Spelling suggestions: "subject:"etnografi"" "subject:"netnografi""
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Interaktivt Tittande : Ökat intresse för E-sport genom socialt gameplayMilveden, Victor, Skog, Anton January 2018 (has links)
I detta kandidatarbete har vi undersökt hur ett interaktivt tittande och miljön tittaren befinner sig i kan bidra till ett ökat intresse. När vi skriver interaktivt tittande menar vi en form av åskådande där åskådaren även integrerar med tittarupplevelsen. Vi tar upp Esportens framfart och hur det har påverkat det interaktiva tittandet tillväxt. Med vår gestaltning prövar vi hur våra teoretiska påståenden kan appliceras på en social miljö. Under arbetsprocessen har vi använt oss av ett flertal metoder såsom etnografi och scrum för att slutföra vår undersökning och gestaltning. / In this bachelor's thesis we have investigated how an interactive viewing and the environment the viewer finds themselves in can contribute to increased interest. When writing interactive viewing, we mean a form of perception where the spectator also integrates with the viewing experience. We take up the progress of Esport and how it has influenced the growth of interactive viewing. With our design, we have tested how our theoretical claims can be applied in a social environment. During the work process we have used a number of methods such as ethnography and scrum to complete our survey and design.
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Ditt Nya Hageby - en etnografisk undersökning av en social verksamhetKällstedt, Joel January 2005 (has links)
The study explores different aspects of how a social organization is created and maintained in the space between the institution and the individual. Based on fieldwork, participant observation and individual interviews in the housing estate of Hageby, Norrköping, this ethnographic study examines how and why the organization “Ditt Nya Hageby” was created, as well as the unanimity between the purpose of the organization and the engagement of the members. Two projects within the organization are especially examined, along with the roles of the two members behind them. The study presents three perspectives from which “Ditt Nya Hageby” can be viewed. The first perspective presents an organizational viewpoint where the complex of problems concerning the creation and the maintenance of “Ditt Nya Hageby” are explored. The second perspective presents two projects that are being run within the organization. The members behind the two projects also play an important part in this perspective. The third perspective presents the practical work carried out in one of the two projects presented in the second perspective. This perspective also incorporates different views on the organization from people who are not involved as members of “Ditt Nya Hageby”. The study concludes that “Ditt Nya Hageby” in fact is a result of different, and sometimes incompatible, needs. In the larger context it is shown that “Ditt Nya Hageby” is a further step towards a society consisting of individual institutionalism.
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Gud fader, hjälten och den heliga andan : En etnografisk studie vid Omris bruk / God the father, the hero and the holy spirit : An ethnographic study on the Industry of OmriDahlholm, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att skapa förståelse för hur sociala relationer bevaras och förändras över tid där centrum för relationerna utgörs av en gemensam arbetsplats. Studien berör en bruksort i Sverige som har fått det fiktiva namnet Omri. Sociala relationer kopplat till materiella faktorer är ett ämne som uppsatsen berör både inledningsvis och i en avslutande diskussionsdel.Studiens empiriska material är inhämtat genom kvalitativa intervjuer där anställda på Omris bruk har fått berätta sina upplevelser av brukets blomstringstid.Resultatet visar på upplevda klassmotsättningar som utgörs främst av två grupper – arbetarna och tjänstemännen. Analysens fokus är att förklara hur klasskillnaderna en gång i tiden uppkom på Omris bruk och hur de har bevarats med tiden. Avslutningsvis redogör studien för hur en person, genom sina karismatiska egenskaper kunde bryta upp stora delar av traditionella, klassbetingade beteenden och skapa en, som informanterna beskriver det, mer lättsam tillvaro.
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Litteratursamtal i kontaktzonen : Praktik, identitet och språk i en teckenspråkig bokcirkel / Literature discussions in the contact zone : Practice, identity and language in a reading group in sign languageZandieh, Zahra January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s thesis was to study literacy practices in a reading group of nine women discussing fiction in Swedish sign language. The following research questions were examined: What patterns of action have taken form in this practice and what meaning is attributed to these patterns? How can this reading group be understood in the light of Päivi Fredäng’s research on identity and cultural changes in the Swedish Deaf world? How do the participants handle using two different languages and modalities during the discussions, and to what extent can this be understood using Mary Louise Pratts concept contact zone? Finally, the last question aims to explore the reasons behind the very scarce number of reading groups in Sweden discussing fiction in sign language. An ethnographic study was conducted through one participant observation and three semi-structured interviews face to face recorded on camera, one email interview and one recorded phone interview. The interviews in sign language were translated into written Swedish. What Peplow terms a ‘mimetic’ reading practice was the most dominant way of discussing literature, whereas thematic or synthetic reading practices were less frequent. The participants found that the reading group broadened their reading habits and that the discussions sometimes had bibliotherapeutic elements. They often discussed issues related to the oppression of women whereas questions related to Deaf people and sign language were not often discussed. The reading group could be understood in the light of the changes that the Swedish Deaf world, and society at large have gone through over the last decades. The collective Deaf identity is more frequently based on shared values concerning sign language rather than ideological standpoints. More individualized perspectives and interest-based networks based on sign language become more common. This falls under what Fredäng describes as co-culture where deafness loses its superior position in the identity. The participants’ audiological and linguistic backgrounds were diverse, only around half of them had Swedish sign language as their first language. The literacy practices were to a great extent influenced by the diversity concerning the participants’ backgrounds. Some of the informants said that one main reason for joining was to improve their skills in sign language. To others, the reading group seemed to strengthen their skills in written Swedish. One aspect of the literacy practices of this reading group was language preservation, where the participants helped each other to a more ‘pure’ sign language. Using the theoretical framework developed in New Literacy Studies, the lack of reading groups discussing fiction in sign language could be understood as a result of the literacy practices used in the Swedish Deaf education system that followed the Milan Conference that took place in 1880. The conference led to the banning of sign language in favour of oral methods. Contemporary literacy practices in the Swedish Deaf world can be traced back to these practices in the education system. Further research is needed to study literacy practices among Deaf people in Sweden, for example among younger generations that have taken part of a bi-lingual education. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.
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Rektorer emellan : kollegialt lärande vs konkurrens / Principals in between : collegial learning vs competitionBygdén, Annika January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this master`s thesis has been to both describe the prevalence of collegial learning in a municipal principal's unit, as well as to contribute to an understanding of whether competition between schools can affect the development of the principal's profession, the operations of the schools and the chain of command of the municipality. As theoretical and methodological starting points I have used ethnography, nexus analysis and learning in practice communities. Six interviews and three observations of principals' meetings have been conducted. The results show that there are collegial work processes present during the principals' meetings, albeit to a small extent, and that competition between schools affects the development of the principals' profession, the activities of the schools and the chain of command of the municipality. My conclusions based on this study are that collegial learning between principals could develop the profession of principals, the operations of schools and the chain of command, if the collegial work processes have a clear common goal, which principals analyze, problematize and share their activities with others, which subsequently leads to a common understanding. Collegial learning could also help counteract competition and rivalry and instead be used to create a community where principals see each other as assets and possible work partners. / Syftet med denna mastersuppsats har varit att dels beskriva förekomsten av kollegialt lärande i en kommunal rektorsenhet, dels att bidra med en förståelse om huruvida konkurrens mellan skolor kan påverka utvecklingen av rektors profession, skolornas verksamhet samt kommunens styrkedja. Etnografi, nexusanalys samt lärande i praktikgemenskaper har använts som teoretisk och metodologisk utgångspunkt. Sex intervjuer och tre observationer av rektorsmöten har genomförts. Resultatet visar att det förekommer kollegiala arbetsprocesser under rektorsmötena, om än i ringa mån, samt att konkurrens mellan skolor kan påverka utvecklingen av rektors profession, skolornas verksamhet samt kommunens styrkedja. Mina slutsatser utifrån denna studie är att kollegialt lärande mellan rektorer skulle kunna utveckla rektors profession, skolornas verksamhet och kommunens styrkedja om de kollegiala arbetsprocesserna har ett tydligt och gemensamt mål samt att rektorerna analyserar, problematiserar och delar sin verksamhet i syfte att nå en gemensam förståelse. Kollegialt lärande skulle också kunna hjälpa till att motverka konkurrens och rivalitet och istället skapa en gemenskap där rektorerna kan se varandra som en tillgång och en möjlig samarbetspartner.
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Antropologi i offentlig sektor : Etnografiska perspektiv inom statens offentliga utredningar / Anthropology in the public sector : Ethnographic perspectives within statens offentliga utredningarTheorin Hellman, Mangus January 2020 (has links)
Statens offentliga utredningar, så kallade SOU, är ett viktigt statligt redskap för att informera riksdag och regering om situationer som kräver deras uppmärksamhet. En utredning består, oftast, av en särskild utredare eller en kommitté, och ett sekretariat, för att underlätta utredarens arbete, samt en expertgrupp för att bidra med expertis genom att reagera på utredningen allt eftersom den skrivs. Denna struktur är väldigt anpasslig, fler eller färre personer kan vara tillsatta i vilken som helst av rollerna. Vilka som tillsätts var bestäms utifrån vilka Regeringskansliet och utredaren anser passar bäst. I dagsläget ligger fokus för de flesta utredningar på de juridiska aspekterna och lösningarnarelaterade till en fråga. Större delen av utredare, sekreterare och experter kommer från någon form av juridisk bakgrund och använder de metoder de är vana vid inom den disciplinen. Detta har resulterat i att visa perspektiv lämnas obrukade vilket i sin tur leder till att en död vinkel uppstår för regeringen. Det bästa sättet att eliminera denna vinkel är att vidga verksamhetens fokus bort från det rent juridiska och inkludera andra perspektiv. Etnografiska metoder används som oftast av antropologer då det ger en bättre insyn i enkultur och/eller en grupp. En av de stora styrkorna med statliga utredningar är att de ger den offentliga sektorn större möjlighet att förstå och hantera problem. Att kombinera den redan befintliga djupdykningskapaciteten med etnografins vidare möjligheter för insyn i gruppdynamiker och kulturella resonemang skulle därför vara till stor nytta för statliga utredningar i Sverige. Som det ser ut i dag så behöver statliga utredningar förhålla sig till landets invånare utefter den särskilda utredarens egen förmåga. Ofta står denna utredare utan direkt erfarenhet av metoder som är anpassade till detta. Att introducera antropologer och etnografi i statens offentliga utredningar skulle åtgärda detta på en gång och ge regeringen bättre verktyg för att agera i relation till sin befolkning. Etnografi är för undersökning vad glasögon är för mig, jag kan fortfarande se utan dem, men med dem blir allt mycket tydligare. / ”Statens offentliga utredningar” (directly translated as “the state’s public investigations”.), are an important government tool to inform the Riksdag and the government about situations that require their attention. An investigation usually consists of a special investigator or committee, and a secretariat, to facilitate the investigator’s work, and an expert group to contribute expertise by responding to the investigation as it is written. This structure is very customizable, more or fewer people can be added in any of the roles. Which ones are added to each is determined on the basis of which the Government Offices and the investigator consider best. At present, most investigations focus on the legal aspects and solutions related to a question. The majority of investigators, secretaries and experts come from some form of legal background and use the methods they are used to in that discipline. This has resulted in some perspectives being left unused, which in turn leads to a dead angle for the government. The best way to eliminate this angle is to widen the focus of the business away from the purely legal and include other perspectives. Ethnographic methods are most often used by anthropologists as they provide a better insight into a culture and / or a group. One of the major strengths of government investigations is that they give the public sector greater opportunity to understand and manage problems. Combining the already existing deep-diving capacity with the wider opportunities of ethnography for insight into group dynamics and cultural reasoning would therefore be of great benefit to government investigations in Sweden. As it seems today, state investigations need to relate to the country’s residents along the particular investigator’s own ability. Often, this investigator stands without direct experience of methods that are adapted to this. Introducing anthropologists and ethnography in the state’s public investigations would remedy this at once and give the government better tools to act in relation to its population. Ethnography is for examining what glasses are to me, I can still see without them, but with them everything becomes much clearer.
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I skuggan av ett yrke : om gymnasieelevers identitetsskapande på hantverksprogrammet frisör / In the shadow of a vocation : identitycreation within the vocational education and training for hairdressersKlope, Eva January 2015 (has links)
This study attempts to understand the creation of identities, especially focusing on vocational identities within the vocational education and training (VET) for hairdressers. To be trained for a vocation like hairdressing means that more has to be learnt other than to do nice haircuts or other treatments. The handicraft is one part of the vocational knowing of hairdressing, but to be a hairdresser is about something more besides handicraft. Identity in this study is understood from a sociological perspective influenced by Richard Jenkins’ (2004, 2008) theoretical model of social identities. This is used together with the Bourdieu-inspired concept of vocational habitus (Colley, James, Tedder, & Diment, 2003). The method is inspired by ethnographic research and the empirical material consists of interviews and observations. Based on this material personal portraits have been created of four students. The intention is to focus on the students’ perspective about the everyday activities in school and their experiences of being trained for a vocation in school. The analyse shows that students are trained to develop a vocational habitus, to look, move, talk and feel like a hairdresser is expected to. The students encounter these expectations differently, depending on their identities as hairdressers, students or identities established in other contexts. A main finding of the study is that student identities and vocational identities sometimes are in conflict with each other. The contribution of the study is an increased understanding of identity creation in vocational education. It also contributes to a better knowledge of young people in vocational education and their relationship with their vocational education and upcoming vocation.
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Så är det ju - den blir aldrig färdig! : En etnografisk studie om förskolepedagogers arbete med pedagogisk dokumentationHolmberg, Charlotte January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation is about educators work with pedagogical documentation in Swedish preschools. The purpose has been to investigate how pedagogical documentation is realized in everyday work in two preschools and examine how educators express themselves on purposes, opportunities and difficulties with this approach. This has been important to study since many preschools have chosen to work with pedagogic documentation to follow up and assure the quality of their work. Since 2010 pedagogical documentation is included in the preschools curriculum. The study was conducted at two different preschools where I followed a total of six educators in two preschool departments for two months in each department. Methods used to collect data were selected based on an ethnographic approach. Data collection consists of field notes, photographs, recorded interviews and documentations from preschools and their working plans. The analysis is based on a curriculum theory perspective, and especially important concepts have been transformation arena and realization arena. Furthermore, frame factor theory and the didactic questions what, how and why, have been used to analyze data. The results show that the documentation works where formulated in different ways depending on the frames and conditions. One preschool unit was at a municipal preschool without any special pedagogical approach. Here the pedagogical documentation was in a startup phase and was one of many tasks in the pedagogical work. The other preschool unit was in a Reggio Emilia inspired preschool who had worked with pedagogical documentation for several years. Here the work with pedagogical documentation was the driving force for developing the work. This ideological difference was reflected in what the educators documented, how they documented and how the documentations were used. Pedagogical documentation was partly be seen as a cumbersome way of working among the participants, whether they are beginners or experienced. It is in the nature of the work with pedagogical documentation that there are no obvious answers, which can lead to some uncertainty whether one is right or not. Other factors leading to frustration is that this approach is time-consuming and that the new technologies available require a lot of skills to be used. The study highlights that continuous training plays a crucial role as one of educator’s preconditions to succeed in the work with pedagogical documentation. In this study, one can also see how ethical aspects constantly makes themselves felt and need to be highlighted. The main impression is that the educators, despite the perceived difficulties, felt that it was stimulating and meaningful to work with pedagogical documentation and that they saw it as a tool for developing their work. / Denna licentiatavhandling handlar om pedagogers arbete med pedagogisk dokumentation inom svensk förskola. Syftet har varit att undersöka hur pedagogisk dokumentation realiseras i vardagen på två förskolor samt undersöka hur pedagogerna uttrycker sig om syfte, möjligheter och svårigheter med detta arbetssätt. Detta har varit viktigt att studera mot bakgrund av att många förskolor har valt att arbeta med pedagogisk dokumentation för att följa upp och kvalitetssäkra sina verksamheter. Sedan 2010 ingår det enligt förskolans läroplan i deras uppdrag att dokumentera. Studien har genomförts på två olika förskolor där jag följt totalt sex pedagoger på två avdelningar under två månaders tid på varje avdelning. Metoder för att samla in data har valts med utgångspunkt i en etnografisk ansats. Datakollektionen består av fältanteckningar, fotografier, inspelade intervjuer, dokumentationer från förskolorna samt deras arbetsplan/verksamhetsplan. Analysen har skett utifrån ett läroplansteoretiskt perspektiv och speciellt viktiga begrepp har varit transformeringsarenan och realiseringsarenan. Vidare har ramfaktorteori och de didaktiska frågorna vad, hur och varför använts för att analysera data. Resultatet visar att dokumentationsarbetet utformades på olika sätt beroende på ramar och förutsättningar. Den ena förskoleavdelningen tillhörde en kommunal förskola utan speciell pedagogisk inriktning. Där var arbetet med pedagogisk dokumentation i en uppstartsfas och en av många arbetsuppgifter i verksamheten. Den andra förskoleavdelningen tillhörde en Reggio Emilia-inspirerad förskola som hade arbetat med pedagogisk dokumentation i flera år. Där var arbetet med pedagogisk dokumentation navet som drev verksamheten framåt. Denna ideologiska skillnad avspeglade sig i vad pedagogerna dokumenterade, hur de dokumenterade och hur dokumentationerna användes. Pedagogisk dokumentation uppfattades delvis som ett svårt arbetssätt bland pedagogerna, både bland nybörjare på området och bland dem som var mer erfarna. Det ligger i arbetssättets natur att det inte finns givna svar, vilket kan leda till en viss osäkerhet om huruvida man gör rätt eller inte. Andra faktorer som leder till frustration är att arbetssättet är tidskrävande och att den nya tekniken ställer stora krav på kompetens för att kunna användas. Studien belyser hur kontinuerlig fortbildning på förkolan spelar en avgörande roll för pedagogernas förutsättningar att lyckas med arbetet med pedagogisk dokumentation. I denna studie kan man också se hur etiska aspekter ständigt gör sig påminda och behöver lyftas fram som viktiga. Huvudintrycket är att pedagogerna, trots de upplevda svårigheterna, ansåg att det var utvecklande och meningsfullt att arbeta med pedagogisk dokumentation och att man såg det som ett fortbildningsverktyg.
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You First Then Me : Exploring Complexity with Art Workshops / You first then me : Att utforska komplexitet med bildverkstäderde Beer, Mostyn January 2020 (has links)
This work takes as its starting point the idea that awareness and understanding of the complex nature of relationships, among people and the natural and built environment, is of crucial importance against the background of the ongoing environmental crisis. The author explores how holding art workshops can contribute with specific knowledge about this complexity. In early 2020, the author held art workshops in the South African port city of Durban, in a gallery area adjacent to a park. Qualitative methods, including ethnography and visual methods, were put to use in the study which developed from this project. The stages of fieldwork, processing and analysis are described in detail. The study’s posthumanist theoretical framework draws in insights from Arts-Based Environmental Education and Art Education for Sustainable Development, as well as current thinking about design and creativity. These ideas, together with the choice of methods, facilitated an awareness of correspondences, or productive similarities, among elements from the workshops and the surrounding area. Noticing correspondences like these widened the project’s focus to include informants, groups and stories from the edges of the field, and opened up possibilities for relating local insights to larger concerns. The study considers how holding art workshops can provide opportunities for research into environmental, educational and social issues. It concludes with a discussion about how thinking about complexity can be productive within the field of Art Education.
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Att möjliggöra säker sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa : - En observationsstudie med etnografisk ansats / To incorporate safe sexual and reproductive health : - An observational study using ethnographic approachEricsson, Cecilia, Ögren, Marlene January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Alla individer innehar grundläggande rättigheter just i egenskap av att vara människa. Rätten till hälsa är en av dessa, och ska bland annat inkludera säker sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa. I den georgiska utbrytarprovinsen Abchazien tillgodoses inte hela befolkningen denna rättighet. Gali-distriktet är beläget nära gränsen till övriga Georgien och anses som ett lågprioriterat område. Kvinnors position beskrivs där extra utsatt, då exempelvis våld i nära relationer är vanligt förekommande. Inom Abchazien finns icke-statliga organisationer som arbetar för att tillgodose människors grundläggande rättigheter. Avangard är en av dessa och arbetar med sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa för kvinnor i Gali-distriktet. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att belysa hur vårdpersonalen på en icke-statlig organisation kan möjliggöra säker sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa för kvinnor i Gali, Abchazien. Metod: Empirisk studie med kvalitativ metod, baserad på deltagande observationer med etnografisk ansats. Materialet har bearbetats genom innehållsanalys, där kategorier samt teman arbetats fram. Resultat: Framkomna fynd presenteras utifrån tre teman med totalt sex inkluderande kategorier: Kompetens – Utbildad personal och Engagemang, Sammanhang - Undervisning i sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och gynekologisk vård, Resurser – Miljö och Material. Slutsats: Studien belyser hur flertalet komponenter möjliggjorde den sexuella och reproduktiva hälsan. Genom utbildad och lokalt förankrad personal, kunde Avangard bidra till att hälso- och sjukvård samt kunskapsförmedling genomfördes trots vissa hinder. Klinisk betydelse: Denna studie kan bidra till ökad förståelse i hur rättigheter inom sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa kan möjliggöras. Vidare förhoppning är att sjuksköterskan ska reflektera över kvinnors situation världen över, för att kunna bidra till ökad sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa. / Background: Everyone has fundamental rights just of being human. The right to health is one of these, which includes safe sexual and reproductive health. In the Georgian breakaway region Abkhazia, all the people can’t claim the right to health. Gali district, near the border to the rest of Georgia, is considered as a low priority area. Domestic violence is common in the region and women’s positions are described as extra vulnerable. In Abkhazia several non-governmental organizations operates to incorporate people's basic rights. Avangard is one of them, and they’re working with women’s sexual and reproductive health in Gali district. Aim: The aim of this study was to illuminate how the staff of a non-governmental organization incorporate safe sexual and reproductive health for women in Gali, Abkhazia. Method: An empirical study using a qualitative method, based on participant observations with ethnographic approach. The data were processed through content analysis, which ended up in categories and themes. Results: The presented findings are collected in three themes, including total six categories: Competence – Educated staff and Engagement, Context - Training in sexual and reproductive health and gynecological care, Resources - Environment and Materials. Conclusion: The study illuminated how several components incorporated safe sexual and reproductive health. By local and educated staff, Avangard created opportunities that made the work possible, despite some obstacles. Implications for practice: This study may contribute to an increased understanding of how fundamental rights in sexual and reproductive health can be made possible. Furthermore, there is a hope that nurses should reflect on women's situations worldwide, to improve the sexual and reproductive health. / <p>Röda Korsets sjuksköterskeförening stipendium 2013</p>
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