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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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林智惟 Unknown Date (has links)


王美珍 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,台灣社會當中掀起了一股「台客文化」熱潮,不但有越來越多人以「台客」自稱,亦有「台客」為名的書籍出版、以「台客」為名的活動舉辦,形成了一股文化「台」風,本文探究「台客文化」之社會想像的形成及其文化意義。 「台客」這個詞彙最早起自於50年代,外省人嘲笑講國語不標準的本省人是「台客」,近年來則又在青少年次文化場域中興起,指著穿著打扮很俗氣、不入流的人,多半帶有鄙視的意味。不過,2005年八月,歌手伍佰、陳昇等人舉辦「台客搖滾」演唱會,翻轉「台客」一詞原來的負面意涵,將「台客」視為一種「驕傲的認同」,聲言「在台灣,人人都是台客」、「台客就是台灣的文化」,帶動了社會中「以台客為榮」的「新台客」論述,以「台灣特色」形成「台客文化」的想像軸心,使得檳榔西施、歌手伍佰的搖滾樂、傳統的布袋戲……等均接合進入「台客文化」的想像中,形成了一股「台客文藝復興運動」。不同於當前「台客」的研究多半將「台客」的意義固定、本質化的處理,在觀察的取徑上,本文採用拉克勞與慕芙(Laclau&Mouffe)霸權/論述理論中的「空符徵」(empty signifier)概念作為切入此一現象的理論與方法,考察「台客」一詞意義流變的論述軌跡,如何從一個狹義的風格指稱,逐漸擴大成了一個促動關於「我們台灣」之文化共同體的想像的符號。 本文以為,使得「台客」擴大成為代表「我們台灣」的空符徵之所以可能,乃在於「新台客」論述將「台客」建構為一種得以與美、日、韓與之抗衡、代表我們台灣特色的文化想像,吸納了台灣社會流行文化語境當中長期以來始終處於哈韓、哈日、哈美而獨缺哈台的文化認同焦慮情緒以及隨之期望「哈台」的文化民族主義文化主體慾望,成為文化全球化衝擊之下,一種「本土化」力量的抗衡與反撲。另一方面,本文也發現,在「人人都是台客」、「台客就是台灣文化」這樣文化共同體的光明號召論述下,看似「眾聲喧嘩」的「台客文化」想像之中,仍有一個「主音」是被明顯合唱的——那麼便是將在過去國民黨語言政策下所壓制的遭到禁制的台語歌、布袋戲、歌仔戲,在這一波「新台客」論述中以「台客」之名重新被歡呼,一方面是針對「舊台客」論述當中的語言歧視問題藉著「新台客」的意義重整進行象徵鬥爭,另一方面亦顯露了「台客文化」的形構力量,除了相對於「全球化」的「本土化」意識之外,亦顯露了與「中國」相對的「本土化」力量,在兩種「本土化」的交錯張力之中,開啟了通俗文化場域當中「台灣性」(Taiwaness)的想像起點。

從動腦會議的對話看權力展現 / Power of Conversation in Brainstorming

郭瀧億, Kuo, Lung Yi Unknown Date (has links)
動腦會議是傳播代理商工作職務中很重要的一種會議形式,希望在最短時間內收集最多兼具質與量的創意點子。然而,研究者卻發現會議中總是少數幾個人開口,造成動腦會議不動腦的現象。語言是動腦會議中最重要的互動工具,而言談行動中因為社會結構之故,必然存在著權力關係。 本研究透過對話分析及批判論述分析,藉媒體代理商裡的動腦會議對話記錄作為分析個案,並分析動腦會議中之言談互動,以及權力的建構與改變。 本研究發現,當創意遇見權力時,權力關係與以下幾個面向有關。第一,引導人角色鮮明,發言次數全場最多,並控制著整場動腦會議的進行。第二,參與者的資歷、經歷影響其表現。第三,透過主動表達、正面誘引、相互堆疊使創意浮現。四,引導人利用意識框架彰顯權力。第五,語對中的打斷或插話乃是確保資訊平等以及創意延續。第六,開玩笑與講笑話可拉近與會人員的距離以及緩和氣氛。第七,善於鼓勵促進創意發展及否決創意背後均蘊含權力關係。第八,清楚闡釋乃是掌握會議當下權力的最佳利器。第九,延續他人創意及說服他人妥協以壯大權力地位。 / Brainstorming is a common meeting type in media agencies in order to collect ideas qualitatively and quantitatively in a short time. However, there are usually only a few participants dominating the meeting, impeding the process of brainstorming. Language is the most important tool for brainstorming process, and there is power relationship due to society structure. Through conversation analysis and critical discourse analysis, this thesis takes conversation records of brainstorming of a media agency as study materials, analyzes dialogues of brainstorming, and structure and change of power. First of all, the role of the facilitator is significant and competent, he dominates the brainstorming process and progress. Second, past work experience of participants matters. Third, ideas come from expression, guidance, and extension. Fourth, the facilitator utilizes ideology to show his power. Fifth, participants disrupt others to secure ideas or ensure everyone gets equal amount of information. Sixth, participants can relax a tense atmosphere with humorous jokes. Seventh, power is shown when encouragements or denials occur. Eighth, to own power, one needs clear interpretation. Lastly, a person strengthens power by elaborating on others’ ideas or persuading others.

社論的論證結構分析 / The Analysis of Argument Structures in Editorials

朱灼文, Chu, Chuo-wen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以兩篇結論對立的社論為個案,藉由形式語義學設計出將論說性篇章刻畫成一階謂詞邏輯符號的論述分析程序,使自然語言中對真實宣稱或正當宣稱的爭論還原成真值語義和論證形式有效性的判斷,從而具體地挽救被歧見所破壞的溝通行動。設計過程初擬了處理語篇命題結構、複合語句成分、回指關係、量號轄域歧義、因果語句、隱性前提推論、和引述結構的實用方案。 / By the means of formal semantics, this thesis used two opposite editorials as cases to design a discourse analysis procedure which translates expository-argumentative texts into formulae of first-order predicate logic. The procedure reduces disputes in natual language about truth or rightness claims into judgements on truth values and validities of argument forms, thus the communicative actions disabled by quarrels can be practically redempted. The designing drafted feasible treatments for propositional structures of discourses, compound sentential constituents, anaphoras, quantifier scope ambiguities, cause-and-effect statements, inferences for absent premises, and quotation structures.


陳雅琪, Chen, Ya-chi Unknown Date (has links)
2003年傳染病SARS流行期間,媒體在指稱此疾病時,出現許多不同的名稱,本研究認為名稱不只是用來指稱事物、也反映社會文化的想法,更可能遮蔽了真實,帶來了想像,這本論文即是嘗試描繪這個過程的痕跡。 研究者在文本中採用Norman Fairclough的批判論述分析方法,從中發展出語言、媒體論述及社會文化三個分析層次,觀察在SARS發展的過程中,媒體上出現的疾病名稱如何形成及轉變、媒體論述和整體社會氣氛如何因應隨之改變的動態過程;再輔以深度訪談法,瞭解報社編輯在處理SARS新聞時面對的情形和自身想法,而這些因素又如何影響了他/她們對疾病名稱的選擇。 研究分析發現,SARS名稱的變化可略分為三個時期:在官方尚未確定疾病名稱前,名稱強調的多是疾病的不明、外來和可怕,報導內容中有相當部分用來描述一般民眾的恐慌情緒,編輯則著重在新聞報導中找出新奇吸引讀者的觀點來形容此一新興傳染病,略為誇張也在可接受範圍;第二個時期官方名稱出現,媒體漸漸出現統一的名稱,不過在其中個別媒體組織的立場仍然可能影響名稱變化的速度,但代表專業共識和官方力量的名稱則是影響名稱最有力的因素,報導內容也以醫療專業觀點為多數;第三個時期傳染範圍擴大,媒體紛紛改以讖諱風格鮮明的「煞」字來指稱疾病,編輯除了提及諧音運用,也有將自身對疾病感知到的負面形象轉移到文字上的作用,連帶在圖片的選擇上也以除煞驅魔為主。 研究者嘗試指出,疾病名稱不是理所當然,而是新聞室內編輯在諸多考量下所做出的選擇,包括消息來源的不同、市場利潤的追求、組織意識形態的影響、社會文化概念以及個人主觀的感受等,這些都會進而影響到閱聽眾對疾病的認知。研究者試圖以此提醒新聞從業人員對事物的命名保持反思,閱聽眾在接收訊息時則必須時時保有批判性的覺察。

2005年香港反全球化示威之媒體再現:以台灣《中國時報》、香港《東方日報》為例 / Media Representation of 2005 Hong Kong anti-globalization Protest : Case Studies on China Times & Oriental Daily News

蔡維鴻, Tsai,Eddie Unknown Date (has links)
1990年代後期,以新自由主義(neoliberalism)為基調的全球化論述漸成為主流的經濟發展理論。然而,隨著新自由主義式全球化不斷推進,世界卻日益分化、貧富差距日益嚴重。因此,反全球化浪潮逐漸在全球各地迅速蔓延。 本研究由2005年香港反全球化示威出發,採用批判論述分析方法,以《中國時報》與《東方日報》為例,由低層次至高層次針對文本、論述實踐與社會文化實踐進行分析,藉以探究台港兩地主流報紙如何再現此一事件。 文本分析將焦點置於兩報在語言層次上如何再現反全球化運動。研究結果發現,兩報共出現六種意識型態機制再現反全球化運動。除強化反全球化運動既定的刻板印象外,亦透過負面指謂與描繪將反全球化運動邊緣化於主流價值之外。總體來說,《東方日報》對反全球化運動之誤現不論是在數量上抑或程度上皆遠高於《中國時報》。 藉由論述實踐分析,將得以揭露隱匿於文本背後之框架與其意識型態歸屬。研究發現,反全球化人士於《中國時報》較常成為論述主角,其意見較得被完整呈現;《東方日報》則傾向突顯官方論述與發言。對於衝突事件,《中國時報》與《東方日報》兩報各自建構「民主人權」與「法律秩序」作為其召喚我群的共識假定。而在全球化爭議的論述形構上,《中國時報》文本的論述實踐運作呈現出「全球正義與民主框架」以及「傾保護政策框架」;《東方日報》文本的論述實踐運作則呈現「傾自由貿易框架」。 社會文化實踐分析旨在將文本置於社會文化脈絡中解讀,耙梳兩報論述實踐運作之社會文化意涵。本研究認為,肇因於兩地在政經脈絡發展以及媒體本身立場上的差異,《東方日報》論述實踐偏向常規式的社會性建構,有助於再製並維繫既存的新自由主義論述秩序;《中國時報》論述實踐則偏向創造式的社會性建構,有助於轉變既存的新自由主義論述秩序。 / In the post-90s era, neoliberal globalization theories framed the mainstream philosophies of economic development. This progression however, was no solution to augmenting economic, social and political differences in the world and the widening gap between the deprived and wealthy. In fact, it might have sown the seeds for the waves of anti-globalization movements that ensued. This study exams the anti-globalization protest that broke out in Hong Kong during 2005 and, using the China Times and Oriental Daily News coverage as case studies, takes a bottom-up analysis approach at examining how the mainstream media in Taiwan and Hong Kong each represented the event. Textual analysis on the two media’s coverage drew attention to six different ideological mechanisms in their representation approaches. In addition to reinforcing the negative stereotypical connotations of anti-globalization, the movement is also further marginalized through the use of negative descriptivism and labels. On the whole, the frequency and magnitude of misrepresentation of the anti-globalization movement made by the Oriental Daily News is far greater than the China Times. Analysis of discourse practice unveils the hidden frames and ideology behind the text. Grievances of anti-globalization protestors are voiced by China Times, while authoritarian monologues frequent on the Oriental Daily News. In conflicting circumstances, the China Times appeals to a sense of “democracy and human rights”, while the Oriental Daily News calls on “law and order” as their slogans to assemble we-group consensus. In their discursive formation on the globalization issue, the China Times outlines global justice & democracy and protective policy frames; the Oriental Daily News on the other hand endorses pro-liberal trade frames. Analysis of sociocultural practice interprets the text within context of the social and cultural backgrounds. To sum up, due to differences in political and economic developments in Taiwan and Hong Kong and respective media predispositions, the Oriental Daily News discourse has a conventional socially constitutive function that maintains and reproduces the neoliberal orders of discourse; the China Times discourse has a creative socially constitutive function that endeavors to transform existing neoliberal regimes.

台灣報紙再現同性婚姻的語料庫與論述分析(2005-2014) / A corpus-assisted investigation to the representation of gay marriages in Taiwan's newspapers (2005-2014)

林意璇, Lin, Yi Xuan Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討台灣新聞媒體對於同性婚姻議題的再現,觀察再現論述語言中的特性,包含新聞媒體如何建構同性婚姻議題,以及議題中的同志。亦試圖討論論述特性所隱含的權力關係或意識形態。接著,搭配社會政治脈絡背景,觀察再現論述隨社會變遷與婚姻平權運動發展所產生的變化,討論再現論述與社會之間的互動關係。   本研究以《中國時報》、《自由時報》、《聯合報》與《蘋果日報》為研究文本,蒐集2005~2014年共十年間的同性婚姻相關報導,先使用量化的語料庫分析法統計新聞用語和其頻率,再以此資料為基礎,挑出兩則代表性文本進行質性的批判論述分析。  研究發現,十年間皆存在的論述特性有:(一)反對方自我建構為「多數弱勢」;(二)生育能力為婚姻授權的一大關鍵;(三)同性婚姻與同志是二元對立中的他者。而過去十年間,媒體再現中最關注的是同性婚姻合法化。前五年主要將其描述為單向攻防戰,後五年則建構為勢均力敵的戰爭及國際趨勢。同志主體主要被以「同志遊說」論述來建構,同志的圖像是爭取權利的人。女同志性別被標示的頻率是男同志的1.5倍,顯示女同志受到性傾向與性別上的雙重不平等。另外,同志被視為是一種身分,且可能因為這個身分標籤,被分類為異性戀之外的他者。   論述變遷方面,研究發現整體而言後五年的消息來源比前五年來得多元,「異性戀」被標示的情形也增加了。再現論述的變化,代表著新聞產製與社會之間的互動,呼應了文化學者Hall提出的再現動態變化性。 / The aim of this study is to investigate the representation discourse of same-sex marriage issue on the newspapers in Taiwan. The study focuses on the discourse characters, including how media construct same-sex marriage and gays’ image in this issue, and the possible power relationships and ideology within discourses. Besides, how discourses changed along with the social change and marriage equality movement development is also discussed. It relates to the interaction between representation discourse and society.   The texts are the same-sex marriage related articles from 2005 to 2014, which are collected from four main newspapers in Taiwan: Chinatimes, Liberty Times, United Daily News and Apple Daily. The study method is first using corpus soft ware WordSmith6 to calculate the words appear in these texts and its frequencies, then basing on those quantitative data to further conduct qualitative discourse analysis.   My findings indicate that over the past ten years, the characters of discourse includes the opponents would self-construct as “the disadvantaged majority”; Infertility is a key weakness which builds a wall between gays and marriage; same-sex marriage and gay are “the others” in the binary opposition discourse.   Within these ten years, the most focused issue of same-sex marriage representation is legalization. During 2005-2009, same-sex marriage legalization was constructed as a castle war, and for 2010-2014, it was constructed as an evenly-matched war and international trend. Gay images in those discourses were mostly constructed with “the gay lobby” discourse. The gender of lesbians was marked more often than gay men, which shows lesbians suffering a double inequality on sex orientation and gender. Also, Gay was considered as an identity, and gays may be classified as “other” because of this identity label. During these ten years, the biggest news source was gay. Generally, the news sources were more diversified within 2010-2014 than within 2005-2009, and the frequency of “heterosexuality” noted increased. The change of discourses represent that the interaction between news production and society, responded to the flow of representation which is raised by Hall.


林俊偉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究關注2003年期間報紙報導對SARS這項疫病的詮釋、歸因、治療建議及預防方法,透過內容分析輔以論述分析,欲觀察在重大疫病風險壓力之下,媒體內容以西方醫學觀點與西醫之外的不同醫學觀點作為言說,其間主流與另類的競爭、移轉與互動情形。   研究發現,隨著SARS疫情告急,社會風險壓力持續加大,西醫與非西醫觀點在媒體內容所佔的比例上出現明顯的波動,數量比例上的起伏挑戰了過去研究所描繪之主流醫界與另類醫學在媒體論述中固定疆界,在現代社會中西醫主控的風險詮釋權也出現一度被鬆動之現象。本研究綜合內容分析與論述分析結果,依西醫與非西醫醫學觀點在2003年SARS疫期從發生到台灣自疫區除名這段期間,將報紙報導再現主流與另類健康風險論述之圖像中『對病的詮釋權』之流動現象,歸納定義為:(一)SARS致病因不明期;(二)西醫觀點主導期;(三):在地醫學觀大量浮現期;以及(四)西醫定收回權力期。   本研究亦發現,這股因為重大緊急的健康風險所產生的「醫學權力波動」圖像,點出當代社會中另類療法與主流醫學具有時、空上的「相對意涵」。研究結果也指出,SARS期間媒體再現之許多非官方認定範圍內的種種行為型態,多屬「救急式」資訊。多數媒體論述並賦予非西醫醫學觀點「必須依附西醫」的次要定位,使非主流醫學觀點淪為點綴式的風險提案。   從研究中,我們確實看到了少數媒體論述對主流醫學體制的反省以及某些醫學觀念的改變,而這些現象所提供的反思,主流醫界、衛生政策者與新聞界都很難忽視。

都市政治與媒體論述鬥爭: 臺北「大巨蛋」的個案研究 / Urban Politics and the Discursive Struggle over Taipei Dome in the Media

趙慶翔 Unknown Date (has links)
俗稱「大巨蛋」的臺北文化體育園區,自1990年代起出現於媒體報導中,市府於2000年定案落址松山菸廠,並在2006年與遠雄簽約以BOT興建大巨蛋。2014年11月市長選舉,柯文哲以無黨籍的身份踏入政壇,打破國民黨十六年的臺北市政府執政,上任後開始清查包括大巨蛋等「五大案」。不同政權對於大巨蛋的論述有不同策略,本研究透過都市政治的概念,剖析國民黨市府時代與柯文哲市府時代兩個政權,如何透過傳統媒體以及社群媒體形塑各自的大巨蛋形象。根據Stone(1993)以美國都市政權分析所提出的四種類型為基礎,本研究者聚焦在兩個政權的主要治理任務、選擇性誘因、所需資源等之論述。透過對於新聞報導、社群媒體貼文、官方新聞稿與官方網站的質化論述分析與量化內容分析,探討國民黨市府與柯文哲市府之都市治理聯盟的論述特徵與差異。   研究結果發現,國民黨市府治理聯盟偏向發展型政權,其論述特徵圍繞著體育發展為核心,包括將大巨蛋與國際大型運動賽事與國力象徵等概念連結,政治與商業合作開發,以及多功能用途場館來召喚市民支持。柯文哲市府治理聯盟的論述則偏向中產階級進步型、也具備臺灣在地特色的「程序主義型政權」,其論述圍繞著程序的重要性,強調都市計劃中法律程序及透明的重要性。兩者相較,國民黨市府論述著力於國家與體育發展,與資本關係較為緊密,柯文哲市府論述則連結中產階級價值以及市政的公民參與。但兩者皆忽略社會中環境保護的聲音,以及大型運動場館帶給城市的潛在負擔。本研究試圖在兩股政治勢力消長的動態演變中,分析此一期間都市政權對大巨蛋開發案的媒體論述轉變,藉由大型運動場館的再現建構,來反映出臺北的都市政治的意識形態爭霸過程,並重新反思大型運動場館建設之於城市與公民的意義。 / The project of Taipei Dome Complex (known as ‘’Taipei Dome’’) has been revealed in the media since 1990s. It settled in Song Shan Tobacco Factory in 2000 and later signed with a BOT (Build–operate–transfer) contract between Taipei City Government and Farglory Group. In November 2014, the mayor-elect Wen-je Ko, a non-party politician, ended 16 years of KMT rule in Taipei and committed to investigate so-called "Five Scandals”—the Taipei Dome, the Taipei Twin Tower, the Song Shan Cultural and Creative Park, the Syntrend Digital Park, and MeHas City. As the discursive strategies in the issue of Taipei Dome were different among regimes, this study is aimed to understand the use of mass media and social media in construting particular images of this large-scale sport stadium in the constructing process by Taipei City Government under different mayors. This study focues on the main governance tasks—the selective incentives, the resources needed as the analysis structure of the two regimes—which based on the analysis about four types of America urban politics in Stone (1993). Through qualitative discourse analysis and quantitative content analysis on various sources—including news reports, posts in social media, documents on official websites—this study study explores the differences of discursive strategies and struggles between the KMT and the Ko municipal governments.   The research results show the differences between the two regimes. The KMT government favored the ideology of “development regimes” to mobilize the supports from citizens, which usually linked the Taipei Dome with the concepts about the development of sports, such as the importance of large-scale international sporting events, the symbolic national power, the close cooporation between government and business, and the multifunctions of the Dome. Compared with the precedent regime, the Ko government has been inclined to the ideology of “middle class progressive regimes,” while also demonstrated a certain degree of “procedualism” under the particular political and economic contexts in Taiwan. The discursive strategy of Ko government emphasizes the importance of legal procedure and transparacy in the urban plan and policy. In sum, the KMT government had a strong connection with corporations and highlighted the significance of national and sporting development, while the Ko government has shown a connection with the middle class and attempted to involve civic participation in the process of policy making. However, both city governments ignored the voice of environmental movement and the potential harm of large-scale sport stadium to the society. This study attempts to analyze the changes of discursive struggle of Taipei Dome in the media represeantions between the two regimes and therefore contribute to understand the influences of large-scale sport stadium on the urban development and citizens.

數位人文於政治學的應用: 解構兩岸關係中的ECFA政策 / Applying Digital Humanities to Political Science: Deconstructing the Policy of ECFA in the Cross-Strait Relations

林顯明, Lin, Hsien Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為第一本運用數位人文學於政治學領域的研究著作,隨著電腦科技及網際網路的快速發展,過去許多僅能以紙本方式加以儲存的政府檔案與歷史文件,在經過電腦科技的輔助下完成數位化工作。數位化後的文檔即可提供研究者進一步研究與分析使用;對此,本研究採取文字探勘(Text-Mining)技術針對數位化後的資料進行論述分析(Discourse Analysis),由於本研究的資料來源是奠基在數位化文本上透過文字探勘技術所進行的論述分析;因此本研究在此提出一種基於數位人文方法上的論述途徑:數位論述方法(Digital Discourse Analysis, DDA)。以此作為本研究重要的論述與分析基礎,具體的論述分析步驟與策略則採用Norman Fairclough的三段論述分析法,將文本、論述與社會行動加以聯結,並與數位論述分析法加以結合,發展出基於文本的五大分析步驟:總篇數與總字數分析、關鍵詞變化趨勢分析、情緒形容詞使用分析、論述策略使用分析、重大議題聯結分析以及政策論述策略圖像等五項具體分析步驟與架構。有了上述具體的研究步驟後,研究者將研究的對象至於國內四大報(自由時報、中國時報、蘋果日報以及聯合報),2009-2014年六年間針對ECFA所做的新聞報導內容以及兩大黨(民主進步黨、中國國民黨),2009-2014年六年間ECFA政策新聞稿及相關內容,進行論述分析。運用上述五個具體步驟,勾勒出臺灣四大報與兩大黨在針對ECFA進行報導與政策論述時的論述策略使用及語言使用模式。 研究結果顯示,四大報中,中國時報與聯合報對於ECFA的新聞報導內容與論述策略較為類似,皆為正向報導、弱監督式以及社會民生議題聯結度低的報導策略;相較之下,自由時報的報導策略則明顯與中國時報及聯合報不同,自由時報常以強監督式的方式進行報導,並且與社會民生議題的聯結程度較高。蘋果日報方面,ECFA新聞議題並非其報導的重要內容,但與另外三大報相比,蘋果日報的ECFA新聞報導與國際議題的聯結程度較高,也較關心到區域經濟整合等相關議題。在兩大黨方面,對於ECFA的政策論述皆以政治類與經貿類關鍵詞為主要論述主軸,國際以及社會民生議題則是因循著不同年度社會、政治經濟脈絡的不同而策略性的出現;另外,兩大黨的ECFA政策論述皆以內銷導向、國際與社會議題工具性出現、論述立場尚屬中立等共同特性,但較不一樣的是民主進步黨的ECFA政策論述具有高監督性、而中國國民黨的ECFA政策論述則具有高針對性與回應性的特質。除了上述的研究發現外,本研究最後研究者也將此次的研究嘗試與社會科學研究趨勢往「語言」、「論述」、「詮釋」轉向進行討論,以及2000年以後政治學所出現的「改造運動」(Perestroika Movement)進行認識論與方法論的討論。讓本研究成果不僅具有實證價值、更擁有與社會科學和政治學研究發展趨勢對話之效。 / This study is the first book applying digital humanities on Political Science research. After digitized document, that can provide research to do more and deeper analysis. This study used digitized document to do discourse analysis. Due to technology development I advocated a brand new analysis framework: Digital Discourse Analysis (DDA). Practical discourse analysis steps, I introduced Norman Fairclough's idea about: three steps of analysis, link text, discourse and social action. Basic on Fairclough's framework, I developed a five steps analysis: the total number of articles and number of words analysis, keywords trend analysis, emotional adjectives use analysis, discourse strategy use analysis, association analysis of major issues and policy discourse strategies image analysis. I found that the China Times and the United Daily News are more similar on ECFA news reports contents and policy discourse strategies. They usually positive reported, low level of supervised and weak linked to livelihood and social issues reported. On the contrary, Liberty Times was more supervised reported and higher degree of link to social and livelihood issues. As for Apple Daily, ECFA issue is not an important part of its news reported issues. Two major parties ECFA policy discourse have some similar characteristics: begin domestic policy discourse-oriented, international and social issues instrumental appear and discourse stand neutrality. On the other hand, Democratic Progressive Party ECFA policy discourse has more high supervisory; Kuomintang ECFA policy discourse has highly-targeted and responsive characteristics. In this study, the researcher will also discuss some new trend of social science research including of language turn, discourse turn and interpretation turn. And discuss Epistemology and Methodology issues after 2000 Perestroika Movement. So that make this research not only has the empirical research value, but also has the value of dialogue on political science and social science research trends.

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