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Barns delaktighet : - Olika perspektiv på barns delaktighet inom socialtjänstenKornberg, Molly, Östlund, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Studien syftade till att undersöka ungdomars och socialsekreterares uppfattning och tankar kring socialtjänstens arbete gällande barns och ungas delaktighet. Tretton ungdomar från olika skolor och sex socialsekreterare som arbetar med utredningar gällande barn och unga deltog i fokusgruppsintervjuer. Det empiriska materialet har analyserats utifrån KASAM samt Shiers delaktighetsmodell. Resultatet visar att ungdomarna i vår studie hade liten kunskap gällande socialtjänsten och dess arbete. Resultatet belyser vilka faktorer som kan vara viktiga gällande barns delaktighet, dvs. mötet i utredningsprocessen, ett för ungdomarna eget aktörskap samt vikten av återkoppling. Resultatet visar att en utveckling på dessa områden skulle kunna bidra till en ökad upplevelse av delaktighet i mötet med socialtjänsten. I såväl tidigare forskning som i ungdomarnas samt socialsekreterarnas utsagor går det att se likheter gällande hur barn bör göras delaktiga, dock visar det sig inte stämma helt överens med vad som sker i det praktiska arbetet. / The study aimed to investigate young persons' and social workers' perceptions and thoughts about children and young person's participation in the work of social services. Thirteen young persons from different schools and six social workers responsible for investigations of children and young persons participated in separate qualitative focus group interviews. The empirical material has been analysed based on KASAM and Shier's model of participation. The results show that the young person's in our study had little knowledge about social services and their work. The results further contribute to an understanding of the decisive factors regarding children's participation, which relate to the meetings in the investigation process, the young person's own involvement and the importance of feedback. The results indicate that a development in these areas could contribute to an increased experience of participation in the meetings with the social services. In previous research as well as in the statements made by young persons and social workers, it is possible to see similarities regarding how children should be involved, however, this does not seem to be in complete agreement with what is happening in the practical work.
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Barn kan ha brist på ord men de har inte brist på uttryck : Socialarbetares erfarenheter av samtal med tysta barn / Children May Lack Words But They Do Not Lack Expressions : A Study of Social Workers' Experiences of Communication with Silent ChildrenAl Dhalemy, Kadeeja, Islamovic, Emma January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine social workers’ experiences of communication with silent children, what conservation methods, tools and aids may be used and how the child’s participation thereby can be stimulated. The study was based on two research questions which were following: What affects the child’s silence in conversation along with what conversation methods, aids and what tools can be used in order to engage and include the child? The following study consisted of a qualitative nature and five interviews were conducted with social workers working in different fields. In addition to the interviews, research was sought in order to receive insight into the research area. The search process was not limited to the nation's borders, but consisted of global research. As a result of this, a huge lack of useful research was discovered. The results showed that factors such as social workers’ personal qualities, the character of the methods used and communicative skills had a considerable effect on the child’s motivation and will to participate. Although silent children are common in the conversation room and exist in each area of the social work’s practice, there is no comprehensive research or direct guidelines to mastering such meetings.
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Barns rätt att höras men också bli hörda inom socialtjänsten : En studie om socialsekreterares arbete med barns delaktighet / Children's right to be listened to but also heard in social services : A study about social service worker's work with children's participationMucibabic, Emma January 2022 (has links)
”Barnets rätt att bli hörd gäller alla barn. ... Men det räcker inte att endast lyssna på barnet. När barnet har förmåga att bilda sig en egen uppfattning måste barnets åsikter dessutom tillmätas betydelse.” (Barnombudsmannen, 2021). Syftet med studien är att undersöka samt öka kunskapen om vilka förutsättningar barn får för delaktighet. Det har genomförts kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer med åtta socialsekreterare för att undersöka hur socialsekreterare arbetar med samt tillämpar barns delaktighet i socialtjänstens barnavårdsutredningar. Respondenterna har berättat om sin förståelse av barns delaktighet, hur de arbetar med barnsamtal, hur beslutsunderlag utformas utifrån barns berättelser och om utmaningar med att göra barn delaktiga i utredningar. Materialet har analyserats i en tematisk analys utifrån barndomssociologin och Harts delaktighetsstege. Resultat visar att det krävs ytterligare arbete för att barn ska bli hörda inom socialtjänsten men att det inte är den enskilda socialsekreteraren som bär ansvaret för förändring. Det finns behov av en strukturell och organisatorisk förändring inom det sociala arbetets praktik för att barn inte endast ska ges förutsättningar att höras men också bli hörda inom socialtjänsten. / ”A child’s right to be heard applies to all children. … But it is not enough to just listen to the child. When a child has the ability to form his or her own opinion, the child’s opinions must also be given importance.” (Barnombudsmannen, 2021). The aim of this study is to investigate and increase knowledge about the conditions for children’s participation. Qualitative semi-structured interviews have been conducted with eight social service workers, to investigate how they work with and apply the principle of children’s’ participation in the social services’ child welfare investigations. The respondents have been interviewed about their understanding of children’s participation, how they work with individual conversations with children, how decision basis is designed based on children’s stories and about challenges in involving children in investigations. The material has been analyzed in a thematic analysis based on childhood sociology and Hart’s ladder of children’s participation. Results show that further work is required for children to be heard in the social services, but that it is not the individual social service workers’ who are responsible for a change. There is a need for structural and organizational change in the practice of social work so that children are not only given the conditions to be listened to, but also to be heard in the social services.
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Barns delaktighet, det är väl typ kärnan i vårt arbete : En kvalitativ studie om hur professionen inom socialt arbete förhåller sig till barns delaktighet i utredningar / Children’s participation, that is kind of the core of our workChristina, Ling, Johansson Wieslander, Louise January 2020 (has links)
I den här studien undersöker vi hur socialsekreterare som arbetar med barnutredningar inom socialtjänsten förhåller sig till barns delaktighet under utredningsprocessen. De utredningar vi främst fokuserar på i uppsatsen lyder under lagrummet i 11 kap. 1 §, 1 st. i SoL (2001:453). Genom sex kvalitativa och semistrukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare var syftet att undersöka vad de har för syn på barns delaktighet, hur de ser på sin egen kompetens gällande delaktighet samt vad de upplever sig ha för möjligheter och begränsningar att göra barn delaktiga. Genom en analys med hjälp av Shiers delaktighetsmodell (2001) fann vi att socialsekreterarna upplevde sig ha ett stort handlingsutrymme med goda möjligheter att anpassa arbetssätt och metoder utifrån olika barn. Barns delaktighet beskrivs av socialsekreterarna i termer av att barnet får fortlöpande information om det som rör barnet själv och att det generellt sker ett samtal med varje barn där barnet ges möjlighet att uttrycka sina åsikter men har en relativt liten möjlighet att påverka beslutet om insats. Enligt de intervjuade socialsekreterarna finns en hel del hinder för att kunna göra barn delaktiga som till största del beror på att vårdnadshavare inte ger sitt samtycke och att alliansen med dessa många gånger måste prioriteras. Även barnets personlighet och mognad beskrivs som en påverkansfaktor för delaktigheten, sociala och verbala barn är lättare att göra delaktiga än barn som är tystlåtna och passiva. Socialsekreterarna beskriver att deras kunskap och kompetens inom barns delaktighet är svår att definiera. Det är en kombination av utbildningar och erfarenheter samt till stor del baserad på ett kollegialt utbyte av lärdomar. Det framkommer också att barn med funktionsnedsättningar inte alltid görs delaktiga på samma sätt och att det saknas kunskap gällande hur detta bör gå till. / In this study we examine how social workers relate to children's participation during the case work process within social services. We are focusing on the case work which is regulated in chapter 11, section 1, paragraph 1 in the Social Services Act (2001:453). Through six qualitative and semi-structured interviews with social workers, we explore their views on children's participation, how they view their own competence regarding participation, and how they perceive their opportunities and limitations to involve children. Through an analysis with the help of Shier's model of participation (2001), we found that the social workers felt that they did have room for maneuver and great possibilities to adapt their working methods in relation to each individual child. The social workers describe children's participation in terms of in terms of the child receiving continuous information on matters that concern the child. There is generally one meeting with each child where the child gets the opportunity to express their own opinions but have a rather small opportunity to influence the final decision regarding social interventions. According to the interviewees there are a number of obstacles in involving children, which is mainly due to the fact that parents with their custodial rights won't give their consent and that the alliance with them must be prioritized. The child's own personality is also described as a factor that influences participation, social and verbal children are easier to involve in a participatory way than children who are quiet and passive. The social workers described their knowledge and competence in children's participation as difficult to define. It is a combination of education and experience and largely based on a collegial exchange of work experiences. It also emerges that children with disabilities are not always allowed to be involved in the same way and that there is a lack of knowledge of how to go about it.
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"Skolan är inte anpassad till barn som inte följer strömmen" : Barns och föräldrars delaktighet i upprättandet och uppföljningen av åtgärdsprogram. / The school is not adapted for children who do not go with the flow : The participation of children and parents in the creation and follow-up of individual education plans.Lennholm, Emma January 2023 (has links)
As soon as the school realise that a student has special needs, they must make an Individual educational plan (IEP). When the IEP is made both child and parents should participate according to Swedish educational law and United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This participation should, among other things, include the opportunity for the child to describe its own needs, plausible interventions and evaluate the support it has been given. The purpose of this study has been to investigate more closely the perceived feeling of parents that they and their children were made involved in the creation of the IEP. As a theoretical basis and starting point for analysis, Shier's and Hart's participation models have been used, supplemented with Lundy's participation model. Concepts from Foucault's theory of power and Bourdieu's theories of capital have been used as a complement. The design of the study was a qualitative interview study with a phenomenological focus where the focus was on the informants' own experience. Based on this, a thematic analysis was carried out. The themes that emerged were an experience of communication but not of participation, that the IEP is seen as a document that does not reflect reality, that the children´s participation is extremely deficient and that the parents are used as mouthpieces for the child. In the majority of the interviews, it emerged that the child was not asked at all about its opinion regarding its needs and the interventions it was offered. This study was limited to the parents´ experience of their and their children´s participation in the establishment and evaluation of the IEP. Future studies could explore other perspectives on the phenomenon, such as the school´s or the child´s own perspective. However, after seeing how the results of the study reflect the shortcomings demonstrated by several years of studies in the field, future research should instead focus on how the school can practically increase participation and create a culture that values children´s participation highly and sets this as a priority. / Så snart skolan uppmärksammar behov av särskilt stöd ska ett åtgärdsprogram upprättas. I upprättandet av åtgärdsprogrammet ska barn och föräldrar göras delaktiga, både utifrån Skollagen och Barnkonventionen. Delaktigheten ska bestå i att barnet bland annat ges möjlighet att själv beskriva sina svårigheter, tänkbara åtgärder och får utvärdera insatser. Syftet med denna studie har varit att närmare undersöka den upplevda känslan hos föräldrar av att de och deras barn gjorts delaktiga vid framställandet av åtgärdsprogrammet. Som teoretisk grund och utgångspunkt för analys har använts Shiers och Harts delaktighetsmodeller som kompletterats med Lundys delaktighetsmodell. Begrepp från Foucaults maktteori och Bourdieus teorier om kapital har använts som ett komplement. Studiens design var en kvalitativ intervjustudie med fenomenologisk inriktning där fokus var på informanternas egen upplevelse. Utifrån detta genomfördes en tematisk analys. De teman som framkom var en upplevelse av kommunikation men inte av delaktighet, att åtgärdsprogrammet ses som ett dokument som inte speglar verkligheten, att barnens delaktighet är ytterst bristfällig och att föräldrarna används som språkrör för barnet. I majoriteten av intervjuerna framkom att barnet inte överhuvudtaget tillfrågats om sin åsikt kring sina behov och de insatser det erbjudits. Denna studie begränsades till föräldrarnas upplevelse av deras och deras barns delaktighet i upprättandet och utvärderingen av åtgärdsprogrammet. Framtida studier skulle kunna utforska andra perspektiv på fenomenet, som skolans eller barnets eget perspektiv. Efter att ha sett hur studiens resultat speglar de brister flera års studier inom området påvisat så bör dock framtida studier i stället fokusera på hur skolan praktiskt ska öka delaktigheten och skapa en kultur som värderar barns delaktighet högt och sätter detta som en prioritet.
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Digital teknik i förskolan : Förskollärares föreställningar kring digital teknik i förskolans undervisning och för barns lärande / Digital technology in preschool : Preschool teachers' ideas about digital technology in preschool teaching and for children's learningMagnusson, Jennie January 2021 (has links)
Denna studien syftar till att ta reda på hur förskollärare resonerar kring digital teknik samt hur de integrerar digitala verktyg i sin undervisning. Studiens syfte har undersökts genom kvalitativa intervjuer med 4 stycken förskollärare från två olika förskolor. Det datamaterial som samlats in har behandlats med kategorisering som analysmetod. Resultatet visar att förskollärarna har en oro kring användandet av de digitala verktygen men de ser ändå arbetet med digital teknik som något bra och intressant. Slutsatsen av undersökningen visar att användandet av den digitala tekniken är begränsad hos många förskollärare på grund av brist på kunskap men viljan och intresset till att lära sig finns. / This study aims to find out how preschool teachers reason about digital technology and how they integrate digital tools in their teaching. The purpose of the study has been investigated through qualitative interviews with 4 preschool teachers from two different preschools. The data material collected has been treated with categorization as an analysis method. The results show that preschool teachers have a concern about the use of the digital tools, but they still see the work with digital technology as something good and interesting. The conclusion of the study shows that the use of digital technology is limited in many preschool teachers due to lack of knowledge, but the will and interest to learn exists.
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”Absolut att det är komplext, men det är ju ett komplext jobb” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares erfarenheter av att göra mognadsbedömningar och främja barns delaktighet / “Absolutely, it's complex, but it is a complex job” : A qualitative interviewstudy on social workers' experiences of conducting maturity assessments and promoting children's participationJohansson, Emma, Torstensson, Sarah January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore social workers’ experiences of conducting maturityassessments based on a lack of guidelines. This to create a deeper understanding of thecomplexity of these assessments and how children are allowed participation in childprotection cases. Seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with social workers inchild protection units in different Swedish municipalities. The data was then analyzed usingBraun and Clarks (2006; 2019) method of reflexive thematic analysis. The theories ofdiscretion, Skön and childhood sociology were applied in the analysis. The study shows thatthe assessment of maturity is somewhat connected to the child’s age, possible disabilities andthe adult perspective. This complexity reveals the importance of discretion where theassessment is intuition based on experience and theoretical knowledge. The lack of guidelinesfor maturity assessments opens for discretion where each social worker bases theirassessments on social norms. The child’s participation has been emphasised as crucialalthough it differs to which extent this is practised. To promote participation the socialworkers describe adjusting how they communicate with the child. Factors that obstructparticipation are the assessment that participation would be hurtful to the child and aninherent fear of social services.
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Förverkligandet av Barnkonventionen : En jämförande analys av två kommuners mål och medel för implementeringen av barnets rätt till delaktighetAli Akbar, Avin January 2016 (has links)
In the light of the Convention on the Rights of the Child gaining legal status in Sweden this thesis examines the implementation of the convention on a municipal level, specifically the implementation of Article 12 and children’s right to participate in all matters affecting them. With this purpose objectives and means are examined and compared between two municipalities: the municipality of Uppsala and the municipality of Örebro. By creating a frame of analysis based on previous research and theory on children’s participation, a text analysis has been conducted on key municipal policy documents and a case study has been conducted of municipal channels for participation. In conclusion the implementation of Article 12 differs between the municipalities where the responsibility to realize children’s right to participate is a shared responsibility in Örebro municipality in comparison to Uppsala municipality where the responsibility lies with some departments. In Örebro municipality children’s participation is often defined as a right while it in Uppsala municipality often is defined as an instrument to reach other goals. The case study emphasizes the importance of critically examining who actually participates in initiatives for children’s participation, who has power over the agenda and with what effects. For the realization of children’s right to participate initiatives must be inclusive, important and with clear intentions and effects.
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Barns upplevelse av intensiv familjeterapi (IFT) / Children’s experience of intensive family therapy (IFT)Junger, Anette January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Barns delaktighet och inflytande i förskolan : En undersökande studie om förskollärares arbetssätt kring barns delaktighet och inflytande i projektarbeteNanono, Catherine, Klingberg, Juanita January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how preschool teachers provide young children with the option to participate and influence in project work at preschool. To narrow the scope, we have focused on two main questions in this study. The first question is about how the preschool teachers approach the work with children's influence and participation in the project work. The other question is about how the power relationship between the preschool teachers and the children in the project work looks. This essay is based on an empirical study, and can be seen as an experience-based method in which information based on people’s thoughts, experience and knowledge is evaluated. To collect the data for this essay, we have interviewed four preschool teachers, and observed two preschool teachers in their work. In our essay we have used several theoretical frameworks, one is Vygotsky’s theories of learning, called the sociocultural perspective. This perspective can be explained as a theory on how learning takes place in a social interaction with other people. Another theory we refer to is Foucault's theory about power relationship, but we also make references to other different theories about preschool environment and theories about children's participation. The results in the essay show that all the four interviewed preschool teachers have a positive attitude, and work with different strategies to give opportunities for the children to influence and participate in the project work. As conclusion of the study, we can say that it is important for preschool teachers to have sensitivity when working with children’s participation and influence in project work, and always have children's interests and needs as a starting point.
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