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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Insulin Pump Use and Type 1 Diabetes: Connecting Bodies, Identities, and Technologies

Stephen K Horrocks (8934626) 16 June 2020 (has links)
<p>Since the late 1970s, biomedical researchers have heavily invested in the development of portable insulin pumps that allow people with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) to carry several days-worth of insulin to be injected on an as-needed basis. That means fewer needles and syringes, making regular insulin injections less time consuming and troublesome. As insulin pump use has become more widespread over the past twenty years among people with T1D, the social and cultural effects of using these medical devices on their everyday experiences have become both increasingly apparent for individuals yet consistently absent from social and cultural studies of the disease.</p><p><br></p><p>In this dissertation, I explore the technological, medical, and cultural networks of insulin pump treatment to identify the role(s) these biomedicalized treatment acts play in the structuring of people, their bodies, and the cultural values constructed around various medical technologies. As I will show, insulin pump treatment alters people’s bodies and identities as devices become integrated as co-productive actors within patient-users’ biological and social systems. By analyzing personal interviews and digital media produced by people with T1D alongside archival materials, this study identifies compulsory patterns in the practices, structures, and narratives related to insulin pump use to center chapters around the productive (and sometimes stifling) relationship between people, bodies, technologies, and American culture.</p><p><br></p><p>By analyzing the layered and intersecting sites of insulin pump treatment together, this project reveals how medical technologies, health identities, bodies, and cultures are co-constructed and co-defined in ways that bind them together—mutually constitutive, medically compelled, cultural and social. New bodies and new systems, I argue, come with new (in)visibilities, and while this new technologically-produced legibility of the body provides unprecedented management of the symptoms and side-effects of the disease, it also brings with it unforeseen social consequences that require changes to people’s everyday lives and practices. </p>

Vielfalt bringt Erfolg: Berufliche Perspektiven für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftler

Genz, Christian, Fischer, Anna 26 October 2010 (has links)
Ein abgeschlossenes Studium ist die grundlegende Voraussetzung für den erfolgreichen Berufseinstieg. Insbesondere die Absolventen geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Studiengänge haben mit deutlich schlechteren Einstiegschancen zu kämpfen als ihre Kommilitonen aus den technischen und wirtschaftlichen Studiengängen. So ist nicht selten die Phase der Jobsuche länger, der Stellenumfang geringer und das Einstiegsgehalt niedriger. Dabei haben Geistes-, Sozial- oder Erziehungswissenschaftler Fähigkeiten und Stärken, die in der Gesellschaft, aber auch in Teilen der freien Wirtschaft gebraucht werden. Entsprechend existiert ein weitaus breiteres Spektrum an Einstiegsmöglichkeiten, als es vielen Studierenden bewusst ist. Deshalb bietet die vorliegende Broschüre Informationen zur Berufsorientierung und Ansätze für einen erfolgreichen Berufseinstieg. Wir wollen Erfahrungen, die in der Realität getestet sind, bündeln und weitergeben, um dem Leser Zeit und Frust in der Phase des Berufseinstiegs zu ersparen. • Der Inhalt der Broschüre orientiert sich an folgenden Fragen: • Was können Geisteswissenschaftler (besser als andere Absolventen)? • In welchen Berufsfeldern oder Branchen werden diese Fähigkeiten gebraucht? • Welche Zusatzqualifikationen sind sinnvoll? • Welche Herausforderungen kommen in der Phase des Berufseinstiegs auf Absolventen zu und von welchen Institutionen kann ich Unterstützung erwarten?:Inhalt 1. Einstieg - Hochzeit mit Hindernissen 4 1.1 Die Sicht des Bewerbers – Das Angebot 5 1.2 Die Sicht des Arbeitgebers – Die Nachfrage 6 1.3 Nachfrage + Angebot = Job 7 2. Können und Sollen 10 2.1 Kompetenzen 11 2.2 Defizite 12 2.3 Defizite beheben 13 2.4 Wichtig für den Berufseinstieg 17 3. Berufsfelder und Möglichkeiten 20 3.1 Bildung 21 3.2 Medien 22 3.3 Internationale Organisationen 22 3.4 Unternehmensberatung 24 3.5 Personalberatung 25 3.6 Personalbereich 25 3.7 Stiftungen & Co. 26 3.8 Parteien 26 3.9 Existenzgründung 27 3.10 Wissenschaftliche Karriere 27 3.11 Weitere Berufsfelder 28 4. Karrieren und Hindernisse 30 4.1 Klare Ziele 31 4.2 Networking 32 4.3 Ohne Umwege zum Job 33 4.4 Einstieg durch Praxis 34 4.5 Von der Lehre in die Wirtschaft 35 4.6 Zielsetzung Personalwesen 35 4.7 Einstieg über Kontakte 37 5. Career Service 38 5.1 „Mission“ Career Service 39 5.2 Informieren 39 5.3 Beraten 40 5.4 Qualifizieren 40 5.5 Vermitteln 41 5.6 Das Team 42 5.7 Kontaktmöglichkeiten 42 6. Informationsmöglichkeiten 44 6.1 Ansprechpartner 45 6.2 Literaturtipps 46 6.3 Links 47 7. Impressum 49

Du sköna nya era – det måste inte vara text. : En intervjustudie om hur samhällskunskapslärare integrerar specialpedagogik och multimodala verktyg i undervisningen.

Aldeland, Leo January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats är en undersökning som har i syfte att öka kunskapen kring hursamhällskunskapslärare arbetar med specialpedagogik. Där forskningsfrågorna berör vilka extra anpassningar och specialpedagogiska åtgärder lärarna tillämpar i sin undervisning. Om lärarna anser att multimodala verktyg som ett redskap i denna kontext genererar positiva resultat. Utöver själva undervisningen beskriver även lärarna var de hämtat sina kunskaper om specialpedagogik och hur deras relation ser ut med sina lokala specialpedagoger. Den teori som använts kallas KASAM-teorin och den har varit nödvändig för att förstå varför lärarna ständigt återkom till det relationella. Lärarna menar att elevers psykiska välmående är en faktor precis som autism, ADHD och dyslexi är. Men att det relationella inte endast heller handlar om psykisk ohälsa utan det genomsyrar hela yrket. Det relationella inkorporeras i alla delar där lärare och elever möts, exempelvis för att eleven ska använda sig och anamma specialpedagogiken behövs en relationell aspekt. Metoden uppsatsen har använt för att generera data är kvalitativ semistrukturerad intervju där sex samhällskunskapslärare har deltagit. I intervjuerna delar lärarna med sig av sina erfarenheter och kunskaper av specialpedagogik och användande av multimodala verktyg. Dessutom undersöks hur och när samarbete och kommunikation med specialpedagogen inträffar, var lärarna hämtar de tekniker och metoder som används för att hjälpa och kompensera eleverna för deras svårigheter eller olikheter. Lärarna presenteras kort i metodkapitlet för att sedan en och en svara på de forskningsfrågor uppsatsen bygger på. I resultatet och analysen har det framkommit att det data intervjuerna har genererat i visar påen öppenhet och bredd av verktyg och metoder lärarna använder sig av för att se till att eleverna oavsett om de har diagnoser eller inte ska få tillgång till en god och lärorik undervisning. Användandet av specialpedagogiken är dock så vanligt förekommande i informanternas klassrum att det kan vara svårt för dem att urskilja konkreta resultat när ytterligare ett specialpedagogiskt instrument appliceras. Lärarna som deltagit i studien beskriver samstämmigt att den främsta källan till specialpedagogik kommer av andra lärare och då allra vanligast av lärare med samma ämne. Specialpedagogerna betraktas ofta som en resurs som tar hand om enskilda elever där de kan sitta och arbeta med en specialpedagog enskilt eller i enliten grupp. Ett annat vanligt tillfälle då lärarna tar kontakt med specialpedagogen är då ärendet gäller enskilda elever. I frågan om multimodalitet kopplas denne i första hand till det digitala,där lärarna generellt har en positiv och ibland en mycket positiv syn på det multimodala. Elevermed dyslexi anses vara den elevgrupp som har allra störst fördel av det digitala även om samtliga elever uppfattas gynnas av det multimodala. Det digitala beskrivs ha en möjlighet att arbeta med flera semiotiska intryck, något som lärarna tror särskilt ska gynna elever med ADHD, koncentrationssvårigheter och autism. / This essay is a study that aims to increase knowledge about how social studies teachers work with special education. Where the research questions concern which extra adaptations and special pedagogical measures the teachers apply in their teaching. If teachers believe that multimodal tools as a tool in this context generate positive results. In addition to the teaching itself, the teachers also describe where they acquired their knowledge of special education and what their relationship looks like with their local special educators. The theory used is called the KASAM-theory and it has been necessary to understand why teachers constantly returned to the relational. Teachers believe that students mental well-beingis a factor just as autism, ADHD and dyslexia are. But that the relational is not only about mental illness but it permeates the whole profession. The relational is incorporated in all parts where teachers and students meet, for example for the student to use and adopt special education, a relational aspect is needed. The method the essay has used to generate data is a qualitative semi-structured interview in which six social studies teachers have participated. In the interviews, the teachers share their experiences and knowledge of special education and the use of multimodal tools. In addition,it is investigated how and when collaboration and communication with the special educator occurs, where the teachers pick up the techniques and methods used to help and compensate the students for their difficulties or differences. The teachers are briefly presented in the method chapter in order to then one by one answer the research questions on which the thesis is based. The results and the analysis have shown that the data the interviews have generated show an openness and broadness of tools and methods the teachers use to ensure that the students, regardless of whether they have diagnoses or not, have access to a good and educational teaching. However, the use of special education is so common in the informant’s classrooms that it can be difficult for them to distinguish concrete results when another special education instrument is applied. The teachers who participated in the study unanimously describe that the main source of special education comes from other teachers and then most often from teachers with the same subject. The special educators are often regarded as a resource that takes care of individual students where they can sit and work with a special educator individually or in a small group. Another common occasion when teachers contact the special educator is when the matter concerns individual students. In the issue of multimodality, this is primarily linked to the digital, where teachers generally have a positive and sometimes a very positive view of the multimodal. Students with dyslexia are considered to be the group of students who have the greatest advantage of the digital, even if all students are perceived to benefit from the multimodal. The digital is described as having an opportunity to work with several semiotic impressions, something that teachers believe should particularly benefit students with ADHD, concentration difficulties and autism.

Vem vinner när vi debatterar? : En undersökning om ett politiskt rollspel i samhällskunskap på gymnasiet / Who wins when we debate? : An Investigation into a political role-play in social studies at high school

Karlsson, Erik January 2022 (has links)
This study examines high school students' experience of a political role play in social studies. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate which abilities role-playing games develop for students and through this contribute to the social studies didactic research of experience-based teaching that reflects reality. The ambition of the thesis is to understand whether the effects of role-playing as a teaching method for the learning of political skills are experienced as useful for their role as citizens. Through a digital survey, the students in this study answer questions about their perceived development of their political self-confidence, their political abilities and whether the role-play motivates effort, which in turn answers the question of whether political role-play in social studies is effective for students' self-governance in society. The result shows that the political role-play has beneficial effects for most of the surveyed students development of their political abilities. The students in the study feel that their political self-confidence has increased and that the teaching has benefited their understanding of dissenting views. The result also shows that large parts of the student group have made an effort, which shows that they experience the effects of the teaching as useful in their future role as citizens. / Denna studie undersöker gymnasieelevers upplevelse av ett politiskt rollspel i samhällskunskap. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka förmågor rollspel utvecklar för elever för att bidra till den samhällskunskapsdidaktiska forskningen av upplevelsebaserad undervisning som speglar verkligheten. Ambitionen för uppsatsen är att förstå om effekterna av rollspel som undervisningsmetod för lärandet av politiskt förmågor upplevs som nyttiga för sin roll som medborgare. Genom en digital enkät svarar eleverna i denna studie på frågor om sin upplevda kunskapsutveckling av sin politiskt självtillit, sina politiska förmågor och om rollspelet motiverar till ansträngning, som i sin tur ger svar på frågan om politiskt rollspel i samhällskunskap är effektfullt för elevers självstyrning i samhället. Resultatet visar att det politiska rollspelet har fördelaktiga effekter för de flesta av de tillfrågade eleverna i sin utveckling av politiska förmågor. Eleverna i studien upplever att deras politiska självtillit har ökat och att undervisningen har gynnat deras förståelse för oliktänkande åsikter. Resultatet visar även att stora delar av elevgruppen har ansträngt sig vilket visar att de upplever effekterna av undervisningen som nyttiga i sin framtida rollsom medborgare.

Gender, Conflict, Peace: The Roles of Feminist Popular Education During and After the Conflict in Aceh, Indonesia

Elizarni, FNU January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

"If you are going to last in this profession, you have to be yourself": Qualitative portraits of critical educators in urban secondary schools

Sellers, Kathleen Marie 29 March 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Développement et mise à l’essai d’un dispositif didactique pour construire des concepts abstraits au premier cycle du primaire : l’exemple des concepts de temps, d’espace et de société en univers social

Boulet, Marjorie 12 1900 (has links)
Très tôt dans leur cheminement, les élèves sont amenés à réaliser des apprentissages conceptuels et leur rapport aux disciplines scolaires est souvent basé sur la compréhension de différents concepts abstraits. Au premier cycle du primaire, les élèves sont invités, entre autres, à construire leur représentation de l’espace, du temps et de la société en univers social et acquérir le vocabulaire de base se rattachant à ce domaine (MELS, 2001a). Bien qu’il soit reconnu que cette compétence est essentielle au cheminement des élèves, elle occupe peu de place en classe de premier cycle du primaire (Boulet et Martel, 2017; Drolet, 2014). Pourtant, il s’avère fondamental d’outiller les élèves à observer, à lire et à comprendre certaines réalités sociales et spatiales autour d’eux et d’assurer le développement d’un réseau conceptuel centré sur les concepts d’espace, de temps et de société. L’originalité de la présente recherche repose sur le développement d’une démarche didactique qui d’une part, répond aux besoins de nombreuses enseignantes du primaire soucieuses de faire évoluer leur pratique pédagogique quant à l’enseignement de l’univers social et au recours à la lecture et à l’écriture en contexte d’intégration des matières pour faire construire les concepts abstraits chez leurs élèves. D’autre part, cette démarche offre une approche transversale, car bien que notre projet de recherche soit concentré sur les concepts abstraits du domaine de l’univers social, fondamentalement, les retombées de cette démarche didactique peuvent se manifester pour n’importe quel concept de n’importe quelle discipline scolaire. Notre recherche se distingue donc par son caractère novateur et la pertinence de sa portée théorique et pratique dans les classes du premier cycle du primaire. Elle se veut doublement pertinente : d’un point de vue scientifique, elle génère de nouvelles connaissances sur les domaines d’enseignement-apprentissage soulevés et d’un point de vue pratique, elle permet d’explorer de nouvelles stratégies en enseignement. C’est dans cette perspective que nous avons mené une recherche-développement qui poursuivait comme objectif le développement et la mise à l’essai auprès d’expertes des communautés universitaire et pratique d’un dispositif didactique utilisable pour les enseignantes du premier cycle du primaire de manière à analyser par la suite ses avantages reconnus par les expertes quant au recours à des œuvres de littérature jeunesse pour l’enseignement et à l’apprentissage des concepts abstraits. La démarche didactique développée Lire et écrire pour construire des concepts abstraits, qui implique la réalisation d’activités de lecture et d’écriture prenant appui sur des œuvres de littérature jeunesse, a été exemplifiée autour des concepts en univers social, soit le temps, l’espace et la société. L’avis d’expertes a permis de valider nos choix effectués pour construire notre cadre de référence ainsi que de valider l’adéquation de notre dispositif avec les résultats des plus récentes recherches dans le domaine (Bergeron et Rousseau, 2021; Loiselle, 2001). L’approche qualitative et exploratoire a présidé à la collecte des données. L’analyse a été conduite à partir des questionnaires soumis aux expertes des communautés universitaire et pratique ainsi que des observations effectuées en classe d’expérimentation sous l’angle des cinq composantes du modèle théorique du multi-agenda de Bucheton et Soulé (2009). / Very early on in their development, students are required to learn concepts and their relationship to school subjects is often based on the integration of various abstract concepts. In the first cycle of elementary school, students are asked, among other things, to construct their representation of the concepts of space, time and society in the social science and to acquire the basic vocabulary related to this field (MELS, 2001a). Although it is recognized that this skill is essential to students' development, it occupies little space in the first cycle of elementary school (Boulet and Martel, 2017; Drolet, 2014). Yet, it is fundamental to equip students to observe, read and understand certain social and spatial realities around them and to ensure the development of a conceptual network centered on the concepts of space, time and society. The originality of the present research lies in the development of a didactic approach that, on the one hand, meets the needs of many elementary school teachers concerned about changing their teaching practice about the teaching of the social science and the use of reading and writing in the context of subject integration to build abstract concepts in their students. On the other hand, this approach offers a cross-curricular approach, because although our research project is limited to the abstract concepts of the social science, the effects of this didactic approach can be applied to any concept in any school discipline. Our research is thus distinguished by its innovative character and the relevance of its potential application in the first cycle of elementary school. It is intended to be doubly relevant: from a scientific point of view, it will generate new knowledge on the teachinglearning domains raised, and from a practical point of view, it will make it possible to explore new teaching strategies. With this in mind, we conducted a research-development project whose objective was to develop and test a didactic device for use by first cycle elementary school teachers with experts from the academic and practical communities to analyze the advantages recognized by the experts in the use of children's literature for the teaching and learning of abstract concepts. The didactic approach developed for Lire et écrire pour construire des concepts abstraits, which involves reading and writing activities based on works of children's literature, was exemplified around the concepts of the social universe: time, space and society. The opinion of experts made it possible to validate the choices we made in constructing our frame of reference as well as to validate the adequacy of our system with the results of the most recent research in the field (Bergeron et Rousseau, 2021; Loiselle, 2001). The qualitative and exploratory approach was used to collect the data. The analysis was based on questionnaires submitted to experts as well as observations made in the experimental classrooms from the perspective of the five components of Bucheton and Soulé's (2009) theoretical model of the multi-agenda.

African Experience on American Shores: Influence of Native American Contact on the Development of Jazz

Stiegler, Morgen Leigh 11 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.

American Misconceptions about Australian Aboriginal Art

Cirino, Gina 22 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Beneath the Smoke of the Flaming Circle: Extinguishing the Fiery Cross of the 1920s Klan in the North

Kinser, Jonathan A. 02 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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