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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Význam a vývoj vesnického osídlení na území České republiky / Importance and development of village settlements in the Czech Republic

Ondrůšková, Tereza January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with village settlements in the Czech Republic. First, the term village and other related terms are defined. The village is perceived from the point of view of legislation and spatial planning. The introductory part also includes a description of the historical development and structure of the villages and mentions folk architecture. The main part of the work is focused on the current state of Czech villages. There is a general analysis covering areas such as public space, public amenities, green, transport, monuments, or new development. The analysis was applied to villages located in the administrative district of the municipality with extended powers of Kroměříž and to the municipality of Rataje. Based on the findings, it evaluates villages and outlines the possibilities for their future development.

Územně promítnutelné indikátory udržitelného rozvoje / Indicators of Spatial Sustainable Development

Maštálka, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to analyse indicators and data sets used in the field of sustainable spatial plannig. On the base of the analyses there were spatial indicators of the sustainable development designed. The basic condition to design new indicators it was the accessibility to the elementary datas. The other condition was to design very simply methodology that could be use also for measuring in very small location. The thesis designed idnicators in three main areas of the spatial planning: • landuse, • accessibility of the services, • inner city/town/village traffic. One of the demands for the new indicators set was it´s efficiency for all kinds of the cities in the Czech Republic. This demand was fullfilled by the 3 level methodolgy – the main indicator was measurable for all kinds of settlemets – small villages, small and middle towns and also for cities. The basic methodology (for small villages) was very simple. Indicators were computed from very easy accesible data sets. And this methodology could also be used for larger settlements without any problems. The second level – for small and middle towns – sometimes needs special surveys or special hardware and software. The top of the pyramid is the methodology for cities. In this level there are used detailed analyses and computing methods. The thesis designes the methodology and also checks the practical application up.

Kommunalt självstyre och regional fysisk planering i Region Värmland : En studie om hur kommuner kan påverkas av regional fysisk planering i Region Värmland / Municipal self-government and regional spatial planning in Region Värmland : A study of how municipalities can be affected by regional spatial planning in Region Värmland

Welamsson, Thea January 2023 (has links)
What is studied in this essay is how municipal self-government and the municipal planning monopoly can be affected for municipalities in Region Värmland if physical planning were to be regionalized in Värmland. There is a power shift going on in today´s situation, where the local is being moved more and more to the regional level. It is also a power struggle between who should control different thing. The purpose of the work is to find out how municipalities in Värmland will be affected if the physical planning were to be regionalized. Also how civil servants and their work regarding planning may be affected. This can be seen based on two dimensions that are applied in the study, the dimension of power and the dimension of activity, which can show differences and similarities exist between municipalities. The questions to be answered are:  - What effects and perspectives (pros and cons) do you think the working method can have for the interviewed municipalities if spatial planning is regionalized? -Does it matter if it is a smaller or larger municipality? -How is planning affected by this, what would be the consequences/problems for the businesses from more regional physical planning in Värmland?  Through qualitative interviews, respondents from eight municipalities in Värmland have been interviewed to answer how they think they will be affected if regional spatial planning were to be used in Värmland. The respondents work with relevant professions within community planning. The results show, based on four themes, divided unconditionally based on the respondent´s answers, how the municipalities and their respondents would be  affected. Among other things, the respondents lack responsibility from the region, resources and the municipalities conditions look different and depending on whether it is a small or large municipality it can look different. The local knowledge a municipality has is also important for municipalities, and municipal self- government is also something that municipalities think is important. Politics and democracy are important parts of how things should work. The conclusion shows that different effects and perspectives with pros and cons will affect the interviewed municipalities if spatial planning is regionalized. An important perspecitve is that power between municipality and region plays a role and also that municipalities today work in different ways and are therefore affected differently depending on their size, small or large municipality. The planning and activites will have several different consequences, both good and bad, knowledge and cooperation is something that will be able to improve the planning.

Contested consequences : Discourse analysis of social conflict between Sami Reindeer Herding Communities and mining corporations in Impact Assessments / Ifrågasatta konsekvenser : En diskursanalys av sociala konflikter mellan Samebyar och gruvbolag i miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar

Wilhelmsson, Nils January 2023 (has links)
For a long time, the indigenous Sami of northern Sweden have had little influence within planning processes. This problem have in recent years been highlighted both in legal terms and through practices for developing Impact Assessments (IA), and has led to increasing conflict between reindeer herders and mining corporations. This thesis uses Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) to examine the IA documents for three mining concessions within Sami Reindeer Herding Communities (samebyar). The discourse analysis found that there were some differences in methodology and language between the documents, especially relating to if the assessments evaluated impacts to reindeer husbandry using a quantitative or a qualitative approach. The documents would also tend to downplay the impacts of the mines on reindeer husbandry, while highlighting the benefits of the mines for the local economy, and dispute the concerns of the affected reindeer herders. The thesis concludes by stating that an increased awareness of positionality among IA authors would be beneficial to promote transparency when indigenous or other vulnerable stakeholders are likely to be negatively affected. / Den samiska ursprungsbefolkningen i norra Sverige har under lång tid haft enbart lite inflytande inom planprocessen. Detta problem har under senare år belysts både i lagliga kretsar och genom metoder för att framställa miljökonsekvensbeskrivningar (MKB), och har lett till en ökad mängd konflikter mellan renskötare och gruvbolag. Denna uppsats använder kritisk diskursanalys för att undersöka MKB:na för tre gruvkoncessioner i samebyars renskötselområden. Resultaten pekade på att det fanns vissa skillnader i metodik och språk mellan dokumenten, särskilt när det gällde om bedömningarna utvärderade konsekvenserna på rennäringen genom en kvantitativ eller ett kvalitativ vetenskaplig metod. MKB:na tenderade även att tona ned gruvornas inverkan på renskötseln, samtidigt som de lyfte fram gruvornas fördelar för den lokala ekonomin, och ifrågasatte de berörda renskötarnas bekymran. Avslutningsvis konstateras att en ökad medvetenhet bland MKB-författare om hur deras subjektiva tillhörighet kan påverka deras bedömningar skulle vara fördelaktigt för att öka transparensen när ursprungsinvånare eller andra berörda sannolikt kommer att påverkas negativt.

A Framework for Identifying Appropriate Sub-Regions for Ecosystem-Based Management in Northern Gulf of Mexico Coastal and Marine Environments

Ziegler, Jennifer Sloan 14 December 2013 (has links)
Nearly half of the population of the United States lives in coastal regions, and millions of visitors from across the nation and world enjoy the coasts every year. Coastal and marine areas provide for recreation, economic activities essential for the financial health of the nation, and vital ecological services. As they provide so many benefits to the U.S., it is vital to protect and preserve the coastal and ocean areas from the increasing, competing demands they are facing. In order to protect and preserve these complex systems, a comprehensive approach incorporating science, engineering, humanities, and social sciences should be taken; this approach is commonly referred to as Ecosystem-Based Management. This dissertation focuses on developing a framework that can be used to identify appropriate sub-regions in Northern Gulf of Mexico coastal and marine environments for the purposes of Ecosystem-Based Management. Through this work, the roles of three management protocols used for managing coastal areas – coastal and marine spatial planning, ecosystem-based management, and integrated ecosystem assessment – were examined individually as well as their integrations with each other. Biological, ecological, physical, human, and economic indicators for partitioning an ecosystem were developed and weighted for each management protocol using the analytic hierarchy process and expert elicitation. Using the weighted indicators, a framework for identifying sub-regions and estuarine classification system was developed. The framework and classification system were applied to five estuaries within the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Barataria, Galveston, Mobile, and Perdido Bays and Mississippi Sound. Initial results from this work show that: 1. Sub-regions can be identified as associated to each other based upon indicator data values and not upon physical location. 2. Even though the weights calculated for the management protocols vary significantly, for systems that were not highly homogeneous in indicator data values, the different weights did not produce the vastly different cluster maps expected. 3. The scale work indicates that to identify appropriate sub-regions using the developed framework, a larger grid size produces more consistent results for larger systems whereas a smaller grid size produces more consistent results for smaller systems. Recommendations for further research are also presented.

Miljöbedömningens roll för en hållbar kommunal översiktsplanering / The role of the environmental assessment for a sustainable municipal comprehensive planning

Frise, Felicia January 2020 (has links)
För att möta de kommande samhällsutmaningarna, med klimatförändring, miljödegradering och sociala problem, krävs en mer hållbar samhällsutveckling där den fysiska planeringen spelar en stor roll. Översiktsplaner, som regleras i den svenska plan- och bygglagen (2010:900), är kommunernas strategiska dokument och avsiktsförklaring om hur den fysiska miljön i kommunen ska användas, utvecklas och bevaras. Enligt den svenska miljöbalken (1998:808), som är en miljölagstiftning med syfte att främja hållbar utveckling, krävs att en strategisk miljöbedömning utförs av de planer och program som innebär betydande miljöeffekter eller anger förutsättningar för kommande tillstånd, vilket översiktsplaner alltid ska antas medföra. Med anledning av de olika och ibland motstridiga vägledningarna utgivna av myndigheter samt avsaknad av ett bredare hållbarhetsperspektiv i lag och vägledning, har vissa kommuner valt att utvidga den strategiska miljöbedömningen av den senaste översiktsplanen till en så kallad hållbarhetsbedömning. Detta med syftet att miljöbedömningen ska omfatta såväl ekologiska, sociala som ekonomiska konsekvenser. Det finns olika åsikter om hållbarhetsbedömningar. Dels anses hållbarhetsbedömningar vara progressiva, nödvändiga samt att de följer det europeiska direktivet om strategisk miljöbedömning. Dels anses hållbarhetsbedömningar marginalisera miljöeffekternas betydelse och riskera att utelämna lagstadgat innehåll. Det råder således inte konsensus om på vilket sätt hållbarhet ska inkluderas i den strategiska miljöbedömningsprocessen och presenteras i det slutgiltiga dokumentet på bästa möjliga sätt. Ett syfte med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap och förståelse kring den svenska strategiska miljöbedömningsprocessen för översiktsplaner. Ett andra syfte har varit att identifiera och analysera hållbarhetsbedömningars styrkor och svagheter som utveckling- och bedömningsverktyg samt som beslutsunderlag för översiktsplaner. Metoderna som används i studien är kvalitativa där en litteraturstudie, innehållsanalys samt en intervjustudie genomfördes i syftet att undersöka de utmaningar och möjligheter verktyget medför i arbetet med kommunal översiktsplanering. Resultatet av studien visar att strategisk miljöbedömning inte används med dess fulla potential beroende på att den inte genomförs proaktivt och integrerat med besluts- och planeringsprocessen för att identifiera hållbara planalternativ. Detta beror på felaktiga tolkningar av direktiv och lagstiftning samt bristande vägledning för angreppssätt och genomförande. Det har även identifierats avsaknad av lagstiftat innehåll i granskade hållbarhetsbedömningar och att en tillsyn av processens och dokumentets uppfyllelse av krav saknas. Den bredare tolkningen av de ingående aspekterna har identifierats som en möjlighet till utveckling av verktyget, öka överensstämmelsen med EU direktivet och möjliggöra för kommuner att proaktivt arbeta för ett helhetsgrepp om hållbar utveckling och verkställande av hållbarhetsmål. Kunskap och resurser saknas dock inom kommuner och konsulter varvid en översyn av vägledning och samsyn mellan myndigheter och politiker är av stor betydelse. / To meet the upcoming societal challenges, with climate change, environmental degradation and social problems, a more sustainable societal development is required where spatial planning is of great importance. Comprehensive plans, regulated in the Swedish Planning and Building Act (2010:900), are the municipalities' strategic documents and a statement of intent on how the physical environment in the municipality should be used, developed and maintained. According to the Swedish Environmental Code (1998:808), which is an environmental legislation with the aim of promoting sustainable development, a strategic environmental assessment is required to be carried out on plans and programs that have significant environmental effects or plans that specify conditions for future permits, which comprehensive plans are always assumed to do. Due to the different and sometimes contradictory guidelines issued by authorities and the lack of a broader sustainability perspective in law and guidance, some municipalities have chosen to extend the strategic environmental assessment of the latest comprehensive plan to a so-called sustainability assessment, with the aim to include ecological, social and economic consequences. The opinions about sustainability assessments are various. On the one hand, sustainability assessments are considered to be progressive, necessary and that they comply with the EU directive on strategic environmental assessment. On the other hand, sustainability assessments are considered to marginalize the significance of environmental effects and risk omitting statutory content. There is thus no consensus on how sustainability should be included in the strategic environmental assessment process and presented in the final document in the best possible way. One aim with this study is to provide knowledge and understanding about the Swedish strategic environmental assessment process for comprehensive plans. A second aim has been to identify and analyse the strengths and weaknesses of sustainability assessments as a tool for development, assessment and decision-making of comprehensive plans. The methods used in the study are qualitative; a literature study, content analysis and an interview study were conducted with the aim of investigating the challenges and opportunities the tool implies for the work with municipal comprehensive planning. The study shows that strategic environmental assessment is not used to its full potential since it is not done proactively and integrated with the decision and planning process to identify sustainable planning alternatives. This is due to incorrect interpretations of directives and legislation as well as lack of guidance for approaches and implementation. Lack of legislative content has also been identified in audited sustainability assessments and that a supervision of the legality of the process and document is missing. The broader interpretation of the aspects has been identified as an opportunity for the development of the tool, increase the coherence with the EU directive and enable for municipalities to proactively work for a holistic approach to sustainable development and the implementation of sustainability goals. However, there is a lack of knowledge and resources in municipalities and consultancy firms, whereby a review of guidelines and consensus between authorities and politicians are of great importance.


PAULA BAGRICHEVSKY DE SOUZA 17 October 2023 (has links)
[pt] O oceano é um ecossistema fundamental para a sobrevivência dos humanos e não humanos. Todavia, vem sendo explorado de forma desordenada e sufocado com poluição plástica, como demonstram diagnósticos recentes, elaborados na Década do Oceano, inclusive em relação ao cenário brasileiro. Nesse período, pretende-se alavancar ações para alcançar um oceano saudável e produtivo, entre outros atributos, mediante integração e colaboração entre diversos atores, inclusive as instituições financeiras, que dispõem de recursos para financiar sua execução. O presente trabalho objetiva demonstrar como o Planejamento Espacial Marinho, cujo estudo para implementação do Projeto-Piloto na região sul do país será apoiado pelo Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), poderá, além de servir de base para a adequada regulação do uso sustentável do oceano, também acelerar o combate à poluição plástica nesse ecossistema, induzindo a ampliação de ações voltadas à gestão de resíduos sólidos, nele planejadas. Esse efeito adicional poderá ser alcançado porque esse planejamento será desenvolvido com base ecossistêmica e observando a integração entre as políticas públicas marinhas e terrestres já existentes, além de considerar todas as questões que afetam o oceano. A Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre Diversidade Biológica definiu a base ecossistêmica como uma estratégia para a gestão integrada da terra, da água e dos recursos vivos, que promove a conservação e o uso sustentável, de um modo equitativo. No âmbito do referido financiamento, deverão ser produzidos cadernos técnicos setoriais, entre os quais sobre meio ambiente e mudança do clima, analisando, inclusive, a poluição marinha e como esse problema ambiental e social pode afetar o uso econômico do oceano. Assim, aliando essa iniciativa a outras que já são apoiadas, em linha com sua missão socioambiental, o BNDES irá induzir transformações relevantes, ao colaborar para a efetividade da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, necessária para o desenvolvimento da Economia Azul e a consequente sustentabilidade do oceano. / [en] The ocean is a fundamental ecosystem for the survival of humans and non-humans. However, it has been exploited in a disorderly way and suffocated with plastic pollution, as shown by recent diagnoses, elaborated in the Ocean Decade, including in relation to the Brazilian scenario. During this period, the intention is to leverage actions to achieve a healthy and productive ocean, among other attributes, through integration and collaboration between different actors, including financial institutions, which have resources to finance its execution. This work aims to demonstrate how the Marine Spatial Planning, whose study for the implementation of the Pilot Project in the southern region of the country will be supported by the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES), may, in addition to providing for the regulation of ocean use, also accelerate the combat against plastic pollution in this ecosystem, inducing the expansion of actions aimed at solid waste management in Brazil. This additional effect can be achieved because this planning will be developed based on ecosystem and observing the integration between existing marine and terrestrial public policies, in addition to considering all issues that affect the ocean. The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity defined the ecosystem base as a strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living resources that promotes conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way. In this financing, should be produced a sectoral notebook about the environmental and climate change, including analyzing marine pollution and how this environmental and social problem can affect the economic use of the ocean. Thus, combining this initiative with others that are already supported, in line with its socio-environmental mission, the BNDES will induce relevant transformations, by collaborating for the effectiveness of the National Solid Waste Policy, necessary for the development of the Blue Economy and the consequent sustainability of the ocean.

Att planera den fysiska miljön för trygghet

Klasson, Tim January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur det är möjligt att planera en fysisk miljö för att ge upplevelsen av trygghet. Att känna sig trygg i ett område eller längs ett stråk är viktigt för att personer ska känna att det inte finns någon risk att utsättas för brott. Studien samlar kunskap från dokument och litteratur som beskriver vad på en plats som får individen att känna trygghet, respektive vad som känns otryggt. Detta är relevant för att förstå vad som behöver förändras i den fysiska miljön och kunskapsunderlaget förklarar därefter vilka åtgärder som krävs för att öka tryggheten. Kunskapen presenteras i en teori för hur det är möjligt att planera för trygghet i en fysisk miljö. För att vidare undersöka om teorin kan användas i en praktisk situation utförs en platsanalys på stadsdelen Norrliden i Kalmar. Teorin appliceras sedan efter platsanalysen för att lära vad i området som anses otryggt för att kunna presentera åtgärder. Slutsatsen kommer fram till att det finns flera faktorer som kan påverka tryggheten i en fysisk miljö. Åtgärderna skiljs åt beroende på om det är ett nytt planområde som planeras eller om det är ett existerande planområde som behöver komplettering. / This essay examines how it is possible to plan a physical environment to provide the experience of security. Feeling safe in an area or along a route is important for people to feel that there is no risk of being exposed to crime. The study gathers knowledge from documents and literature that describe what in a place makes the individual feel safe, and what makes the individual feel unsafe. This is relevant to understanding what needs to change in the physical environment and the knowledge base then explains what measures are required to increase security. The knowledge is presented in a theory for how it is possible to plan for security in a physical environment. In order to further investigate whether the theory can be used in a practical situation, a site analysis is carried out in the Norrliden district in Kalmar. The theory is then applied after the site analysis to learn what in the area is considered unsafe in order to be able to present measures. The conclusion is that there are several factors that can affect security in a physical environment. The measures are separated depending on whether it is a new area that is being planned for or whether it is an existing area that needs completion.

Datadriven stadsplanering som främjar hållbar utveckling : Bedömningsmodell för planområdes index (BPI) / Data-driven urban planning for sustainable development : An assessment model for the planning area index (BPI)

Szymanska, Joanna January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie, genomförd i samarbete med Sweco, syftar till att utveckla en omfattande modell för datadriven och hållbar stadsplanering med fokus på användningen av geografiska informationssystem (GIS). Med utgångspunkt i de 17 målen för hållbar utveckling enligt Agenda 2030, särskilt mål 11 och 13, utforskar studien konsekvenserna av den ökande urbaniseringen och dess påverkan på miljön, infrastrukturen och samhällsutvecklingen i Sverige. Den belyser bland annat den pågående digitaliseringen av samhällsbyggnadsprocessen för att stödja datadriven stadsplanering. Studien adresserar även utmaningarna i att säkerställa öppna data och kvalitet av geografisk data i Sverige, och diskuterar användningen av geografiska informationssystem (GIS) tillsammans med andra metoder, för att stödja hanteringen av de komplexa utmaningarna som städer står inför, vilket är en förutsättning för datadriven planering. Fortsättningsvis, även kartlägga de förutsättningar för planprocessen i tidigt skede enligt PBL och MB för att främja hållbar stadsplanering och vikten av tidig dialog och samarbete mellan intressenter för att effektivisera plan- och bygglovsprocessen. Med hänsyn till de senaste politiska förändringarna i Sverige och en nedgång i bostadsbyggandet, betonas behovet av en integrerad, strategisk metod för samhällsplanering. Studien tar därmed fram en bedömningsmodell för planområdes index (BPI), som tillsammans med GIS sammanställer förutsättningarna för området som samlar data för tidigt skede i planprocessen. Slutligen ger studien insikt i det dynamiska och komplexa systemet av stadsplanering, där geografisk data kompletteras med kvalitativa aspekter för att främja demokrati, och en hållbar samhällsutveckling. Den framhåller vikten av flexibilitet, anpassningsbarhet och medvetenhet om digitala verktyg och andra metoder samt deras utmaningar för att kunna implementeras i den digitala samhällsbyggnadsprocessen. / This study, conducted in collaboration with Sweco, aims to develop a comprehensive model for evidence-based and sustainable urban planning with a focus on the use of geographic information systems (GIS). Based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, especially goals 11 and 13, the study explores the consequences of increasing urbanisation and its impact on the environment, infrastructure and social development in Sweden. Among other things, it highlights the ongoing digitalisation of the spatial planning process to support evidence-based urban planning. The study also addresses the challenges of ensuring open data and quality of spatial data in Sweden, and discusses the use of digital tools such as GIS and AI in addressing the complex challenges facing cities, which is a prerequisite for data-driven planning. Mapping the conditions for the early stage planning process with PBL and MB to promote sustainable urban planning and the importance of early dialogue and cooperation between stakeholders to streamline the planning and building permit process. Given recent policy changes in Sweden and a decline in housing construction, the need for an integrated, strategic approach to urban planning is emphasised. The study develops an assessment model for the planning area index (BPI), which together with the GIS, summarises the area's conditions and collects data for the early stage of the planning process. Finally, the study provides insight into the dynamic and complex system of urban planning, where qualitative aspects complement geographical data to promote democracy and sustainable community development. It emphasises the importance of flexibility, adaptability and awareness of digital tools and other methods and their challenges to be implemented in today's urban planning process.

Expectations and reality of sustainable stormwater management : A review of implementation of Nature-Based Solutions - A case study of Southern Stockholm / Förväntningar och verklighet för hållbar dagvattenhantering : En översikt av implementering av naturbaserade lösningar - En fallstudie av Södra Stockholm

Dziubanii, Katarzyna Zofia January 2024 (has links)
The shrinking of permeable areas in favour of urban development is a phenomenon described in both scientific literature and policy documents. Changes in rainfall intensity and frequency following climate change are expected, but predicting the exact magnitude of these changes remains unclear. The uncertainty of what we will have to face in the future and when it will happen causes a blur of activities that may successively influence the mitigation of climate change. This study aims to explore and understand sustainable stormwater management within nature-based solutions (NBS) by reviewing both scientific and grey literature, as well as development plans in a specific area in southern Stockholm. Both risks and benefits of NBS implementation in urban stormwater management have been reviewed and described. Moreover, it is found in the literature that conceptual ambiguities and uncertainties of the NBS concept lead to weaker decision-making and planning processes. The goal of this study was to understand stormwater management recommendations for climate change mitigation, how these recommendations relate to detailed planning documents, what types of solutions are considered and proposed in the planning process, whether there is a link between the NBS and the proposed solutions, and finally, whether spatial analysis can help in the planning process in locating the strengths and weaknesses of the planned construction in flood-prone areas. The results of this study indicates whether the selected detailed development plans follow the recommendations of strategic documents. Detailed planning documents followed the recommendations to a limited extent. Moreover, in terms of spatial analysis, the analysed plans rarely referred to Skyfallsmodell, the model used to represent the flood-risk caused by 100-year rain event. In one of the cases of the early-stage detailed development plan, the new construction area were proposed inside an area with significant risk of flooding. The use of spatial analysis could help urban planners to identify both areas unsuitable for development and locate places suitable for NBS implementation. / Minskningen av genomsläppliga markområden till förmån för stadsutveckling är ett fenomen som beskrivs i både vetenskaplig litteratur och policydokument. Förändringar i nederbördsintensitet och storlek efter klimatförändringar förväntas, men det är fortfarande svårt att förutsäga den exakta storleken på dessa förändringar. Osäkerheten om vad vi kommer att behöva möta i framtiden och när det kommer att hända orsakar en oklarhet kring vilka aktiviteter som kommer att kunna påverka och mildra effekterna av klimatförändringarna. Denna studie syftar till att utforska och förstå hållbar dagvattenhantering genom naturbaserade lösningar (NBS) genom att granska både vetenskaplig och grå litteratur, samt utvecklingsplaner i ett specifikt område i södra Stockholm. Både risker och fördelar med NBS-implementering i urban dagvattenhantering har granskats och beskrivits. Dessutom framgår av litteraturen att begreppsmässiga oklarheter och osäkerheter i NBS-begreppet leder till svagheter i beslutsfattande och planeringsprocesser. Målet med denna studie var att förstå rekommendationer för dagvattenhantering för att mildra klimatförändringar, hur dessa rekommendationer relaterar till detaljerade planeringsdokument, vilka typer av lösningar som övervägs och föreslås i planeringsprocessen, om det finns en koppling mellan NBS och de föreslagna lösningarna, och slutligen - om rumslig analys kan hjälpa till i planeringsprocessen för att lokalisera styrkor och svagheter med den planerade konstruktionen i översvämningsutsatta områden. Resultaten av denna studie indikerar hur de valda detaljutvecklingsplanerna följer rekommendationerna i strategiska dokument. Detaljerade planeringshandlingar följde rekommendationerna i begränsad omfattning. Dessutom, när det gäller rumslig analys, hänvisade de analyserade planerna sällan till Skyfallsmodellen, som används för att representera översvämningsrisken orsakad av 100-årsregn. I ett av fallen med en tidig detaljplanen föreslogs nybyggnadsområdet inom ett område med stor risk för översvämning. Användningen av rumslig analys skulle kunna hjälpa stadsplanerare att identifiera både områden som är olämpliga för utveckling och att lokalisera platser som är lämpliga för implementering av NBS.

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