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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

User Responsive User Experience Design: Building a Conceptual Framework / Design av användarresponsiva användarupplevelser: Ett konceptuellt ramverk

Holm, Anders, Sundberg Kullström, Christoffer January 2015 (has links)
To a large extent, business-customer interactions are acted out on digital meeting places. When the possibilities for businesses to engage in face-to-face interactions decrease, relationship building and customer service becomes more of a challenge. Digital services are easily duplicated by competitors and with standardization of interfaces and products, customers tend to switch more frequently between providers. One area where the creation and maintenance of loyal customers appears to be highly relevant is the domain of e-banking. Studies have shown that by personalizing the experience for the user, customer loyalty can be enhanced. Existing methods of interface adaptation shifts the responsibility for the resulting user experience design from the designer to either the user or the system. However, research shows that handing over responsibility for the design to the user can damage the user experience. Furthermore, we argue that as long as computers cannot translate the meaning of what a human communicates, and understand the motivation that lies behind her actions, human designers and researchers need to own the responsibility for designing user experiences. Responsive web design differ from the concept of user responsiveness in the way that it is not truly responsive to the user but to the technical device that is used. Following a design science research methodology, this paper presents the development of a conceptual framework for user responsive user experience design (URUXD) that aims to strengthen the bond between user and provider by enabling a more relevant and personalized user experience. The conceptual framework introduces a way to design user responsive information systems that could be useful in domains where the user audience is large and diverse, as in the case of e-banking. A personalized user experience is enabled by transcending the current use of personas as design tools to also involve them in categorizing real-time users through the use of personas as mapping tools. Multiple persona sets are incorporated in the framework which gives the user experience designer the possibility of designing a holistic user experience for each persona set. The framework thus enables the incorporation of multiple GUI designs in an information system that is user responsive, without the risk of violating usability principles. / Interaktionen mellan företag och kund sker nuförtiden oftast på digitala mötesplatser. När möjligheten för företag att träffa kunden öga mot öga minskar blir det en utmaning att skapa nära affärsrelationer och förmedla bra kundservice. Med konkurrenter som enkelt kopierar digitala tjänster och med en standardisering av gränssnitt och tjänster tenderar kunder att oftare byta leverantör. Inom e-banking framstår därför skapande och upprätthållande av lojala kunder som högst relevant. Genom att personifiera användarupplevelsen kan kundlojaliteten förbättras. Befintliga metoder för gränssnittsadaption lämnar över ansvaret för den resulterande designen från designern till antingen användaren eller systemet. Men, om ansvaret för designen tilldelas användaren kan resultatet bli i en skadad användarupplevelse. Så länge datorer inte kan översätta meningen bakom vad en människa kommunicerar eller skapa en förståelse för en användares bakomliggande motivation till varför hen utför handlingar, måste mänskliga designers inneha ansvaret för designen av användarupplevelsen. Vidare skiljer sig responsiv webbdesign från konceptet användarresponsivitet i meningen att responsiv webbdesign inte är direkt responsiv mot användaren utan snarare mot den tekniska apparat som används. Genom att följa en design science forskningsmetodik utvecklades ett konceptuellt ramverk för design av användarresponsiva användarupplevelser (user responsive user experience design (URUXD)). Målet var att stärka bandet mellan användare och leverantör genom att möjliggöra en mer relevant och personifierad användarupplevelse. Det konceptuella ramverket introducerar ett sätt att designa användarresponsiva informationssystem vilket kan vara användbart i domäner där användargruppen är stor och heterogen, vilket är fallet för e-banking. En personifierad användarupplevelse möjliggörs genom att utöka det befintliga användningsområdet för designverktyget personas till att även inkludera dem som mappningssverktyg för att kategorisera användare i realtid. Multipla persona sets införlivas i ramverket vilket skapar möjlighet för designern att skapa en holistisk användarupplevelse för varje enskilt persona set. Det konceptuella ramverket möjliggör därigenom för multipla gränssnittdesigns för ett informationssystem som därmed blir användarresponsivt, utan att underminera principer för användbarhet.

Designing Electric Vehicle Charging Station Information

Algvere, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
The electric vehicle industry is under rapid development and the fleet of chargeable cars in society is increasing fast. As a result, a high demand for public chargers has emerged. Simultaneous to the expansion of the electric vehicle fleet and charging infrastructure the power grid is occasionally highly strained. Additionally, factors like cities expanding and the digitization of society also have a large effect on the power grid. This master's thesis investigates the characteristics of electric vehicle users and presents a prototype of an information display for electric vehicle charging stations. The design is is based on the user studies and founded in theory about sustainable user behaviour with the goal of encouraging behaviours that minimize the strain on the local power grid of Uppsala. It concerns the research topic of how to design for sustainable behaviour and address research questions of how to design electric vehicle charging station information to communicate multiple charging alternatives to a broad variety of users. The work reveals that electric vehicle users suffer from the charging infrastructure being underdeveloped, feel frustration towards payment solutions available and lack information regarding electric vehicle use. Also, electric vehicle user's common passion for tech and environmental consciousness are revealed in the study. These facts are used as the foundation for the mobile application design prototype suggested.

Interaction design for Augmented Reality Head-Up Displays : Developing graphics design and evaluating perceptual and safety aspects for navigation use cases

Hansols, Johan January 2022 (has links)
The interactions with everyday products and technology are often done without being noticed or reflected upon. Interactions driving a vehicle are happening automatically for most people when having experience driving. With the innovative shift within the automotive industry toward connectivity and autonomous driving, new demands on the interaction and communication between humans and machines are created.   This thesis project was carried out in collaboration with Volvo Cars and the Research Institute of Sweden (RISE) within their joint research project SCREENS. Their project aims to investigate whether implementing Augmented Reality in Head-Up Displays (AR-HUD), and other vehicle technologies can benefit users in perceiving and understanding the environment when driving. Misapplied technology may result in users misperceiving visual information causing faulty decision making resulting in accidents and interaction errors. Their research objective implementing automotive technology benefitting safer driving, better cars, and competitive advantages for Volvo Cars. This thesis objective was to design visual information for a navigation feature in AR-HUD and implement the graphics into a Volvo XC60 concept car. The implemented graphics were then evaluated with users operating the vehicle in realistic environments. The results were analyzed to investigate if positive perceptual, attentional, and safety aspects using AR-HUD could be indicated. The project aim was to design and explore the user interactions resulting in valuable insights from an industrial design engineering perspective for future research.   The thesis project had a human-centered design approach following a modified version of the iterative cycle for human-centered design process. Stages of ideating, implementing, evaluating, and analyzing were iterated two times during the twenty-week project. The user experiences from interacting with the system were fundamental during the project, relating design decisions to qualitative and quantitative data collected during evaluations.   From the user evaluations could indications be found that AR-HUD aided the driver in keeping their eyes on the road more frequently using AR guidance compared to traditional HUD guidance. Aspects to consider when designing visual navigation information were found and related to relevant theory about visual perception and human information processing. The most critical aspect regarding the implementation of visual information was the timing of when graphics appear. Qualitative and quantitative data collected indicated that easily perceived information presented at the right time and duration was the most important aspect to consider when creating human-machine interfaces providing good user interactions. / Interaktioner med vardagliga produkter och teknik görs ofta utan att de uppmärksammas och reflekteras över. Att köra bil är en interaktion med ett fordon som för många människor sker automatiskt tack vare erfarenhet användarna har att köra bil. Med det innovativa skiftet inom fordonsindustrin mot uppkopplingsbara och självkörande fordon skapar nya krav på interaktionerna och kommunikationen mellan människan och maskinen.   Detta examensarbete genomfördes i samarbete med Volvo Cars och Research Institute of Sweden (RISE) inom deras gemensamma forskningsprojekt SCREENS. Deras projekt syftar till att undersöka implementeringen av förstärkt verklighet i Head-Up-displayer (AR-HUD) samt andra fordonsteknologier och om det kan gynna användare när de uppfattar och förstår miljön när de kör bil. Feltillämpad teknik kan leda till att användare missuppfattar visuell information, vilket orsakar felaktigt beslutsfattande som leder till olyckor och interaktionsfel. Deras forskningsmål är att implementera fordonsteknik som gynnar säkrare körning, bättre bilar och konkurrensfördelar för Volvo Cars. Målet med detta examensarbete var att designa visuell information för en navigeringsfunktion i AR-HUD och implementera grafiken i en Volvo XC60 konceptbil. Den implementerade grafiken utvärderades sedan med användare som körde fordonet i realistiska miljöer. Resultaten analyserades för att undersöka om positiva perceptuella, uppmärksamhets- och säkerhetsaspekter med AR-HUD kunde indikeras. Projektets syfte var att designa och utforska användarinteraktionerna resulterande i värdefulla insikter ur ett industridesigntekniskt perspektiv för framtida forskning.   Examensarbetet hade en användarcentrerad designstrategi och har följt en modifierad version av designprocessen iterativa cykeln för användarcentrerad design. Stadier av idégenerering, implementering, utvärdering och analys upprepades två gånger under det tjugo veckor långa projektet. Användarnas erfarenheter från interaktionen med systemet var central under projektet och designbeslut baserades på kvalitativa och kvantitativa data som samlats in under användarutvärderingarna.   Från användarutvärderingarna upptäcktes indikationer att AR-HUD hjälpte förare att hålla ögonen på vägen mer när de använde AR-vägledning, jämfört med traditionell HUD-vägledning. Aspekter att beakta vid design av visuell navigeringsinformation hittades och relaterades till relevant teori om visuell perception och mänsklig informationsbehandling. Den viktigaste aspekten som indikerades när det gäller implementeringen av visuell information var timingen för när grafik visas. Kvalitativa och kvantitativa data som samlats in visade att lättuppfattad information presenterad vid rätt tidpunkt och varaktighet var den viktigaste aspekten att ta hänsyn till när man skapar gränssnitt för kommunikationen mellan människa och maskin som resulterar i bra användarinteraktioner.

Online networking and real-time interaction for musicians

Kylmänen, Ester, Tysk, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Despite the many technological advancements made in the music industry in recent years, there is still not a single widely adopted platform for musicians to play music together online. In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent quarantine pushed the need for such a platform into the spotlight. As a response, the music company Elk Audio launched their new product: Aloha. Aloha is a combined hardware and web application that allows musicians to play music in real-time over the Internet. Aloha is currently only intended for musicians who already know each other to connect and play. However, Elk's ambition is to make it the go-to platform for musicians to expand their network.  The purpose of this Master's Thesis is to design the next version of the web application of Aloha, focusing on social interactions. This Master's Thesis investigates musicians' current social and musical behaviour, and their opinions of how this can be done online. Qualitative data was collected by performing semi-structured interviews with musicians of different backgrounds. The study revealed many different goals and needs of potential users of Aloha. Furthermore, we found several determining factors which enable and encourage musicians to form new musical relationships online. The final suggested design is based on the analysed data and founded in theory regarding persuasive and recommending system design, among others. / Trots de tekniska framstegen som gjorts inom musikindustrin de senaste åren, finns det fortfarande inte ett enda allmänt accepterat alternativ för musiker att spela musik tillsammans online. Covid-19 pandemin och den åtföljande karantänten förde behovet för en sådan plattform till rampljuset. I början av år 2020 insåg musikföretaget Elk Audio att de kunde fylla denna lucka med sin nya produkt: Aloha. Aloha är en kombinerad hårdvara och webbapplikation som möjliggör musiker att spela musik i realtid över Internet. Aloha är för närvarande endast avsedd för musiker som redan känner varandra. Elks ambition är dock att göra Aloha till en plattform för musiker där de kan utöka sitt musikaliska nätverk. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utforma nästa version av Alohas webbapplikation, med fokus på sociala interaktioner. Detta examensarbete undersöker musikers nuvarande sociala och musikaliska beteenden och deras åsikter om musikaliska interaktioner online. Kvalitativa data samlades in genom att utföra halvstrukturerade intervjuer med musiker från olika bakgrunder. Studien avslöjade de många olika målen och behoven hos potentiella användare av Aloha. Dessutom fann vi flera avgörande faktorer som möjliggör och uppmuntrar musiker att skapa och underhålla nya musikrelationer online. Den slutliga föreslagna designen baseras på det analyserade datat och grundas i teori om design av rekommendationssystem, m. fl..

Enhancing information mediation to employees at Willys : How a analysis of Willys onboarding process led to a mobile application for employees

Bergerstam, Fanny January 2021 (has links)
A well thought out process is today a commonly used approach to enable new employees to become efficientin their new role. Axfood is a Swedish company group that operates in the food and logistics industry. Thegroup includes chains as Willys & Hemköp, among others. With over ten thousand employees and a growingcompany the need for recruitment is always present. Axfood is currently in the process of reorganizing theirinternal onboarding processes, rebuilding it from the ground up. This master thesis has been a part of thisbigger initiative and have focused on the onboarding process at the store chain Willys. The project has followed the human centered design process, developed by IDEO. This process includes thethree phases, inspiration, ideation, and implementation. The methods used to reach a final result has been interviews,user journey maps, creative workshop, ideation methods, wireframing, prototyping and user testing. In the inspiration phase the current state and the users experiences of the onboarding process was explored.This made it possible to identify enhancement opportunities, one of them being the fact that none of the askedemployees did continuously use Willys intranet. In decision with Axfood, this opportunity was selected as thefocus of the solutions proposal. When the project reached the creative phase it therefore had a new direction,which led: how can Axfood use digital tools to reach employees and distribute information in an attractiveway? Throughout the creative and implementation phase a solution for this problem was explored, prototyped,tested and enhanced.The project resulted in a solutions proposal in the form of a mobile application aimed to employees. Thesolution functions as an inspiration of how Axfood can mediate information to employees in a attractive anduser friendly way. The content has been developed based on the user groups request and needs, providingthem with information and support that make them more efficient in their role. Beyond the final result theproject has also contributed Axfood with usable data of their employees needs and knowledge of how humancentered methods can be used in the future. / En väl genomtänkt introduktionsprocess är idag ett vanligt tillvägagångssätt för att göra det möjligt för nyamedarbetare att bli effektiva i sin nya roll. Axfood är en svensk koncern som verkar inomdetaljhandel. Igruppen ingår bland annat kedjor som Willys & Hemköp. Med över tiotusen anställda och ett växande företagfinns alltid behovet av rekrytering. Axfood håller för närvarande på att genomföra ett koncernövergripande projekt för att effektivisera och utveckla introduktionsprocesserna. Detta examensarbete har varit en del avdetta större initiativ och har fokuserat på introduktionsprocessen på butikskedjan Willys.Projektet har följt en användar centrerad designprocess utvecklad av IDEO. Denna process inkluderar de trefaserna, inspiration, ideation och implementation. Metoderna som används för att nå ett slutresultat har varit intervjuer, user journey maps, kreativ workshop, idégenererings metoder, wireframing, prototyper och användartestning. I inspirationsfasen undersöktes det nuvarande läget och användarnas upplevelser av introduktionsprocessen.Detta gjorde det möjligt att identifiera förbättringsmöjligheter, en av dem var det faktum att ingen av de tillfrågade medarbetarna kontinuerligt använde Willys intranät. I beslut med Axfood valdes denna möjlighet som fokusför lösningsförslaget. När projektet nådde den kreativa fasen fanns därför en ny inriktning som löd: hur kan Axfood använda digitala verktyg för att nå anställda och distribuera information på ett attraktivt sätt? Under kreativitets- och implementeringsfasen undersöktes, prototypades, testades och förbättrades en lösning för detta problem. Projektet resulterade i ett lösningsförslag i form av en mobilapplikation riktad till anställda. Lösningen fungerar som inspiration för hur Axfood kan förmedla information till anställda på ett attraktivt och användarvänligt sätt. Innehållet har utvecklats baserat på användargruppernas åsikter och behov, vilket ger dem information och stöd som gör dem effektivare i sin roll. Utöver det slutliga resultatet har projektet också bidragit till Axfood med värdefull data om deras anställdas behov och kunskap om hur användarcentrerade metoder kan användasi företaget i framtiden.

Deriving Operational Principles for the Design of Engaging Learning Experiences

Swan, Richard Heywood 18 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The issue of learner engagement is an important question for education and for instructional design. It is acknowledged that computer games in general are engaging. Thus, one possible solution to learner engagement is to integrate computer games into education; however, the literature indicates that pedagogical, logistical and political barriers remain. Another possible solution is to derive principles for the design of engaging experiences from a critical examination of computer game design. One possible application of the derived design principles is that instruction may be designed to be inherently more engaging. The purpose of this dissertation was to look for operational principles underlying the design of computer games in order to better understand the design of engaging experiences. Core design components and associated operational principles for the design of engaging experiences were identified. Selected computer games were analyzed to demonstrate that these components and principles were present in the design of successful computer games. Selected instructional units were analyzed to show evidence that these operational principles could be applied to the design of instruction. An instructional design theory—called Challenge-driven Instructional Design—and design considerations for the theory were proposed. Finally, suggestions were made for continued development and research of the instructional design theory.

Keep it Local: Music Streaming & Local Music Communities

Jones, Richard Earl 01 December 2017 (has links)
No description available.


Domenique R Lumpkin (12639406) 17 June 2022 (has links)
<p>This dissertation focuses on the creation of a paradigm shift in building innovation. Challenges in achieving building energy-efficiency at scale highlight the complexity of the building performance problem, which is embedded with social, cultural, physical, environmental, and economic factors. Traditional approaches to building design have difficulty accounting for these multi-faceted variables and related longitudinal barriers and intangible impacts. Firstly, key stakeholders and their economic constraints change throughout time, and this variability is not traditionally considered upfront or addressed throughout a building’s operation. Secondly, buildings have social, cultural, environmental and economic implications that are difficult to quantify and evaluate against strictly functional design objectives. Therefore, current deeply technical and often system-specific building design strategies could benefit from whole-building solutions that account for this complexity and enable a paradigm shift in design toward human-centered outcomes (i.e., well-being, health, financial sustainability) and effective (i.e., equitable and sustainable) buildings. </p> <p>To drive this shift, an impact-based innovation framework was employed to pursue system-level and ecosystem-level strategies to optimize longitudinal building value assessment and distribution. First, a grounded theory study was pursued which identified gaps in current design practice that miss underlying building subsystem interactions which influence building performance. A system-level taxonomy of the building was then defined, linking identified sub-system synergies to functional, emotional and social building benefits for inhabitants. Then, an exploratory mixed-methods study was pursued, yielding a longitudinal building value framework that helps characterize key stakeholders, building design choices, and shared efficacy metrics. Building on these inputs, a multi-stakeholder, longitudinal building value assessment model was developed. The model was tested on two residential building development scenarios, highlighting its ability to capture the true impact of buildings on affected stakeholders over time in terms of tangible and intangible building costs and benefits. Finally, business model innovation concepts were employed to identify specific changes in stakeholder value delivery and capture strategies that could redistribute building costs and benefits over time, and thereby facilitate a shift in the paradigm of design and value capture in the residential building industry. </p>

<b>Digital Health And Improvement Of Healthcare Access</b>

Mateus Schmitt (18445557) 26 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Digital Health technologies have revolutionized healthcare delivery, offering innovative solutions that enhance access, improve patient outcomes, and optimize the use of resources. Despite this advancement, health outcomes remain disparate across different social groups, with underprivileged populations at an increased risk of poor health outcomes due to inadequate access to care. Digital Health technologies serve as a critical intervention in mitigating these disparities, particularly for groups affected by geographical, economic, and infrastructural barriers.<br><br>The purpose of this study was to conduct a review of the current state of Digital Health technologies, including Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), Wearable Health, Portable Diagnostic Devices, and remote care platforms, and their impact on healthcare accessibility. Employing qualitative methodology, this metasynthesis emphasized an important discovery: the need for a paradigm shift among stakeholders in healthcare towards integrated and digitally-driven patient care. This shift requires more than just an understanding of new technologies. It demands a fundamental re-evaluation of patient care methods and the orchestration of the entire healthcare system towards integrated digital practices. Importantly, this study found that the pace of digitalization must be carefully managed and cultural factors must be considered and signals the urgency for a balanced approach to digital integration in healthcare.</p>

Virtual reality in tourism. Opportunity or pitfall? : Explorative case study of a place-based virtual reality experience of Mariebergsskogen / Virtuell verklighet i turismen. Möjlighet eller fallgrop? : En explorativ fallstudie om en platsbaserade virtuell verklighet upplevelse av Mariebergsskogen

Kubitzek, Barbara January 2021 (has links)
To what extent can virtual reality be used to induce real-life tourism? This question becomes even more relevant in these covid-19 times. However, research on virtual reality concerning tourism has not engaged substantively with this question yet and thus this study seeks to address this question. This thesis is an explorative case study of the development of the prototype of a place-based virtual reality experience of Mariebergsskogen in Karlstad, Sweden. The purpose of this study is to investigate and show how a place-based virtual reality experience can add value to the experience and promotion of Mariebergsskogen. This thesis goes beyond ocularcentrism highlighting the involvement of senses, the whole body and emotions in experiencing a destination. How can a deeper emotional connection to a destination be evoked through virtual reality revealing the characteristics, uniqueness and rootedness of the place? A geomedia approach is taken that combines a sensitivity to place with media to arrive at a multi-dimensional view of Mariebergsskogen considering place representations, engagements and its roots to history. Place is conceptualized by recourse to Lefebvre’s (2011) spatial triad: lived, perceived and imagined that are in a dialectic relationship. The methodological model created has been informed by the project on place-based digital experiences (PDU) at the University of Karlstad in Sweden. Tourists are considered active agents in creating tourism destinations and this study emphasizes their engagement as co-creators in the prototype development process. A methodological model is proposed that combines a place analysis with workshops consisting of a user study and a co-creation workshop supplemented with insights from interviews with virtual reality developers and stakeholders from Region Värmland and Karlstad Municipality.

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