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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Delibertiv demokrati i 'soft space planning' : En fallstudie om informella samarbetsnätverk på kommunal nivå

Svensson, Erik January 2022 (has links)
Studien utforskar hur ideal från den deliberativa demokratiteorin speglas i ett svenskt planeringsfall som går att definiera som ett informellt samarbetsnätverk, eller ’soft space in planning’. Syftet med arbetet är att delge en ökad kunskap kring den problematik som kan uppstå när aktörer å ena sidan vill effektivisera planeringsformerna men å andra sidan också måste säkerställa att de demokratiska grunderna vidhålls. Arbetet utgår ifrån deltagandet i och observerandet utav ett exploateringsprojekt i en svensk kommun där kommunen tillsammans med en byggaktör och arkitekt inlett en process utanför den lagstadgade planprocessen för att komma fram till en gemensam vision. Observationerna kompletteras med en intervjustudie där en informant från respektive aktör intervjuats. Sammanfattningsvis visade resultatet att en av grundprinciperna för processen var att skapa en arena för öppen diskussion angående de värden som önskades inkorporeras i platsens utformning. Under processens gång fanns det moment som upprätthöll de deliberativa idealen genom att tillåta alla aktörers representanter en plats i samtalet. Däremot innehöll processen också moment som kunde uppfattas som utmanande för några deltagare vilket riskerade att hämma deras åsiktsutryckande. Sammantaget gav deltagarna en positiv bild av processens genomförande och utfall även om den i vissa aspekter lämnade lite att önska gällande de deliberativa idealens säkerställande. Detta till trots argumenterar arbetet att utfallet kan anses stå på demokratiska grunder även om inte alla deliberativa ideal uppfyllts fullständigt. / The study explores how ideals from deliberative democracy theory are reflected in a Swedish planning case that can be defined as an informal cooperation network, or ‘soft space in planning’. The purpose of the work is to share increased knowledge about the problems that may arise when actors on the one hand want to streamline planning methods, but on the other hand also must maintain the democratic foundations. The work is based on participation in and observation of a development project in a Swedish municipality where the municipality, together with a developer and architect, initiated a process outside the statutory planning process to arrive at a common vision. The observations are supplemented by an interview study in which an informant from each actor was interviewed. In summary, the results showed that one of the basic principles of the process was to create an arena for open discussion regarding the values that were desired to be incorporated into the design of the site. During the process, there were moments that maintained the deliberative ideals by allowing everyone a place in the conversation. However, the process also contained elements that could be perceived as challenging for some participants, which risked inhibiting their expression of opinion. Overall, the participants gave a positive picture of the process's implementation and outcome, even though it left a little to be desired in confirming some aspects of the deliberative ideals. Despite this, the study argues that the outcome can be considered to be on democratic grounds even if not all deliberative ideals were fulfilled completely.

Methods and Tools for Mainstreaming Nature-based Solutions in Urban Planning

Longato, Davide 12 July 2022 (has links)
This thesis addresses three interlinked aspects that are relevant for mainstreaming Nature-based Solutions in urban planning. The first aspect concerns the integration and use of ecosystem service knowledge in spatial planning. A literature review aimed at analysing practical applications of ecosystem services in real-life planning processes and instruments reveals both the outcomes generated and the procedures adopted to integrate them, as well as the main advantages, constraints, enabling factors, and open issues associated with ecosystem service knowledge integration in spatial planning processes and instruments. The second aspect is related to the use of spatial assessments of ecosystem service demand to support an effective planning of Nature-based Solutions at the city scale. An approach is developed to allocate and prioritize Nature-based Solutions in cities in order to deliver ecosystem services for addressing the existing urban challenges while maximising the benefits for residents. The approach is tested in the case study area of Valletta (Malta), identifying the potential sites for the implementation of eleven types of Nature-based Solutions, assessing the demand for five priority ecosystem services, and identifying what type(s) of Nature-based Solutions, among the eleven proposed, should be implemented in each potential site, as well as the sites that should be prioritized first. The third aspect involves the promotion of the implementation of Nature-based Solutions in urban plans through the use of suitable policy instruments. A matrix that links the suitable instruments identified to different typologies of Nature-based Solutions reveals the range of instruments that can be deployed to promote the implementation of each type of Nature-based Solution. The matrix is then applied to analyse which instruments are currently deployed and which are not in the two urban plans covering the case study area of Valletta, hence the missing opportunities that could be further exploited.

GIS-baserad multikriterieanalys : en metod för datastött beslutsfattande i fysisk planering / GIS-based multi criteria analysis : a method for data driven decision making in spatial planning

Obad, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka möjligheterna och begränsningarna i användning av en GIS-baserad multikriterieanalys för markanvändningsplanering. Syftet var även att undersöka skillnader i arbetsgång och resultat mellan användning av en beslutsteoretisk modell vid genomförande av en GIS-baserad multikriterieanalys och en GIS-baserad multikriterieanalys utan användning en beslutsteoretisk modell. Arbetet har haft ett särskilt fokus på att samordna samhällsbyggnadsprocessens stora aktörers, kommuners och byggherrars, intressen. Metoden för arbetet var GIS-baserad multikriterieanalys, där en analys genomfördes enligt analytisk hierarkisk process (AHP) och en analys genomfördes utan beslutsteoretisk modell. En fallstudie av Höörs kommun genomfördes för att exemplifiera och illustrera metoden och dess resultat. Kriterier för den GIS-baserade multikriterieanalysen togs fram genom en litteraturöversikt och genom en särskild sammanställning av kriterier som använts i liknande studier. Resultatet visadeatt en GIS-baserad multikriterieanalys med AHP gav ett mer tillförlitligt resultat, med en jämnare spridning av lämplighetsvärden än en GIS-baserad multikriterieanalys genomförd utan en beslutsteoretisk modell. Vidare konstateras att GIS-baserad multikriterieanalys kan vara ett värdefullt verktyg för markanvändningsplanering då det bedöms vara tids- och resursbesparande i förhållande till traditionell framtagning av planeringsunderlag. Däremot poängteras att GIS-baserad multikriterieanalys inte bör användas som ensamt beslutsunderlag och att platsanalyser behöver genomföras för att kontrollera resultatens riktighet. / The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the possibilities and limitations of using spatial multi criteria analysis for land use planning, as well as to examine the benefit of using a decision-theoretic model when conducting a spatial multi criteria analysis. The work focused particularly on coordinating the interests of major actors in the urban development process, including municipalities and developers. The method that was used was a spatial multi criteria analysis. One analysis was conducted using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and another was conducted without a decision-theoretic model. A case study of Höör municipality in the Scania region in southern Sweden was carried out to exemplify and illustrate the method and its results. Criteria for the spatial multi criteria analysis were derived through a literature review and through a compilation of criterias used in similar studies. The results showed that a spatial multi criteria analysis conducted with AHP provided a more reliable outcome, with a more even distribution of suitability scores than spatial multi criteria analysis conducted without a decision-theoretic model. Furthermore, it is noted that spatial multi criteria analysis can be a valuable tool for land use planning as it is considered to be time- and resource saving compared to traditional methods for acquiring a knowledge basis for planning. However, it is emphasized that spatial multi criteria analysis should not be used as the sole basis for decision making and that site visits needs to be conducted to verify the accuracy of the results.


Bjerhage, Elin, Möller, Matilda January 2024 (has links)
Universell utformning är ett växande paradigmskifte inom samhällsplaneringen i de svenska ramverken som ett verktyg för att främja tillgängliga och användbara miljöer. Syftet med den aktuella studien är att undersöka hur effektivt universell utformning kan implementeras inom samhällsplaneringen genom att definiera begreppet och utforska dess möjligheter och utmaningar. Genom sex semistrukturerade intervjuer har målet varit att bidra till en bredare förståelse inom området. Intervjuerna har genomförts med aktörer från olika positioner och nivåer, inklusive representanter från både den offentliga sektorn, praktiker och den kommunala förvaltningen. Studien har inkluderat bakgrundsforskning med sökning i öppna och slutna databaser. Empirin har analyserats med hjälp av ett teoretiska ramverket inom områden såsom den sociala modellen för funktionshinder, universell utformning och funktionshinderspolitiken. Uppmärksamhet har riktats mot kunskapen inom Sveriges samhällsplanering och dess processer i relation till universell utformning. Resultatet presenterar att det finns en varierad kunskap inom området för universell utformning. Genom analysen kunde vi dra fyra slutsatser: 1. Teoretiker besitter större kunskap om universell utformning än praktiker 2. Det finns en begreppslig förvirring som uppstått till följd av en kunskapsbrist 3. Det finns ett bristande ansvarstagande om vem som bör ansvara för kunskapen 4. Universell utformning har potential att användas som ett verktyg för att skapa en mer inkluderande och jämlik värld. Diskussionen analyserar forskningsfrågor relaterade till den genomförda analysen, med särskild reflektion kring definitionen av universell utformning genom citatet av en respodent: “... Man ska inte behöva gå in genom bakdörren om man inte kan gå i trappor”. Vidare diskuteras det faktum att kunskap har en stor inverkan för att effektivt kunna implementera universell utformning och förstå dess betydelse. / Universal design is a growing paradigm shift in urban planning in the Swedish framework as a tool to promote accessible and usable environments. The aim of the study was to investigate how effectively universal design can be implemented in urban planning by defining the concept and exploring its opportunities and challenges. Through six semi-structured interviews, the aim has been to contribute to a broader understanding of the field. The interviews have been conducted with actors from different positions and levels, including representatives from both the public sector, practitioners and municipal administration. The study has included background research with searches in open and closed databases. The empirical data has been analyzed using a theoretical grounding in areas such as the social model of disability, universal design and disability policy. Attention has been paid to the knowledge within Swedish spatial planning and its processes in relation to universal design. The result presents that there is a varied knowledge in the field of universal design. Through the analysis, four conclusions could be drawn which included: 1. Theorists have more knowledge about universal design than practitioners 2. There is conceptual confusion resulting from a lack of knowledge 3. There is a lack of ownership of who should be responsible for the knowledge 4. Universal design has the potential to be used as a tool to create a more inclusive and equal world. The discussion analyzes research issues related to the conducted analysis, with particular reflection on the definition of universal design through the quote: “... You should not have to go in through the back door if you cannot enter by stairs”. Furthermore, it discusses the fact that knowledge has a great impact in order to effectively implement universal design and understand its importance.

Världsarv eller inte världsarv? : En komparativ undersökning om kulturmiljö i den kommunala översiktliga planeringen / World heritage or not world heritage? : A comparative study on the cultural environment in municipal comprehensive planning

Lunderquist, Anja, Miketinac, Sandra January 2024 (has links)
Kulturmiljö är den del av kulturarvet som främst nämns inom den fysiska planeringen, som inkluderas i planprocessen och som kommuner arbetar med i samhällsutvecklingen. I denna uppsats undersöks hur två olika kommuner, varav en utpekad som världsarv och en inte, arbetar med kulturmiljöer och hur det implementeras i deras översiktliga planprocesser. Detta studeras genom två fallstudier, en av Karlskrona kommun och en av Helsingborgs stad, inkluderande dokumentgranskning och intervjustudier. Det finns en tvetydighet i de befintliga styrdokumenten som används i den översiktliga planeringen, vilket gör det lättare för kommunerna att motivera utveckling på sina egna premisser. Därmed krävs en effektiv och stark samverkan mellan olika aktörer för att intresset för kulturmiljöer ska få ta plats och vägas mot andra intressen på ett likvärdigt sätt. Uppsatsens resultat bidrar med en ökad förståelse för att avvägningar kommer att variera och motiveras med olika grunder. Diskussionen som arbetet innefattar visar på att det både tillkommer förutsättningar och utmaningar med att ha världsarvsklassificerad kulturmiljö som kan upplysa andra kommuner i deras arbete. Ur vårt perspektiv är undersökning relevant då den syftar till att navigera i ett komplext ämne inom de översiktliga planprocesserna, som behöver hanteras rättvist för framtidens hållbara utveckling. / The cultural environment is the part of cultural heritage that is primarily mentioned in physical planning, included in the planning process and what municipalities work with in community development. This paper examines how two different municipalities work with cultural environments and how it is implemented in their comprehensive planning processes. This is studied with two case studies, one by Karlskrona municipality and one by Helsingborg city, including document reviews and interview studies. There is an ambiguity in the existing policy documents used in comprehensive planning, which makes it easier for municipalities to justify development on their own terms. Thus, an effective and strong collaboration between different actors is required in order for the interest in cultural environments to take place and be weighed against other interests in an equal way. The results of the thesis contribute to an increased understanding that trade-offs will vary and be justified on different grounds. The discussion that the thesis includes, shows that there are both opportunities and challenges associated with having a World Heritage-listed cultural environment, that could enlighten other municipalities in their work. From our perspective, the study is relevant as it aims to navigate a complex topic within the comprehensive planning processes, which needs to be handled fairly for future sustainable development.

The value of marine conservation

Rees, Sian Elizabeth January 2012 (has links)
The marine environment provides essential ecosystem services that are critical to the functioning of the earth’s life support system and the maintenance of human well-being. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are recognised as being the mechanism though which marine natural capital may be conserved. This thesis focuses on the value associated with marine conservation in a case study area, Lyme Bay, England where a ‘closed area’ was created in 2008. A review of literature spanning 20 years shows that despite sound ecological knowledge of a marine area, the reliance on traditional neo-classical economic valuations for marine spatial planning can obscure other issues pertinent to the ecosystem approach. A further valuation of the marine leisure and recreation industry shows that the industry is of economic significance and that the MPA enables the protection of the most valuable sites but has limited benefits for protecting the full resource base. In terms of ecological value, a ‘service orientated framework’ was developed to enable decision makers to understand the links between benthic species, ecological function and indirect ecosystem services. Results spatially identify which ecosystem services occur and demonstrate the value of the MPA in ensuring delivery of these ecosystem services. In relation to the social value of the MPA the research reveals that support for the MPA is strong amongst the majority of stakeholder groups. Values are expressed as the economic, environmental and social benefits of the MPA. However, there have been clear social costs of the MPA policy and these have been borne by mobile and static gear fishermen and charter boat operators. Each valuation methodology can inform decision making. Though, if ecosystem service valuation is to become a deliberative tool for marine conservation and planning, then there is a need for a larger societal discussion on what activities and trade-offs society considers acceptable.

Adapting to Extreme Weather Events : - Addressing Flood Risks Through Planning and Policy in Namibia

Licke, Tim January 2023 (has links)
This master thesis investigates planning initiatives to address extreme weather events' impacts, specifically focusing on floods in Namibia. The study highlights the significance of such events in the context of global climate change, emphasising their adverse effects on livelihoods, particularly in rural communities and informal settlements. The research aims to evaluate existing strategic plans and policies in Namibia concerning extreme weather events and to examine the extent to which such events are considered when planning initiatives are implemented. Based on the theoretical framework of implementation theory, the study adopts a mixed-method research approach. Document analysis is employed to examine policies and plans related to planning in Namibia, while semi-structured interviews with key informants provide insights into the stakeholders' perspectives. A comprehensive understanding of the subject is achieved by comparing and validating findings from both methods. The results of the study reveal several approaches in current strategic plans and policies regarding the consideration of floods in Namibia. While several documents acknowledge the threat of floods and outline responsibilities and measures, there is a lack of comprehensive and coordinated approaches. The study highlights the need for a more integrated approach and increased alignment among different levels of planning documents. Furthermore, the research shows that the implementation of planning initiatives in Namibia is a centralised process overseen by the Ministry of Urban and Regional Development, with a limited focus on flooding beyond urban areas. The study identifies key challenges in implementing climate change adaptation strategies and projects in Namibia, including limited communication and coordination between actors, difficulties in accessing planning laws, plans and policies, and the centralisation of planning at the national level. However, opportunities for improvement are also recognised, such as enhanced local autonomy in planning processes and the integration of local and indigenous knowledge. Overall, the findings underscore the importance of addressing the impact of extreme weather events, particularly floods, through comprehensive and coordinated planning initiatives in Namibia. The study provides valuable insights for policymakers and planners in developing effective strategies to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change in the country.

Integrating planning and environmental issues through the law in South Africa : learning from international experience

Kihato, Michael 07 February 2013 (has links)
South African law treats planning and the environment separately, causing considerable problems when developing land. Concerns in this regard are worldwide and various approaches have been adopted to solve them. This research seeks to explore what legal solutions can be provided using some international examples, fitting them within the unique governance, historical and legal context of South Africa. / Jurisprudence / LLM

地下街空間規劃評估準則之研究--以台北市站前及東區地下街為例 / The study on evaluation criteria for spatial planning of underground streets – the cases of Taipei Station Front Metro Mall and East Metro Mall.

胡釗慈, Hu,Chao-Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
自1984年鐵路地下化以來,地下街漸成為國內普遍的都市設施,至今台北都會區亦已開發了八處地下街。而近年來有關地下街之研究多在強調經營管理面的重要性,將地下街視為重要都市商業空間的延伸,特別是在像台北這樣的商業密集型都市中,更認為經營地下街的目的在於創造巨大的商機,卻反而忽略了地下街規劃設計之原意及功能。鑑於地下街主要係銜接大眾運輸場站的通行空間,在交通功能外,兼具商業及防災等功能的複雜特殊場域。而如何有系統地診斷現況地下街規劃設計面之課題,乃為本文之研究重點。 基此,本研究首先回顧國內外有關人行空間、商業空間以及地下街之文獻研究,採以模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method,FDM)進行評估因子篩選,整合多位專家學者建議與互動結果,建立包括交通順暢、防災保全與商業環境等三項層面之評估架構;再透過分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process,ANP),在考量各項評估因子間交互關係的前提下,彙整專家群體決策求取各項評估準則之權重值,完成「地下街空間規劃最適評估架構」之建立,其中發現專家群體首重「交通順暢」與「防災保全」兩層面,反視「商業環境」為地下街發展之附屬功能。 最後則以該評估架構為基礎,實地運用於現況地下街之檢討,針對台北市站前地下街與東區地下街進行實證分析,歸納出目前地下街所面臨之課題並提出相關具體建議。評估結果顯示,站前地下街於交通順暢與商業環境層面之表現皆不如東區地下街,得師法東區地下街之空間規劃設計進行加強;而在權重值較高的防災保全層面,此兩條地下街之因應手段皆有所不足,亟待相關單位進行改善。據此本研究除提出相關規劃、管理手段加以解決交通與商業環境面課題外,更強調透過疏散引導計畫研擬、防災管理系統整合、民眾防救災知識教育等手段改善現況防災保全之欠缺;進而建議相關單位得盡速建立一套專責法規範進行把關,藉以維護地下街建設之品質與安全。 / Since railway started to go underground in 1984, the underground streets have been emerging as popular city facilities in Taipei Megalopolis. Up to now, eight underground streets have been developed. In recent years, most researches about underground streets emphasize the importance of administration, and regard them as the extension of commercial space within cities, especially in the commerce-intensive cities such as Taipei. On the contrary, the underground streets’ original meaning and function of planning and design had been ignored. Owing to the complex and particular characteristics of these places, systematical diagnosis is needed to be discovered in spatial planning. For constructing an evaluation framework, this research reviews references related to pedestrian space, commercial space, and underground streets firstly. And, FDM (Fuzzy Delphi Method) method was utilized to extract proper impact criteria. To the evaluation framework, including three dimensions “traffic function”, “commercial environment”, and “disaster-prevention and security”, etc. Furthermore, ANP (Analytic Network Process) method was used to overcome the inter-correlation of each impact criteria for refining the evaluation framework and also generate the weight values. Both dimensions include “traffic function” and “disaster-prevention show high weight values as expected, contrarily regard “commercial environment” as accidental function of underground streets. Finally, based on this evaluation framework, user questionnaires were designed and surveyed in the Taipei Station Front Metro Mall and the East Metro Mall, for discovering the issues underground streets confront at present. Research results show that the planning of East Metro Mall is better than Taipei Station Front Metro Mall in the dimension of “traffic function” and“ commercial environment”. In the aspect of “disaster-prevention and security”, both these underground streets don’t have enough contingency ability, and should be improved immediately. According to the research findings, this study suggests some solutions for traffic function and commercial environment, and also emphasizes how to improve the planning of “disaster-prevention and security”. Moreover, related standards and guidelines for design and planning should be drawn up in related laws and regulations, in order to keep the quality and safety of underground streets’ space.


徐佳君, Shiu, Jia Jiun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以美國早期的都市社會學與社會心理學的理論,瞭解都市化對都市生活影響的一些表徵,包括大量的人口、差異化的個體、高人口密度,以及有別於鄉村的都市生活面貌,例如冷淡、拘謹、膚淺、利益導向、理性的社會情境等。由於台灣快速都市化讓社會整體進步與發達,但都市的意象不免讓人感到冷漠、疏離與隔離,此是否誠如過去西方的都市社會研究結果一般,源於都市空間會影響都市人的心理與外顯的生活方式,此引發本研究進一步探究之動機。有鑑於過去以都市空間規劃為研究主軸之文獻,顯少有學者直接將「生活方式」與「都市空間」兩大議題做關聯性的探討,而台灣早期60、70年代的都市社會學者,曾以社區凝聚、社區發展、社區意識或是鄰里關係進行討論,但時至今日此類的研究亦顯得零星且分散。因此,本研究關懷都市空間與都市人的議題,以西方文獻中的實證經驗來觀察台灣都市社會的情況,並予以驗證假設一:都市人的空間使用行為會因不同社經背景而有差異;假設二:移入都市生活的居民其自身價值觀將會有所改變;假設三:價值觀的改變會對生活方式與使用都市空間的行為產生影響;假設四:都市人的生活方式會對空間使用產生影響,並與空間課題的產生有所關聯;假設五:都市空間與生活方式有所關聯。 因此,本研究在文獻回顧與推演台灣都市社會的情境後,抽樣台北市大安及士林兩區的居民,瞭解遷移者在價值觀、生活方式與空間使用的情況,並以敘述性統計分析與結構方程模式(SEM)歸納問卷結果,回應研究假設,並驗證都市空間與生活方式之關聯。最後,參照實證結果研擬重塑都市空間新風貌之目標與對策體系,做為提昇都市空間品質的建議;而此建議亦可供政府與規劃單位及後續研究者在政策操作上與研究時之參考。最後,獲致以下幾點結論: 一、本研究認為遷移者進入都市生活後,其價值觀可能被改變或是強化的面向,包括自我防衛、個人主義、經濟報酬、理性、容忍五大價值觀。而生活達一定時間後,生活方式將會受到都市環境的影響,以致呈現較互不干涉(疏離)、社區意識缺乏、務實生活(精確計算),以及重娛樂休閒的傾向。 二、本研究提出都市空間諸多課題,例如社區空間意識衰頹、公共空間私有化、人行空間被遺忘、消費空間主導地方空間的興衰、人工空間取代生態空間,以及空間的過度與不當利用,可能與都市人被強化或改變後的價值觀與生活方式息息相關。而經由敘述性統計分析及SEM的分析,已驗證本研究所提出之五大假設。 三、本研究認為都市空間是自變數亦是應變數。因此,經由實質與非實質規劃策略之研擬,將可重塑都市空間的面貌,並經由影響生活方式來發掘與提高都市社會互動和社會資本的發展,從而再次影響都市人使用空間的行為與態度。本研究研擬實質空間規劃策略,分成三大目標、三項標的與六大對策--提供適當合宜的公共空間、營造巷弄的春天、提高都市空間水平流動性、形塑友善人行空間的元素、增加非機動車的通行空間、經營都市的精耕主義。同時亦認為,都市人的生活方式亦應搭配做一調整(此屬非實質的規劃策略),例如建立具有社區鄰里道德規範與共識之生活方式、提高民眾參與度之生活方式、推廣植栽與綠化生活方式,或是推展永續的旅行行為,亦即步行生活方式。 / Based on theories of urban sociology and social psychology, this study explores the effects of urbanization on the urban life, including large population, heterogeneous, and high density. The differences of life style features between country and urban areas are discussed, such as indifferent, reserved, superficial, self-interest, and intellectuality and so on. With the rapid urbanization in Taiwan, society has been entirely improving and developing. However, the image of urban area makes people feel indifferent and segregation. Whether this result is the same as which of the studies found in western society brings me to conduct this study. According to literature review, there lacks scholars directly putting “lifestyle” and “urban space” into a relative discussion. The urban sociologists in 60s and 70s in Taiwan had discussed about community coherence, development, consciousness or neighborhood relationship, while to now this kind of research becomes fragmentary. Hence, this study concerns with issues between the urban space and urban residents. With the western literature review, this study observes the conditions of urban society in Taiwan and proposes the following hypotheses. First of all, the behavior of urban residents who utilize the space will be different due to the social economic status. Second, the self-value will be changed after the residents move to urban areas. Third, the change of value system will influence lifestyle and the utilization of urban space. Forth, the lifestyle of urban residents will affect the way of using urban space. Fifth, there is a connection between urban space and lifestyle. This study conducts a survey in Daan and Shilin districts to explore the value system, lifestyle, and the way of using urban space of immigrants. It employs statistic analysis and SEM to generalize the result of questionnaires in order to verify the above hypotheses and the connection between urban space and lifestyle. Then, based on the outcome of verification, this study suggests several strategies for reshaping the image and functions of urban space. Consequently, this study provides conclusions as follows. 一、The value system of immigrants, such as self-protection, egoism, economic reward, rationality, and toleration will be changed or intensified after people move into urban areas. The lifestyle, however, will be influenced by urban environment after a certain time of living in urban areas. And the characteristics of lifestyle include the sense of aloofness, the lack of community consciousness, material life, and the tendency of focusing on entertainment. 二、According to the SEM analysis, this study has verified the five hypotheses. This study also infers that the degenerative consciousness of community, the personalization for public space, the pedestrian space into oblivion, the wax and wane of regional space led by consumption space, artificial space replacing ecologic space, and the overuse and misuse of space are all relevant to the change of value system and lifestyle of urban residents. 三、This study develops several strategies for reshaping the image of urban space which may further influence urban residents’ lifestyle, attitude, and behaviors toward space utilization and urban environment. In order to create a livable urban space, this study suggests relevant strategies, such as providing decent public space, improving the accessibility of urban space, ameliorating friendly pedestrian space, increasing the walking space, and embellishing urban space through new urbanism.

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