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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sistema especialista para auxílio na utilização de jogos não-educacionais no processo de aprendizagem

Resende, Robson de Souza 11 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:37:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ROBSON DE SOUZA RESENDE.pdf: 2714506 bytes, checksum: 884845704d6b6de5a56566f61d611b90 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Digital games are a resource currently used as an entertainment way, but educational digital games try to make the student use it like a way of learning, in order to arouse interest. Although educational games have utility, in some cases they can show problems, like have repetitive tasks, unmotivated challenges or lack of teaching resources. The goal of this work is to develop a system able to find educational resources in games that are not considered educational, with the purpose to use them for teaching, since some of them are seen by the market like a good entertainment way, the goal with this is arouse interest of the students for some subject. The system is a web application developed in C#. It works receiving from the user what he wants to teach about some subject in the field of geography. The system realizes an inference for to search digital games and generate educational reports with the games and features that can be used for teaching about the desired subject. So, it is not necessary that the user has knowledge about the field of games for to use the system and check the digital games and ways of apply it in education. / Jogos digitais são um recurso utilizado atualmente como uma forma de entretenimento, jogos digitais educacionais por sua vez, tentam fazer com que o estudante utilize esse recurso com o intuito de aprender de forma mais dinâmica e que desperte maior interesse. Embora jogos digitais educacionais tenham utilidade, em alguns casos eles podem apresentar problemas, tais como possuir tarefas repetitivas, desafios sem motivação ou falta de recursos pedagógicos. O objetivo deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de um sistema que seja capaz de encontrar recursos educacionais em jogos digitais que não são considerados educacionais, com o propósito de utilizá-los no ensino, visto que alguns deles já são consagrados no mercado como uma forma de entretenimento, o objetivo com isso é despertar o interesse dos estudantes por determinado assunto. O sistema é uma aplicação web desenvolvida em C#, que funciona recebendo do usuário o que ele deseja ensinar a respeito de algum assunto da área de geografia, em seguida realiza uma inferência para buscar jogos digitais e gerar relatórios educacionais com os possíveis jogos digitais e características que podem ser utilizadas para ensinar a respeito do assunto que o usuário deseja. Logo, não é necessário que o usuário tenha conhecimento da área de jogos digitais para utilizar o sistema e verificar jogos digitais e maneiras de aplicá-los no ensino.

Comunicação e Jogos Digitais em ambientes educacionais: Literacias de Mídia e Informação dos professores de Educação Física da cidade de São Paulo / Communication and Digital Games in Educational\'s Environment: Media and Information Literacy of São Paulo\'s Physical Education Teachers.

Alan Queiroz da Costa 31 March 2017 (has links)
Num contexto de avanços tecnológicos, a emergência do digital no contemporâneo conectado se apresenta por meio de novas práticas, costumes e relações entre as pessoas e as Plataformas Digitais. Assim, a presente tese de doutorado se insere na interface entre Comunicação e Educação como campo privilegiado para discussões e estudos em busca desses entendimentos. Apesar de grandes avanços em pesquisas nessa área, existe, ainda hoje, um grande eco em relação às novas linguagens oferecidas pelos aparatos eletrônicos e à capacidade de assimilação pelas gerações dos educadores e seus educandos. Dessa maneira propõe-se a inclusão dos Jogos Digitais no debate, a partir de sua presença no cotidiano dos estudantes, seja por meio de seu crescimento mercadológico ou mesmo pela ludicidade, característica presente em todos os jogos e que se materializa nas aulas de Educação Física. Nessa conjuntura, ainda se consideram escassos os estudos que abordam as habilidades e/ou competências necessárias aos indivíduos para lidarem com essas plataformas, aqui incluídos os Jogos Digitais, ainda mais em se tratando do público escolhido para essa pesquisa, os professores de Educação Física. Tomando então, o \"Currículo MIL para formação de professores\" proposto pela UNESCO como referência, essa tese objetivou mapear as Literacias de Mídia e Informação (MIL) dos professores de Educação Física em seus ambientes educacionais. Com a adoção de protocolos multimetodológicos como questionários, entrevistas e o uso das técnicas de análise de conteúdo para apreciação dos resultados, concluiu-se que, apesar dos professores de Educação Física de São Paulo não utilizarem os Jogos Digitais em suas aulas, estes são considerados pelos mesmos como meios de comunicação e reconhecidos por seu caráter influenciador e abrangente que representam em nosso cotidiano. Além disso, propõe-se que o entendimento das competências sugeridas pelo \"Currículo MIL para formação de professores\" da UNESCO sejam utilizadas como alternativa integradora para a compreensão do conceito de MIL como caminho para ampliar olhares e estratégias mantendo seu viés crítico, mas também estimulando os docentes a se engajarem com as possibilidades que as Plataformas Digitais, os Jogos Digitais e demais mídias podem oferecer à prática docente e formação para uma participação cívica plena na sociedade contemporânea. / In the technological advances context of, the emergency of digital in the connected contemporary is presented through new practices, customs and relationships between people and Digital Platforms. Thus, the present doctoral thesis is inserted in the interface between Communication and Education as a privileged field for discussions and studies in search of these understandings. Despite of the great advances in research made in this area, there is still a great echo regarding the new languages offered by electronic devices and the assimilation capacity of educators and their students. In this way, it is proposed to include Digital Games in the debate, based on their presence in the students\' daily life, through their market growth and playfulness, a characteristic that is present in all games and materialized in physical education classes. At this juncture, the studies that approach the necessary skills and / or competences necessary for individuals to deal with these platforms, here included the Digital Games, are still considered scarce, even more when it comes to the target audience of this research: Physical Education teachers. Using the \"Media and Information Literacy (MIL) curriculum for teacher\" suggested by UNESCO as reference, this thesis aimed to map the MIL of Physical Education teachers in their educational environments. With the adoption of multimethodological protocols such as questionnaires, interviews and the use of content analysis techniques to evaluate the results, it was concluded that, although Physical Education teachers in São Paulo do not use Digital Games in their classes, they considered the these games as means of communication and they recognize that rhe Digital Games are influential and that they have a comprehensive character in our daily life. In addition, it is proposed that the competences suggested by the UNESCO\'s \"MIL Curriculum for teachers\" should be used as an integrating alternative to the understanding of the MIL\'s concept to broaden perspectives and strategies while maintain their critical bias but also stimulate teachers to engage with the possibilities that Digital Platforms, Digital Games and other media can offer to teaching practices and training for fully civic participation in the contemporary society.

Exit game? Any unsaved progress will be lost : En praktikteoretisk analys av relationen mellan svenska spelföretag och ABM-institutioner / Exit game? Any unsaved progress will be lost : A practice theory analysis of the relationship between Swedish game companies and ALM-institutions.

Risheim, Lina, Smedsaas, Klara January 2017 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the relationship between Swedish video game companies and the institutions for Archive, Libraries and Museums (ALM). The aim is to further the discussion regarding preservation of digital games. The thesis is based on semi-structured interviews with four video game companies and three institutions; an archive, a library and a museum. The theoretical foundation resides within practice theory, with the assumption that a practice is a combination of what people do and what they say. By analyzing what video game companies say they do the authors ascertain which methods of preservation is currently. The analysis is a cross-examination of the seven interviews with the result indicating that while video game companies are interested in the preservation of digital games they do not participate actively in the discussion on the best method of doing so. Communica- tion between video game companies and ALM institutions has room for improvement, as it is virtually non- existent. Furthermore, the findings indicate different motivations for preserving games and it is unclear which perspective the preservation should have; a technical perspective, cultural perspective or for the company’s bene- fit. In conclusion the current situation is that ALM institutions preserve games with a cultural and/or a technical perspective while game companies preserve their games for the company’s benefit.

Does it matter? / Does it matter?

Herbertsson, Anna, Johansson, Rosanna January 2013 (has links)
Swedish: Det här kandidatarbetet undersöker om karaktärer med icke-normativ sexualitet finns representerade i digitala spel och hur dessa framställs. Arbetet har även fokus på de reaktioner samhället har visat i samband med att spel som behandlar ämnet icke-normativ sexualitet kommit ut på marknaden. Syftet är att uppmärksamma och ge insikt om icke-normativ sexualitet som ämne och hur diskussionen av detta kan leda till en utveckling inom spelmediet. Informationen som användes för att undersöka ämnet och dess reaktioner finns sammanställt under ett forskningsmomentet, vilket sedan utvecklas till flera noveller. Dessa noveller har sedan användes i en undersökning som genomfördes av 11 stycken deltagare. English: This bachelor thesis investigates if characters with non-normative sexuality are represented in digital games and how these are portrayed. The thesis' focus is also to study the reactions games dealing with the subject of non-normative sexuality have received from society, and how the discussion about this can lead to a growth for games as a medium. The information used to analyze this subject and its reactions is collected from a time of researching, which later was developed into a number of short stories. These short stories were then used to conduct a survey answered by 11 respondents. Keywords: Homosexuality, bisexuality, digital games, non-normative sexuality, interpretation, game medium.

Virtuella karaktärer, verkliga känslor : En studie av skuld och relationer i digitala spel

Lidbeck, Max, Bielsten, Henrik January 2016 (has links)
Det här kandidatarbetet undersöker relationer mellan personer som spelar digitala spel och fiktiva spelkaraktärer och hur de kan påverkas av skuldkänslor. Syftet är att beskriva skuld som känsla och hur man, i ett spelscenario, kan utnyttja hur människor förhåller sig till den för att skapa starkare band mellan den som spelar och en fiktiv karaktär i spelet. För att undersöka problemområdet genomfördes en spelproduktion där vår kunskap kring skuldkänslor användes för att designa och utveckla ett spelscenario ämnat att frambringa skuldkänslor hos spelaren och i förlängning förstärka bandet mellan denne och en fiktiv spelkaraktär. Denna produktion testades sedan mot respondenter och resultatet sammanställdes med reflektioner kring hur skuldkänslor kan användas som ett verktyg i framtida spelproduktioner. / This bachelor thesis studies the relationship between people who play games and fictive game characters and how they can be affected by feelings of guilt. The purpose of the thesis is to describe guilt as a feeling and how game creators could take advantage of the way people relate to it to achieve stronger bonds between the players of the game and the fictive characters in it. To examine the problem area a game production was conducted in which our knowledge about feelings of guilt were used to design and develop a game scenario meant to generate guilty feelings in the player and in extension strengthen the bond between him/her and a fictive game character. This production was then tested on respondents and the results were compiled alongside reflections on how feelings of guilt could be used as a tool in future game productions.

Fourth Wall Manipulation in Digital Games and its Impact on the Gameplay Experience

Bräysy, Alex, Arkö, Axel January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores how manipulation of the fourth wall can affect players’ Gameplay Experience in digital games, due to the lack of any significant research regarding the matter. In preparation of the study, multiple commercially released digital games with instances of fourth wall manipulation were analysed. This led to the creation of four distinct game design patterns. These patterns were implemented into a game artefact specifically created for the study, which was played by eight participants. After playing, the participants were interviewed about how they experienced the game artefact. The results show that the majority of the patterns had a positive effect on both the participants’ immersion and engagement, which both form part of the Gameplay Experience model. / Denna uppsats undersöker hur manipulering av den fjärde väggen kan påverka spelupplevelsen i digitala spel, då det saknas allmän betydelsefull forskning gällande ämnet. Under förstadiet av denna studie analyserades flertalet kommersiellt lanserade digitala spel som innehöll instanser av fjärde väggen manipuleringar. Detta ledde till skapandet av fyra olika designmönster. Dessa mönster implementerades i en spelartefakt specifikt skapad för studien, vilken spelades av åtta deltagare. Efter att ha spelat blev deltagarna intervjuade om hur de upplevde spelet. Resultaten påvisar att majoriteten av designmönstren hade en positiv inverkan både på deltagarnas immersion och engagemang, vilka båda formar delar av spelupplevelsemodellen.

SPEL OCH DESS NARRATIV : Berättelser i digitala offline-rollspel

Bellmyr, Simon January 2012 (has links)
Det är uppenbart att narrativ används i spel, inte minst i offline-RPG:n (ORPG:n), där berättelserna är vad som står i centrum. Samtidigt som dessa är ett välkomnatfenomen har de också en tendens att passivisera spelaren och påverka känslan avfrihet. I hur hög grad de gör detta är till viss del subjektivt och därför är det av viktvad som motiverar ORPG-spelaren till spelandet. Denna studie har utvecklat tvåspelprototyper som baseras på motivationerna immersion respektive prestation föratt påvisa motivationsgruppernas preferenser. Studien har fokuserat på att ta reda påhur stor vikt de båda grupperna lägger på känslan av frihet, och haft som hypotes attkravet är högre hos prestationsmotiverade spelare. Av utvärderingen att döma gårdet inte att med säkerhet falsifiera eller bekräfta detta.

Digital Game Mechanics : to create an analog board game prototype / Digitala spelmekaniker : för att skapa en analog brädspels prototyp

Rudvi, Emil January 2013 (has links)
Analog games misses a lot of quick games in terms of game time and play time in the FPS genre. This genre often takes more time to play in an analog game. Could the game play become quicker by examining the different game mechanics in order to give the players a smoother game play by a reduction of downtime. Game mechanics that could be found in a digital FPS game such as Doom III, were converted to a prototype. These digital gameplay mechanics were converted so that an analog game could be played simultaneously. These game mechanics decrease the game time and down time in a way that a game using a turn based game order would not. The digital game Doom III was used to create the prototype and eight analog games of different types and genres were examined to collect more unique game mechanics. All were suited for a multiplayer type of gameplay. To get an understanding of what game elements were well liked in both digital and analog games, a questionnaire was created with twelve questions. The participants answered questions on the subjects of their favourite genre, missing game mechanics in both digital and analog games, well liked game mechanics, and also what the participants thought was impossible to create in a game in terms of game mechanics. The results of both the analysis of the eight analog games and the answers from the participants created the base plan for the development of the prototype focusing on low downtime, re-playability, and an average amount of luck. Several game mechanics were discussed and some of them were play tested. This resulted in keeping some game mechanics while others were removed because these game mechanics did not provide a rewarding gameplay. Several game mechanics were nearly impossible to implement without the use of a digital representation. An example on this type of issue was the first person view in the digital game. The perception of skill based game mechanics could be moved to an analog board game but would have to be determined by other game mechanics instead of the player’s physical capabilities. The conclusion lead to a prototype that could be played in an hour, which is a low game time for games in this genre. The FPS gameplay mechanics was converted to an analog game, but all game mechanics could not be transferred to the prototype without a conversion. / Gränsvägen 29 372 37 Ronneby Phone +46(0)708 35 04 45

Poetically Man Dwells in Game Space : A Phenomenological Investigation of Video Games as Art

Hagström, Anders January 2017 (has links)
The studies of digital games is a young scientific field notable for its interdisciplinary nature that seeks to unite several epistemological positions in order to properly encompass the wide array of questions raised by the subject matter. During the last two decades strides have been made towards the introduction of a unified game theory, with several of the more recently suggested methods coalescing towards a similar end. This paper posits a phenomenological game theory which circumvents the usual aesthetic arguments for a focus on game as space, and analyses what it means to be in that space. The result of the initial reading of mainly three well-known and critically acclaimed digital games strongly indicates that using Heideggerian phenomenological thought reveals things about games as art that a) reinforces the validity of commonly held beliefs in current game theory, and b) suggests new ways forward for game design to improve games through enhancing the player’s comportment into their spaces by means of phenomenological game theory.

Hur spel blir kulturarv : En fallstudie om kulturarvsproduktion utifrån praktiker i Play Beyond Play på Tekniska museet / How games become heritage : A case study of cultural heritage production in practices of Play Beyond Play at Tekniska museet

Högström, John January 2019 (has links)
This research explores games as cultural heritage. The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge about how games as cultural heritage is made. The study seeks answers to which principal museum practices that are being carried out in the work with games as cultural heritage and what constitutes them. Furthermore this study explains how these practices influences the making of games as cultural heritage. The analysis has been carried out on Play Beyond Play, a game exhibition made at Tekniska museet in Stockholm 2018, where practices is being understood and analyzed from a practice theory perspective with the use of games as boundary objects. The empiric data was collected through semi-structured qualitative interviews with people working with the content of the exhibition and an place-based observation of the exhibition itself. The concept of ”anchoring practices” has been used as an analythic method to find and sort which principal practices that were carried out. The analysis resulted in six principal practices in the work of knowledge and mediation of games as techinchal development, the role of playablity, the matter of thinking ctitically, the effect of practical limitations and possibilities, the implementation and use of research, and the certification of games as cultural heritage. These practices influence the making of games as cultural heritage by defining games, how knowledge about games should be carried out and why games is important as cultural heritage through the location, role and area of focus at Tekniska museet. The study contributes with explanations and reinforces the connection between practices and the use of objects to create and mediate knowledge about games, where the knowledge carried out is affected by the context where it is being created through a longer period of time. This is a two years master’s thesis in Museum and Cultural Heritage Studies.

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