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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Supervision and trust in community health worker programmes at scale: developing a district level supportive supervision framework for ward-based outreach teams in North West Province, South Africa

Assegaai, Tumelo January 2021 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Introduction: National community health worker (CHW) programmes are to an increasing extent being implemented in health systems globally, mirrored in South Africa in the ward-based outreach team (WBOT) strategy. In many countries, including South Africa, a major challenge impacting the performance and sustainability of scaled-up CHW programmes is ensuring adequate support from and supervision by the local health system. Supervisory systems, where they exist, are usually corrective and hierarchical in nature, and implementation remains poor. In the South African context, the absence of any guidance on CHW supportive supervision has led to varied practices across the country. Improved approaches to supportive supervision are considered critical for CHW programme performance. However, there is relatively little understanding of how this can be done sustainably at scale, and effective CHW supervisory models remain elusive. Research to date has mostly positioned supervision as a technical process rather than a set of relationships, with the former testing specific interventions rather than developing holistic approaches attuned to local contexts. This doctoral study was exploratory in nature, seeking to generate an in-depth and contextualised understanding of the supervision phenomenon in one specific district in the North West Province (NWP) in South Africa. Using co-production methodology in an iterative approach, the study culminated in the formulation of a supportive supervision framework with CHWs and other frontline actors. Methods: The study was based on a holistic conceptual framework of supportive supervision, which was viewed as comprising three core functions ‒ accountability, development and support ‒ embedded in a complex and multi-level system of resources, people and relationships. To address the study objectives, the research used a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods. Three studies were conducted in a phased process: study 1 comprised a qualitative description of policy and practices in two districts related to the supervision of WBOTs; study 2 identified the main actors and mapped the supervisory system of WBOTs in the district, using social network analysis (SNA); and study 3 involved a qualitative exploration of workplace and interpersonal trust factors in the district and the supervisory system of WBOTs in the district. These three studies provided inputs for a workshop aimed at developing recommendations for a district-level, WBOT supportive supervisory framework. Four published papers reporting on the research conducted are presented in this thesis. It should be noted that the research was conducted during a turbulent political and administrative period in the NWP, when the WBOT programme changed from being a flagship programme for the country to one in crisis. This shifting context needs to be borne in mind when the findings are viewed and interpreted. Results: The study identified weaknesses in both the design and implementation of the supervisory system of WBOTs, with the absence of clear guidance resulting in WBOTs and PHC facilities performing their roles in an ad hoc manner, defined within local contexts. The study documented evidence of high internal cohesion within WBOTs and (where present) with their immediate outreach team leaders (OTLs). However, the relationships between WBOTs and the rest of the primary health care (PHC) and district health system were characterised by considerable mistrust – both towards other workers and the system as a whole. This occurred against a backdrop of increasing OTL vacancies, and the perceived abandonment of WBOT training and development systems and career opportunities. These findings are not dissimilar to those reported previously on the WBOT programme in South Africa and in programmes in other low-resource settings. Nevertheless, through its in-depth, exploratory and participatory approaches, this study provides additional insights into the phenomenon of supportive supervision. Firstly, in conceptualising supportive supervision as a set of ‘bundled’ practices within complex local health systems, the findings reflected the complexity of everyday realities and lived experiences. Secondly, through the embedded nature of the research and the phased data-collection process, the study was able to observe the impact of wider health system contexts and crises on the coalface functioning of the WBOT programme. Thirdly, the study emphasised how supportive supervision depends on healthy relational dynamics and trust relationships, and, finally, how a co-production approach can translate broad guidance, experience and theoretical understanding into meaningful, local practice owned by all the actors involved. Ultimately, the process of engagement, building relationships and forging consensus proved to be more significant than the supportive supervision framework itself. Conclusion: The lack of explicit, coherent and holistic guidance in developing CHW supportive supervision guidance and the failure to address supervision constraints at a local level undermine the performance and sustainability of CHW programmes. Effective supportive supervisory systems require bottom-up collaborative platforms characterised by active participation, sharing of local tacit knowledge and mutual learning. Supervisory systems also need to be designed in ways that promote relationships and generate trust between CHW programmes, other actors and the health system.

Planteamiento de un proceso participativo para la propuesta y priorización de proyectos de desarrollo regional. Caso de estudio Departamento del Meta en Colombia

León Camargo, Astrid 18 October 2021 (has links)
[ES] La participación pública fue introducida como concepto por Naciones Unidas en la Declaración de Río sobre Medioambiente y Desarrollo en 1992. A partir de ahí se considera esencial que los interesados locales participen en los procesos de toma de decisiones relativas a políticas públicas de desarrollo local de su región, ya que se supone que los resultados de estas intervenciones han de dar respuesta a sus intereses y necesidades. La selección de estos interesados clave es crítica para asegurar la viabilidad, legitimidad y el éxito del proceso participativo, ya que es esencial lograr resultados respaldados por un amplio consenso. Por el contrario, si falla la colaboración entre las autoridades y los interesados, se pierde la confianza de éstos y las probabilidades de fracaso de las propuestas llevadas a cabo son muy altas. Para la selección de los interesados hay que tener en cuenta: su motivación o interés en participar en el proceso, su conocimiento, preferencias, preocupaciones y expectativas sobre el problema y el proceso de toma de decisiones. En esta tesis se desarrolla un proceso participativo, basado en un caso de estudio, en el que se selecciona un núcleo decisor que ayude a las autoridades competentes a decidir cuáles son las áreas de inversión que más contribuyen a satisfacer los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). El caso de estudio se centra en el análisis y priorización de las necesidades de desarrollo de la Región del Meta (Colombia). La investigación se realiza en tres fases. En la primera fase se plantea el problema, los objetivos y la metodología de investigación. En la segunda fase se desarrolla un proceso de selección y análisis de interesados para seleccionar un núcleo decisor. En la tercera fase se identifican y analizan las necesidades de la Región del Meta y se priorizan en función del grado de satisfacción de los ODS. En el trabajo se introduce la técnica Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL), adaptado de modo novedoso, para su uso en el análisis de grupos de interés; una nueva propuesta de análisis de influencia, basada en categorías (Ratings) y Análisis de Redes Sociales. Se presenta un análisis comparativo de los resultados obtenidos por los diferentes métodos de análisis de interesados, se discuten sus ventajas y desventajas y se selecciona el núcleo decisor. Para priorizar las necesidades más sentidas de la Región, materializadas en trece áreas de inversión, se estudia cómo invertir en cada área satisface los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS). Para ello se emplean dos técnicas de toma de decisiones multicriterio: El Proceso Analítico Jerárquico (AHP por sus siglas en inglés) y el Proceso Analítico en Red (ANP por sus siglas en inglés). El ANP estudia las dependencias y la retroalimentación entre los elementos de la red. Como la aplicación práctica de ANP resulta compleja, se ha integrado el ANP con DEMATEL, tal y como se describe en la literatura. La metodología y los resultados de esta tesis se pueden reproducir en futuros procesos participativos porque ayuda a identificar interesados y seleccionar un grupo decisor, representativo de los actores de una región o área geográfica, y también a identificar y evaluar necesidades de desarrollo de la región objeto de estudio, teniendo en cuenta las opiniones de los interesados identificados. / [CA] La participació pública va ser introduïda com a concepte per Nacions Unides en la Declaració de Rio sobre Medi Ambient i Desenvolupament a 1992. A partir d'aquí es considera essencial que els interessats locals participin en els processos de presa de decisions relatives a polítiques públiques de desenvolupament local de la seva regió, ja que se suposa que els resultats d'aquestes intervencions han de donar resposta als seus interessos i necessitats. La selecció d'aquests interessats clau és crítica per assegurar la viabilitat, legitimitat i l'èxit de l'procés participatiu, ja que és essencial aconseguir resultats recolzats per un ampli consens. Per contra, si falla la col·laboració entre les autoritats i els interessats, es perd la confiança d'aquests i les probabilitats de fracàs de les propostes dutes a terme són molt altes. Per a la selecció dels interessats cal tenir en compte: la seva motivació o interès en participar en el procés, el seu coneixement, preferències, preocupacions i expectatives sobre el problema i el procés de presa de decisions. En aquesta tesi es desenvolupa un procés participatiu, basat en un cas d'estudi, en el qual es selecciona un nucli decisor que ajudi les autoritats competents a decidir quines són les àrees d'inversió que més contribueixen a satisfer els Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible (ODS ). El cas d'estudi se centra en l'anàlisi i priorització de les necessitats de desenvolupament de la Regió de l'Meta (Colòmbia). La investigació es realitza en tres fases. En la primera fase es planteja el problema, els objectius i la metodologia d'investigació. En la segona fase es desenvolupa un procés de selecció i anàlisi d'interessats per a seleccionar un nucli decisor. A la tercera fase s'identifiquen i analitzen les necessitats de la Regió de l'Meta i es prioritzen en funció de el grau de satisfacció dels ODS. En el treball s'introdueix la tècnica Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL), adaptat de manera nova, per al seu ús en l'anàlisi de grups d'interès; una nova proposta d'anàlisi d'influència, basada en categories (ràtings) i Anàlisi de Xarxes Socials. Es presenta una anàlisi comparativa dels resultats obtinguts pels diferents mètodes d'anàlisi d'interessats, es discuteixen els avantatges i desavantatges i se selecciona el nucli decisori. Per prioritzar les necessitats més sentides de la Regió, materialitzades en tretze àrees d'inversió, s'estudia com invertir en cada àrea satisfà els Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible (ODS). Per a això s'empren dues tècniques de presa de decisions multicriteri: El Procés Analític Jeràrquic (AHP per les sigles en anglès) i el Procés Analític en Xarxa (ANP per les sigles en anglès). L'ANP estudia les dependències i la retroalimentació entre els elements de la xarxa. Com l'aplicació pràctica de ANP resulta complexa, s'ha integrat el ANP amb DEMATEL, tal com es descriu a la literatura. La metodologia i els resultats d'aquesta tesi es poden reproduir en futurs processos participatius perquè ajuda a identificar interessats i seleccionar un grup decisori, representatiu dels actors d'una regió o àrea geogràfica, i també a identificar i avaluar necessitats de desenvolupament de la regió objecte d'estudi, tenint en compte les opinions dels interessats identificats. / [EN] Public participation was introduced as a concept by the United Nations in the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development in 1992. Since then, it is considered essential for local stakeholders to participate in decision-making processes related to local development public policies in their region, since the results of these interventions are supposed to respond to their interests and needs. The selection of these key stakeholders is critical to ensure the viability, legitimacy, and success of the participatory process, as it is essential to achieve results supported by a broad consensus. On the contrary, if collaboration between the authorities and stakeholders fails, the trust of the latter is lost and the probability of failure of the proposals carried out is very high. For the selection of stakeholders, it is necessary to take into account: their motivation or interest in participating in the process, their knowledge, preferences, concerns and expectations about the problem and the decision-making process. This thesis develops a participatory process, based on a case study, in which a core decision-maker is selected to help the competent authorities decide which investment areas contribute most to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The case study focuses on the analysis and prioritization of the development needs of the Meta Region (Colombia). The research is conducted in three phases. In the first phase, the problem, objectives, and research methodology are set out. In the second phase, a stakeholder selection and analysis process is developed to select a core decision-maker. In the third phase, the needs of the Meta Region are identified and analyzed and prioritized according to the degree of satisfaction of the SDGs. The paper introduces the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) technique, adapted in a novel way, for use in stakeholder analysis; a new proposal for influence analysis, based on categories (ratings) and Social Network Analysis. A comparative analysis of the results obtained by the different stakeholder analysis methods is presented, their advantages and disadvantages are discussed, and the core decision maker is selected. To prioritize the most felt needs of the Region, materialized in thirteen investment areas, it is studied how investing in each area satisfies the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Two multi-criteria decision-making techniques are used: the Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) and the Analytical Network Process (ANP). The ANP studies the dependencies and feedback between network elements. As the practical application of ANP is complex, ANP has been integrated with DEMATEL, as described in the literature. The methodology and results of this thesis can be replicated in future participatory processes because it helps to identify stakeholders and select a decision-making group, representative of the actors of a region or geographic area, and also to identify and evaluate development needs of the region under study, taking into account the opinions of the identified stakeholders. / León Camargo, A. (2021). Planteamiento de un proceso participativo para la propuesta y priorización de proyectos de desarrollo regional. Caso de estudio Departamento del Meta en Colombia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/174853 / TESIS

O nexo água-alimento-energia aplicado à rede de influência entre as cidades : análise centrada no município de Cunha, São Paulo /

Moraes-Santos, Eliana Cristina January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: José Antônio Perrella Balestieri / Resumo: A abordagem do nexo água-alimento-energia (AAE) leva em consideração a interdependência do uso desses recursos, essenciais para o bem-estar humano, e possibilita analisar os indicadores dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS). Nesta inter-relação é necessária uma abordagem sistêmica para compreender como a interação de cada componente funciona e se estrutura. Na presente tese foi analisado o nexo AAE e a rede de influências entre as cidades, no atendimento aos Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável, tendo o município de Cunha, no Estado de São Paulo, em posição central entre os demais municípios estudados. A vertente analisada encontra-se na transição entre o extenso Vale do Paraíba, situado entre duas metrópoles (São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro) e a baixada litorânea (Paraty e Ubatuba), tendo o município de Cunha em posição intermediária. A região estudada é drenada pelos rios Paraibuna, Paraitinga e seus afluentes que constituem fonte significativa de abastecimento de grandes cidades do sudeste brasileiro e oferece suas águas para irrigação, abastecimento, indústria e produção de energia hidroelétrica. Para análise do nexo AAE, os parâmetros da produção de alimento e o consumo de água e energia foram avaliados estatisticamente, com uso do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (cP). A análise considerou a produção agrícola e a relação com o consumo de água e energia, assim como a produção pesqueira frente aos referidos parâmetros, em escala de municípios. Dentre as an... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The water-food-energy (WFE) approach takes into account the interdependence of the use of these resources, which are essential for human well-being, and makes it possible to analyze the indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In this interrelation, a systemic approach is required to understand how the interaction of each component works and is structured. In this thesis, the AAE nexus and the network of influences between cities were analyzed, in compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals, with the municipality of Cunha, in the State of São Paulo, in a central position among the other municipalities studied. The analyzed slope is found in the transition between the extensive Vale do Paraíba, located between two metropolises (São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro) and the coastal lowland (Paraty and Ubatuba), with the municipality of Cunha in an intermediate position. The studied region is drained by the Paraibuna, Paraitinga Rivers and their tributaries, which constitute a significant source of supply for large cities in southeastern Brazil and offers their waters for irrigation, supply, industry, and hydroelectric power. For analysis of the WFE nexus, the parameters of food production and the consumption of water and energy were evaluated, statistically with use of Pearson's correlation coefficient (cP). The analysis considered agricultural production and the relationship with water and energy consumption, as well as fishery production against these parameters, ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Sveriges mäktigaste kvinnor är fortfarande underordnade män : En kvalitativ studie om hur kvinnor i Sveriges riksdag upplever maktförhållanden inom politiken i relation till det globala delmålet 5.5 / Sweden's most powerful women are still subordinate men : A qualitative study on how women in the Swedish Parliament perceive power relations in politics in relation to The Sustainable Development Goal 5.5

Ericsson, Ellen, Jarlén, Joanna January 2020 (has links)
Jämställdhet är någonting som diskuteras flitigt i politiska debatter. Det blir bättre och bättre världen över men kvinnor ses fortfarande inte ha lika mycket inflytande över beslutsfattande processer som män. Maktpositionerna domineras än idag av män och Sverige är ett av de länder som ännu inte har haft en kvinnlig statsminister. Den här studien bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod genom semistrukturerade intervjuer utförda med kvinnor i Sveriges riksdag. Studien identifierar vilka upplevelser kvinnor i Sveriges riksdag har gällande förväntningar på kvinnor, bemötande mot kvinnor samt deras möjligheter till höga positioner i politiken. Den ser också över hur de själva upplever sin maktposition samt hur makten är könad. Studien undersöks med de Globala Målen, närmare bestämt delmål 5.5, som grund. Tidigare forskning visar hur kvinnor har det betydligt svårare än män gällande att både ta sig in och stanna kvar i politiken samt uppnå ledarskapsroller. Ett intersektionellt perspektiv är i stort sett frånvarande i den tidigare forskningen, därför har den här studien ett fokus på det. Genom en analys utifrån de teoretiska utgångspunkterna homo- och heterosocialitet, glastak, intersektionalitet, ojämlikhetssystemet samt genussystemet identifieras problematik kring det motstånd kvinnor inom politiken möter samt den rådande könsmaktsordningen. Resultatet visar bland annat att kvinnor i riksdagen i stort begränsas inom politiken men att de trots detta ändå är de mäktigaste kvinnorna i Sverige. Studien bidrar till en ökad förståelse för olika maktförhållanden inom svensk politik samt ger en insyn i hur det egentligen kommer sig att Sverige ännu inte har haft en kvinnlig statsminister. / Gender equality is something that is frequently discussed in political debates. It’s getting better all over the world, but women are still not seen to have as much influence over decision-making processes as men. The positions of power are still dominated by men and Sweden is one of the countries that has not yet had a female prime minister. This study is based on a qualitative research method through semi-structured interviews conducted with women in the Swedish Parliament. The study identifies what experiences women in the Swedish Parliament have regarding expectations of women, treatment towards women and their opportunities to reach high positions in politics. It also focuses on how the women themselves perceive their position of power as well as how the power is gendered. The study is examined with The Sustainable Development Goals, more specifically sub-goal 5.5, as the basis. Previous research shows how women have a much harder time than men in terms of both entering and stay in politics and achieving leadership roles. An intersectional perspective is to a high degree absent in previous research, so this study has a specific focus on it. An analysis based on the theoretical principles of homo- and heterosociality, glass ceiling, intersectionality, the inequality system and the gender system identifies problems regarding the resistance women in politics encounter and the prevailing gender power system. The results show, among other things, that women in the Swedish Parliament are largely limited in politics, but that they are nevertheless the most powerful women in Sweden. The study contributes to an increased understanding of different power relations in Swedish politics and gives an insight into why Sweden has not yet had a female prime minister.

An investigation of South Africa's policy response to climate change in the context of sustainable development goals

Mthembu, Dumisani Emmanuel 01 1900 (has links)
Climate change is recognized as one of the environmental challenges with disastrous consequences for the human well-being. Hence, there is no doubt that climate change is not only a great environmental concern, but also a developmental challenge that overlaps at many levels. Accordingly, the global community sees climate change and sustainable development as two major challenges of the 21st century that require urgent collective action. The aim of the study was to investigate and analyse South Africa’s policy response in addressing climate change, also considering the added dynamics and imperatives presented by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (AfSD) that enshrines 17 interwoven Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets. In order to fulfil this task, five research objectives were developed; namely: (i) to determine the extent to which the South African government has been involved in domesticating and localizing the SDGs agenda (in general) since its birth in January 2016, (ii) to identify policies and institutions dealing with climate change mitigation (including sustainable consumption and production) and document the provisions of such policies, (iii) to determine policy coverage and institutional spread regarding the addressing of climate change adaptation and adaptive capacity, (iv) to audit and present an inventory of institutions and major financial arrangements existing as means of implementing climate change policy in South Africa, and (v) to establish measures in place to improve education, awareness-raising, and human and institutional capacity development on climate mitigation and adaptation, impact reduction and early warning. A research methodology was adopted which took the form of evaluation research. This research approach is mostly used in large bureaucratic organizations such as government to determine the extent to which a programme or policy is effective. The research design followed a Mixed-Methods Research (MMR), which combines qualitative and quantitative approaches. Primary data was collected from purposefully selected respondents, who participated in the online survey and face to face interviews. The analysis of data entailed the reduction and display of data. Data reduction and display made it possible to code, create themes and concepts; as well as enable the study to make cogent inferences and rational conclusions. In addition, primary data was complemented by document analysis that scrutinized relevant documents to climate change and sustainable development. The study concluded that South Africa has taken reasonable steps to achieve the SDGs because the National Development Plan (NDP) which is aligned to the SDGs was already being implemented. The study also showed that South Africa has put in place institutional mechanisms to implement the SDGs, even though it took longer to put them in place and have them operationalised. The study concluded that South Africa has policies and strategies designed to respond to climate change mitigation and adaptation. However, there are several challenges inherent in the policies and strategies that make them ineffective, including policy implementation inertia. While the study confirmed that there are institutions in place to implement climate change policies and strategies; it emerged that capacity is concentrated at the national level, as opposed to the provincial and local government levels, and relies on few experts which makes the system vulnerable and fragile. Regarding funding for both climate change and the SDGs, it emerged that South Africa does not budget enough money, and relies heavily on international donations. The study further revealed that there is dissatisfaction with the public’s involvement in climate change management in the country. It also highlighted the need to improve early warning systems and preparedness to respond to extreme weather events. Hence, the study suggests that there is a need for a serious introspection with regard to the implementation model to ensure that the issues raised by the study are resolved. / Environmental Sciences / Ph. D. (Environmental Management)

Exploring the Role of Aid in the Malawian and Zambian Health Sectors : To what extent does development assistance contribute to aid dependency in Malawi and Zambia?

Wandjowo, Rosie January 2020 (has links)
Aid is an important topic in development sector current discussions are polarised thereby creating a need for further research. This essay assesses the role that Malawi and Zambia plays in realising its development outcomes including in the area of health. There is a need to appreciate the variables that contribute to the inability of most countries in sub-Saharan Africa to finance their domestic expenditure related to healthcare. In this situation, foreign aid which has received marked interest by scholars over the past decade and is used to supplement incomes of developing countries like Malawi and Zambia. Debate on the effectiveness of aid is polarised, while highly concerned scholars see aid as ineffective and a contributor to the poor performance of economies in developing countries, others see it as essential in the achievement of development outcomes. This thesis explores the extent to which development assistance contributes to dependency in Malawi and Zambia. It further examines the link between aid and the Malawian and Zambian health sectors. The study similarly considers the role of development assistance for health in realising outcomes related to maternal health in line with SDG 3.1. By identifying two countries in sub-Saharan Africa, this essay underscores the similarities between Malawi and Zambia analysed through a historical context, health systems structures, child and maternal mortality rates and health programme models. The essay concludesthat social, political and economic barriers present challenges in financing healthcare in Malawi and Zambia. Aid contributes to dependency in the study countries.

Redovisningen av FN:s globala miljömål : En kvantitativ studie om samverkan mellan företagens egenskaper och redovisningen av FN:s globala miljömål / Reporting on the UN Sustainable Development Goals : A quantitative study on relationship between companies' characteristics and the reporting of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals

Ahlstrand, Lucas, Armå, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Företag är idag ständigt granskade och kravet på att visa transparens blir mer och mer efterfrågat från företagets intressenter. Intressenters efterfrågan på kommunikation om hur företag arbetar med hållbarhet är inget undantag. Hållbarhetsredovisning är enligt svensk lagstiftning inte en speciellt detaljerad lag utan företag har stora möjligheter att kommunicera ut det som deras intressenter efterfrågar samt det som de själva önskar kommunicera. Under 2015 skapade FN Agenda 2030 som täcker vår världs stora ekonomiska, sociala och miljömässiga problem. Agenda 2030 grundas i 17 globala miljömål (SDG) som kan användas av företag och andra aktörer som ett redovisningsverktyg för att kommunicera deras ekonomiska, sociala och miljömässiga påverkan. Med detta som utgångspunkt har denna studie i syfte att undersöka hur företagens egenskaper samverkar med i vilken omfattning företagen redovisar SDG. Studien är en kvantitativ studie som med hjälp av en utformad bedömningsmall kodar 100 hållbarhetsrapporter hos företag noterade på Stockholmsbörsens mid och large caps listor. Med hjälp av bedömningsmallen skapades den beroende variabeln SDGpoäng som har använts för att testa samverkan med företagets egenskaper. Egenskaperna som testades var företagens storlek, lönsamhet, kapitalstruktur, könsfördelningen inom styrelsen och bransch. Genom statistiska tester kunde de givna hypoteserna besvaras och resultatet visar att egenskaperna storlek och bransch samverkar med i vilken omfattning företag redovisar SDG. Resultatet visar att branschen råvaror och material redovisar SDG i högst omfattning samtidigt som branscherna finans och hälsovård redovisar SDG i lägst omfattning. Studiens resultat bidrar till teorin om hur företagens egenskaper samverkar med redovisningen av frivillig hållbarhetsinformation. / Companies today are constantly audited and the requirement to show transparency is becoming more and more in demand from the stakeholders. The external demand for communication from the companies about how they work with sustainability is no exception. Sustainability reporting is, according to Swedish legislation, not a particularly detailed law so companies have a great opportunity to communicate what the stakeholders demand and what they themselves wish to communicate. In 2015, the UN created Agenda 2030, which covers our world's major economic, social and environmental problems. Agenda 2030 is based on the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that can be used by companies and other organizations as an accounting tool to communicate their economic, social and environmental impact. With this as a starting point, this study aims to investigate how the companies' characteristics interact with the extent to which the companies report SDG. This study is a quantitative study that, with the help of a designed assessment template, encodes 100 sustainability reports from companies listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange's mid and large caps lists. By using the assessment template, the dependent variable SDGpoäng was created, which has been used to test collaboration with the company's characteristics. The tested characteristics were the size of the companies, profitability, capital structure, gender distribution within the board and industry. Through statistical tests, the given hypotheses could be answered and the results show that the characteristics size and industry interact with the extent to which companies report SDG. The results show that the industry Basic materials reports SDG to the highest extent, while industries of finance and healthcare report to the lowest extent. The results of the study contribute to the theory of how companies' characteristics interact with the reporting of voluntary sustainability information. The study is written in Swedish.

Miljöetiska perspektiv på offentlig upphandling

Anderson, Pia January 2020 (has links)
There are directives for how public procurement should be conducted, in terms of quality,price, non-discrimination, transparency, equal treatment, reasonable requirements and how environmental, social and labor law considerations should be taken into account. Public procurement must also solve societal problems with the aim of achieving the global goals, but despite these guidelines, environmental ethical problems still remain for how a purchaser should prioritize and evaluate between the social, ecological and economic responsibility in public procurement. The purpose was to investigate whether environmental ethics could make a significant contribution in highlighting and understanding the environmental ethical challenges, conflicts, gaps and considerations that public procurement faces and provide answers to how public procurement should ethically value different tenders in order to be able to choose the supplier that makes the greatest social, ecological and economic benefit to society with the aim of achieving the global goals. The conclusion is that doctor Olle Torpman's environmental ethical sub-issues make the ethical challenges, as conflicts, gaps and considerations that public procurement faces visible and comprehensible. The application of the ethics of sustainable development, specified by professor Mikael Stenmark, solves the environmental ethics problems and shows that an environmental ethics theory makes a significant contribution when it comes to providing answers to how public procurement should ethically value the social, ecological and economic responsibility in public procurement. The procurement authority has been commissioned by the government to amend the law on public procurement so that it is in line with the new climate law. I hope that this thesis can provide an environmental ethical perspective on public procurement. Keywords: sustainable purchases, sustainable public procurement, environmental ethics, evaluate sustainability in purchasing, sustainable development goals, public procurement shall solve societal problems.

En rapport om hur svenska kommuner och regioner strategiskt arbetar mot målen i Agenda 2030 och hur detta arbete framgångsrikt implementeras i verksamheten

Rosenberg, Jasmine, Lorentzon, Peter January 2021 (has links)
Agenda 2030 är en global utvecklingsagenda för att utrota fattigdom, skapa fredliga och trygga samhällen samt stoppa klimatförändringar. Världen står för många utmaningar när det gäller vårt klimat och hur snabbt vi förbrukar jordens resurser. Därför är det mer aktuellt än aldrig att jobba såväl lokalt som globalt med hållbar utveckling, demokrati och att minska fattigdom. Syftet med denna rapport är att samla kunskap om hur kommuner och regioner i Sverige strategiskt arbetar för att nå målen för Agenda 2030 och identifiera faktorer om hur detta arbete framgångsrikt kan implementeras för att lyckas nå målen och en kvalitativ metod har valts för att utröna detta. Författarna använde sig av en webbaserad enkät som skickades via mail till 55 kommuner och regioner i Sverige. Resultatet påvisade att nyckelbegrepp som ledarskap, utbildning och engagemang var avgörande för implementeringen av målen. Olika strategier och quality-managementverktyg används för att implementera målen i organisationerna, däremot visade resultatet att de flesta kommuner och regioner i undersökningen inte hade en uttalad strategi för att uppnå målen i Agenda 2030. Kunskapsgap uppmärksammas i samband med rapporten och mer forskning med syfte att undersöka strategier och verktyg som organisationer kan använda för att implementera målen i Agenda 2030 är relevant. / The Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, is a global agenda that provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for the people and the planet. Our world is facing multiple challenges on stopping climate change and how we’re taking care of each other and our nature worldwide. Therefore, it is more relevant than ever to work locally and globally with sustainable development, democracy, and poverty reduction. The purpose of this report is to gather knowledge on how municipalities and regions in Sweden strategically work to reach the SDGs and identify factors taken by these organizations on how they succeed in their work. A qualitative method has been chosen to determine this. A web-based survey has been sent by e-mail to 56 municipalities and regions across Sweden. The result points out that key concepts such as leadership, education, and engagement are vital for the organizations in order to implement the SDGs in their daily work. Some quality management tools are used in the organizations to accomplish this, but the result also points out that the organizations do not have an explicit strategy for accomplishing the SDGs. The knowledge gap is tangible in Commented [LJ1]: Denna rubrik ligger på fel sida. 3 connection with the report. More research with the aim of examining strategies and tools that organizations can use to implement the goals in the 2030 Agenda is relevant. / <p>2021-06-05</p>

Optimization of an energy system in rural Thailand

Lund, Axel, Malmberg, Mattias January 2023 (has links)
By 2020, Thailand ensured 100% electricity access to its 72 million inhabitants. This was partly done by promoting off-grid energy systems in rural areas instead of using costly grid extensions. Although electricity is ensured for all, future challenges and objectives include- increasing the share of renewable energy and decreasing energy dependence while simultaneously meeting the increasing demand. Off-grid energy solutions for rural areas have been studied in many previous projects. The most optimal energy system concerning cost, resilience, and emissions can be found by quantifying natural resources, estimating electricity consumption, and comparing technologies. This project aims to evaluate how an existing off-grid system can be complemented in the future. This was done by using the optimization program HOMER. The village Ban Wangwon, located in Prachuap Khiri Khan, was for a long time without electricity access due to a law obstructing them from connecting to the grid. This changed when in 2018, households were mounted with PV and BESS. Energy demand in the village was determined in three scenarios based on the World Banks tier system for rural energy and the previous population growth. In addition, the availability of meteorological and natural resources, energy load profile, and price of technology were determined based on the literature review and a field study. According to the results, the most optimal energy system for today's electricity use, Scenario 1, regarding both cost and emissions, was a PV/BESS system. In scenarios 2 and 3, a PV/BESS/Bio configuration proved the most cost-effective, although not optimal regarding emission rates for future energy demand. However, this system sees much lower emissions compared to when diesel generators were included, which makes this suitable for reaching Ban Wangwons requirements. Using a bio generator optimally requires a centralized energy system, requiring settlements with landowners. The biomass fuel considered in this work was pineapple crowns due to the abundance of pineapple factories and farms in the area. After a sensitivity analysis, the most impactful variables proved to be fuel prices, bio generator efficiency, and discount rate. Only one type of solar panel and battery was considered, and the load was assumed to be constant, which hindered the credibility of the results. Future projects could investigate more thoroughly how pineapple waste can be utilized in energy production, how price changes in renewable energy affect the outcome, and how a microgrid would be constructed. The results were considered beneficial in achieving SDGs 1 No poverty, 7 Affordable and clean energy, 11 Sustainable cities and communities, and 13 Climate action. / År 2020 säkerställde Thailand tillgång till el för 100% av sina 72 miljoner invånare. Detta gjordes delvis genom att främja fristående energisystem på landsbygden istället för att använda dyra elnätsförlängningar. Även om el finns tillgängligt för alla, inkluderar framtida utmaningar och mål att öka andelen förnybar energi samt minska energiberoendet samtidigt som efterfrågan på energi ökar. Fristående energilösningar för landsbygden har studerats i många tidigare projekt. Det mest optimala energisystemet gällande kostnader, resilliens och utsläpp kan bestämmas genom att kvantifiera naturliga resurser, uppskatta elförbrukning och jämföra teknologier. I detta projekt utvärderas hur ett redan befintligt fristående system kan kompletteras i framtiden. Detta gjordes med hjälp av optimeringsprogrammet HOMER. Byn Ban Wangwon, belägen i Prachuap Khiri Khan, var länge utan elektricitet på grund av en lag som hindrade dem från att ansluta till nätet. Detta ändrades när hushåll utrustades med PV och BESS år 2018. Energibehovet i byn bestämdes i tre scenarier baserat på the World Banks tier-system för energi på landsbygden samt den tidigare befolkningsökningen. Meteorologiska och naturliga resurser, energianvändningsprofil och teknikpris bestämdes baserat på en litteratur- och fältstudie. Enligt resultaten var det mest optimala energisystemet för dagens elanvädning, Scenario 1, ett PV/BESS system, avseende både kostnader och utsläpp. För de två övriga framtidsscenariorna, Scenario 2 och 3, visade sig en PV/BESS/Bio-konfiguration vara mest kostnadseffektiv, trots att den medför utsläpp. Detta system har dock mycket lägre utsläpp jämfört med dieselelgeneratorer, vilket gör det bra för att nå Ban Wangwons krav. Tillämpning av en biogenerator skulle kräva ett centraliserat energisystem, vilket skulle kräva överenskommelser med markägare. Biomassan som användes i detta arbete var ananasrester på grund av den stora mängden ananasfabriker och plantager i området. Efter en känslighetsanalys visade sig de mest påverkande variablerna vara bränslepris, bio-generatorns effektivitet och diskonteringsräntan. Endast en typ av solpanel och batteri togs i åtanke och elbehovet antogs vara konstant, vilket hindrar trovärdigheten i resultaten. Hur ananasavfall kan användas i energiproduktionen, hur prisförändringar inom förnybarenergi påverkar resultatet och hur ett microgrid skulle kunna konstrueras är alla relevanta frågor för framtida projekt. Resultaten ansågs vara fördelaktiga för att uppnå FN:s hållbarhetsmål 1 Ingen fattigdom, 7 Hållbar energi för alla, 11 Hållbara städer och samhällen och 13 Bekämpa klimatförändringarna.

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