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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


千龍, Qian, Long Unknown Date (has links)
行政與財政具有不可分離的關係。實際上,政府推展政務,一切非財莫舉,尤其是現代福利國家的行政權日趨擴大,財政規模隨行政權的擴張而膨脹日甚一日。財政收入的大部分為租稅收入,惟由於租稅具有普及性、大量性及技術性,因此,納稅義務人與稽徵機關之間,較易發生糾紛。故各國憲法明定行政救濟權利,而中、韓兩國亦不例外。 中華民國司法院大法官會議於民國七十七年四月二十二日作成二二四號解釋明確表示,稅損稽徵法關於申請復查,以繳納一定比率的稅款或提供相當擔保為條件之規定,使未能繳納或提供相當擔保的人,喪失行政救濟的機會,係違憲法之規定。依據此解釋文,乃於民國七十九年一月二十四日修正公布稅損稽徵法,大幅改善有關申請復查的程序。經過此次修正,雖不能使稅制盡善盡美,但有關措施的採行,確有助於提高人民的權利意識,保障人民之救濟權。 至於大韓民國,在一九七五年四月一日設置國稅審判所,改善國稅的行政救濟程序,一九七八年十二月五日修改關稅法,將關稅的行政救濟最終審即「請求審判」由國稅審判所辦理。一九八五年十二月十五日修改行政訴訟法並制定行政審判法(代替舊訴願法),繼續謀求改善行政救濟程序;然而,最近稅務有關團體,主張提高國稅審判所的地位,而地方稅的行政救濟最終審也應由國稅審判所辦理。 本論文研究的目的,乃就中、韓兩國之租稅行政救濟制度從使比較研究,俾讀者能窺中、韓兩國租稅行政救濟制度之全貌,並供有關單位作為研究改進之參考。本文章節的編排如下: 第一章為緒論,敘述本論文的研究動機與目的、研究方法與限制,以及本文章節。 第二章為租稅行政救濟理論之探討,先說明租稅行政救濟的意義、其次論述租稅救濟制度的演進與功能以及租稅行政救濟制度的基本原則、最後,將美、日、德三國之租稅救濟制度作一比較。 第三、四章比較中、韓兩國租稅行政救濟制度,將中國的「復查」、「訴願(含再訴願)」及「行政訴訟」與韓國的「申請異議」、「請求審查」及「行政訴訟」等各項程序分別說明。 第五章為比較分析,檢討分析中、韓兩國現行制度的異同點及缺失,並提供改進意見。 第六章結論及建議,摘要說明本研究的發現,並提出對兩國政府的建議。


賀光輝, HE, GUANG-HUI Unknown Date (has links)
全文共一冊,約陸萬字,分陸章拾捌節。 第一章:「緒論」,說明本論文之研究動機、研究架構與限制。 第二章:「美國貿易法理論與實務」,探討美國貿易法有關進口救濟之基本架構;美 國國際貿易委員會組織與運作;美國貿易法三三七條之立法淵源。 第三章:「三三七條之違反與救濟」,從實體法觀點研究構成三三七條違反之基本要 素;國際貿易委員會可採取救濟措施;公共利益與政策考慮因素。 第四章:「三三七條訴訟程序」,從程序法觀點探討三三七條進行訴訟之整個處理程 序;與一般司法程序之比較;答辯時應考慮之因素。 第五章:「我國產品涉案分析」,簡單介紹我國歷年來被美國指控違反三三七條之案 件;特別針對由任袋、立式銑床、電腦等案件深入研究其攻防之缺失,並對未來可能 涉案者提出綜合建議。 第六章:「結論」。


楊武連, Yang, Wu-Lian Unknown Date (has links)
本文分下列五章加以研討。 第一章緒論,對租稅救濟之意義及目的、理論基礎、性質、方法等作一般性之介紹。第二章各國租稅救濟制度,分別就業、英、日三國之制度作一簡述,籍資參考,並供借鏡。第三章就我國租稅救濟制度之現況加以平實敘述,俾於檢討現行制度問題之前,能對現行租稅救濟制度有一完整之輪廓與認識。第四章將現行租稅救濟制度之有關問題,提出檢討,並分為查對更正之有關問題,申請復查之有關問題,訴願之有關問題,行政訴訟之有關問題,以及稅務兩元救濟裁罰制度之有關問題,逐一加以檢討分析,並就管見所及,提出改進意見。 其要點有統一規定各項稅法之救濟程序,並迅速制訂統一性之稅捐征收法,以便稅務機關及納稅人有所準繩; 簡化行政救濟程序,將再訴願,程序取消,以利迅速結案; 力求改進現行訴願法及行政訴訟法之內容,使之完善,以免適用時發生困難或疑義。健全訴願審,議委員會之組織,並使其地位具有相當獨立性,同時給予訴願人聽證之機會,用昭訴願人信服; 修改行政法院組織法,將其分為地方行政法院與中央行政法院,俾對事件能作更審慎,更客觀公平之裁判; 現行稅務二元救濟制度似應回復一元制,以怯除行政司法兩歧不良之後果,並符合大陸法系制度之特色。第五章為結論,乃將研討改進之結果作一總結。總而言之,我國現行租稅救濟制度之改革,其目標即在怯除制度上不良之因素,使之臻於健全,並求制度之運用,能兼顧到效能、適當、和合法各方面,以發揮租稅救濟之實效,而裨益於租稅行政之正常運行。


楊謹瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
一直以來,台灣企業在智慧財產的保護方面,與外國企業相比相對處於劣勢,財經報導方面只會看到台灣企業被外國企業控告的新聞,而且絕大部分最後的結果都是台灣企業支付大筆的權利金之後和解;而專利更是屬於高科技產業的問題,跟一般認為的傳統產業一點關係都沒有,但是竟然有一間被大眾認為傳統產業企業(中國砂輪公司),卻成功有效的逼退外國知名企業(3M)的專利訴訟,使外國企業支付和解金之後,還獲得其商業上的目的,成為這領域中與外國企業能相提並論的大型企業。 本研究以自身企業擁有的專利品質與所處於的產業價值鏈角度切入,參照國內外相關理論,並藉由次級資料、文獻探討與個案訪談的方式,分析中國砂輪公司面對跨國大型企業3M的專利訴訟中的因應,進而給面臨相同壓力的企業,一個可供參考的重要依據。 本研究主要發現如下: 1. 企業所擁有的專利品質越強,在專利訴訟的較容易佔有優勢地位。不過成功的專利範圍詮釋(Claim Interpretation),可以補足專利品質上的不足,使得專利訴訟地位提昇,獲得較為有利的判決。 2. 企業所在的價值鏈地位,與是否願意進行專利訴訟相關,當所在的產業價值鏈地位越高,下游企業依賴性越高,更容易獲得資源進行專利訴訟。 3. 企業的目的在於獲取利潤,因此企業多以商業考量,來替代公平正義的法律考量。當訴訟成本小於訴訟預期收益時,企業會繼續進行訴訟,但當訴訟成本大於預期收益時,企業會選擇不再繼續訴訟。 4. 由於專利訴訟的最終目的在於增加商業談判籌碼,因此當被控告專利侵權時,就算經過檢視專利認為自身沒有侵權,仍應立即予以回應(提出反訴、進行商業結盟、立即變更製程、舉發對方專利無效等),並非等待專利訴訟結果後才有所反應。 5. 在進行專利訴訟時,選擇有利的訴訟地點或方式,將會增加訴訟獲勝的機會,以及增加商業上的籌碼。 6. 當專利訴訟結果對於企業有利時,對於產品市佔率、股價等財務指標有所助益,尤其是對於小型的企業,其表現會更加亮眼。 同時本研究也提出以下建議,供產業界參考: 1. 中小企業面對跨國大企業的專利訴訟,應先檢視自身是否有侵權,以及是否有能夠提出反訴的專利。 2. 當面對專利訴訟時,應選擇專業與經驗兼具備的律師與專家證人,不要為了節省成本,因而因小失大。 3. 中小企業本身也要具有為顧客解決問題的能力,提高自身企業在產業價值鏈的不被替代性,才可以以結盟的力量對抗跨國企業的訴訟。 4. 當面對專利訴訟時,應該要立即應對,不管是與對方和解、進行反訴、舉發對方專利、變更製程或是商業結盟等,不可以等待訴訟結果。 5. 所有專利訴訟還是要以成本考量為依歸,一旦預期獲益小於訴訟成本時,企業應衡量是否應該繼續訴訟。 / Taiwan corporations have always been at a disadvantage behind foreign companies when it comes to the protection of intellectual property rights. The media repeats the stereotype that most cases of patent infringements between foreign companies and Taiwan corporations end up with costly settlements from Taiwan corporations. Moreover, patent violations are widely regarded as problems exclusive to the high-tech industry and have nothing to do with traditional industries. The Kinik Company, one of the traditional industries, surprisingly prevailed in a patent litigation dispute with the world renown, 3M Corporation. Not only did the Kinik Company successfully claim a settlement fee from its opponent, but also that it garnered commercial benefits and recognition for challenging a foreign company on equal grounds. This research begins with the patent quality and the position of an industry in the industry value chain. This thesis will involve with domestic and international theories, secondary data, published studies and case interviews, analyzing what strategy the Kinik Company adopted in its patent litigation suit against the world renowned 3M Corporation. The study will provide useful reference for Taiwan corporations of similar situations. The major findings are as follows: 1. The higher quality of the patents an industry possesses, the more leverage the industry will possess in a patent litigation. However, a good Claim Interpretation can supplement patent quality inadequacies and gain grounds during patent litigation, thereby winning a favorable judgment. 2. The industry’s positions in the value chain closely correspomd to its inclination to proceed with the patent litigation. The higher position it is situated in the industry value chain, the greater the downstream corporations depend on its survival and the more support it will garner to proceed with patent litigation. 3. A corporation’s ultimate goal is to maximize profits, and so a corporation weighs more on commercial profits than social justice. When the cost of litigation falls below expected benefits, the corporation will pursue litigation. On the other hand, when the costs of litigation exceed expected benefits, corporations will forgo litigation. 4. Since the ultimate goal of a patent litigation is to fight for bargaining chips, the defendant must react immediately (putting forth counter claims, forming a strategic alliance, immediately switching production techniques, invalidating the opponent’s patent etc.) when being sued for patent violations, even if it believed that there was no violation at all. Never wait for judgments to react. 5. Choosing a favorable location and approach for a patent litigation will increase the odds as well as bargaining chips over commercial benefits. 6. A favorable judgment from a patent litigation improves an industry’s market share, share price and other financial indicators, especially for smaller companies. This research offers the following suggestions for the industries: 1. When small and medium enterprises are involved in patent litigations initiated by multinational corporations, they must make certain whether they did the violation in the first place, and whether they possess any patent that can be used for a counter claim. 2. Always choose professional and experienced lawyers and expert witnesses for patent litigations. Do not risk losing big over cost considerations. 3. Small and medium enterprises should also develop problem-solving skills for their customers. The only way to fight against a multinational patent litigation is to become indispensable within the industry value chain and to be backed by a powerful alliance. 4. React immediately to any patent litigation: to make settlements, to proceed with a counter claim, to invalidate the opponents’ patent, to switch production techniques, or form commercial alliances. Never wait for judgments. 5. Evaluate all patent litigations based on costs and benefits. Once the expected benefits become less than the costs of litigation, the decision makers must ponder whether to pursue litigation or not.

不動產仲介紛爭處理機制之研究-以屠布涅的反思法理論為中心 / A Study of Disposal System for the Real Estate Disputes- Centered on the Theory of Reflexive Law of Teubner

金仲明, Jim Chung Ming Unknown Date (has links)
國人「有土斯有財」之觀念濃厚,往往除了住的需求之外,更以購買不動產做為保存財富的重要方式。然而,不動產各別差異性很大,難以建立一個公開的市場,提供一般人所需的完整資訊,因此,在資訊不流通與不透明的情況下,極易產生資訊不對稱的問題,加上專業人士之素質良莠不齊,往往利用其掌握資訊之優勢,對於交易當事人隱藏重要資訊,甚至欺罔之行為等事件發生,致不動產交易紛爭案件層出不窮。 隨著社會經濟活動的變化,對於不動產的使用形態與權利類型也日益複雜,如果探討紛爭發生的原因及其處理方式時,僅著眼於規範的抽象內容與如何適用,往往比較不能得到想要的結果,因為就紛爭當事人而言,除了對於法律規範與事實之間的認知有所不同外,更重要的是如何妥善解決問題會比如何適用法律來得重要。 我國現今法制上之不動產仲介紛爭處理機制,除了循司法上之訴訟途徑外,尚可透過不同的訴訟外紛爭處理機制以謀求解決,惟多元的訴訟外紛爭處理機制,其本身之組織架構、處理程序及形成之法律效果並不相同,民眾對於應選擇何種之機制始可達成其訴求,以及現行法律制度下所提供之處理機制是否能夠有效妥適處理此類的紛爭,並不清楚,因此,本文嚐試從法律社會學的角度觀察我國法律對於不動產交易活動所進行的管制實際社會效果如何,並透過反思法的理論所提出之當今法律進化的特徵,提出我國在處理不動產仲介紛爭的法律制度設計上一些新的思考方向。 / Whereas the concept of " Possessing Property makes Wealth " is deeply in the heart of our people, in addition to the necessity for living, they buy real estates for preserving wealth as major practice. However, the conditions of real estate are varied, it is difficult to establish a public market to provide sufficient information, hence, under the situation of short of communication and transparency of data which is easy to cause information unsymmetrical. Moreover, the complicated backgrounds of Realtors who intend to hold their favorable materials to hide from the other parties and even commit fraud.....etc. So, real estate business causes conflicts frequently. In the wake of diversity of social economics activities, the application and rights and privileges of real estate also become more intricateness. If people explore the reason of conflict and disposal process just at the point of normative abstract content and applicable, it will always be unable to gain the ideal result. As to the dispute parties concerned, beside the different interpretation of the law and the fact, how to properly solve the problem is more important than the legal action. In our country, the present legal process for Realtor argument disposal, in addition to the judicial charges, people can seek other way to settle the dispute. Nevertheless, the multiform dispute disposal institutions which because of their corporate structures and disposal process different constitute discrepant legal result. What kind of system people should select to achieve their purpose and, whether the designated process under the present legal rules can solve the problem properly and effectively, people unclear. Therefore, this text is trying from the point of view of legal sociology, to observe that what is the substantial social effectiveness of real estate business operation under the control of our law and, through the characteristic specified by reflexive law of current law development, to introduce a new tendency to draw legal system to settle real estate Broker argument for our country.

策略回應對專利訴訟和解影響之研究 / A case study on the competitive dynamics for settlement in mobile patent suits

葉君華, Yeh, Chun Hua Unknown Date (has links)
基於智慧財產權對於企業之成長、獲利能力有關鍵性的影響,企業越來越重視智慧財產權的研發及運用策略,有別於以往企業將智慧財產權用在保護自己產品避免被指控侵權,多數企業現在亦將智慧財產權用於干擾競爭對手之商業佈局。又臺灣廠商因智慧財產權佈局較弱,往往係被國際廠商提告的對象,則為免影響企業經營核心事業及避免鉅額之損害賠償,企業傾向選擇與對方和解,本文即係探討倘企業面臨專利訴訟,且經適當之商業評估後,認為與原告和解為最佳的選擇,企業應採取何種方式為自己爭取談判時間,經本文整理後,企業除法律層面的回應—於訴訟中積極答辯、提起反訴或另訴、利用動議拖延訴訟庭審時間,亦可採取商業層面的回應—對外收購專利、策略併購或投資、有效利用友好公司及策略夥伴等,以達到和解之目的。 / Because of intellectual property have key influences that impacts on growth and profitability of individual companies, companies pay much more attention to intellectual property in developments and application strategies. Unlike in the past when most companies use their own intellectual property to protect products and avoid attacks, they use their own intellectual property to interfere with business plans of competitors. As Taiwanese companies are weaker in intellectual property portfolio, leading international companies were often filed lawsuits against them. To avoid being ordered to pay huge amount damages and be able to focus on core business, Taiwanese companies are inclined to settle. This study is focus on when a company evaluates the situation and then decides to settle, the company should take what kind of actions to earn more time to negotiate a settlement. In conclusion, a company can take legal actions such as, defending the lawsuit, bringing the counterclaim, filing another compliant against the plaintiff, filing motions to postpone trial, but also can buy patents, make strategic investments, and make full use of friendly companies and strategic partners in order to reach a settlement.

DNA定序產業之美國專利訴訟分析 / U.S. patent litigation analysis of the DNA seqencing industry

蘇祐諄, Su, Yu-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從DNA定序產業之美國專利侵權訴訟,了解該產業中廠商的訴訟行為與系爭專利之特性。本研究由商用資料庫取得DNA定序產業之美國專利侵權訴訟共100件及其系爭專利共168件,分析訴訟資訊、訴訟主體資訊(原告及被告)和訴訟客體資訊(系爭專利和被控侵權產品)。本研究也由次級資料中歸類各廠商在DNA定序產業鏈中之位置和其各世代產品技術之發展。由訴訟主體資訊可得知在DNA定序產業中,主要發起美國專利侵權訴訟之廠商為中游的儀器平台廠商,被控專利侵權的廠商也多為具有相同商業模式在同樣產業鏈位置上的競爭者。而由訴訟客體資訊中,除了以產品技術結構定位系爭專利之保護標的和技術特徵外,也從專利的被引證數、專利家族大小、所有權移轉次數、國際分類號分佈等指標比較系爭專利和一組同樣專利權人在相同時間間隔內申請的同技術領域之對照組專利,可發現系爭專利和對照組專利相比屬於較有價值的專利。 / The present research analyzes the U.S. patent infringement cases of the DNA sequencing industry to understand the features of patent-in-suit and litigation behaviors in said industry. The present research obtains 100 U.S. patent infringement cases and 168 patent-in-suit from commercial databases. The litigation history, parties in the litigation (plaintiff and defendant), subject matter of the litigation (the patent-in-suit and the infringing products) are analyzed. The present research identifies the position of different corporate entities in the DNA sequencing industry chain and the development of each generations of DNA sequencing technology. By analyzing the parties in the litigation, the present research identifies that most of the plaintiffs are corporate entities developing sequencing instrument, and most of the defendants are competitiors having the same business model with the plaintiffs. By analyzing subject matter of the litigation, the present research identifies the technical features and subject matter of the patent-in-suit. The present research compares the citation, patent family size, number of ownership transfer and IPC distribution between the patent-in-suit and a control group patents of the same technical field within the same time frame. The patent-in-suit is more valuable than the control group patents.

澳門行政程序法之作出決定原則研究 =A study of the principle of decision-making in the Macao Administrative Procedure Act / Study of the principle of decision-making in the Macao Administrative Procedure Act

馮燕玲 January 2016 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law


張紜瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

論醫療訴訟之請求權基礎 / The basic of claim for the action of medical accident

林裕翔, Lin, Yuh Shyang Unknown Date (has links)
近年來醫療事故層出不窮,使得醫療訴訟領域之研究成為十餘年來法律實務及學界新興課題。   關於醫療損害之民事賠償責任,傳統上我國法院實務向來係適用民法相關規定,83年開始施行之消費者保護法(以下簡稱消保法)及施行細則於有關「消費者權益」專章,針對從事設計、生產、製造商品或提供服務之企業經營者,規定其於提供商品流通進入市場,或提供服務時,應確保該商品或服務,具有通常可合理期待之安全性;企業經營者違背相關規定,致生損害於消費者或第三人時,應負連帶責任。多數學者認為此部份之規定,係屬無過失損害賠償責任,蓋企業經營者如能證明其無過失者,法院僅得減輕其賠償責任,並不影響其賠償責任之成立 。   因消保法制定時,並未針對醫療行為是否為該專章所稱之「服務」?醫療機構是否為「企業經營者」?等問題為明文規定,從而該階段討論重點主要係針對「醫療訴訟是否適用消費者保護法」之議題;而87年1月2日,台灣台北地方法院(以下簡稱台北地院)於馬偕醫院肩難產民事判決中將醫療行為認為係消保法上之「服務」範圍,醫療事業機構應負擔無過失責任後,對醫界則產生巨大震撼,唯恐此一判決將陷醫師及醫療機構於無止盡之醫療糾紛中,因此積極運作遊說修改醫療法,試圖將醫療行為排除於消保法之適用之外。   93年4月28日公佈修正之醫療法中,增訂第82條,明定:「醫療業務之施行,應善盡醫療上必要之注意(第1項),醫療機構及其醫事人員因執行業務致生損害於病人,以故意或過失為限,負損害賠償責任(第2項)」,有學者即認為,醫療法之性質屬於特別法,醫療法第82條第2項之增訂,已將醫師及醫療機構之民事責任定位為過失責任,而排除消保法之適用,醫師及醫療機構因診療行為致生損害於病患者,以故意或過失為限,始負損害賠償責任 。而不同見解則以此次醫療法修正只是提供消費者另一種可以對醫療機構及醫師損害賠償請求權的基礎,並未明文排除消保法第7條的適用為由,而認為未來消費者對於醫療糾紛的請求,仍可依據消保法第7條而為主張 。 在法院實務上,最高法院近年來作成的幾個判決,如九十五年度台上字第二一七八號判決、九十六年度台上字第四五○號判決、九十六年度台上字第二七三八號判決及九十七年度台上字第七四一號判決等,或以基於「避免防禦性醫療」及「避免浪費醫療資源」的考量,而認為應以「目的性限縮解釋之方式」,將醫師所提供之醫療行為排除於消費者保護法適用範圍之外;或以此次醫療法第82條第2項之修正,已明確將醫療行為所造成之損害賠償責任,限於故意或過失,故認定醫療行為無消保法無過失責任之適用。就此,應有針對近年來實務及學說之不同觀點加以整理與評析之必要。   因醫療糾紛所引致之醫療訴訟,除可探討是否有消保法之適用外,在於醫療法第82條增訂後,相關民事責任如須依過失責任體系處理,而其責任態樣為契約責任與侵權責任,請求權基礎主要為債務不履行 及侵權行為。   在契約責任,因民法第227條第2項之增修,使得被害人就加害給付所產生履行利益以外之損害,得依不完全給付之理論請求損害賠償 ;而民法第227條之1之增訂,更係提供當事人得依債務不履行之規定請求非財產上之損害賠償之機制,而充分保障債權人之人格權。此二條文之增修,使得債務不履行相關規定對病人於醫療訴訟中之保護,取得與侵權行為相關規定對等之地位,病人就醫師及醫療機構之醫療過失行為得依債務不履行及侵權行為之規定請求損害賠償。   在侵權責任,因侵權行為除民法第184條第1項前段之規定外,尚有1999年增訂之民法第191之3條規定,規範危險事業、工作或活動責任,其為使被害人獲得周密之保護,請求賠償時,被害人只需證明加害人之工作或活動之性質或其使用之工具或方法,有生損害於他人之危險性,而在其工作或活動中受損害即可,不需證明其間有因果關係;但加害人能證明損害非由於其工作或活動或其使用之工具或方法所致,或於防止損害之發生已盡相當之注意者,則免負賠償責任 ,此一規定是否得成為醫療訴訟之請求權基礎,亦引發爭議 ;而醫療行為無論診斷或治療行為,均受到醫療法之規範,醫療法第1條明白揭櫫該法之立法目的在於:「提高醫療品質、保障病人權益,增進國民健康」,醫療法可謂為保障病人權益而設,其規範內容對於醫療人員課以特定義務,且係針對特定群體(病人)個人利益所為之規定,準此,則該法是否可認為係屬民法第184條第2項之保護他人之法律 ?亦即,醫療訴訟民事責任依過失責任體系處理後,除民法第184條第1項之規定外,民法第191條之3及民法第184條第2項之規定是否亦得為醫療訴訟之請求權基礎?本文亦將針對此一部分加以介紹、討論。   此外,依傳統舉證責任分配之理論(特別要件說),主張權利發生之人,應對權利發生要件負舉證責任;此觀民事訴訟法第277條前段:「當事人主張有利於己之事實,就其事實有舉證之責任。」之規定即明。惟隨著當今科技知識之進步、社會之變遷,若僅為維護侵權行為法之過失責任主義而一再堅持此項舉證責任,對於負舉證責任之原告,自有相當之不利,尤其於醫療事故等現代社會侵權行為類型,基於公平原則,自應於訴訟法上緩和侵權行為之舉證責任,在訴訟上因舉證不足而遭受敗訴之危險,亦不應完全歸由被告承擔 。亦即,在醫療訴訟中,醫師及醫療機構與病人常存在專業知識之落差,即使適用消保法,病人仍需舉證醫療瑕疵、損害之發生及醫療瑕疵與損害間之因果關係,更遑論要求病人就侵權行為及不完全給付請求權各要件均應負舉證責任,對於病人可能顯得過苛 ,因而有依民事訴訟法第277條但書:「但法律別有規定,或依其情形顯失公平者,不在此限。」之規定,減輕病人舉證責任之必要。舉證責任減輕的方式有表見證明與事實說明自己、證明妨礙、加強非負舉證責任一造當事人之協力義務、強化法院職權探知、舉證責任轉換等。上開方式,如何具體適用於醫療訴訟,則有討論之必要。   法諺有云「舉證責任之所在、敗訴之所在」,醫療訴訟中之舉證責任分配,可謂價值判斷與利益衡量之難題。在醫療訴訟中,主張權利之原告,通常就醫療事故之發生經過有主張上及舉證上之雙重困難,因而有減輕其舉證責任之必要 。   就此,醫療法的修正結果顯然未達到定爭止紛、緩解醫病衝突之目的,惟法律架構已然如此呈現,重點在於法院在實務上應如何運用。本文期待透過理論上之評析,清楚判斷醫療訴訟之請求權基礎,並透過「舉證責任分配」機制之討論及架構,提供個案訴訟之參考,以兼顧醫病雙方權益,並合理解決醫療行為之風險分擔問題。

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