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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Navigating Social Sustainability: : Revealing Contemporary Laws and Policies in Public Procurement

Chahed, Mirjam January 2024 (has links)
The thesis is about Sweden’s approach on social sustainability in public policy. The Swedish New Reform derives from the EU Directive 2014/24/EU on public procurement, including policies and legislations on social aspects, labor-law, and environmental considerations. The aim is to analyse how social sustainability through contemporary public procurement laws and policies is being formulated and potentially realised in Sweden. The ontological theoretical framework and methodological approach will be derived from post-structuralism. More specifically, the theoretical approach Governmentality developed through the Foucauldian approach and Carol Bacchi’s methodological WPR-approach facilitating a policy analysis. The sources are a combination of qualitative decision-making and non-decision-making material. The decision-making material includes the Swedish National Public Procurement Strategy, The Swedish Public Procurement Act, and the EU Directive. The analysis makes visible how social aspects are represented and subjectivized. The research highlights potentials for increased social sustainability and risks of de-prioritization depending on formulations of mandatory or optional characteristics. Theoretically speaking, interests of neoliberal-, capitalist market- and alternative social democratic rationale contributes to multiple social unsustainabilites. Resulting in plural realities of how to best increase social sustainability. The concluding discussion highlights that rationalities influence realisations of social sustainability antagonistically. Increasing the understanding of these core rationalities is essential to increase social sustainability through public procurement.

The Arctic Front : A study using the Securitization Theory to analyse in which way the Arctic region is perceived a security and defence concern within Swedish Arctic discourse

Risfelt, Linnéa January 2024 (has links)
The Arctic region is a region defined by change. Climate change, militarization and a growing interest from both Arctic and non-Arctic states are increasing the geopolitical significance for the region. As a consequence, concerns about the Arctic region's security and what threat the region might constitute have grown.  The following thesis seeks to study in which way the Arctic region is perceived as a security and defence concern by the Swedish government and state agencies in Swedish state discourse from first of January 2019 to the 19th of June 2023. By using arguments from the Copenhagen schools Securitization Theory, the thesis aims to understand to what extent the Swedish state discourse has securitized the Arctic region and what and/or who the is presented as security issues and defence threats. The findings argue that the Swedish Arctic discourse does not securitize the Arctic region, however, patterns of securitization could be found which indicate that the region might be securitized in the future. The Swedish Arctic discourse recognise several security issues and defence threats and present cooperation with other states as well as strengthen military capabilities in northern Sweden as countermeasures. This further indicates that the Swedish Arctic discourse recognise security and defence concerns connected to the Arctic region even if they are not presented by the terms of securitization.

“Equality, Development and Peace for All Women Everywhere”? : An Analysis of Sexual Violence Against Women and Concurring International Conventions Concerned with Protecting the Rights of Women

Müller, Annika Sophie January 2020 (has links)
Violence against women continues to be an issue that severely impacts women worldwide. Since the global spread of the #MeToo movement in 2017, debates regarding this issue significantly increased. Yet the precise ways in which women are impacted by violence, heavily influenced by their unique and diverse aspects of identity, are often disregarded. By focusing on two of these aspects of identity, namely gender and nationality, and comparing the circumstances of sexual violence against women in Germany, Nigeria, and South Korea, this thesis aims to showcase the diverse experiences of ‘being a woman’ and what this implies regarding the issue of sexual violence against women. With an additional analysis of four important international conventions aimed at ameliorating women’s lives (UDHR, CEDAW, DEVAW, and BPfA) regarding their acknowledgement of this diversity and guided by three theories, namely Multi-Ethnic Feminism, Feminist Postcolonialism, and Intersectionality, this thesis highlights the necessity of including everyone and their unique experiences with all kinds of discrimination to adequately tackle an issue such as sexual violence against women.

Surrogatmodern och den mänskliga värdigheten : En diskursanalys av den statliga utredningen om surrogatmoderskap, ur ett kritiskt postkolonialt feministiskt perspektiv

Zanzi Ferrando, Diana January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker hur ”SOU 2016:11 Olika vägar till föräldraskap” formulerar problemet med surrogatmoderskap, vilka subjektspositioner som kan urskiljas i utredningen och analyserar den ut ett kritiskt postkolonialt feministiskt perspektiv.   Utredningen utgår ifrån mänsklig värdighet, autonomi och barnets bästa vilket uppsatsen belyser får konsekvenser för hur problemet med surrogatarrangemang porträtteras olika beroende på om surrogatmodern och barnet är från det globala syd eller det globala nord. Utgångspunkterna är centrala när surrogatmodern och barnet från det globala nord lyfts men får inte samma roll gällande surrogatmodern och det barn hon föder. Vidare undersöks hur subjektspositioner formuleras utifrån emotionell/icke-emotionell, sårbar/icke-sårbar, skyddsvärd/icke-skyddsvärd och blottlägger hur den svenska surrogatmodern och det inrikesfödda barnet konstrueras som emotionella, sårbara och skyddsvärda vilket skiljer sig från hur den utländska surrogatmodern och det utrikesfödda barnet konstrueras. Dessa omges att tystnad vilket får konsekvenser för hur de porträtteras och för vilka åtgärder som föreslås.   Uppsatsen bidrar till en utveckling av tidigare forskning med ett tillägg av nyckelordet skyddsvärd för att undersöka konstrueringen av surrogatmödrar. Uppsatsen visar att begreppet är relevant genom att materialet visat på delvis konstuering av emotionell och sårbar men inte skyddsvärd och att detta påverkat resultat och åtgärder. Vidare stärker uppsatsen tidigare forskning som menar att utgångspunkten mänsklig värdighet verkar för en avhumanisering av surrogatmödrar från det globala syd samt att synen på biologi varierar beroende på var ett barn föds. Uppsatsen bygger vidare på tidigare forskning som menar att uttryckt rationalitet och brist på emotion resulterar i en avhumanisering, genom att blottlägga hur det kan räcka med att subjektspositionerna möts av tysthet för att uppnå samma resultat. Detta arbete belyser hur olika subjektspositioner framställs olika i den statliga utredningen och hur koloniala idéer hänger kvar och påverkar underlag till svensk lagstiftning, samt blottlägger vilka konkreta konsekvenser detta kan få för lagförslag och för surrogatmödrar i det globala syd samt de barn de föder.

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