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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La praxis enunciativa y lo real: articulaciones interdisciplinarias para un método de análisis del discurso

Mondoñedo Murillo, Marcos Javier 29 November 2023 (has links)
Esta tesis se propone elaborar un modelo de análisis a partir de la articulación entre la semiótica greimasiana y el psicoanálisis lacaniano. Además, queremos probar las posibilidades de este modelo en el análisis de la significación de la obra de dos poetas peruanos de principios del siglo XX, Alejandro Peralta y Carlos Oquendo. Esta articulación interdisciplinaria y metodológica se ubica entre la teoría de la enunciación propia de la primera disciplina mencionada, y las reflexiones sobre lo real que pertenecen a la segunda. El método empleado para constituir este modelo es aquel de la aproximación interdisciplinaria y de la búsqueda de una composibilidad sostenida en la revisión de los aspectos que permiten, en la semiótica, una incorporación razonable de la dimensión de lo real en el análisis del discurso y la observación de la orientación que Lacan ha realizado respecto de la categoría de la enunciación en el psicoanálisis. La principal conclusión a la que llegamos es que resulta posible inscribir la dimensión de lo real en el análisis semiótico del discurso a partir de una ampliación de la base modal de la praxis enunciativa y de introducir, en la semiótica, la noción lacaniana de letra como mediador entre dimensiones incomposibles. / This thesis aims to develop an analysis model based on the articulation between Greimasian semiotics and Lacanian psychoanalysis. In addition, we want to test the possibilities of this model in the analysis of the significance of the work of two Peruvian poets of the early twentieth century, Alejandro Peralta and Carlos Oquendo. This interdisciplinary and methodological articulation is located between the theory of enunciation belonging to the first discipline mentioned, and the reflections on the real that belong to the second. The method used to build this model is interdisciplinary approach and search for a sustained compossibility in the revision of the aspects that allow, in semiotics, a reasonable incorporation of the dimension of the real in the analysis of discourse and the observation of the orientation that Lacan has made regarding the category of enunciation in psychoanalysis. The main conclusion we reach is that it is possible to inscribe the dimension of the real in the semiotic analysis of discourse from an expansion of the modal basis of enunciative praxis and to introduce, in semiotics, the Lacanian notion of letter as mediator between incompossible dimensions.

The age of the screen : subjectivity in twenty-first century literature

Rae, Allan January 2015 (has links)
The screen, as recent studies in a number of fields indicate, is a cultural object due for critical reappraisal. Work on the theoretical status of screen objects tends to focus upon the materialisation of surface; in other words, it attempts to rethink the relationship between the supposedly 'superficial' facade and the 'functional' object itself. I suggest that this work, while usefully chipping away at the dichotomy between the 'superficial' and the 'functional', can lead us to a more radical conclusion when read in the context of subjectivity. By rethinking the relationship between the surface and the obverse face of the screen as the terms of a dialectic, we can ‘read’ the screen as the vital component in a process which constitutes the Subject. In order to demonstrate this, I analyse productions of subjectivity in literary texts of the twenty-first century — in doing so, I assume the novel as nonpareil arena of the dramatisation of subjectivity — and I propose a reading of the work of Jacques Lacan as hitherto unacknowledged theorist par excellence of the form and function of the screen. Lacan describes, with the function of desire and the formation of the screen of fantasy, the primary position this ‘screen-form' inhabits in the constitution of the Subject. Lacan’s work forms a critical juncture through which we must proceed if we are to properly read and understand the chosen texts: The Book of Strange New Things by Michel Faber; The Tain by China Miéville; Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood; and Austerlitz by W.G. Sebald. In each text, I analyse the particular materialisations of the screen and interrogate the constitution of the subject and the locus of desire. By analysing the vicissitudes of subjectivity in these texts, I make a claim for the study of the screen as constituting a central question in the field of contemporary literature.

A return to Kristeva: reconstructing female voice in contemporary consumer society

Bouwer-Nirenstein, Athena Vanessa 03 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu / There has been considerable debate amongst feminist scholars as to whether the normalization of cosmetic surgery positively impacts women, empowers women by promoting agency and choice (Gimlin 2002, Kuczynski 2006), or oppresses women by propagating patriarchal ideologies that confine women’s bodies and consequently inhibit their voice (Blum 2003, Blood 2005, Heinricy 2006, Clarke and Griffin 2007, Tait, 2007). Rather than entering this debate my argument proceeds from a premise that the normalization of cosmetic surgery is a form of implicit and exclusive violence. Using a selection of post‐structuralist, feminist, and psychoanalytic theories, I analyze the manner in which this form of violence confines women’s bodies and structures the psyche. Using Jacques Lacan, Judith Butler, and Michel Foucault’s argument on pastoral power, I deconstruct the formation of the normalized self, the conscience, and the act of confession as it translates in the context of the cosmetic surgical body itself. Furthermore, I highlight liberal feminism’s role in this form of oppression. In so doing, I theoretically show the continual and effective functioning of pastoral power in the context of an individualization technique that oppresses women in the second decade of the twenty‐first century. I argue that the normalization of cosmetic surgery provokes a silencing of woman’s voices, an exploitation and oppression of the individual’s psyche, and an invalidation of the living body by a less visible, less explicit, mode of incarceration that is concealed by an aesthetic and moral veil. It is in this context that I present a counter discourse to the oppression that underlies the normalizing discourses promoted by the cosmetic surgical industry, a destabilization of patriarchal norms embedded within cosmetic surgical discourses, and a theoretical reconstruction that involves an inscription of what I refer to as an authentic feminist voice in contemporary consumer culture – a mode of intimate unconscious insurgence. I advocate a return to Julia Kristeva’s theory and the intimate revolt promoted by her ethical approach. Furthermore, I present a voice that demonstrates an intimate revolt – a voice that challenges patriarchal norms and is not exclusively confined by the mechanisms of normalization that shape the twenty‐first century woman with emphasis on the cosmetic surgical industry and its superincumbent discourses – the South African poet Antjie Krog. It is Krog’s skillfully structured poetic texts that facilitate my theoretical reconstruction. Applying Kristeva’s theory on semanalysis, I theoretically show that Krog’s work fabricates an excess to the confines of the law of the Father and the mechanisms of normalization itself. In addition, I present an “originary attachment” as an adaption of Kristeva’s argument on the chora and my proposal of an “originary ideal” challenges Kristeva’s emphasis on phonetic grams in the context of that which underlies the realm of the paternal metaphor. Using Louise Viljoen’s analysis of Krog’s work and Bridget Garnham’s research on emerging designer cosmetic surgical discourses as support, I then present Krog’s poetic texts as a counter discourse to the “moral” cosmetic surgical discourses that exploit the ageing individual in the second decade of the twenty‐first century. In addition, applying Kristeva’s theory on paragrams to Krog’s poetic text(s), I present a destabilization of the patriarchal norms implicit within cosmetic surgical discourses. Furthermore, I extend Kristeva’s theory on the principle of negativity to present a re‐translation of the act‐of‐confession in Krog’s poetic text(s), an extension of Foucault’s pastoral power and Butler’s argument on the exclusivity of normalization, and a reclamation of her ageing body in Verweersrkrif/Body Bereft (Krog 2006). / Feministiese geleerdes voer al geruime tyd 'n warm debat oor die kwessie of die normalisering van kosmetiese chirurgie vroue positief beïnvloed, vroue bemagtig deurdat dit volmag en keuse vir hulle in die hand werk (Gimlin 2002; Kuczynski 2006), of vroue onderdruk deurdat dit patriargale ideologieë voorstaan wat die vroueliggaam inperk en gevolglik die vrou inhibeer om haar stem te laat hoor (Blood 2005; Blum 2005; Clarke en Griffin 2007; Heinricy 2006; Tait 2007). In plaas daarvan om by hierdie debat betrokke te raak, gaan ek van die veronderstelling uit dat die normalisering van kosmetiese chirurgie 'n vorm van implisiete en eksklusiewe geweld is. Aan die hand van post-strukturalistiese, feministiese en psigoanalitiese teorieë ontleed ek die manier waarop hierdie vorm van geweld vroue se liggaam onderwerp en hul psige vorm. Ek dekonstrueer die vorming van die genormaliseerde self, die bewussyn en die daad van belydenis, soos dit in die konteks oorgebring word, aan die hand van Jacques Lacan, Judith Butler en Michel Foucault se beskouings van herderlike oftewel pastorale mag. Hierbenewens onderstreep ek die rol wat liberale feminisme in hierdie vorm van onderwerping speel. Sodoende demonstreer ek teoreties hoe die voortdurende en effektiewe funksionering van pastorale mag in die konteks van ’n individualiseringstegniek vroue in die tweede dekade van die een-en-twintigste eeu onderdruk. Ek maak die aanname dat die normalisering van kosmetiese chirurgie daartoe bydra dat vroue die swye opgelê word, die individu se psige uitgebuit en onderdruk word en die lewende liggaam ontkragtig word deur middel van ’n inkerkering wat minder sigbaar en minder eksplisiet is en agter ’n estetiese en morele sluier verdoesel word. In hierdie konteks bied ek ’n teendiskoers aan vir die onderwerping wat onderliggend is aan die normaliseringsdiskoerse wat die kosmetiesechirurgiebedryf ondersteun, en ek bepleit dat die patriargale norme wat in diskoerse oor kosmetiese chirurgie vassit, gedestabiliseer word. Ek demonstreer verder ’n teoretiese rekonstruksie wat ’n inskripsie insluit van wat ek ’n geloofwaardige feministiese stem in die eietydse verbruikerskultuur noem – ’n modus van intieme, onbewuste opstandigheid. Ek bepleit 'n terugkeer na Julia Kristeva se teorie en die intieme oproer wat deur haar etiese benadering voorgestaan word. Afgesien hiervan stel ek ’n stem voor wat ’n intieme opstand demonstreer – ’n stem wat patriargale norme uitdaag en nie uitsluitlik onderdruk word deur die normaliseringsmeganismes wat vorm gee aan die vrou van die een-entwintigste eeu nie, waar die klem op die kosmetiesechirurgiebedryf en die boliggende diskoerse daarvan val – Antjie Krog, Suid-Afrikaanse digter. Dit is juis Krog se kunstig gestruktureerde digterlike tekste wat my teoretiese rekonstruksie fasiliteer. Aan die hand van Kristeva se teorie oor semanalise toon ek teoreties dat Krog se werk ’n ruimte daarstel wat "uitstyg" bo die grense wat die wet van die Vader en die normaliseringsmeganismes stel. Hierbenewens stel ek ’n "originêre gehegtheid" as aanpassing van Kristeva se beskouing van die chora voor, en my voorstel van ’n "originêre ideaal" daag Kristeva se opvating oor paragramme uit in die konteks van dit wat ten grondslag lê aan die gebied van die paternalistiese metafoor. Op grond van Louise Viljoen se ontleding van Krog se werk en Bridget Garnham se navorsing oor opkomende diskoerse oor ontwerpers- kosmetiese chirurgie bied ek Krog se digterlike tekste aan as ’n teendiskoers vir die "morele" diskoerse oor kosmetiese chirurgie wat die verouderende individu in die tweede dekade van die een-en-twintigste eeu uitbuit. Daarby, deur Kristeva se teorie oor paragramme op Krog se digterlike teks(te) toe te pas, demonstreer ek 'n destabilisering van die patriargale norme wat implisiet in diskoerse oor kosmetiese chirurgie teenwoordig is. Hierbenewens brei ek Kristeva se teorie oor die negatiwiteitsbeginsel uit deur middel van ’n heroorsetting van die belydenisdaad in Krog se digwerk(e), ’n uitbreiding van Foucault se pastorale mag en Butler se opvatting oor die eksklusiwiteit van normalisering, en ’n opeising van Krog se verouderende liggaam in Verweerskrif/Body Bereft (Krog 2006). / Sekubekhona izingxoxo-mpikiswano eziningi kwizifundiswa zama-feminist ukuthi ngabe ukwenza isurgery yohlinzo olungajulile ukuzishintsha ukubukeka ngokwemvelo (cosmetic plastic surgery) kunomphumela omuhle yini kwabesimame, ngabe kuhlinzeka ngamandla kwabesimame ngokuphakamisela phezulu ukuthi umuntu azenzele akufunayo kanye nokuzikhethela (Grimlin 2002, Kuczynski 2006) noma kuyinto ecindezela abesimame ngokuqhubela phambili indlela nama-idiyoloji abekwa ngabesilisa ukuthi imizimba yabesimame kumele ibukeke kanjani, kanti lokhu kucindezela izwi labesimame (Blum 2003, Blood 2005, Heinricy 2006, Clarke and Griffin 2007, Tait, 2007). Kunokuthi iphuzu nami ngingenele kule ngxoxo-mpikiswano, elami iphuzu lona liqhubeka ukusukela kwisimo sokuthi ukwamukela uhlujzo olungajulile lokuzitshintsha ukubukeka kwabesimame (cosmetic surgery) kuyindlela yodlame olungaqondile ngqo kanye nolukhipha inyumbazane abesimame. Ngokusebenzisa amathiyori epost-structuralist, awe-feminist kanye nawepsychoanalytical, ngihlaziya indlela le nhlobo yalolu dlame ecindezela ngayo imizimba yabesimame kanye nokuhlela indlela okumele bacabange nokuzibona ngayo. Ngokusebenzisa iphuzu likaJacques Lacan, Judith Buttle kanye noMichel Foucault lamandla okukhokhela ngokomoya, ngiqhaqha indlela okubumbeka ngayo isithombe sokuzibona, unembeza kanye nomoya wokuhlambulula ngokuzidalula (confession) lapho kubhekwa izinto ngaphansi kwesimo somzimba wokuhlinzwa okungajulile ukuzishintsha ukubukeka ngokwakho. Nangaphezu kwalokho, ngigqamisa indima ye-liberal feminism ngokwayo kule nhlobo yencindezelo. Ngokwenza lokho, ngikhombisa ngokwethiyori ukuqhubeka nokusebenza kwamandla esikhokhelo ngokomoya ngaphansi kwethekniki yokuzazi komuntu eyedwa okucindezela abesimame kwiminyaka elishumi yesibili, yesenshuri yamashumi amabili nanye . Ngiqhubela phambili iphuzu lokuthi ukwenziwa kohlinzo olungajulile lokuzishintsha ukubukeka kuqala umoya wokucindezela izwi labesimame, ukuxhashazwa kwabo, kanye nendlela umuntu azibona ngayo ngokwengqondo, kanye nokucindezela umzimba ophilayo ngezindlela ezingazibonakalisi obala, ezifihlekile, indlela yokubopha efihlwa yindlela yokubukeka kanye nokwembozwa umoya. Kungaphansi kwalesi simo lapho ngethula khona i-discourse yencindezelo eyenza ukuthi imboni yohlinzo olungajulile ukuzishintsha ukubukeka kwabesimame kube yinto ephakanyiswayo nokubonwa iyinhle, ukuphazamiseka kwama-norm endlela yengcindezi yabesilisa, ngaphansi kwama-discourse okuhlinzwa okungajulile ukushintsha ukubukeka, kanye nokwakha ithiyori ebandakanya ukubona izinto ngendlela ethize, engikuchaza njengezwi okuyilo elifanele le-feminism, kwisimo sosiko esiphila ngaphansi kwaso samanje - okuyindlela abantu abazibuka ngayo ezingqondweni ngendlela engekho obala. Ngigcizelela ukubuyela kwithiyori kaKristeva, kanye nokuthi abantu babhoke indlobana ngezindlela eziphansi, okuyinto ayiphakamisayo yenkambiso yokwazi okulungile nokungalunganga (ethical approach). Naphezu kwalokho, ngiveza izwi elibonisa ukubhoka indlobana kwabesimame ngendlela engekho sobala - izwi elifaka inselele kuma-norm okubhozomelwa ngumqondo wokulawula kwabesilisa, kanti futhi leli zwi aligcinanga nje kuphela umumo wabesimame ngendlela ejwayelekile njengowesimame wesenshuri yamashumi amabili-nanye ngokugcizelela kwimboni yohlinzo olungajulile lokuzishintsha ukubukeka, kanye nendlela lokhu okuyisihibe ngayo – ngokusho kukasonkondlo waseNingizimu Afrika, u-Antjie Krog. Imibhalo yezinkondlo zikaKrog ezinobungcweti yiyo eyenze ukwakha kwami kabusha ithiyori. Ngokusebenzisa ithiyori kaKristeva ye-semanalysis, ngibonisa ngokwethiyori ukuthi umsebenzi kaKrog uqambe okweqele ngaleya kwizihibe zomthetho kubaba kanye nezindlela zokwenza izinto zibukeke ngendlela evamile noma zingavamile. Nangaphezu kwalokho, ngifakela i-"originary attachment" njengokwenza ukuthi kube kwesinye isimo, iphuzu likaKristeva ku-chora kanti isiphakamiso sami se-"originary ideal" sifaka inselele kusigcizelelo sikaKristeva ngamagremu efonethiki ngaphansi kwesimo esigcizelela umfanekiso ngasohlangothini lobaba. Ngokusebenzisa ukuhlaziya kukaLouise Viljoen kumsebenzi kaKrog kanye nocwaningo lukaBridget Garnham ngokuvela kwama-discourse ohlinzo olungajulile ukuzishintsha ukubukeka njengesisekelo, ngase ngethula imibhalo yezinkondlo zikaKrog njenge-discourse yokuphikisa ama-discourse e-"moral" yama-discourse ohlinzo olungajulile lokuzishintsha ukubukeka, elixhaphaza abantu abagugayo ngeminyaka eyishumi yesibili kwisenshuri yamashumi amabili-nanye. Naphezu kwalokho, ngisebenzise ithiyori kaKristeva kumapharagramu kwimibhalo yezinkondlo zikaKrog, ngaphazamisa imibono yokuphatha kwabesilisa equkethwe kuma-discourse ohlinzo ulungajulile ukuzishintsha ukubukeka. Ukuqhubekela phambili, nginwebe ithiyori kaKristeva ngesimiso se-negativity ukwethula ukuhumusha kabusha umoya wokuzihlambulula ngokuzidalula otholakala kwizinkondlozikaKrog, ukuwukunweba amandla umbono kaFaucault wamandla okuthi abantu bazibone ngenye indlela kanye nephuzu likaButler wlkuthi into engavamile engaphandle ibonwe njengento efanele, kanye nokwamukela umzimba ogugayo kwinkondlo ye- Verweerskrif/Body Bereft (Krog 2006). / English Studies / D. Litt. et Phil.(Theory of Literature)

Le rapport mimétique dans l’œuvre de Roberto Bolaño / The mimetic link in the works of Roberto Bolaño

Virguetti Villarroel, Pablo 01 December 2017 (has links)
Dans ce travail nous analysons le rapport de l’individu au mimétisme dans l’œuvre de l’écrivain Chilien Roberto Bolaño (1953-2003). La notion du mimétisme est étroitement liée à celle du désir. En effet, selon le penseur français René Girard, l’individu ne désire pas par soi-même, mais il imite un modèle. Le désir est ainsi déterminé par ce médiateur. Cette forme de désir opère de manière inconsciente car le sujet est sûr de l’autonomie de son choix. Jacques Lacan enrichi cette lecture inspiré d’une idée typiquement hégélienne : le désir de reconnaissance. Pour Lacan, l’individu, avec une idée figée de soi-même (que Lacan appelle l’Imaginaire) est investi par le désir en forme de pulsion. Le mimétisme est double, non seulement l’individu imite des modèles pour tenter de correspondre à cette image figée, mais il destine son effort à être reconnu par les autres (que Lacan appelle le grand Autre ou le Symbolique). Cette étude utilise l’approche méthodologique que nous venons de décrire pour analyser l’œuvre de Roberto Bolaño. Bolaño, un des écrivains le plus importants de la littérature hispano-américaine des dernières années, est un auteur qui place au cœur de ses textes la problématique de l’autonomie du sujet. Cette problématique est surtout visible dans les deux thématiques, à notre sens dominantes, de son œuvre : l’art et le Mal. En effet, dans les textes de Bolaño il est toujours question d’artistes qui luttent pour faire reconnaître leur autonomie (c’est pour cette raison que ces artistes s’inscrivent souvent dans les mouvements d’avant-garde opposés à la tradition). De même, dans l’œuvre de l’écrivain chilien la violence est causée soit par la violence mimétique (les rivalités causées par une lecture erronée de la nature du désir : l’autre est un obstacle à la satisfaction du désir et non un médiateur de celui-ci) soit par les actes répondant à l’obsession d’un manque chez l’individu : généralement celui de ne pas pouvoir arriver à satisfaire une pulsion ayant son origine dans l’Imaginaire. / In this work we analyze the link between the subject and mimetic desire in the works of Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño (1953-2003). The concept of mimetic is closely related to the notion of desire. In fact, for French thinker René Girard, the individual doesn’t desire by himself, but he imitates a “model”. Desire is thus determined by the mediator. This type of desire operates in an unconscious way, because the subject is confident about the autonomy of his choice. French psychanalyst Jacques Lacan enhances this theory in a typically Hegelian way: the desire of recognition. For Lacan, the individual projects himself in a fixed image (called by Lacan the Imaginary); this fixation assails him in the form of a drive. Here mimetic desire is doubled: it doesn’t only imitate models to try to match with this fixed image, but also aims its effort to be recognized by others. Our work uses this methodological approach to study the works of Roberto Bolaño. Bolaño, one of the most important Hispanic American writers of the last years, puts the issue of the autonomy of the subject in the heart of his writings. This topic is mainly noticeable at the two main themes of his work: art and Evil. As a matter of fact, Bolaño’s writings always highlight the struggle of the artist who wants his autonomy recognized by the Other (for this reason, Bolaño’s artists are often members of the avant-garde, thus opposed to tradition). Correspondingly, violence can be caused in one hand by mimetic desire (rivalries provoked by an erroneous interpretation of desire’s nature: the Other is saw more as an obstacle for desire’s satisfaction than its mediator) or, on the other hand, by acts that meet the obsession of a lack: one that generally consist in a drive (originated in the Imaginary) that can’t be satisfied.


MARIANA ADAO DA SILVA 20 March 2020 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação propõe uma leitura da especificidade do laço social na atualidade, assim como propõe uma maneira como, a partir deste laço, poderia ser decantada uma política contemporânea. Para esta costura, uma leitura do sociólogo Zygmunt Bauman fornece balizas para delimitarmos o estado atual do laço social. Em seguida, algumas das perspectivas de Sigmund Freud, com relação ao social e aos modos de organização grupal, especialmente quanto ao lugar que estes dão ao líder, são contrapostas à descrição de Bauman. Jorge Alemán e Ernesto Laclau trazem, então, elementos para a aplicação de conceitos desenvolvidos por Jacques Lacan, a partir de Freud, ao momento político atual, especialmente no que concerne às concepções de solidão comum, significante vazio e ato instituinte. Por fim, os conceitos lacanianos de nó borromeano e sinthome são examinados para localizar em que se apoiam os conceitos de Alemán e Laclau, com referência ao ensino de Lacan. Amarra-se, assim, nossa dissertação, propondo alguma orientação dentro do campo demarcado. / [en] This dissertation proposes a reading of the specificity of the social tie in the present time, as well as proposes a way where, from this tie, a contemporary politics could be decanted. For this seam, a reading by sociologist Zygmunt Bauman provides reading beacons for delimiting the current state of the social tie. Next, some of Freud s perspectives on the social and modes of group organization, especially as to the place they give to the leader, are opposed to Bauman s description. Jorge Alemán and Ernesto Laclau bring elements for the application of concepts developed by Jacques Lacan from Freud s work to the present political moment, especially in what concerns his conceptions of common solitude, empty signifier and institute act. Finally, the Lacanian concepts of the Borromean node and sinthome are examined with the objective of locating in which the concepts of Alemán and Laclau are supported in the teaching of Lacan. Thus, our dissertation is tied, proposing some orientation within the demarcated field.

Am eigenen Leib : Überlegungen zum Thema Gender, Disziplin und Körperlichkeit im Roman Die Schmerzmacherin. (2011) von Marlene Streeruwitz / Gender, discipline, and visceral feeling in the novel Die Schmerzmacherin. by Marlene Streeruwitz

Tengberg, Piia Susanna January 2024 (has links)
This study concerns the novel Die Schmerzmacherin. by Marlene Streeruwitz and analyzes the narrative as a story about gender as felt on and through the body. The theoretical framework employed in the analysis includes a look at the gender economy; this is done through a presentation of the different actors involved and their contribution to the dynamic. The gender economy itself is characterized as a phallogocentric forum where the possibilities of participation and effecting change are unequally distributed. The study goes on to argue that disciplinary power is how the actors in the novel are taught to engage with and submit to the rules of the gender economy, and different arenas or spaces of disciplinary power are described through text-based examples. It is further suggested that the power of engaging differently also lies within reach of the actors, and that this is accomplished through attuning to the affectively felt knowledge of the effects of the gender economy. Affective knowledge, the study argues, is gained through aesthetics, by which is meant an overcoming of sensory or affective numbness and a regaining of a sense of bodily reality. As a final note, the study briefly considers the role of art in such acts of re-sensitization. / Diese Studie behandelt den Roman Die Schmerzmacherin. von Marlene Streeruwitz und analysiert die Erzählung als eine Geschichte über Gender so wie es am und durch den Körper erlebt wird. In der Studie wird als Teil des theoretischen Rahmens die Gender-Ökonomie näher betrachtet; die Analyse erfolgt durch eine Darstellung der verschiedenen Akteur*innen und deren Beitrag zur Dynamik. Die Gender-Ökonomie an sich wird als eine phallogozentrische Bühne verstanden, auf welcher Möglichkeiten der Teilnahme und der Veränderung ungleich umgesetzt werden können. Die Studie wird auch zeigen, wie Disziplinarmacht den Akteur*innen die Regeln der Gender-Ökonomie beibringt und diese in verschiedenen Milieus durchsetzt. Es wird nahegelegt, dass die Akteur*innen auch andere Handlungsmöglichkeiten entdecken können, insoweit sie imstande sind, die affektiv erfahrenen Folgen der Gender-Ökonomie wahrzunehmen. In der Studie wird dafür argumentiert, dass ein derartiges Wissen über die körperliche Wirklichkeit auch entwickelt werden kann; anschließend wird die Rolle von Kunst kurz berücksichtigt.

Van moi tot je : die verband tussen die ontwikkeling van die subjek en die kunsmaakproses

Roux, Susan Elizabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (VA)(Visual Arts))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The purpose of this study was to develop an academic approach towards my own work. The main objective was to determine my position as the subject in the art-making process and, in doing so, to find a way in which to discuss my own work more readily. My underlying assumption was that identity is formed through a visual rather than a verbal process. I realised however that language played an important role, especially since the metonymic and metaphoric characteristics of my art flow from language. The study therefore focuses on the forming of identity, on the road to self-identity, but takes this factor into consideration. Lacan’s theory on the mirror phase offered me the opportunity to investigate the inseparable relationship between subjectivity and visuality. His work on the intrinsic interaction between image and language, the conscious and the unconscious, being human as a “lack of being” and the endeavour towards completion in a broken world, culminates in the construction that language originates from the moment at which the conscious makes an appearance at the end of the mirror phase and that the unconscious is structured like a language. For Lacan the subject is not mono-dimensional, but occupies two positions, one in the imaginary, known as the moi, and the other in the symbolic, known as the je. Based on this view, Lacan demonstrates that the symbols artists use should not only be understood as icons, but should be seen as signifiers in which the subject comes to the fore. What I have drawn from the theoretical part of my research is the fact that the composition of factors that determine the meeting of subjects in the viewing process are extremely complex. The core of the gaze is however that the gazing subject always experiences something of itself in the gaze. This insight not only helped me to describe some of the work of my favourite artists better, but to identify myself in my work. The experience of unravelling and restructuring my thoughts in the writing process was most liberating.

Des fantômes dans la voix : une hypothèse neuropsychanalytique sur la structure de l’inconscient / Phantoms in the voice : a neuropsychoanalytic hypothesis on the structure of the unconscious

Bazan, Ariane 30 June 2009 (has links)
Ce travail dans le domaine de la « neuropsychanalyse » propose une spéculation théorique sur la structure physiologique de l’inconscient psychanalytique en recoupant les observations expérimentales et cliniques des deux cadres. L’écoute clinique indique une insistance de phonèmes récurrents dans ce qui fait conflit, appelés « phonèmes fantômes ». En effet, tel un membre fantôme, le signifiant refoulé est investi d’une intention mais son articulation est bloquée. Or, du fait de la structure ambiguë du langage, un même mouvement d’articulation peut radicalement changer de signification. C’est ce mécanisme qui donne lieu au retour du refoulé dans le signifiant et permet la survie de fantômes phonémiques qui tisseraient la structure linguistique de l’inconscient. Cette question du signifiant est présentée en écho à une question plus fondamentale, celle de l’émergence du psychique en réponse à la contrainte de l’organisme de faire la distinction entre intérieur et extérieur. Pour cette distinction, il faut supposer l’existence d’un système d’inhibition ciblé puisqu’il doit faire ressortir précisément ce qui dans la façon d’appréhender le monde extérieur n’a pas été anticipé. Cette précision est offerte par le modèle sensorimoteur des copies d’efférence, qui présentifie le mouvement avant qu’il ne se fasse et montre comment l’inhibition est condition de la représentation, constitutif du psychique. Pour l’humain la nécessité de la distinction intérieur-extérieur est impérieuse du fait précisément du langage qui rend complexe l’identification du lieu d’où ça parle. Elle mène au mouvement de refoulement, qui par inhibition fait apparaitre les fantômes phonèmiques comme les représentations en négatif des fragments de paroles refoulés. Cette réflexion théorique est précédée d’une mise en contexte élaborée dans l’histoire et l’épistémologique parfois controversée de la neuropsychanalyse et revendique pour sa méthodologie une approche transcendantale. / This study in the domain of « neuropsychoanalysis » proposes a theoretical speculation on the physiological structure of the psychoanalytic unconscious by cross-checking the experimental and clinical observations from both domains. Clinical listening indicates the insistence of recurring phonemes when it comes to conflictual topics, called “phonemic phantoms”. Indeed, as is the case in a phantom limb, the repressed signifier is invested by an intention while its articulation is blocked. However, due to the ambiguous structure of language, a same articulation movement can radically change signification. It is this mechanism that causes the return of the repressed in the signifier and allows for the survival of phonemic phantoms which are thought to weave the linguistic structure of the unconscious. The question of the signifier is presented as an instantiation of a more fundamental question, the emergence of the psychic realm in response to the constraint of the organism to distinguish interior from exterior. For this distinction, the existence of an accurate system of inhibition must be postulated since it has to be able to delineate precisely what in the way of apprehending the world was not anticipated by the organism. This precision is allowed by the sensorimotor model of efference copies, which presentifies the movement before its realisation and shows how inhibition is a condition for representation. For humans, the necessity of the interior-exterior distinction is imperious due to language which renders complex the identification of the locus from where speech is initiated (from where “id” speaks). This necessity leads to the movement of repression, which by inhibition induces phonemic phantoms in the form of negative representations of repressed speech. This work is preceded by an introduction which contextualises the theoretical reflexion in the sometimes controversial history and epistemology of neuropsychoanalysis and which claims a transcendental approach for its methodology.


Bremerich, Stephanie 25 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Der Begriff Maskerade unterscheidet sich trotz etymologischen Verwandschaft vom Begriff Maske. Unter Maskerade werden vor allem Strategien der Inszenierung von Geschlechtsidentitäten verstanden, weshalb synonymisch häufig von Geschlechtermaskerade die Rede ist. Das Konzept hat in den Theater-, Film- und Literaturwissenschaften sowie in der Philosophie und der Psychologie Einzug gehalten. In den Gender Studies etablierte sich der Begriff in den 1990er Jahren, maßgeblich beeinflusst durch psychoanalytische und poststrukturalistische Theoriebildung. Mit der Maskerade können sehr verschiedene Phänomene bezeichnet werden, von der Pseudonymität weiblicher Autor_innenschaft bis hin zu alltagskultureller Performance und Körperinszenierung, etwa im Transvestitismus.

The career of the missed encounter in classic american literature

Rabhi, Wadia 08 1900 (has links)
Cette dissertation explore la carrière de la rencontre manquée Lacanienne dans la littérature canonique américaine du dix-neuvième siècle à travers le prisme de la psychanalyse, la déconstruction, le postmodernisme et le postcolonialisme. Je me concentre particulièrement sur La Lettre Écarlate de Hawthorne et Moby-Dick de Melville, en montrant comment ils sont investis dans l'économie narrative de la rencontre manquée, l'économie de ce qui est au-delà de la symbolisation et l'assimilation. L’introduction examine les contours et les détours historiques, philosophiques et théoriques du concept de la rencontre manquée. Cette dissertation a donc deux objectifs: d'une part, elle tente d'examiner le statut et la fonction de la rencontre manquée dans la littérature américaine du dix-neuvième siècle, et d’autre part, elle explore comment la théorisation de la rencontre manquée pourrait nous aider à aller au-delà de la théorisation binaire qui caractérise les scènes géopolitiques actuelles. Mon premier chapitre sur La Lettre Écarlate de Hawthorne, tente de tracer la carrière du signifiant comme une navette entre l'archive et l'avenir, entre le sujet et l'objet, entre le signifiant et le signifié. Le but de ce chapitre est de rendre compte de la temporalité du signifiant et la temporalité de la subjectivité et d’expliquer comment ils répondent à la temporalité du tuché. En explorant la dimension crypto-temporelle de la rencontre manquée, ce chapitre étudie l'excès de cryptes par la poétique (principalement prosopopée, anasémie, et les tropes d'exhumation). Le deuxième chapitre élabore sur les contours de la rencontre manquée. En adoptant des approches psychanalytiques et déconstructives, ce chapitre négocie la temporalité de la rencontre manquée (la temporalité de l'automaton et de la répétition). En explorant la temporalité narrative (prolepse et analepse) conjointement à la psycho-poétique du double, ce chapitre essaie de dévoiler les vicissitudes de la mélancolie et la “dépression narcissique” dans Moby-Dick (en particulier la répétition d'Achab lors de sa rencontre originelle dénarrée ou jamais racontée avec le cachalot blanc et sa position mélancolique par rapport à l'objet qu'il a perdu). En exposant la nature du trauma comme une rencontre manquée, dont les résidus se manifestent symptomatiquement par la répétition (et le doublement), ce chapitre explique le glissement de la lettre (par l'entremise du supplément et de la différance). Le troisième chapitre élargit la portée de la rencontre manquée pour inclure les Autres de l'Amérique. Le but principal de ce chapitre est d'évaluer les investitures politiques, culturelles, imaginaires et libidinales de la rencontre manquée dans le Réel, le Symbolique nationale des États-Unis et la réalité géopolitique actuelle. Il traite également de la relation ambiguë entre la jouissance et le Symbolique: la manière dont la jouissance anime et régit le Symbolique tout en confondant la distinction entre le Réel et la réalité et en protégeant ses manœuvres excessives. / This dissertation explores the career of the Lacanian missed encounter in canonical nineteenth-century American literature through the lens of psychoanalysis, deconstruction, postmodernism, and postcolonialism. In particular, I concentrate on Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter and Melville’s Moby-Dick, showing how they are invested in the narrative economy of the missed encounter, the economy of that which is beyond symbolization and assimilation. The introductory chapter investigates the historical, philosophical, and theoretical contours and detours of the concept of the missed encounter. This dissertation, then, has two goals: on the one hand, it attempts to examine the status and function of the missed encounter in nineteenth-century American literature, and on the other, it explores how theorizing the missed encounter might help us move beyond the binarist theorization that characterizes the current geopolitical scenes. My first chapter on Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter attempts to map the career of the signifier as a shuttling between the archive and the future, between the subject and the object, and between the signifier and the signified. The aim of this chapter is to account for the temporality of the signifier and the temporality of subjectivity and how they meet the temporality of the Tuché. By exploring the crypto-temporal dimension of the missed encounter, this chapter studies the excess of crypts through poetics (mainly prosopopeia, anasemia, and tropes of exhumation). The second chapter elaborates the contours of the missed encounter. This chapter approaches, from psychoanalytic and deconstructive viewpoints, the temporality of the missed encounter (the temporality of automaton and repetition). By exploring the narrative temporality (prolepsis and analepsis) in conjunction with the psycho-poetics of the double, this chapter attempts to lay bare the vicissitudes of melancholia and “narcissistic depression” in Moby-Dick (especially Ahab’s repetition of his unnarrated or disnarrated original encounter with the White Whale and his melancholic position in relation to the object he lost). By exposing the nature of trauma as a missed encounter, the residues of which manifest symptomatically through repetition (and doubling), this chapter explains the glissement of the letter (through the work of the supplement and différance). Chapter three broadens the scope of the missed encounter to the Others of America. The main purpose of this chapter is to assess the political, cultural, imaginary, and libidinal investitures of the missed encounter in the Real, the national Symbolic of the United States, and the current geopolitical reality. It also deals with the ambiguous relationship between jouissance and the Symbolic: the way in which jouissance animates and governs the Symbolic, while at the same time it blurs the boundary lines between the Real and reality and protects its excessive maneuvers.

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