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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fine hair on American bovine leathers

Zugno, Luis A., Rhein, Andreas 26 June 2019 (has links)
Content: Fine hair is the biggest seasonal challenge for bovine leather production in the United States. The origin, timing and severity of the fine hair problem can be unpredictable and vary from year to year. Seasonal changes on the hair growth cycle are prompted by the lower temperature from fall to winter; the cow hair increases in amount, length and thickness. This problem is very old and has increased in intensity due to changes in the leather manufacturing process, cattle breeding conditions and breed diversity. The amount of fat and thickness of the hide also play important roles. The extent of the problem has not been documented and is not fully understood by the scientific community. The presence of fine hair (residual hair) on the wet blue and final leather are a cause of downgrading the leather. If the wet blue has fine hair, it cannot be removed in further processing in crust or finishing. Some leather types can tolerate more fine hair than others. In this paper we will conduct a scientific evaluation of the fine hair on American bovine hides, wet blue and finished leathers through cross sections and stains, optical and electron microscope observations. We will include measurements of hair thickness and hair depth inside the hide. The work will compare sulfide and oxidative unhairing of winter hides, characterize and show the details of the fine hair through cross sections, and offer indicative measures to minimize the problem. Information from the largest wet blue manufacturer in the US with four tanneries will provide insight on the fine hair seasonality, types of breeds and cattle displacement temperature ranges and will discuss adaptive changes needed in the “Winter” time to control the fine hair. Take-Away: 1) scientific review and evaluation of the problem of fine hair though cross sections and stains, optical and electron microscopy observations 2) evaluate the fine hair on sulfide and oxidative unhairing; providing indicative measures to minimize the problem 3) characterize the seasonality of the fine hair problem regarding the types of breeds, displacement temperature ranges and adaptative changes to control the fine hair

Des trajectoires singulières : la construction sociale de l'engagement "gouine" dans la mobilisation "transpédégouine" / Unique trajectories : the social construction of the"dyke" engagement in the "transpédégouine" movement

Nicaise, Sarah 17 November 2015 (has links)
Issue d'une enquête ethnographique menée de 2009 à 2015 auprès d'un groupe " Transpédégouine " (" TPG "), cette thèse s'intéresse aux conditions (sociales, genrées, sexuelles) et aux effets socio-biographiques de l'engagement " gouine " au sein de ce collectif. Elle s'attache d'abord à retracer les trajectoires biographiques et les expériences socialisatrices de ces femmes homosexuelles depuis leur enfance jusqu'à leur entrée dans le groupe " TPG ", en analysant leurs socialisations de genre enfantines, leurs parcours scolaires, leurs socialisations sexuelles, et leurs politisation féministe et homosexuelle. Tout en étudiant les conditions sociales de la construction de l'homosexualité féminine, elle fait apparaître le processus de co-détermination de classe, de genre et de sexualité dans la politisation et l'engagement des " gouines ". Ce travail explore ensuite la socialisation " TPG " en restituant les modes d'appropriation différenciés des logiques et des normes du groupe au regard des socialisations passées et des positions actuelles des " gouines ". Loin de se cantonner aux activités strictement militantes, l'étude de cette socialisation groupale se porte également sur un ensemble de pratiques généralement rattachées aux domaines du privé et de l'intime (l'habitat, l'alimentation, l'hygiène, la sexualité, les relations amicales et affectives) faisant alors apparaître des modes de politisation " par le bas " et des formes de contestation ordinaires de l'ordre de genre et de sexualité, éloignées des formes légitimes de participation politique. Cette recherche s'intéresse enfin aux impacts de cet engagement sur les trajectoires biographiques. Au delà des possibilités de réhabiliter les corps genrés et de s'investir dans un mode de sexualité " gouine " spécifique, l'engagement dans le groupe permet de limiter les effets de la précarisation économique. A travers des pratiques groupales de " débrouille " et de solidarité communautaire, le groupe " TPG " fonctionne en effet comme un cadre de préservation matérielle et de valorisation de son existence. Il permet également aux " gouines " d'ennoblir les décalages entre des situations de déclassement (professionnel et économique) et des expériences de mobilité culturelle ascendante (permises par la réussite scolaire et leur engagement militant), et représente ainsi un support de reclassement symbolique. A travers la restitution d'un matériau dense, le dévoilement de pratiques quotidiennes et le récit d'expériences individuelles et collectives qui jalonnent les trajectoires, cette thèse cherche plus largement à comprendre les ressorts de cet entre-soi sexuel minoritaire et contestataire, et les possibilités de se maintenir dans certaines marges de l'espace social. / Resulting from an ethnographic survey carried out from 2009 to 2015 with a "Transpédégouine" ("TPG") group, this thesis is interested in the conditions (social, gendered, sexual) and in the socio-biographical effects of the "dyke" engagement within this collective. Firstly, it seeks to recall the biographical trajectories and socializing experiences of "dykes" from childhood until they enter the group "TPG", analyzing their gender socialization as children, their school careers, their sexual socialization and their feminist and homosexual politicization. While studying the social conditions of the construction of female homosexuality, it shows the class, gender and sexuality co-determination process in the politicization and engagement of "dykes." This work explores then the "TPG" socialization by restoring the modes of appropriation differentiated from the logics and the standards of the group taking into consideration historical socialization and current position of the "dykes". Far from being confined to strictly militant activities, the study of this groupal socialization also includes a set of practices generally related to the fields of the private and intimate (housing, food, hygiene, sexuality, friendship and emotional relationships) then revealing modes of politization "from the bottom" and specific forms of protest of the sexual and gender order, remote from legitimate forms of political participation. This research is finally interested in the impacts of this engagement on biographical trajectories. Beyond the possibilities of rehabilitating the gendered body and investing in a specific "dyke" mode of sexuality, engagement in the group limits the effects of economic precarisation. Through groupal practices of "getting by" and community solidarity, the "TPG" group functions indeed as a framework of material preservation and enhancement of its existence. It also allows the "dykes" to ennoble the shifts between downgrading situations (professional and economic) and experiences of ascending cultural mobility (permitted by academic achievement and activism), and thus represents a symbolic reclassification support. Through the restitution of a dense material, the unveiling of daily practices and the account of individual and collective experiences that mark the trajectories, this thesis seeks to understand more broadly the springs of this sexual minority and dissident social grouping, and the possibilities of maintaining oneself in certain margins of the social space.

Miopatia dorsal cranial em frangos de corte: caracterização anatomopatológica, colheita e análise de dados

Zimermann, Francielli Cordeiro January 2008 (has links)
A miopatia dorsal cranial (MDC) acomete frangos de corte e é verificada a partir dos 33 dias de vida, quase exclusivamente nas linhas de abate e em diferentes matadourosfrigoríficos dos três estados do sul do Brasil, aonde vem causando prejuízos com condenações parciais e totais, gerando crescente preocupação, já que é um problema completamente desconhecido e faz parte de um alimento consumido em todo o mundo. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi fazer uma caracterização anatomopatológica da MDC, através da colheita e análise de dados relacionados ao problema em uma empresa avícola do sul do país. A caracterização foi realizada através de um estudo anatômico, avaliações macroscópicas e microscópicas do músculo envolvido e avaliação de outros músculos e vísceras de carcaças com lesão dorsal na busca de informações que pudessem indicar alguma etiologia conhecida. A colheita e análise de dados foi realizada em uma empresa com 0,5% ao mês de condenação por MDC. Pesquisou-se a idade de início da lesão nos frangos, a presença de possíveis problemas nutricionais e/ou miotóxicos e análise do banco de dados da condenação para alguns parâmetros zootécnicos. Pode-se verificar no estudo anatômico que na carcaça com MDC a vascularização local não estava evidente. A lesão macroscópica no músculo Anterior Latissimus Dorsi (ALD) foi 89% bilateral (de 110 carcaças avaliadas). A pele do local apresentou coloração amarelada, aumento de volume subcutâneo e ao corte, presença de fluido gelatinoso amarelo citrino e inodoro. Os músculos ALD lesionados apresentavam as superfícies inferiores e/ou superiores hemorrágicas, aumento da consistência, palidez e aderência aos músculos adjacentes e ao corte, aumento da espessura quando comparado a músculos sem alteração. Microscopicamente a lesão foi caracterizada como multifásica com presença de algumas fibras ainda viáveis, fibras em degeneração hialina, necrose flocular, outras em regeneração e extensa proliferação de tecido conjuntivo fibroso além de tecido fibro-adiposo. Tecido de granulação altamente vascularizado na periferia da lesão necrótica e envolvendo todo o músculo foi freqüentemente observado com grande quantidade de células inflamatórias mononucleares. Granulócitos foram verificados em alguns cortes do ALD macroscopicamente alterado. O ALD e demais músculos, sem lesão macroscópica, apresentaram lesões microscópicas de leves a muito intensas, sendo hialinização e necrose flocular as lesões predominantes em todos os outros músculos. Lesão microscópica foi encontrada tão cedo quanto 23 dias de vida. Nos corações, não foram encontradas alterações significativas. Nas moelas verificou-se picnose difusa nos miócitos. Os rins e as bursas de Fabricius apresentaram lesões, como severa necrose tubular e intensa depleção linfóide (>70%), respectivamente. Erros de dosagem do premix (vitamina E, selênio e ionóforos) na ração de frangos com MDC foram encontrados. Já sementes de Senna occidentalis não foram encontradas no alimento das mesmas. Machos, de linhagens pesadas, apresentando maiores médias de peso e idade ao abate apresentaram os maiores percentuais de condenação por MDC (P<0,01). Conclui-se que a MDC é multifásica, ocorrendo a partir de diferentes momentos de insulto e acomete com maior freqüência frangos pesados e de crescimento rápido. Deficiência de vitamina E e selênio ou níveis tóxicos de ionóforos podem estar contribuindo na indução desta “nova” miopatia. / “Miopatia dorsal cranial” (MDC) or dorsal cranial myopathy affects broiler chickens as early as their 33rd day of life, occurring almost exclusively on slaughter lines and in different slaughterhouses in the three southern states of Brazil where it has been causing economical losses, due to the resulting condemnation or downgrading of carcasses. It is cause for great concern as it is a completely unknown problem and chicken is an important food product consumed worldwide. The objective of this study was to conduct an anatomical and pathological characterization through the acquisition and analysis of data related to this problem in a poultry industry. This characterization was carried out through an anatomical study, histological evaluation of the damaged muscle and evaluation of other muscles and organs of carcasses presenting back injury, in the search for information that would reveal any known etiology. The data acquisition and analysis was carried out in a company with 0.5% of carcasses downgraded per month due to this disease. The age at which the lesion starts, the presence of possible nutritional and/or toxic myopathies, and the analysis of the condemnation database for some zootechnical parameters were carried out. It was found in an anatomical study that damaged muscle vascularization with MDC was not evident. Macroscopic lesions in the Anterior Latissimus Dorsi muscle (ALD) were 89% bilateral (in 110 carcasses evaluated). Skin on the lesion was yellowish, with a subcutaneous volume increase, and after cutting the skin was odorless with the presence of an edematous and gel-like yellow-citrine fluid. ALD muscle was hemorrhagic on the lower and/or upper surface, showing increased consistency and pallor and adherence to the adjacent muscles, and after cutting increased thickness was verified when compared to muscles without lesions. Microscopically the lesion was characterized as polyphasic with some viable muscle fibers, hyaline degenerated fibers, floccular necrosis, regenerating muscle fibers and extensive fibrosis and fibro-adipose tissue. Highly vascular granulation tissue at the border of the necrotic muscle was found with large amounts of inflammatory mononuclear cells. Some ALD macroscopically damaged muscle had granulocytes cells. ALD and other muscles, without macroscopic injury, showed from mild to intense microscopic lesions, fiber degeneration (hyaline) and floccular necrosis being the major lesions in the former muscles. Microscopic lesions were found as early as the 23rd day of life. There were no significant changes observed in the hearts, but there was a diffuse pyknosis of myocytes in the gizzards. The kidneys and the bursa of Fabricius had injuries such as severe tubular necrosis and severe lymphoid depletion (>70%), respectively. Errors in the mineral and vitamin dosage in the premix (vitamin E, selenium and ionophores) fed to the chickens with MDC were found. However, seeds of Senna occidentalis were not found in the feed. Males of heavy strains, having higher average weight and older age at slaughter had the highest percentage of downgrading due to MDC (P<0.01). Therefore, MDC is polyphasic and occurs at different times of insult, affecting most frequently heavy and fast-growing chickens. Deficiency of vitamin E/selenium or toxic levels of ionophores may be contributing to the induction of this recently observed type of myopathy.

Miopatia dorsal cranial em frangos de corte: caracterização anatomopatológica, colheita e análise de dados

Zimermann, Francielli Cordeiro January 2008 (has links)
A miopatia dorsal cranial (MDC) acomete frangos de corte e é verificada a partir dos 33 dias de vida, quase exclusivamente nas linhas de abate e em diferentes matadourosfrigoríficos dos três estados do sul do Brasil, aonde vem causando prejuízos com condenações parciais e totais, gerando crescente preocupação, já que é um problema completamente desconhecido e faz parte de um alimento consumido em todo o mundo. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi fazer uma caracterização anatomopatológica da MDC, através da colheita e análise de dados relacionados ao problema em uma empresa avícola do sul do país. A caracterização foi realizada através de um estudo anatômico, avaliações macroscópicas e microscópicas do músculo envolvido e avaliação de outros músculos e vísceras de carcaças com lesão dorsal na busca de informações que pudessem indicar alguma etiologia conhecida. A colheita e análise de dados foi realizada em uma empresa com 0,5% ao mês de condenação por MDC. Pesquisou-se a idade de início da lesão nos frangos, a presença de possíveis problemas nutricionais e/ou miotóxicos e análise do banco de dados da condenação para alguns parâmetros zootécnicos. Pode-se verificar no estudo anatômico que na carcaça com MDC a vascularização local não estava evidente. A lesão macroscópica no músculo Anterior Latissimus Dorsi (ALD) foi 89% bilateral (de 110 carcaças avaliadas). A pele do local apresentou coloração amarelada, aumento de volume subcutâneo e ao corte, presença de fluido gelatinoso amarelo citrino e inodoro. Os músculos ALD lesionados apresentavam as superfícies inferiores e/ou superiores hemorrágicas, aumento da consistência, palidez e aderência aos músculos adjacentes e ao corte, aumento da espessura quando comparado a músculos sem alteração. Microscopicamente a lesão foi caracterizada como multifásica com presença de algumas fibras ainda viáveis, fibras em degeneração hialina, necrose flocular, outras em regeneração e extensa proliferação de tecido conjuntivo fibroso além de tecido fibro-adiposo. Tecido de granulação altamente vascularizado na periferia da lesão necrótica e envolvendo todo o músculo foi freqüentemente observado com grande quantidade de células inflamatórias mononucleares. Granulócitos foram verificados em alguns cortes do ALD macroscopicamente alterado. O ALD e demais músculos, sem lesão macroscópica, apresentaram lesões microscópicas de leves a muito intensas, sendo hialinização e necrose flocular as lesões predominantes em todos os outros músculos. Lesão microscópica foi encontrada tão cedo quanto 23 dias de vida. Nos corações, não foram encontradas alterações significativas. Nas moelas verificou-se picnose difusa nos miócitos. Os rins e as bursas de Fabricius apresentaram lesões, como severa necrose tubular e intensa depleção linfóide (>70%), respectivamente. Erros de dosagem do premix (vitamina E, selênio e ionóforos) na ração de frangos com MDC foram encontrados. Já sementes de Senna occidentalis não foram encontradas no alimento das mesmas. Machos, de linhagens pesadas, apresentando maiores médias de peso e idade ao abate apresentaram os maiores percentuais de condenação por MDC (P<0,01). Conclui-se que a MDC é multifásica, ocorrendo a partir de diferentes momentos de insulto e acomete com maior freqüência frangos pesados e de crescimento rápido. Deficiência de vitamina E e selênio ou níveis tóxicos de ionóforos podem estar contribuindo na indução desta “nova” miopatia. / “Miopatia dorsal cranial” (MDC) or dorsal cranial myopathy affects broiler chickens as early as their 33rd day of life, occurring almost exclusively on slaughter lines and in different slaughterhouses in the three southern states of Brazil where it has been causing economical losses, due to the resulting condemnation or downgrading of carcasses. It is cause for great concern as it is a completely unknown problem and chicken is an important food product consumed worldwide. The objective of this study was to conduct an anatomical and pathological characterization through the acquisition and analysis of data related to this problem in a poultry industry. This characterization was carried out through an anatomical study, histological evaluation of the damaged muscle and evaluation of other muscles and organs of carcasses presenting back injury, in the search for information that would reveal any known etiology. The data acquisition and analysis was carried out in a company with 0.5% of carcasses downgraded per month due to this disease. The age at which the lesion starts, the presence of possible nutritional and/or toxic myopathies, and the analysis of the condemnation database for some zootechnical parameters were carried out. It was found in an anatomical study that damaged muscle vascularization with MDC was not evident. Macroscopic lesions in the Anterior Latissimus Dorsi muscle (ALD) were 89% bilateral (in 110 carcasses evaluated). Skin on the lesion was yellowish, with a subcutaneous volume increase, and after cutting the skin was odorless with the presence of an edematous and gel-like yellow-citrine fluid. ALD muscle was hemorrhagic on the lower and/or upper surface, showing increased consistency and pallor and adherence to the adjacent muscles, and after cutting increased thickness was verified when compared to muscles without lesions. Microscopically the lesion was characterized as polyphasic with some viable muscle fibers, hyaline degenerated fibers, floccular necrosis, regenerating muscle fibers and extensive fibrosis and fibro-adipose tissue. Highly vascular granulation tissue at the border of the necrotic muscle was found with large amounts of inflammatory mononuclear cells. Some ALD macroscopically damaged muscle had granulocytes cells. ALD and other muscles, without macroscopic injury, showed from mild to intense microscopic lesions, fiber degeneration (hyaline) and floccular necrosis being the major lesions in the former muscles. Microscopic lesions were found as early as the 23rd day of life. There were no significant changes observed in the hearts, but there was a diffuse pyknosis of myocytes in the gizzards. The kidneys and the bursa of Fabricius had injuries such as severe tubular necrosis and severe lymphoid depletion (>70%), respectively. Errors in the mineral and vitamin dosage in the premix (vitamin E, selenium and ionophores) fed to the chickens with MDC were found. However, seeds of Senna occidentalis were not found in the feed. Males of heavy strains, having higher average weight and older age at slaughter had the highest percentage of downgrading due to MDC (P<0.01). Therefore, MDC is polyphasic and occurs at different times of insult, affecting most frequently heavy and fast-growing chickens. Deficiency of vitamin E/selenium or toxic levels of ionophores may be contributing to the induction of this recently observed type of myopathy.

Miopatia dorsal cranial em frangos de corte: caracterização anatomopatológica, colheita e análise de dados

Zimermann, Francielli Cordeiro January 2008 (has links)
A miopatia dorsal cranial (MDC) acomete frangos de corte e é verificada a partir dos 33 dias de vida, quase exclusivamente nas linhas de abate e em diferentes matadourosfrigoríficos dos três estados do sul do Brasil, aonde vem causando prejuízos com condenações parciais e totais, gerando crescente preocupação, já que é um problema completamente desconhecido e faz parte de um alimento consumido em todo o mundo. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi fazer uma caracterização anatomopatológica da MDC, através da colheita e análise de dados relacionados ao problema em uma empresa avícola do sul do país. A caracterização foi realizada através de um estudo anatômico, avaliações macroscópicas e microscópicas do músculo envolvido e avaliação de outros músculos e vísceras de carcaças com lesão dorsal na busca de informações que pudessem indicar alguma etiologia conhecida. A colheita e análise de dados foi realizada em uma empresa com 0,5% ao mês de condenação por MDC. Pesquisou-se a idade de início da lesão nos frangos, a presença de possíveis problemas nutricionais e/ou miotóxicos e análise do banco de dados da condenação para alguns parâmetros zootécnicos. Pode-se verificar no estudo anatômico que na carcaça com MDC a vascularização local não estava evidente. A lesão macroscópica no músculo Anterior Latissimus Dorsi (ALD) foi 89% bilateral (de 110 carcaças avaliadas). A pele do local apresentou coloração amarelada, aumento de volume subcutâneo e ao corte, presença de fluido gelatinoso amarelo citrino e inodoro. Os músculos ALD lesionados apresentavam as superfícies inferiores e/ou superiores hemorrágicas, aumento da consistência, palidez e aderência aos músculos adjacentes e ao corte, aumento da espessura quando comparado a músculos sem alteração. Microscopicamente a lesão foi caracterizada como multifásica com presença de algumas fibras ainda viáveis, fibras em degeneração hialina, necrose flocular, outras em regeneração e extensa proliferação de tecido conjuntivo fibroso além de tecido fibro-adiposo. Tecido de granulação altamente vascularizado na periferia da lesão necrótica e envolvendo todo o músculo foi freqüentemente observado com grande quantidade de células inflamatórias mononucleares. Granulócitos foram verificados em alguns cortes do ALD macroscopicamente alterado. O ALD e demais músculos, sem lesão macroscópica, apresentaram lesões microscópicas de leves a muito intensas, sendo hialinização e necrose flocular as lesões predominantes em todos os outros músculos. Lesão microscópica foi encontrada tão cedo quanto 23 dias de vida. Nos corações, não foram encontradas alterações significativas. Nas moelas verificou-se picnose difusa nos miócitos. Os rins e as bursas de Fabricius apresentaram lesões, como severa necrose tubular e intensa depleção linfóide (>70%), respectivamente. Erros de dosagem do premix (vitamina E, selênio e ionóforos) na ração de frangos com MDC foram encontrados. Já sementes de Senna occidentalis não foram encontradas no alimento das mesmas. Machos, de linhagens pesadas, apresentando maiores médias de peso e idade ao abate apresentaram os maiores percentuais de condenação por MDC (P<0,01). Conclui-se que a MDC é multifásica, ocorrendo a partir de diferentes momentos de insulto e acomete com maior freqüência frangos pesados e de crescimento rápido. Deficiência de vitamina E e selênio ou níveis tóxicos de ionóforos podem estar contribuindo na indução desta “nova” miopatia. / “Miopatia dorsal cranial” (MDC) or dorsal cranial myopathy affects broiler chickens as early as their 33rd day of life, occurring almost exclusively on slaughter lines and in different slaughterhouses in the three southern states of Brazil where it has been causing economical losses, due to the resulting condemnation or downgrading of carcasses. It is cause for great concern as it is a completely unknown problem and chicken is an important food product consumed worldwide. The objective of this study was to conduct an anatomical and pathological characterization through the acquisition and analysis of data related to this problem in a poultry industry. This characterization was carried out through an anatomical study, histological evaluation of the damaged muscle and evaluation of other muscles and organs of carcasses presenting back injury, in the search for information that would reveal any known etiology. The data acquisition and analysis was carried out in a company with 0.5% of carcasses downgraded per month due to this disease. The age at which the lesion starts, the presence of possible nutritional and/or toxic myopathies, and the analysis of the condemnation database for some zootechnical parameters were carried out. It was found in an anatomical study that damaged muscle vascularization with MDC was not evident. Macroscopic lesions in the Anterior Latissimus Dorsi muscle (ALD) were 89% bilateral (in 110 carcasses evaluated). Skin on the lesion was yellowish, with a subcutaneous volume increase, and after cutting the skin was odorless with the presence of an edematous and gel-like yellow-citrine fluid. ALD muscle was hemorrhagic on the lower and/or upper surface, showing increased consistency and pallor and adherence to the adjacent muscles, and after cutting increased thickness was verified when compared to muscles without lesions. Microscopically the lesion was characterized as polyphasic with some viable muscle fibers, hyaline degenerated fibers, floccular necrosis, regenerating muscle fibers and extensive fibrosis and fibro-adipose tissue. Highly vascular granulation tissue at the border of the necrotic muscle was found with large amounts of inflammatory mononuclear cells. Some ALD macroscopically damaged muscle had granulocytes cells. ALD and other muscles, without macroscopic injury, showed from mild to intense microscopic lesions, fiber degeneration (hyaline) and floccular necrosis being the major lesions in the former muscles. Microscopic lesions were found as early as the 23rd day of life. There were no significant changes observed in the hearts, but there was a diffuse pyknosis of myocytes in the gizzards. The kidneys and the bursa of Fabricius had injuries such as severe tubular necrosis and severe lymphoid depletion (>70%), respectively. Errors in the mineral and vitamin dosage in the premix (vitamin E, selenium and ionophores) fed to the chickens with MDC were found. However, seeds of Senna occidentalis were not found in the feed. Males of heavy strains, having higher average weight and older age at slaughter had the highest percentage of downgrading due to MDC (P<0.01). Therefore, MDC is polyphasic and occurs at different times of insult, affecting most frequently heavy and fast-growing chickens. Deficiency of vitamin E/selenium or toxic levels of ionophores may be contributing to the induction of this recently observed type of myopathy.

Bambine e ragazzi bilingui nelle classi multietniche di Torino / Il sistema scolastico a confronto con opportunità, complessità e sfide del plurilinguismo

Ritucci, Raffaella 24 October 2018 (has links)
L'anagrafe studenti del MIUR registra come oggi in Italia più di uno studente su dieci non è cittadino italiano, pur essendo la maggioranza di loro nata in questo paese. Numerose indagini statistiche mostrano come gli allievi "stranieri" presentino, rispetto a quelli italiani, ridotte competenze in italiano e minore successo scolastico. Questa ricerca esplorativa svolta in alcune scuole di Torino (V elementare-III media) ha analizzato dati ottenuti tramite interviste semi-strutturate a 121 studenti e 26 genitori e 141 questionari compilati da 27 insegnanti di italiano e di lingua di famiglia. Da essa è emerso che molti studenti sono "nativi bilingui", poiché crescono usando l'italiano e un'altra lingua. Questo poliglottismo, valutato dagli intervistati assai positivamente, non si rispecchia però nella prassi scolastica: un supporto mirato in italiano e l'insegnamento della lingua di famiglia sono di regola una chimera. All'interno del campione le più ampie competenze in italiano si trovano fra chi ha un genitore italofono e chi è arrivato in Italia in età prescolare frequentandovi la scuola materna; come constatato anche nei test INVALSI, chi è nato in Italia e vi ha frequentato l'asilo nido è leggermente svantaggiato. Rispetto alla lingua di famiglia risulta che il suo studio porta a migliori competenze in essa, senza nuocere all'italiano: anzi. Emerge quindi il ruolo significativo della lingua "altra" per un'educazione linguistica efficace. L'invito al MIUR è quindi di integrare la propria anagrafe con dati linguistici, così da ridefinire i propri curricula secondo le Linee Guida Comunitarie, individuando procedure e risorse specifiche per le classi multilingui. Con un investimento ridotto, paragonato con il costo attuale dato da retrocessioni, ripetenze e abbandono scolastico, si riuscirebbe a sostenere il successo scolastico, le pari opportunità e il plurilinguismo, con conseguenze positive per i singoli e per l'economia nazionale. / Das Schulregister des Kultusministeriums MIUR verzeichnet, dass mehr als jede/r zehnte aller Schüler/innen in Italien keine italienische Staatsbürgerschaft hat, obwohl sie mehrheitlich dort geboren wurden. Zahlreiche Erhebungen weisen für sie im Vergleich zu den italienischen Mitschülern/innen geringere Italienischkenntnisse und weniger schulischen Erfolg auf. Innerhalb dieser explorativen Feldforschung haben Einzelinterviews mit 121 Schülern/innen (5.-8. Klasse) in Turiner Schulen und mit 26 Eltern, sowie die Auswertung von 141 an 27 Italienisch- und Herkunftsprachlehrer/innen verteilten Fragebögen ergeben, dass viele Schüler/innen "zweisprachige Natives" sind, da sie mit Italienisch und einer anderen Sprache aufwachsen. Dieser Polyglottismus, den die Interviewten sehr positiv bewerteten, findet jedoch in der Schulpraxis keine Entsprechung: Gezielte Förderung im Italienischen und der Unterricht der Familiensprache sind meist Wunschdenken. In der Kohorte haben die Schüler/innen mit den besten Italienischkenntnissen einen italophonen Elternteil bzw. kamen im Vorschulalter nach Italien und besuchten dort den Kindergarten. Dagegen sind, wie auch bei den INVALSI-Tests, die in Italien geborenen und die dann die Krippe besuchten, leicht benachteiligt. Was die Familiensprache angeht, verbessert ihr Erlernen die Kompetenzen darin, ohne dem Italienischen zu schaden: Im Gegenteil. Diese Ergebnisse bestätigen die wichtige Rolle der "anderen" Sprache für einen gelungen Spracherwerb. Das MIUR sollte also sein Schulregister mit Sprachdaten ergänzen, um die Curricula im Sinn der EU-Vorgaben umzuschreiben und den sprachlich heterogenen Klassen gezielte Ressourcen und definierte Vorgehensweisen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Mit geringeren Mitteln, im Vergleich zu den jetzigen Kosten für Herunterstufung, Klassenwiederholung und Schulabbruch würde man Schulerfolg, Chancengerechtigkeit und Mehrsprachigkeit fördern, mit positiven Folgen für den Einzelnen sowie für die Volkswirtschaft. / The Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) student register records that today in Italy more than one out of ten students is not an Italian citizen, although the majority of them were born there. Several statistical surveys indicate that "foreign" students, when compared to native students, show a poorer performance in Italian and in academic achievement. This exploratory fieldwork carried out in schools in Turin (5th to 8th grade) analyzed data obtained through semi-structured interviews with 121 students and 26 parents as well as 141 questionnaires filled in by 27 teachers of Italian and family language. It showed that many students are "bilingual natives", as they grow up acquiring both Italian and another language; however, despite the fact that the interviewees rate polyglottism positively, schools don't usually offer targeted support in either language. Within the cohort the broadest range of competences in Italian are found first among those with an Italian-speaking parent, then among those who arrived in Italy at pre-school age attending kindergarten there; this latter group shows higher competences than those born in Italy attending nursery there, as also in the INVALSI tests. As far as family language is concerned, data illustrate that its teaching increases its competences without affecting those in Italian: quite the opposite in fact. These results confirm the remarkable role played by the "other" language in successful language education. MIUR is therefore called upon to include also linguistic data in its student register, so as to redefine its curricula according to EU Guidelines, and to identify specific procedures and resources for multilingual classes. This new policy would reduce the current cost of placing students in a lower grade, grade retention and drop-outs, and would promote school success, equal opportunities and multilingualism, with positive consequences both for the individuals and for the national economy.

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