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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


張洪瑞 Unknown Date (has links)
創新技術採用是一策略性議題,涉及企業與環境之間的介面管理和企業內部組織面與策略面的調整及規劃,因此企業在評估創新技術採用上應以系統觀點加以考量。在過去關於創新採用之文獻中較少針對通訊方面的技術加以探討,較多是針對企業採用自動化系統、管理資訊系統等議題,本研究選擇通訊技術中無線終端接取網際網路之技術應用WAP為題,探討國內包括行動電話系統業者及WAP領域的相關業者,在採用該項創新技術上的關鍵評估因素,藉以瞭解該項技術採用對業者之策略意涵。 本研究以定性分析之方法,採取個案訪談之方式,個案對象包括三家行動電話系統業者、銀行與兩家開發WAP應用機制之業者。根據文獻及個案訪談結果,提出四項影響創新技術採用決策之構面因素,分別是企業內部因素,包括組織面及策略面、產業環境、市場因素和技術特性;此外,本研究並提出一項情境因素,即政府法規。研究結果顯示,在電信這類高科技產業中,技術往往具有導引產業發展之地位,在此情況下,創新技術採用決策被少數幾項關鍵因素所支配。新技術資訊多掌握在技術供應商,因此技術供應商的推動是創新採用的主要原因之一。其次新技術對競爭態勢之衝擊,使得業者必須在策略上有所規劃以預做因應,因此競爭策略亦影響創新採用之取向。另外,由於行動通訊服務屬於一種系統性產品,也就是必須聯合所有組件方能產生效用,技術與系統相容性的問題亦是影響採用決策之關鍵因素。相容性會進一步促進服務的普及,使得市場成長,並帶動所謂網路效應的產生。 本研究根據個案訪談結果,提出創新技術採用決策架構。此架構中,企業內部因素以組織面之組織結構化程度與企業營業規模,以及策略面之競爭策略、競爭態勢與高階主管的技術認知程度最具關鍵性。產業環境方面,競爭程度及與供應商之互動對決策之評估具有關鍵性。市場因素以網路規模及產品範圍,技術特性則以相容性及複雜性具關鍵性。根據本研究之發現與結論,建議相關業者應儘量以內容形成差異化,以提高顧客之轉換成本進而創造鎖住效果,並且將創新技術採用由功能性思考提升至策略性思考,另外,由於技術快速變化,企業在採用評估上應採取預應式的評估方式,尤其在電信產業,掌握新技術資訊,並且預先在策略上與組織上加以規劃調整,更是企業續存的必要條件。在學術貢獻上,本研究突顯出對於穩定之技術及演進中之技術,在採用決策上評估重點之差異,並且建構了關於演進中之技術如通訊技術的採用決策架構,此架構強調關鍵因素之影響,同時也呈現關鍵因素之動態性。 / This study examines the adoption of innovative technology, such as WAP (Wireless Application Protocol), which allows users of mobile phones to access Internet. The purpose of this study is to identify the determinants contributing to the adoption of innovative technology. Unlike previous studies that focused on mature technology: for instance, information systems, manufacturing automation systems, or CAD/CAM, this study highlights fast changing technology-telecommunication. Based on the technological innovation literatures, this study proposes a model with four dimensions, such as corporate inner factors including organization and strategy, industrial environment, market factors, and characteristics of technology. Case studies were conducted in 3 operators, I bank, and 2 WAP solution providers. The results of this study show that organizational factors (organization structure and size), strategic factors (competitive strategy, competitive posture, and level of technological knowledge of CEO), industrial environment (competitive magnitude and vendors' initiative), market factors (the scale of networks and product scopes), and characteristics of technology (compatibility and complexity) are the most important determinants in the decision of adopting new technology. Besi es that, the study also finds a new contextual variable, government policy, which will influence the decision of adopting new technology in a corporate. This research provides a decision model of WAP adoption in which company will use it as a platform to provide value-added service like providing customized information, mobile banking services, or online brokerage services. Since the Internet and the mobile telephony have both been growing so fast, many companies need to develop some applications to create their competitive advantage with new technology. This model will assist managers to evaluate if they really need to adopt innovative technology and how it will enhance performance of the company.

組織變革中員工態度之研究-我國國營電信事業員工的調查分析 / The Study of Staff Attitude in Organizational Change : An for Telecommunications Staff of State-owned Enterprises in R.O.C.

李漢盈, Li, Hann Yng Unknown Date (has links)
今天我們所面臨的環境是一個縮小的世界:知識爆炸、組織人口膨脹、產生一連串社會及經濟問題、新的價值體系層出不窮。而「變革就是一種常態」,今天不是我們管理變革,就是為變革所管理;組織的經營管理者面對變革之要求,係由於變革是普遍存在於我們所處的環境之中。   身處瞬息萬變的時代,企業機構均將面臨科技性、結構性、行為性及價值性變革之壓力。因此,組織變革成為一股不可抵擋的世界潮流。我國國營電信事業受到先進民主國家(如英、美、日等國)電信事業民營化潮流的衝擊,以及政府推動電信業務自由化與國際化政策的影響,電信公司化組織變革已是必然的趨勢。   一個人可以有數十種態度,但在組織內與工作有關的態度,最主要有工作滿足、工作投入及組織認同三種。而組織成員面對變革時,大致有三種反應:二是積極支持;二是中立觀望態度;三是抗拒變革。因此,本研究乃針對電信現職員工,採抽樣調查法,以問卷方式,並輔以深度訪問法、自然觀察法及歸納分析法,探討員工之組織認同程度、工作滿足狀況及其面臨公司化組織變革的相關反應態度。藉以瞭解電信現職員工對公司化組織變革的相關態度傾向,期經由員工心理及行為的調適並加以回饋,提供組織變革決策修正之參考。   本文共分為七章二十六節,約二十一萬言,各章要旨如下:   第一章「緒論」,計分五節,包括研究動機、研究目的、研究範圍與流程、研究方法與限制、重要名詞界定等。   第二章「理論基礎與相關文獻探討」,計分四節來討論,包括組織變革之理論基礎、組織變革態度與組織認同暨工作滿足之理論基礎、組織變革態度與組織認同暨工作滿足之關係、相關研究等。   第三章「各國電信事業組織變革的經驗和啟示」,計分四節來討論,包括美國與日本、英國與法國、韓國與新加坡電信事業組織變革概況、結語等。   第四章「實證研究調查」,計分五節,包括研究背景、理論架構、研究假設、研究設計、樣本結構分析等。   第五章「各變項間之關聯性分析與討論」,計分三節來討論,包括人口統計變項與組織變革態度之關聯性、人口統計變項與組織認同雙工作滿足之關聯性、組織認同、工作滿足與組織變革態度之關聯性等。   第六章「員工態度之反應情形暨其差異性分析」,計分三節來討論,包括員工對組織變革態度與組織認同暨工作滿足的態度傾向 總體反應、兩個自變項間對組織變革態度的差異性分析等。   第七章「結論與建議」,分為二節,包括研究結論(含假設驗證及主要發現)和研究建議(含管理實務之建議及後續研究之建議)。

我國電信業者發展軟體商店 的營運模式創新之研究 / A study on application stores of domestic operators from A view of business model innovation

蘇之勤 Unknown Date (has links)
由於行動上網技術不斷地進步,消費者也逐漸養成了行動上網的習慣。Apple公司的iPhone結合了App Store的推出,更帶動了這股風潮。我國電信業者也在這樣的趨勢下,開始自行發展軟體商店(Application Store)以服務用戶。 在過去的行動通訊產業中,電信業者一直擁有主導優勢,各種加值服務都是屬於封閉的型態,所以用戶使用加值服務時,一定得經由電信業者所經營的入口。但是,自從Apple成功發展出軟體商店的模式之後,各種智慧型手機的軟體商店平台也開始蓬勃發展,用戶可繞過電信業者而取得相關的服務。因此,電信業者乃積極發展軟體商店以回應其所面臨的挑戰。 本研究以中華電信、台灣大哥大、遠傳電信等國內三家主要電信業者為個案研究對象,針對個案公司發展軟體商店的創新營運模式進行深入的探討。所得到的初步結論包括: (1)電信業者在經營軟體商店上,會強調多樣化加值服務的策略。(2) 電信業者在經營軟體商店上會根據不同的價值網路進行差異化。(3) 電信業者在經營軟體商店時,在價值創造方面會著重於讓消費者快速地找到正確的、所需要的軟體。(4)電信業者在發展軟體商店時,「在地化」是其經營上的關鍵要素。本文最後並提出實務上的意涵與後續研究的建議。 關鍵字:電信業者、軟體商店、營運模式創新、價值創造 / Nowadays smartphone has an enormous growth over the entire mobilephone market. A lot of people choose to use smartphone such as iPhone or android phone because smartphone brings more fun and convenience into their life. One of the key factors is application store which Apple made it successed in 2008. Application store or so-called app store is an online platform which provides service for customers to download applications and developers to upload. The transaction must be got involved in the whole process. However, the manefactors of mobilephone were active in establishing their own application store but the operators are eager to do so as well. The value-added service used to be controlled fully by the operators. Not only the contents but the portals were hold by operators so end-users had a few choices. Since the application stores become more poplular, operators are encountering a big chanllenge. This thesis studys how operators deal with the problem of decreasing ARPU by running application stores on their own. Based on the case study, the initial findings includes: (1) When operators run an application store, they emphasize variety of value-added services. (2) The methods which operators choose to differentiate their application store are related to the differences in their value network. (3) When operators run an application store, they put emphasis on elimination of information asymmetry. (4) When operators run an application store, localization is the key factor in opration. Key word: oprators, application store, business model innovation, value creation


蔡青蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
回顧中國在改革開放後,採取「以市場換技術」進口外國技術與資本來快速推動經濟成長。但以移動手機和設備產業來看,外資維持以密集研發投入和技術能力主宰大陸國內市場,本國企業仰賴進口技術的情況不見改善。而在面臨經濟從「中國製造」轉型到「中國創新」的壓力下,中國政府於2006年正式提出中長期計畫,將中國自訂的3G 通信標準TD-SCDMA劃入高科技發展藍圖,企圖透過標準產業政策來提高本土廠商「自主創新」的能力,以達到發展民族工業的目標。 本文的研究問題是中國政府如何讓技術落後的本土製造業者,藉由TD-SCDMA標準來進行產業化與技術追趕。對照與借用東亞後進國家促進業發展的相關理論,本文探討中國「國家和企業」之政治關係與搭配制度的轉變,如何影響到產業發展結果,也比對中國廠商後進追趕的結果與國家作用,和東亞「發展型國家」的差異。本文主要發現為: 2006年後,TD-SCDMA產業發展結果有顯著性的改善,這和中國政府進行的政治整合和制度創新有關。 首先,在中國行政體系條塊分離的情況下,國家先整合了之前各部會間利益分歧的地方,以求官僚部會對TD政策支持行動的一致性。其次,國家再以三種方式干預和TD相關的三個產業,並搭配制度的創新與調整,包括有:(1)巨額投資在基礎建設,保護和孕育本土TD設備製造商;(2)但TD手機產業改為開放給外資和台商進入,發展上游晶片產品來拉動下游手機產業發展;以及(3)分配TD牌照給國家冠軍營運商中國移動。過程中,國家和中國移動的關係一改先前的恩庇關係,以及國家不斷嘗試創新制度,是TD產業發展改善的關鍵。 總之,中國在面臨全球化、產業結構轉型與內需市場成長的壓力下,國家致力於政治利益整合與制度變遷,促進本土製造商藉由TD標準達到進口取代的目。最後,本文也提出樂觀和悲觀情境,分析哪些企業可受益於國家3G的產業政策,促進其未來在4G技術標準時,有更高機率能與外資縮短技術差距。上述這種以科技標準來保護本土廠商進行技術追趕的途徑,和先前東亞國家扶持廠商出口代工達到技術追趕的途徑有顯著的差異,屬於中國獨特的扶持民族工業發展的實驗做法。

行動寬頻技術演進對我國電信法規管制之影響─以無線寬頻接取為研究中心 / Effect of Mobile Broadband Technologies Evolution in Taiwan’s Regulatory Control over Telecom ─ A Study on Wireless Broadband Access

黃慶原, Huang, Chin Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
我國的電信市場自1987年起開始逐漸邁向自由化,迄今已完成行動通信、衛星通信、固定通信等多項電信業務之開放,在2001年7月開放語音轉售業務(International Simple Release)及2002年2月完成第三代行動通信業務執照之釋出工作後,我國電信市場開放之程度已與國際電信市場發展趨勢同步。我國亦於2002年1月1日成為世界貿易組織(WTO)會員。 鑑於無線寬頻接取業務(Wireless Broadband Access Service)是全球積極研發的重點產業,我國政府為求與世界接軌,亦積極投入此一電信業務行列。國家通訊傳播委員會(NCC)為配合行政院所裁定推動的行動台灣產業政策,將政策轉化為法律,於2007年3月30日依據電信法第14條第6項之授權,發布「無線寬頻接取業務管理規則」,作為開放2.5-2.69GHz頻段提供無線寬頻接取服務之法規基礎。無線寬頻接取業務於2007年辦理執照競標,共發行6張分區特許執照,執照期限為6年。 本論文將檢視因配合政府產業政策所制定與第四代行動通訊系統有著密切關係的「無線寬頻接取業務管理規則」,是否符合我國電信法與其他國際組織所揭櫫的「技術中立」的基本精神與管制規範,以及因不合適的規範所造成在實務面上對法規與管制之影響。 關鍵字 :無線寬頻接取、技術中立、電信法、國際標準規範。 / Liberalization of telecommunications market in Taiwan has been proceeded progressively since 1987. So far the restrictions on mobile communication, satellite communication, and fixed-network communication have all been relaxed. After the liberalization of ISR (International Simple Release) business in July 2001 and the release of the third generation mobile communication licenses in February 2002, Taiwan’s telecommunications market has become as open as all the other developed countries. In addition, Taiwan became a member of WTO on January 1st, 2002. In light of the importance of wireless broadband access services from a global perspective, Taiwan government has been actively devoting to the development of wireless broadband access to secure an early mover advantage. Given the fact that wireless broadband access is an integral part of Executive Yuan’s industry policy and the implementation demands appropriate regulations, National Communications Commission (NCC) released “Regulations on Wireless Broadband Access (WBA) Services” on March 30th, 2007 based on paragraph 6, article 14 of “Telecom Act”, which forms the legal framework for the release of 2.5-2.69GHz spectrums exclusively for the provisioning of wireless broadband access services. The licenses of wireless broadband access services were auctioned in 2007. The total number of licenses (regional) is six and the duration of permits is six years. As unbiased treatment is the core value, when international standard organizations are dealing with emerging technologies. This dissertation inspects the technical neutrality of “Regulations on WBA Services” which is induced by a government industry policy and highly relevant to the 4th generation mobile communication systems. The criteria includes the conformance of Telecom Act with the essence and standards of other international standard organizations as well as the impact on the implementation due to improper regulations from both the regulation and legal perspectives.

封閉型、非主流電信標準成功可行性探討 -以A公司PHS營運為例 / Closed, Non-mainstream Success Feasibility Of Telecommunications Standards - A Company Operating PHS as an Example

謝坤霖, Hsieh, Kun Lin Unknown Date (has links)
電信服務日新月異,電信技術與標準推陳出新,在眾多技術與標準中,選擇一種可以獲得用戶支持,並且滿足潛在市場需求的技術標準,在世代交替與技術標準轉換之際,選擇適合的技術標準,以建構用戶基礎與技術優勢,將是投資龐大之電信公司營運成功與否的關鍵因素。 過去曾經風光的封閉型電信標準,如日本的NTT DoCoMo的PDC與其iMode標準,終究因為不能滿足新的競爭與市場需求,並且電信服務價值鏈日漸繁複的趨勢,終就還是走入歷史;近年封閉與非主流的低功率行動電話PHS標準被中國與其他國家捨棄,目前唯一經營PHS的日本Willcom電信公司與台灣的A公司也都紛紛進入財務重整,全球PHS用戶曾經達到一億之盛況,卻因為中國大陸的電信政策影響,讓曾經風光,俗稱小靈通的PHS因此消失。 PDC和PHS都是被認為是曾經領先當代的封閉型技術標準,也都是日本電信公司自主研發的先進行動通信技術,但是NTT DoCoMo只經營了三年PHS,即終止PHS服務,而Willcom電信公司(DDI Pocket前身)則選擇持續發展PHS技術;曾經封閉的PHS技術領先其他電信標準,最後卻遭到淘汰;對照蘋果公司的iOS作業系統與iTunes服務,一樣是封閉型系統,Apple卻仍是屹立不搖;未來是否可以持續保持,封閉型的標準是否可以成功,擁有廣大市場,主導整個服務鏈,頗值得深入探討。 全球各國對於電信技術與標準的管理,已逐漸採行技術中立的政策,對於技術與標準的選擇,政府政策因素的影響對企業選擇標準因素限制,已逐漸降低;本研究將以台灣A公司經營PHS為例,對照中國與日本的PHS電信業者,探討與分析電信公司選擇封閉型、非主流電信標準之成功可行性。 / Telecommunication Services have been changed rapidly recently; technologies and standards are also replaced to next generation every few years period. There are technology standards; right selection of standard is to fulfill requirements and obtain market is important. There were successful closed type telecom standards, like PDC of NTT DoCoMo in the 2G era. But finally it had been replaced by 3G, its next generation technology. The standard of telecom trend is toward an open type telecom standard. It is due to the complication of value chain of telecom services and global interfaces requirements. The closed type of technology standard is gradually abandoned. The PHS technology has been developed and adopted by leading technology telecom service provider, Willcom Japan, Telecom Company A in Taiwan announced PHS to be upgraded to XGP for a 100Mbps high speed mobile data network to compete with dominant and worldwide adopted a 4 G LTE mobile standard. But both companies went bankruptcy recently. The subscribers of PHS had been reached to his peak at 100 millions, the government policy has caused PHS in China clear away in a day. PDC and PHS are all considered as closed type technology standards. They were all invented by Japanese Telecom Operators. NTT had been operated and provided PHS service only for 3 years. The PHS leading operator, Willcom (previously DDI Pocket) is all the way providing services with PHS upgraded technology. But The Company is still facing financial difficulty and numbers of subscribers decreased dramatically. In Comparison with Apple Inc. who developed the closed type iOS and iTunes standards, are still leading mobile handset and applications markets. Apple’s service and product now become market dominant. Will Apple’s closed technologies maintenance for future successful? It is worth to be studied and look into details and referred with the PHS technology development as closed type standards. The natural to technology and standard is a trend globally from the government management policy. The governing policy has less effect on the technology and standard selection. The study is based on the case of A company using PHS technology to analyze Selection of close type standard or non dominant telecom standard will it be possible to be successful ? Willcom has announced to adopt XGP, the next generation PHS technology. Can we foresee the failure or it will arise from the dead? The study based on literature and cases analysis to analyze telecommunication, especially mobile communications operators. Successful factors of selection Telecommunication standards based on telecom service value chains, technology dependence, advantages and disadvantages of closed and open type’s standards. The thesis hopes to answer why A company’s failure and recommendation of successful factors when selection a closed type technology standard. The thesis is also to analyze the failure of A company in selection PHS technology which is closed type and reference of literature and other thesis to see the technology standard trend and hope to provide valuable reference for Telecommunication operators or related service providers in the future.

電信業界之雙網整合趨勢研究 / Study of Fixed-Mobile Convergence in Telecommunication Industry

李玲, Lee,Lillian Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討固網及行動電話業的雙網整合(Fixed-Mobile Convergence,簡稱FMC),造就此一趨勢的市場背景及促成技術,影響此趨勢未來發展走向的因素,電信業界的實施方式,與手機製造業的機會。 為何要討論固網及行動電話的整合? 因為它是近兩、三年來全世界電信業界最重要的發展趨勢,是電信業與網際網路的碰撞及交融,電信業界的典範轉移,也是固網業與行動電話業的大競合。它會影響電信業版圖勢力的重整,電訊網路的變革,手機功能的調整,服務提供的方式,是整個「未來世代網路」(NGN: Next Generation Network)的核心議題。 什麼是固網及行動電話的整合? 簡單說來,是指在同一支手機或PDA上,既可接打一般行動電話,又可打網路電話(Mobile Voice over IP)。換言之,雙網整合的行動電話同時具備GSM與Wi-Fi兩種網路之接取能力,在Wi-Fi範圍內時打網路電話,不在時就仍用GSM打電話,由於網路電話通常免費或價錢很低,如此既得到良好通話品質,又享受最低通話費用。要做出這種產品與服務,除了需要手機製造端的技術整合外,電信業者也需整合其通訊網路技術,並更新服務模式,牽涉層面十分廣泛。 本研究發現,促成雙網整合的市場因素包括: (1) 有線電話逐漸被行動電話取代,固網業者為奪回市場佔有率,遂以雙網整合模式推出新的服務模式 (2) 行動電話電信業者希望降低客戶轉換率 (3) 電信業者增加收入的壓力 (4) 消費者簡化通訊方式的需求 而雙網整合的促成技術包括: (1) 「網路電話」(VoIP)技術的發展 (2) 無線寬頻技術的發展,固接式寬頻連線的普及 (3) 整合式手持通訊裝置的製造技術日益成熟,市場接受度高 如何實施雙網整合,固網電信業與行動電話電信業各有不同打算。純粹的固網電信業多選擇成為「虛擬行動電話業者」(Mobile Virtual Network Operator),或與行動電話電信業策略聯盟,以取得後者在行動電話網路的接取能力。同時,它們以具備Wi-Fi接取點功能的「家用閘道」(Residential Gateway),與Cellular/Wi-Fi雙網手機,提供家庭用戶雙網整合的服務。在未來電信網路設備的選擇上,多傾向採用符合IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem)標準的產品。 行動電話電信業者則多選擇UMA (Unlicensed Mobile Access)技術,在其基地台建設中,加入UMA網路控制器,並提供UMA雙網整合手機與服務給用戶。目前有多家行動電話電信業者在測試此技術與服務模式。如果採用UMA技術,未來如何與IMS技術接軌,會是行動電話電信業者需要考量的議題。 未來會影響雙網整合發展的因素則為: (1) 標準的採用: 雙網整合相關的標準包括SIP (Session Initiation Protocal),UMA與IMS等。SIP與UMA目前已有產品問市,IMS則有待未來。 (2) 電信業者的經營模式是否成功,即推出的雙網整合服務的產品與價位,是否足以吸引消費者換機,與學習新的使用模式 (3) Wi-Fi/Cellular雙網手機有耗電量,通話品質,使用方法友善程度等問題,這些是消費者能否接受的關鍵因素 (4) 企業界整合語音通訊與資料通訊的意願及速度,並將辦公室交換機昇級至IP PBX的決心。企業界將會是雙網整合技術最早的採用者,其使用經驗將對一般消費者有很大影響力。 雙網整合的真正主角,是具備雙網整合能力的智慧型手機。手機製造業者在此趨勢中的市場機會包括:UMA雙網手機,SIP Wi-Fi單網手機,SIP Wi-Fi/Cellular雙網手機等。但要製造這些手機,需解決許多技術問題,包括:數位語音壓縮/解壓縮方法,回音消除處理,Wi-Fi耗電問題,Wi-Fi通訊之安全保護機制,使用者介面整合,互通性測試等等。再加上雙網整合的遊戲規則是由電信業者制定,如何使手機與電信業者的服務模式搭配完美,是一大挑戰。 雙網整合目前仍在發展階段,相關的標準、技術、產品、與服務皆未臻成熟,非常值得持續的研究與觀察。 / “Fixed-mobile convergence” (FMC) is the theme of study in this research. This research attempts to find out: 1) the “Pull” forces coming from the market demand for FMC solutions; 2) the “Push” forces of the enabling technologies that make FMC possible; 3) the factors that will impact FMC’s future; 4) how the carriers are deploying FMC; and, 5) FMC-related opportunities for the mobile phone manufacturers. FMC is about the convergence of telecommunication world and the Internet world. It is the former’s endeavor to benefit from Internet’s low cost, and richness in online services. It stems from the business battle for market share between the fixed network operators and the mobile operators, and it will affect the future power span of these operators. FMC trend includes the following aspects: terminal devices, services, business models, and network technologies. It is so crucial in forming the telecommunication industry’s future, which makes it the core subject of Next Generation Network implementation. FMC is the enablement of mobile phones to use fixed network technologies, such as Wi-Fi network, corporate LANs, IP PBXs, and so on. A Wi-Fi/Cellular dual-mode mobile phone has telephony capability on both Wi-Fi network via mobile VoIP (Voice over IP) technology, and on cellular (such as GSM) network. When the end user is within the Wi-Fi hot spot coverage, the voice communication will be on top of IP. When the user is out of Wi-Fi coverage, then the phone calls are running on cellular network. For the consumers, this technology promises “any time, any where” ubiquitous connectivity and mobility, while at the lowest possible price, since VoIP is normally free or has very low cost. To deploy such products & services, the operators have both technical & business issues to deal with. Based on the findings of this research, the market demand which accelerates converging mobile & fixed network include:  Fixed-mobile substitution (FMS), which means people are using mobile phones more often than fixed-line phones. In many Western European countries, about one third of the household do not install fixed phone lines any more. They only use mobile phones as communication vehicle. Under such circumstances, fixed-line operators are forced to fight back for their market share. FMC is one of such strategies for launching new products and services to win back the end customers.  Mobile operators need to lower the subscriber churn rate, for which they are losing customers. In the United States and some areas in Europe, mobile phone coverage in residential area is unsatisfactory, due to the high cost of building up cellular infrastructure to cover vast space. This is the main reason for the subscribers to switch operators, for the mobile operators, FMC seems a logical solution. Since household penetration rate of high-speed broadband access is high in US, Europe, and many Asian countries, with a Wi-Fi access point and Wi-Fi/cellular dual mode phone, even when the cellular signal strength is weak at home, the user is still able to make phone calls using Mobile VoIP technology on Wi-Fi. This is the origin of UMA (Unlicensed Mobile Access) technology and standard, which mobile operators are pursuing.  All network operators are under constant pressure for growing their revenue, since voice service has quickly become a commodity when flat-rate tariff model is getting prevalent. With FMC solution, mobile operators could earn back the users who are attracted away by the low cost of Internet telephony. For fixed-line operators, FMC is a mechanism for providing packaged deal of broadband access and dual-mode mobile phones. More over, they could provide “quadruple play” services to support IP TV, Video on Demand, and other Internet services to increase their revenue.  “Less is more” mentality of the consumers. Most consumers or working people nowadays have at least three telephone numbers: home phone, office phone, and mobile phone. Each one of them has its own phone bill, voice mail box, and phone book. Some people even have e-mail account, instant message account, and Internet telephony account (such as Skype screen name). The mobility or interchange between these mechanisms of communication, and to manage them is becoming complex. The consumers are asking the mobile operators to integrate their services and phone bills, which again, pulls the operator to FMC solutions. The following are the enabling technologies that facilitate the development of FMC. Without these technologies, FMC can not take root in the telecommunication industry, and generate commercial products in the future.  VoIP (Voice over IP). VoIP service, products, and PC-based software clients have flourished in the past several years along with the exponential growth of the Internet. With the success of Vonage (pure-play VoIP service provider) and Skype (peer-to-peer internet telephony network based on PC), internet telephony has entered the main stream. Network operators that seek to lower the operation cost are turning to this technology as well. Mobile VoIP over EVDO, HSDPA, Wi-Fi, & WiMAX are getting a lot of attention recently since it can help to reduce the tariff, thus attract more users. For Mobile VoIP technologies to secure its market foothold, many issues need to be tackled, such as AEC, voice codec (compression & decompression), jitter buffer handling, SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) stack and RTP (Real-time Protocal) stack handling, power consumption, telephony UI integration, and so on.  High density of wireless broadband network such as Wi-Fi and WiMAX, and wide spread availability of wired broadband access such as xDSL and FTTH in school campus, office buildings, hot spots, transportation hubs, and homes, lay the foundation of FMC. Without such infrastructure, FMC can not thrive. With the combination of both wireless and wired broadband accessibility, Wi-Fi/cellular dual mode phone becomes practical and useful to the general public.  Converged handheld devices with multiple functionalities like push e-mail, PIM (Personal Information Management), Camera, SMS/MMS, internet browsing, phone book, Calendar, and so on, are getting very popular among business professionals in the last two, three years. With the advent of 3G network, data transmission need for email and SMS, more than voice, has increased peoples’ appetite for more powerful devices. Smartphones or PDA Phones that use open operating system such as Windows Mobile, Linux, or Symbian, have become powerful productivity and connectivity tools that cater to consumers’ needs, and have gained great success. The market demand helped to increase the sales volume, and drive down the unit price, which in turns stimulate more buyers. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi capabilities are newly added functions that further facilitates mobile VoIP in an economical way. Once the phone makers have taken care of issues like AEC (Acoustic Echo Cancellation), voice codec (compression/decompression), power consumption, integrated user interface for telephony, CPU loading, GSM/Wi-Fi handover, and so on, the Wi-Fi/Cellular dual-mode phone are taking the center stage of FMC. The factors that will impact the future direction of FMC:  Uncertainty of the FMC-related standards, especially for UMA (Unlicensed Mobile Access). UMA was adopted as FMC solution mostly by the mobile operators, however, it was considered as an intermediate solution toward IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), which so far was mainly adopted by fixed-line operators. UMA-compliant products are yet to be launched and proved by the market in the later half of year 2006, its fate uncertain at this moment. SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is now de facto standard for VoIP, yet its implementation has many variations depending on the vendor. As for IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), its standardization process is still undergoing, VCC (Voice Call Continuity) specification is not final yet, the commercialization of IMS could take another two to four years. With all these standards evolving, both consumers and businesses could hesitate in their purchase decisions, and this may impose negative effect on FMC.  Business model of the operators. How they are going to launch FMC service, at what price, with which handheld device, will affect the end customers’ willingness to purchase. They need to provide good incentives for the end users to switch to the new dual-mode phone, and the UI needs to be intuitive enough to shorten the learning curve, and at attractive price.  As described above, the quality of the handset itself plays a critical role on the future of FMC, and its user friendliness and benefits will define the development of FMC.  How fast the enterprises will upgrade their PBX and networking facilities to integrate outbound data and voice communication. VoIP, IP PBX/Centrex, office software, and phone vendors are working together now to provide the enterprises “premised-based” FMC solutions. These solutions promise the executives more efficient administration of the phone bills, better productivity of the employees, and better customer relationship, and so on. Enterprises are the early adopters and test beds for FMC. If they find it useful, it will be helpful for the sales and distribution to the home and personal market. FMC deployment strategy varies from one operator to the other. Pure-play wired operators tend to become MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator), or at least to have alliance with the mobile operators, so that they could get access to the mobile network infrastructure. Since wireline operators in most cases are also suppliers of broadband service to the home, they will take advantage of this infrastructure, and provide residential gateway (e.g. Wi-Fi access point) and Cellular/Wi-Fi dual-mode mobile phone as the FMC solution for the home market. In preparing for future, they tend to select IMS-compliant network equipments. Mobile Operators prefer UMA technology as FMC solution. It is comparatively simple in deployment in the network. Quite a few mobile operators are now in trial run of UMA. In the future, how to migrate UMA to IMS will be a challenge for those who adopt the former. For the mobile phone makers, FMC trend indicates the market opportunity of: UMA dual-mode phone, SIP Wi-Fi single-mode phone, and SIP Wi-Fi/Cellular dual-mode phone. Yet, unlike general purpose consumer market, these FMC phones need to be tied hand-in-hand with the operators for better integration of services and tariff plans. If these solutions are targeted at the enterprises, the phone makers need to work with IP PBX vendors as well. How to work with these parties, and come out good, integrated phones, is a great challenge. Fixed-mobile convergence is still evolving in the telecommunication world, with many vendors and parties involved, and each has its unique way of FMC implementation and business model. How it will turn out takes continuous research and observation. Due to its scale and influence for the future, the effort will definitely be worthwhile.

電信競爭與專利策略之研究 / A Study on Telecom Competition and Patent Strategy

方修忠 Unknown Date (has links)
專注於科技創新並將之轉化為智慧財產權的應用,可說是通訊產業競爭的關鍵因素;專利不但是通訊科技演變與進步的註腳,也相當程度地解釋了為什麼Ericsson與Nokia之所以屹立不搖,為何Qualcomm得以崛起,為何Ericsson與Sony要合資成立索尼愛立信,又為何NTT DoCoMo的i-mode得以成為今日全世界最成功的無線上網服務,而Lucent與Siemens又為什麼無奈地逐漸淡出市場?答案就是科技的創新與管理! 本研究試圖在既有的競爭與策略的理論上,以專利為核心,來探討電信事業如何在飽和的行動通訊市場,透過專利的取得,獲致先進的技術,進入新市場,以強化自身競爭優勢;進而藉由授權及執行之策略運用,佈建專利保護網,排除競爭對手進入市場;同時利用專利創造公司財富、提高股東價值,並可作為併購、合資等談判籌碼,以達到產業控制等目的。 因此,本論文即在探討電信事業如何運用專利策略,以創造績效,項目如下: 一、探討電信事業的專利現況並做案例分析。 二、探討電信事業如何運用其專利,並結合運用國內、外專利策略的理論。 三、訪談電信事業經理人,探討專利如何從行銷、技術與法律面達成公司目標。 四、探討電信事業如何利用專利作為談判籌碼,以便在各種交易中取得優勢。 本文以圖表方式呈現台灣五個主要電信事業的專利現況,先依據各業者申請中華民國、美國以及中華人民共合國之專利項目與數量,比較何者擁有最多專利權;進而探討其是否也相對的具有最強的競爭優勢。並以實際案例呈現台灣主要電信事業發生之專利糾紛,及其如何研擬與執行專利策略,並與理論作如何之結合。 從本研究之實際案例與專利策略模型得之,企業應該在平時就體認專利不只是技術部門或法律部門的業務,公司高階主管更要認知專利策略與公司的行銷策略或財務目標是緊密結合的。尤其應該要求專業經理人將專利資產視為「企業家精神」的一環來重視與培養,如此一來,專利策略的成本效益就得以自然顯現,並與公司的行銷策略與營運目標相互結合。 關鍵字:電信、產業鏈、專利、策略、專利策略、專利分析 / Focusing on innovation and make it a strategy of IPR is one of the sustainable factors of telecom operation in such a fierce competition. Why Nokia and Ericsson keep their competitiveness ? Why NTT DoCoMo and its i-mode are so successful ? Why Lucent and Siemens both fall behind from their telecom competitors ? The same reason in common is technology innovation and management. Patent strategy primarily includes 3 parts,which are obtaining patent rights, creating patent value, and enforcing them. Patent strategy should run with Marketing strategy so as to apply patents as an isolating mechanism to deterrent other competitors, and to leverage patents to maximize income or using patents as bargaining chips to strengthen companys’ position in dealing with the third parties, as well as to defend themselves against patents owned by others. As a result, patent decisions become sources of dynamic capabilities in the never ended competition. In this paper, 2 qualitative analysis researches are presented. First, there are several patent award lists of Taiwan’s three major mobile companies breaking down by ROC, USA and PRC respectively. Secondly, 5 in-depth interviews with 4 high rank managers of Fareastone and it patent law firm were made to show how FET perform it patent strategy against a service product made by another mobile company and software company. This thesis is to provide telecom companies with a successful case study in formulating a patent strategy and expects to raise the suggestion for managers in telecom industries regarding the strategic importance of patents and patents management should be part of the “Entrepreneurship”. Keywords: Telecom, value chain, Patent, Strategy, Patent strategy, Patent analysis

轉換成本對顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度關係影響之研究-以電信業為例 / A Study on Switching Cost, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty-An Example in Telecommunication Industry

廖健聰, Liao, Chien Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
台灣行動通信市場自從1997年開放自由競爭以來,市場發展迅速,到2003年用戶數到達最高峰,共2,509萬戶,普及率達111%,但2004年以來用戶數即出現下降趨勢,市場呈現飽和現象。在這樣競爭的環境下,各電信業者勢必要想辦法保有自己公司的忠誠顧客,並努力促成其他業者的顧客轉換過來,藉此來提高或維持自己的市場佔有率與獲利。 因此本研究由顧客滿意度和顧客忠誠度出發,研究滿意度對忠誠度的關係,並導入轉換成本之概念,研究轉換成本對忠誠度之影響,並探討轉換成本對於滿意度與忠誠度之間關係的干擾效果。 本研究以電信業為例,針對台北市使用2G、3G行動通訊服務之消費者進行研究,以便利抽樣之方式,在三大商圈共發放300份問卷,並回收有效問卷159份,經統計資料分析,本研究發現: (1) 顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度具有正向關係。 (2) 轉換成本對顧客忠誠度具有正向關係。 (3) 顧客滿意度與忠誠度間之關係,會受到轉換成本之影響。 根據上述之結論,本研究建議電信業者可藉由提升特定項目之滿意度,來創造顧客忠誠,並靈活運用轉換成本之概念,藉由提高財務轉換成本,以降低舊客戶轉換到其他業者的意願;另一方面則創造比同業更低的程序轉換成本和不確定性成本,讓其他業者之用戶在考慮轉換過來時,不會面臨到很大的轉換成本。

兩岸共同打擊犯罪之模式研究-以跨境查緝「詐欺電信機房」為例 / The Patterns of cross-strait cooperation in combating crimes Example of cross-territory investigation of " fraud telecommunications room"

李中宇 Unknown Date (has links)
國內民眾長期深受詐欺電信犯罪侵害,不單受害人數最多且是損失金額最高的經濟犯罪,自前陳水扁政府至現在的馬政府,都將防制詐欺電信犯罪案件作為政府的施政重點,以跨部會的組織主導,研議預防及偵查的手段防制。然而,詐欺電信犯罪案件發生率不減反增,竟演變成為臺灣十大民怨之一。檢討是類案件偵辦瓶頸,都指向係員警未能跨境查緝大陸「詐欺電信機房」及主嫌到案所致。詐欺電信犯罪集團憑藉著不被橫渡的海峽屏障,在日益富裕且電信網路發達的大陸,建立起發收詐欺話務之「詐欺電信機房」,此等機房遂為詐欺首謀之指揮中心。 隨著馬政府上臺,兩岸和解共生局面建立,擱置了主權爭議,簽訂了「兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議」。然而,兩岸警方單憑文書及電訊協調辦案,是無法有效壓制以VOIP網路電話為中介犯罪之隱匿詐欺電信犯罪集團,必須由國內警方跨境與大陸警方合作,以「詐欺電信機房」為主要剷除標的,方能達到有效將兩岸主嫌共犯一網打盡、查扣作案工具,贓款、降低詐欺話務及人犯順利遣返接受司法定罪等共同打擊犯罪之核心目標。

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