Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe foreigner"" "subject:"ehe oreigner""
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清朝中國對在華外人的司法態度─兼論領事裁判權 / The Juridical Attitude toward Foreigners of Qing Dynasty─with Analysis of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction趙帝凱, Chao, Di Kai Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究主旨在於用「同時代史觀」的視角,以清朝簽約當下的時空背景,來重新檢視清朝中國涉外司法審判。本文首先整理了中國自唐朝至明朝以來對涉外司法審判的沿革,並且爬梳清朝中國涉外司法審判的模式,從中發現清朝中國給予西方國家「領事裁判權」的做法,是符合清朝中國對外關係的邏輯思維,並證明清朝中國隊在華外人的司法態度,與中國自唐代以來的對在華外人的司法態度是一致的。本文認為,領事裁判權成為「屈辱外交」的意涵,是因為後人以歐洲近代國際法話語權下的「民族國家」視角來檢視過去清朝中國的對外關係,並且在不理解清朝中國固有對外秩序的邏輯下所做出的評斷。 / When it comes to China’s foreign relations in late Qing dynasty, the government has been criticized for its “humiliated diplomacy”, especially on the issue of extraterritorial jurisdiction since the Treaty of Nanking between China and Britain. The authorization of consular jurisdiction to foreign countries is often considered as sabotage for the jurisdiction of China. However, the criticism is questionable because offering extraterritorial jurisdiction is ubiquitous among every dynasty in China. Even in Qing dynasty, the juridical attitude of China in the Treaty of Nerchinsk signed in 1689 with Russia is often recognized by academia as reciprocity to foreign country. Regardless of the disadvantages in the future, this act of giving extraterritorial jurisdiction by Qing dynasty at that time is worth to be scrutinized again.
With this in mind, the purpose of this thesis is to discover the pattern of judgments involving foreigners from Tang to Qing dynasty in China. We also discuss about the response of Qing government when it faced the request of extraterritorial jurisdiction from foreign countries. In addition, a reinterpretation of the attitude toward the judgments involving foreigners of Qing dynasty is based on the perspective of China indigenous order to foreign relations. The research analyzes the settlement of judgments involving foreigners in different dynasties of China, confirming the consistency to China indigenous order to foreign relations and evolution during the Qing period. At last, this thesis overthrew the humiliation impression in contemporary understanding of the diplomacy in Qing dynasty, arguing such attitude is interpreted later by the concept of “nation state” , which is developed from early modern European countries to judge the international relations of Qing dynasty without understanding the Chinese foreign relations comprehensively.
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L'éloignement des étrangers dans la jurisprudence de la Cour européenne des droits de l'homme / The removal of foreigners in the jurisprudence of the European court of human rightsKaoula, Bilal 14 December 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est de traiter la problématique de l’éloignement des étrangers sous l’angle des droits de l’homme en Europe. En effet, la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme permet de limiter le droit des Etats d’expulser, d’extrader, ou de reconduire à la frontière les étrangers. La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme exige que toute mesure d’éloignement prise à l’encontre de l’étranger respecte les droits fondamentaux énumérés dans la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme. Ces exigences découlent de l’interprétation dynamique et évolutive des articles de ce texte, offrant une protection aux étrangers contre tout renvoi vers des destinations où ils risquent de subir des mauvais traitements. De même, l’expulsion des étrangers délinquants ayant des liens d’attachements dans l’Etat d’accueil peut constituer une violation de leur droit à une vie privée et familiale. Le juge européen octroie également des garanties procédurales aux mineurs étrangers et aux demandeurs d’asile en leur maintenant le droit à un recours effectif. Toutefois, le juge européen limite l’application de certains articles quand la mesure d’éloignement est nécessaire pour la sauvegarde de l’ordre public et la sécurité nationale. A ce titre, le juge refuse d’appliquer le droit à un procès équitable en cas d’extradition ou d’interdiction de territoires, en particulier à ceux suspectés de terrorisme. Afin de réconcilier l’intérêt des Etats et la protection les droits fondamentaux de l’étranger frappé par une mesure d’éloignement, les juges de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme examinent ce contentieux au cas par cas. En somme, les solutions européennes permettent de modifier le statut interne de l’étranger en situation d’éloignement et de combler les défaillances du droit international en la matière. / The objective of this study is to address the issue of removal of foreigners from the human rights perspective in Europe. Indeed, the European Convention on Human Rights limits the right of member States to expulse, extradite or deport foreigners. The European Court of Human Rights requires that any order of removal against a foreigner must respect the fundamental rights enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights. This requirement stems from the dynamic and evolving interpretation of the articles of the Convention, which provide protection against the sending of foreigners towards destinations where they risk being subjected to ill- treatment. Likewise, the removal of unlawful non-citizens with strong bonding ties in the host Member State may constitute a violation of their right to a private and family life. There are also procedural protection such as the right to an effective remedy, granted by the European Court to foreign minors and asylum seekers. However, the European Court limits the application of certain articles of the Convention when removal is necessary in order to maintain public and national security. As such, the judge refuses to recognize the right to a fair trial for those extradited or banned from entering a member State if suspected terrorism. In order to strike balance between the interests of States and the protection of fundamental rights of foreigners affected by a removal order, the judges of the European Court of Human Rights examine the situation case by case. In summary, the European approach enables the transformation of the internal status of foreigners subject to removal, and thus corrects the deficiencies of international law in the matter.
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TRH PRÁCE V OKRESE CESKÉ BUDEJOVICE VE VZTAHU K ZAHRANICÍ / Labour market in Ceské Budejovice district in relation to foreign countriesŠNEJDAR, Jaroslav January 2008 (has links)
Degree work, year 2008, University of South Bohemia in Ceské Budejovice, Faculty of economics, Department of management, degree work leader doc. Ing. Ružena KRNINSKÁ, CSc. The aim of the degree work was to chart the labour market in Ceské Budejovice district in relation to foreign countries and to specify the influences on the development of legal employment of foreigners in Ceské Budejovice district, who had been granted a work permit in last 5 years, and the impact on unemployment in Ceské Budejovice district. It also charts the influence of EU entry and its impact on the outflow of workers from the labour market in Ceské Budejovice district. The main aim is to analyze the examined region and the labour market with regard to professions demanded by the employers. It is about how this affects the legal employment of the foreigners. A comparison of Ceské Budejovice employment agency{\crq}s statistics from the years 2003 {--} 2007 and the surveys, done via questionnaire enquiries, at employers (companies) in Ceské Budejovice who employ foreigners or have the intention to employ foreigners, was made. For purpose of cross-border employing of citizens of the Czech Republic via the employees of the employment agency in Ceské Budejovice arranged a contact with an employee of the given agency Arbeitsmarketservice Freistadt, where we talked about questions concerning the way of employing people from abroad, especially the Czech Republic. Further on an analysis of the questionnaire enquiries and the statistical data assigned by the employment agency was made. The results of the questionnaire enquiries were passed on to the employment agency in Ceské Budejovice for further possible use.
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Národnostní struktura hráčů extraligy mužů v basketbalu od roku 1998 a její dopad na basketbal v České republice\\ / The national structure of players of Czech national basketball league since year 1998 and its impact on basketball in the Czech Republic\\BUBÁK, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis studies the evolution of the national structure of players in the highest Czech basketball league, the `Extraliga{\crq}, between seasons 1998/1999 and 2008/2009. This research is based on analysis of technical registers from individual games. The author splits the studied sample of players into three groups (Czech players aged 20+, foreign players and Czech players below 20 years of age) and evaluates statistical characteristics by virtue of the comparative method. These include the number of players, minutes played, points scored and a coefficient of usefulness. The results confirm the expected increase of the number of foreign players as well as their continuously growing impact on the game. In contrast to this, the trend of participation and usefulness of Czech players under 20 years is shown to be diminishing. Both the hypotheses of the thesis are therefore proven valid. The presented work further utilizes the analysis of references in several directions, namely it points to existing basketball youth centres in the Czech Republic, warns against the diminishing member base of this sport, highlights the change in trend of evolution of imposed limits on the number of foreign players in Extraliga and finally discusses some of the current issues of Czech basketball.
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[pt] Pele: um modo de existência crossdresser é um experimento artístico-literário que parte do crossdressing como modo de existência e do corpo de um crossdresser como espaço de encontro e trânsito dos gêneros masculino e feminino. Aponta-se assim para uma tentativa de desfazer as fronteiras e para a construção de entre-lugares que discutem e ultrapassam a dialética em favor do hibridismo, sintetizando o entendimento da produção de subjetividade como fenômeno polifônico e plural. Errância, alteridade e estrangeiridade são postas em questão na investigação de uma identidade em deslocamento. Tais questões também atravessam a busca, por meio da escrita, da linguagem e de estruturas que se alteram, por serem descontínuas, múltiplas e não unificadas. No romance produzido, intitulado Pele, a voz da narradora-autora se decompõe para depois se multiplicar em outras, a ambivalência dos gêneros masculino e feminino confrontam a fixação definitiva, um estrangeiro erra por diferentes cidades, sacudido por vozes, à procura de espaços onde seja capaz de fruir, deslizar por identidades distintas, e um filho se desloca à procura de um pai prestes a desaparecer. O posfácio é constituído como memorial descritivo, que indica os caminhos percorridos durante essa produção. Referências teóricas que deram suporte para o processo de investigação, práticas de escrita e outros experimentos são apontados e discutidos, num cruzamento entre os movimentos artístico e pensante. / [en] Skin: a mode of existence crossdresser is an artistic-literary experiment that broaches crossdressing as a way of existence and the body of a crossdresser as a meeting and transit point of both male and female genders. It seeks to undo borders and to build in-between spaces that discuss and overcome the dialectics in favor of hybridity, synthesizing the understanding of subjectivity as a plural and polyphonic phenomenon. Deviation, otherness and foreignism are brought into question in this search for an identity in transit. Such questions also cross this search, through writing, language and shifting structures, for they are discontinuous, multiple and not unified. In the resulting novel, named Skin, the author-narrator s voice unravels to be multiplied into others, the ambivalence of male and female genders challenge established concepts; a foreigner wanders across different cities, moved by voices, in search of spaces where he might experiment and enjoy various identities; a son shifts searching for a father on the verge of disappearance. The foreword is a descriptive memorial, which indicates the paths followed during this writing. Theoretical references that sustained the investigation process, writing practices and other experiments are noted and discussed, in a crossing between artistic and cognitive movements.
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Tormentas urbanas : escritas, errâncias e conversas fiadas na cidadeSilva, Maicon Barbosa 05 June 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Among wanderings through the city, writing and conversation courses, this text is woven as a way of thinking and inventing the urban experience. A heterogeneous writing is put in the work, populated by rupture and fragments, bypassing of the attempts of homogenization directed to a dialectical synthesis of the differences inherent to the text. The concept of out, murmuring area that drag the writing, is articulated to the foreigner - anonymous character who writes and who gets in the bowels of the city, wandering through everyday immersed into forgetting and invisibility. The condition of foreigner is created in relation to the city, delineating a body that derives by the density of the metropolis, by the practiced spaces and by engendered times. The wandering becomes a research
practice that takes away the foreigner, throwing it on the chance that plots lines and node in the town, a requirement that the process itself becomes an accomplice of the experiment. This wandering is put as an unhurried way of
moving by the metropolis, which differs from other rhythms produced on the surface of everyday life, through which compounds short stories, partial, unfinished: story of a multiple present, constituted by many lines that is entangle
with other times. In chit-chat that disperses through the streets, buses, public transportation terminals and the Rodoviária Velha, the urban experience is woven and unraveled: the city is taken by plots, fragmentary narratives that proliferate in many directions, interlacing their own daily lives. Some stories of the invention of Aracaju are articulated to the problematization, at present, some control strategies
of spaces and the movement of bodies. But, despite the presence of power technologies, the city also aligned itself as a labyrinth whose paths of space and time are opened in a thousand directions. The city is produced as an area swept
by heterogeneous forces, ambiguous and coexisting: wanderings and chit-chat are made in a urban world beset by planning disciplinary of the space, controls of the movement and visibility mechanisms. Guerrilla daily is crashed with
insistence, disperses in small urban storm which scrambles the surface of the projected city that became labyrinth. / Entre errâncias pela cidade, escritas e conversas fiadas, esse texto se tece como modo de pensar e de inventar a experiência urbana. Uma escrita heterogênea se coloca no trabalho, povoada por rupturas e fragmentos, desviando-se das tentativas de homogeneização direcionadas para uma síntese dialética das diferenças imanentes ao texto. O conceito de fora, zona murmurante que arrasta a escrita,
articula-se ao forasteiro personagem anônimo que escreve e que se mete nas entranhas da cidade, errando por entre cotidianos imersos no esquecimento e na invisibilidade. A condição de forasteiro cria-se na relação com a cidade, delineando um corpo que deriva pelas densidades da urbe, pelos espaços praticados e pelos tempos engendrados. A errância torna-se uma prática de pesquisa que arrebata o
forasteiro, lançando-o no acaso que trama linhas e nós da cidade, numa exigência do próprio processo que se torna cúmplice da experiência. Essa errância coloca-se como uma maneira desapressada de transitar pela urbe, que se diferencia de outros ritmos produzidos na superfície do cotidiano, por meio da qual se compõem histórias menores, parciais, inacabadas: histórias de um presente múltiplo,
constituído por muitas linhas que se emaranham com outros tempos. Nas conversas fiadas que se dispersam pelas ruas, ônibus, terminais do transporte coletivo e pela Rodoviária Velha, a experiência urbana se tece e se desfia: a cidade é tomada por tramas, narrativas fragmentárias que proliferam em muitas direções, entrelaçando o próprio cotidiano. Algumas histórias da invenção de Aracaju se articulam à problematização, no presente, de certas estratégias de controle dos espaços e da circulação dos corpos. Mas, apesar da presença das tecnologias de poder, a cidade também se alinhava como labirinto, cujos caminhos de espaço e de tempo se abrem em mil direções. A cidade se produz como território atravessado por forças heterogêneas, ambíguas e coexistentes: errâncias e conversas fiadas se fazem num
mundo urbano assediado por planejamentos disciplinares do espaço, controles da circulação e mecanismos de visibilidade. Guerrilhas cotidianas se travam com insistência, dispersas em pequenas tormentas urbanas que embaralham a superfície
da cidade projetada que se tornou labirinto.
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'Liability of foreignness' de instituições financeiras no mercado brasileiroFernandes, André Nunes 13 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Andre Nunes Fernandes (nf.anfernandes@gmail.com) on 2018-07-16T20:53:48Z
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Dissertação_TA_AndreNFernandes_FGV_VF_16072018.pdf: 3458661 bytes, checksum: caf980aaf795fc2244f0c84a491ceaa1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Simone de Andrade Lopes Pires (simone.lopes@fgv.br) on 2018-07-16T23:55:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação_TA_AndreNFernandes_FGV_VF_16072018.pdf: 3458661 bytes, checksum: caf980aaf795fc2244f0c84a491ceaa1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzane Guimarães (suzane.guimaraes@fgv.br) on 2018-07-17T13:02:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação_TA_AndreNFernandes_FGV_VF_16072018.pdf: 3458661 bytes, checksum: caf980aaf795fc2244f0c84a491ceaa1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-17T13:02:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-06-13 / O setor bancário brasileiro nos últimos vinte anos passou por um processo de mudanças profundas com uma onda de fusões, aquisições e a entrada de novas instituições estrangeiras. O Liability da Foreignness (LOF) postula que as empresas estrangeiras tendem a estar em desvantagem em relação às empresas locais advindas da distância espacial, desconhecimento do ambiente local, discriminação enfrentada por empresas estrangeiras e restrições do país de origem. A teoria também postula a existência de vantagens para empresas multinacionais oriundas do seu tamanho, abrangência internacional e capitalização. O mercado bancário tem sido palco de uma forte competição aonde alguns bancos estrangeiros de varejo recentemente optaram por deixar o pais por conta de estarem em desvantagem. Com esta pesquisa buscamos evidências que esse LOF pode se manifestar em instituições financeiras através de um conjunto de variáveis que impactam nos seus indicadores de performance medidos através do seu ROA e ROE. Para medir essa evidencia analisamos uma amostra de 114 instituições, 57 nacionais e 57 estrangeiras. Os resultados dos retornos médios (ROE e ROA) da estatística descritiva estão em linha com a teoria do LOF, porém o modelo de análise da regressão do conjunto de variáveis e suas interações propostas que explicam as diferenças de performance para o mercado londrino não se mostraram aderentes para o mercado brasileiro. Buscamos testar como tentativa uma hipótese adicional através da introdução de uma variável relacionando o tempo de atuação da instituição no Brasil e se esta poderia explicar as performances medidas dos indicadores de ROA e ROE e respectivo LOF, e que também não se mostrou aderente. / The Brazilian banking sector in the last twenty years underwent a process of profound changes with a wave of mergers, acquisitions and the entry of new foreign institutions. The Liability of Foreignness (LOF) argues that foreign firms tend to be at a disadvantage relative to local firms as a result of spatial distance, lack of knowledge of the local environment, discrimination faced by foreign firms and restrictions of the country of origin. The theory also postulates the existence of advantages for multinational companies stemming from their size, international reach and capitalization. The banking market has been the scene of a strong competition where some foreign retail banks have recently chosen to leave the country because they are at a disadvantage. Studies seek evidence that this LOF can manifest itself in financial institutions through a set of variables that impact on their performance indicators measured through their ROA and ROE. To measure this evidence, we analyzed a base comprised of 130 institutions, 57 national and 57 foreign. The results of the mean returns (ROE and ROA) of the descriptive statistics are in line with the LOF theory, but the regression analysis model of the set of variables and their proposed interactions that explain the performance differences for the London market did not show suitable for the Brazilian market. We sought to test an additional hypothesis by introducing a variable involving the institution's time in Brazil and whether this could explain the measured performances of the ROA and ROE indicators and their LOF, and that was not adherent either.
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As denominações do imigrante nas políticas de imagração no estado de São Paulo : A produção da diferença / The categorization of the immigrant in São Paulo state immigration policies : The production of difference / Les dénominations de l'immigrant dans les politiques d'immigration de l'état de Sao Paulo : la production de la différenceBorges, Julie De Campos 04 September 2013 (has links)
Les rapports complexes à l’étranger sont particulièrement constitutifs de notre histoire sociale et politique aussi bien à l’époque de la colonisation portugaise qu’après l’indépendance, quand les flux d'immigration vers le Brésil se sont intensifiés. Ce travail de thèse inscrit dans la perspective théorique de l’analyse du discours vise à comprendre quels sens ont été produits pour l’immigrant et l’immigration dans l’état de Sao Paulo à partir de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, puisque ces sens sont inséparables des politiques nationales d’immigration. Nous analysons les processus de signification du sujet immigrant et, dans le même mouvement de sens, du Brésilien, dans des discours institutionnels de/sur l’immigration textualisés dans des articles de dictionnaires de langue portugaise, dans des périodiques français, dans des rapports produits par des organismes publics responsables de l’immigration et dans l’ancienne collection du Mémorial de l’Immigrant/Musée de l’Immigration de l’état de Sao Paulo. Quand nous traitons les discours produits dans ces cadres différents, nous pensons la langue comme une institution qui fonctionne discoursivement en stabilisant des sens, en produisant des régions de signification pour le sujet dans l’espace et dans une formation sociale donnée.Comme les institutions produisent des archives, c’est-à-dire, une mémoire institutionnelle,nous analysons comment les projections imaginaires pour l’immigrant et l’immigration recouvrent des sens déjà-dits sur l’histoire sociale du Brésil. Notre conclusion souligne que le sens d’immigrant ne cesse de glisser et que les mots « immigrant » et« immigration », en tant qu’effet du discours et investis du politique, ne se réfèrent pas à des univers sémantiques logiquement stabilisés, car, dans le processus politique et social de partage des espaces, le sujet peut être désigné/signifié comme étranger en son propre pays. / The complex relations with the foreigner are particularly constitutive of our social andpolitical history, whether during the Portuguese colonization or after gaining independence (1822), when flows of immigrants to Brazil intensified. This thesis work,written from the theoretical perspective of discourse analysis, aims to understand what meanings were produced for the immigrant and immigration in São Paulo state,considering that in the second half of the 19th century these meanings are not detached from the national immigration policies. We have analyzed the significance of the immigrant and, in the same way, the significance of the Brazilian, in the discourses of / on immigration textualized in entries of Portuguese language dictionaries, French newspapers, reports produced by government agencies responsible for immigration, and the former collection of the Immigrant Memorial/Immigration Museum in São Paulostate. In addressing the discourses produced by the highlighted institutions, we think of language as an institution that works discursively, giving a sense of stability, and producing regions of significance for the subject in the space in a determined social formation. Considering that the institutions produce archive, i.e., institutional memory, weanalyze how the imaginary projections for the immigrant and immigration overlie thesense of the Brazilian social history. We conclude by observing that the sense for the immigrant is always shifting, the words "immigrant" and "immigration" as an effect of discourse and invested with the politics do not refer to logically stabilized semantic universes, so the subject, in the political and social process of sharing spaces, may beclassified as a foreigner in his own country. / As complexas relações com o estrangeiro são constitutivas de nossa história social epolítica de modo particular, seja no período da colonização portuguesa, seja após a Independência (1822), quando se intensificaram os fluxos de imigrantes para o Brasil.Este trabalho de tese, inscrito na perspectiva teórica da Análise de Discurso, visa compreender quais sentidos foram produzidos para o imigrante e a imigração no Estadode São Paulo, considerando que na segunda metade do século XIX estes sentidos não se desvinculam das políticas nacionais de imigração. Analisamos os processos designificação do sujeito imigrante e, no mesmo movimento de sentidos, do brasileiro, em discursos da/sobre a imigração textualizados em verbetes de dicionários de língua portuguesa, periódicos franceses, relatórios produzidos por órgãos públicos responsáveis pela imigração e o antigo acervo do Memorial do Imigrante/Museu da Imigração doEstado de São Paulo. Ao tratarmos dos discursos produzidos pelas diversas instituições destacadas, pensamos a língua como instituição que funciona, discursivamente,estabilizando sentidos, produzindo regiões de significância para o sujeito no espaço numaformação social dada. Considerando que as instituições produzem arquivo, ou seja,memória institucional, analisamos como as projeções imaginárias para o imigrante e aimigração recobrem sentidos já-ditos sobre a história social brasileira. Concluímos observando que o sentido de imigrante sempre desliza, as palavras “imigrante” e“imigração” enquanto efeito de discurso e investida do político não referem universos semânticos logicamente estabilizados, podendo o sujeito, no processo político e social departilha dos espaços ser denominado/significado estrangeiro no seu próprio país.
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Pedagogická komunikace mezi učitelem a žákem-cizincem na 1.stupni ZŠ / Educational communication between the teacher and the pupil-foreigner at a primary schoolLipovčanová, Helena January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis responds to the current topic of education of pupils-foreigners at the Czech primary schools. It mainly focuses on the problem of pupils-foreigners' integration into regular learning process and identification of effective ways of learning support in teaching of these pupils. The theoretical part summarizes knowledge related to the mentioned problems. Emphasis is placed on defining the main communication barrier in pupils-foreigners' learning. Further are presented methodological recommendations and inspiration available from expert literature, which relate to the pupils-foreigners' inclusion into regular lessons. The practical part is aimed at helping teachers-beginners. It is based on qualitative research constisting of research methods of interview, expert questionnaire and reflective analysis of its own experience. Therefore, it brings and evaluates the way in which the communication between teachers and pupils-foreigners takes place in the common practice of several Prague's primary schools. The outcomes include examples of good teaching experience, methodological strategies and other recommendations that help pupils-foreigners to overcome the communication barrier.
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Dynamique des représentations sociales et mobilité académique : le cas des étudiants koweïtiens en France / Dynamics of social representations and academic mobility : the case of kuwaiti students in FranceMohammed, Shihab 03 October 2014 (has links)
Notre recherche, qui s’inscrit dans le champ de la sociolinguistique, vise à fournir un nouvel éclairage sur la question de la dynamique des représentations sociales produite par l’expérience de la mobilité académique. Elle prend comme sujets-témoins les étudiants koweïtiens regroupés en quatre sous-groupes variant par leur expérience de la mobilité. Cette approche méthodologique s’est avérée pertinente pour évaluer l’évolution des représentations sociales depuis l’émergence du projet de mobilité jusqu’au retour au pays. L'étude de terrain est de type exploratoire et qualitative au moyen d’entretiens semi-directifs. Les données de cette étude révèlent que les sujets en situation de mobilité académique s’inscrivent dans une dynamique d’adaptation, tan tculturelle, identitaire que linguistique. Bien qu’une évolution des représentations sociales puisse se produire sous l’effet de la mobilité académique, celle-ci ne semble toucher que des éléments périphériques, les sujets-témoins conservant intacts les éléments centraux des représentations sociales partagées par leurs concitoyens. Cette recherche contribue à une meilleure connaissance d’un contexte très peu exploré dans la littérature et fournit les clefs pour une meilleure préparation des projets de mobilité académique du Koweït vers la France. / Our research, which fits into the field of sociolinguistics, aims at providing a newinsight into the dynamics of social representations resulting from the experience of academic mobility. For this study we interview Kuwaiti students organized in four subgroups varying in their experience of mobility. This method of approach has been proved relevant for the assessment of how social representations evolves from the startof their mobility project up to the return to their country. The field study is exploratory and qualitative conducted through semi-directive interviews. The feedback from this study reveals that the subjects in a situation of academic mobility fit into the dynamics of identity, cultural as well as linguistic adaptation. Although an evolution of socialre presentations can occur under the effect of academic mobility this appears only to effect peripheral elements while the test-subjects retain well-preserved the central elements of social representation shares with their fellow-citizens. This research is a contribution to an increased awareness of a relatively unexpected context in theliterature and contributes to a better preparation for academic mobility projects from Kuwait to France.
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