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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Affirmative action, equality and Section 8 of the constitution

Van Wyk, M. W. 11 1900 (has links)
The constitutionality of affirmative action in terms of section 8 of Act 200 of 1993 is investigated. The study contends that in constitutional interpretation it is permissible to have recourse to ethical precepts as long as these are anchored within the four corners of the Constitution. It is contended that the •equality clause• does not prescribe equality of outcome in favour of substantive equality of opportunity. It is asserted that group-based affirmative action may justifiably be attacked as being unconstitutional; either on the basis that it infringes the nonbeneficiary's equality rights in terms of sections 8(1) and 8(2) or that it falls beyond the constitutional protection afforded to affirmative action in terms of section 8(3). Furthermore, group-based modalities of affirmative action may also not constitute a permissible limitation on the fundamental right to equality, if compared to an individual-based socio-economic affirmative action model. / Jurisprudence / LL. M.

La protección frente al despido en la evolución de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional

Ferro Delgado, Víctor 10 April 2018 (has links)
The protection against dismissal in the evolution of the Constitutional Court jurisprudenceThis paper is based on the analysis of the job security schemes embodied in the Constitutions of 1979 and 1993, so as to point out the evolution of the protection granted by the constitutional system against unlawful dismissal and the legal application thereof to the models of restitutory protection (reinstatement) or compensatory protection (indemnification). Then, an analysis is made with respect to the options covered in this field by the international treaties executed by Peru and the evolution of different constitutional case law. Thus, judgments in which restitutory protection was initially oriented to outlaw the dismissal that violates fundamental rights are examined, in comparison to recent rulings in which such protection is granted against unlawful dismissal, resulting in a labor stability model different from the one set forth by the 1993 Constitution. / El presente trabajo parte por analizar los esquemas de estabilidad laboral recogidos en las Constituciones de 1979 y 1993, con el fin de advertir la evolución de la protección otorgada por el ordenamiento constitucional frente al despido ilícito y su plasmación legal en modelos de tutela restitutoria (reposición) o resarcitoria (indemnización). Seguidamente, se evalúan las opciones que sobre esta materia recogen los tratados internacionales suscritos por el Perú para luego tratar la evolución de la jurisprudencia constitucional. Así, se examinan pronunciamientos en que la tutela restitutoria estuvo inicialmente orientada a proscribir el despido que agravie derechos fundamentales, para luego analizar fallos recientes en los que se concede dicha tutela frente al despido injustificado, configurándose, por esta vía, un modelo de estabilidad laboral distinto al establecido por la Constitución de 1993.

L’étudiant non natif face au cours magistral : une démarche expérimentale / The non-native student face up to lectures in law : an experimental approach.

Dinzebi, Arlette 08 October 2010 (has links)
L’étude dont nous présentons ici les résultats a pour objet l’étudiant non natif confronté au cours magistral. Cette étude s’intègre dans l’axe II de la section Adis-langues du laboratoire ICAR II. L’étude s’appuie sur l’hypothèse que la complexité du fonctionnement du cours magistral entraîne des difficultés de compréhension orale et de prise de notes chez les étudiants non natifs qui ont une maîtrise incertaine de la langue française.Nous avons travaillé sur des extraits d’enregistrements vidéo de cours de droit que nous avons analysé en nous inspirant des présupposées théoriques de l’école française de l’analyse du discours. Plusieurs autres concepts ont servi d’outils pour appréhender le fonctionnement du cours magistral. Nous avons notamment été longuement éclairée par les études menées au sein du groupe Interactions et Apprentissage des langues dans sa composante Analyses de discours didactiques et nous nous sommes servie de leur modèle pour identifier et étiqueter les différents paramètres de complexité du cours magistral. Pour mesurer la compréhension orale de ces paramètres, nous avons adopté une démarche expérimentale pas aussi sophistiquée que l’exige la méthode expérimentale proprement dite, pour des raisons heuristiques. Nous avons proposé aux étudiants natifs et non natifs des tests de compréhension orale à travers la prise de notes et d’autres questions orales et écrites.Les résultats obtenus révèlent des cas de maîtrise de la langue et des moments plus délicats où pour des raisons diverses la compréhension orale et la prise de notes sont rendues difficiles. Ces résultats ont permis de valider l’hypothèse de départ. Nous avons à partir de là ébauché un dispositif compensatoire des problèmes identifiés, puis nous avons formulé des perspectives pour des études plus approfondies à l’avenir. / The study we present here the results has for object the non-native student face up to oral comprehension and taking notes challenges during lectures in law. This study is part of the axis II section of Adis-language laboratory ICAR II. The study is based on the assumption that the complexity of the functioning or of lectures in law leads to difficulties in listening and note-taking in non-native students who have an uncertain command of French. The data from which we have worked consist of excerpts from videotapes of law courses. We analyzed these recordings according to theoretical presuppositions of the French school of discourse analysis. Several other concepts developed by other schools and other researchers have been used tools for understanding the functioning of the lectures. We were also informed by extensive studies on the lectures conducted in the group Interactions and Language Learning in its component Analysis of didactic speeches.We used the model of listening to lectures theorized by this research group to define the term listening. This model allowed us to identify and label the different complexity parameters of lectures. To measure oral comprehension of these parameters, we adopted an experimental approach. We have developed an experimental design not as sophisticated as required by the experimental method itself, for heuristic reasons. The experimental protocol is based on a set of excerpts of recordings from which we offered to native students and nonnative students listening tests through taking notes and other written and oral questions. The results reveal cases of language proficiency and delicate moments where for various reasons, listening and taking notes are complicated. These results validate the starting hypothesis. We have sketched from here a compensatory mechanism of identified problems, and then we have made perspective for further studies in the future.

Formação profissional dos trabalhadores da construção civil: o canteiro de obras e a emancipação social / Professional education of construction workers: the construction site and social emancipation

Francisco Toledo Barros Diederichsen 14 December 2017 (has links)
A presente tese de doutorado aborda a formação profissional dos trabalhadores da construção civil com objetivo de contribuir com experiências pedagógicas alternativas à sua atual condição heterônoma e oprimida de trabalho, por meio de ensaios experimentais, no formato de \'canteiro escola autogestionário\'. Essas práticas levantaram questões e revelaram lacunas de conhecimento da história das modalidades alternativas unitárias e integrais de educação. Pesquisamos exemplos de escolas e espaços de ampliação da autonomia dos construtores como contribuição para sua emancipação social e política. Nos perguntamos como chegamos a atual separação das profissões, divididas entre teóricas - arquitetos - e práticas - operários. Em busca de sua genealogia, abordamos as primeiras sociedades de classe, na antiguidade, e os primeiros espaços formativos duais, que separam a formação das elites para direção da sociedade - educação liberal e teórica, das classes subalternas - educação prática para o trabalho. A formação de arquitetos e construtores se deu de modo particular nas sociedades de classe: há momentos de formação dual onde arquitetos apreendem seu ofício distante das práticas construtivas, sem uso de sua força de trabalho, a formar \"arquitetos sem construção\", e os construtores apreendem seu trabalho nas oficinas, sem controlar a produção da arquitetura, numa relação dialética, dominados por arquitetos. Noutras sociedades, a formação de arquitetos se dá pela experiência prática físico-corporal na produção material da arquitetura, quando desenvolvem o ofício do desenho, e da representação. É ali, no canteiro de obras que formam-se \"arquitetos com construção\", de origem popular, compondo coletivos autônomos que idealizam e constroem. Na invasão das Américas os europeus treinaram os povos escravizados a construir com estéticas européias. Ergueram edifícios com trabalho heterônomo, oprimido e explorado - salvo exceções como nas Missões Jesuíticas. Com o avanço das forças produtivas no século XIX, criaram Liceus assistenciais, para \"qualificar\" construtores com apoio de trabalhadores italianos. Nesse período - 1870 a 1914, São Paulo - as elites não perceberam que a qualificação artística ampla e autônoma dos construtores resultaria em mobilizações por direitos trabalhistas. Quando se deram conta, recusaram os italianos anarquistas e os capomastri coletivistas construtores do ecletismo paulistano, e apoiaram tecnologia que exclui o trabalhador da criação: o concreto armado. É período de desqualificação e treinamento do trabalhador. Para formar os nacionais, criam a educação empresarial: \"Sistema S\" e em 1964 dão o golpe civil militar, que perdura até 1988. Com a redemocratização ampliam-se experiências formativas autogestionárias, e políticas publicas socializantes até 2016 - golpe midiático parlamentar. Foram 28 anos que permitiram experiências de \"educação de trabalhadores por trabalhadores\", como ensaiado nos \'canteiro escola\' com movimento popular, o MST, e universidade, a USP. Edificamos a \'casa das artes\', na ENFF - Guararema, com técnicas agroecológicas de construção e uma \'viela publica\' no Parque dos Químicos - São Bernardo do Campo, com técnicas compensatórias de drenagem urbana. Os ensaios praticaram as idiossincrasias da formação libertária dos trabalhadores da construção percebidas no levantamento do processo histórico. Essa vivência nos permitiu identificar que os \'canteiro escola\' contemporâneos se inserem nas tradicionais linhas de ação popular pela emancipação da classe. / The present doctoral thesis deals with the professional education of construction workers with the objective of contributing to pedagogical experiences that are alternative to their current heteronomous and oppressed work conditions, through experimental tests in the form of \'construction site - self - managed school\'. These practices raised questions and revealed gaps in knowledge of the history of alternative and unitary modes of education. We have explored examples of schools and spaces for the expansion of the autonomy of the constructors as a contribution to their social and political emancipation. We wonder how we came to the current separation of professions, divided between theoretical - architects - and practices - workers. In search of their genealogy, we approach the first class based societies in antiquity and the first dual formative spaces, separating education of the elites for the direction of society - liberal and theoretical education, and the subaltern classes - practical education for work. The education of architects and builders takes place particularly in class based societies: there are societies where the formation is dual where architects learn their craft away from constructive practices, without using their work force, to create \"architects without construction\", and The builders apprehend their work in the workshops, without controlling the production of architecture, in a dialectical relationship dominated by architects. In other societies, the formation of architects is due to the physical-corporal practical experience in the material production of architecture, when they develop the office of drawing, and in representation, it is at the construction site that they form \"architects with construction\", of popular origin. They are autonomous professionals who idealize and build. In the invasion of the Americas by Europeans the elites trained enslaved people to build with European aesthetics. They erected buildings with heteronomous work, oppressed and exploited. With the advance of productive forces in the nineteenth century, they created assistencial Liceus, to \"qualify\" builders with the support of Italian workers. In this period - 1870 to 1914, São Paulo - we verified that they did not realize that the broad and autonomous artistic qualification of the builders would result in mobilizations for labor rights. When they realized it, they refused the Italian anarchists and the capomastri collectivists builders of the São Paulo eclecticism, sponsoring technology that excludes the worker from creation: the reinforced concrete. There is a period of disqualification and training of the worker. \"National System\" is created, and in 1964 the civilian military coup has place, and lasts until 1988. With redemocratization, self-managed formative experiences and socializing public policies are extended to 2016 - year of media-partisan coup of the elites. These 28 years have generated experiences of \"education of workers by workers\", as rehearsed in the \"construction site school\" with popular movement, the MST, and university, USP. We built the \'house of arts\' at the ENFF - Guararema, with agro-ecological construction techniques and a \'public gallery\' at the Chemical Park - São Bernardo do Campo, with compensatory urban drainage techniques. The essays practiced the idiosyncrasies of the libertarian education of construction workers perceived in the survey of the historical process. This experience allowed us to identify the contemporaries \'construction site schools\' fall within the traditional lines of people`s action for the emancipation of the class.

Recovery of calf muscle isokinetic strength after acute Achilles tendon rupture

Heikkinen, J. (Juuso) 29 August 2017 (has links)
Abstract Achilles tendon rupture (ATR) conservative treatment result usually good clinical outcome, but despite the treatment method calf muscle strength deficit persist. Recent evidence suggests that surgery might surpass conservative treatment in restoring strength after ATR, but structural explanations for surgery-related improved strength remain uncertain. The purposes of this thesis were to compare calf muscle isokinetic strength recovery, calf muscle volume, fatty degeneration and AT elongation after conservative treatment or after open surgical repair of ATR. An additional aim was to assess the role of fascial augmentation in terms of calf muscle isokinetic strength recovery, AT elongation, calf muscle volume atrophy and fatty degeneration, and their relationship with calf muscle isokinetic strength in long-term follow-up after ATR surgery. Surgery resulted in 10% to 18% greater plantar flexion strength (P = 0.037) compared to conservative treatment. The mean differences between affected and healthy soleus muscle volumes were -18% after surgery and -25% after conservative treatment (P = 0.042). At 18 months, AT were, on average 19 mm longer in patients treated conservatively compared to surgery (P < 0.001). At 18 months, patients with greater (2–3) fatty degeneration had lower soleus muscle volumes and plantar flexion strength in the healthy leg. In long term, augmentation did not affect any of the strength variables, but the injured side showed 12% to 18% strength deficit compared with the healthy side (P < 0.001). The AT was, on average, 12 mm longer in the affected leg than in the healthy leg (P < 0.001). The mean soleus muscle volume was 13% lower in the affected leg than in the healthy leg (P < 0.001). The mean volumes of the medial- and lateral gastrocnemius muscles were 12% and 11% lower in the affected leg than in the healthy leg, respectively (P < 0.001). AT elongation correlated substantially with plantar strength deficit (ρ = 0.51, P < 0.001) and with both gastrocnemius (ρ = 0.46, P = 0.001) and soleus muscle atrophy (ρ = 0.42, P = 0.002). Calf muscle fatty degeneration was more common in the affected leg compared healthy leg (P ≤ 0.018). In conclusion, surgery of ATR restored calf muscle isokinetic strength earlier and more completely than conservative treatment. Conservative treatment resulted in greater soleus muscle atrophy and AT elongation compared surgery, which may partly explain the surgery related better strength results. Augmentation provided no long-term benefits compared with simple suturation, and a 12 to 18% plantar flexion strength deficit compared to the healthy side persisted. AT elongation may explain the smaller calf muscle volumes, greater fatty degeneration, and plantar flexion strength deficit observed in long-term follow-up after surgical repair of ATR. / Tiivistelmä Akillesjännerepeämän (ATR) konservatiivisella ja leikkaushoidolla hoidolla saavutetaan hyvät kliiniset tulokset. Viimeisimmät tutkimukset kuitenkin viittaavat leikkaushoidolla saavutettavan paremmat voimat kuin konservatiivisella hoidolla, mutta rakenteelliset selitykset leikkaushoidon paremmalle pohjelihaksen voimille ovat epäselviä. Työn tarkoituksena oli verrata pohjelihaksen isokineettisten voimien palautumista, pohjelihastilavuuksia, rasvadegeneraatiota ja akillesjänteen (AT) pidentymistä ATR:n konservatiivisen- ja leikkaushoidon jälkeen. Tarkoituksena oli arvioida lihaskalvovahvikkeen merkitystä pohjelihaksen isokineettisten voimien palautumisessa pitkäaikaisseurannassa. Lisäksi tutkimme AT pidentymisen, pohjelihastilavuuksien ja rasvadegeneraation suhdetta pohjelihaksen isokineettisiin voimiin ATR:n leikkaushoidon jälkeen 14 v seurannassa. Leikkaushoidolla saavutettiin 10–18 % paremmat pohjelihaksen voimat verrattuna konservatiiviseen hoitoon. Leikkaushoidon jälkeen soleuslihasten tilavuuksien puoliero terveen jalan hyväksi oli 18 % ja konservatiivisen hoidon jälkeen 25 %. 18 kk kohdalla konservatiivisesti hoidettujen AT oli 19 mm pidempi verrattuna leikkauksella hoidettuihin. 18 kk kohdalla potilaat, joilla vamma jalan soleuslihaksen rasva-degeneraatio oli korkea (2–3), kärsivät suuremmasta soleuslihaksen atrofiasta ja pohjelihaksen voima puolierosta. Voimat eivät muuttuneet 12 kk ja 14 v kontrollien välillä. Lihaskalvovahvikkeella ei ollut merkitystä voimien palautumisessa pelkkään suoraan ompeluun verrattuna, mutta vammapuoli jäi 10–18 % heikommaksi verrattuna terveeseen jalkaan. Vammajalan akillesjänne oli 12 mm pidempi terveeseen jalkaan verrattuna. Vammajalan kolmipäisen pohjelihaksen tilavuus oli 11–13 % pienempi verrattuna terveeseen jalkaan. Akillesjänteen pituus korreloi pohjelihaksen voimapuolieron sekä pohjelihasatrofian kanssa. Akillesjännerepeämän leikkaushoidolla pohjelihaksen isokineettiset voimat palautuvat nopeammin ja täydellisemmin kuin konservatiivisella hoidolla. Leikkaushoitoon verrattuna konservatiivinen hoito johtaa suurempaan soleuslihaksen atrofiaan ja akillesjänteen pidentymään, mikä selittää osittain leikkaushoidon paremmat voimatulokset. 14 v seurannassa lihaskalvovahvikkeesta ei ole etua akillesjännerepeämän leikkaushoidossa. Akillesjännerepeämän leikkaushoidosta huolimatta potilaalle jää terveeseen jalkaan verrattuna 10–18 % pohjelihasten voimapuoliero. Akillesjänteen pidentyminen mahdollisesti selittää pohjelihasten atrofian, rasvadegeneraation ja pysyvän pohjelihasten voimapuolieron akillesjännerepeämän leikkaushoidon jälkeen 14 v seurannassa.

Responsabilité civile et responsabilité pénale : à la recherche d'une cohérence perdue / Civil liability and criminal liability : in search of lost consistency

Dubois, Charlotte 02 December 2014 (has links)
La responsabilité civile est traditionnellement attachée à la réparation des préjudices individuels. Pour sa part, le droit pénal est présenté comme la branche du droit qui assure la protection de l’intérêt général par la sanction de comportements attentatoires à un socle commun de valeurs sociales. Cette distinction de finalités justifie une hiérarchie des disciplines qui se traduit par une primauté accordée au droit pénal. Pourtant, on se propose de démontrer que le législateur, au même titre que le juge d’ailleurs, semble s’engager dans une direction contestable en considérant qu’il y a une différence de degré entre droit civil et droit pénal là où existe en réalité une différence de nature. De ce postulat inexact naît une confusion généralisée qui conduit chaque discipline à s’approprier les considérations de l’autre : le droit civil devient punitif tandis que, dans le même temps, le droit pénal accorde une place sans cesse accrue à la réparation du préjudice. Ce mouvement nous semble porteur d’un double danger : en premier lieu, le droit pénal délaisse sa fonction protectrice de l’intérêt général lorsqu’il s’attache à réparer des préjudices purement individuels ; en second lieu, le droit civil punitif, délié des garanties fondamentales dont est assortie la matière répressive, peut se révéler être une menace pour les libertés individuelles. Ce mouvement croisé des deux disciplines met en péril la cohérence de leurs régimes respectifs : leurs influences réciproques doivent être révélées afin de mieux cerner les faiblesses du droit de la responsabilité et de proposer des remèdes en vue d’assurer un agencement cohérent et complémentaire des responsabilités civile et pénale. / Studying two separate disciplines, such as Civil and Criminal liability, it would not be expected to find any interactions between them: Civil Law repairs the damage caused to private interests; while Criminal Law punishes, thereby ensuring public interests. These differences in purpose justify a hierarchy of disciplines resulting in the supremacy of Criminal Law over Civil Law. However, it will be shown that the legislature and the judge are going in the wrong direction by considering that there is a difference of degree between Civil Law and Criminal Law where there is actually a difference in nature. This incorrect assumption has given rise to a widespread confusion where each discipline takes ownership of the considerations of the other: Civil Law becomes punitive, while, at the same time, Criminal Law becomes increasingly compensatory. The present work aims to denounce a double danger: first, Criminal Law abandons its protective function of public interests when it attempts to repair purely individual damages; second, a punitive Civil Law, detached from the fundamental safeguards that are attached to criminal matters, may prove to be a threat to individual freedoms. This cross-movement between the two disciplines jeopardizes the consistency of their respective systems: reciprocal influences must be revealed in order to better understand the weaknesses of legal liability and to propose remedies that ensure a consistent and complementary arrangement of legal rules.

The legal regime governing the economic situation of married women in Iran : a dialogical view from Quebec

Zeynodini, Fateme 01 1900 (has links)
Family is the basic unit of society, and is grounded upon social, legal, religious and economic constructs. Depending on cultures and societies, and the often differential treatment they apply to men and women, entering into marriage may deteriorate women’s economic situation. The gender-based division of labor within family, which disproportionally burden women, notably through childcare responsibilities, causes a substantial decline in women’s income and interrupts their education and employment. This makes it difficult for women to have a career for themselves after a separation or divorce. Therefore, there is a general belief that legal principles and laws governing the marital relationship and property rights should be structured to protect women’s economic interests. To establish an equitable economic framework between spouses, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) opts for an egalitarian regime which asks for equal rights and responsibilities for both men and women, during and after the marriage. It rules in favor of a partial community of property between spouses according to which all economic advantages and disadvantages arising from a marriage and its dissolution should be borne equally by both parties. However, legal regimes differ in outlining the method of contribution each spouse must commit to the household, financial maintenance, and the division of property after a separation or divorce. Some legal regimes, following the CEDAW, emphasize formal equality and grant similar rights and responsibilities to both parties, while establishing a partial community of property. Another group of legal regimes establish the separation of property as the guiding principle for marital economic relationships, wherein the expenses should be borne by men as the heads of the household, whereas women should be compensated for their unpaid contributions to the household. As a country with a Sharia-based Civil law system and a specific cultural background, Iran has its own special matrimonial regime and does not follow the CEDAW’s approach to women and men’s rights and responsibilities. Iran’s matrimonial regime bases itself on Sharia’s approach to men and women, and is anchored in Iranian culture. This accounts for a legal matrimonial system that is different from laws existing in Western countries. Under this system, the husband and wife have different economic responsibilities. This thesis examines Iran’s matrimonial regime and compares it to the Quebec matrimonial regime. While Quebec family law espouses a contributory approach for both spouses in marital life, all economic institutions under Iranian family law are designed to enforce a compensatory approach toward the spouses’ economic relation. The compensatory approach of Iranian law to the financial aspects of marital life causes some difficulty for the wife, which is exacerbated at the time of the termination of the marriage. Such a comparative study hopes to bring some novel suggestions aiming at correcting certain deficiencies in the current Iranian matrimonial regime. Besides assessing the issues with Iran’s marital regime, this research seeks to propose legal solutions for enhancing the economic rights of women. A holistic approach will therefore be adopted, which will lead us to take into consideration certain cultural and religious specificities which have become mandatory rights in Iran. The reform proposals put forward in this thesis will thus seek to respond to Iran’s current social context. This study will examine women’s economic situations in marriage, separation, divorce and upon the death of their spouse. It will argue that the cultural specificities of Iranian society and Islamic law must be examined and assessed. It will also analyze women’s economic situation in marital relationships in Iran and Quebec. The study of these two different civil law jurisdictions will focus on the principle of equality and examine related arguments and ideologies regarding women’s rights and responsibilities. / La famille est l'unité de base de la société et est fondée sur des constructions sociales, juridiques, religieuses et économiques. En fonction des cultures et des sociétés et du traitement souvent différencié qu’ils appliquent aux hommes et aux femmes, le mariage peut détériorer la situation économique des femmes. La division du travail fondée sur le sexe au sein de la famille, qui pèse de manière disproportionnée sur les femmes, notamment en raison de leurs responsabilités en matière de garde d'enfants, entraîne une baisse substantielle du revenu des femmes et interrompt leur éducation et leur emploi. Cela rend difficile pour les femmes d'avoir une carrière pour elles-mêmes après une séparation ou un divorce. Par conséquent, il est généralement admis que les principes juridiques et les lois régissant la relation conjugale et les droits de propriété devraient être structurés de manière à protéger les intérêts économiques des femmes. Pour établir un cadre économique équitable entre les époux, la Convention sur l'élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination à l'égard des femmes (CEDAW) opte pour un régime égalitaire qui exige l'égalité des droits et des responsabilités pour les hommes et les femmes, pendant et après le mariage. Elle se prononce en faveur d'une communauté partielle de biens entre époux selon laquelle tous les avantages et inconvénients économiques résultant d'un mariage et de sa dissolution devraient être assumés également par les deux parties. Cependant, les régimes juridiques diffèrent en définissant le mode de contribution que chaque conjoint doit engager pour le ménage, l'entretien financier et le partage des biens après une séparation ou un divorce. Certains régimes juridiques, à la suite de la CEDAW, mettent l'accent sur l'égalité formelle et accordent des droits et des responsabilités similaires aux deux parties, tout en établissant une communauté partielle de biens. Un autre groupe de régimes juridiques établit la séparation des biens comme principe directeur des relations économiques conjugales, où les dépenses devraient être supportées par les hommes en tant que chefs de famille, tandis que les femmes devraient être indemnisées pour leurs contributions impayées au ménage. En tant que pays doté d'un système de droit civil fondé sur la charia et ayant une culture particulière, l'Iran a son propre régime matrimonial spécial et ne suit pas l'approche de la CEDAW concernant les droits et les responsabilités des femmes et des hommes. Le régime matrimonial Iranien se fonde sur l'approche de la charia à l'égard des hommes et des femmes et est ancré dans la culture Iranienne. Cela explique un système matrimonial légal différent des lois existant dans les pays occidentaux. Dans ce système, le mari et la femme ont des responsabilités économiques différentes. Cette thèse examine le régime matrimonial de l’Iran et le compare au régime matrimonial du Québec. Alors que le droit de la famille du Québec adopte une approche contributive pour les deux conjoints dans la vie conjugale, toutes les institutions économiques en vertu du droit de la famille Iranien sont conçues pour appliquer une approche compensatoire à l'égard de la relation économique des conjoints. L'approche compensatoire de la loi Iranienne concernant les aspects financiers de la vie conjugale cause certaines difficultés à l'épouse, qui sont exacerbées au moment de la fin du mariage. Une telle étude comparative espère apporter de nouvelles suggestions visant à corriger certaines lacunes du régime matrimonial Iranien actuel. Outre l’évaluation des problèmes liés au régime matrimonial de l’Iran, cette recherche cherche à proposer des solutions juridiques pour améliorer les droits économiques des femmes. Une approche holistique sera donc adoptée, ce qui nous amènera à prendre en considération certaines spécificités culturelles et religieuses devenues des droits obligatoires en Iran. Les propositions de réforme présentées dans cette thèse chercheront donc à répondre au contexte social actuel de l’Iran. Cette étude examinera la situation économique des femmes dans le mariage, la séparation, le divorce et le décès de leur conjoint. Il soutiendra que les spécificités culturelles de la société Iranienne et du droit Islamique doivent être examinées et évaluées. Il analysera également la situation économique des femmes dans les relations conjugales en Iran et au Québec. L’étude de ces deux juridictions de droit civil se concentrera sur le principe de l’égalité et examinera les arguments et les idéologies connexes concernant les droits et les responsabilités des femmes.

Problematika začleňování žáků cizinců se zaměřením na zemi jejich původu / Issue of Integration of Foreign Pupils with Focusing on Their Origin Country

Exnerová, Marie January 2015 (has links)
EXNEROVÁ, Marie. The Issue of Integration of Foreign Pupils with Focusing on Their Origin Country. Prague, 2014. Diploma thesis. UK, PedF. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and evaluate the current situation of the integration in the Czech education system focusing on the issues and specifics inclusion of foreign pupils and on consideration of the impact of pupils' country of origin on the process. The theoretical part of diploma thesis mentions the reasons for the integration of foreigners. Moreover, it highlights why and from where they are coming to the Czech Republic. It captures the current legislation and the rights of foreigners who want to settle permanently in the Czech Republic. Further, it shows the analysis of different ways of educating pupils with special needs, the placement of foreign pupils at Czech elementary schools and intercultural differences, which may have impact on pupils' integration. The practical part focuses on comparing the available theoretical knowledge and the everyday reality of Czech teachers who teach foreign pupils and can work on their daily practice. Based on the comparison of theoretical and practical knowledge the author explains the personal point of view on the integration of foreign pupils and suggests some ideas how to overcome mentioned shortcomings....

Du sköna nya era – det måste inte vara text. : En intervjustudie om hur samhällskunskapslärare integrerar specialpedagogik och multimodala verktyg i undervisningen.

Aldeland, Leo January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en undersökning som har i syfte att öka kunskapen kring hursamhällskunskapslärare arbetar med specialpedagogik. Där forskningsfrågorna berör vilka extra anpassningar och specialpedagogiska åtgärder lärarna tillämpar i sin undervisning. Om lärarna anser att multimodala verktyg som ett redskap i denna kontext genererar positiva resultat. Utöver själva undervisningen beskriver även lärarna var de hämtat sina kunskaper om specialpedagogik och hur deras relation ser ut med sina lokala specialpedagoger. Den teori som använts kallas KASAM-teorin och den har varit nödvändig för att förstå varför lärarna ständigt återkom till det relationella. Lärarna menar att elevers psykiska välmående är en faktor precis som autism, ADHD och dyslexi är. Men att det relationella inte endast heller handlar om psykisk ohälsa utan det genomsyrar hela yrket. Det relationella inkorporeras i alla delar där lärare och elever möts, exempelvis för att eleven ska använda sig och anamma specialpedagogiken behövs en relationell aspekt. Metoden uppsatsen har använt för att generera data är kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervju där sex samhällskunskapslärare har deltagit. I intervjuerna delar lärarna med sig av sina erfarenheter och kunskaper av specialpedagogik och användande av multimodala verktyg. Dessutom undersöks hur och när samarbete och kommunikation med specialpedagogen inträffar, var lärarna hämtar de tekniker och metoder som används för att hjälpa och kompensera eleverna för deras svårigheter eller olikheter. Lärarna presenteras kort i metodkapitlet för att sedan en och en svara på de forskningsfrågor uppsatsen bygger på. I resultatet och analysen har det framkommit att det data intervjuerna har genererat i visar påen öppenhet och bredd av verktyg och metoder lärarna använder sig av för att se till att eleverna oavsett om de har diagnoser eller inte ska få tillgång till en god och lärorik undervisning. Användandet av specialpedagogiken är dock så vanligt förekommande i informanternas klassrum att det kan vara svårt för dem att urskilja konkreta resultat när ytterligare ett specialpedagogiskt instrument appliceras. Lärarna som deltagit i studien beskriver samstämmigt att den främsta källan till specialpedagogik kommer av andra lärare och då allra vanligast av lärare med samma ämne. Specialpedagogerna betraktas ofta som en resurs som tar hand om enskilda elever där de kan sitta och arbeta med en specialpedagog enskilt eller i enliten grupp. Ett annat vanligt tillfälle då lärarna tar kontakt med specialpedagogen är då ärendet gäller enskilda elever. I frågan om multimodalitet kopplas denne i första hand till det digitala,där lärarna generellt har en positiv och ibland en mycket positiv syn på det multimodala. Elevermed dyslexi anses vara den elevgrupp som har allra störst fördel av det digitala även om samtliga elever uppfattas gynnas av det multimodala. Det digitala beskrivs ha en möjlighet att arbeta med flera semiotiska intryck, något som lärarna tror särskilt ska gynna elever med ADHD, koncentrationssvårigheter och autism. / This essay is a study that aims to increase knowledge about how social studies teachers work with special education. Where the research questions concern which extra adaptations and special pedagogical measures the teachers apply in their teaching. If teachers believe that multimodal tools as a tool in this context generate positive results. In addition to the teaching itself, the teachers also describe where they acquired their knowledge of special education and what their relationship looks like with their local special educators. The theory used is called the KASAM-theory and it has been necessary to understand why teachers constantly returned to the relational. Teachers believe that students mental well-beingis a factor just as autism, ADHD and dyslexia are. But that the relational is not only about mental illness but it permeates the whole profession. The relational is incorporated in all parts where teachers and students meet, for example for the student to use and adopt special education, a relational aspect is needed. The method the essay has used to generate data is a qualitative semi-structured interview in which six social studies teachers have participated. In the interviews, the teachers share their experiences and knowledge of special education and the use of multimodal tools. In addition,it is investigated how and when collaboration and communication with the special educator occurs, where the teachers pick up the techniques and methods used to help and compensate the students for their difficulties or differences. The teachers are briefly presented in the method chapter in order to then one by one answer the research questions on which the thesis is based. The results and the analysis have shown that the data the interviews have generated show an openness and broadness of tools and methods the teachers use to ensure that the students, regardless of whether they have diagnoses or not, have access to a good and educational teaching. However, the use of special education is so common in the informant’s classrooms that it can be difficult for them to distinguish concrete results when another special education instrument is applied. The teachers who participated in the study unanimously describe that the main source of special education comes from other teachers and then most often from teachers with the same subject. The special educators are often regarded as a resource that takes care of individual students where they can sit and work with a special educator individually or in a small group. Another common occasion when teachers contact the special educator is when the matter concerns individual students. In the issue of multimodality, this is primarily linked to the digital, where teachers generally have a positive and sometimes a very positive view of the multimodal. Students with dyslexia are considered to be the group of students who have the greatest advantage of the digital, even if all students are perceived to benefit from the multimodal. The digital is described as having an opportunity to work with several semiotic impressions, something that teachers believe should particularly benefit students with ADHD, concentration difficulties and autism.

Péče o kvadruplegiky v České republice a Velké Británii, pozitiva a negativa z pohledu uživatele / Care for the quadriplegics in the Czech Republic and United Kingdom, positive and negative aspects from users' point of view

Zíbarová, Tereza January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the field of the care after quadriplegics in the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom. The aim of the diploma thesis is to describe positive and negative aspects of the care provided to quadriplegics both in Great Britain and the Czech Republic from the point of view of the care users, and subsequently to propose possibilities of improvement of the care in the Czech Republic. The theoretical part explains quadriplegia and outline social and health systems for quadriplegics in the Czech Republic as well as in the United Kingdom. This part includes the description of compensatory aids available for clients, conditions of health and social insurance, rehabilitation care options and financial support in both countries. In the research part, based on data interpretation of the data collected by qualitative research technique (interviews that were implemented with quadriplegics living the Czech Republic and United Kingdom), I analyze the situation of the clients of both social and health systems. These interviews revealed several areas of positive and negative evaluation of the existing situation and highlight possibilities of potential future improvement of the care in the Czech Republic.

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