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論金融統合監理之架構 / Study on Consolidation of Financial Regulatory Structure

林蕙玲, Lin, Hui-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,國內金融問題層出不窮,陸續發生多起的金融弊案,皆有引發金融危機之可能。因此如何強化金融監理效能,建立金融市場之安定與秩序,實為金融革新的重要議題。 世界上多數國家的金融監理架構有單一監理機關與多數監理機關,甚至折衷於二者之方式。我國目前金融市場中因金融商品之區隔性降低、金融購併與金融集團之出現、效率監理原則、及因應WTO的加入考量,究竟如何調整金融監理架構以強化金融監理效能,實為當務之急。因此,政府希冀成立金融監督管理委員會,以有效整合金融發展政策及監理事權,全面加速金融現代化工程,因應未來國際金融競爭趨勢。 而本文,以「論金融統合監理之架構」為題,試圖先對我國現行金融監理架構做一剖析;其次針對單一監理架構—以英國金融服務管理局(Financial Service Authority)、澳洲金融監理總署(Australian Prudential Regulation Authority)、韓國金融監理局(Financial Service Supervision)為介紹;在其次亦就多數監理架構為論述—以美國的金融監理架構為題;繼而對於我國未來金融監理架構—以現行的行政院金融監督管理委員會組織法草案為介紹;最後做一評析與建議。 / In the last decade, Taiwan has experienced several financial institutions scandals and a local financial crisis has almost emerged. Under such a circumstance, it is essential for the Government to undertake regulatory reform in order to enhance the regulatory efficiency and reinstate the social confidence toward the financial markets. To cope with the entrance into WTO, the trend of financial liberalization, the emergence of financial conglomerates, it seems crucial for Taiwan to reconstruct the regulatory framework to promote the regulatory effectiveness and efficiency. Under such a scenario, the Government intends to establish a new regulatory agency, i.e. the Financial Regulatory Committee, to regulate financial institutions in a consolidated approach. The main theme of this paper focuses on the issue of the consolidation in financial regulatory structure. In the first place, the current financial regulatory mechanism in Taiwan is addressed and the potential inefficiency is identified. Secondly, some models of the single-regulator approach are examined, including the Financial Services Authority of UK, the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority and the Financial Services Supervision of South Korea. On the other hand, the US model, the most significant one in the multiple-regulator approach, is also envisaged in the third place. Fourthly, the draft of Financial Regulatory Committee Bill of Taiwan is examined and the potential failures therein are explored. As possible contribution to the financial regulatory reform in Taiwan, some conclusive remarks and suggestions are submitted in the final place.


林元麒, Lin, Yuan-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
自一九八○年代以來,金融國際化與自由化已成為時代趨勢,然而市場過度競爭的結果,卻是各國金融危機頻傳,我國亦難以倖免。一九八五年,存款保險條例公布施行,中央存款保險公司亦隨之成立,是為我國存款保險制度之始。但因我國金融市場開放過速,相關法規又未臻健全,政府依舊仰賴概括承受之模式以弭平金融風波,致存款保險所能發揮之功能十分有限。所幸自彰化四信事件後,各界均已體認到存款保險之重要性,政府亦試圖建構完整之問題金融機構處理機制,包括一九九九年存款保險條例修正、二○○○年銀行法修正,以及二○○一年之「金融重建三法」等,以回歸市場經濟之正軌。 我國之存款保險制度乃師法自美國,金融重建基金之設置亦以美國之「清理信託公司」(RTC)為藍本,故本文除就存款保險之沿革及基本概念、問題金融機構之定義及認定等作一介紹外,主要係藉由檢視與對照美國及我國之問題金融機構處理機制,以及分析彰化四信、中興銀行、卅六家基層金融機構(二○○一年)等案例之事件經過與處理爭議,來探究我國現行制度不足之處及主管機關在實務運作上所面臨之困境與挑戰。最後,針對金融重建基金退場,存款保險制度回歸限額保障之原始功能後所面對之金融改革賡續問題,爰就金融監理、金融機構內部管理、存保機制以及其他法制之配合等層面提出建議,以作為本文之結論。


林意耘, Lin, Yi Yun Unknown Date (has links)
2005年國內債券基金持有的結構債券 - 高達將近新台幣6,000億的部位,在主管機關的行政命令要求下,限期處份出清,虧損部位由投信業者自行承擔,不得損及投資人權益,事件雖然圓滿落幕,各投信業者忍痛吸收將近300億的總虧損金額。 經過十多年的畸形發展,國內債券基金已經隱然成為金融怪獸,主管機關藉由處理結構債一併整頓基金市場秩序,結構債券成為壓倒駱駝的最後一根稻草,讓投信業者慘賠的結構債,只因為背負著衍生性商品的原罪,成為代罪羔羊! 衍生性商品的發展,對於新金融商品的創新,扮演著極重要的功能及元素,以台灣目前的金融環境,產業的發展必須是多元且國際化,不能排除衍生性商品的發展,因此本文借由事件的發展,比較國內外監理機構對衍生性商品的規範,參考歐美主要國家的監管方式,提供台灣主管機關參考,以制訂風險控管及監管適宜的制度,提供業者創新金融商品的發展環境。


黃建銘 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過文獻研究法,利用文獻、理論、法令及實務見解,進行對中國、越南及台灣間的總體經濟、銀行及中小企業之台商比較分析後瞭解。中小企業是台灣經濟發展中之重大關键要素。然受國際品牌廠商要求、或因生產成本提高,不再具有國際比較利益、或為就近需求市場、或因衛星生產體系的遷移而外移。 企業經營五要素─產、銷、人、發、財等五項中,資金是企業經營重大原素,一如血液之於人體般的不可或缺;研究顯示,中小企業經營多以家族型態經營,會計制度偏向規避稅賦,財務依賴少數股東。當其向銀行舉借資金時,則受限1.經營規模不大2.擔保不足、欠缺被認可之保證人3.資訊不透明(會計制度不健全,報表為節稅而粉飾)等因素;銀行在評估授信案件,本質上必須把資產安全列為第一優先考量。近年來,受國際金融監理規範日趨嚴格、國內監管法令、及銀行內部風控要求影響,銀行經營授信業務成本是日益增高。台灣銀行業朝大型、金控化發展、業務轉向是趨勢。原照顧中小企業為主的中小企業銀行,也紛紛改制成商業銀行,使中小企業授信管道更形縮減。銀行有其金融中介角色的使命,但中小企業者經營管理上必須透明,否則在金融環境巨幅變遷下,未來企業向銀行舉借資金,勢必將面臨嚴峻的挑戰。

金融控股公司發展與綜效分析 / The development and synergy analysis of Financial Holding Company

陳瑞輝, Chen Jui Hui Unknown Date (has links)
近二十年來,臺灣積極推動金融自由化及國際化,臺灣銀行業於1991年陸續開放16家新銀行設立以來,競爭加劇。同時,臺灣正式加入WTO後,臺灣金融機構面臨來自國際間跨國金融業嚴峻的挑戰,然而銀行體系普遍所面臨的問題,包括銀行家數過多、規模過小、同質性過高、逾放比過高等現象,都是主管機關在近年來希望能進行金融改革的重要課題。正當此際,為了迎接國際強大的金融集團競爭挑戰,政府必需盡速解決國內的金融問題,加速整合金融機構,因此早在2001年6月27日即通過《金融六法》,其中《金融控股公司法》對臺灣金融業的影響甚巨,其立法目的是希望臺灣金融體制朝向“股權集中化、組織大型化、經營多角化、監理透明化”方向發展,以提升金融機構的競爭力及國際化。 《金融控股公司法》通過至今已有十四家金融控股公司成立,重整了金融版圖,也影響銀行的經營模式。本研究透過搜集先進國家的金融制度發展及臺灣目前金融市場概況來研究金融控股制度對銀行業經營所產生之影響。 跨業經營已是國際間金融業整合之趨勢,因此,金融控股公司法的設立將付予臺灣金融機構進行整合、轉型的機制,讓其更具競爭力,只是是否每一金融控股公司均能成功經營,恐怕短期間業者仍要面臨階段性的調整壓力,並非一蹴可及;再則,在該法設立後,金融監理一元化將更形重要,否則當金融機構跨業經營形成金融巨人後,未來發生弊端時,就會變成金融怪獸,所引爆的金融危機,將更為迅速且嚴重,連鎖反應將更為擴大。究竟金融控股公司的設立,能否為臺灣的金融業帶來生機?以及政府應在准許業界設立金融控股公司的同時,要如何建立專業、獨立與有效率的監理機制,以避免增加業者的管理成本,並提升金融業的競爭力?是本文的研究目的。 本研究以質化研究中之個案分析法為研究方法,針對個案公司之總體策略進行研究,以策略形態分析法進行。因我國金控公司成立年代尚短,金控公司中子公司業別、轉投資事業與策略聯盟等總體策略的完整性與代表性皆具足較少,在個案選擇上來源有限。富邦金控(Fubon Financial Co., Ltd)在子公司業別、轉投資事業與策略聯盟等總體策略的完整性與代表性較其他金控公司相對完整,且經營績效表現亦佳,故以個案分析法綜合上述資料分析歸納出本研究之結論。 研究結果顯示,金融控股公司制度為近代世界金融體制之新潮流,全球金融商品已進入國際化,多元化的時代,傳統銀行的金融商品已無法滿足顧客之需求,因此銀行經營多元化已為一種趨勢,在金控公司體制下的銀行可藉交叉行銷金控子公司之各項金融商品提供顧客「一次購足」的服務,且能有效運用資源,降低成本,因此較單獨經營之銀行更具範疇經濟的效果及優勢。所以許多銀行選擇加入金控公司,也間接加速了銀行合併。 / Taiwan has been actively promoting financial liberalization and internationalization in the last two decades, and the competition is intensified when 16 new banks were set up since 1991. After Taiwan enters WTO formally, all the financial institutions face severe challenge from international banks, moreover, the domestic banking system has been facing problems such as over banking, small business scale, similar business nature, high NPL ratio, etc, and these are the problems that the government must solve as quick as possible. Taiwan government passed "Six Laws on Finance" on June 27th 2001, in order to improve the competitiveness and internationalization of the financial institutions in the following four aspects, "centralization of ownership, organization maximization, business diversification and transparent supervision". Cross business operating is becoming the main driver of international financial industry integration nowadays. The Financial Holding Company Law can help Taiwan financial institutions to merge and transform to become more competitive. At the same time, supervising authority should also review the guidelines and standards to cope with the fast changing financial habitat. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the impact of the Financial Holding Company model to the Taiwan financial industry and the measures that authority should take to have better monitoring and supervising over financial institutions in the effective and cost saving way. The case analytic approach in this research is studied with the qualitative method and analyzed by shape tactics. Fubon Financial Holding Company is more representative with better performance, so we choose it as an example in our case study. The study result shows that financial holding company model is a new trend of the modern banking system. Traditional financial products can no longer meet customers’ needs and the global financial products nowadays must be internationalized and diversified, that’s why diversification of business is also a main theme of the banking industry now. Under the Financial Holding Company model banks can cross sell products from subsidiaries of holding companies. By providing this “one stop shopping” service banks can allocate resources more efficiently and lower cost, so a lot of banks choose to join to become Financial Holding Company and which accelerated the merger of banks indirectly.

金融機構預警制度之比較研究 / The Comparison of Financial Early Warning System

楊奕新 Unknown Date (has links)
金融機構預警制度在性質上兼具金融管理及經營評鑑之雙重功能,且對於金融危機具有預防及警戒作用之制度,其意義係依據有關之金融法規與金融業務之經營原則,選定若干變數而訂定一套預警函數、指標、臨界值或基準值、判別模型等,將能夠數據化之部份,利用電腦處理資料並進行統計分析與審察,對於未符合規定、逾越警戒範圍之異常數或脫軌狀況,經過測試與核算後,發出預警信號,以促使主管機關或金融機構(或稱銀行)本身提早注意,並加以防範、及時糾正與改善,以促進其健全經營之制度。 近幾年來,在金融國際化與自由化影響下,金融機構業務已日趨複雜,金融監理機關所擔負的責任也越加沈重,為解決此一困境,如何善用場外監控工具,以彌補實地檢查之不足,應是強化當前金融監理制度的有效方案。我們都知道金融監理機關越來越重視場外監控工作,其中最廣為人知且有效發揮其功能的就是「金融預警系統」,它能評估金融機構績效、篩選問題金融機構及顯示有關警訊等功能,如今已成金融監理機關重要輔助工具之一。 關鍵詞:金融機構預警制度、金融機構、金融監理 / Financial early warning system is a line both in the nature of financial management and operational evaluation of the dual function. To the financial crisis, With the role of prevention and warning system. The significance of means in accordance with relevant laws and regulations of the financial business and financial management principles. Certain number of selected variable set of a number of warning function, indication), cutoff or decimal value, discriminant model. According to the number of data, after testing with the accounting, it cause alarm or signal, so that the issue of the fail to meet the requirement, beyond the scope of the warning or to derail the number of abnormal conditions. To encourage the competent authorities or financial institutions (or banks) early attention to itself. By prevent and promptly correct and improve, to promote the sound management of the system. In recent years, financial institutions have become increasingly complex business and responsible for financial supervision authorities increasingly heavy responsibility, under the influence of the financial internationalization and liberalization. To solve this dilemma, how to make the best use of off-site monitoring tool, make up for lack of spot checks. It should be an effective program to strengthen the current financial supervision system. We all know that more and more attention to the financial supervisory authorities to the work of off-site monitoring. One of the most well-known and effective functioning is the “financial early warning system”. It could assess the performance of financial institutions, financial institutions and the issue of screening show that the functions of the police. For the financial supervision authorities, one of the important auxiliary tool, today. Keywords: financial early warning system, financial institutions, financial supervision


潘雅慧 Unknown Date (has links)
為因應金融環境及經營風險日益複雜化,改進現行資本協定缺點,及鼓勵銀行加強風險管理,巴賽爾銀行監理委員會(以下簡稱巴賽爾委員會)於1999年6月發布「新巴賽爾資本協定」(The New Basel Capital Accord)第一版草案,在歷經2001年1月第二版修訂草案及三次量化影響評估後,2003年4月29日發布第三版修訂草案,預計2004年中正式定案,自2006年開始實施。 「新巴賽爾資本協定」主要修訂內容包括:1.強調「最低資本需求」、「監理審查程序」及「市場制約機能」等三大支柱;2.除原有信用風險及市場風險外,增加作業風險應計提資本;3.修訂及增訂信用風險及作業風險資本計提方法,除標準法外,允許銀行使用內部風險模型計提信用風險所需資本,並對信用風險抵減及資產證券化作進一步規範。本次修訂幅度頗大,預期對我國銀行業及金融監理機關均將產生重大影響。 美國實施新資本協定預計採雙軌制,亦即國際性大型銀行採用信用風險IRB法及作業風險AMA法,其他銀行則沿用現行資本計提方法,惟其強調原有之槓桿比率及立即導正措施(PCA)仍將繼續適用,將進行量化影響評估以分析公平競爭議題,並已陸續發布企業授信內部評等系統及作業風險進階衡量法之監理準則。英國則採不強迫、不禁止原則,由銀行自行衡酌成本效益,決定是否採用進階方法,並將進一步研擬相關規範。我國係由財政部金融局及銀行公會組成共同研究小組,其下分六組:信用風險標準法組、信用風險IRB法組、作業風險組、市場紀律及資產證券化組、監理審查組、市場風險組,分四階段研究與現行規範之差異、可能衝擊、我國可採行內容及研擬法規修訂。依據中央銀行金檢處92年12月對49家本國銀行進行調查,6家銀行計畫採用內部評等基礎法計提信用風險所需資本,43家銀行則採標準法或簡化標準法;作業風險則19家將採標準法,30家採基本指標法。 為協助我國順利推動新資本協定,研擬實施建議如下: 一、 成立監理機關專責小組,統籌實施事宜及彙整各界建議形成決策 二、 評估確定實施範圍及時程 三、 實施第一支柱 (一) 進行量化影響評估 (二) 儘早研擬監理機關裁量項目 (三) 瞭解銀行風險管理實務及準備狀況 (四) 鼓勵銀行檢視資料庫,增進風險管理資訊系統 (五) 建置全國性信用資料庫,建立我國信用風險指標 (六) 研擬我國適用之新資本協定草案及監理審查原則 (七) 加強監理機關間資訊共享 四、 實施第二支柱 (一) 要求銀行加強資本適足性自我評估 (二) 訂定銀行資本適足性審查標準及建立溝通機制 (三) 提高銀行資本適足性目標比率,建立資本緩衝 (四) 採行及早干預及立即導正措施 五、 實施第三支柱 (一) 評估我國揭露現況及銀行產生新資本協定揭露資訊之可行性 (二) 採兩層次揭露,並定期評估銀行揭露情形 六、 檢視我國資本適足性有關法規及計算方法說明 七、 其他監理議題 (一) 成立風險模型評估小組,加強監理人員專業能力訓練 (二) 金融監理架構改以風險為導向


張晴玲 Unknown Date (has links)
採用金融控股公司方式合併數家金融機構是近年來金融改革採取之方式,但也因此產生了相關之問題,其中最重要的便是金融控股公司法對於控股公司型態下關係人交易之規範是否妥適?是否能遏止非常規交易之發生?有無值得檢討改進之處。本篇論文從金融機構跨業經營可能的型態談起,討論各種型態的模式,及其可能有的優缺點,再說明何以會採取金融控股公司模式作為金融業跨業經營之模式。 另外討論金融控股公司法下,金融控股公司與子公司的資金流動類型與控管機制,並針對其中平行資金交易下控管機制的缺失作深入的討論,進而闡述現行法可能有的缺失,如列舉規定、董事會監控機制能否發揮功用、交易條件不得優於其他同類對象之認定標準及是否需排除無銀行子公司的金融控股公司等。以及對現行法的建議。並探討相關法律在關係人交易的部分應採取的配套修正,以免疊床架屋。 本論文並以95年發生中信金插旗兆豐金為案例加以分析,探討實務上對關係人的認定標準。亦針對金融監理的部分作討論,現行的金融監理是否能有效防止或發現複雜金融交易下非常規交易之發生?最後以美國法和日本法為例,研究其對關係人交易之規範,並對前述討論作出結論。


李錫坤 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討台灣與大陸的金融合作發展。中國大陸本來實行計劃經濟體制,1978年開始進行改革開放。2001 年中國加入WTO之後,逐漸在金融、保險業、期貨業、銀行業對外開放。在這個過程中,台灣與大陸的金融合作日益緊密。2009年以來,台灣與大陸連續簽署了「海峽兩岸金融合作協議」、「兩岸金融監理備忘錄」(Memorandum of Understanding, MOU)、「兩岸經濟合作架構協議」(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, ECFA)等。本論文依序分析了中國大陸的金融市場本質和改革狀況,以及目前中國大陸金融體系所存在的機會與缺點。此外,本論文也探討了兩岸金融合作的發展進程,特別是在簽署MOU和ECFA之後,將對台灣金融業所帶來的影響。 關鍵字:中國大陸金融市場、兩岸金融合作、兩岸金融監理備忘錄、兩岸經濟合作架構協議 / This dissertation discussed the financial cooperation between Taiwan and mainland China. After joining the WTO in 2001, the financial cooperation between Taiwan and mainland China is getting closer. Since 2009, Taiwan and mainland China signed “Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement” (ECFA) and “Memorandum of Understanding” (MOU). Furthermore, the Chinese financial market is relatively slow industries, financial institutions stationed after the impact is inevitable. This research analyzed the trend of the efficiency change before and after signing MOU and ECFA. Keywords: China financial market; Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement; The financial cooperation between Taiwan and mainland China; Memorandum of Understanding

The Effects of Legal Institutions, Bank Supervision Practices, and Securities Market Governance on the Quality of Bank Financial Reporting

蔡湘萍, Tsai,Hsiangping Unknown Date (has links)
Three essays are comprised in this dissertation to examine how institution and regulation frameworks affect the quality of financial reporting by banks. The empirical investigation on whether some governance mechanisms provide incentives for banks to report high quality financial information can have policy implications regarding bank regulation. Financial reporting quality is measured either by the level of earnings management or the extent of reporting conservatism. Using these two types of proxies for financial reporting quality, we examine whether reporting quality is affected by the legal protection on investors, bank supervision/regulation practices, or securities market governance mechanisms. In the first essay, we examine international differences in bank earnings management around the world. Following Leuz et al. (2003), we argue that bank earnings management is closely linked to private benefits of insiders. As a result, bank earnings management should be negatively related to institutional factors such as legal protection on investors and bank supervision policies that encourage market discipline on banks. Consistent with this prediction, we provide evidence that earnings management is less pervasive for banks in countries where investors are better protected and where supervision policies strongly encourage private-sector monitoring on banks. We also show that the legal protection mechanisms have stronger effects on curbing activities of earnings discretion, but bank supervision policies that encourage private-sector monitoring are better at limiting income smoothing activities. Our results also suggest that stringent capital requirement or strong government supervisions are less effective in reducing earnings activities of banks. In the second essay, we document that banks, especially those that are publicly traded, are conservative in their financial reporting. In particular, banks are conservative in reporting earnings changes and they incorporate more loan loss provisions when their operating cash flows decrease or when the amount of their problem loans increases. Banks also charge off more problem loans when their loan loss provisions increase. Our cross-country comparison shows that conservative financial reporting is more pronounced in countries where supervisors are empowered to take adequate actions against banks or where bank supervisory policies to encourage private-sector monitoring are more prevalent than in countries where there is less supervision or where there is less private-sector monitoring. In the third essay, we further investigate whether securities market governance explain the international differences of reporting conservatism across listing status of banks. Our results indicate that, after controlling for banking industry regulations, securities market governance has incremental effects on the reporting conservatism by public banks. The conservative reporting by public banks is stronger in countries where securities regulators are more empowered to intervene in banks for violations to securities laws. Furthermore, the stronger conservatism for public banks relative to private banks is widespread in countries with more developed bond market. The evidence suggests that public banks practice more conservative reporting than their private counterparts when debt contracting mechanisms function well.

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