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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Polisstudenters syn på mötet mellan polis och narkotikabrukare : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie med polisstudenter på Malmö universitet / Police Students’ Views on the Meeting between Police and Drug Users : - A Qualitative Interview Study on Police Students at Malmö University

Huynh, Robin, Nilsson, Olle, Holmberg, Carl January 2022 (has links)
Polisutbildningen i Sverige formas delvis utifrån ett ideal av polisyrket där den även är tänkt att förebygga ett alltför autonomt perspektiv på yrkesrollen. I föreliggande studie lades fokus på vilka faktorer polisstudenter anser ha störst inverkan på mötet mellan polis och narkotikabrukare samt vilket utfall mötet kan tänkas ha. Även deras syn på hur Polisens roll i det narkotikaförebyggande arbetet ser ut. Detta eftersom tidigare forskning visat att synen på yrkesrollen drastiskt förändras till ett mer autonomt perspektiv när polisstudenter kommer ut i yrkeslivet. Den stämplande effekt som kan ske vid mötet mellan narkotikabrukare och polis kan enbart inte ses som en konsekvens av det polisiära arbetet, utan främst som ett symtom av den avskräckande lagstiftning som Polisen är tänkt att upprätthålla. Resultatet i innevarande studie visade på att respondenterna ansåg att där fanns ett gemensamt ansvar över utfallet av mötet mellan polis och narkotikabrukare. Det framkom även att polisstudenterna såg Polisens roll som främst avskräckande, medan det mer förebyggande arbetet föll på övriga samhällsaktörer. / Previous research has shown that the meeting between police and drug users may induce a negative labeling effect for the drug user. The Police training program in Sweden is partially formed by an ideal perspective on the police profession, which is also supposed to prevent an all too autonomous perspective on the police profession. In this study, focus remained on police students' view on which factors played the biggest role in the interaction between drug users and police. Furthermore, there was a focus on which consequences may come from the meeting. Also, the students’ view on the role of the police profession was . This is because previous research has shown that police students' view of the role was examined. The reason for this being that previous research has shown that the role drastically changes to a more autonomous perspective once the student starts working as a police officer. The labeling effect that may occur in encounters between drug users and police officers cannot be seen solely because of the police work, but primarily as an unintended consequence of the deterrent laws that the Swedish Police are legally obliged to uphold. The results showed that the respondents deemed there to be a mutual responsibility for the outcome of the meeting between drug users and police. Additionally, the respondents viewed the Police as an organization whose main responsibility is deterrence, while the more preventive work falls upon other social organizations.

I am ashamed that I reacted rudely to my colleague – my harasser: : A qualitative study of attribution of responsibility for harassment in metoo testimonies from the Swedish police

Mishra, Surabhi January 2023 (has links)
This master’s thesis studies testimonies gathered by the #nödvärn initiative – the metoo call from2017 by the Swedish police department for their current and former employees, as well as traineesand students. The thesis contributes to filling an existing research gap about sexualharassment/violence from the perspective of the harassed/victim, by analyzing their description oftheir own experiences and how they attribute responsibility for the harassment. One of the wayswas to look at the issue from a feminist perspective and add to/build on the existing feministresearch in this field of the testimony compilation through the #nödvärn initiative in the Swedishcontext. Therefore, with the help of the interpretative phenomenological approach (IPA), CarolBacchi’s theory of gender and power relations, along with the decolonial theory, I have selectedeight testimonies from the compilation and analyzed them to understand the perspective of theharassed/victims, how they reason around their experiences of being harassed/violated, how theinterpretation and reactions of colleagues and supervisors affect how the harassed persons/victimsinterpret their experiences of harassment/violence and how the harassed persons/victims attributeresponsibility for the harassment/violence in the testimonies. The analysis reveals that the way theharassed/victims reason around their experiences of sexual violence and the way (and on whom)they attribute responsibility for the harassment/violence are interconnected and are heavilyaffected by the hierarchy and power relations in the organization that also affect theharassed/victim’s colleagues’ and superiors’ reaction or response to the harassed/victim’sexperience of sexual harassment/violence.

Creating Trust : A Study of the Swedish Police Methods inFostering Public Trust and Democratic Stability

Granberg, Melinda January 2023 (has links)
The Swedish police task is to ensure the legal certainty and security of the individual whilesimultaneously upholding democratic principles and ensuring all citisens’ rights and liberties.During the 2000s, in Gothenburg and Easter 2022, riots occurred when the public tried toexpress opinions but ended with violent outcomes. Even though events of this magnitudeoccurred 20 years apart, police methods became part of the public debate and investigation.Two theories emphasise trust towards the police as crucial for the police to fulfil their role inprotecting democratic values. In this paper, we address the police methods when approachingcrowds through semi-structured interviews with Swedish police officers. The findings showthat the methods can be understood through the theoretical framework where the Swedish policecreate trust through clear communication and establishing relationships with groups andindividuals. These methods can reduce and minimise conflicts between police and the public,which also benefits a democratic society.

Approaches for estimating the Uniqueness of linked residential burglaries

Gajvelly, Chakravarthy January 2016 (has links)
Context: According to Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention, there is an increase in residential burglary crimes by 2% in 2014 compared to 2013and by 19% in the past decade. Law enforcement agencies could only solve three to five percent of crimes reported in 2012. Multiple studies done in the field of crime analysis report that most of the residential burglaries are committed by relatively small number of offenders. Thus, the law enforcement agencies need toinvestigate the possibility of linking crimes into crime series. Objectives: This study presents the computation of a median crime which is the centre most crime in a crime series calculated using the statistical concept of median. This approach is used to calculate the uniqueness of a crime series consisting of linked residential burglaries. The burglaries are characterised using temporal, spatial features and modus operandi. Methods: Quasi experiment with repeated measures is chosen as research method.The burglaries are linked based on their characteristics(features) by building a statistical model using logistic regression algorithm to formulate estimated crime series. The study uses median crime as an approach for computing the uniqueness of linked burglaries. The measure of uniqueness is compared between estimated series and legally verified known series. In addition, the study compares the uniqueness of estimated and known series to randomly selected crimes. The measure of uniqueness is used to know the feasibility of using the formulated estimated series for investigation by the law bodies. Results: Statistical model built for linking crimes achieved an AUC = 0.964,R 2 = 0.770 and Dxy = 0.900 during internal evaluation and achieved AU C =0.916 for predictions on test data set and AUC = 0.85 for predictions on known series data set. The uniqueness measure of estimated series ranges from 0.526to 0.715, and from 0.359 to 0.442 for known series corresponding to differentseries. The uniqueness of randomly selected crimes ranges from 0.522 to 0.726 for estimated series and from 0.636 to 0.743 for known series. The values obtained are analysed and evaluated using Independent two sample t-test, Cohen’s d and kolmogorov-smirnov test. From this analysis, it is evident that the uniqueness measure for estimated series is high compared to the known series and closely matches with randomly selected crimes. The uniqueness of known series is clearly low compared to both the estimated series and randomly selected crimes. Conclusion: The present study concludes that estimated series formulated using the statistical model has high uniqueness measures and needs to be furtherfiltered to be used by the law bodies.

"Vi åker obältade..." : En kvalitativ studie om stressorer och möjliga förändringar i polisyrket

Örtlund, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund och syfte: Polisarbete är till sin natur stressigt och oförutsägbart men uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka stress som kan minimeras med hjälp av förändringar i arbetsmiljön. Syftet är att undersöka olika uppfattningar om stressorer som förekommer inom yrkeskåren bland poliser i yttre tjänst och vilka förändringar de upplever behöver ske för en mer hälsosam yrkeskår.    Metod: En intervjustudie med tio poliser som arbetar i yttre tjänst genomfördes. Intervjuerna var semistrukturerade och analysen genomfördes med en fenomenografisk analysmetod. Två analyser genomfördes, en gällande stress och en relaterad till förändringsarbete. Resultat: Analyserna resulterade i sex respektive fyra kategorier. Kategorier relaterade till stress: Bristande säkerhet, Dåligt anpassad utrustning, Polisiärt arbete och bristande utbildning, Strukturella förutsättningar, Avrapportering och Polis 24/7. Kategorier relaterade till förändring: Utökad utbildning, mer stöd och högre krav, Mer resurser, Enklare system och säkrare utrustning. Stress i polisyrket är något naturligt förekommande, men det finns faktorer som bidrar till ökad stress och respondenterna ger förslag på enklare förändringar som skulle minimera negativt laddad stress i yrket. Slutsats: Polisyrket är stressigt till sin natur, men det finns faktorer i arbetet som bidrar till högre självupplevd stress som kan förändras utan att det faktiska arbetet påverkas negativt, snarare tvärtom. För att minska självupplevd stress bland individer som arbetar i yttre tjänst krävs det noggranna genomgångar av rutiner, utrustning och polisiär utbildning. Detta för att på sikt få en mer hälsosam och hållbar yrkeskår. Det är viktigt att låta poliser verksamma i yttre tjänst komma till tals innan förändringar genomförs. Det är trots allt de som arbetar på en sådan position som vet vad som behöver förändras för att arbetet ska flyta på och inte förhindras av stressorer i yrket som skulle kunnat undvikas med hjälp av små medel. / Background and aim: Police work is stressful and unpredictable. The thesis aims to investigate stress that can be minimized by changes in the working environment. The aim of the study is to investigate different perceptions of stressors that occur in the occupational labor force among external service policemen and what changes they need for a healthier work environment. Method: An interview study with ten police officers was conducted. The interviews were semi-structured, and the analysis was conducted using a phenomenographic method. Two analyzes were conducted, one regarding stress and one related to change in the work environment. Results: The analyzes resulted in six respectively four categories. Stress: Lack of safety, Poorly adapted equipment, Police work and education, Structural conditions, Reporting and Police 24/7. Change: Extended education, more support and higher requirements, More resources, Simpler systems and Safer equipment. Stress in the police profession is somewhat naturally occurring, but there are factors that contribute to increased stress. Conclusion: The police profession is stressful, but there are factors in the work environment that contribute to higher self-perceived stress that can be changed without affecting the actual work.

Polisstudenters fysiska förmåga mellan olika utbildningsformer

Martinsson, Emilia January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: En god fysisk förmåga bland poliser är en förutsättning för att polisyrket ska kunna utföras på ett säkert sätt. Polisstudenters fysiska förmåga i relation till de krav som ställs som polis är en omfattande och betydande del inom polisutbildningen. Polisutbildningen erbjuds genom olika utbildningsformer, campusbaserad, distansbaserad och funktionsinriktad utbildning, men där kravet på polisstudenters fysiska förmåga vid examen är densamma. Lite är dock känt om polisstudenters fysiska förmåga och polisstudenters fysiska förmåga mellan olika utbildningsformer är ett avsaknat forskningsfält.Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att kartlägga polisstudenters fysiska förmåga och identifiera möjliga skillnader i fysisk förmåga mellan olika utbildningsformer.Metod: Urvalet bestod av data från 1477 polisstudenter i Sverige (män n = 1003 och kvinnor n = 474). Totalt genomförde 1123 utbildningen på campus, 288 på distans och 66 genom funktionsinriktad utbildning. Examinerande tester i termin 3, a) agility, b) styrka, c), explosivitet, d) muskulär uthållighet och e) konditionsförmåga, inkluderades.Resultat: Resultaten från envägs ANOVA visade på signifikanta skillnader i fysisk förmåga mellan olika utbildningsformer bland manliga och kvinnliga polisstudenter. Huvudresultaten i studien visar att både manliga och kvinnliga polisstudenter som gått campusbaserad utbildning har en signifikant högre fysisk förmåga i agility (män p = < 0,001, p = 0,013 och kvinnor p = < 0,001, p = < 0,001), explosivitet (män p = < 0,001, p = < 0,001 och kvinnor p = 0,018, p = < 0,001) och muskulär uthållighet (män p =  0,002, p = 0,005, p = 0,003 och kvinnor p = 0,015) i jämförelse med polisstudenter som gått distansbaserad utbildning och funktionsinriktad utbildning. Signifikanta skillnader i VO2 max påvisades bland kvinnliga polisstudenter som gått campusbaserad utbildning (p = 0,008, p = 0,002) i jämförelse med kvinnliga polisstudenter som gått distansbaserad utbildning och funktionsinriktad utbildning.Slutsats: Studien visar att det är skillnader i fysisk förmåga mellan olika utbildningsformer bland polisstudenter på polisutbildningen i Sverige. Polisstudenter som gått den campusbaserade utbildningen presterar generellt bättre på samtliga fysiska tester. / Background: A good physical fitness among police officers is a prerequisite for the police profession to be able to perform in a safe manner. In relation to the requirements, set as a police officer, the physical fitness among police students is an extensive, and significantly part in police training. Police education is offered through various forms of education, campus-based, distance-based and as a function-based education, but where the requirement of physical fitness among police students at graduation is the same. However, little is known about the physical fitness among police students, and the differences between different forms of education and physical fitness among police students is an unexplored field.Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate differences in physical fitness between different forms of educations among police students in Sweden.  Method: Data selection, which includes data consisted of 1477 police students in Sweden (men n = 1003 and women n = 474). A total of 1123 completed the training on campus, 288 on distance, and 66 through function-based education. Compulsory examinations during the third semester, with regards to: a) agility, b) strength, c) explosiveness, d) muscular endurance, and e) aerobic endurance, was included.Results: The results from one- way ANOVA showed significant differences in physical fitness between different forms of education among male and female police students. The main results in this study indicate that both male and female police students who have completed campus-based education, compared to police students who have completed distance-based and function-based education, have a significant higher physical fitness in agility (male p =<0,001, p = 0,013 and female p =< 0,001,  p = < 0,001), explosiveness (male p = < 0,001, p = < 0,001 and female p = 0,018, p = < 0,001) and muscular endurance (male p =  0,002, p = 0,005, p = 0,003 and female p = 0,015. Female police students who have completed campus-based education had an significant higher physical fitness in VO2 max (p = 0,008, p = 0,002), compared to distance-based and function-based education.Conclusion: This study shows that the physical fitness among police students differs depending on form of education. Police students who attend the campus-based education generally perform better on all physical tests.

Ett steg mot Nollvisionen : En utvärdering av Polismyndighetens utbildningssatsning ”Akut omhändertagande av självmordsnära person” / A step toward vision zero : A qualitative evaluation of the Police Authority's course “Acute care of a suicidal individual”

Jarlsbo, Mathilde January 2021 (has links)
Suicide is a worldwide public health issue which has substantial consequences and The World Health Organization (WHO) fears that mental illness will be the largest public health matter in 2030. About 40 times a day Swedish police intervene in suicide cases (polisen.se, 2020) and on Gotland there are both suicide attempts and fulfilled suicide beyond the national average (Public Health Agency, 2020). Since the first quarter of 2020, the education initiative Acute care of suicidal persons" (AOSP) has been conducted in line with a government assignment that the Police Authority has undertaken. This study uses semi-structured interviews to investigate and evaluate the Police Authority's educational efforts and work to prevent suicide on Gotland. Furthermore, the study examines the perceived benefit of the educational initiative AOSP and how the participants experience their self-efficacy to intervene with people who struggle with suicidal behaviour. Previous research shows that qualified and educated police officers will play a crucial role in suicide prevention (Marzano et al., 2016) and police officers' self-efficacy should be strengthened for an effective suicide prevention strategy (Osteen et. Al, 2014). It also appears that factual knowledge combined with practical training generates the best conditions for police officers to handle the encounter with suicidal persons (Isaac et al., 2009). It appears in this study that all interviewees value the education and that the consequences of the education are predominantly good as the participants feel assured in the encounter with mental illness and that in the long run they conduct a better suicide prevention. All informants describe that their self-efficacy to handle the encounter with a suicidal person has been strengthened and that the consequences from the educational initiative in the form of both manifest and latent functions have affected the suicide prevention on Gotland mainly in positive ways.

Bättre insatsledning med drönarteknik som stödsystem? En studie om Polismyndighetens UAS-användning vid insatsledning / Better command and control with drone technology as support system? A study of the Swedish Police Authority’s use of UAS in command and control

Noresson, Josefin January 2023 (has links)
Ett allt vanligare fenomen är att civila samhällsaktörer använder drönare i arbetet. En av dem är Polismyndigheten vars förmåga benämns UAS, en akronym för Unmanned Aircraft System. UAS används bland annat för ledning av operativa insatser. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur användningen av UAS påverkar polisens ledning av insatser. Den polisiära UAS-användningen har för avsikt att höja polisens ledningsförmåga. Enligt tidigare forskning kan detta normativa påstående tolkas som ett designförslag. Med denna utgångspunkt undersökte studien empiriskt hur UAS-användningen påverkar polisens möjligheter att nå önskade effekter av insatser. Undersökningen genomfördes med stöd av Brehmers (2013) designlogik bestående av fem analysnivåer. Designlogiken applicerades på primärt på ledningssystemet i relation till insatssystemet.  Empirin utgjordes av sju individuella och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna analyserades med deduktiv tematisk analys. Resultaten visar att det finns effekthöjande faktorer, effekthämmande faktorer och effektsänkande (risk)faktorer gällande polisens UASanvändning vid insatsledning. Studiens slutsats är att det är hur relationen mellan dessa faktorer ser ut vid varje unik insats som påverkar vilken betydelse UAS-användningen får för ledningsförmågan, och därmed också vilka effekter som kan uppnås med insatsen som helhet. Det finns därmed en riktighet, men inte en garanti, i påståendet att UAS-användning genererar ökad ledningsförmåga vid ledning av operativa insatser. Att UAS-användningen höjer ledningsförmågan förutsätter att omständigheterna är gynnsamma/hanterbara och att de effektsänkande (risk)faktorerna kan undvikas/hanteras. / An increasingly common phenomenon is that civil society actors utilizes drones in work-related situations. Amongst them is the Swedish Police Authority, whose capability entitles UAS, an acronym for Unmanned Aircraft System. One way in which the Swedish police uses UAS is for command and control (C2) of operations. The purpose of the study was to investigate how the UAS-usage affects the management of C2 operations. Through UAS-usage, the Swedish police intends at increasing the police's C2 ability. According to previous research, this normative statement could be interpreted as a design proposal. Following this, the study investigated empirically how the UAS-usage affects the police's ability to achieve desired effects of C2 operations. To conduct the research, the study used Brehmer's (2013) design logic consisting of five levels of analysis. The design logic was applied primarily to the C2-system in relation to the mission respondent system.  The empirics consisted of seven semi-structured interviews, which all took place individually. The interviews were analyzed with deductive thematic analysis. Results are showing that UAS-usage in C2 operations has effect-enhancing factors, effect-inhibiting factors and effect-reducing (risk) factors. The study states that the relationship between these factors in each unique C2 operation affects how UAS-usage influences the C2 ability, and hence which effects the operation as a whole produces. There is thus an accuracy, but not a guarantee, in the claim that UAS-usage generates increased C2 ability. The achievement of increased C2 ability through UAS-usage is dependent on favorable/manageable circumstances and the fact that the effect-reducing (risk) factors can be avoided/managed.

Den röd-gröna regeringens styrning av Polismyndigheten : En studie om regeringens förvaltningsstyrning av Polismyndigheten under mandatperioden 2014- 2018 / The Swedish Government's public management of the Swedish Police Authority

Widell, Oskar January 2018 (has links)
This study describes the Swedish Government's public management of the Swedish Police Authority. It also illustrates some of the Government's political promises towards the Police Authority. The reason for making this study is the situation of escalating shootings in the society and reports about a crisis in the Police Authority. Therefore is the purpose of the study to find out if there are any changes in the Government's public management of the police during the 2014-2018 term of office in relation to this situation. The method is a review of state budgets, appropriation directions, regulations, government bills and other acts which are compared with theories of public management. The results shows that the greatest change this far happened late in the term of office when the Swedish Police Authority received an increased appropriation. The Swedish Police Authority also received new government mandates with the purpose to solve specific problems within the police authority. In relation to theories of public management, the Swedish Government's management of the police focuses on the indirect types of management to reach results within the direct management of laws and regulations.

Vem bryr sig om mångfald? : En studie av mångfaldsbegreppet inom Polismyndigheten / Who cares about diversity? : A study of the diversity concept within the Swedish Police Authority

Pereira, Sara January 2021 (has links)
The Swedish Police Authority aims to increase diversity among employees within the authority. This is asserted in the Swedish Police Authority's own policies and action plans, which together with other internal documents are the subject of my qualitative study. The focus of this study is to look at how the use of the concept of diversity has changed within the Swedish Police Authority by using qualitative analysis of ideas and ideological context, the perspective of discursive psychology and neo-institutional theory. The aim is also to find out what is missing out in the current diversity discourse. My study reveals through an examination of a selection of The Swedish Police Authority’s document that there is a discrepancy between the external discourses on diversity and the internal norms that are to be found within the Swedish Police Authority.

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