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「不成長就會被淘汰」一位幼師生命運轉之敘說分析彭佳宣 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採取質性研究方法中的傳記研究取向,以德國社會學者Fritz Schütze所發展之「敘述訪談法」(narrative interview)進行資料採集工作,訪談一位具有二十九年幼教工作經歷的幼兒園園長。訪談結果整理為敘述文本後,並參照Fritz Schütze所提出的理論建構分析方案,對文本進行結構描述以及概念抽象化分析的整體形塑,以回應欲探究的問題。
經過資料分析過程,逐漸釋出本研究主體—杏芬園長「不成長就會被淘汰」的生命信念意涵,文本透露出自我完成性在主體生命開展歷程中,為一種突破環境限制與期望朝向更好的動力,促使主體一再超越現實環境的限制,萌生其積極性意義。「不進則退」生命觀於時間流動中架構出主體的生活經驗世界,形成生命能量內塑與外推之上揚動力,於接受工作挑戰與追求成長歷程中蛻變。於是可以看出,環境或自我本身的未確定性,雖然帶來了限制,卻也充滿無限可能性。最後,研究者就文本解析之內容,提出「公私幼消長生態下幼師的生存處境」議題進行探討;並且參照Csikszentmihalyi創造力系統論觀點,建立一個類似的系統原型,從個人、學門及領域三個面向,闡釋研究主體長期安身立命於幼教職業工作中的可能因素。 / “Either growing or eliminating”—
A description analysis of a kindergarten teacher’s life revolving
Due to the lack of management by the government in Taiwan in early years, there are many problems that exist in the field of early childhood education. Those impact the survival of the key personnel, the teachers, in this field directly. In the social context of high turn over ratio of the teachers in this field, how senior teachers keep standing fast at the post and moving forward is the center concern of this research. By interviewing a senior teacher’s working experience, the researcher gets to know the different patterns of the career of a kindergarten teacher; further more, to comprehend the transition of the social structure from reviewing the history in which the story happened.
This research adopts biographic study under the qualitative methodology, and collects the data with “narrative interview” developing by Fritz Schűtze, a Germany sociologist. After interviewing a kindergarten principal, Sin-feng, who has been working for twenty-nine years in the early childhood education field, researcher followed Schűtze’s theory construction and analysis to analyze and shape the structure description and abstract concepts.
After the process of data analysis, “either growing or eliminating” shows up to be Principal Sin-feng’s belief. The text shows that in one’s life process, self-completion is a motivation that can break through constrains of environment and head to a better situation. Therefore, we can see that although the uncertainty of environment and oneself can be constrains, it can also bring the unlimited possibility. At the end, researcher raised the topic of “kindergarten teachers’ subsistence in the growth and decline of public and private kindergartens” for discussion. Researcher revised and constructed a similar system from the creativity systematic viewpoint raised by Csikszentmihalyi, to explain the possible reasons, from personal, subject, and field aspects, that make the research object stay in the same career for such a long time.
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大學廣告創意課程研究:一個實務取向的課程規劃 / The Study on the University Advertising Creative Curricular -- A Curriculum Design Based on Practitioners' Perspectives.張怡琪, Chang,Vivian Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現符合實務界理想的廣告創意課程有下列方向:現實感、發想概念的能力、判斷力的養成、教導想法、職業認知、提案技巧、作品集、加強實務師資、從國際廣告吸取經驗、團隊精神。並據此由實務界觀點出發,結合作者經驗建構出八節符合實務需求的廣告創意課程:1.如何從創意哲學中培養看廣告概念的眼光。2.創意簡報。3.消費者心聲。4.廣告概念。5.創意概念。6.創意執行手法。7.創意素材。8.評估廣告。 / This study started with how advertising agency chose their employees, and how the university advertising creative curricular played their role on educating students to meet the expectation, and how to design or reinforce the current creative curricular. The objective was to educate the students in a way that met the practitioners’ perspective.
Advertising was a pragmatic science. How to tie education with practitioners’ expectation tightly was a real challenge. In literature studies, the practitioner considered that the university creative curriculum constrained with over-academic, and lack of the knowledge of competition in real world. The practitioners were looking for creative personnel who studied the skills of concept, technique and communication, as well as the competition, bureaucracy, politics and business reality in the advertising agency. The creative curriculum was expected to teach following disciplines: self-editing, adherence to strategy, exposing to awards annuals, partnership, presentation, agency politics…etc.
After conducting a case study and several in-depth interviews, a design for creative curriculum was ready to form. The case study was experimented with students who took advertising copywriting program in university. And the in-depth interviews were from agency’s senior creative personnel who talked about their point-of-views on their knowledge and suggestion for university creative curricular.
Research suggested that the creative curriculum to meet the practitioners’ perspective must include the following principles: learning the reality, capable of generating concepts, teaching cerebration, understanding the nature of business, presentation skill, portfolio, uses of practitioners’ experiences, learning from global advertisements, and team work. And based on those practitioners’ perspectives, along with the writer’s personal experience, an eight-lesson program for university advertising creative curriculum was designed: 1. To See an Ad. 2. Creative Brief. 3. Cunsumer Insight. 4. Advertising Concept. 5. Finding the Creative Concept. 6. Some Tools to Create an Ad. 7. Creative Executions. 8. How to Evaluate Creative.
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消費罪惡感之情緒內涵、發生時機及量表發展 / The Construct, Timing, and Measurement of Consumer Guilt林育則, Lin, Yu Tse Unknown Date (has links)
整體而言,本研究不僅對「消費罪惡感」的本質作了深入的探究,讓「消費罪惡感」之定義更加明確,且解釋了不同消費罪惡感發生時機之情緒內涵的差異,並據此發展出「消費罪惡感量表」,以為未來「消費罪惡感」相關研究之適切衡量工具。 / Guilt is a negative state that individuals experience in reaction to either a positive but undeserved event or a negative but deserved event. Despite its negative valence, guilt is considered a functional emotion, because it informs individuals that they have violated personal or social standards and motivates reparative action. In a consumption context, guilt has been linked to impulsive buying, compulsive consumption, and overspending. This guilt about consumption is usually named “Consumer Guilt.” Although previous research has defined consumer guilt, the measurement of consumer guilt is still not available in previous research. Therefore, this study focuses on the construct of consumer guilt and intends to explore when consumer guilt occurs.
In order to find out the constructs, timing, and measurement of consumer guilt, 25 respondents were reminded with a shopping situation which consumers usually have the feelings of guilt. The interviewees were also requested to recall their last consumer guilt situation. This research employed the critical incident techniques and the main study contains 57 consumer guilt events.
The results illustrate three major findings. First, through collecting, sorting and analyzing 56 events, the results pointed out consumer guilt had six constructs of emotion: hesitation, fear, scruple, reluctance to spend, regret, blame. Second, the past researches indicated consumer guilt can divide into two categories: reactive guilt and anticipatory guilt. This study finds that besides anticipatory consumer guilt and reactive consumer guilt, consumer guilt occurs at the point of buying. We name it proceeding consumer guilt. Third, the major construct of anticipatory consumer guilt is hesitation, the major construct of proceeding consumer guilt is reluctance to spend, and the major construct of reactive consumer guilt is regret and blame.
Based on these results, we define the construct of consumer guilt to be measured, and generate items that pertain to the construct. Then determine the reliability and validity of these items. The anticipatory consumer guilt scale and the reactive guilt were developed to capture the concept of consumer guilt. The scale successfully met standards for internal reliability, content validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity.
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黨國、意識型態與電視媒體: 中國大陸中央電視臺《焦點訪談》節目之「輿論監督」分析 / Party-State, Ideology and Media: The Public Opinion Supervision Analysis of Focus Report of China Central Television張永達, Chang, Yung Ta Unknown Date (has links)
改革開放以來實施的經濟改革,造成中共內部貪汙腐敗之現象日益嚴重,因此,新聞傳播媒體被賦予扮演權力監督機制的一環,針對一些違法亂紀的政府單位或商人進行監督懲處。然而,不同於西方新聞媒體的角色,在中共威權政體之下,輿論監督必須遵守黨國體制的輿論監督規範,以維持中共統治之合法性。為了探討中共輿論監督之樣貌,以及影響輿論監督的背後因素,本文以中央電視臺《焦點訪談》節目內容作為分析個案,在理論觀點上,以葛蘭西的文化霸權為基礎,結合理論與實證,以2013年該節目之新聞報導內容作為個案資料,討論國家對傳媒的影響,以及《焦點訪談》對政治和社會造成的影響,在此論述過程中,試圖釐清威權主義國家輿論監督的報導原則。 / The economic reforms in China after the opening policy, the corruption in the Communist Party of China (CPC) has become more and more severe.The media, consequently, has been used to endow itself with mechanism of supervising power, aiming at supervising and punishing the government department and businessman breaking laws and violating discipline.However, different from the western media, the public opinion supervision needs under the authentic regime of CPC,to abide by the public opinion supervision regulations of Party-State system.This thesis taking the Focus Report, program of China Central Television (CCTV) as the analysis case, will inquire into the public opinion supervision of CPC and the influencing factors behind it.And based on the cultural hegemony of Gramsci as the theoretical perspective, this thesis, combing the news report of Focus Report in 2013 to discuss how a country to influence its media and the influence for the politics and society of the program itself, will clarify the report principle of public opinion supervision of authoritarian state.
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未婚男性的愛情觀--現象學方法的研究 / Pre-Marital Males’ Views about Love--A Phenomenological Approach余振民, Jenn-Min Yu Unknown Date (has links)
目 錄
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍的界定 12
第三節 本研究的限制 13
第二章 文獻探討 15
第一節 愛情的本質 15
第二節 愛情的來源 20
第三節 愛情的過程 24
第四節 兩性特質及其社會化影響因素 28
第五節 相關知識在本研究中的定位 33
第三章 研究方法 34
第一節 研究進行的架構 34
第二節 研究對象的選取 37
第三節 研究者自我涉入與自我檢核 42
第四節 蒐集資料的程序 45
第五節 資料整理與分析 56
第四章 研究發現 64
第一節 對象的挑選 64
第二節 愛情的追求 80
第三節 關係的發展 96
第四節 愛情的意義 109
第五章 結論、討論與建議 125
第一節 研究結論與討論 125
第二節 建議 156
參考書目 162
附錄 169
附錄一 訪談邀請函 169
附錄二 焦點團體邀請函 171
附錄三 訪談契約書 173
附錄四 個別訪談大綱 174
附錄五 田野日誌 175
附錄六 焦點團體訪談大綱 176
附錄七 個別訪談意義單元編輯舉例 177
附錄八 D的中心主題、開放編碼舉例 179
附錄九 個別訪談核心單元編輯舉例 180
附錄十 個別訪談的初步分析結果大綱 182
附錄十一 焦點團體訪談稿意義單元編輯舉例 184
附錄十二 研究方法的背景哲學 191
表一 張老師近年求助問題前三名摘錄表 1
表二 台北市「生命線」近年求助問題統計資料 2
表三 愛情的內涵 3
表四 本土心理學界的愛情質性研究 6
表五 愛情的來源 22
表六 愛情的過程 27
表七 台灣男女兩性的特質 29
表八 研究對象的個人基本資料 37
表九 不同文化下的男女特質差異 136
圖一 研究進行的基本架構 35
圖二 資料分析的步驟 57
圖三 研究發現的初步架構 60
圖四 加入焦點團體資料後的研究發現架構 62 / The purpose of this study is to acquire the awareness of love of single males. This study tries to find the role of love in their lives to define their attitudes toward love. After all, this study compares the finding with contemporary theories, and tries to produce some discourse of romances in Taiwan.
Eleven interviewers have participated in this study. The phenomenological deep interview and focus group were adopted to collect data, along with the method of Phenomenological Psychology to analyze data. Finally, some hermeneutic approaches were used to illuminate the finding. The main findings were as the following.
First, most interviewed males lacked experience of mutually sexual interaction at their teens. They used to confine themselves and explore bi-sexual relations through the pursuing of love. Males intended to care about the appearance of females, as the beautiful appearance is of significance for them. Males judged the existence of females by the appearance of females, as it accommodated males with delighted feeling, sexual contentment, and self-confidence.
Secondly, Males frequently played an aggressive role in the process. Males accumulated their understandings of sexual relationship and experience of impressing sexual interaction. They were mentally and physically fulfilled with self-ascertain, self-growth, sense of conquering, being loved, being cared, and sexual interaction. Through the satisfaction of these needs, they aware the meanings of love. They, however, felt uncomfortable with the consistently long term giving, sacrifice of freedom, and control of sexual desires Such conflicts were not easily resolved, and they led males to pursue more suitable love under the present expectations.
Literally speaking, love attitude of bachelors consists of intimacy mainly. Such intimacy contains physical and mental interactions and even the achievement of dialogue relations of spiritual comfort, rather than an outlet of desires.
Furthermore, love is also the process of various needs and self-growth at the moment of what makes expect to obtain and to be. The growth mostly in love relations is a change as well. It motivates males to define a more suitable relationship among themselves and others.
Based on the above findings, comments are made for males, females, consolers, and future advanced research.
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以資源為基礎探討我國精神障礙者會所經營管理之模式 / From the resources-based aspect to explore on the management model of clubhouse for mentally disabled persons吳文正, Wu Wen Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
(五)設置委員會審查機制:會所內部應設置委員會,聘用引進外部獨立、公正之人士,以便審查內部業務,使內部財務等資訊透明,可增加外部資源連結,增加社會大眾給予資源挹注之願意與信心,可同時提升募款之比重、減少政府補助之比例、以及強化會所治理之機制。 / Clubhouse is an emerging non-profit organization in Taiwan in recent years. It is one kind of self-help group for mental handicaps and is originated from Fountain House in U.S.A. There have been 5 clubhouses set up with 2 of them resulting to an end because of certain causes. The outcome of this scenario is pitiful.
The method of this thesis is qualitative and make in-depth interview with persons who materially manages in each clubhouse.
The aims of this thesis are as follow:
(1) Exploring how to sustain this clubhouse model which has built up in the way of charity.
(2) Exploring the key success factors and the key failure factors in terms of resources, and proving these factors to other similar non-profit organizations for comparison.
(3) Protecting and Promoting the rights and interests of mentally vulnerable population.
(4) Providing a reference model for modern healthcare organizations which tend to be over-profiteering like companies.
After exploring the model of management in terms of resources, the conclusions are made as follow:
(1) Most of clubhouses in Taiwan are sponsored chiefly by government with more than 50%, in other words, relatively less from raising funds.
(2) All clubhouses are closely interrelated with their affiliated organizations which set up them, however loosely and informally with other non-profit organizations.
(3) All clubhouses in Taiwan have not yet used strategic tools such as BSC for management, probably due to still in early developmental stage with small scale.
(4) All clubhouses in Taiwan have plans in the future to receive certification from ICCD in order to obtain resources, especially knowledge and skills, with promoting their own core competence.
Addressing to implications of management, this thesis conclude several points as follow:
(1) Decreasing the percent to be dependent to outside resources.
(2) Developing new resources other than sponsorship from government.
(3) Decreasing cost and increasing efficiency under establishment of performance indicators.
(4) Getting qualified with a certification issued by ICCD.
(5) Establishing an independent committee of review as an oversight mechanism.
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數位典藏應用於國中自然與生活科技學習領域生物教學之研究 / A study of integrating digital archives into biology teaching in the nature and life technology science for the junior high school students丁裕峯, Ting, Yu Feng Unknown Date (has links)
根據研究結果,本研究提出之建議包括:(一)建置國中教學專區於數位典藏網站;(二)建議針對數位典藏內容再予加值運用;(三)開放下載使用數位典藏網站資源;(四)建構完善的學校網路環境;(五)增加網路授課時間;(六)提升教師資訊應用能力。 / The study is mainly to understand the situation of digital archives applied to biology teaching at junior high schools; targeting biology teachers at junior high schools and the first year junior high school students to explore related experiences of biology teachers using digital archives website to seek for teaching resources and the teaching outcomes applied to biology teaching, to analyze the situation of digital archives applied to biology teaching from these experiences for the time being, and to propose suggestions to biology teachers in terms of a reference to teaching. The research purposes include : understand the way the biology teachers at junior high schools search for teaching resources in nature and life science fields, their experiences in collecting teaching resources over digital archives website and the effects and viewpoints of applying digital archives to biology teaching, so as to understand the learning effect of digital archives websites on students while applying to biology teaching at junior high schools.
The study introduces interview and questionnaire survey and follows a scope of digital archives related websites; targeting biology teachers at junior high schools and the first year junior high school students, with 5 biology teachers at junior high schools interviewed upon the outcomes of digital archives applied to teaching in order to understand the process of website teaching used by teachers and the teaching effect, and with 30 students of the 5 classes of first year student selected as questionnaire respondents, in which the research outcome will be proposed after comprehensive analysis and summary of interview data with 5 teachers, as well as a statistic analysis of student questionnaires.
The study is concluded in terms of two perspectives – “teacher interview” and “student questionnaire”, respectively, in which the conclusions made from the perspective of teacher interview are : (1) channels to collect resources for biology teaching and the motives to use the internet to collect teaching resources : channels to collect resources for biology teaching are web, multimedia tutorial CD and newspapers/magazines-based, the motives for using internet to collect teaching resources - abundant and diverse resources online, no time and space limit, convenient and rapid search of teaching resources online, e-data helps teachers consolidate and make supplementary course materials. (2) Advantages and difficulties in using digital archives websites to collect resources for biology teaching : the advantages include rich website data that fit for biology teaching, update and addition of information from year to year make the data authoritative and is worth referencing. The difficulties include insufficient data for teaching, inaccessibility to data, unavailability of special file type download and opening after download. (3) Outcomes of website resources of digital archives applied to biology teaching : provide students an interactive and multimedia learning manner and enable a vivid and interesting teaching; rich picture materials to get students’ attention along with learning sheet and assignment practice to guide students to conduct learning after school. (4) Situation and dilemma of digital archive website applied to biology teaching : a limited biology curriculum has enabled low probability of teaching over digital archive website; the internet speed, PC equipment at schools and teachers’ capability in applying the information, are one of the reasons for teachers to decide whether to use the digital archives website; rich supplementary resources for related teaching, accessibility and playing have reduced a chance of using the digital archives website.
The conclusions of student questionnaire were made from the “viewpoints and learning effect of digital archives websites applied to biology teaching” and “advantages/disadvantages of digital archives websites applied to biology teaching” respectively. (1) “viewpoints and learning effect of digital archives websites applied to biology teaching”: a manner of teaching online is new and interesting to students, the images and videos on the web help understand the course contents, the information online is more abundant than that of books, there will be more chance to interact with teachers and rich data for extended learning after school. (2)“advantages/disadvantages of digital archives websites applied to biology teaching”: the class is interesting and cheery to students in terms of advantage aspect, the vivid pictures are easy to understand and are more diverse and abundant than the textbooks; while too much contents, complicated and hard to comprehend, it is bothering to learn over internet and you can’t have class without a PC and internet connection are the disadvantages.
The suggestions proposed by the study upon the research outcome include :(1) establish special zone for junior high school teaching on the digital archives websites; (2)add value to the contents of digital archives and make use of it accordingly; (3) availability of download of digital archives website resources ;(4)construct a complete e-environment at schools; (5)extend hours of e-class; (6) foster teachers’ capability in applying the information.
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2005年縣長與縣市議員選舉候選人網站與部落格分析 / An Analysis and Critique of 2005 Taiwan Candidate Websites and Blogs黃毓茹 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究並發現,候選人部落格(Candidate Blog)普遍具有混雜(hybrid)的特質, 因此不適用於過去部落格之「非個人即議題」或「非議題即個人」全然武斷的劃分,建議後續在探討部落格時,應視「候選人部落格」為一獨立子題予以討論。
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網路人際的隱性人格理論之初探:以網路聊天室為例 / A Primary Study of Implicit Personality Theory in Internet Human Relations-The Case of Internet Relay Chat羅懷慈, Lydia Lo January 1990 (has links)
人際傳播重要的「認知、過濾」理論-隱性人格論(Implicit Personality Theory),常被用於解釋人際互動間進展及是否持續接觸的重要理論之一,它牽涉到訊息蒐集、篩選、判斷等認知處理過程,同時也被引申到人際傳播的效果闡述上,經過多年來的論證已顯示此理論對於人際交往及傳播的影響層面是無庸置疑的,不過當面對被視為未來趨勢的虛擬網路世界時,隱性人格理論是否仍在網路交往過程中扮演一重要角色,抑或是會產生本質的改變,還是根本毫無影響,目前似乎沒有任何具體答案,因此如何將已精粹成形的人際傳播理論運用在網際網路中的人際傳播上,相信該是「人際傳播學」在21世紀開啟的此時最迫切的課題。
經本研究歸納深度訪談內容及訊息,顯示「隱性人格理論」在虛擬的網路世界中的確存在且有其不同層面的影響力,不僅在互動過程中該理論的現象發生得更早,並且牽涉到更多自我主觀的認知判斷,但相對真實世界而言,該判斷是比較脆弱且易變的,也間接顯示出網路人際關係與現實世界中的交往是有本質上的差異。 / THESIS ABSTRACT
The interaction among people is no longer limited by distance or space according to the development of new technology for information and transportation. The concept of ‘Global Village’ has been formed and ‘interpersonal communication behavior’ is getting more and more complicated and important as it is among the regions and across boundaries. For instance, serious attacking event of ‘911’ was caused by incorrect ‘communication strategy’ and different cultural background; and the ‘Ms. Chu event’ was also caused by inappropriate interpersonal relationship. These great sufferings could be avoided if the people or governments involved in those two events could have clarified the problems and taken proper ‘communication strategies’ in advance.
‘Implicit Personality Theory’, an important theory of ‘recognition and filtering’ in interpersonal communication, is a theory that was commonly applied to explain the progress of interpersonal interaction and to confirm the continuous connection. It involves in the process of handling recognition on information collection, screening, and judgment, etc. Other than that, it is also extended to elaborate the effect of interpersonal communication. After years of expound and prove, it is obviously that this theory has been demonstrated a deep impact to interpersonal association and communication. However, when facing the so-called future trend of virtual cyber world, there is still no concrete solution whether ‘Implicit Personality Theory’ will play an important role in the cyber world? If there an essential change will be occurred, or even no any influence at all. Consequently, it is considered the most urgent issue in the opening of 21st century that how the maturely formed ‘interpersonal communication theory’ can be applied to interpersonal connection in the cyber world.
This study tried to get in from the different phases of AIDA in the process of handling information, and from an in-depth interview of several heavy users of IRC to explore the process of virtual interpersonal interaction to the chatting partner in internet chat room and further to understand if the phenomenon as described in ‘Implicit Personality Theory’ will be occurred in the process of cyber association, just the same as that in the real world, or if there any other party and object will be impacted.
It was demonstrated that ‘Implicit Personality Theory’ exists in virtual cyber world and impacts to different parts throughout the induction of the contents and information from the in-depth interviews. The phenomenon of this theory not only appeared earlier in the process of interaction, but also more involved in judgment of recognition from self subjective. However, for the real world, this kind of judgment is weaker and easier to change, and indirectly shows that there were essential differences between cyber interpersonal relationship and real world communication. / 目錄
第一章 概論
第一節 研究動機..................... 1
第二節 研究目的..................... 3
第三節 研究問題..................... 4
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 人際傳播之定義.................. 5
第二節 人際傳播的理論基礎................ 9
第三節 隱性人格理論...................10
第四節 網際網路與人際傳播................16
第五節 網路人際傳播...................17
第六節 網路即時聊天...................21
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構-A-I-D模式............... 27
第二節 研究方法.....................29
第三節 研究對象.....................31
一、 設定合格受訪者條件............31
二、 受訪者選取................33
第四節 研究設計.....................35
一、 研究工具.................35
二、 進行程序.................37
第四章 研究發現
第一節 研究對象共同特性 ................ 41
第二節 第一階段-“A”ttention注意 ............. 42
一、 在IRC中..................42
二、 在真實世界中................46
第三節 第二階段-”I”nterest興趣 ............. 47
三、 在IRC中..................47
四、 在真實世界中................55
第四節 第三階段-“D”esire欲望...............56
一、 在IRC中..................57
二、 在真實世界中................60
第五節 總整理.......................61
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 研究結論......................66
第二節 檢討與建議.....................69
參考文獻............................ 72
附件一:1996∼2001年蕃薯藤網路使用行為大調查........ 78
附件二:一對一深度訪談過錄文稿............... 83
附件三:受訪者背景與網路即時聊天室使用經驗簡介....... 111
圖2-1-1 傳播金字塔 5
圖2-1-2 5W公式 6
圖2-1-3 人際傳播的基本概念 8
圖2-3-1 交際關係的六個階段 13
圖2-5-1 微軟Out-look的e-mail 19
圖2-5-2 台北科技大學紅樓BBS資訊站 19
圖2-6-1 IRC多對多互動聊天畫面 22
圖2-6-2 IRC「悄悄話」一對一聊天房間 22
圖2-6-3 可針對特定對象,選擇擬人化動作 25
圖3-1-1 隱性人格理論的內向傳播過程 27
圖3-1-2 AIDA模式 28
圖3-1-3 研究架構 28
圖3-3-1:英國網路重度使用者定義圖示 32
表2-1-1 人際傳播理論 9
表2-5-1 網路人際傳播介面比較表 20
表3-2-1 質化研究與量化研究的取向觀點 29
表3-2-2 質化與量化研究的差異 29
表3-3-1 網路使用時數描述性統計結果 33
表3-3-2 網路上癮者與非上癮者網路使用時數t檢定 33
表3-3-3 受訪者簡介 34
表4-5-1 兩種場域「推測性格」行為不一致的受訪者 41
表4-5-2 兩種場域「意願受影響」行為的差異 41
表4-5-3 受訪者與陌生人接觸的差異化比較表 42
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俄羅斯與台灣的社會文化對中小企業創業之分析 / An analysis of the influence of Social Culture on Entrepreneurship in Russia and Taiwan杜仰高, Duyankou, Aliaksandr Unknown Date (has links)
過去多數西方和俄羅斯學者透過制度的探討,指出治理問題、執法無效、市場改革不足等俄羅斯市場邏輯的結構性弱點,本文提供了一個新的視角,說明為何俄羅斯中小企業缺乏積極性合績效。本文指出,俄羅斯是歷史悠久的國家,儘管歷經幾十年的市場改革,許多不利於創業的社會文化至今仍然存在,俄羅斯社會變遷趕不上制度改革之速度,仍遵循蘇聯社會以及更古老俄羅斯思維。這些文化以不同方式仍然存在於現代俄羅斯社會,大幅阻礙市場改革的實現。以臺灣和俄羅斯田野調查的資料為基礎,本文比較俄羅斯和台灣社會文化因素,呈現兩國之間完全不同的價值觀和規範,及其對於現今俄羅斯和台灣社會的影響,由此證明以往制度性研究所忽略社會文化的作用和影響。 / In the past, most Western and Russian scholars applied the Institutional Approach to point out governance, ineffective law enforcement, lack of market reform and other structural weaknesses of the Russian market economy. This paper provides a new perspective as to why small and medium Russian enterprises experience lack of motivation and performance. This article points out the historical heritage of Russia as one of the reasons, showing that after decades of market reform, most traditional socio-cultural obstacles for entrepreneurship still exist in modern Russian society. The changes of Russian society are far behind institutional reforms and Russian mentality is still inheriting the spirit of Soviet society or even ancient Russian history. These old cultural norms and traditions still exist in different ways in modern Russian society, significantly obstructing the implementation of market reforms. Based on field survey data from Taiwan and Russia, this paper lists and compares Russian and Taiwanese socio-cultural factors, showing completely different values and norms between the two countries and their social impact in modern Russia and Taiwan. Thus proving that previous research based on the Institutional Approach has ignored the significance of social culture and its influence.
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