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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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國際代理關係之維繫與延續 / Maintaining and Developing Relationships with International Manufacturers by Agents

酈芃羽 Unknown Date (has links)
代理商是許多國外廠商在初入陌生的海外市場時,最常使用的低涉入模式之一,其代表國外原廠在當地市場執行產品銷售的相關業務,並服務當地客戶,扮演國外原廠與當地客戶之間橋樑的角色。但是代理商也常被視為是國外原廠在進入當地市場時暫時或次要的工具,一旦當地市場逐漸成長,國外原廠就會收回代理權自行經營;當地市場太小,代理商又面臨自身經營的困境,所以代理商常面臨生存的兩難。加上一般代理商不涉及製造活動,需仰賴國外原廠提供產品,一旦當國外原廠取消代理關係,往往造成代理商因失去產品來源而遭受重大損失。 本研究從代理商的角度,探討代理商如何避免被國外原廠取消代理權,以及 代理商即使面對被國外原廠取消代理權,其仍舊可以繼續生存的策略作為。本研究以交易成本理論與資源基礎理論,分別從國外原廠對當地市場的興趣、代理商與國外原廠的上游關係以及代理商與國內客戶的下游關係三個部分加以分析,探討代理商如何利用上、下游關係中的知識與資源,來維繫與發展與國外原廠之間的關係,避免被國外原廠取消代理權。再者,代理商可以透過運用知識與資源,使其在面對被國外原廠終止代理關係時,降低損失的程度、並提高生存空間。 本研究以台灣電子零件代理商為研究對象,代理自國外原廠的產品線為分析單位,實證結果發現,在代理商避免被國外原廠取消代理權的問題上,國外原廠對代理商投入的資源越多,越能降低被取消代理權的可能性;而代理商在對上游(國外原廠)的關係中,擁有的當地市場資源越多、越瞭解國外原廠、越能掌握當地網絡,越能降低被國外原廠取消代理權的可能性;代理商在對下游(當地客戶)的關係中,越瞭解當地客戶、越能提供附加價值活動給當地客戶,越能降低被國外原廠取消代理權的可能性。在即使面對被國外原廠取消代理權,代理商依舊可以保有生存機會的議題上,代理商越能適度增加國外原廠數目,分散產品來源,越能降低因為被國外原廠取消代理權而造成的損失。

資源再生產業智慧資本經營-以金屬回收類企業為例 / The Research on Intellectual Capital Management of Recycling Industry in Taiwan

羅晶華, Lo, Chin Hua Unknown Date (has links)
90年代歐美國家,對於人口增加、土地面積驟減、過量電子產品等所帶來的環境問題日益重視。歐洲最早發起「延伸生產者責任制」,透過制訂法律與政策提升資源再生利用的效率。並且陸續頒佈WEEE廢電機電子指令、RoHS有害物質限用指令、REACH化學品限制、ELV廢車輛指令等,透過污染控制、回收利用、減廢、污染預防、清潔生產等步驟,朝零污染方向進行,顯示資源再生的重要性。 資源再生產業在台灣為新興產業,規模以中小企業形式居多,雖然經營回收事業容易,但要經營技術層次較高的再生事業則需獲得政府許可證使得成為再生機構。近年來資源再生廠商利用廢棄物資源再生的技術,提煉出黃金、白銀、鉑等貴金屬,隨著全球原物料價格高漲,其所生產的二次原材料行情提升整體產值,預估到2010年總產值為580億台幣。 智慧資本目前普遍被認為是企業能形成競爭優勢的無形資產總和,即企業能用來作為開創財富的知識、資訊、智慧財產、經驗等。找出適合企業的智慧資本項目,讓企業投入在重要項目而獲取價值成為企業的重要課題。本文主要研究資源再生產業智慧資本經營方式,探討一般經營策略與智慧財產管理,對智慧資本運用與累積的影響。總結文獻探討與個案訪談分析的結果,根據研究問題,主要研究發現如下: 一、 資源再生產業為一特許經營行業,其經營需獲得政府所頒發之許可同意,同時易受上游產業廢棄物種類以及全球環保再生法規的影響。 二、 智慧財產需要透過企業策略與功能性活動執行才能提升成為智慧資本。 三、 策略目標不同將會影響智慧資本各構面投入的重要性判斷。 四、 智慧資本經營必須搭配策略與智慧財產管理制度才能達到創造、保護、管理、運用之功效。 五、 資源再生產業的智慧資本經營必須考量各國差異產生在地化的經營型態。 / Since the 1990s, the United States and the European Union (‘’EU’’) have become aware of the crucial environmental problems stemming from overpopulation, reducing residential areas, and growing quantities of end-of-life electronics. To protect the environment and diminish the impacts of household consumption and production, the EU took initiatives to devise environment policies and came up with the idea of Extended Producer Responsibility(‘’EPR’’), a strategy designed to promote the integration of environmental costs associated with products throughout their life cycles into the market price of the products. This concept is inspiring in the waste management, and urging industries to think over recycling process and use recyclable materials to produce products. Moreover, there are four important directives and policies in effect in the Europe, such as Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (‘’WEEE’’), Restriction of Hazardous Substance Directive (‘’RoHS’’), End-of Life Vehicles Directive (‘’ELV’’), Registration, and Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (‘’REACH’’). Those legislations and standards are intended to encourage companies to voluntarily adopt environmental management systems or procedures to minimize waste and emissions and to meet the goal of zero pollution. Recycling industry in Taiwan is an emerging industry and many of them are small and medium enterprises. To operate recycling business, companies have to acquire the certificate of waste management from the Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan. Recently, some recycling companies make it technologically possible for kinds of wastes or unwanted products to be recycled. They have developed technologies to recover from waste to precious metals like palladium, platinum, gold, or silver. Those precious metals are valuable secondary raw materials and will contribute good revenues to recycling market. Therefore, the value of recycling market in Taiwan is estimated to rise to NT$5.8 billion by 2010. Intellectual capital is widely considered as a firm’s intangible assets and is often a major determinant of the companies’ profits. It plays a crucial role in business management and needs to be analyzed in a systematic way to find out the appropriate components. This research focuses on how the companies in recycling industry manage their intellectual capitals, and how the generic strategies and the intellectual property management influence the way of creating and accumulating the intellectual capitals. The important findings of this research are as follows (extraction): 1. Recycling industry is a kind of franchising business and needs to acquire the government’s agreement to operate. The development of this industry is highly influenced by the kinds of wastes of the upstream industries and the global environment legislation. 2. Intellectual assets will be converted into valuable intellectual capital by the implementation of business strategy and functional activities. 3. Different goals of strategy bring about different priorities for the resources input of intellectual capitals. 4. To achieve the goal of value creation, protection, management, and execution, the intellectual capital management needs to combine with strategy management and the intellectual property management. 5. The intellectual capital management in recycling industry must include the consideration of different local business environments of different countries.

單一事業中小企業資源拉撐與規模成長關聯性之探索 / An exploratory study on the relationship between resource stretching and scale growth of the single-business small-and medium-sized firms

商倩鳳, Shang, Cian Fong Unknown Date (has links)
企業的成長與規模擴大,能賦予企業許多優勢與利益,故一直是企業經營者關注的重點,也是策略與組織領域的學者所關注的議題。自從Penrose(1959)的企業內生成長理論提出多餘資源(尤其是管理資源)為企業成長的機制之後,後續的策略學者大多延續這樣的觀點,假設有多餘資源之後,才能進一步追求成長,並深入探討多餘資源的特性、成長策略的特性與成長率之間的關係。 然而,實務上卻發現擁有多餘資源未必能成長,而有些成功的企業反而是在資源不足之下而成長。Hamel and Prahalad(1993)即挑戰多餘資源的成長觀點,認為企業成長的動力其實是來自於經理人拉撐(stretch)其雄心與渴望水準,願意去追求既有資源與能力所無法達到的策略目標,透過善用資源而能在資源不足的情境下實踐成長,但其並未清楚說明拉撐的內涵與促進成長的機制。 本研究以Hamel and Prahalad(1993)所提出的拉撐概念為基礎,探討中小企業在資源有限、甚至不足的情境之下,如何透過拉撐其既有資源基礎,而能達成企業規模的成長。由於相關文獻不足,本研究採用Eisenhardt(1989)的探索性個案研究方法,以單一事業中小企業的規模成長現象為研究情境,總共研究了七個個案,發現了規模有所成長的中小企業所採行的拉撐式策略邏輯及形成拉撐情境的因素,從實務中歸納出五大類型拉撐資源的行動內涵,並發現了拉撐資源的行動為何能形成中小企業長期之下規模的成長。因此,本研究證實了拉撐的成長機制確實存在,Hamel and Prahalad(1993)所主張的拉撐邏輯,確實能夠促進中小企業的成長,有其獨特的成長邏輯。 中小企業為何經常處於拉撐的情境,主要因為資源不足、成長所造成的現象與長期採行拉撐式策略邏輯所致。而拉撐式策略邏輯為:追求較高的經營目標,因而使資源略顯不足,並在資源尚未完全到位時即著手進行,故必須透過拉撐、擠壓既有的資源基礎以彌補資源的缺口,克服困難而能掌握成長的機會,此外,為了避免風險,資源的投資採行精簡、小額與逐步的擴充,解決資源瓶頸而能使整體資源發揮更大的效用,並能穩健地擴充與成長。 本研究歸納出五大類型的拉撐資源行動,包括資源突破、資源重組、資源調度、資源提取與資源精簡,皆能擠壓既有的資源基礎而達到原先難以達成的目標,能增進生產績效並提昇企業的競爭力。資源突破與資源重組即為創業者的創新活動,前者針對資源本身進行創新突破;改善或增加系統中的關鍵因子,使整個系統的功能有所突破。資源重組即是將相同的人力與實體資源重新配置,改善流程或資源使用的方法,達到創新的效果並提昇生產的績效。資源調度是刻意發展資源的多功能性與通用性,能夠彈性地調度不同資源互相支援,以因應急需或降低產能的閒置。資源提取則是延長資源的使用時間,或使既有的人力資源願意與能夠提供更多、更好的服務。最後,資源精簡意指資源的投資盡量不足額,甚至延遲投資,以降低風險,並因而設法增加資源的使用效率。 為何拉撐資源的行動能使中小企業整體資源基礎得以擴充與成長?本研究發現主要是透過拉撐資源的短期與中長期效果綜合而達成。拉撐資源的短期效果為提昇既有資源的績效而能彌補資源的缺口,掌握成長的機會,因而帶來資金的挹注而能累積資本。拉撐資源的中長期效果即是短期效果的累積,包括不斷地掌握機會而持續創造出後續成長的踏腳石(亦即突破經營局面而帶來新的成長機會);經常拉撐資源形成了獨特的、公司專屬的資源基礎與組織能力,能有效提昇公司的競爭力而增加經營的績效,進一步帶來資金的挹注;透過累積資本之後再謹慎地、精簡地擴充資源,增強資源基礎的內涵,企業內部的資源基礎因此逐步地擴充與成長。 / The growth and scale expansion of firms results in a lot of advantages and benefits for firms, therefore, it has been the focus of managerial attention and an important topic for scholars in fields of strategic management and organization theory. Most scholars follow Penrose (1959)’s internal growth theory of the firm to assume slack resources as the prerequisite of firm growth, and investigate the relationships among attributes of resources, growth strategies, and growth rates. In practice, however, firms with slack resources do not necessarily grow. Oppositely, there’re successful firms growing under resource shortage. Hamel and Prahalad (1993) had challenged the perspective of growing by slack resources and proposed that the real driver of firm growth comes from the stretching of managerial ambition and aspirations to pursue strategic goals beyond the firm’s existing resources and capabilities. Nonetheless, the authors didn’t explain clearly the contents and growth mechanisms of stretch. This study takes the view of stretch to investigate how small-and-medium-sized firms (thereafter SMEs) can achieve scale growth by stretching their limited or even infertile resource base. Due to the lack of related literature, this study adopts Eisenhardt (1989)’s explorative case study method, and choose the phenomenon of scale growth of the single-business SMEs as the research context. After investigating seven cases, this study finds the strategic discipline of stretch of SMEs, factors that result in condition of stretch, five categories of actions of resource stretching, and the relationship between resource stretching and long-term scale growth of SMEs. Hence, this study verifies that the concept of stretch proposed by Hamel and Prahalad (1993) do facilitate the scale growth of SMEs with its unique logic of growth. This study finds that SMEs are often in condition of stretch due to their insufficiencies of resources, the outcome of continued growth, and the results of running business by strategic discipline of stretch. The strategic discipline of stretch includes pursuing higher business goals by making existing resources slightly insufficient; proceeding without all resources needed so that SMEs have to stretch and squeeze the existing resource base to fill the resource gap and overcome difficulties so as to seize the opportunities for growth; and investing resources by small amount in a parsimonious way to solve the resource bottleneck so as to improve the effectiveness of the whole resource base and to make SMEs soundly expand and grow. Furthermore, this study concludes inductively with five categories of actions of resource stretching, including resource breakthrough, resource reconfiguration, resource mobilization, resource extraction, and resource parsimony, all of which can squeeze the existing resource base to achieve the unattainable goals and can improve productive performance and competitiveness of the SMEs. Resource breakthrough and resource reconfiguration are entrepreneurial activities of the entrepreneurs. The former is making innovative breakthrough to firm resources, and improving or adding critical elements in a system to make the function of the whole system upgraded. Resource reconfiguration is reconfiguring the same human and physical resources by improving the processes or methods of resource use so as to innovate and to improve productive performance. Resource mobilization is to develop the versatility and interchangeable use of resources deliberately so that all resources can be mobilized flexibly to support one another in order to response to emergent demands or to reduce the idle hours of all the resources. Resource extraction is to make longer use of resources, or to make employees willing and able to offer more and better services. Lastly, resource parsimony refers to make resource investments less than needed or even delayed, and by doing so, SMEs can reduce investment risks and are forced to raise the efficiency of their resource use. Why does resource stretching facilitate the expansion and growth of SMEs’ resource base (i.e. scale growth)? This study finds it is by the short-term and medium- and long-term effects of resource stretching. The former refers to the immediate outcomes of resource stretching, which fill the resource gap to help seize the opportunity of growth so as to obtain cash inflows for capital accumulation. The accumulation of short-term effects results in medium- and long-term effects of resource stretching, including continuously creating stepping stones for later growth by seizing opportunities; developing and accumulating distinctive and firm-specific resource base and organizational capabilities by constantly stretching resources so that SMEs improve their competitiveness and gain cash inflows; and prudently and parsimoniously expanding and enhancing resource base so that SMEs gradually expand and grow.

初診斷乳癌患者的心理沮喪發展軌跡與資源變化、因應風格之關係探討 / The developmental trajectories of psychological distress amongst newly-diagnosed breast cancer patients and their relationship with resource changes and coping styles

涂珮瓊, Tu, Pei Chiung Unknown Date (has links)
目的:基於初診斷乳癌患者的心理沮喪反應存在個別差異性之假設,本研究旨在探討乳癌患者的心理沮喪發展軌跡及其與資源變化、因應風格之間的關係,並採用動態性的壓力調適觀點來說明影響個體間發展差異與個人內變化之因素。三個主要的目的為(1)初診斷乳癌患者是否具有不同的心理沮喪發展軌跡?(2)隨時序變化的資源變化與因應風格可否區辨不同的軌跡組別;以及(3)不同軌跡組別的資源變化與因應風格對其心理沮喪之影響是否不同? 方法: 本研究採用貫時性的研究設計,共收錄200名初診斷乳癌患者。患者於診斷後的手術前一天進行評估,並於術後一個月、術後四個月、術後七個月及術後一年進行後續的追蹤。每一點的心理沮喪分數採用中文的醫院版焦慮與憂鬱量表(HADS)來測量,追蹤時間點的資源變化與癌症因應風格之分數,分別是以修編的資源改變量表(資源流失與資源獲得)與台灣版癌症心理調適量表(Mini-MAC)進行評估。 結果:潛在類別成長模式的結果顯示,相較於過去的研究,心理沮喪的變化軌跡可區辨出「韌性組」、「復原組」、「晚發組」及「慢性組」。潛在成長曲線模式的分析顯示,相較於其他三組,「韌性組」的壓力因應特性為:診斷之後維持在低資源流失、較低的初始AP,以及較低的CA成長率;相較於「韌性組」,「復原組」還具有下降較慢的FS;「晚發組」與「慢性組」又比前兩組具有更高的初始HH與較高的AP成長率,而「慢性組」比起其他三組在診斷初期具有最高的資源流失、最高的HH以及最低的FS。階層線性模式的分析顯示,四組之中的資源流失與因應風格皆可預測心理沮喪,作用的差異之處主要出現在「慢性組」的資源獲得與CA具有減緩心理沮喪之效果,以及各組之內的預測因子不同。 結論:本研究支持罹癌後的壓力反應具有個別差異性,並且指出乳癌患者的心理沮喪反應具有四種不同的發展型態。本研究也強調於連續變化的向度中考量不同的心理沮喪發展軌跡及其相關的壓力調適因子亦具有時序變化之重要性。有關的理論與實務意涵將於後作進一步地討論。 / Objectives: This study assumed the psychological distress of newly-diagnosed breast cancer (BC) patients existed the entities of the individual difference, so this study examined distinct development trajectories of psychological distress amongst BC patients and their relationship with resource changes and coping styles, and adopted a dynamic stress-coping perspective to shed light on the factors that contribute to the diversity of inter-individual development and intra-individual change. The three major purposes were (1) to determine if there are distinct development trajectories of psychological distress amongst newly-diagnosis BC patients; (2) to test whether time-varying resource changes and coping styles can distinguish the trajectory groups; (3) to explore whether the effect of time-varying resource changes and coping styles on psychological distress differ within each trajectories group. Methods: A longitudinal reasarch study of 200 newly-diagnosed BC patients was recruited and participants were assessed at the day before surgery, and again at the 1-month, 4-month, 7-month and 1-year post-surgery follow-ups. Psychological distress was measured at the five time-points using the Chinese version of Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Resource changes and cancer-specific coping were assessed at all follow-ups using the revised Resource Change Scale and the the Chinese version of Mini-MAC Scale, respectively. Results: Latent Class Growth Analysis (LCGA) identified four latent classes of BC patients with distinct developmental trajectories of psychological distress - resilience, recovery, late onset and chronic dysfunction. Latent Growth Curve Model (LGM) revealed that the stress-coping properties of the resilience group featured a stabilized lower level of resource loss after diagnosis, a lower level of initial AP-coping and a lower growth rate of CA-coping when compared with the others. The recovery group was more likely to have a lower decrease of FS-coping than the resilience group. Moreover, the late onset group and the chronic dysfunction group were more likely to have a higher level of initial HH-coping and a higher increase in AP-coping, and the chronic dysfunction group was characterized by the highest level of initial resource loss and HH-coping, and the lowest level of initial FS-coping compared with the other groups. The Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM) indicated that resource loss and use of coping styles could significantly predict levels of psychological distress in each trajectory group. The major differences that appeared were in the positive effect of resource gain and use of CA-coping on decreasing distress symptoms amongst people in the chronic dysfunction group, as well as in the different predictors that were found in each trajectory group. Conclusions: The present study shows that there are individual differences in cancer-specific stress responses and outlines four different developmental patterns of psychological distress amongst newly-diagnosed Taiwanese BC patients. This study also stressed the importance of considering time-serial continuity of distinct developmental trajectories with regards to psychological distress as well as the related stress-coping factors which also varies with time. Further theoretical and practical implications are discussed in depth in the content of the study.

民主化與中華民國國防人力資源規劃 / Impact of Democratization on ROC’s Human Resource Planning of National Defence

賀華 Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文是從民主化權力重分配的角度觀察我國國防人力資源規劃之轉變,並透過一般人力資源理論印證國防人力資源策略性規劃的重要性。民主化改變了國內政治、經濟、社會面的生態結構,同時也解構了國防人力資源的強制力,使得我國的國防人力資源規劃從徵兵制為主的規劃構面,朝向募、徵併行制發展。在「精實案」與「精進案」的過程中,國防人力資源規劃在價值性、內隱性、複雜性、專屬性、稀有性、不可替代性、、、等人力資源特性方面,是否能有效兼顧並給予良好的發展,將對我國兵役制度發展有深刻長遠影響。 在民主化的過程中,權力重分配牽涉到民主化與文人統制的關係,以及國防人力資源規劃背景條件改變的成因,對國防人力資源核心競爭力與核心價值的保存與發揚均有直接或間接影響。因此,本論文也針對此部份進行比較性研究及探討,以論證國防人力資源維繫核心價值之重要性。 本篇論文係藉由民主化的演變以人力資源理論串連現行國軍人力資源規劃模式進行分析,在觀察的角度上主要以總體面及法規制度為主,希望藉由整體性角度的探討,提供國防人力資源規劃時的參考。 關鍵詞:民主化、人力資源、人力資源策略、文人統制、兵役制度、核心競爭力、核心價值

有線電視MSO發展數位化之關鍵成功因素:以中嘉網路的資源整合運用為例 / The Key Success Factors of Digitalization of Cable TV MSO:A Case Study on the Resource Integration of CNS

簡嘉威, Chien, Chia-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,有線電視多系統經營商(MSO)在統合台灣地區各家系統業者的集團化經營模式之下,已逐漸成為國內電訊產業中的主要營運平台之一,其發展也受到眾多產業研究者的重視。隨著全球性的數位電視發展趨勢,以及國內數位傳播科技的蓬勃提升,台灣的四大MSO業者先後在2009年推動數位電視服務,有線電視數位化的市場動能開始浮現,也帶來了國內傳媒產業的嶄新期待。 本文以MSO業者為主要的研究分析對象,輔以系統業者與跨業經營有線視訊服務的中華電信MOD作為交相對應之依據,並以組織資源學理的角度出發,探究有線電視MSO如何以資源運用與整合的方式,來推動數位電視服務。研究發現,原有的收視戶規模、工程技術、人力資源、數位內容與財務規劃等因素,雖然是首要的組織核心資源,但是能否進一步運用內部管理與行銷推廣能力,進而形構出超越傳統市場形象的數位化品牌價值,方為MSO業者的營運思維之關鍵所在。 總體論之,MSO應當將自身調整至電訊服務營運商(Telecommunication Service Operator)的角色定位,並積極引入跨領域背景的未來人才,且必須重視對於旗下系統業者的良好整合與管理、顧客關係管理的妥善執行、雙向互動之科技;而本地內容業者的數位化程度、政策制訂與產業發展的配合亦相對重要。另外,理想的組織外部資源整合,以及明確的數位有線電視服務定位,皆將對於該產業的市場發展性影響深遠。本文亦期盼該研究能對數位有線電視平台業者、內容提供者或其它的相關產業鏈局之業者,產生實質上的參考價值。

從國小教師教學需求探討「教育部數位教學資源入口網」 的使用與接受度:以桃園縣為例 / Use and acceptance of the "MOE Education Intuitive Service Portal" by elementary school teachers from their teaching needs:Taoyuan County case study

袁正良 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討數位時代教學資源網站的意義與內涵,以及瞭解國小教師教學需求與網路資訊搜尋行為,並進一步探討國小教師對「教育部數位教學資源入口網」的使用與接受度情形,最後對「教育部數位教學資源入口網」提出改善建議。 本研究採訪談法與問卷調查法,以桃園縣立國民小學正式教師為母群體,選取10位經常使用「教育部數位教學資源入口網」的教師,進行訪談研究,將訪談的結果,配合相關文獻與問卷調查結果,作交互分析討論。另外,採分層隨機抽樣方式,針對桃園縣60所學校、564位教師進行問卷調查研究,回收有效問卷數509 份,佔總樣本數之90.2%。所得資料輸入電腦後,利用SPSS統計套裝軟體進行資料分析,統計方法包括描述統計、t考驗、卡方考驗、單因子變異數分析等。透過訪談法的質性探討與問卷調查法的量化數值分析,本研究可歸納出以下結論: 一、國小教師教學強烈需要豐富的教學資源與提升資訊素養 二、國小教師因教學工作上的需求,產生網路資訊搜尋行為 三、只有半數的國小教師使用過「教育部數位教學資源入口網」,整體的使用率不高 四、「瞭解程度不足」、「時間因素」以及「使用習慣」是影響國小教師未曾使用過「教育部數位教學資源入口網」的主要原因 五、國小教師使用「教育部數位教學資源入口網」最主要是為了快速取得教學資源 六、除了「教學資源」之外,國小教師很少使用「教育部數位教學資源入口網」所提供的內容、功能與服務 七、國小教師對「教育部數位教學資源入口網」的接受度屬中上程度 八、「教育部數位教學資源入口網」對國小教師的教學工作有幫助 九、有年齡等六個不同變項對於教師是否使用過「教育部數位教學資源入口網」有顯著差異 十、有性別等八個不同變項在教師對「教育部數位教學資源入口網」的接受度上有顯著差異 十一、「有用認知」、「易用認知」、「使用滿意度」及「使用意願」之間存在顯著正相關 十二、「有用認知」、「易用認知」、「使用滿意度」及「使用意願」之間具有顯著預測作用

物質資源・環境資源としての木曽谷の森林 (1) - 木曽谷の森林施業 -

只木, 良也, TADAKI, Yoshiya, 鈴木, 道代, SUZUKI, Michiyo 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)

不同工作要求與工作資源的內涵對工作投入與工作倦怠的影響 / The Influence of the Difference Nature of Job Demands and Job Resources on Job Engagement and Job Burnout

沈品柔, Pin, Rou Shen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要的目的以工作要求—資源模式(Job Demands-Resources model)為基礎,延伸JD-R模式之相關基本假定。雖然此模式之基本假定已獲許多實證研究支持,然而,卻仍無法有效解釋工作要求與工作投入之間的相關為何未能有穩定的關係。本研究欲衍伸以了解工作要求與工作資源是否具有不同的內涵,而這不同的內涵是否影響其與工作投入與倦怠的關係。 本研究依據理論分析將工作要求內涵分為挑戰型與阻礙型。而工作資源內涵則包括自由與發展及社會支持。以了解是否不同內涵的工作要求與工作資源,其對於工作投入和工作倦怠間的關係會有所差異,並探討其交互作用效果。 本研究採用結構式問卷調查,調查對象為台灣地區各類組織之279位全職工作者。研究結果發現:不論是挑戰型或是阻礙型要求皆會導致工作倦怠;而挑戰型要求對工作投入有正向影響。社會支持及自主與發展資源皆會引發工作投入;其中,社會支持對工作倦怠有負向影響。在交互作用效果方面,社會支持能有效調節阻礙型要求所引發的工作倦怠,而自主與發展資源在調節阻礙型要求所引發的工作倦怠亦達邊緣顯著。 依據研究結果,本研究建議,企業應給予員工充分的工作資源,不但可以增加員工工作投入的程度,更能減緩其工作倦怠。並且適當的給予挑戰型的要求,降低阻礙型的工作要求,以提升員工心理與生理健康,並提升組織的整體表現。 / Most researchers applied Job Demands-Resources model (JD-R model) to study the job stress. The JD-R model proposes job demands and job resources influenced. Although the part researches showed job demand could predict the burnout, but the results about relationship between job demands and engagement is inconsistent. Therefore, the aim of this study want to resolve this inconsistent result. This study recruited 279 Taiwanese employees. The study’s results showed: First, job demands and burnout were positively associated. Second, relationships among resources and engagement were consistently positive, while relationships among demands and engagement were highly dependent on the different characteristics of the job demand. When employees appraise the job demand as challenges, this job demand were positively associated with engagement. Third, the interaction between social support and hindrance demands significantly predicted the burnout.

亂世人才學:動盪環境中人力管理的組織作為 / Talent Retention in Turbulent Environment : Organizing Practices for Human Resource Management within Constraints

王琳, Wang, Lin Unknown Date (has links)
全球的經營環境詭譎多變,對企業而言「變」是唯一的不變。在競爭環境中,大者恆大,資源集中在強勢企業身上,而弱勢企業只能以手邊僅有的資源去面對困境。過去的隨創(bricolage)文獻多半是分析資源匱乏時,如何重新拼湊而找到創新方案,以扭轉局勢。可是我們卻忽略,在獲取、拼湊或重組資源時,弱勢企業正遭遇重重的制約,使得資源拼湊的過程面臨各種障礙。當企業身處動盪的環境中,如何以不足的資源翻轉局勢,是劣勢創新的新課題。本研究將由人力資源的情境中去分析這個新課題。人力資源的重點是找人才、留人才、用人才,讓企業能於競爭中存活,或幸運勝出。在太平盛世時,企業會祭出各種誘因去吸引人才;可是在亂世時,強勢競爭對手各出奇招,以重金禮聘英雄,弱勢企業的誘因就不再誘人。此時,弱勢企業應如何突圍。本研究分析一家位於深圳的互聯網新創公司,在遭遇到「搶人才」的環境中,如何憑藉著有限的資源而發展出一套組織作為因應。在學術貢獻上,本案例分析企業解除人才制約的作為,跳脫誘因設計的理論,思考如何由制度的設計去產生延攬人才的激勵因子。同時,理解隨創過程中,資源拼湊之前弱勢者是如何有嶄新的角度去解讀制約,思考出化阻力為助力的解決方案,設計出回應制約的組織作為。在實務貢獻上,本研究提出在身處動盪環境之際,如何以不足的資源設計出創新的人才管理機制,由選才、育才和評量等層面去設計留才的機制。這些作為不但能做為人力資源管理的參考,其因應制約的方式更可為各類型身處劣勢的企業提供創新的思路。 / Nowadays, the global business environment becomes more and more complex and changeful. For business, ‘change’ is the fact of constant. In the competition environment, the big ones get bigger. Most resources are centralized in a few of powerful enterprises, and vulnerable others can only use less resource at hand to face the difficulty. In the past, bricolage literatures were mostly talking about how to break through dilemma and reverse the status under limited resources. However, we overlook those weak enterprises which encounter constraints when trying to obtain, integrate, or reorganize resources. That makes them confront various barriers when getting piece of resources. When the enterprise is in a turbulent situation, how to turn the tables with limited resources is a new topic. This study would analyze this new theme through the context of human resources. The key point of human resources is to find the talents, retain the talents, and assign the talents, so to make enterprises survive or lucky win from the competition. In the times of peace and order, the enterprises resort kinds of incentives to attract the talents. However, in the troubled times, strong competitors would leave no stone unturned, pay high for hiring hero. Therefore, weak enterprises’ incentives are no longer attractive. At this point, how vulnerable enterprises break through? This study analyzes how a new Internet company in Shenzhen they rely on the limited resources to develop an organization action in the "headhunting” environment. In the academic contribution, this case analysis of how the enterprise remove human resource conduct limitation, get rid of the incentive design theory, and then thinking about how to encourage the talents through the system programming. Meanwhile, to understand in the process of implement create, before piece of resources putting together, how the weak explain the constraints with a new perspective, thinking of the solution by transforming obstacles into benefits, and designed an organized behavior to respond the constraints. In the practical contribution, this study presents how to design an innovative human resource management via selecting, training, and assess employees with insufficient resources when in the turbulent environment. Not only can be the reference of human resources management, these ideas can also bring the innovative thoughts for all types of disadvantaged enterprises

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