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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Könskvotering till bolagsstyrelser : En argumentationsanalys om kvotering - särskilt utifrån aktieägarnas äganderätt och EU-direktiv 2022/2381 / Gender quotas in corporate boards : An analysis about quotas - especially with regards to shareholders ownership and EU directive 2022/2381

Hagberg, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats behandlar könskvotering till bolagsstyrelser. Sverige har alltjämt motsatt sig kvotering som ett medel för att nå en jämnare könsfördelning. Trots redovisade fördelar, främst avseende bolagens ekonomiska effektivitet, har reglerna ansetts inskränka aktieägarnas äganderätt att fritt utse styrelseledamöter. Utifrån egendomsskyddet i RF kan däremot konstateras att det inte rör sig om en otillåten inskränkning av äganderätten. Inom ramen för Europeiska unionens samarbete beslutades nyligen om ett direktiv som ska främja en jämnare könsfördelning bland styrelseledamöter i börsnoterade bolag. I egenskap av medlemsstat förväntas Sverige implementera direktivet och uppfylla de fastställda kvoterna. Det är därför av intresse att analysera direktivets utformning, innehåll och ändamålsenlighet. Direktivet uppvisar flertalet brister. Det gäller såväl direktivets materiella innehåll som dess förenlighet med subsidiaritets-och proportionalitetsprincipen. Vidare kan riktas kritik mot den rättsliga grund som direktivet vilar på. Till fördel för direktivet är den undantagsbestämmelse som Sverige bland andra länder har möjlighet att tillämpa, och som medför att direktivet i praktiken inte kommer få någon större effekt för svenska börsbolag.

Ukrajinizace v populární kultuře Ukrajiny po roce 2014 / Ukrainization in Ukrainian popular culture after 2014

Dolga, Oksana January 2022 (has links)
(in English): This paper follows the ways in which the latest wave of ukrainization impacts Ukrainian pop culture. The attention is brought upon domestic cultural politics, in particular the aspects which aim to support the Ukrainian language in entertainment sector. The paper then exposes the public discussion about official quotas for usage of Ukrainian language in radio and television. Part of the work is dedicated to the problem of language question from Ukrainian musicians perspective on the example of Ukrainian language band Skryabin and Russian speaking band Green Grey.


[pt] Cotas de tela estão em vigor no Brasil, em sua forma atual, desde 2001. Por lei, cinemas devem exibir uma certa quantidade de dias de filmes brasileiros por ano. Embora duas décadas tenham se passado desde a instituição das cotas, são poucas as avaliações quantitativas dos seus efeitos. Além disso, a política expirou ao final de 2021 e não foi renovada. A reintrodução de cotas é certamente um assunto legislativo a ser debatido. Para investigar os efeitos da política, primeiro executamos um conjunto de regressões em forma reduzida, usando a variação exógena nas cotas de acordo com o tamanho dos complexos de exibição. Em seguida, nós construímos e estimamos um modelo de escolha discreta dinâmico das decisões de programação dos exibidores. As regressões em forma reduzida apontam para efeitos negativos das cotas de tela na bilheteria e no público de filmes estrangeiros e em geral, mas o impacto na receita e no público de filmes brasileiros é próximo a zero. Apesar disso, as cotas parecem induzir cinemas a exibirem mais filmes brasileiros. / [en] Screen quotas in Brazil have been in effect, in their present form, since 2001. Legislation requires movie theaters to screen Brazilian movies for a number of days on a yearly basis. Even though two decades have passed since its inception, quantitative analyses of the policy s effects have been scarce. Furthermore, the policy expired by the end of 2021. The reintroduction of quotas is certainly a matter of legislative relevance in the upcoming years. To investigate policy effects, we first run a set of reduced-form regressions, using exogenous variation in the movie theater quotas per viewing room. Next, we build and estimate a dynamic discrete choice model of exhibitor choice. Reduced-form regressions point to negative effects of screen quotas on overall and foreign films box-office and ticket sales, but impact on Brazilian movie revenue or public is either zero or very small. Nevertheless, quotas do seem to prompt movie theaters to screen more Brazilian movies.

Совершенствование системы государственного мониторинга атмосферного воздуха в рамках проведения эксперимента по квотированию выбросов загрязняющих веществ на примере ГО Нижний Тагил : магистерская диссертация / Improving the system of state monitoring of atmospheric air as part of an experiment on the allocation of pollutant emissions by the example of Nizhny Tagil

Дятлова, А. С., Dyatlova, A. S. January 2020 (has links)
Currently, many governments are developing programs and environmental initiatives aimed at reducing the level of harmful emissions into the atmosphere through the implementation of environmental enterprises. In 2018, the Ecology National Project was adopted in Russia, with a total budget of 54 trillion rubles. Within the framework of the National Project, 12 federal projects are being implemented, one of which, the Clean Air project, is aimed at reducing the level of air pollution in large industrial centers and at improving the existing monitoring system, since the reliability of the results obtained during implementation depends on its effectiveness. federal project "Clean Air" results. / В настоящее время правительства многих стран разрабатывают программы и экологические инициативы, направленные на снижение уровня выбросов вредных веществ в атмосферу за счет реализации природоохранных предприятий. В 2018 году в России был принят к исполнению Национальный проект «Экология», общий бюджет которого составляет 54 трлн руб. В рамках Национального проекта реализуется 12 федеральный проектов, один из которых, проект «Чистый воздух», направлен на снижение уровня загрязнения атмосферного воздуха в крупных промышленных центрах и на совершенствование существующей системы мониторинга, так как именно от эффективности её деятельности зависит достоверность полученных в ходе реализации федерального проекта «Чистый воздух» результатов. Актуальность исследования определяется необходимостью разработки предложений по совершенствованию системы экологического мониторинга в ГО Нижний Тагил одного из городов-участников эксперимента по комплексному квотированию выбросов рамках Федерального проекта «Чистый воздух» и национального проекта «Экология».

L'utilisation de la technique de marché en droit de l'environnement. L'exemple du système européen d'échange des quotas d'émission de gaz à effet de serre / Using the market-based instrument in environmental law. The example of the European Union emission trading system

Rotoullié, Jean-Charles 26 November 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude est d’appréhender, à travers l’exemple du système européen d’échange des quotas d’émission de gaz à effet de serre, les conditions d’efficacité d’un instrument particulier de réalisation du développement durable : la technique de marché. Définie comme un instrument de police consistant en la poursuite d’un objectif de politique publique, préalablement défini par les pouvoirs publics, au moyen de la création volontaire d’un marché, c’est-à-dire l’organisation d’échanges d’« unités » entre opérateurs économiques, la technique de marché est utilisée de manière privilégiée en matière environnementale. La création ex nihilo d’un marché pour protéger l’environnement ne doit pas induire en erreur : la technique de marché ne conduit pas à une substitution de la liberté à la puissance publique. Au contraire, la technique de marché n’est efficace que si elle est sous-tendue par une action publique forte. Une intervention permanente – au stade de l’élaboration et de la mise en oeuvre de cet instrument – et multiforme – au niveau international, régional et national – de la puissance publique est nécessaire. La « main invisible » du marché ne produit ses effets que grâce à la « main visible » de la puissance publique. / By taking the example of the European Union emission trading system, the objective of the present study is to understand the conditions of effectiveness of a specific tool: the market-based instrument. Market-based instrument is defined as a tool of policing aiming at the achievement of a public policy objective (pre-established by public authorities) with the creation of a market, i.e. the organisation of exchanges of “units” between economic operators. This tool is widely used in environmental law. The ex nihilo creation of a market in order to protect the environment must not mislead: the market-based instrument does not lead to a shift from public action to freedom. To the contrary, the effectiveness of the market-based instrument depends on a strong public action. A permanent (i.e. both during the preparation and the implementation of this tool) and multifaceted (i.e. at international, regional and national levels) public intervention is therefore required. The “invisible hand” of the market could only be effective with the “visible hand” of public authorities.

An evaluation of the impact of quotas imposed on clothing and textiles imported from China on the clothing and textile manufacturing industry in South Africa

Lambrechts, Leon 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This report is an evaluation of the impact of the quotas imposed on clothing and textiles imported from China on the clothing and textile manufacturing industry in South Africa. On 28 August 2006 the Government of the Republic of South Africa and the Government of the People’s Republic of China concluded a memorandum in terms of which the export of certain tariff lines of the Chinese textile products to South Africa would be administered in accordance with the volumes specified in the memorandum for a period of two years. The fundamental objective of these import quotas was to provide South African clothing and textile firms the space in which to operate, with the aim of improving competitiveness in domestic and export markets in the long run. The Chinese market-share of South African global clothing imports has risen steadily to the mid-2006 level of just under 75 percent. It was claimed that because of the significant growth in imports from China between 63 000 to 67 000 jobs were lost in the domestic clothing and textile industry from March 2003 to September 2006. The effect of the imposition of the quotas is evaluated by comparing the state of the clothing and textile industry in South Africa prior to 2006, that is pre-quota imposition to the state of the industry up to two years after imposition of the quotas. Reference is made to employment in the clothing and textile industry in South Africa, the size of the industry in South Africa, the position of clothing retailers, labour costs and productivity, as well as the competitiveness of the local clothing and textile industry. The comparison shows that the import quotas did not solve the industry’s woes and that the trends prior to the imposition of the quotas continued. It further shows that the imposition of quotas had a detrimental effect on the welfare of consumers in the country. A change of tack for the industry’s policy makers and businesses is proposed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verslag is ‘n evaluering van die impak van kwotas ingestel op die invoer van klerasie en tekstiele vanuit China op die Suid Afrikaanse klerasie- en tekstiel-bedryf. Op 28 Augustus 2006 het die regerings van Suid-Afrika en China ‘n memorandum onderteken ingevolge waarvan die uitvoer van sekere Chinese tekstiel-tarieflyne na Suid-Afrika vir ‘n tydperk van twee jaar beperk sou word tot volumes gespesifiseer in die memorandum. Die doel van hierdie kwotas was om aan Suid Afrikaanse klerasie- en tekstiel-ondernemings die ruimte te skep om handel te dryf en sodoende hul mededingendheid in beide die plaaslike- en uitvoermarkte te verbeter. Die Chinese markaandeel van Suid-Afrikaanse klere-invoere het geleidelik gestyg tot net onder 75 persent in die middel van 2006. Arbeids-organisasies het aangevoer dat die aansienlike toename in invoere van China daartoe gelei het dat tussen 63 000 en 67 000 werksgeleenthede verlore gegaan het in die plaaslike klerasie- en tekstiel-bedryf vanaf Maart 2003 tot September 2006. Die effek van die kwota-instelling word geëvalueer deur die stand van die Suid-Afrikaanse klerasie- en tekstiel-bedryf voor 2006 - dit wil sê voor die instelling van die kwotas - te vergelyk met die stand van die bedryf vir ‘n tydperk van twee jaar ná die instelling van die kwotas. Verwysings word gemaak na die vlak van indiensneming in die Suid Afrikaanse klerasie- en tekstiel-bedryf, die grootte van die plaaslike bedryf, die posisie van klere-kleinhandelaars, arbeidskoste en produktiwiteit, asook die mededingendheid van die plaaslike bedryf. Die vergelyking toon dat die invoer-kwotas nie die bedryf verbeter het nie en dat tendense aanwesig voor die instelling van die kwotas steeds voortduur. Bowendien toon dit dat die instelling van die kwotas ‘n nadelige invloed gehad het op die welvaart van Suid-Afrikaanse verbuikers. ‘n Koersverandering vir die bedryf se beleidmakers en besighede word voorgestel.

Secteurs manufacturiers dans le système communautaire d’échange de quotas d’émissions / Manufacturing sectors in the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme

Lecourt, Stephen 19 June 2014 (has links)
La thèse se concentre sur le secteur non-électrique agrégé couvert par le SCEQE. La contribution du secteur non-électrique aux variations des émissions de CO2 pendant les deux premières phases du marché (2005-2012), tant du point de vue de la demande finale que de celui de l’offre, est comparée à celle du secteur électrique. Les implications du mode d’allocation gratuite de quotas au secteur non-électrique durant la troisième phase du marché (2013-2020) sont examinées, ce qui constitue l’une des premières évaluations approfondies des benchmarks institués en Phase 3. Il est montré que, tant du point de vue de la demande finale que de celui de l’offre, le secteur non-électrique, du fait de ses interdépendances et de son niveau d’activité, a davantage contribué aux variations des émissions de CO2 que ne l’a fait le secteur électrique, au cours la période 2005-2012. Il est également montré que, en dépit de ses effets redistributifs, le mode d’allocation gratuite par benchmarks tel qu’il a été défini, demeure imparfait et n’est ainsi pas à la hauteur du rôle central du secteur non-électrique dans le fonctionnement du marché. / The thesis focuses on the aggregated non-power sector covered under the EU ETS. First, the non-power sector contribution to CO2 emissions changes in the first two phases of the Scheme (2005-2012), both from a final demand perspective and a supply perspective, is compared to that of the power sector at first. Then, the implications of the non-power sector specific free allocation methodology in the third phase of the Scheme (2013-2020) are scrutinized, which constitutes one of the first thorough assessment of Phase 3 benchmarking. It is showed that both from a final demand perspective and a supply perspective, the non-power sector, through its interrelated character and its activity levels, has contributed to changes in EU ETS CO2 emissions more than the power sector did, over the 2005-2012 period. It is also showed that, despite its free allocation redistribution effects, benchmark-based Phase 3 free allocation remains flawed and may benefit from further improvements to be up to the central role of the non-power sector in the EU ETS dynamics.

O processo de formação de identidade de estudantes negros que ingressaram no ensino superior pelo sistema de cotas do ProUni: a questão da ação afirmativa

Leite, Rozangela da Piedade 14 December 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T13:32:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rozangela da Piedade Leite.pdf: 990229 bytes, checksum: 4d455d634927d40598c826f7ee292132 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-12-14 / Fundação Ford / Much debate over implementing Affirmative Actions has been around along with racial quotas offering minorities access to college education in Brazil. There is the ProUni, which is a social inclusion policy that has been the target of much criticism for it involves many international interests as well as controversial discussions that are leaning towards a logical market interest. In this sense, this model of college admission draws the attention from racial quotas at public universities and leads students interests towards private institutions. Thus, this research aims at understanding how the student, who has entered the Programa Universidade Para Todos the ProUni, builds his identity. The methodological approach is qualitative, using the research method of life story telling. The aim is to better understand this black student s objective and subjective reality in order to identify to what extent this proposal contributes to his racial identity formation. The research was carried at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUCMinas) and it unfolds the fact that getting a government scholarship does not mean that students who participate in the quota system will finish their college graduation course, since the policy of continuation offered by the program is not for them. As well, the Affirmative Action model has certain ambiguities and controversies that interfere in the comprehension of these students realities. The lack of initiatives that can foster the quota students to be recognized in such institution does not contribute to their racial identity process, and thus, nor to their own understanding of the political meaning of Affirmative Actions in Brazil / Diante do atual debate para implantação das Ações Afirmativas, com cotas raciais, para o acesso ao ensino superior no Brasil, surge o Prouni, uma política de inclusão social para ensino superior que tem sido alvo de muitas críticas por envolver muitas polêmicas e interesses de organismos internacionais, voltados para uma lógica de interesse de mercado. Nesse sentido, esse modelo de inserção desvia o foco da atenção para cotas raciais em universidades públicas e direciona o interesse dos estudantes para as instituições particulares. Desse modo, esta pesquisa procura compreender como o estudante negro, que ingressou pela Ação Afirmativa no Programa Universidade Para Todos Prouni-, constrói sua identidade. Neste trabalho, adota-se uma abordagem metodológica qualitativa, utilizando como método a História de Vida, no intuito de compreender melhor a realidade objetiva e subjetiva desse estudante negro, com vista a identificar em que medida essa proposta contribui para sua formação identitária racial, tendo como lócus de pesquisa a Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais (PUCMinas). Esta pesquisa revela que a obtenção de bolsa não é garantia de conclusão de um curso universitário para os estudantes cotistas, visto que, a política de permanência oferecida pelo programa não os favorece, assim como o próprio modelo de ação afirmativa apresenta certas ambiguidades e polêmicas que influenciam na compreensão da realidade desses alunos. A ausência de iniciativas que promovam o reconhecimento do estudante cotista nessa instituição não contribui para o seu processo identitário racial e, consequentemente, para a sua compreensão do sentido político das Ações Afirmativas no Brasil

Negros e indígenas cotistas da Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul: desempenho acadêmico do ingresso à conclusão de curso

Cordeiro, Maria José de Jesus Alves 14 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T14:32:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria Jose de Jesus Alves Cordeiro.pdf: 1375343 bytes, checksum: f64001e46d3d539156e81270579f71f3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-14 / Brazil has an image of a tolerant and democratic nation that doesn't practice racial segregation. The ideology of miscegenation has been reproduced through repetition, generation after generation, using mainly the education system as vehicle, and the curriculum. The affirmative actions, in this case the policy of quotas, are questioning that image and making Brazilians think more critically about ethnic and racial justice and equity. The quotas are considered instruments for repairing, compensation and sociocultural inclusion. At UEMS, the quotas were established by the Law no. 2.589, of December 26, 2002, that reserves vacancies for indigenes and the Law no. 2.605, of January 6, 2003, that reserves 20% of the vacancies for blacks. They were regulated after debate with leaderships of the black movement, indigenes and the academic community. To follow up and evaluate the process of their implementation and their results, as the responsible manager for their implantation in UEMS, I accomplished this research as thesis of my doctorate in Education-Curriculum at PUC/SP, aiming to identify and to analyze to what or whom is attributed the success or academic failure of the students admitted in the quota system, from their admittance to graduation. It´s a qualitative research, that uses the case study methodology, but also quantitative data. Thirty seven (37) courses of the university were focus of the investigation. I analyzed and compared the performance of whites, blacks and indigenes from their admittance tests on December 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006, to the final averages of their school years of 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007, when the first students under the quota system concluded the four year courses. There were also applied questionnaires to identify the profile of those students. The results demonstrate that there isn t any significant difference between white and black students' academic performance under quota system. That conclusion disassembles the nucl / O Brasil tem uma imagem de nação tolerante e democrática que não pratica segregação racial. A ideologia da mestiçagem vem sendo reproduzida no sentido da repetição, geração após geração, usando principalmente como veículo de transmissão/reprodução o sistema de educação e dentro deste o currículo. As ações afirmativas, neste caso a política de cotas, vêm questionando essa imagem e fazendo com que os brasileiros pensem mais criticamente em justiça e eqüidade étnica e racial. As cotas são consideradas medidas de reparação, compensação e de inclusão sócio-cultural. Na UEMS, as cotas chegaram por meio da Lei nº. 2.589, de 26/12/2002, que dispõe sobre a reserva de vagas para indígenas, e a de nº. 2.605, de 06/01/2003, que dispõe sobre a reserva de 20% das vagas para negros. Foram regulamentadas mediante discussão com lideranças do movimento negro, indígenas e comunidade acadêmica. Para acompanhar e avaliar o processo de sua implementação e seus resultados, tendo sido eu a gestora responsável por sua implantação na UEMS, realizei esta pesquisa no doutorado em Educação-Currículo da PUC/SP, tendo como objetivo identificar e analisar o que ou a quem se atribui o sucesso ou insucesso acadêmico dos cotistas, do ingresso à formatura. É uma pesquisa qualitativa, que utiliza o estudo de caso como metodologia e também dados de natureza quantitativa. Foram pesquisados os trinta e sete (37) cursos da universidade, analisando-se e comparando-se o desempenho de brancos, negros e indígenas desde os dados dos vestibulares realizados no mês de dezembro dos anos de 2003, 2004, 2005 e 2006, bem como todas as médias finais dos anos letivos de 2004, 2005, 2006 e 2007, ano em que os primeiros cotistas concluíram os cursos de quatro anos. Também foram aplicados questionários para identificação do perfil dos cotistas. Os resultados apurados demonstram que não existem diferenças dignas de destaque entre o desempenho de brancos e negros cotistas. Essa conclusão desmonta o núcleo do argumento da meritocracia, demonstrando ademais que, diferentemente do que muitos apregoaram em tom de alerta e ameaça, o desempenho dos negros cotistas foi inteiramente satisfatório na média dos cursos, tendo sido superior ao dos brancos em vários deles. Quanto aos indígenas, o alto índice de abandono dos cursos é o que mais sobressai na pesquisa e se sobrepõe em importância aos resultados do seu desempenho acadêmico, que se mostrou insatisfatório. De modo geral, os resultados da pesquisa também mostram que a permanência no sistema de ensino superior é o maior desafio para brancos pobres, negros e indígenas

Det osynliga glastaket : om den låga andelen kvinnliga verkställande direktörer. / The invisible glass ceiling : about the low percentage of female CEOs.

Wigforss, Tua, Lubega, Harriet January 2014 (has links)
Vi vill med denna studie ta reda på vilka mekanismer, som bidrar till den låga andelen kvinnor bland VD:ar i svenska privata företag och om situationen har förändrats de senaste tio åren. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka glastaket från ett ovanifrån-perspektiv. Fokus i studien ligger därför på de styrelseordförande, som arbetar med rekrytering, och inte på de kvinnor, som strävar efter att nå toppen. I referensramen ingår feministiska begrepp som genuskunskap, intersektionalitet, hegemonisk maskulinitet, och homosocialitet men den behandlar även rekrytering, kvotering och positiv särbehandling.Studien är kvalitativ och genomfördes med hjälp av semi-strukturerade intervjuer. En serie intervjuer utfördes, med två projektledare på en jämställdhetsorganisation, sex styrelseordförande och två rekryterare. Intervjuerna gav studien både förkunskaper och empiri, när det gäller den låga andelen kvinnliga VD:ar i svenska privata medelstora företag. Båda könen representerades med fem män och fem kvinnor. Konferensen Jämställt på toppen ägde rum på Rosenbad i Stockholm, där vi utöver intervjuerna studerade goda exempel från företag, som kommit längre i utvecklingen i strävan att tillsätta fler kvinnor på höga positioner. Empirin analyseras utifrån de båda begreppen homosocialitet och hegemonisk maskulinitet.Vår slutsats blir att det är viktigt för företagen att tala ett “nytt språk”, som i första hand poängterar och belyser lönsamheten mer än jämställdheten. Jämställdhet är en självklar grund. Lönsamhet är något som driver utvecklingen i företag framåt. Att börja tala ett nytt språk är väsentligt, om privata företag själva skall lyckas förändra sin nuvarande situation med idag 40 procent rent manliga styrelser, 12-15 procent kvinnliga VD:ar och en utveckling, som går tvärs emot en förändringsprocess i statliga företag och mot samhällets syn på jämlikhet. Det är företagarens ansvar att utifrån grundläggande värderingar och samhällets krav göra företag lönsamma.Vi anser också att den i Sverige lagliga metoden positiv särbehandling bör tillämpas i större utsträckning i privata företag för att påskynda utvecklingen. En lag om kvotering av kvinnor i styrelserna, tror vi också kommer att införas. Eventuella farhågor att kvinnor skulle komma i majoritet i styrelserna med denna metod kan avfärdas, eftersom kvotering av en underrepresenterad grupp upphör av sig själv, när målet är uppnått. Sammanfattningsvis redovisar vi åtgärder, som bidrar till en livskraftig, tillförlitlig och bestående förändring, när det gäller målet att få fler kvinnliga verkställande direktörer. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet

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