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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Questionnaire design: identity strategies in university academics in response to the educational reforms / Diseño del cuestionario: Estrategias identitarias de académicos universitarios ante las reformas educativas / Desenho do questionário: estratégias identitárias dos académicos universitários frente às reformas educativas

Zanatta Colín, Elizabeth, Ponce Dávalos, Teresa, García Iturriaga, Sergio Luis, Sánchez Calderón, Claudia Angélica, Gama Vilchis, José Luis 18 July 2017 (has links)
We designed a questionnaire that aims to understand what happens to the identity of the teacher as a guiding element of its educative practice in response to the educational reforms –which have generated a constant change in what is expected from their role. The questionnaire was applied to 228 academics from different disciplines in a state public University with an educational model based on competencies. The data were processed by factor analysis and Cronbach’s Alpha. The results were consistent with the hypothesized factor structure, obtaining an acceptable percentage of variance (43%), which explains four factors of identity strategies: resistant-diffuse, attributed, simulated and assumed. The instrumentreported an adequate level of internal consistency (.94). Therefore, the questionnaire has both construct validity and internal consistency. / Se diseñó un cuestionario que tiene la finalidad de comprender qué sucede con la identidad del académico, como elemento rector de su práctica docente, ante las reformas educativas que han generado un cambio constante en lo que se espera de su función. El cuestionario se aplicó a 228 académicos de diferentes disciplinas de una Universidad pública estatal con un modelo educativo centrado en competencias. Los datos fueron procesados considerando el análisis factorial y el alfa de Cronbach. Los hallazgos fueron congruentes con la estructura factorial hipotética, con un porcentaje de varianza aceptable (43%), que explica cuatro factores de estrategias identitarias: resistente-difusa, atribuida, simulada y asumida. El instrumento reportó un adecuado nivel de consistencia interna (.94). El cuestionario cuenta con validez de constructo y consistencia interna. / Desenhou-se um questionário com a finalidade de compreender o que aconteceu com a identidade do acadêmico, como elemento principal da sua prática docente, mediante as reformas educativas as quais têm gerado mudanҫas no que se refere à sua funҫão. O questionário foi aplicado a 228 acadêmicos de diferentes disciplinas numa universidade pública estadual, que possui um modelo educativo orientado às competências. A análises foi fatorial e Alpha de Cronbach. Os descobrimentos foram congruentes com a estrutura fatorial hipotética, com a obtenҫão da porcentagem duma variável aceitável (43%), a qual explica quatro fatores de estratégias identitárias: resistente-difusa; atribuída; simulada e assumida. O instrumento reportou um adequado nível de consistência interna (94). O questionário conta com a validade do construto e da consistência interna.

Genèse de l’attitude théorétique. Rôle et fonction de l’idee de science chez Husserl et Heidegger / Genesis of the theoretical attitude. Role and function of the science idea in Husserl and Heidegger

Petruccioli, Marco 10 January 2014 (has links)
Le but de ce travail est de jeter une lumière nouvelle sur le rôle et la fonction de l’idée de science au sein de la réflexion phénoménologique, et en particulier chez deux auteurs majeurs, Husserl et Heidegger. D’un côté, l’idée de science relève pour ainsi dire d’une tendance « centrifuge » qui oblige la phénoménologie à regarder en direction des sciences déjà constituées, de l’autre côté, cette même idée relève au contraire d’une tendance « centripète », qui impose à la phénoménologie la tâche de son auto-problématisation.Chez Husserl comme chez Heidegger le développement de cette tension prend, toute proportion gardée, la forme d’une analyse concernant l’attitude « scientifico-théorétique ». Ici, l’objectivité visée n’est mise en question qu’à partir du problème de sa genèse. La question de l’origine de la science indique que le lieu de naissance de l’attitude scientifico-théorique réside de fait dans la dimension prethéorétique : donc la question de la science n’est qu’une question sur la genèse de la science. Et l’analyse génétique ne peut que renvoyer à la dimension prethéorétique, conçue celle-ci comme le lieu d’origine du theorein. Voilà pourquoi la Rückfrage, ou « question en retour », en direction du lieu de naissance, marque le détour nécessaire grâce auquel la dimension prethéorétique de la science se laisse enfin découvrir. A travers une lecture des oeuvres majeures de Husserl et Heidegger, ce travaille vise à élucider les modalités de la naissance et la genèse de l’attitude théorétique, en utilisant les instruments critiques donnés dans les analyses de M. Merleau-Ponty et J. Derrida. / The purpose of this research project is to point out the role and the function of the idea of science within the phenomenological reflection, and in particular among its two major spokespersons: E. Husserl and M. Heidegger. The idea of science indeed leads phenomenology on the one hand to criticize and to put in discussion existing sciences and, on the other hand, to debate the same philosophical environment. A tension therefore that recurs time after time within an individual argumentative context, a tension that never finds a way to direct itself to a specific thematic attention; this problematic field appears indeed as a tension between positive and philosophical methodology, theoretical and natural dimension, theory and praxis, ideal and historical forms: a tension that anyway cannot be sorted out by virtue of the supremacy of a simple pole on the other, but that continues to persist and modify itself within the opposition of the same elements.Thanks to an examination of some Husserl’s and Heidegger’s greatest works, this research tries to discuss the genetic modes of theoretical scientific attitude, reason why it takes advantages of some M. Merleau-Ponty’s and J. Derrida’s critical reflections.

Sartre chez les philosophes structuralistes et post-structuralistes / Sartre together with the structuralist and poststructuralist philosophers

Caddeo, Francesco 20 May 2016 (has links)
Notre travail est une relecture de Sartre à la lumière de la pensée structuraliste et poststructuraliste, qui dépasse les clivages générationnels et les divisions rigides entre écoles. A travers sept pistes de recherche, nous montrons la richesse de la pensée sartrienne sur plusieurs territoires d’analyses, ainsi que les croisements possibles avec la pensée de la structure et du désir. Notre thèse développe la confrontation d’une série de passages sartriens, repérés dans toutes les phases de son œuvre, avec la philosophie de Michel Foucault et de Gilles Deleuze, sans oublier les contributions de Jean-François Lyotard, de Pierre Bourdieu, de Jacques Derrida, de Louis Althusser et de Claude Lévi-Strauss. A travers l’analyse des écrits sartriens sur le marxisme, sur la phénoménologie, sur le colonialisme, sur l’élaboration d’une anthropologie non anthropocentriste, sur la critique à la psychiatrie, nous donnons le juste poids aux polémiques et, surtout, nous faisons travailler ensemble les contributions de Sartre et des auteurs français plus jeunes qui ont souvent atténué l’importance de son œuvre. / The aim of my research is to understand the relationship between Sartre and the structuralist and poststructuralist philosophers. My work seeks to set up some lines of communication beyond any simple affiliation and to discover a new Sartre, oriented around the notion of impersonality, of antihumanism, of antimetaphysics. My analysis brings to light the richness of the production of Jean-Paul Sartre crossing his personal critique of phenomenology and his contribution to Marxism, his interpretation of the work of Nietzsche and his critical approach to psychiatric and psychoanalytic thought. Indeed, my research focuses on the endemic disorder of the writings of Sartre to find connections around the question of human subject, of dialectical reason, of how to understand history, to deal with the work of Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Louis Althusser, Jean-François Lyotard and Pierre Bourdieu. Finally, the contribution of Sartre to postcolonial studies orients my dissertation in an international dimension in which Sartre can find a new vitality and can contribute to the contemporary debate.

Fishbowl C

06 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Die komprimierte Darstellung der Fishbowl bietet Einblicke in die aktuelle Diskussion fachspezifischer Fragen. Drei Experten (Thomas Ott, Christian Rolle und Wolfgang Martin Stroh) diskutieren nach ihren Einzelvorträgen miteinander über Grundfragen der Musikdidaktik. An der Diskussion können sich auch Einzelne aus dem Publikum beteiligen. Die Moderation hat Anne Niessen. Die Diskussion dreht sich wesentlich darum, was verschiedene Musikdidaktiker unter ästhetischen, musikalischen, musikbezogenen Wahrnehmungspraxen bzw. –tätigkeiten und Erfahrungen verstehen, außerdem um das Verhältnis dieser Begriffe zu Bildung, Symbolbildung, Bedeutungszuschreibung und Lernen. Die Theorie wird nicht nur an den Videos, sondern auch an erzählten Unterrichtsbeispielen festgemacht. / The abridged fishbowl-discussion gives an idea of currently discussed problems in the german discourse on music education at general schools (=music didactic). In Fishbowl C three experts (Thomas Ott, Christian Rolle und Wolfgang Martin Stroh with Anne Niessen as moderator) after their lectures discuss their understanding of aesthetic, musical and music-related kinds of praxis or activities of perception and experience in different theories of music education, and they relate this to the terms Bildung, learning and construction of symbols and meaning. Experts and guests from the audience illustrate their considerations with examples from the DVDs and with explained examples.

Orte und Nicht-Orte der Lehrerbildung : eine historische und empirische Untersuchung zur Handlungs- und Wissenschaftsorientierung und der damit verbundenen Mythen in der Lehrerbildung /

Messmer, Roland. Oelkers, Jürgen. January 1999 (has links)
Diss. phil.-hist. Fak. Univ. Bern, 1999. / Im Buchh.: Bern ; Berlin ; Bruxelles etc. : P. Lang. Literaturverz.

Peindre la chair : le mouvement de l'image dans l'oeuvre de Chaïm Soutine / Painting the flesh : the image’s movement in Chaïm Soutine’s work

Palermo, Chiara 23 November 2013 (has links)
Le travail des peintres qui ont vécu à Paris au début du XXme siècle a souvent consisté en une négation de la représentation qui n’était pas sans rapport avec la négation de l’objet-tableau lui-même : Chaïm Soutine adopte une profonde radicalité dans cette démarche artistique. L’objet de notre étude, suivant son travail, n’est pas la peinture, mais l’action de peindre, de « peindre la chair », pour redéfinir par là même la peinture comme praxis, et penser, à son tour, la philosophie comme pratique qui doit créer son propre faire. En effet, la négation du paradigme de la représentation en peinture nous a conduit à étendre une réflexion jusqu’aux dynamiques expressives de l’art actuel et surtout aux fondements de la pratique philosophique considérée dans l’essence de son mouvement expressif. À ce propos, le thème de la chair illustre à la perfection, en peinture et en philosophie, un dualisme dont notre travail a voulu être le dépassement. Un dualisme critique se polarisant autour de l’opposition entre l’image comme copie-reproduction ou comme autoréférentielle. L’approche ontologique de l’image et du sensible, retracée suivant la pensée de Merleau-Ponty, définit la chair comme prégnance, c’est-à-dire comme un être en différenciation avec lui-même, qu’on ne peut saisir que par un renouvellement de la pensée suivant les mêmes différenciations avec elle-même. Notre analyse de la peinture de Chaïm Soutine conduit à repenser le phénomène esthétique, et, au-delà, à repenser l’être de tout phénomène et de tout apparaître, sans les faire référer aux formules oppositives et aux formes de pensée issues de l’héritage idéaliste de la philosophie et de l’esthétique. / The work of painters who lived in Paris at the beginning of the 20th century mainly consisted in a negation of representation which was not unrelated to the negation of the object-painting itself: Chaïm Soutine brings a deep radical change to this artistic approach. The purpose of our study, according to Soutine’s work, is not its painting, but the action of painting, of "painting the flesh," in order to redefine thereby painting as praxis, and, in turn, philosophy as a practice which must create its own making. Indeed, the denial of the paradigm of representation in painting led us to extend our work to the expressive dynamic reflection of contemporary art and especially to the foundations of philosophical practice considered in the essence of his expressive movement. In this regard, the theme of ‘Flesh’ is a perfect illustration, within painting and philosophy, of a dualism. Our work ambition is to go beyond this dualism. A critical dualism which polarises itself around the opposition between the image as a print-copy/ reproduction and the image as a self –referential. The ontological approach to the 'image' and the 'sensible', drawn by Merleau-Ponty's thought, defines the flesh as pregnancy, that is to say as a Being differentiating of itself which we can only apprehend by renewing our thought following the same differentiation of itself. Our analysis of Chaïm Soutine’s painting lead us to rethink the phenomenon of aesthetics, and, beyond that, to rethink the Being of every phenomena and every appearance without making reference to oppositional forms and ways of thinking from the idealist legacy of philosophy and aesthetics.

LITURGIA E IDENTIDADES CULTURAIS NAS PRÁTICAS LITÚRGICAS DA IGREJA PRESBITERIANA-REFORMADA EM CUBA NA PERSPECTIVA DA PRÁXIS RELIGIOSA / Liturgy and Cultural Identities within the Liturgical Practices of the Presbyterian-Reformed Church of Cuba from the Perspective of the Religious Praxis.

Celorrio, Pedro Julián Jiménez 16 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:21:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_LITURGIA E IDENTIDADES CULTURAIS.pdf: 3388517 bytes, checksum: 051c194d295c641759819eaf6d5329df (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-16 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This thesis tackles the relationship between liturgy and cultural identities manifested throughout the different liturgical practices displayed by the Reformed- Presbyterian Church of Cuba (RPCC). The study is constructed from the perspective of the religious praxis. It refers to those activities developed by the Christian churches and institutions which convey creation, liberation and a radical transformation of individual, nature and society. The text tackles the social and cultural history of the country and the history of Cuban Presbyterianism, focusing on the period from 1967 to 2009. It takes into account four specific objectives: investigation of the cultural matrixes that formed the Cuban culture, description of the protestant historical roots and streams within Cuban Presbyterianism until the organization of the RPCC, presentation of the liturgical practices of the RPCC, and construction of guide lines for the celebration of hope throughout an inculturated liturgical praxis. These objectives were accomplished by using a historical method, which investigates events and institutions from the past in order to verify its influences in society, and by means of a bibliographical methodology that is supplemented by an investigation of the field and a questionnaire that covers twelve aspects of liturgy. Among other procedures, five specific actions were developed to the elaboration of the final text: examination of literature produced by Cuban and non Cuban authors related to the theme of this dissertation, organization of the texts, application of the interviews and evaluation of the results. In this thesis the author seeks to provide answers to a particular problem: the society changes, however, the church does not develop an efficient dialogue with it, nor does it follow the social changes that are occurring in its midst. This leads to the question: What can be done so that the Church could adjust its liturgical praxis to the socio-cultural context in which it is acting? The proposals raised at the end are not presented as a rigid pattern, but as a guide or map which must constantly be revised and adapted. / A presente tese aborda a relação entre liturgia e identidades culturais nas práticas litúrgicas da Igreja Presbiteriana Reformada em Cuba (IPRC). Tal estudo realiza-se à luz da práxis religiosa, que abrange o conjunto de atitudes criadoras, reflexivas,libertadoras e radicais desenvolvidas pelas igrejas e instituições cristãs. O texto remete tanto à história sócio-cultural do país quanto à história do presbiterianismo cubano, embora focalize o período de 1967-2009, e se desenvolve a partir de quatro objetivos específicos: pesquisar as matrizes culturais constitutivas da cultura cubana; apresentar as raízes históricas dos protestantes e as vertentes seguidas pelo presbiterianismo cubano até a conformação da IPRC; verificar as práticas litúrgicas da IPRC; e oferecer pistas para construir e celebrar a esperança por meio de uma práxis litúrgica inculturada. Para alcançar os objetivos desta pesquisa, usou-se o método histórico, que pressupõe a investigação de acontecimentos, processos e instituições do passado para verificar sua influência na sociedade. A metodologia foi de natureza bibliográfica, auxiliada pela pesquisa de campo através de um questionário de doze perguntas. As entrevistas foram feitas com pessoas pertences à IPRC. As ações se desenvolveram da seguinte maneira: revisão de textos produzidos por cientistas cubanos acerca da temática em questão; levantamento bibliográfico de literatura de autores não cubanos para complementar o tema escolhido; análise do teor compilado; aplicação de entrevistas; e avaliação dos resultados obtidos. O problema para o qual a presente pesquisa procura respostas é que por um lado a sociedade mudou e, por outro lado, a Igreja não consegue dialogar eficazmente com a mesma, nem acompanhar as mudanças sociais. Diante de tal situação a pergunta é: O que fazer para desenvolver uma práxis litúrgica adequada ao contexto sócio-cultural no qual a Igreja está inserida? As respostas a esta questão não se erguem como um padrão rígido, mas como guia, ou mapa, que constantemente deverá ser revisado e adequado.

Educação, corpo e imagem: desvelando caminhos para a educação emancipatória por meio da produção audiovisual

Pires, Cristine Lima 06 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Cristine Pires (cristinelpires@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-03-24T01:47:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Cristine Pires_Tese.pdf: 2265301 bytes, checksum: 3777dc0a497fed73a52c930bbe368580 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Lopes (silopes@ufba.br) on 2015-03-26T14:00:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Cristine Pires_Tese.pdf: 2265301 bytes, checksum: 3777dc0a497fed73a52c930bbe368580 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T14:00:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cristine Pires_Tese.pdf: 2265301 bytes, checksum: 3777dc0a497fed73a52c930bbe368580 (MD5) / CNPQ e CAPES / O presente trabalho consiste em uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa que tem como base a relação dialógica construída com os participantes, em um estudo de caso no bairro Plataforma - Subúrbio Ferroviário de Salvador - Bahia, Brasil. Objetivou-se investigar o processo de produção audiovisual e as contribuições da linguagem e produção imagética para formação dos sujeitos, jovens que frequentam a educação básica pública, visando fundamentar a práxis pedagógica, a partir da autonomia dos educandos como Sujeitos que fazem escolhas e projetam coletivamente ações/produtos que ressiginificam seus valores e identidade comunitária. Buscou-se desvelar os sentidos e significados da vida da comunidade, da história construída no cotidiano escolar, do corpo e cultura dos sujeitos que são fundamentais para a formação humana emancipatória. Utilizou-se os registros imagéticos produzidos conjuntamente com os jovens como base de análise, e a história do tempo presente construída no decorrer desse processo. Essa investigação permite constatar alguns impactos na relação dos alunos com a produção imagética e com as representações deles como sujeitos que ressignificam sua comunidade e consequentemente sua identidade e poder de ação. A possibilidade de produzirem vídeos se apresenta como um espaço diferenciado onde podem falar e serem ouvidos na escola e na comunidade. Nesta perspectiva os educandos se apresentam como Sujeitos desse processo e têm a produção imagética como um território com função social histórica de desvelar os saberes que são tecidos nas comunidades e de ressignificar os saberes que são apreendidos na escola. Considera-se fundamental esta reflexão acadêmica para superar a lógica pedagógica hegemônica na educação básica brasileira de silenciamento e exclusão do corpo e da cultura, das vozes e das emoções do Sujeito Histórico no espaço escolar. / ABSTRAC This study consists of a qualitative approach that is based on the dialogical relationship built with the participants in a case study in the Platform neighborhood - Suburban Rail Salvador - Bahia, Brazil. This study aimed to investigate the process of audiovisual production and the contributions of language and imagery production training of the subjects, children who attend public basic education, aiming to support pedagogical praxis, from the autonomy of learners as subjects who make choices and collectively design actions / products ressiginificam their values and community identity. We sought to uncover the meanings of community life, of history built in everyday school life, body, and culture of the subjects that are fundamental to human emancipatory education. We used the pictorial records produced jointly with young people as a basis for analysis, and the history of this time built in that process. This allows investigation finds some impacts in respect of pupils with image production and representations of them as subjects who resignify their community and consequently their identity and power of action. The possibility of producing videos is presented as a distinctive space where they can speak and be heard at school and in the community. In this perspective the students present themselves as subjects of this process and have the image production as a territory with historical social function of revealing the knowledge in communities that are woven and reframe the knowledge that are learned in school. It is essential that academic reflection to overcome the hegemonic pedagogical logic in the Brazilian basic education silencing and exclusion of body and culture, the voices and emotions of the Subject in school history / RÉSUMÉ Cette étude est une approche qualitative qui est basé sur la relation dialogique construite avec les participants à une étude de cas dans le quartier de Plataforma - Suburban Ferroviaire de Salvador - Bahia, Brésil. Cette étude visait à examiner le processus de la production audiovisuelle et les contributions de la langue et de l'imagerie à la formation des sujets, les jeunes qui fréquentent l'enseignement public de base, visant à soutenir la praxis pédagogique, à partir de l'autonomie des apprenants comme des sujets qui font des choix et conçoivent collectivement des actions / produits qui signifient leurs valeurs et l'identité de la communauté. Nous avons tenté de découvrir les sens et significations de la vie communautaire, de l'histoire construite dans la routine de l'école, du corps et de la culture des sujets qui sont fondamentaux à la formation humaine émancipatrice. Nous avons utilisé les documents iconographiques produits conjointement avec les jeunes en tant que base pour l'analyse et l'histoire du temps présent construite dans ce processus. Cette enquête permet de constater certains effets à l'égard des élèves par rapport à la production d’images et à leurs représentations comme sujets qui signifient leur communauté et par conséquent leur identité et leur pouvoir d'action. La possibilité qu’ils puissent produire des vidéos s’est présenté comme un espace différent, où ils peuvent parler et être entendus à l'école et dans la communauté. Dans cette perspective, les apprenants se présentent en tant que Sujets de ce processus et ont la production de l'image comme un territoire avec une fonction sociale historique de révéler les connaissances qui sont tissées dans les communautés et de recadrer les connaissances qui sont apprises à l'école. Cette réflexion académique est essentielle à surmonter la logique pédagogique hégémonique de l'éducation de base du Brésil et de l'exclusion du corps et de la culture, des voix et des émotions du Sujet Historique dans l’espace scolaire

La démocratie : pouvoir constituant ou auto-institution ? / Democracy : constituent power or auto-institution ?

Chapel, Sébastien 05 December 2015 (has links)
Comment repenser la démocratie dans sa dimension la plus substantive (au-delà de la forme-Etat) sans retrouver le noyau théologique du concept de représentation politique (repräsentation) et/ou l’impasse du sujet infini («dèmos total»)? Ce travail propose d’apporter un éclairage nouveau à ce problème en mettant en rapport les lectures dellavolpienne et opéraïste de Marx avec la reformulation ontologique du problème politique telle qu’elle se trouve énoncée (partiellement) par Antonio Negri et (de manière bien plus complète) par Cornelius Castoriadis. L’apport majeur de della Volpe et de l’opéraïsme consiste en effet à voir entrevu (quoique séparément, tel fut le signe commun de leur échec respectif) la portée ontologique de la critique marxienne de la dialectique (pour le premier) et (pour le second) la politicité intrinsèque de la loi de la valeur léguée par Marx, double mouvement que Castoriadis réunit pleinement en déterminant les implications politiques issues de la relativisation «linguistique» de l’ontologie unitaire et, plus précisément, la possibilité d’une forme radicalement démocratique de représentation («collectif anonyme»),pensée dans l’élément irréductible de l’imaginaire social (et de la pluralité). / How can one rethink democracy in its most substantive dimension (beyond the form of the State) without finding the theological core of the concept of political representation (repräsentation) and/or the stalemate of the infinite subject? This work intends to bring a new perspective to this problem by considering in relation the dellavolpian and the "operaist" interpretation, with the ontological reformulation of the political problem such as it was formulated (partially) by Antonio Negri and (much more completely) by Cornelius Castoriadis. The major contribution of della Volpe and of "operaism" indeed includes (while separately, as was the common sign of their respective failures) a glimpse of the ontological significance of the Marxian criticism of the dialectic (for the first) and (for the second) the intrinsic "politicality" of the Law of Value bequeathed by Marx, double movements that Castoriadis reunites entirely in determining the political implications arising from the “linguistic” relativisation of the unitary ontology and, more precisely, the possibility of a radically democratic form of representation ("anonymous collective"), considered in the irreducible element of the social imagination (and of plurality).

Práxis e a noção de prática nos documentos oficiais sobre a formação de professores

Hein, Ana Catarina Angeloni [UNESP] 03 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-09-03Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:31:40Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 hein_aca_me_arafcl.pdf: 721850 bytes, checksum: 7d76f6d23b114364570a0341fda7e306 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Este trabalho tem como objeto o conceito de prática presente nos documentos oficiais sobre a formação de professores para a escola básica, de 1996 a 2006, data esta que vai desde a promulgação da LDB (Lei nº 9.394/96) até a reestruturação das licenciaturas, e em especial das Diretrizes Curriculares do Curso de Pedagogia. A partir da LDB (Lei nº 9.394/96), a prática nos documentos oficiais recebe diferentes denominações, tais como: “prática educativa”, “prática de ensino”, “prática como componente curricular”, “prática de estágio”, “prática profissional”, dentre outras. Os documentos oficiais preconizam a prática para os cursos de formação de professores para a educação básica. Na coleta de dados a concepção de prática dos documentos se mostra de forma fragmentada e generalizada, sendo apenas um arremate final das outras atividades do curso. Acreditamos que exista um nexo entre as mudanças empreendidas na legislação e a reestruturação capitalista, a partir da introdução do modo de produção taylorista/ fordista para toyotista, em que houve a necessidade formativa de um trabalhador com capacidade adaptativa, por intermédio dos organismos internacionais multilaterais / This work has as object of study the concept of practical in official documents related to the formation of basic school teachers, since the promulgation of the LDB (Law nº 9,394/96) 1996 to 2006, until the reorganization of the magistery courses and, in special, of the Directives Curricular Lines of the Pedagogy Course. From the LDB, the official documents praise the practical for the formation teacher’s courses for the basic education, conferring different denominations to it, such as, “practical educative”, “practical of education”, “practical as curricular component”, “practical of period of training”, “practical professional”, amongst others. The analysis of the practical as obligator curricular point in teacher’s formation, ruled as praxis category, according to dialectical materialism and social ontology fundaments, of social being, shows that the official documents present a fragmented and generalized conception of practical, being only a final detail of the activities of the course. We infer, also, the existence of a nexus between undertaken changes in the legislation and the capitalist reorganization, from the introduction in a production way that demanded the formation of the worker with adaptative capacity

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