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行動電話擴散研究之模型選用及驅動因子分析 / Model selection and driving forces for mobile telephony diffusion朱文伶, Chu, Wen Lin Unknown Date (has links)
惟成長模型之選取尚無原理原則可供遵循而具隨機性(ad hoc basis)。為找出模型選用之可能規律,以降低模型選用之隨機性並提高成長預測之準確度,本研究以十二個代表性國家(巴、中、法、德、印、日、韓、俄、星、台、英、美)至2007年之資料以比較三個最常用之成長模型之績效,即Gompertz、Logistic及Bass模型。模型績效逐年比較標準係採用rmse值,並輔以Friedman test檢測模型績效差異之顯著性,再對照模型之機制意涵,以進一步了解最適模型之選用原則。
台灣及中國行動電話擴散之驅動因子研究發現(1)價格下降及(2)預付卡之推行對加速擴散具顯著性,兩者均對低階市場之採用具影響力。鑑於高階市場將先飽和,爰未來加速行動電話擴散之關鍵驅動因子應係與推動低階市場採用具密切相關性。以中國為例,未來市場開放競爭造成價格再度大幅下降,將進一步促低階市場採用,加速中國行動電話之普及。 / The number of mobile telephone subscriptions reached 1.2 billion globally in 2002, exceeding fixed-line telephony subscriptions (1.1 billion) for the first time. The number of mobile telephone subscriptions reached 4.1 billion globally in 2008, over three times the number of fixed-line telephone subscriptions (1.3 billion). The main advantages of mobile telephony over fixed-line are low cost and rapid facility deployment. The rapid diffusion of mobile telephony has become an important topic in innovation diffusion.
The conventional approach to studying mobile telephony diffusion is to analogize a single growth model, such as the Gompertz, Logistic or Bass model, and calculate the model parameters, for example growth rate. The significance of certain selected driving forces, such as technology innovation or market competition, to the studied parameters, such as growth rate, is then estimated. The diffusion growth can also be forecast by extrapolating the diffusion curve.
Utilizing the growth model analogy is the first step in analyzing mobile telephony diffusion. However, no principles or rules exit for selecting a growth model. To identify rules for model selection to reduce randomness and increase forecast accuracy, this work uses 12 sample countries, namely Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, the UK and the USA, employing data prior to 2008 to compare the performance of three most commonly used models, namely the Gompertz, Logistic and Bass models. The root mean square error (rmse) is chosen as the criterion for measuring annual model performance. The work uses the Friedman test to examine the significance of differences in performance between models. The implications of model mechanisms are emphasized to investigate the selection rule for the most appropriate model.
The penetration of mobile telephony in Taiwan was 108% in 2002, ranking first in the world. Furthermore, in 2001 the number of mobile telephony in China replaced the United States as number one in the world. Both Taiwan and China are important examples for mobile telephony diffusion. However, no empirical investigation has been performed in these two cases. To fill this gap, this work estimated the driving forces for mobile telephony diffusion in Taiwan and China to learn about the critical drivers of the mobile telephony diffusion.
Empirical results indicate that due to improvements in statistical software, providing good fitness for all three models, namely the Gompertz, Logistic and Bass models, distinguishing which has the best fitness is difficult. However, the performance of the three models is distinguishable when forecasting based on extrapolating the diffusion curve. In eight of the 12 examples, namely Brazil, China, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, the UK and the USA, the Gompertz model is the most appropriate model for forecasting. The mechanism of the Gompertz model means that during the initial stage the diffusion is correlated with network externalities (namely word of mouth), however, this correlation reduces during the later stages (such as pass one half of the maximum potential). Moreover, the cases of Taiwan and Russia demonstrated that the Logistic model performs well provided some significant driver of the diffusion exists. The mechanism of the Logistic model means that the diffusion is correlated with network externalities throughout the whole diffusion. Furthermore, using Chinese data, when the Bass model is applied, because of its low innovation coefficient, it performs similarly to the Logistic model, which is a special case of the Bass model in which the innovation coefficient equals zero.
Empirical results for the critical driving forces of mobile telephony diffusion in Taiwan and China indicate that (1) reducing prices and (2) the launch of pre-paid services are crucial to mobile telephony diffusion. Both factors are essential to mobile telephony adoption in low-end markets. The high-end market is the first to be saturated by mobile telephony adoption, future drivers of the mobile telephony diffusion should be highly correlated with low-end market demand. Taking China as an example, the opening of the market to further reduce tariffs will attract mobile telephony adoption in the low-end market, facilitating the mobile telephony diffusion.
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有線寬頻服務產業競爭策略分析林茂陽, Lin, Mao-Yang Unknown Date (has links)
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行動電話營業規章與服務契約之研究-從消費者保護出發程才芳 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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電信商提供適地性服務對消費者服務品質、顧客滿意度和顧客忠誠度的影響-以中華電信為例陳宛渝, Chen,Wan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
3G 行動網路的發展和智慧型手機銷售量的大幅成長之助力下,使得全球適地性服務進入多元化的發展階段。而處於萌芽期的台灣適地性服務市場,近年來,隨著傳統語音服務業務的飽和,電信商紛紛希望藉由提供行動加值服務開創新的商機,於是行動加值服務中的適地性服務成了新的發展契機。
本研究認為適地性服務亦屬於服務的一類,但與一般實體服務業、線上購物的服務類型有所差異,故選擇以消費者直接接觸的電信商提供之適地性服務軟體 為研究對象,探討服務品質、顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度的影響及其關係。以中華電信為研究對象,針對曾經參與適地性服務軟體開發的人員進行深度訪談,並根據質性研究的結果設計量化問卷及建立假設。本研究將問卷連結張貼於電子佈告欄系統的相關討論區,共取得 253 份有效問卷,以 SPSS19.0 軟體進行資料統計分析,驗證假設並提出研究發現與結論建議。
二、服務品質對於顧客滿意度具有顯著影響,且不同要項之影響效果不同 三、服務品質對於顧客忠誠度具有顯著影響,且不同要項之影響效果不同
四、顧客滿意度對於顧客忠誠度具有顯著影響,且不同要項之影響效果不同 五、服務品質、顧客滿意度對於顧客忠誠度具有顯著影響,且顧客滿意度的影響
效果較高 / Recently, the development of 3G mobile networks and the huge growth of smartphone, Location-based service has diverse application. In Taiwan, with the saturation of traditional voice service, oprators hope to find new opportuneities by providing mobile value-added service so Location-based service in the mobile value-added service has become a new direction of development.
This study is to investigate the relationship among the service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of Location-based services providing from oprators. Chunghwa Telecom is the main case for this study. This study obtains information by using both qualitative and quantitative research methods: in-depth interview and online survey. In the part of qualitative interview, interviewees are those participants who have been involved in the development of Location-based service in Chunghwa Telecom. As for the part of online survey, this study uses SPSS 19.0 software to analyze 253 valid questionnaires from PTT, the largest bulletin board system in Taiwan.
After analyzing, this study comes to the following conclusions:
1. The key resources and key processes of the oprators affect the feelings of the
consumers' service quality.
2. A significant relationship exisits between service quality and customer
satisfaction, and different items have the different degree of influence.
3. A significant relationship exisits between service quality and customer loyalty,
and different items have the different degree of influence.
4. A significant relationship exisits between customer satisfaction and customer
loyalty, and different items have the different degree of influence.
5. A significant relationship exisits among service quality, customer satisfaction
and customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction have a higher degree of influence on customer loyalty than service quality.
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満州電信電話株式会社のメディア史的研究白戸, 健一郎 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(教育学) / 甲第18016号 / 教博第157号 / 新制||教||144(附属図書館) / 30874 / 京都大学大学院教育学研究科教育科学専攻 / (主査)准教授 佐藤 卓己, 教授 川崎 良孝, 教授 駒込 武, 教授 貴志 俊彦 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Education) / Kyoto University / DGAM
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衛星的國際規範侯權峰 Unknown Date (has links)
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電信普及服務制度之研究 / A study on Universal service obligations in Telecommunications Environment黃世雄 Unknown Date (has links)
過去電信事業強調無論任何一端用戶透過電話機、傳輸線路、交換機等網路連接至另一端用戶,進行點對點(end to end)語音或數據之通信時,基於網路不可分割之特性,進行整體固定網路設備投資相當龐大,且因具規模經濟特性而形成自然獨占;加以其多屬民生攸關之公用事業,又須具備一定之服務品質及可負擔之合理價格,始能提供不論居住何處之全國民眾使用,故大多由政府主導經營。
然隨著電信自由化來臨,民國八十五年七月一日電信解制,分為監理電信業務之電信總局及國營事業之中華電信公司,確立監管架構及電信業務開放以引進競爭市場。惟為避免新進業者會對更多需求及更可獲利的城市地區首先提供服務,而忽略了鄉村偏遠地區,形成吸脂作用(Cream skimming)。故顯然電信自由化後,儘管商業利益的考量是競爭市場存續的重要因素之一,然而為避免關切公共服務的精神隨之而消失,那麼政府如何適度藉入以求得其間的平衡性,這應屬必要的。
因此,本論文採用文獻探討、政策德菲法(Delphi method)及實例探討,從管制理論的基礎,說明管制因環境之所需,尤其當電信自由化之初,引入市場競爭之同時,適時的管制對於公平的競爭是有需要的;另再參酌美國、英國、澳洲、香港及法國等先進國家之電信普及服務機制,透過美國、英國、澳洲及香港等國家之電信監理機構之網站,及相關電信自由化之文獻,蒐集到各國對普及服務相關之管理方式與法規規定,歸納出各國對普及服務目標之界定,普及服務之提供者,成本計算方式,分攤普及服務之義務者及分攤方式等,再進行整理、分析與比較,嚐試提出一個適合國情的普及服務制度,並對實務執行所面對的問題提出建議,以供主管機關參考。
其政策建議重點則為:(1)為消彌外界之疑慮,並兼顧效率運作之原則,除必要之管理費用應撙節使用外,相關之收支帳目宜經由會計師簽證予以公開透明化。(2)為維護消費者之權利,裝置材料費用應有下降趨勢,應重新檢討並提出合理成本,訂定合理之收費方式。(3)社會安全或急難救助所經費,應由社會福利安全政策編列預算支應,以免增加電信業者之成本負擔,並轉價至最終消費者。(4)無形利益應可加以計算納入棄置營收項目內,可利用每一家或前五大業者平均的廣告效果估算;或利用消費者行為之抽樣問卷調查,求出潛在消費者及平均消費之貢獻,做為無形利益的推估。(5)可成立專案小組,針對海岸電台設備及維運費用等訂定效率化之衡量標準;或以公開招標方式,徵求自願投入之電信業者;或協調海巡暑整編至該單位。(6)必須建立一套成本資料管理及稽核制度,以增加核算資料的明確性。(7)考慮修法開放可以行動電話做為普及服務之提供,公開徵詢有興趣之行動電話業者,並於北、中、南區各找一處以行動電話提供普及服務之實驗。(8)第一類電信事業部分,可由普及服務管理委員會就經營效率性、虧損之持續性等相關因素,予以審核後得免予繳交;第二類電信事業部分,以經營語音單純轉售及網路電話兩項從事語音電話服務為主,衡酌經營差異程度,排除一定營業額以下者可免予繳交。 / In the past, in order to provide seamless end-to-end communications services for the end users, telecom enterprises that required cost-sunk expenditure, economies of scale and operated an indivisible network had been regarded as a naturally monopolistic business. Moreover, telecommunications as one of public services relevant to the people’s livelihood has to be provided for all nationals at an affordable price and a reasonable level of service quality. As a result, most telecom enterprises worldwide were operated and conducted by the Government.
Nevertheless, along with the global trend of telecom liberalization, on July 1 1996 our government reorganized the DGT into a sole telecom regulator and established the state-own holding company, CHT, to provide telecom services, with a view to build up a regulatory regime and to open the telecom market further. To avoid newcomers in a competitive environment tending to focus on high revenue growth telecommunication markets, such as metropolitan areas, resulting in the phenomenon of ‘cream skimming’ and in the impediment to the spirit of public services, there is a need for government intervention in the provision of telecom services.
Basically, the concept of universal telecommunications service shall be confined to the basic telecommunication services which are indispensable to every citizens and should be provided on reasonable request at an affordable price and a reasonable level of quality. However, universal telecommunications service might has different definitions over time so as to fulfill its policy objectives in each phase given the development of technologies and the changes in social environment.
Accordingly, by conducting Documentary-type method, Delphi method and Case Studies, this dissertation has illustrated with regulatory theory why regulation shall be based on the requirement of the environment. Particularly, during the early stages of telecom liberalization, regulatory involvement at right moment is required for creating a level-playing field when introducing competition. From the websites of several telecom regulators in advanced countries, e.g. US, UK, Australia, HK, etc., and some literatures on telecom liberalization, this dissertation has collected those countries’ management criteria and legal framework for universal service and summed up their universal service objectives, providers, cost calculation methods and obligation sharing mechanisms. Then through a further analysis and comparison, it has tried to propose a universal service mechanism that might better fit our national conditions and offer the authority concerned some practical recommendations for the implementation issues.
In conclusion, this dissertation has built up a universal telecommunications service mechanism based on both theoretical analyses and practical considerations. Besides, it has included some key findings as follows: (1) Given the fact that the universal service fund is not one kind of government funds, shall it still be managed through annual official planning and budgeting? (2) From a viewpoint of profitable undertaking, a fixed network operator might want to charge a remote subscriber outside its service area for some extra facilities fees for service installation. This might be reasonable under commercial terms. But shall we allow such extra fees to be subsidized by the universal service fund? (3) Some people might regard the purpose of the universal service fund as an issue on social security or emergency rescue, and hence distort the spirit of universal service fund. (4) It is questionable whether intangible benefits, resulting form the provision of universal service, could be grouped into revenue forgone. (5) Is it appropriate for an operator to recover its costs of providing coastal radio maritime emergency and safety communication services from the universal service fund?
Furthermore, it has given several key policy recommendations as follows: (1) For the sake of dispelling people’s doubts and managing the efficiency in universal service fund, all of the accounts of expenditures shall be open and transparent except that the administrative costs must be kept at minimum. (2) In order to protect consumers’ rights, the equipment installation fee should follow a downward trend and must be cost based. (3) To avoid increasing the burden of telecom operators whose costs are ultimately entailed by consumers, budgets for social security or emergency rescue should be supported by national social welfare policies. (4) Intangible revenue that might be calculable by evaluating average effect of advertisement of each operator or top five operators should be grouped into revenue foregone. Or it may be possible to make a sampling survey of consumers’ behavior, finding the average contribution of each potential customer so as to estimate intangible revenue. (5) Grouping a task force to revise measuring criteria for the facilities and maintenance costs in coastal radio services efficiently. Besides, bids for these services may be opened for volunteers, or be coordinated with and incorporated into the function of Coast Guard Administration, Executive Yuan. (6) It is necessary to build up a mechanism of data management and auditing so as to increase the accountability of re-calculating data. (7) To think over the feasibility that mobile phone can be used for the provision of universal service as well by revising the relevant laws, and then in North, Middle, and South Taiwan, try to conduct a field trial in each area for providing universal service by using mobile phone. (8) For Type I telecommunications businesses, universal service committee can exempt them from universal service obligations with the concerns about their operation efficiency and the duration of losing money, and so on. For Type II telecommunications businesses, only those operating voice communications services, including simple resale and internet phone services, should bear the obligations, but whether they need to make contributions to the universal service fund or not can be decided through the evaluation of their business performance.
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兩岸共同打擊電信詐欺犯罪之研究—以兩岸共同打擊犯罪機制分析 / A study on Cross-Strait cooperation against telefraud crimes–Based on joint Cross-Strait crime fighting mechanism陳宇桓 Unknown Date (has links)
自兩岸於1987年開放探親以來,隨著兩岸頻繁的交流,跨兩岸性的犯罪活動,如販毒、詐欺、人口販運等犯罪亦日趨嚴重,特別是近年來出現有別於以往傳統詐騙手法的新型態詐欺犯罪—以電話、網路為中介物的「電信詐欺犯罪」,大肆橫行於兩岸,為害兩岸治安最深,是類犯罪不斷翻新手法,巧藉各種名目詐騙民眾獲取不法暴利,造成極嚴重的社會成本付出。過去,兩岸共同打擊犯罪機制,僅有「金門協議」及其他非正式管道,以為合作打擊犯罪的依據,因「金門協議」的內涵不足致使成果有限。隨著政治氛圍的改變,兩岸終於2009年4月簽署「海峽兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議」,為兩岸共同打擊犯罪奠定了新里程碑,惟分析其內容並與「駐美國台北經濟文化代表處與美國在台協會間之刑事司法互助協定」比較,可以發現尚有許多問題亟待解決。本研究藉由分析現行兩岸共同打擊犯罪機制,並提出問題及建議,以強化兩岸共同打擊電信詐欺犯罪的力道。 / Since 1987 Taiwan and Mainland China allowed people visited opposite side, cross-strait crimes such as smuggling drugs, fraud and human trafficking have become more and more serious as both parts frequently contacting with each other. Recently, new type fraud which is different from traditional fraud spread around and critically damage social security, especially telecom fraud by telephone and internet being the mediators. By using multiform excuses, these kinds of crimes continuously renovate to cheat innocent people and obtain huge illegal money, so that they cause a great loss of social. In the past, there were only Kinmen Agreement and the other unofficial channel as the basis in the cross-strait crime-fighting mechanism. However, Kinmen Agreement was too narrowed its coverage to limited in its results. With the political atmosphere changes, each part finally signed “Cross-Strait Agreement on Joint Crime-Fighting and Judicial Mutual Assistance” in April, 2009. This is the new milestone of cross-strait crime-fighting cooperation mechanism. As analyzing it and comparing it with “Agreement on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office and the American Institute in Taiwan”, we found there are still some obstacles need to be resolved. This study offers some questions and advises in order to strengthen the cross-strait telecom fraud crime-fighting cooperation mechanism.
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從新公共服務觀點探討我國電信普及服務制度之研究 / A Study on Universal Telecommunications Service in The View of The New Public Service蔡炳煌 Unknown Date (has links)
我國電信普及服務制度自2001年6月實施迄今已屆5 年,本研究將從電信普及服務制度之理論基礎研析開始,以新公共服務之觀點針對我國電信普及服務制度提出探討研析,並經由文獻分析、參與觀察及深度訪談等研究方法,評估近年來我國電信普及服務之實施成效及衍生之相關問題,而進行理論及實務的分析和探討。
一、 電信普及服務制度 應為我國電信自由化過程中,追求「效率與公平」的配套機制。
二、 以新公共服務觀點,電信普及服務應是政府及業者共同應該分攤的責任。
三、 電信普及服務之合理分攤原則,應以提供「電信服務」所創造的「公共利益」為共享主體,不宜將早期屬國營公司之海岸電台通信、教育推廣數據及社會福利補助等業務納入。
四、 歷年電信普及服務的實施成果及實施計畫之查核機制,僅有例行性的服務品質查核與成本稽核機制,未來應有更積極周延的獎勵誘因及激勵措施。
五、 檢討電信普及服務的實施範圍,應避免衝擊過大,宜採漸進方式調整為宜。
六、 應整合政府各單位有效資源,以建立更公平周延的電信普及服務制度。
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從電信產業的發展探討數位音樂經營模式的突破 / Discuss the break of business modle from Digital Music through Telecom’s next expansibility陳韋忠 Unknown Date (has links)
聽音樂是每個人不可或缺的習慣,四五年級生應該記得以前學生時代,每逢假日就往西門町跑,因為不管錢多錢少都可以在哪裡找到你要的音樂,不管是原版還是A版B版,都不會讓你失望,當然還有代客錄音等等。在那個時期Sony Walkman就像這幾年的iPod,名牌、優越、潮流、個人,也是年輕人最期望的禮物。當時很多人找的是國外的搖滾樂團音樂,聽的是台灣民歌,看的是餐廳駐唱的民歌演唱,而國外藝人的演唱會是遙不可及的事。經過這麼多年,聽到像「天堂之階」(Stairway to Heaven/Led Zeppelin IV 1971)或「加州旅店」(Hotel California/Eagles 1977)這樣的老歌內心還是一樣的感動,但曾幾何時,足不出門,只要有網路,只要想得到都聽的到,音樂也一樣的感動。
根據調查或從周遭的朋友觀察,應該不難發現,買CD的人變的非常少,但是如果再進一步問一下,很多人花更高的代價看演唱會或Live House現場表演,然而唱片業產值卻每況愈下。
最近看了幾個線上音樂經營者,發現像KKBOX其on demand的模式,在台灣已呈現飽和狀態,因此迫使他往其他硬體如Smart Phone以及海外發展,因此讓我好奇,在網路上除了on demand還有其他模式是可能有商機的嗎?如果有,應該是怎麼樣的型態?
過去曾經涉獵過遊戲產業,遊戲歷經盜版到線上免費,產業越做越大,因此將兩個產業對比一下,發現如果唱片產業能夠接受創新模式,也許下一個機會就在電信,因為經過本研究,發覺電信可提供互補的機會。因此經由設計的產品實驗,並作一些調查與電訪,試著提供數位音樂經營的新模式與電信發展的關係。甚至建議電信應該跟唱片全面合作。 / In the good old time, almost the students of north Taiwan went to the Hsimenting of Taipei city. Everyone would find his/her loved music no matter local or foreign. There was a service that you could ask the record shop to record your dedicated songs into cassette tapes. In that time the SONY Walkman is the most favorite gift for the youth. In that period, it was impossible that the foreign rock bands held a concert in Taiwan. For Taiwanese, only they could do was going to a live house to enjoy local music. Even now whenever the radio comes out with the songs such as “Stairway to Heaven by Deep Purple” or “Hotel California by Eagles”, we are very excited as same as the good old time. And now the scene is no longer but you can easy to find your favorite from the internet wherever or whenever you are.
Recently, I looked back to Taiwanese digital music service and learnt that there is only one business model in Taiwan. That is ‘on demand’ model, such as “KKBox” and “ezPeer”. Since they lunched these services, it has been four to five years already and went to peak. There is few growth of their subscription base. So I wonder is there any new model for digital music market in Taiwan? If yes, what it would like be?
Based on my work experience in Electronic Arts for decades (a famous gaming company based in Red Wood City in USA of California), I try to compare the two industries between computer gaming and digital music. I found that in Taiwan Computer Games was not defeated by the illegal copy, but they come stronger and bigger than the digital music. Why not transfer the successful model? In this research, it shows that the next chance of digital music can be related to Telecom. And it suggests that both Telecom and Music can be co-worked for more closely.
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