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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Till vilket pris som helst? : Om utövande konstnärers rätt till ersättning enligt artiklarna18 och 20 i DSM-direktivet. / At whatever cost? : On Performers Right to Remuneration According to Articles 18 and 20 of the DSM Directive

Lindström, Richard January 2021 (has links)
Never have so many listened to so much music. The transition to digital uses has made theart form more accessible to everyone. But the transition has also entailed that musiciansreceive ever lower remuneration for the exploitation of their work in relation to other partieson the market. To harmonize copyright law in the digital age, and to strengthen the positionof authors and performers, the Digital Single Market Directive was adopted by the EU in2019.The present work deals with the right to remuneration in accordance with Articles 18and 20 of the Digital Single Market Directive, more particularly in situations when relatedrights to music performances are transferred. The aim is to examine and argue for how thearticles should be interpreted to satisfactorily achieve the purpose underlying the directive.It is stated that the purpose behind the directive is to ensure that authors and performersreceive necessary compensation for their work and achievements, i.e., a compensation largeenough to safeguard the survival of creative and artistic work in all of Europe over a longperiod of time.Further, the conclusion is drawn that Swedish law, in its current form, doesnot live up to the requirements set by Article 20 in the Directive. In addition, it is argued thatArticle 18, which in some respects might be considered optional, rather should be appreciated as a necessary means to reach the purposes underlying the Directive and therefore beimplemented as non-optional. The conclusion is that Article 18 is needed both as a methodof adjusting non equitable contractual terms and as a principle of unwaivable right to remuneration

Bildsökmotorer och den digitala upphovsrätten : En upphovsrättslig analys av sökmotorers tillhandahållanden av visuella verk / Image Search Engines and Digital Copyright : A Copyright Analysis of Search Engines' Provision of Visual Works

Edin, Malin January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Upphovsmäns rätt att justera ersättningen efter avtalsslutet : En studie av artikel 20 i DSM-direktivet och 36 § avtalslagen / Authors and performers right to additional remuneration after the conclusion of the contract : A study concerning article 20 of the DSM-directive and Section 36 of the Swedish Contracts Act

Stenberg, Max January 2023 (has links)
Copyright contractual law consist of rules that regulate contracts within copyright law. One of the main characteristics of copyright contracts is that they are often characterised by differences in bargaining power between the parties. The weak position of authors has therefore become the subject of mandatory legislation in various respects. Recently, Article 20 of the Directive (EU) 2019/790 (DSM-Directive) incorporated such a rule. This article provides authors with a right to additional, appropriate and fair remuneratiom after the conclusion of the contract if their remuneration proves to be disproportionately low. That is, a right to obtain post-contractual remuneration through mandatory legislation. It is in theory possible to also achieve similar results by applying Section 36 of the Swedish Contracts Act. This paper will examine both of these rules. This constitutes an interesting area of law, but the detailed applications of the rules are still understudied. This paper therefore aims to take a holistic approach to the possibility for authors to obtain additional post-contractual remuneration through mandatory legislation. The study identifies several problems and ambiguities in the application and proposes solutions to these issues. The conclusion was that the requirements for applying Article 20 are generally to be seen as lower than Section 36 of the Swedish Contracts Act, while in theory it should also lead to higher remuneration for authors. However, Section 36 of the Copyright Act can be applied to a wider range of cases and to some extent addresses other circumstances. The addition of article 20 has either way improved authors right to remuneration as well as bargaining power. However, some of the other issues that authors face during the contract negotiations were not solved through the directive.

Deepfakes: ett upphovsrättsligt problem : En undersökning av det upphovsrättsliga skyddet och parodiundantagets samspel med AI-assisterade skapandeprocesser / Deepfakes: A Copyright Issue : An Inquiry of the Copyright Protection and Parody Exception's Interplay with AI-assisted Creative Processes

Atala Labbé, Daniel Atala January 2022 (has links)
In the age of digitalizarion several new ways of creating immaterial property have sprung up due to the resurgence of artificial intelligence (AI). This has paved the way for different kinds of tech including the assistance of AI in a more normalized way. A prominent variation of this tech is called "deepfake". Deepfakes are a technology that essentially places your face, likeness, mannerisms, and voice onto new situations that the creator then steers to make the deepfake do or say things that the person whose deepfake is based on hasn't done or said. This technology has been used in a myriad of ways, all from humourous content to extorsion and revenge porn. The aim of this master thesis is to analyse how immaterial law protection is achieved through current Swedish immaterial law principles and how these fit within the context of heavily based AI-tech such as deepfakes. This is done through a dogmatic lens, meaning that a systematization and mapping of both Swedish and EU-based laws and praxis are done as well as discussing the current thoughts on AI-assistance throughout the creative process. Another subject that is touched upon is the parody exception in immaterial law and the concept of adaptation and how these work with and apply to AI-based creations. Part of the problems that we face right now is that we have no existing legal parameters to solve the problem of larger AI-involvement in creative processes, this is certainly going to change how we view copyright law today. When comparing and using EU as well as Swedish praxis to analyze the AI-problem a common denominator is that all copyright law and praxis is based around the presumption that there needs to be a human involved in the majority of the creative process. AI already exists as a part of many creative processes today without any questions asked, however when the AI-part is more significant in the process the question becomes complicated when paired with traditional copyright law perspectives. However, some discussions have been going on in both Swedish and EU legal spheres, mostly in the EU who are going to legislate more in the field of AI. In Sweden there have been no legislative processes when it comes to AI in copyright law however there have been some governmental organisations and essays that have shed a light on the matter. I conclude this master thesis by writing about the findings of each question as has been mentioned above, namely that AI becomes a significant factor in deciding if a deepfake achieves copyright protection or not and the same can be said about parodies. After this I make a concluding analysis of the urgency of a need for laws that tackle AI in the area of immaterial laws listing other areas that might need it more than immaterial laws as has been explored throughout this thesis as well and that Sweden needs to take part in every discussion about this to form a sustainable legal framework for AIs in the context of immaterial laws. This will open up for a clear framework when assessing different technologies that use AI like deepfakes as well.

Den inre digitala marknadens framtid : Medlemsstaternas dilemma med implementeringen av upphovsrättsdirektivet: fokus på svensk respektive fransk rätt / The Future of the Digital Single Market : The Member States’ dilemma with the implementation of the Copyright Directive: focus on Swedish and French law

Ekstrand, Johan, Landström, Jennifer January 2020 (has links)
Upphovsrättsdirektivet, Digital Single Market-direktivet, befinner sig idag i en implementeringsprocess i EU-länderna. Implementeringen syftar till att harmonisera upphovsrätten mellan medlemsstaterna och att upprätthålla en väl fungerande inre marknad. Direktivet medför ett antal dilemman vid harmoniseringen av medlemsländernas lagstiftningar. Somliga länder är positiva till direktivet, medan andra anmärker en ordalydelse som är otydlig, abstrakt och svår att konkretisera. Frankrike var första land inom unionen att lägga fram ett lagförslag baserat på direktivet. Samtliga medlemsländer, däribland Sverige, har fortfarande tid på sig att införliva direktivet i sin lagstiftning. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda DSM-direktivets artikel 17 och dess implementering i fransk rätt med utgångspunkt i Frankrikes framställda lagförslag. Vidare är ändamålet att göra en konkret jämförelse mellan förevarande upphovsrättsliga normer i Sverige respektive Frankrike, för att således kunna analysera det franska lagförslagets lämplighet i svensk rättsordning. Lämpligheten ska försöka bedömas utifrån kulturella värderingar bakom nationell lagstiftning och upphovsrättspolitik. För att besvara frågeställningen huruvida det franska lagförslaget på implementering av DSM-direktivets artikel 17 kan vara en förebild för den svenska lagstiftaren, har framställningen disponerats enligt följande: vi har (1) utrett svensk upphovsrätt, (2) redogjort för DSM-direktivet och härrörande kritik, (3) uppgivit Regeringskansliets resonemang och frågeställningar gällande direktivets genomförande i svensk rätt, (4) utrett fransk upphovsrätt samt (5) översatt och tolkat förevarande lagförslag med tillhörande kritik. Utöver rättskällor, har framställningen till övervägande del grund i debattartiklar, tidskrifter samt inlägg online för att klargöra den aktuella problematiken rörande DSM-direktivet. Slutsatsen är att svensk respektive fransk upphovsrätt visserligen framstår som snarlika i stort sett. Däremot kan det franska lagförslaget på implementering av direktivet enbart framstå som en förebild i viss mån. Av artikel 17:s tre huvudområden kan vägledning av det franska lagförslaget endast ges gällande införandet av en klagomåls- och avhjälpningsmekanism. / <p>Det här är den slutgiltiga examensuppsatsen, en nedskuren version av en mer omfattande och djupgående version. För intressenter finns den första versionen tillgänglig via kontakt med författarna. </p>

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