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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The experiment of friendship: anarchist affinity in the wake of Michel Foucault

Evans, Julian 28 April 2016 (has links)
This thesis considers Michel Foucault’s understanding of friendship as a way of life and its relationship to anarchist models of affinity based organizing. I argue that Foucault’s interviews on friendship, his understanding of power structures as simultaneously individualizing and totalizing, and his notion of the care of the self all help us to rethink what friendship means today. Further, friendship can be a guide towards experimental and aesthetic forms of political resistance. Friendship for Foucault is not utopian, however, and I examine its use as a technique of police surveillance and intelligence gathering in the context of the G20 protests in Toronto in 2010. If friendship can play an important role in the regime of what Foucault termed governmentality, it can also be a site of struggle whereby an alternative vision for politics is elaborated. I argue that this has particular resonance with anarchism, and that while friendship has the danger to becoming an invisible form of power, anarchism responds to this by proposing a culture of solidarity. Overall, I argue that Foucault offers an original account of friendship that fundamentally shifts our understanding of the relationship between friendship and politics. / Graduate

譚恩美小說《百種神秘感》中的倫理關係 / Ethical Relationship in Amy Tan’s The Hundred Secret Senses

陳厚仁, How-ren Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文試圖以列維納斯之倫理哲學、傅科和薩依德的觀點來分析、討論譚恩美的小說《百種神秘感》。小說透過兩種敘述的並置,描繪同父異母兩姊妹—中國出生的李關與美國長大的葉奧莉薇—之間的關係,以及一趟迷人的穿越時空之旅。譚恩美藉由這故事傳達她對倫理議題中「他者」的關懷。由於西方哲學及認識論傳統自柏拉圖以降便將「我思」的想法視為靈魂與自我的對話,認為一切真理皆在自身之中。在這樣的思想體系架構下,「他者」被視為暫時脫離但最終將被「同一」(「自我」)給同化的客體。易言之,「他者」的「他性」(或「無限性」)在「同一」的「整體」之中是可被壓制、吸納。大體而言,西方哲學其實是一門有關自戀的「同一」、而非有關真正「他者」的知識。 正是在這樣的哲學背景之下,《百種神秘感》探索許多知識所蘊含有關「整體」的論述暴力,比如心理學、西方醫藥論述及歷史學。同樣地,小說也批判了許多跨文化關係當中所表現出的「整體」暴力。在小說中,西方人透過東方主義式的觀點看待非西方人及他者的文化,並建構出一系列簡化的二元對立概念—西方與東方、文明與野蠻、自我與他者等。列維納斯反對這種不公平且充滿暴力的西方哲學傳統,是以他提出了肯定「他者」之「他性」的倫理哲學。在倫理關係中「自我」與「他者」兩者和平共存;兩者之間有關係但各自獨立。「自我」的主體性因「他者」的存在而建立,因而是為「他者」服務的。在倫理關係中「自我」對「他者」負有責任。藉由列維納斯、傅科和薩依德的觀點,本論文將探討《百種神秘感》中人際關係與文化交流間的他者倫理意涵。 / This thesis aims to investigate Amy Tan’s The Hundred Secret Senses in terms of Emmanuel Levinas’s ethical philosophy, Michel Foucault’s discursive theory and Edward Said’s observations about Orientalism. Through the use of juxtaposition of two narratives, the novel depicts the relationship between two half sisters, Chinese-born Kwan Li and Chinese American Olivia Yee, and a fascinating journey through time and space. By telling this amazing story, Tan expresses her serious concern for ethical issue of the Other. Western philosophy and epistemology have a tradition of totalizing thought. Plato regarded the “I think” thought as the dialogue of the soul with itself; truth was said to inhabit the soul. In western philosophical tradition, the Other is viewed as something that is temporarily separate from the Same (the Self) but is ultimately reconcilable with the Same. In other words, the otherness of the Other is assimilated and oppressed within the totality of the Same. Hence western philosophy is a knowledge about the narcissistic Same, rather than about genuine Other. The Hundred Secret Senses explores the discursive violence of totality in various knowledges such as psychology, medicine, and history. Likewise, the novel also depicts the violence of totality in intercultural relationships. The westerners in the novel tend to view non-westerners and their culture in an Orientalist way, in which a series of constructed opposites are adopted—West/Orient; Civilized/Barbaric; We/They. Against this violent and unjust tradition in western philosophy, Levinas advocates an ethical philosophy, in which the Other is affirmed in his otherness. In the Levinasian ethical relationship, the Self and the Other are viewed as separate but connected terms; neither is assimilated into or confused with the other. Ethical relationship is the coexistence of Totality and Infinity (otherness). Subjectivity of the Self is awakened by the presence of the Other; hence its essence is for the Other. In ethical relationship the Self has responsibility for the Other. Through the perspectives of Levinas, Foucault and Said, the thesis will also scrutinize the ethical meaning of interpersonal relations and cultural exchanges in The Hundred Secret Senses.


鄭祖邦 Unknown Date (has links)
在本篇論文中,筆者試圖從「戰爭」的角度來描繪現代性的樣貌。戰爭如何刻劃著現代性呢?如何從戰爭與現代性的相互理解中來認識我們的時代、我們的生活呢?從西方歷史的發展軸線來看,在過去三百多年來有三件標誌著時代變化的重大事件:1789年的法國大革命(伴隨著十九世紀初的拿破崙戰爭)、1906年與1917年的俄國革命(伴隨著第一次世界大戰1914-1918年)、2001年美國紐約世貿大樓所經歷的911恐怖攻擊。這些事件都在一定程度上為我們揭示了現代性的深層變動。所以,在本篇論文中,筆者嘗試依循著這些重大的歷史事件,從社會學的知識發展傳統來提出整理和說明,並且,也希望從戰爭與現代性的切入角度來對未來的發展提出一些可能的思考方向。 在導論中,筆者從兩個小節來分別切入主題。首先,在「研究動機」這一節所提出的問題是:「社會學為何缺乏戰爭的研究?」我們試圖從十八世紀後半葉以來社會學知識發展的脈絡來加以回答。基本上,我們會發現到,以資本主義生活為基底所形成的「社會」這個概念,抑制了戰爭在社會學中的發展。其次,在第二節「問題意識」中,主要是從「社會學要如何研究戰爭?」這樣的提問,來檢討「民族國家與戰爭」這個命題。在其中我們可以發現到,社會學往往從「民族國家」出發來觸及戰爭現象的研究;但是,這容易落入只是對國家軍事「制度」和「組織」的研究,對於戰爭的思考可以引發的知識作用,以及戰爭理論和概念的建構就顯得相對匱乏。所以,我們試圖從政治社會學中「國家-社會」之間關係的討論,以及克勞塞維茲所提出的「政治-戰爭」之命題,從兩者的結合中進一步提出整體論文的分析架構(三個思考戰爭的典範)。 從第二章到第四章的討論中,筆者依序整理出三個具代表性的思考戰爭議題的社會學典範:「民族國家-總體戰」、「階級鬥爭-游擊戰」、「生命政治-社會內戰」。三種「政治-戰爭」的類型也正分別代表三種不同的政治社會學立場與分析的延伸(韋伯的「民族國家就是社會」、馬克思主義者的「國家與市民社會的對抗」、傅柯的「從權力分析國家與社會」)。我們最終希望能在三個類型彼此之間形成一個對話與思考的空間,從而呈顯出一種現代性的戰爭考察。 基本上,在三個類型的建構上,是沿著與克勞塞維茲的對話來前進的。首先,「民族國家-總體戰」這個類型是具有原型的意義,因為,以民族國家為主體的戰爭正是現代性的根本特點之一。民族國家的戰爭標示出有限戰爭(封建)與絕對戰爭(現代)的差異,而二十世紀上半葉的歷史也早已告訴我們集合全民意志的「總體戰」所帶來的驚人效果。此外,從韋伯的分析中,我們也企圖賦予克勞塞維茲的戰爭理論更多的社會學內涵。不同於克勞塞維茲將民族國家等同於社會這樣的整體觀,列寧依循著馬克思的思考傳統,強調社會內部階級差異的重要性,並且,配合著對於當時資本主義的帝國主義性質之理解,而提出以「階級戰爭」來面對總體戰(第一次世界大戰)的戰略想法,這也就導致了民族國家與階級鬥爭兩者政治思考的融合。此後,在二次大戰與冷戰時代的第三世界革命中,游擊戰成為了最重要的戰鬥形式,這樣的形式也挑戰了以民族國家為戰爭主體的正規性框架。正規戰(總體戰)╱非正規戰(游擊戰)所帶來的差異為現代性的戰爭研究帶來了深刻的思想衝擊。傅柯則更進一步地拆解了整體同質社會的看法,不僅存在於階級這組權力關係,權力會在各個微觀的層面上不斷地運作。他翻轉了克勞塞維茲的戰爭命題,以戰爭(略)的權力模式批判了霍布斯的主權-法律模式。戰爭不僅是存在於國界邊境上的實際戰鬥,而是會瀰漫在整體社會的權力關係中。由權力關係形塑的個體(主體)如何整合進社會整體之中,正是現代民族國家生存與強化實力的重大任務,治安的政治技術扮演了關鍵的角色,傅柯延續著治安的想法,而以「生命政治」來作為描述當代政治理性的核心概念,替代過去國家理性的想法。有別於傳統的戰略思想,從生命政治的角度,傅柯對後現代與全球化的戰爭思考帶來了深遠的影響。最後,筆者也希望去凸顯出,在戰爭的歷史發展軸線中,「人民」形象的變化,並且,當「戰爭」的議題置入政治社會學三種「國家-社會」關係的思考模式時,不同的知識典範之間所形成的一種知識上的緊張性與相互撞擊,進而能夠使我們對於民族國家與社會之間的關係有更深度的思考。 在第五章中,我們嘗試從戰爭的角度來切進全球化的議題。從「全球化與戰爭」這樣的面向,來提出兩個主要的思考脈絡:「全球化與民族國家」以及「民主與戰爭」。儘管諸多全球性的危機和發展都使得民族國家的權力顯得軟弱無力,但是,從戰爭的角度來切入思考,全球化是否真的或如何改變了長期以民族國家為戰爭主體的現代性。此外,在全球政治秩序的形成過程中,民主作為當前的普世價值卻弔詭地成為發動戰爭的語意,其中的成因也是我們探究的焦點。為了釐清上述的問題,我們整理出兩個主要的理論思考模式:哈伯瑪斯的「後民族格局」以及Hardt和Negri的「帝國」模式。基本上,我們並不試圖採取上述任何一種立場,而是提出以戰爭的角度,來重新思考民族國家此一現代戰爭主體在全球化進程中的變化。 在結論中,筆者指出當前相關的理論發展糾結在下面三種可能的思考取徑之中:馬基維利的國家理性、康德的永久和平、傅柯的戰爭與秩序(社會內戰、生命政治)。並且,還進一步地從國內外當前的學術潮流與發展情形,來評估本論文的意義與未來可能性。同時希望「戰爭」作為新的理論元素,能為政治社會學的發展開拓出更多的思考面向。

Désir et vulnérabilité. Études sur le problème politique de Hobbes et le façonnement social-historique de la subjectivité

Bissonnette, Jean François 08 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à cerner les raisons historiques, intellectuelles et affectives de l’importance que reçoit le problème de la vulnérabilité individuelle dans la culture politique des sociétés modernes. Il s’agit de tenter de comprendre pourquoi et par le concours de quelles transformations normatives et structurelles nous en sommes venus, comme citoyens, à attendre de l’État qu’il nous protège des affres de l’existence. L’oeuvre philosophique de Thomas Hobbes, fondée sur une anthropologie individualiste où l’homme apparaît mû par deux affects, le désir et la crainte, nous paraît être la première formulation théorique de ce problème de la vulnérabilité, et à ce titre, nous posons qu’elle a été déterminante pour l’institutionnalisation d’une rationalité politique proprement moderne. De manière à saisir quelles ont pu être les conditions de possibilité de la philosophie de Hobbes, de même que son influence sur l’imaginaire politique occidental, il nous faut tenter de comprendre non seulement pourquoi l’affectivité humaine a pu se trouver ainsi posée comme enjeu du gouvernement, mais comment elle est aussi liée, de manière générale, au fonctionnement des institutions sociales, lequel est historiquement contingent. Il en va ainsi d’une interrogation, que nous poursuivrons dans un relevé des principaux concepts à l’aide desquels Sigmund Freud, Norbert Elias, Max Weber et Michel Foucault ont pensé les modalités du façonnement social et historique de la subjectivité, et par le biais de laquelle nous espérons expliquer pourquoi le « type d’homme » sur lequel s’appuie le régime libéral moderne implique le vécu d’une expérience affective marquée par un rapport tendu entre le désir et le sentiment de la vulnérabilité.


Kourtoglou, Zoi January 2017 (has links)
Representations of female characters in cinema have the effect of othering the female in front of the viewer’s gaze. Women’s characters are constructed along the lines of their gender and race difference. In this paper I focus entirely on the character of the woman domestic worker in four films: Ilo Ilo, The Second Mother, The Maid, and At Home. The paper aims to provide a different reading of this mostly trivialized character and rethink its otherness by pinpointing it in biopolitical labor and homes of biopower, namely of affect and oppression. I am interested in how labor can reconfigure the domestic space to a heterotopia, or what I call a ‘heterooikos’, which is the space occupied by the other. Finally, I will attempt an analysis that reimagines otherness captured by cinema, by locating, in the film text, techniques of resistance as a countersuggestion to techniques of character identification. My aim is to provide a different way to interact with subaltern subjects in film by recognizing otherness as part of an ethical response.

O português como segunda língua nas escolas da imigração alemã : um estudo do Jornal da Associação de Professores Teuto-Brasileiros Católicos do Rio Grande do Sul (1900 – 1939)

Bredemeier, Maria Luísa Lenhard 31 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-04T21:16:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 31 / Nenhuma / Esta Tese tem como objetivo examinar o discurso sobre o português como segunda língua nas escolas da imigração alemã do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, presente no periódico Jornal da Associação de Professores Teuto-Brasileiros Católicos do Rio Grande do Sul, cuja circulação abrangeu o período de 1900 a 1939. De modo mais específico, discute como se configuraram as condições de possibilidade para o surgimento de publicações em língua alemã no Rio Grande do Sul, em particular, do Jornal da Associação de Professores Teuto-Brasileiros Católicos do Rio Grande do Sul; como questões relativas ao português como segunda língua foram se constituindo em um debate para a educação dos filhos de imigrantes de fala alemã do Rio Grande do Sul; os tensionamentos que marcaram o referido debate e os enunciados que constituem o discurso do Jornal da Associação de Professores Teuto-Brasileiros Católicos do Rio Grande do Sul sobre o aprender e o ensinar a língua do país. Os aportes teóricos do estudo vinculam-se às obras de Michel / This doctoral thesis aimes at examining the discourse on Portuguese as a second language at schools from the German immigration region in the Federal State of Rio Grande do Sul (southern Brazil) as they appeared in the newspaper Jornal da Associação de Professores Teuto-Brasileiros Católicos do Rio Grande do Sul [Journal of the Catholic German-Brazilian Teachers’ Association of Rio Grande do Sul] published between 1900 and 1939. Specifically, it discusses how the circulation of print media in German was possible in Rio Grande do Sul, particularly regarding the Jornal da Associação de Professores Teuto-Brasileiros Católicos do Rio Grande do Sul [Journal of the Catholic German-Brazilian Teachers’ Association of Rio Grande do Sul]; how Portuguese as a second language would become an issue of debate regarding the education of the German migrant’s children in this Federal State; the tensions around this debate and the enunciations that constitute the discourse in the Jornal da Associação de Professores Teuto-B

Hibridismos ato-autor e responsabilidade no sistema de justiça juvenil: reflexões desde os escritos de Michel Foucault sobre o direito

Gómez, Alejandra Padilla 12 November 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:31:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alejandra Padilla Gomez.pdf: 939980 bytes, checksum: 188fa0e7bb7ade1db75f158026f3ed4e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-11-12 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / From notions of criminal law by act and criminal law by author, we analysed some theoretical perspectives in the juvenile justice field, using it to articulate the concept of responsibility, which is associated with guilt, in a the legal field and crime theory. Some authors, who support a guarantor perspective, use this notion as a fundamental element to be included in juvenile justice system, which marks the passage from guardianship system to comprehensive integral protection paradigm. Protection system used as the main instrument of "irregular situation" condition, which enables the exercise of a criminal law by author. Integral Protection paradigm is based on the principles of the International Convention on the Rights of Childhood, offering adolescents, who infract, fundamental rights and guarantees which wasn t previously recognized, and according to them, consequently framed to justice under juvenile criminal law by act. In this study, we analysed how, beyond these distinctions, both legal frameworks of juvenile justice and its implementation, are part of a hybrid system, where we can find a coexistence of both models of criminal law by act and criminal law by author. Based on the role of law from Michel Foucault studies, we articulate the conditions of possibility of a criminal law by act with the regime of sovereignty. On the other hand, relate or direct criminal right from disciplinary mechanisms, Correctional Techniques, construction of the criminal, and pathologizing respective normalization techniques. And also, contemporary connotations from the techniques of biopower, which proposes new normalization forms supported by notions of danger and risk. Under these enunciations, we analysed the implication of risk and danger to liability, concluding that in our current political context such notions are articulated in the liability trial. Diagnosing it as dangerous collaborates in risk production strategies and functional mechanisms of biopolitics. We point important reflexions to be taken into account in relation to the subject, particularly in the case of adolescence / A partir das noções de direito penal de ato e de direito penal de autor são analisadas algumas perspectivas teóricas no campo da justiça juvenil, utilizando como conceito articulador a noção de responsabilidade, que é associada à culpabilidade, no âmbito jurídico, da teoria do delito. Alguns autores, a favor de uma perspectiva garantista, entendem a responsabilidade como elemento fundamental que marca a passagem do Sistema Tutelar ao paradigma Proteção Integral no sistema de justiça juvenil. O Sistema Tutelar que utilizou como principal instrumento a condição de "situação irregular", estaria mais articulado ao exercício de um direito penal de autor. Já no paradigma de Proteção Integral, baseado nos princípios da Convenção Internacional sobre os Direitos da Criança, em que os adolescentes autores de ato infracional gozam de direitos e garantias fundamentais, antigamente não reconhecidos, estaríamos mais próximos de um direito penal de ato. Analisamos como, para além destas distinções, tanto os marcos jurídicos da justiça juvenil, quanto a sua implementação, inscrevem-se num sistema híbrido, onde constatamos uma coexistência de ambos modelos do direito penal, de ato e de autor. Com base no papel do direito à luz dos escritos de Michel Foucault, articulamos as condições de possibilidade de um direito penal de ato com o regime de soberania. De outro lado, relacionamos o direito penal de autor aos mecanismos disciplinares, às técnicas penitenciárias, à construção do delinquente, sua patologizaçao e aos mecanismos de normalização. E suas conotações contemporâneas a partir das técnicas do biopoder, que propõem novas formas de normalização apoiadas em noções de periculosidade e risco. Com base nestas articulações analisamos as noções de risco e periculosidade concluindo que, em nosso contexto político atual tais noções são articuladas no juízo de responsabilidade. E os diagnósticos de periculosidade colaboram nas estratégias de produção de risco, funcionais aos mecanismos da biopolítica. Apontamos no final alguns cuidados levados em consideração no que diz respeito à temática, em particular no caso da adolescência

Fora da ordem: Foucault e a exclusão na idade clássica / Outside order: Foucault and the exclusion in the classical age

Martins, Cláudia Maria 31 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T17:27:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Claudia Maria Martins.pdf: 910708 bytes, checksum: f7146708aa23e2c46a6a8a8805df7f46 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-31 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The purpose of our thesis was to reconstruct fundamental aspects of Michel Foucault's philosophy from a problematic cell inscribed within Histoire de la Folie à l'âge classique. It concerns the thesis which claims that the impossibility of being mad is the first qualification acquired by the Cartesian subject, even before Cogito statement. Foucault's polemical stance gives raise to the episode known by the Foucault-Derrida dispute. In the text Mon corps, ce papier, ce feu , written in 1972, Foucault explicits such reading by identifying in Descartes's Meditations a double weft: a demonstrative discourse guided by the order of reasons and an ascetic discourse guided by the performatic exercise of creating the subject of knowledge. The present research has showed that, in such a rare moment when Foucault puts himself in the role of a commentator of a philosophical text, the highlighted aspects in the Cartesian text are equally emblematic of his own philosophical method. Characterized by pointing out the visible and the enunciable, Foucault's histories also make up a double weft and encourage a kind of ascesis / O objetivo da tese foi reconstituir aspectos fundamentais da filosofia de Michel Foucault a partir de uma célula problemática inscrita em Histoire de la Folie à l'âge classique. Trata-se da tese que afirma que a impossibilidade de ser louco é a primeira qualificação adquirida pelo sujeito cartesiano, antes mesmo da enunciação do cogito. A polêmica posição de Foucault dá origem ao episódio que veio a ser conhecido como querela Foucault-Derrida. No texto Mon corps, ce papier, ce feu , de 1972, Foucault explicita esta leitura identificando no texto das Meditações uma dupla trama: um discurso demonstrativo guiado pela ordem das razões e um discurso ascético orientado pelo exercício performativo de criação do sujeito de conhecimento. A pesquisa mostrou que, neste raro momento em que Foucault se colocou no papel de comentador de um texto filosófico, os aspectos realçados no texto cartesiano são igualmente emblemáticos de seu próprio método filosófico. Particularizando-se pelo apontamento de visíveis e enunciáveis, as histórias foucaultianas também perfazem uma dupla trama e incitam uma espécie de ascese

Perspectivas sobre a soberania em Carl Schmitt, Michel Foucault e Giorgio Agamben

D Urso, Flavia 03 June 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T17:27:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Flavia D Urso.pdf: 1616648 bytes, checksum: f578da696de954a5e5e0f53b4ba54798 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-03 / Sovereignty is a concept made shallow as it presents frail theoretical solutions when applied to aspects from reality. The research hereby aims at understanding Giorgio Agamben s diagnosis on sovereignty by going through the core of Carl Schmitt s thinking in his theory of the sovereign power as well as the displacement of such problem in Michel Foucault s writings. Agamben is an intellectual who perused stern philosophical pathways, sovereignty having stood first and foremost for him along the issue of the potentiality of not being. His approach to reality takes place through the motto to prefer not to, from which he glimpses one possibility for putting down one s relationship between wanting and being able to, and between the constituent and constituted powers. And such annihilation is in effect essential for Agamben since his concept of sovereignty takes into consideration a juridical category not only weakened of its representativeness but most of all originating from an unprecedented biopolitical catastrophe. The path chosen by Agamben for such conclusion is one of a paradigmatic ontology, that is, the axes of understanding for the phenomena which ousted political character from juridical ordinances. The paradigms nuda vita (bare life) and the state of exception mainly constitute the structural elements whose function is to ultimately keep the exception-ridden life of the law. The bottleneck established by sovereignty is undone by a new form-of-life, which means the absolute desecration of a life power over which neither sovereignty nor the law can have control over / A soberania é conceito esvaziado porque apresenta frágeis soluções teóricas quando aplicadas aos aspectos da realidade. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo a compreensão do diagnóstico de Giorgio Agamben a respeito da soberania percorrendo a centralidade da teoria do poder soberano do pensamento de Carl Schmitt e o deslocamento do problema em Michel Foucault. Agamben é um intelectual de árido percurso filosófico e a soberania para ele, antes de tudo, é uma questão da potencialidade de não ser. A sua aproximação da realidade se dá pela fórmula preferiria não, na qual ele vislumbra uma possibilidade de destruição da relação entre querer e poder, entre poder constituinte e poder constituído. E tal destruição, de fato, é essencial para Agamben porque o seu conceito de soberania considera uma categoria jurídica não só esvaziada de representação, mas, sobretudo, originária de uma catástrofe biopolítica sem precedentes. O caminho escolhido por Agamben para essa conclusão é o de uma ontologia paradigmática, ou seja, eixos de entendimento para os fenômenos que destituíram o caráter político do ordenamento jurídico. Os paradigmas da nuda vita e do estado de exceção, principalmente, são elementos estruturais da soberania cuja função é, enfim, o de manter a vida excepcionada do direito. O nó estabelecido pela soberania desata-se por uma nova forma-de-vida, o que significa uma absoluta profanação de uma potência da vida sobre a qual nem a soberania, nem o direito podem ter mais controle

Da medicina não hospitalar ao hospital médico: uma leitura das análises de Michel Foucault sobre a história da medicina

Souza, Washington Luis 07 April 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T17:27:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Washington Luis Souza.pdf: 689943 bytes, checksum: ab580f6061104e014a2c9751801dd26b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-04-07 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study aims to present, having Michael Foucault s work as basis, to present the transition from classic medicine (centuries XVII and XVIII) to modern medicine (centuries XIX and XX), as a turning point, opposed to the teleologic evolution thesis proposed by the traditional medical historiography. On institutional basis, we will approach the dichotomy between medical practices and the classic hospital institutions, placing the creation of therapeutic hospital as a fact of modern age. This dissertation tries to show that classic medicine which classifies pathological species was a knowledge based in natural history and reached its top at the end of Classic Age, when the knowledge from biology, such as anatomy and physiology, were applied to the study of pathologies creating the modern empirical medicine. Modern medicine was constituted as a different knowledge with subject, object, concepts and methods completely distinct. However this change hasn´t happened due to the improvement of knowledge and practice, but because of studies that were developed outside the medical field, apart from the medical reason. Therefore it is not justificable to think about the history of medicine in terms of evolutionary continuity, being best described, on the contrary, as a discontinuous and not progressive history / Este estudo tem por objetivo, a partir da leitura da obra de Michel Foucault, apresentar a transição da medicina clássica (séculos XVII e XVIII) à medicina moderna (séculos XIX e XX), como momento de ruptura, em oposição à tese da evolução teleológica proposta pela historiografia médica tradicional. No plano institucional, serão abordadas as dicotomias entre as práticas médicas e as instituições hospitalares clássicas, situando o nascimento do hospital médico terapêutico como um fato próprio da modernidade. Esta dissertação procura explicitar que a medicina clássica classificatória das espécies patológicas, era um saber fundamentado na história natural e chegou ao seu limite no final da Idade Clássica, quando saberes originários da biologia, a exemplo da anatomia e da fisiologia, foram aplicados ao estudo das patologias criando a medicina empírica moderna. A medicina moderna se constituiu como um saber de outra ordem, com sujeito, objeto, conceitos e métodos absolutamente distintos. Contudo, essa mutação não se deu em virtude do aperfeiçoamento dos conhecimentos e das práticas, mas por meio de estudos desenvolvidos fora do campo médico, alheios à intencionalidade da razão médica. Não se justificaria, portanto, pensar a história da medicina em termos de continuidade evolutiva, cabendo descrevê-la, ao contrário, como uma história descontínua e não progressiva

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