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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mitt särskilt begåvade barn : En intervjustudie ur ett föräldraperspektiv

Whidotti, Petra January 2023 (has links)
Barn med särskild begåvning är en grupp som kan behöva särskilt stöd och anpassad undervisning för att kunna utvecklas på ett optimalt sätt i skolan. Då det saknas kunskap om dessa elevers speciella förmåga hos lärare och specialpedagoger blir ofta resultatet att dessa elever hålls tillbaka i sin utveckling. Att vara särskilt begåvad kan vara både en tillgång och en social belastning. Trots det kan det uppstå problem under uppväxttiden, i skolan och i olika sociala sammanhang. Föräldrar till särskilt begåvade barn har betydelsefulla erfarenheter som är viktiga att belysa. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och få kunskap om vardagen bland föräldrar till särkilt begåvade barn. Studiens frågeställningar är: Hur beskriver föräldrar sina erfarenheter av vardagen som förälder till barn med särskild begåvning? Hur beskriver föräldrarna sina erfarenheter gällande barnens väg genom skolan? Vilken betydelse har olika former av kapital i föräldrarnas beskrivningar gällande barn med särskild begåvning? Materialet, som består av åtta kvalitativa mejlintervjuer med föräldrar analyseras med utgångspunkt i Pierre Bourdieus begrepp om socialt, ekonomisk och kulturellt kapital. De viktigaste resultaten visar att föräldrarna är djupt engagerade i barnens skolgång, fritidsaktiviteter och sociala liv. Skolan har ofta problem med att tillhandahålla en utbildningsnivå som matchar deras barns behov. Det framkom att mödrarna är de som navigerar och har kontakt med skolan i stor utsträckning, vilket blev en stressfaktor när de upplevde att skolan inte lyssnade på dem. Föräldrarnas höga innehav av socialt, ekonomiskt och kulturellt kapital speglade deras möjligheter att avsätta tid och omsorg vilket påverkade föräldrarnas strategier avseende barnens skolgång och sociala tillvaro. Studiens resultat visar tydligt att resursstarka föräldrar har stor betydelse för deras förmåga att finna alternativa vägar genom utbildningssystemet såväl som fritiden för deras barn med särskild begåvning.

Dissemination Rhizome: How to Do (Political) Things With Affect

Monea, Alexander Paul 17 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Pierre Bourdieu

Heitzmann, Daniela 25 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Pierre Bourdieu (1930–2002) war ein französischer Ethnologe und Soziologe, der von 1981 bis 2001 einen Lehrstuhl für Soziologie am Collège de France innehatte. Sein zentrales Erkenntnisinteresse richtete Bourdieu auf die Beständigkeit der sozialen Verhältnisse, deren zentralen Mechanismus er im Phänomen der symbolischen Gewalt fand. Bourdieu beschreibt dabei, wie in der sozialen Praxis über Akte des Klassifizierens Herrschafts- und Machtverhältnisse konstituiert und perpetuiert werden. Als Beispiel schlechthin für die symbolische Gewalt benennt Bourdieu die „Männliche Herrschaft“. Die Rezeption dieses Konzepts ist in der deutschsprachigen Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung bis heute jedoch eher zurückhaltend.

Männlichkeit in der Soziologie

Scholz, Sylka 26 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Erst recht spät, durch Impulse der internationalen Forschung in den 1980er Jahren, etablierte sich in den deutschsprachigen Ländern ab den 1990er Jahren eine Männlichkeitsforschung innerhalb der Soziologie. Besonders wirkmächtig wurde dabei Connells Konzept der hegemonialen Männlichkeit. Männlichkeit wird hierbei als plural und variabel theoretisiert und konsequent mit einem Macht- und Herrschaftskonzept verbunden. Die Männlichkeitssoziologie thematisiert unter anderem (Prekarisierung der) Erwerbsarbeit, Sozialisation, Gewalt, Familie und Reproduktion aber auch neuere Felder der Geschlechtersoziologie wie Heteronormativität, Migration oder Körper.

Fabians and 'Fabianism' : a cultural history, 1884-1914

Downing, Phoebe C. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is a cultural history of the early Fabian Society, focusing on the decades between 1884, the Society’s inaugural year, and 1914. The canonical view is that ‘Fabianism,’ which the Oxford English Dictionary defines as the ‘doctrine and principles of the Fabian Society,’ is synonymous with State socialism and bureaucratic ‘efficiency.’ By bringing the methods of cultural history to bear on the Society’s founding members and decades, this thesis reveals that ‘Fabianism’ was in fact used as a dynamic metonymy, not a fixed doctrine, which signified a range of cultural, and even literary, meanings for British commentators in the 1890s and 1900s (Part 1). Further, by expanding the scope of traditional histories of the Fabian Society, which conventionally operate within political and economic sub-fields and focus on the Society’s ‘official’ literature, to include a close examination of the broader discursive context in which ‘Fabianism’ came into being, this thesis sets out to recover the symbolic aspects of the Fabians’ efforts to negotiate what ‘Fabianism’ meant to the English reading public. The Fabians’ conspicuous leadership in the modern education debates and the liberal fight for a ‘free stage,’ and their solidarity with the international political émigrés living in London at the turn of the twentieth century all contribute to this revised perspective on who the founding Fabians were, what they saw themselves as trying to achieve, and where the Fabian Society belonged—and was perceived to belong—in relation to British politics, culture, and society (Part 2). The original contribution of this thesis is the argument that the Fabians explicitly and implicitly evoked Matthew Arnold as a precursor in their efforts to articulate a kind of Fabian—latterly social-democratic—liberalism and a public vocation that balanced English liberties and the duty of the State to provide the ‘best’ for its citizens in education and in culture, as in politics.

The girls' guide to power: romancing the Cold War

Allen, Amanda 06 1900 (has links)
This dissertation uses a feminist cultural materialist approach that draws on the work of Pierre Bourdieu and Luce Irigaray to examine the neglected genre of postwar-Cold War American teen girl romance novels, which I call female junior novels. Written between 1942 and the late 1960s by authors such as Betty Cavanna, Maureen Daly, Anne Emery, Rosamond du Jardin, and Mary Stolz, these texts create a kind of hieroglyphic world, where possession of the right dress or the proper seat in the malt shop determines a girls place within an entrenched adolescent social hierarchy. Thus in the first chapter, I argue that girls adherence to consumer-based social codes ultimately constructs a semi-autonomous female society, still under the umbrella of patriarchy, but based on female desire and possessing its own logic. This adolescent female society parallels the network of women who produced (authors, illustrators, editors) and distributed (librarians, critics) these texts to teenaged girls. Invisible because of its all-female composition, middlebrow status, and feminine control, yet self-governing for the same reasons, the network established a semi-autonomous space into which left-leaning authors could safely (if subtly) critique American social and foreign policies during the Cold War. Chapter Two examines the first generation of the network, including Anne Carroll Moore, Bertha Mahony, Louise Seaman, and May Massee, who helped to create the childrens publishing industry in America, while Chapter Three investigates the second generation, including Mabel Williams, Margaret Scoggin, and Ursula Nordstrom, who entrenched childrens and adolescent literature in publishing houses and library services. In Chapter Four I explore the shifting concept of what constitutes quality within these texts, with an emphasis on the role of authors, illustrators, and critics in defining such value. Chapter Five investigates the use of female junior novels within the classroom, paying particular attention to the role of bibliotherapy, in which these texts were used to help teenagers solve their developmental tasks, as suggested by psychologist Robert J. Havighurst. A brief conclusion discusses the fall of the female junior novels and their network, while a coda addresses the republication of these texts today through the nostalgia press.

Skönhetsdyrkare och socialdemokrat : studier i Bengt Lidforss litteraturkritiska gärning

Leopold, Lennart January 2001 (has links)
Bengt Lidforss (1868–1913) was professor of botany between 1910 and 1913. But after the turn of the century he also emerged as a charismatic leader within the Swedish working-class movement. He became one of its foremost publicists. In the social democratic newspaper Arbetet in Malmö he wrote about natural sciences but also about political, philosophical and literary issues. As a literary critic Lidforss was the keenest protector of the Scanian literary school, and his struggle for Ola Hansson and Vilhelm Ekelund has made its mark in Swedish literary history, as have his contributions in favour of Gustaf Fröding and August Strindberg, culminating in the polemic articles during the Strindberg Feud (1910–11). Skönhetsdyrkare och socialdemokrat. Studier i Bengt Lidforss litteraturkritiska gärning (Worshipper of Beauty And Social Democrat. Studies in Bengt Lidforss’ Achievement As A Literary Critic) emphasises the paradoxic combination of Lidforss’ fundamentally socialist views and a strong belief in art. To him art was not isolated from society but quite the contrary; a significant factor in the changing of society. The new socialistic human being should be ennobled by arts instead of emasculated by religion. With the help of Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of “field”, it is shown how Lidforss, by attacking leading middle-class newspapers and publicists, created for himself and Arbetet a constantly stronger position within the field of journalism. Within the field of literary criticism he attacked the middle-class critics, and thus participated in associating Strindberg and Fröding as well as the young Scanian writers with the working-class movement. Lidforss’ literary taste was seen as an alternative to middle-class taste and the worshipping of beauty thereby became fashionable among socialists. The fact that one finds sympathies not only for symbolism but also for decadent descriptions with Lidforss the socialist, has to do with the fact that the descriptions of the discomfort of the heroes revealed the disadvantages of the capitalist society. Nevertheless Lidforss’ issued warnings against programmatic pessimism, since he was of the opinion that literature should strengthen people in their struggle. When it came to the plight of the human being under capitalism he was a pessimist, but he believed the stronger in a future socialist society. The terms for the artists would be more tolerable in such a society, he prophesied. He admitted that revolutionary poetry could be useful but was of the opinion that the quality of art would lessen if it consciously served politics. The revolutionary poetry he praised in his reviews was poetry he found genuine and coming from the heart. He did not favour pronounced tendencies, but he liked to use poetry in a political context. / Bengt Lidforss (1868–1913) var botaniker, men också publicist och socialist. Skandalomsusad och färgstark har han porträtterats av ett stort antal skönlitterära författare, allt ifrån August Strindberg till Inger Alfvén. Hans mångsidiga medarbetarskap i Arbetet hjälpte tidningen fram till en uppmärksammad position. I denna bok skildras hans kamp för en ledande position också inom det litterära fältet. Lidforss var en skönhetsdyrkare av stora mått men samtidigt socialdemokrat. Detta ledde till att han stred på många kulturella arenor – inte bara mot kritiker, författare, och Svenska Akademien, utan också mot inflytelserika män inom kyrka och politik. Skönhetsdyrkare och socialdemokrat ger oss oväntade svar på vad dessa bataljer handlade om och vi får möta Lidforss samtida giganter som Fredrik Böök, Vilhelm Ekelund, Albert Engström, Verner von Heidenstam, Oscar Levertin, August Strindberg med flera.

Those About to Die Salute You: Sacrifice, the War in Iraq, and the Crisis of the American Imperial Society

Olsen, Florian B. 10 March 2011 (has links)
This dissertation produces the first attempt to bring the work of sociologist Pierre Bourdieu and the political theory literature on citizenship into dialogue with the scholarship on American empire in the field of International Relations (IR). It explores how the United States’ quest for global pre-eminence, mirrored by the war in Iraq, reveals and exacerbates the social wounds at the seams of American society. To do this, it introduces three new concepts to the field of International Relations. It builds on historian Christophe Charle’s sociological framework of “imperial society” and “national habitus” (2001, 2004 and 2005) and introduces an original concept, the field of citizenship, to examine social conflict over the distribution of military sacrifice amongst citizens in the United States. Finally, it explores these tensions by looking at multiple documentary sources, including over 200 newspaper articles, 60 testimonies about the war from soldiers and their relatives, congressional documents, and military manpower policies.

Those About to Die Salute You: Sacrifice, the War in Iraq, and the Crisis of the American Imperial Society

Olsen, Florian B. 10 March 2011 (has links)
This dissertation produces the first attempt to bring the work of sociologist Pierre Bourdieu and the political theory literature on citizenship into dialogue with the scholarship on American empire in the field of International Relations (IR). It explores how the United States’ quest for global pre-eminence, mirrored by the war in Iraq, reveals and exacerbates the social wounds at the seams of American society. To do this, it introduces three new concepts to the field of International Relations. It builds on historian Christophe Charle’s sociological framework of “imperial society” and “national habitus” (2001, 2004 and 2005) and introduces an original concept, the field of citizenship, to examine social conflict over the distribution of military sacrifice amongst citizens in the United States. Finally, it explores these tensions by looking at multiple documentary sources, including over 200 newspaper articles, 60 testimonies about the war from soldiers and their relatives, congressional documents, and military manpower policies.

Machinima : Ett kulturellt fält i rörelse / Machinima : A cultural field reorganizing

Forsgren, Oskar, Nilsson, Daniel, Forsberg, Christoffer January 2010 (has links)
I mitten av 1990-talet närmare bestämt 1996 gjordes en film kallad Diary of a Camper. Filmen handlade om en person som satt och lurpassade på sina fiender i ett datorspel. Det som var speciellt med denna film var inte handlingen eller något fantastiskt kameraarbete. Nej det som var speciellt var det faktum att filmen spelades in i ett datorspel. Denna film anses vara startskottet för machinimakulturen som idag omfattar flera tusen utövare världen över.Det var personerna bakom Diary of a camper som myntade uttrycket machinima som är en sammanslagning av de engelska orden ”machine” och ”animation” alltså maskin och animation. Det finns en annan tolkning där ordets andra stavelse är ”cinema” istället för ”animation” men den officiella ska vara det tidigare. Vad än ordet machinima är ihopsatt av är det en filmteknik där kreatören eller producenten spelar in sin historia i ett TV- eller datorspel. I denna uppsats tittar vi närmare på machinimakulturen och vad för regler, attityder och förhållningssätt som finns i denna tilldags dato, anno 2010, något outforskade arena.

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