弱勢族群最相信的資訊來源都是行政單位的宣導,Lili颶風案例則是地方平面媒體的報導,而三方最不相信的都是網際網路。在疏散避難的決策行為模式方面,發現「獨居」對於一般家戶行動弱勢族群是否需要協助,有非常顯著的影響,表示獨居的行動弱勢者在避難時非常需要他人的協助。而「前往其他地區同性質的機構避難」對於社福機構行動弱勢族群避難過程所需長短,有非常顯著的影響,並會增加整個避難所需的時間。 / Debris flows cause a lot of injuries, deaths and property losing in recent years in Taiwan. When the government was providing disaster relief, it lacked for paying attention to the real evacuation behavior and perception of vulnerable area, especially the disable groups. This study conducted a questionnaire survey for two disable groups to understand their disaster perception and evacuation decision-making behavior. One disable group is living in general households in three debris flow vulnerable townships; another is living in social welfare organization in ten debris flow vulnerable counties. A decision model was built by using Binary logistic to estimate the evacuation decision-making behavior. Research result can be contributed to evacuation planning and policy implementation. Comparing with the evacuation behavior case of hurricane Lili in U.S.A, This study finds that the most reliable channel of evacuation information for two disable groups in Taiwan are from governmental authorities, but for the case of hurricane Lili is from local news media. No matter the case in Taiwan or in U.S.A, the most unreliable channel of evacuation information is from internet. Research result by evacuation decision-making behavior model, “living alone” is an outstanding factor that disable group who live in general households need help or not when they’re evacuating. It shows that people who live alone need others' help very much while taking refuge. “Evacuating to the other organizations in the other area” is an outstanding factor that disable group who live in social welfare organizations need longer time to evacuate. It shows that if organization evacuate to the other organizations in the other area, they will raise the total evacuation time.

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