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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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蔡文軒 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以「歷史制度主義」為途徑,去分析毛澤東時期「二線分工」的運作與變遷。並就「歷史制度主義」的三個主要觀點,包括「路徑依賴」、「關鍵點」以及「漸續平衡」為架構,去鋪陳本文的論證。 首先,在「路徑依賴」上,本文認為因「民主集中制」的矛盾,使得中共政治在運作上,衍生出另一套非正式制度以修補之。而「二線分工」就是這套非正式制度,其目的是為了防制「民主集中制」的三項缺失,包括權力集中、非正式政治的影響以及政治繼承的危機。是故,只要中共堅持「民主集中制」,則「二線分工」就會成為一項路徑依賴,以修補「民主集中制」的缺失。毛時期「二線分工」的起點是在一九五六年九月的八大,該會決議重組中央書記處,以作為和中央政治局分工的機構。因此,開啟了毛時期「二線分工」的運作。 其次,在「關鍵點」的改變上,以一九五九年四月,毛辭去國家主席,退居政務二線為重要的關鍵。促成該關鍵點的成因上,可以「內因」和「外因」分別說明之。「內因」是起於反右運動、大躍進運動以來,逐步繁瑣的內政事務,使得毛決心辭去國家主席,以減輕工作負擔。「外因」則起於中蘇關係的惡化,使得毛有意識的了解培養革命繼承人的重要性,遂將劉少奇扶植至政務一線,以培養其接班能力。 最後,在「漸續平衡」上,在歷經一九五九年四月的「關鍵點」後,中共的「二線分工」運作由原來的「優勢政治」型演變為「權力平衡」型。在「關鍵點」之前,毛集黨務、政務一線於一身,可以直接參與黨務與政務決策的制定,因此呈現出以毛為主的「優勢政治」運作。但在「關鍵點」之後,毛雖仍居黨務一線,但因退居政務二線,所以大幅減少對於重要會議的直接參與,部分決策權轉移至劉少奇、鄧小平手中,故乃呈現出一、二線互為抗衡的「權力平衡」型。 本文在最後的結論,將討論毛時期立下的「二線分工」運作,對於後毛時期的延續性。此外,將提出中共政治的「二線分工」模式,以做為本論文的研究發現與研究成果。 / In the political regime of CCP, democratic centralism is the formal system of an organized form. “Two-front arrangement” is informal system, which is used to renovate three defects of democratic centralism, including the effects of informal system, power centralization, and the crisis of political successor. This article is used three concepts of ”historical institutionalism”, which are path dependence, critical juncture, and punctured equilibrium, to explain the transition of “two-front arrangement” in CCP. First, in the path dependence, “two-front arrangement” is a method used by CCP to repair the deficiency of democratic centralism. Second, the path of “two-front arrangement” was gone through two critical junctures of transition, one is the CCP twelve party congress in 1982, and two is the CCP sixteenth party congress in 2002. At last, the results of these critical junctures produced new punctured equilibrium . The work of “two-front arrangement” changed to patron-client type after the CCP twelve party congress and evolved to functional type after the CCP sixteenth party congress. The change of “two-front arrangement” is gradually evolving to some kinds of institutionalization. From the random type in Mao’s era, the patron-client type in Deng’s era, to the functional type in Jiang’s era, we can find that the “two-front arrangement” has remarkable function to repair three defects of democratic centralism as time went by. So we can take it as the formation of institutionalization. We analyze the “two-front arrangement” during Mao Zedong’s era. “First-front” leaders are those who participated in the policy-making process directly while leaders on the “second-front” are referred to those who only indirectly involved in the process. The article argues that the best way to identify leaders in their affiliation in the “two-fronts” division of work is to have a detailed breakdown on personnel in the highest decision-making bodies, the Politburo and the Central Secretariat. We divide Chinese leadership during Mao’s era into four categories according to official document and reputation and status of the leaders. The article further delineates the operation of the “two-front arrangement” according to the division of work between the party and the state, charisma of the leaders and formal institutions. At the end, we try to assess the impact of the “two-fronts” model on Chinese politics.


陳翊鳳, Chen ,Yi Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究目的,主要是希望利用Martingale評價方法與蒙地卡羅模擬法評價出結構型商品條款中隱含的新奇選擇權(Exotic Options)價格,並進而推導出結構型商品的理論價值,並且,期望藉由對個案商品的評價與損益分析,讓讀者瞭解結構型商品的產品結構、報酬型態與成本及潛在風險;此外,本文也從發行券商的角度,探討券商所面臨的潛在風險並提出可行的避險策略。 Martingale評價方法(The Martingale Pricing Method)由Cox與Ross(1976)及Harrison與Kreps(1979)所提出,是一種求解衍生性商品評價的方法,在Martingale評價方法下,衍生性商品的理論價格可經由折現該商品未來期望現金流量而得,且期望值折現可在風險中立環境下進行,折現率使用無風險利率。Martingale評價法在財務工程界是一項沿用已久的數學工具。本論文的主要貢獻,就是延伸Martingale評價法,透過機率測度轉換,推導出多資產股權連動式商品的評價公式解,進而求算出商品的理論價值。 本論文採用在市場上銷售的兩個結構型商品作個案分析,兩個案分別為多資產股權連動式票券與路徑相依指數連動式債券,主要研究成果如下: □ 以Martingale評價法作為本論文的評價模型,採用多資產股權連動式票券為個案,延伸評價模型求出產品的封閉解,並探討此種商品的報酬型態與潛在風險。 □ 以蒙地卡羅模擬法評價本論文的另一項個案—路徑相依指數連動式債券的理論價值,並分別從投資人與發行商的角度,探討產品的利潤與風險。 □ 在程式應用方面,運用MATLAB軟體,以模擬並求算產品的理論價格。


廖韋綾 Unknown Date (has links)
市場上為了因應投資人的需求,推出來越來越多樣化的結構式產品。結構型商品雖然標榜保本、高配息、高預期報酬,但仍然依照產品結構與連動標的不同,而有相當的投資風險。所以投資人應做好基本功課與認知,才能在投資連動債時明哲保身。 基於上述的理由,本文希望可以透過對結構式債券的評價、分析,讓投資人更了解投資結構式債券所面臨的風險與報酬,避免投資人因為不了解結構式債券的特性而遭受損失,或是因為不了解結構式債券而降低了投資的意願。 個案一為雙重結構利率債券,採用的評價方式為:先利用無套利Hull and White利率模型建構與市場式一致的利率期間結構,再搭配路徑函數的方式展出每日的利率樹,經過轉換後就可根據條款倒推求算利率連動債券的價格。 個案二為通貨膨脹連動信用債券:先採用Duffie and Singleton的方式建構信用曲線,求出違約邊際機率後;再透過Monte Carlo的方式模擬消費者物價指數來計算每期配息。在已知每個節點的預期現金流量後,就可利用倒推的方式求解信用連動債券的價格。


廖秦尉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對每日利率區間型連動式債券,以及一籃子信用連結式債券-首次違約型進行評價與避險分析。由於法令的開放,結構型商品推陳出新,商品設計條款日趨繁複。利用理論的模型運用於市場上的結構型商品,使發行者與投資人清楚了解商品的利潤與風險。 在每日區間型利率連動式債券的評價模型上,採用Hall and White(1994)的利率三元樹模型求算債券價值。透過市場可90天期商業本票報價,建構符合市場利率期間結構之利率模型,並以路徑函數計算配息,以求算利率連動債券合理價格。 在一籃子信用連動式債券可拆解為持有固定利息債券,並賣出一信用交換。參考Kijima與Muromachi(2000)模型設定,模擬出不同回收率下的第一違約信用交換價值;使用Hall and White的利率三元樹模型,計算連動債券中的固定利息債券價格,最後,針對參數可能的變動進行敏感度分析。


蔡雅雯 Unknown Date (has links)
觀光產業是世界各國普遍重視的無煙囪工業,與科技產業共同被視為是21 世紀的明星產業,環顧世界經濟情勢,新興產業不斷興起,觀光事業已趨於國際化、多角化經營之際,也是我國當前首重之發展產業。國際觀光旅館是屬於高有形性比重的產業以及高度人員涉入的服務產業,探討具有實體產品與無形服務組合的服務其產品品質與服務品質如何對於消費者產生影響,將是一個兼具研究與實用價值的主題。 旅館是高度競爭的行業,毫無疑問的,地點是商務旅客、休憩觀光客和研討會代表等選擇可行方案時的重要準則,然而地點並非是每個區隔顧客在選擇旅館時唯一的考量。在旅館的每個等級內,在大都市中皆可發現許多選擇方案,豪華的程度與實體設施的舒適性可做為一項選擇準則。究竟是什麼關鍵因素促使消費者選擇並維持與某個服務供應商的忠誠度?因此,本研究假設國際觀光旅館其產品特性(包含有形的產品與無形的服務)和顧客的特殊利益有關之情況下,了解目標客戶的偏好以及如何其建立長期關係並為其帶來附加價值。 本研究參考Zeithaml and Bitner(1996)提出「顧客知覺品質與顧客滿意度關係圖」作為研究基礎,來探討影響不同區隔的顧客滿意度因素,以及不同區隔的顧客,影響其顧客忠誠度的因素又為何?以及國際觀光旅館的產品品質對於商務旅客顧客滿意度以及忠誠度之影響是否大於國際觀光旅館的服務品質之影響,並且探討國際觀光旅館的服務品質對於休憩觀光旅客顧客滿意度以及忠誠度之影響是否大於國際觀光旅館的產品品質之影響。接著探討滿意度與忠誠度之間的關係;最後以探索性研究的方式檢視忠誠會員專案對於商務旅客之顧客滿意度與忠誠度之影響。 本研究係以入住中華民國交通部觀光局核准營業之國際觀光旅館之旅客進行滿意度調查,問卷的設計以旅館的主要服務品質組成因素,請旅客針對他們所接受到的整體服務體驗就組成因素,如服務人員的服務品質、住宿與退宿的整體客房服務品質、旅館的硬體設施與服務以及與餐廳有關的設施與服務等,個別評估其滿意度。 由本研究結果顯示商務旅客與休憩觀光旅客雖然為具有不同需求的旅客,由顧客知覺的服務品質、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度的衡量項目中,萃取出影響服務品質、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度的因素中皆包含有形性的特質。與旅客接觸點的分析結果發現,並不是所有服務人員具有相同程度的服務機會,亦即與旅客的互動程度不同。服務品質中與服務人員互動構面對於顧客滿意度之影響並未達顯著之水準因素。因此本研究推論有形性可視為國際觀光旅館服務品質之最主要因素。 在滿意度的部份,對於商務旅客而言,國際觀光旅館的產品品質與服務品直接對於顧客滿意度具有直接的影響;而且產品品質的影響力大於服務品質的影響力。對於休憩觀光旅客而言,國際觀光旅館的產品品質與服務品質對於其顧客滿意度亦具有正面之影響。至於影響顧客滿意度與忠誠度之整體模型部份,商務旅客的滿意度同時受到國際觀光旅館的產品品質與服務品質的影響,並且國際觀光旅館的產品品質與國際觀光旅館的服務品質亦同時影響到顧客忠誠度。然而國際觀光旅館的產品品質與國際觀光旅館的服務品質對於休憩觀光旅客的滿意度分別都具有影響力,但是不具有顯著的差異。休憩觀光旅客的顧客忠誠度直接受到國際觀光旅館的服務品質的影響,並未受到產品品質的影響。 經初步研究發現會員忠誠專案對於顧客忠誠度的影響不明顯,忠誠度計劃的測量結果發現參加會員忠誠專案之旅客,只是對忠誠度計劃本身具忠誠度而非對該特定品牌具有一定的忠誠度,旅客的忠誠度是脆弱也容易因為其他因素對其忠誠度產生影響。對許多專業經理人來說,工作就等於休閒,因此,如何讓他們在工作中,也能得到休閒時的自在感,是未來國際觀光旅館業的趨勢。 / This study make used of hotel’s database and based on the 131 completed survey form hotel guests, identify attributes that will affect the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of guests in the chain hotels. And will explore that if the frequent – guest program help hotels increase customer loyalty. The dimension of customer satisfaction with a service includes service quality, product quality and price. The results of the regression test that variable, the product quality and service quality will affect customer satisfaction of the business traveler, moreover service quality and product that direct influence customer loyalty. There is linear relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The factors affect the customer satisfaction are comfort of room、cleanliness of room and check-in。The hotel staff provides the effective check-in with pleasure attitude will affect their loyalty. Analysis results showed that the service quality and product quality will have direct influence the customer satisfaction of pleasure traveler, however, service quality will engage the customer loyalty of pleasure traveler. There is a strong connection between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. And the comfort of room will be the factor engaged the customer satisfaction. Finally, the frequent-guest program has the less influence of customer loyalty as expected. The business traveler were among the least loyal of the guests, considering the industry’s huge expenditures on frequent-guest programs, the hotelier may consider redirecting some of the frequent-guest expenditure toward strengthening human resources and toward improving the guest’s experience through quality of product improvement. Inferred form the results we have found, this study proposed some recommendations to the hotelier and the academics who try to do some further research on this topic.

應急蜂巢式行動通訊網路的多路徑網路拓樸設計 / Design of Multi-path Network Topology For Contingency Cellular Network

王鈞賦, Wang, Chun Fu Unknown Date (has links)
當發生大規模地震或強烈颱風等大型天然災害,其災後72小時為人命搜救之黃金期。由歷來的大型災變中,可知行動通訊系統其實極為脆弱且不可靠,而通訊系統癱瘓將影響救災工作之成效。本論文中探討的應急通訊系統利用倖存之連通基地台和斷訊卻沒有損毀的基地台,以無線電互相連接成一個轉送拓樸以建構臨時性通訊系統,稱為應急蜂巢式行動通訊網路(Contingency Cellular Network,CCN)。 在災難發生後,災區通常有許多須要較高通話需求的關鍵區域,其通話需求遠高於輕度災區,建置CCN時必須優先保障其通訊需求,我們先前之研究所提出的樹狀轉送拓樸其結構較脆弱,若任何一個link斷訊失去轉送功能,則其節點以下的使用者通訊將受到影響,導致任何一個節點對外通訊能力非常脆弱,影響CCN之可用度。為了提升CCN之可用度,我們提出了多路徑的CCN網路拓樸解決方案,在本方案中,每個關鍵區域都有數條對外通訊的連線。 本論文以各基地台通訊範圍內的通訊需求人數與災區毀損程度,作為效益參數,在有限緊急修復資源下,將問題塑模為一個類似K-Maximum Spanning Tree問題的Length Bounded Disjoint K-Path Max-Profit Mesh問題,我們證明它屬於NP-Hard問題,並且提出快速且效能不差之啟發式演算法,可在緊急時建立應急蜂巢式行動網路的多路徑網路拓樸。本文以電腦模擬方式,進行實驗以驗證我們的模型之適切性,並評估多路徑拓樸可提升之CCN可用度,實驗結果可提供使用者依不同的CCN可用度及總救災效益需求,選擇所需之多路徑數量。 / When stricken by a catastrophic natural disaster, the golden 72 hours is very critical to life saving. However, communication systems including cellular networks often crashed due to various causes making big impact to the efficiency of disaster response. Our research proposes the Contingency Cellular Network (CCN) by connecting disconnected base stations together using wireless links to form an overlay Ad Hoc network over a disconnected cellular network.   In our previous study, we proposed a tree topology to construct CCN, which is vulnerable since a single link failure may have a big impact to the availability of CCN. This thesis proposes a multi-path topology to enhance the availability of CCN such that the selected critical areas will have redundant communication paths connecting to the core network and thus, have higher resiliency against link failure. We model the CCN Multi-path Network Topology Design problem into a combinatorial problem, called Length Bounded Disjoint K-Path Max-Profit Mesh Problem. We take the degree of emergency and the population of each stricken area as the priority measure as well as the amount of emergency recovery resources as the capacity constraint in the topology computation model. The problem is proven to be NP Hard. Therefore, we designed an efficient heuristic algorithm (HLBDK) to solve the problem when it is needed in urgent. Finally, we evaluated the proposed algorithm by simulation. The simulation results show that the average performance deviation of the proposed heuristic algorithm away from the optimal solutions is smaller than 7% in all cases. A significant improvement in the availability can be obtained by using multi-path topology at a reasonable performance degradation. Our research results provide users a fundamental base to determine their availability requirement at a countable performance degradation.

大陸環境政策與路徑分析理論:以北京空氣汙染治理為例 / China’s environmental protection policies and path dependent analysis: in the case of Beijing air pollution control

陳品誠, Chen, Ping-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,大陸已經從一個強調經濟發展的國家蛻變為一個注重經濟發展但是也關注永續發展的國家。大陸從只願付出共同但有區別責任到積極做出空氣污染管制的大國,是否可以藉由不同於以往的模型來解釋?本論文主要運用路徑分析法的概念來闡述北京的空氣污染治理政策演進,藉由設定奧運和APEC北京為治理的「關鍵節點」,進一步闡述國家與地方環境政策的變化與演進。而中國政策決策制度的演進也是影響環境政策的輔助因素,因此第四章也特別說明中國大陸制定決策的模式演變。希望藉由不同的理論來解釋當前北京乃至中國的環境治理,並檢視當前環境治理的不足及說明未來可能的發展方向。 / In the past decade, countries and organizations around the globe have devoted themselves to brought out the important message of sustainable development. Climate change and environmental protection have been two of the core issues to be considered into state’s foreign policy. China has been facing the environmental issues in recent years. In this thesis, it argues that China’s awareness of sustainable development and environmental protection, especially on air pollution problem in Beijing, was gradually flourished as time went by. From ignoring environmental problem and devoting effort on one-sided economic development to positively face and try to solve the air pollution problem, China has gone through its decision-making and mindsets reform. Furthermore, this thesis suggests that the progress of it corresponds with a certainly path. Hence, path dependent analysis would be applied to test whether this kind of path fits air pollution control methods in China and possibly foresee the environmental future of Beijing to be a cleaner and healthier city.


劉明德 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用截至2007年5月止在台灣上市上櫃之資訊電子產業公司,進行智慧資本因素與企業價值和獲利能力之間關係的探討。欲從此問題瞭解當前除了傳統的財務因素之外,智慧資本因素對與企業價值和獲利能力的影響,在評估一家企業的價值需將智慧資本因素納入考量。 本研究利用過去文獻所使用之智慧資本指標,採用因素分析來萃取出代表人力資本的員工獲利因素和員工薪資增長因素,代表顧客資本的營收及營收成長因素和廣告費因素,代表創新資本的研發費用因素,代表流程資本的管理費用因素和流動比率因素。本研究主要在探討代表企業價值的市場附加價值、市價帳面比和Tobin’s q值,代表獲利能力的每股剩餘價值、每股無形資產價值和每股經濟附加價值與智慧資本因素之間的關聯。 實證結果為人力資本、顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對市場附加價值有正向顯著影響,顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對市價帳面比有正向顯著影響,人力資本相對於其他智慧資本對市價帳面比具有中介效果。人力資本、顧客資本和流程資本對Tobin’s q值有正向顯著影響,創新資本對Tobin’s q值的影響方向為正向。人力資本、顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對每股剩餘價值有正向顯著影響,人力資本、顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對每股無形資產有正向顯著影響,顧客資本、創新資本和流程資本對每股經濟附加價值有正向顯著影響,人力資本相對於其他智慧資本對每股經濟附加價值具有中介效果。由以上討論可知,人力資本、顧客資本、創新資本對企業價值及獲利能力都有正向的影響。 智慧資本因子之間互相的研究結果為,流程資本的管理費用因素與其他因素之間的交互影響皆為負向,本研究推論為管理費用因素與其他智慧資本因素具有資源運用互斥性,而其他因素之間的交互影響則為正向,其中只有廣告費因素沒有與其他因素有交互影響。本研究推論為廣告費的性質屬於成本投入面,不屬於結果面,所以和人力資本、流程資本和創新資本的因素對廣告費因素的影響並不顯著。

動態環境(下)企業成長時的策略與核心能耐演化之研究 -- 以台灣本土醫藥X公司為例 / A Study of the Evolution of Strategy and Core Competence during a Corporate Growth under the Dynamic Environment – A Case Study of a Local Pharmaceutical Company

陳澤民 Unknown Date (has links)
策略的目的是在特定的競爭環境中,憑藉企業的特質條件為它創造競爭地位或發展的方向,也就是創造具競爭性的差異優勢,使企業得以順利發展和持續成長。在競爭的環境中,組織能耐常會隨著時間經過而演化;演化的方式會隨著技術本身的特性、外部市場競爭強弱、與內部的組織與管理特性的差異,而有所不同。除此之外,體制環境會影響整個產業內的創新速率,因而對廠商的能耐演化造成影響。但是在環境急速變動的情況下,組織能耐要完全由內部產生不但不可能,而且其速度亦嫌過於緩慢,再加上現代企業的專業分工網絡,企業必須與客戶、供應商、甚至競爭同業合作,以獲得相關的資訊與技術;在企業的發展歷程中,如何有效提升內部經營管理及促進組織之間的知識交流與能耐移轉,便成為組織管理的重要課題。 本研究以一家台灣本土醫藥公司,在台灣生技製藥產業的架構下,創業、轉型、成長的發展歷程,仔細描述影響企業發展的關鍵因素 ─ 企業策略轉變、環境變動、能耐演化,以及企業內部管理提升,彼此之間如何相互配適,並塑造出企業的獨特發展路徑;茲藉由個案公司過去的回顧,描繪其成長的軌跡,作為其未來發展路徑的參考。 / Under the favorable government policy support and a well-established regulatory environment, there are more and more new start-up companies established in Taiwan biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry in the past dacade. However, most of the new emerging companies are still facing very difficult situation. New drug discovery is one kind of long-term time-consuming and heavily cash-investment-needed business. Besides, Taiwan is a small market in the world. The market potential can not afford to develop a R&D based local pharmaceutical company. However, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry is a very diversified and versatile industry. Under such circumstances, how does a biotech and pharmaceutical company make use of the limited resources and scarce capital assets to identify the niche market, create a new business model, develop the corporate competence, and construct the internal operation to strengthen the core business and secure a sustainable growth in the industry? Besides, due to the evolution of the modern tools including genomic science, bioinformatics, high-through-put screening machine, and gene therapy, the speed of new drug discovery becomes much faster and much more efficient, but the product life cycle also becomes much shorter. How does a local company play in such a highly competitive, technically professional, and dramatically changed environment? This study tracks the growth path of a local pharmaceutical company to show how the key factors, which are, environmental uncertainty, the development of core competence in the firm, and the choice of a successful strategy by top management and the organization, can be manipulated in the entrepreneurial firm that grows rapidly and formalizes its structure and internal operation. The growth path of the company in the past years could be interpretated as the mutual interactions (dynamic fit) of those key factors. Evenmore, the interaction consequences influence the strategic intent to confront the changing environment, and facilitate the practice of the law and the establishment of a government policy. Besides, in order to improve the whole healthcare system in certain medical care, the company develops a new operation model to run the specific business. Traditionally, most pharmaceutical companies are pursuing market-oriented product management, instead of sales-oriented business management. Nowadays, most multi-national firms are actively involved in disease management to expand the market share of certain disease. However, how to integrate the healthcare system and strengthen individual disease management under the specific healthcare system has become a new operation model of a pharmaceutical company to a specific market segment. The company has to work together and closely with the stakeholders, such as health authorities, medical societies, patient associations, healthcare personnel, and the patients themselves to improve the whole healthcare system and even the policy of the law, regulatory, social, and welfare system in the specific medical care, as well.


廖柏媛 Unknown Date (has links)
基於國內貸款市場的特性來看,國內金融機構所承作的不動產抵押貸款幾乎都是浮動利率抵押貸款,與美國以固定利率抵押貸款為主的貸款市場發展相當不同,未來台灣若欲發展不動產抵押貸款證券化,最先發展的商品應是符合國內抵押貸款屬性的調整利率傳遞證券,因此本文將針對調整利率傳遞證券做評價。同時,由於傳遞證券具有路徑相依的利率衍生性商品之性質,難以得到評價的封閉解,必須依賴數值方法來評價,評價方法不外乎採用利率樹或蒙地卡羅模擬法,本文將對此兩種評價方法做一深入的探討,同時有別於目前國內相關論文以Hull & White三元利率樹的評價方式,採用蒙地卡羅模擬法來評價,並進行敏感度分析,調整利率傳遞證券的評價結果如下: 1. 以台灣的貸款屬性來看,抵押貸款無每年利率上下限,雖有20%的最高利率上限但在目前低利率環境及低利率波動度的環境下,很難觸及此20%的最高利率上限,因此,期間利率上限價值很低,幾乎可視為一個純粹的浮動利率貸款。由於利率每年調整一次,現金流量則是按當時利率水準每月折現,故即使在貸款契約利率之利率加碼等於風險溢酬的情況下,傳遞證券的價格也不會等同於面值。 2. 利率波動度與調整利率傳遞證券價格之相關性不確定。 3. 調整利率傳遞證券價格與每年利率上限(annual cap)及期間利率上限(lifetime cap)有正相關。 4. 同時具有每年利率上限及下限的傳遞證券,價格會比只有每年利率上限的傳遞證券高。 5. 利率加碼越大,調整利率傳遞證券價格越高。 6. 提前清償速度與調整利率傳遞證券價格間的相關性,受到MBS折價或溢價的影響。

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