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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude sur le Latin du Codex bobiensis (k) des Evangiles ...

Hoogterp, Pieter Willem. January 1930 (has links)

Etude sur le Latin du Codex bobiensis (k) des Evangiles ...

Hoogterp, Pieter Willem. January 1930 (has links)

The Manuscript Torino J.II.9: A Late Medieval Perspective on Musical Life and Culture at the Court of the Lusignan Kings at Nicosia

Simard, Andree Giselle January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Torino Esposizioni : um edifício extemporâneo

Olivo, Paula Bem January 2017 (has links)
A condição extemporânea do complexo de pavilhões Torino Esposizioni, em Turim, na Itália, foi o que provocou e guiou o estudo realizado neste trabalho. As reformas que adaptaram os espaços desde a inauguração em 1939, modificaram a trajetória dos pavilhões, desconstruindo a linearidade de sua linha do tempo e os conduzindo até os dias de hoje. A intervenção mais expressiva, comandada pelo engenheiro italiano Pier Luigi Nervi, alçou o complexo à categoria de patrimônio, qualificando os espaços tanto formalmente quanto historicamente. A forma atual dos pavilhões é a expressão de sua extemporaneidade, revelando as etapas de sua trajetória. As intervenções foram aqui estudadas considerando a dimensão imaterial da transformação: a influência do tempo e das memórias nas decisões que o profissional responsável pela reforma toma durante o processo de projeto. / The extemporaneous condition of the Torino Esposizioni pavilions, in Turin, Italy, caused and guided de study here presented. The renovations that adapted the spaces since the inauguration in 1939, changed the trajectory, deconstructing the linearity of their timeline and leading to these days. The most expressive intervention was leaded by the italian engineer Pier Luigi Nervi, and lifted the pavilions to the heritage category, qualifying the spaces formally and also historically. The today shape os the pavilions is te expression of their extemporality, and shows the phases of their trajetory. The interventions here studied considered the immaterial dimension of transformation: the influence of the time and memory in the decisions made by the architect during the project process.

Torino Esposizioni : um edifício extemporâneo

Olivo, Paula Bem January 2017 (has links)
A condição extemporânea do complexo de pavilhões Torino Esposizioni, em Turim, na Itália, foi o que provocou e guiou o estudo realizado neste trabalho. As reformas que adaptaram os espaços desde a inauguração em 1939, modificaram a trajetória dos pavilhões, desconstruindo a linearidade de sua linha do tempo e os conduzindo até os dias de hoje. A intervenção mais expressiva, comandada pelo engenheiro italiano Pier Luigi Nervi, alçou o complexo à categoria de patrimônio, qualificando os espaços tanto formalmente quanto historicamente. A forma atual dos pavilhões é a expressão de sua extemporaneidade, revelando as etapas de sua trajetória. As intervenções foram aqui estudadas considerando a dimensão imaterial da transformação: a influência do tempo e das memórias nas decisões que o profissional responsável pela reforma toma durante o processo de projeto. / The extemporaneous condition of the Torino Esposizioni pavilions, in Turin, Italy, caused and guided de study here presented. The renovations that adapted the spaces since the inauguration in 1939, changed the trajectory, deconstructing the linearity of their timeline and leading to these days. The most expressive intervention was leaded by the italian engineer Pier Luigi Nervi, and lifted the pavilions to the heritage category, qualifying the spaces formally and also historically. The today shape os the pavilions is te expression of their extemporality, and shows the phases of their trajetory. The interventions here studied considered the immaterial dimension of transformation: the influence of the time and memory in the decisions made by the architect during the project process.

Torino Esposizioni : um edifício extemporâneo

Olivo, Paula Bem January 2017 (has links)
A condição extemporânea do complexo de pavilhões Torino Esposizioni, em Turim, na Itália, foi o que provocou e guiou o estudo realizado neste trabalho. As reformas que adaptaram os espaços desde a inauguração em 1939, modificaram a trajetória dos pavilhões, desconstruindo a linearidade de sua linha do tempo e os conduzindo até os dias de hoje. A intervenção mais expressiva, comandada pelo engenheiro italiano Pier Luigi Nervi, alçou o complexo à categoria de patrimônio, qualificando os espaços tanto formalmente quanto historicamente. A forma atual dos pavilhões é a expressão de sua extemporaneidade, revelando as etapas de sua trajetória. As intervenções foram aqui estudadas considerando a dimensão imaterial da transformação: a influência do tempo e das memórias nas decisões que o profissional responsável pela reforma toma durante o processo de projeto. / The extemporaneous condition of the Torino Esposizioni pavilions, in Turin, Italy, caused and guided de study here presented. The renovations that adapted the spaces since the inauguration in 1939, changed the trajectory, deconstructing the linearity of their timeline and leading to these days. The most expressive intervention was leaded by the italian engineer Pier Luigi Nervi, and lifted the pavilions to the heritage category, qualifying the spaces formally and also historically. The today shape os the pavilions is te expression of their extemporality, and shows the phases of their trajetory. The interventions here studied considered the immaterial dimension of transformation: the influence of the time and memory in the decisions made by the architect during the project process.


LAMPUGNANI, DAVIDE 15 June 2015 (has links)
La tesi ha come oggetto lo studio del rapporto tra tecnologia e società all’interno del fenomeno delle smart cities. In particolare, facendo riferimento all’approccio dei Science and Technology Studies, il lavoro di ricerca si propone di indagare i processi di traduzione socio-tecnica dell’idea di “smart city” riferendosi empiricamente al campo italiano ed al caso della città di Torino. A livello concettuale e metodologico, si sottolinea la necessità di far dialogare ed integrare lo studio dettagliato dei processi socio-tecnici con il più ampio contesto storico entro cui questi si trovano inseriti. A livello storico, invece, la tesi traccia una traiettoria che, partendo dalla città reticolare moderna della metà dell’800 e risalendo fino ai movimenti delle intelligent cities e della smart growth degli anni ’90, arriva fino al rilancio globale della smart city nel biennio 2008-2009. Infine, a livello attuale, il lavoro pone in evidenza il rapporto ambivalente tra le narrazioni e le forme di traduzione socio-tecnica veicolate dagli attori imprenditoriali ed istituzionali internazionali e le narrazioni e le forme di traduzione sviluppate dalle città. Attraverso l’analisi del caso di Torino Smart City la tesi mostra le potenzialità insite nell’idea di “smart city” ed i rischi connessi alla riproduzione di forme di tecno-determinismo e tecno-utopismo. / The object of the thesis is the study of the relationship between technology and society within the phenomenon of smart cities. In particular, referring to the Science and Technology Studies approach, the research aims at investigating the processes of socio-technical translation of the “smart city” idea by empirically addressing the Italian field and the case study of the city of Turin. At conceptual and methodological level, we show the necessity of a dialogue and an integration between the thick description of socio-technical processes and the wider context within which these are embedded. At historical level, the thesis traces a trajectory that, starting from the modern networked city of mid ‘800 and continuing up to intelligent cities and smart growth movements of the 90s, reaches the global raising of the smart city in 2008-2009. Finally, at present, the work underlines the ambivalent relationship between narrations and forms of socio-technical translation pushed by entrepreneurial and international institutional actors and narrations and forms of translation developed by cities. By analyzing the case of Torino Smart City the thesis shows both the inherent potentialities of the “smart city” idea and the risks connected with the reproduction of forms of techno-determinism and techno-utopianism.

Gli eventi off diffusi sul territorio delle città metropolitane europee : tra strategie di branding urbano e identità locale / Les événements off diffus sur le territoire des villes métropoles européennes : entre marketing urbain et identité locale / Fringe events diffused on the territory of the metropolitan cities in Europe : between urban branding strategies and local identity

Rieffly, Barbara 16 December 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de la thèse est d'analyser le phénomène des événements off, événements urbains alternatifs et indépendants, qui naissent «du bas» à partir des initiatives qui rejettent le système institutionnalisé. Dans la première partie, nous proposons une reconstruction du débat sur les événements urbains contemporains : les principales classifications sont identifiées ; les trois débats dominants sont présentés et le concept de la ville événement est remis en cause. Dans la deuxième partie, nous analysons trois études de cas différents : Marseille 2013 Off (Marseille), Fuorisalone (Milan) et Paratissima (Turin). Au début, ils sont décrits dans leurs éléments constitutifs pour voir le degré «off» de ces événements (naissance et histoire de l'événement ; budget ; partenaires et projet de gouvernance ; acteurs locaux impliqués et relation avec l'événement officiel) ; puis ils sont analysés dans le contexte urbain dans lequel ils sont insérer, pour voir dans quelle mesure les événements off parviennent à être des événements urbains qui font l'identité locale. Les Conclusions, à partir d'une vue d'ensemble des trois études de cas, nous permettent d'analyser les trois événements off dans une perspective comparative qui décrit les caractéristiques communes et les différences qui existent entre eux. Cette analyse nous permet de saisir les configurations des événements off en fonction de leur caractère alternatif et de leurs effets sur les entreprises de « branding » urbain. Enfin, on verra comment, parmi les spécificités de chaque étude de cas examinés, ces mécanismes sont mis en cause par la production d’une image alternative à celle représentée par l'événement officiel. / The aim of the thesis was to analyze the phenomenon of so-called fringe events, alternative and independent urban events, which arise from bottom-up initiatives that reject the institutionalized system. The first part is dedicated to a reconstruction of the debate on contemporary urban events by identifying the main classifications, the three dominant debates and by discussing the concept of an event city. The second part analyses three different case studies: Marseille 2013 Off (city of Marseille, France), Fuorisalone (city of Milan, Italy) and Paratissima (city of Turin, Italy). At first they are described in their constituent elements (the birth and the history of the event, the budget, the partners and the project governance, the local stakeholders and the relationship with the official event) to see how much those events can be considered "fringe". While later they are analyzed within their urban context to see how far fringe events manage to be urban events that make local identity. The conclusions of the work offer an overview of the three case studies that allow us to analyze the three fringe events in a comparative perspective that describes the common features and differences between them. This analysis allows us to grasp the fringe events configurations based on their alternative nature and their effects on attempts of urban branding. Finally, we will see how from the specifics of each case study examined, these mechanisms are involved in the production of an alternative image to that produced by the official event.

Bambine e ragazzi bilingui nelle classi multietniche di Torino / Il sistema scolastico a confronto con opportunità, complessità e sfide del plurilinguismo

Ritucci, Raffaella 24 October 2018 (has links)
Das Schulregister des Kultusministeriums MIUR verzeichnet, dass mehr als jede/r zehnte aller Schüler/innen in Italien keine italienische Staatsbürgerschaft hat, obwohl sie mehrheitlich dort geboren wurden. Zahlreiche Erhebungen weisen für sie im Vergleich zu den italienischen Mitschülern/innen geringere Italienischkenntnisse und weniger schulischen Erfolg auf. Innerhalb dieser explorativen Feldforschung haben Einzelinterviews mit 121 Schülern/innen (5.-8. Klasse) in Turiner Schulen und mit 26 Eltern, sowie die Auswertung von 141 an 27 Italienisch- und Herkunftsprachlehrer/innen verteilten Fragebögen ergeben, dass viele Schüler/innen "zweisprachige Natives" sind, da sie mit Italienisch und einer anderen Sprache aufwachsen. Dieser Polyglottismus, den die Interviewten sehr positiv bewerteten, findet jedoch in der Schulpraxis keine Entsprechung: Gezielte Förderung im Italienischen und der Unterricht der Familiensprache sind meist Wunschdenken. In der Kohorte haben die Schüler/innen mit den besten Italienischkenntnissen einen italophonen Elternteil bzw. kamen im Vorschulalter nach Italien und besuchten dort den Kindergarten. Dagegen sind, wie auch bei den INVALSI-Tests, die in Italien geborenen und die dann die Krippe besuchten, leicht benachteiligt. Was die Familiensprache angeht, verbessert ihr Erlernen die Kompetenzen darin, ohne dem Italienischen zu schaden: Im Gegenteil. Diese Ergebnisse bestätigen die wichtige Rolle der "anderen" Sprache für einen gelungen Spracherwerb. Das MIUR sollte also sein Schulregister mit Sprachdaten ergänzen, um die Curricula im Sinn der EU-Vorgaben umzuschreiben und den sprachlich heterogenen Klassen gezielte Ressourcen und definierte Vorgehensweisen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Mit geringeren Mitteln, im Vergleich zu den jetzigen Kosten für Herunterstufung, Klassenwiederholung und Schulabbruch würde man Schulerfolg, Chancengerechtigkeit und Mehrsprachigkeit fördern, mit positiven Folgen für den Einzelnen sowie für die Volkswirtschaft. / L'anagrafe studenti del MIUR registra come oggi in Italia più di uno studente su dieci non è cittadino italiano, pur essendo la maggioranza di loro nata in questo paese. Numerose indagini statistiche mostrano come gli allievi "stranieri" presentino, rispetto a quelli italiani, ridotte competenze in italiano e minore successo scolastico. Questa ricerca esplorativa svolta in alcune scuole di Torino (V elementare-III media) ha analizzato dati ottenuti tramite interviste semi-strutturate a 121 studenti e 26 genitori e 141 questionari compilati da 27 insegnanti di italiano e di lingua di famiglia. Da essa è emerso che molti studenti sono "nativi bilingui", poiché crescono usando l'italiano e un'altra lingua. Questo poliglottismo, valutato dagli intervistati assai positivamente, non si rispecchia però nella prassi scolastica: un supporto mirato in italiano e l'insegnamento della lingua di famiglia sono di regola una chimera. All'interno del campione le più ampie competenze in italiano si trovano fra chi ha un genitore italofono e chi è arrivato in Italia in età prescolare frequentandovi la scuola materna; come constatato anche nei test INVALSI, chi è nato in Italia e vi ha frequentato l'asilo nido è leggermente svantaggiato. Rispetto alla lingua di famiglia risulta che il suo studio porta a migliori competenze in essa, senza nuocere all'italiano: anzi. Emerge quindi il ruolo significativo della lingua "altra" per un'educazione linguistica efficace. L'invito al MIUR è quindi di integrare la propria anagrafe con dati linguistici, così da ridefinire i propri curricula secondo le Linee Guida Comunitarie, individuando procedure e risorse specifiche per le classi multilingui. Con un investimento ridotto, paragonato con il costo attuale dato da retrocessioni, ripetenze e abbandono scolastico, si riuscirebbe a sostenere il successo scolastico, le pari opportunità e il plurilinguismo, con conseguenze positive per i singoli e per l'economia nazionale. / The Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) student register records that today in Italy more than one out of ten students is not an Italian citizen, although the majority of them were born there. Several statistical surveys indicate that "foreign" students, when compared to native students, show a poorer performance in Italian and in academic achievement. This exploratory fieldwork carried out in schools in Turin (5th to 8th grade) analyzed data obtained through semi-structured interviews with 121 students and 26 parents as well as 141 questionnaires filled in by 27 teachers of Italian and family language. It showed that many students are "bilingual natives", as they grow up acquiring both Italian and another language; however, despite the fact that the interviewees rate polyglottism positively, schools don't usually offer targeted support in either language. Within the cohort the broadest range of competences in Italian are found first among those with an Italian-speaking parent, then among those who arrived in Italy at pre-school age attending kindergarten there; this latter group shows higher competences than those born in Italy attending nursery there, as also in the INVALSI tests. As far as family language is concerned, data illustrate that its teaching increases its competences without affecting those in Italian: quite the opposite in fact. These results confirm the remarkable role played by the "other" language in successful language education. MIUR is therefore called upon to include also linguistic data in its student register, so as to redefine its curricula according to EU Guidelines, and to identify specific procedures and resources for multilingual classes. This new policy would reduce the current cost of placing students in a lower grade, grade retention and drop-outs, and would promote school success, equal opportunities and multilingualism, with positive consequences both for the individuals and for the national economy.

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