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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Funktionshinderpolitiskt program : fallstudie om kommuns implementering av en FN-konvention

Agné, Gabriella, Larsson, Helena January 2013 (has links)
Author: Gabriella Agné and Helena Larsson Title: Disability policy program – a case study of a municipals implementation of UNs Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Supervisor: Marianne Westring-Nordh Assessor: Ulf Drugge This study aims to examine how a small municipal in southern Sweden works with the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and examine the assistant officers knowledge about this work and user organizations inclusion and user involvement. The study operates from a qualitative approach based on the results of nine semi-structured interviews with local politicians, assistance officers and representatives from three different user organizations. The results show that the municipal has chosen to work with the implementation of the convention by creating policy programs for their departments through dialogue with user organizations, and by mapping the accessibility to public places. The results also show that the assistant officers have been given no information regarding the convention or the policy programs from their employers and instead operate from national legislations and prepositions. The user organizations feel that they were initially included in the process, but that their impact has later been removed due to structural reorganization.

Rätten till politisk delaktighet i praktiken : En studie av medborgardialog i tre svenska kommuner

Saleh, Meisoun January 2013 (has links)
Rätten till politisk delaktighet är en central kärna i MR-perspektivet. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om medborgardialog, initierade av kommuner, bidrar till främjandet av politisk delaktighet och inkludering av utrikes födda kvinnor. Med avstamp från den deliberativa demokratimodellen och med hjälp av centrala begrepp såsom deltagande, politisk jämlikhet och grupprepresentation så har studien på övergripande plan kunnat undersöka hur svenska kommuner tillämpar medborgardialog och i vilken utsträckning kvinnor blir inkluderade respektive exkluderade. Efter att ha undersökt tre olika kommuner med högst andel utrikes födda kvinnor så visar resultatet på att medborgardialog är ett effektivt instrument för att främja politisk delaktighet i en svensk kontext. Kommunernas fortsatta arbete med att utveckla medborgardialogerna är därför av största vikt och i synnerhet genom att utveckla riktlinjer explicit för att inkludera utrikes födda kvinnor.

Mänskliga rättigheter vid en naturkatastrof : En jämförelse mellan Haiti och Thailand

Baineta Rosendahl, Maria January 2015 (has links)
There are three main purposes for this thesis; the first is to distinguish the possible violations that can occur in time of natural disasters. The second is to analyze if there is a correlation between political systems and how the effected country handles the aftermath of a natural disaster. The third purpose is to determine the role of the global community and what responsibility lies with them. The issue is often that the aid becomes the main object for discussion and analysis, but the focus rarely shifts to the effected State. Therefore the focus in this essay is the political system and how they cope with the human rights violations that can occur in a time of natural disaster. The questions are; what human rights are at risk of being violated during a natural disaster? What general impact do the different political systems have on how they handle the human rights violations that arises? In which ways can other countries assist in a natural disaster and what responsibility do the global communities have?To be able to discuss human rights, it is necessary to know one perspective of how they came to be. For this purpose, this thesis will explain human rights from the perspectives of Jack Donnelly and Ronald Dworkin. They speak about rights and obligations; Donnelly means to say that all rights are universal and Dworkin put rights in a perspective of equal respect and concern. Some of the rights violated in the aftermath of the natural disaster were the right to a family life, the right to personal security and the right to ones property. When analyzing the political systems and the responsibility of the world in the consequences of a natural disaster, I applied Ulla Erikson-Zeterqvists explanation of early institutional theory that implies tree conditions that make an organization successful. The first condition is where the administrative control lays, second the commitment of grassroots organizations and third, the participation of the local community. In this analysis the conclusion is that the political system is not the main factor in upholding human rights. The main factor is the stability of the State and what the State is willing to do for its citizens. The stability of the States determines the standard for what human rights mean and how the aid is structured. If the State is corrupted it makes it harder for the global community to assist. The countries history affects their behavior and in a time of crisis, the States true commitment is shown.

Relevanta rättigheter? : En undersökning av förvaltningsrätternas behandling av Europakonventionen under 2013

Knobloch Blomqvist, Nina January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Blir det till barnets bästa? : En kvalitativ och komparativ studie om diskussionen kring barnets bästa i Gävle tingsrätts domar i vårdnads-, boende- och umgängestvister

Åberg, Linda, Knudsen Wahlbom, Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
Barnets bästa beskrivs av forskare som ett svårdefinierat begrepp. Trots detta är begreppet lagstadgat och ska vara avgörande för alla beslut kring vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka Gävle tingsrätts diskussion av barnets bästa i vårdnads-, boende- och umgängesdomar under åren 1992, 2002 och 2012 samt om det skett någon förändring över tid. En form av textanalys användes för att analysera empirin som sedan studerades med socialkonstruktionistisk och rättssociologisk teori. Det mest framträdande resultatet var att tingsrättens diskussion kring barnets bästa oftast skett indirekt, där ingen direkt motivering har gjorts huruvida en viss situation är till barnets bästa eller inte. Emellertid har direkta referenser till begreppet barnets bästa ökat, främst i domarna från år 2012. Resultatet kan antas härröra ur de reformer som gjorts i föräldrabalken år 2006. En annan viktig slutsats vi kommit fram till rör hur barnets bästa alltid verkar vara situationsbundet. / The child's best interest is described by researchers as elusive. Despite this, the concept is statutory and should be essential to decisions regarding custody, residence and contact. The purpose of this study was to inquire Gävle district court's discussion of the child's best interest in custody, residence and contact judgments in 1992, 2002 and 2012, and to study whether the arguing changed over time. Text analysis was applied to analyze data which then was studied by perspectives of socialconstructionism and sociology of law. A prominent result was that the district court's discussion of the child’s best interest is usually made indirectly. However, direct references to the concept of the child’s best interest increased, mainly in the judgments from 2012. This result might derive from the reforms made in the Swedish Parental Code in 2006. Another important conclusion we have come to concern is that the child’s best interest seem to be inconstant.

What Protection of the Right to Housing do Illegal Occupiers Enjoy? : A Study of the Protection in Sweden in Light of the Example of South Africa

Ryan, Natasha January 2014 (has links)
With a history of racial discrimination, which inevitably led to illegal occupations of private and public land and subsequent violent evictions, South Africans have enjoyed constitutional protection against illegal and forcible evictions since the mid-1990s. Sweden, a country considerably less accustomed to illegal occupations, does not guarantee the same protection against forcible evictions. However, the recent influx of Roma from Romania and Bulgaria to Sweden without the means to support themselves has resulted in an increase of illegal occupations and led to evictions from publicly owned land. This paper examines: (i) how the case of South Africa relates to the situation in Sweden, (ii) the extent of legal protection offered by Sweden relating to the right to housing and (iii), whether when carrying out such evictions, Sweden respects European legislation and precedent. The results show that South African and European courts have interpreted the right to housing as a right to alternative accommodation for illegal occupants. With no constitutional right to housing in Sweden, legislation only guarantees the right to housing for holders of a permanent right of residence. For EEA citizens, such as Romanians or Bulgarians, the right of residence is conditional. In the absence of a legal obligation to consider the situation of illegal occupiers or to provide alternative accommodation, there seems to be a gap in Swedish legislation; leading to a failure on the behalf of the state to adhere to European commitments and to protect those most vulnerable in society.

Tillämpningen av begreppet Responsibility to Prevent : En studie av Förenta Nationernas säkerhetsråds agerande under den arabiska våren i Syrien 2011-2012 utifrån begreppet Responsibility to Prevent

Rundell, Johan January 2013 (has links)
I diskussionen kring hur stater bör förhålla sig till varandra när främmande människor i andra stater utsätts för lidande av sin egen statsledning ställs ofta idéer om globala humanitära rättigheter, som utvecklats efter andra världskriget och förintelsen, emot normer om staters okränkbarhet och principen om att inte intervenera i andra staters interna verksamhet. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning begreppet Responsibility to Prevent tillämpats i FN:s säkerhetsråds agerande under en samtida konfliktsituation, detta med bakgrund i utvecklingen av det nya tankesättet med global humanitär rätt som ett gemensamt internationellt ansvar. Arbetet behandlar teorierna solidarism, pluralism och realism. För att söka svaret på frågeställningarna används kvalitativ textanalys av skriftliga öppna källor. Insamlingen av empiriska data består av tryckt media, officiella dokument samt texter och artiklar tagna från internet. Resultatet från arbetet visar att Förenta Nationernas säkerhetsråd till viss del har agerat i enlighet med begreppet Responsibility to Prevent. Vidare redogör arbetet för att två inflytelserika, permanenta medlemmar i säkerhetsrådet har motiverat sitt ställningstagande utifrån olika synsätt på hur konflikten bör hanteras och att deras motiveringar påverkats av deras skilda synsätt på statssuveränitet och intervention. Undersökningen leder även fram till slutsatsen att vetorätten i säkerhetsrådet, under konflikten i Syrien 2011-2012, har begränsat utvecklingen och implementeringen av tankesättet att säkerheten för världens befolkning ska betraktas som ett gemensamt ansvar.

Dyslexi i förskolans värld : Två kommuners arbetssätt kring dyslexi / Dyslexia in the preschool's world : Two municipalities' working methods about dyslexia

Johansson, Emma January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this degree project is to study the preschool's work on dyslexia in two different municipalities. To study this area, a case study is used where I look at two different policy documents from the two municipalities I have chosen. By examining the policy documents, I can visualize what similarities and differences exist between the municipalities when it comes to dealing with dyslexia in preschool. The study also uses semistructured interviews where special educators and preschool teachers can respond to dyslexia interview questions to find out what knowledge and experience they have about dyslexia in preschool. The study included four informants, two special educators and two preschool teachers from two different municipalities. They are all active in municipal preschools in each local municipality. In view of the semistructured interviews and case study, I will look at how social interaction affects children's linguistic and cognitive development based on the socio-cognitive theory and how it can benefit children with tendencies of dyslexia in preschool. The study reveals that there is a poor knowledge of dyslexia, which means that there is no active work around it in the preschool world. Instead, special educators and preschool teachers in the two municipalities focus on language, which is an unconscious way of preventing difficulties for children with tendencies to dyslexia. That they offer children songs, rhyme and frames, books, but also that the children can train language sounds and grammar that can stimulate children's upcoming reading and writing development. It also appears in the study that trends in dyslexia may be detected by a failing work memory for a long time. An important conclusion is that conscious adults are one of the children's most important tools when it comes to their development. Preschool teachers and special educators must understand that regardless of whether there are children with dyslexia or not in preschool, they can always work in a preventive manner. Do more exercises where the children can train for example language sounds and grammatics, to benefit children's learning and development for future schooling. Have the children been given the opportunity to train and strengthen their language during their time at preschool, primary school does not have to be a big challenge for them when they start there.

Likvärdigt skydd för mänskliga rättigheter? : En analys av Bosphorus-presumtionen och dess tillämplighet på anpassningen av svenska asylregler till EU-rättens miniminivå

Hedmalm, Siri January 2018 (has links)
In 2015, the European Union (EU) was facing the largest migration crisis in modern history. In light of the high reception of asylum seekers in Sweden during the autumn of the same year, a temporary law (2016:752) was adopted which restricted the possibilities of obtaining a permanentresidence permit and of family reunification. The law has received criticism for being contrary to Swedish convention commitments, especially the right to respect for family life and the prohibition of discrimination according to Articles 8 and 14 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (the Convention). Against the backdrop of this criticism, this thesis aims to examine whether the so-called Bosphorus presumption, also known as the presumption of equivalent protection, could be applicable in a hypothetic case where Sweden is brought before the European Court of Human Rights (the Court) for violating the Convention as a result of the temporary law. The criteria for the application of the presumption are firstly that the intrusive measure, here the restriction of the right to family reunification, can be said to fall within the scope of the strict international legal obligations of the state, meaning that the state can be said to have exercised a certain amount of discretion and to have enjoyed a certain margin of manoeuvre. The conclusion of this thesis is that likely would be considered to have exercised discretion as well as enjoyed a margin of manoeuvre when restricting the right to family reunification by adopting the temporary law. This conclusion is mainly based on the fact that the international legal obligations in this case flow from directives, which are binding on member states only as to the result to be achieved, and leave the choice of form and methods to the authorities of the member state. Furthermore, the directives which the temporary law is based on are so-called minimum directives, which allow for the member states to provide a higher level of protection.

Det känns inte bra att skicka anmälningar när det tidigare inte har blivit bra för barnet : En fenomenologisk studie om skolkuratorers arbete med anmälningar till socialtjänsten när barn misstänks fara illa / It does not feel good to send reports when it earlier does not have been good for the child : A phenomenological study ofschool social workers´ experience of mandatory reports to the social services when children are at risk

Hagström, Linnea January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka skolkuratorers upplevelser och erfarenheter av anmälningar omoro till socialtjänsten då barn misstänks fara illa. Fem enskilda intervjuer samt en fokusgrupp utfördesi denna fenomenologiska studie. Den tolkande fenomenologiska analysmetoden, IPA visar attskolkuratorer fyller en viktig funktion i skolan när de agerar stöd åt övrig personal. Skolkuratorernaföreträder även den lagliga skyldigheten att anmäla oro för övrig skolpersonal. Analysen visar även attskolkuratorerna har olika metoder för att hantera den upplevda emotionella stress i arbetet medanmälningar samt för att öka motivationen att fortsätta arbetet. Skolkuratorerna uppger sig arbeta föratt göra barnet delaktig i arbetet med anmälningar om oro. Studien visar att det finns en risk för att ettbarnperspektiv saknas i skolans och socialtjänstens arbete när barn far illa då de vuxna tenderar attfokusera på frivilliga insatser och ett samarbete med föräldrar. Detta medför att vuxnas perspektivriskerar att få företräde och barnet riskerar att påverkas negativt av arbetet med anmälan. Anmälningarom hög skolfrånvaro identifieras av skolkuratorerna i studien som ett problem då det råder osäkerhetkring rutiner och ansvarsfördelning för de olika aktörerna skolan, BUP och socialtjänsten. Osäkerhetenkan leda till att barn med hög skolfrånvaro inte får lämpligt stöd i tid och att barnperspektivet kansaknas även i dessa situationer.

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