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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Obligatorisk vaccination – Förenligt med rätten till skydd för privatliv? : En analys av förenligheten mellan obligatorisk covid-19-vaccination och artikel 8 i Europakonventionen

Tajik, Avidh January 2022 (has links)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, European states have taken numerous measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Several states have introduced various forms of compulsory vaccination against COVID-19. While vaccines are one of the most effective tools for protecting people against COVID-19, it raises the question to which extent states may justifiably make vaccination schemes compulsory in the pursuit of public health. This paper, therefore, analyses the compatibility between compulsory vaccination and the right to respect for private life as set out in Article 8 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (the ECHR). As of today, the European Court of Human Rights (the ECtHR) has not decided whether vaccine mandates are compatible with the right to respect for private life.  An interference in the right to respect for private life must be in accordance with the law and fulfil one of the legitimate aims that are set out in Article 8.2 of the ECHR. An interference also needs to be necessary in a democratic society in order to achieve that legitimate aim. The protection of health as well as the protection of the rights and freedoms of others are two of the legitimate aims stipulated in Article 8 of the ECHR that are relevant in relation to the introduction of compulsory vaccination in society. In assessing whether an interference is necessary in a democratic society, the states enjoy a certain margin of appreciation. However, their assessment remains subject to review by the ECtHR. The principle of proportionality is an important part in assessing whether the interference has been necessary in a democratic society or not. The interference in question must remain proportionate to the legitimate aim pursued. In this paper, the compatibility between compulsory COVID-19 vaccination and the right to respect for private life is examined primarily by analysing prior case law of the ECtHR concerning vaccination and other medical interventions. This paper concludes that the states enjoy a wide margin of appreciation when assessing the necessity of introducing compulsory COVID-19 vaccinations, mainly because of the lack of European consensus regarding such vaccination schemes. Furthermore, it is concluded that compulsory COVID-19 vaccinations can be compatible with the right to respect for private life as set out in Article 8 of the ECHR, provided that the vaccines are considered safe and efficient by the research community, the vaccines used are monitored and the vaccine mandate is only indirectly imposed by sanctions of a protective nature. In addition, necessary precautions must be taken by prior assessment of potential contraindications and there must exist a possibility to receive compensation as a result of potential injuries caused by the vaccine.

Le droit à la mobilité de la main-d’œuvre professionnelle au Canada : au-delà des grands principes, une protection individuelle limitée

St-Amour Blais, Josette 12 1900 (has links)
La liberté de circulation et la liberté d’établissement sont reconnues comme fondamentales et intrinsèquement liées au principe de dignité humaine. Pourtant, au nom de la souveraineté nationale, les États imposent des limites à la mobilité humaine. La mobilité de la main-d’œuvre est nécessaire au fonctionnement de l’économie et peut répondre en partie aux enjeux de pénurie de travailleurs. Notre thèse propose une recherche en droit positif visant à circonscrire la portée du droit à la mobilité en droit canadien. De fait, l’article 6 (2) de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés reconnaît aux citoyens et résidents permanents au Canada la liberté de circulation et le droit de gagner leur vie. Toutefois, l’alinéa 6 (3) a) de la Charte contient une restriction à ces droits. Les provinces demeurent autorisées à légiférer pour limiter la mobilité, tant qu’elles n’imposent pas de discrimination basée sur la province de résidence. Nous soutenons que dans l’état actuel de la jurisprudence canadienne, le droit à la mobilité n’est pas considéré comme une liberté fondamentale. Pour leur part, les accords de commerce entre les membres de la confédération, sur le plan national, et les accords bilatéraux, régionaux et multilatéraux entre le Canada et ses partenaires contiennent des dispositions encadrant la mobilité de la main-d’œuvre. Lors des négociations constitutionnelles qui ont précédé et suivi le rapatriement de la constitution canadienne en 1982, le développement de l’union économique au pays et l’inclusion du droit à la mobilité ont été au cœur des débats. Or l’analyse des décisions de la Cour suprême du Canada portant sur l’article 6 (2) démontre pourtant que c’est uniquement la non-discrimination sur la base de la province de résidence qui est garantie par la Charte. Les instruments internationaux relatifs aux droits de la personne établissent le droit à la mobilité comme un droit fondamental, mais la recension des différents accords de libre-échange permet de conclure que la mobilité de la main-d’œuvre est favorisée essentiellement pour répondre aux besoins économiques. Le droit à la mobilité ne devrait pas uniquement répondre aux besoins des aléas économiques. Dans cette perspective, la reconnaissance des compétences et des qualifications s’avère impérative pour que le droit à la mobilité soit réellement effectif. / The rights to move, the right to take up residence, and the right to gain a livelihood are recognized as fundamental and are intrinsically linked to the principle of human dignity. Yet, in the name of national sovereignty, states impose limits on human mobility. Labor mobility is a pillar of world economy and can address many aspects of workforce shortages. Our research examines current constraints to, and the scope of, the right to mobility under Canadian law. Indeed, section 6 (2) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms recognizes the right to move and the right to gain a livelihood for citizens and permanent residents of Canada. However, section 6 (3) a) of the Charter contains a limitation on these rights. Provinces remain authorized to limit mobility, as long as they do not discriminate on the basis of province of residence. We argue that, as Canadian jurisprudence currently stands, mobility rights are not considered a fundamental freedom. On the other hand, trade agreements between members of confederation, at the national level, and bilateral, regional, and multilateral agreements between Canada and its international partners, contain provisions regulating labor mobility. During the constitutional negotiations that preceded and followed the repatriation of the Constitution Act, 1982, the development of the economic union in Canada and the inclusion of mobility rights were at the heart of the debate. However, an analysis of the Supreme Court of Canada's decisions on section 6(2) shows that the Canadian Charter guarantees non-discrimination on the basis of province of residence. International human rights instruments establish the mobility rights as a fundamental right, but a review of various free trade agreements suggests that labor mobility is promoted primarily to meet economic needs. Mobility rights should not uniquely answer economic requirements. Against this background, the recognition of skills and qualifications is imperative to ensure that mobility rights are effective.

La dénonciation publique : étude du cadre juridique applicable aux professionnels de la santé au Québec

Barkany, Alexandra 03 1900 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, plusieurs professionnels de la santé ont dénoncé publiquement des situations problématiques affectant le système de santé et des services sociaux du Québec, notamment par le biais des réseaux sociaux et des médias traditionnels. Alors qu’ils contribuent à renforcer la transparence des organismes du réseau de la santé et à protéger les droits des usagers, ces lanceurs d’alerte se heurtent à une culture du silence et s’exposent, encore aujourd’hui, à des mesures de représailles. Ce mémoire cherche à clarifier le cadre juridique entourant les dénonciations publiques effectuées par les professionnels de la santé. La première partie examine la portée de la liberté d’expression dont jouissent ces professionnels. Cette liberté fondamentale, comme le droit du public d’être informé, n’est pas absolue. Son exercice doit être concilié avec d’autres droits et obligations, dont le droit à la réputation de l’employeur, le devoir de loyauté et les obligations déontologiques du professionnel, ainsi que les droits des patients. La deuxième partie s’intéresse à la protection juridique des dénonciateurs. Au fil des ans, le législateur a adopté plusieurs dispositions afin de faciliter la divulgation de certains actes répréhensibles. Celles-ci protègent principalement les personnes qui font des signalements à l’interne ou auprès d’une autorité compétente. Dans une perspective critique, ce mémoire souligne les insuffisances du droit québécois en matière de dénonciation publique et propose des avenues interprétatives et législatives visant à renforcer la protection des lanceurs d’alerte dans le secteur de la santé. / In recent years, several healthcare professionals have publicly denounced problematic situations affecting Quebec's health and social services system, notably via traditional and social media. Although they contribute to strengthening transparency in healthcare institutions and protecting the rights of users, these whistleblowers face a culture of silence and are still exposed to retaliation. This Master's thesis seeks to clarify the legal framework governing public disclosure made by healthcare professionals. The first part discusses the scope of the professionals' freedom of expression. This fundamental freedom, such as the public's right to be informed, is not absolute. Its exercise must be reconciled with other rights and obligations, including the employer's right to reputation, the duty of loyalty, ethical obligations, and the patients' rights. The second part focuses on legal protection for whistleblowers. The legislator has adopted over the years many provisions to facilitate the disclosure of wrongdoings. These provisions mainly protect whistleblowers who report internally or to a competent authority. Adopting a critical perspective, this thesis highlights the weaknesses of Quebec's legal framework on public disclosure and proposes interpretative and legislative pathways to reinforce the protection of whistleblowers in the healthcare sector.

Les droits et libertés fondamentaux du salarié au travers du prisme de la relation d'emploi

Parent, Sébastien 02 1900 (has links)
Le salarié était destiné à devenir un citoyen dans l’entreprise. Titulaire de droits fondamentaux opposables aux pouvoirs étatiques dans la cité, il semblait normal qu’il puisse aussi les exercer devant la puissance patronale. Ces garanties sont en effet intrinsèques à tout être humain, universelles et inaliénables. Sous l’effet hiérarchique des instruments prééminents qui les consacrent, les droits et libertés se sont introduits au sein de la relation d’emploi. La nullité des normes du droit du travail qui sont incompatibles sera déclarée. La hiérarchisation des sources en droit du travail le réclame. Ces droits et libertés sont formulés en termes généraux et abstraits, ce qui augure mal de leur usage immédiat dans le monde du travail. L’activité interprétative du juge apparaît indispensable. Dans sa quête du sens des libertés dans le travail, la méthode contextuelle qu’il privilégie débouche sur une aporie. Elle l’incite à prendre en considération l’ensemble du contexte normatif de la relation d’emploi. Les sources propres au droit du travail dictent ainsi le contenu des droits de la personne et posent des conditions à leur exercice en milieu de travail. Elles justifient également de nombreuses restrictions, voire suppressions, apportées par l’employeur. Les mutations subies par la liberté d’expression et le droit à la vie privée des salariés confirment l’effet réducteur de la relation d’emploi sur les protections offertes par la Charte québécoise. Cette façon de juger renverse la pyramide des normes juridiques. Le noyau intangible de ces garanties est affaibli, car les libertés du travailleur ne possèdent plus la même signification que celles des autres citoyens. Des violations se multiplient sous le regard complice du juge, du fait que les intérêts purement privés de l’entreprise, axés sur la productivité et le profit, reçoivent une légitimité avérée. Le rapport de force et les pouvoirs de la figure patronale se fortifient par l’entremise du contentieux des droits fondamentaux en emploi. Le contrôle exercé par l’autorité patronale s’étend parfois jusque dans la vie personnelle du travailleur et compromet la jouissance des libertés hors du travail. Salarié dans l’entreprise, l’individu le demeure désormais dans la cité. S’impose alors la recherche d’un cadre d’analyse plus respectueux de la cohérence du système juridique et favorisant l’épanouissement des droits et libertés du travailleur. Les statuts de salarié et de personne humaine pourront enfin être réconciliés. / Citizenship in the workplace was destined to become a reality. As a holder of fundamental rights against state powers in society, it seemed normal that the employee could also oppose them to employers’ powers, as these guarantees are inherent to all human beings, universal and inalienable. Statutes granting a preponderance to human rights and freedoms have definitively contributed to their introduction into the employment relationship. Therefore, provisions of labour legislation or workplace rules that are inconsistent with human rights will be declared null and void. The hierarchy of sources of labour law requires it. Rights and freedoms are stated in abstract and general terms, which makes it difficult to apply them instantly in the labour sphere. Judicial interpretation appears necessary to clarify what individual freedoms mean in the workplace. However, a contextual interpretation leads to aporia. This approach encourages the decision-maker to consider the whole normative context of the employment relationship. Specific sources of labour law dictate the content of human rights and set conditions to their exercise by the salaried person. They also justify many restrictions, or even deletions, imposed by the employer. The significant changes in the scope of workers’ freedom of speech and right to privacy confirm that the employment relationship has a reductive effect on the protections offered by the Quebec Charter. This kind of reasoning inverts the hierarchical structure of the legal system. The core of human rights and freedoms is weakened. It no longer has the same meaning for workers as for other citizens. Moreover, the unchallenged legitimacy of business interests, motivated by the increase of productivity and profit, multiplies violations of the workers’ fundamental rights. The employer’s prerogatives and management rights are strengthened through the human rights case law in the field of employment. In some instances, the employer’s control can extend into the employee’s personal life and thus compromise the enjoyment of freedom beyond work. The employee status now follows the individual into his civil life. The search for an analytical framework that is more respectful of the coherence of the legal system and which fully ensures the protection and the development of human rights and freedoms at work is essential. The status of worker and of human being will finally be reconciled.

Zákaz diskriminace v mezinárodním právu o ochraně lidských práv / Prohibition on discrimination in international law of protection of human rights

Kubinská, Dagmara January 2014 (has links)
(Prohibition on discrimination in international law of protection of human rights) The purpose of this thesis is definition of concept of human rights, equality and discrimination, explanation of principle of equal treatment and their reflection in present time. From general definitions, I gradually step towards the aplication of these terms in international law, legislation on regional level within Europe and at the end, implementation of principle of equal rights and prohibition on discrimination in law of Slovak Republic. The most extensive part is dedicated to issues of antidiscrimination from the perspective of the United Nations and pose its basic instruments that are used for promoting equality and fight against discrimination. The UN, within its activity, adopted a large number of international conventions explicitly focused on this issues since it was established. These documents became a pattern for additional conventions addopted within regional or internal law. Significant role in the field of fight against discrimination within the european region plays the Council of Europe. Convention on human rights and fundamental freedoms as a result of activity of this organisation is considered for basic pillar of protection against discrimination among european legal stanards. Compliance of the...

Přistoupení Evropské unie k Evropské úmluvě o lidských právech / The accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights

Del Maschio, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the fundamental issues related to the future accession of the European Union to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and to provide an overall understanding of the issue. To fulfil this objective, the first part of the thesis deals with the current situation in the european human rights protection system. It introduces the protection system of the Council of Europe as well as the system of protection provided by the European Union. This part aims to describe relationships between them and also gives the overview of the development of the question of accession and of the main features defining the autonomy of the European Union law. The second part then turns the attention to the legal instruments which make it possible European Union to accede. This part provides an analysis of the Accession agreement on the accession of the European Union to the Convention for Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms which contains legal, institutional and technical solutions of the European Union's incorporation into the Convention system. This analysis serves as a basis for the next part of the thesis, which focuses on the recent Opinion of the Court of Justice of the European Union 2/13. In this opinion Court found...

Le droit du plus faible comme principe d'interprétation judiciaire en droit civil de la personne / The right of the weakest as principle of judicial interpretation in civil law of the person.

Kadem, Sabine 09 July 2014 (has links)
La faiblesse est partout et touche tout le monde. Lorsqu’elle se trouve dévoilée serévèle la vulnérabilité. Et c’est dans ce moment là que la faiblesse doit être qualifiéejuridiquement. Or comme toute qualification, elle doit obéir à des règles. Ces règles s’imposentà la présente étude comme premier fondement analytique. C’est en effet en partant du droitprivé, celui de la personne, que de premières règles garantissant les droits de « l’Homme »peuvent être identifiées. Celles-ci ont pour objet ce qui fait l’être humain, dans sa faiblesse.Elles en donnent une forme de définition, juridique, mais sans toute la profondeur d’uneapproche autrement que systémique, voire parfois systématique, au sens d’une régulationadministrativiste des droits. C’est aux entrecroisements théoriques, qui fondent la règle dedroit, que l’on peut saisir des hypothèses faisant être la règle de droit. Toutefois, c’est dans lapensée sous-jacente, que seul un langage de philosophie du droit saura révéler, le lieu où lafaiblesse trouvera sa correspondance la plus exigeante. Là elle rejoint les langagesontologique et métaphysique, qui font qu’elle « existe » au-delà de toute qualification juridique.D’une approche de philosophie du droit on retiendra donc que le droit du plus faible obéit àplusieurs règles communes, relevant d’une forme d’universalité, et que celles-ci peuventtrouver une véritable traduction en droit positif. C’est une forme de typologie de la faiblesseque l’on retrouve le plus souvent en pratique dans le discours du juge. C’est en invoquant lasentence du juge, dans sa souveraine interprétation judiciaire, que la faiblesse prend sadernière forme, celle que la personne se doit d’accepter pour faire valoir un droit. / The weakness is everywhere and affects everybody. When she is revealed, showsitself the vulnerability. A this moment she must be legally qualified. Yet, as any qualification,her has to obey rules. So these impose upon the present study as first analytica l foundation.Indeed while leaving of the private law, that of the person, of first rules guaranteeing the rightsof " the Man " can be identified. These have for object what makes the human being, in hisweakness, in a way gives a shape of definition, legal, but without all the depth of an approachthan what systematism, even sometimes systematic, in the sense of a regulation“administrativiste” rights. It is in the theoretical intertwinings, that base the legal rule, whichwe can seize with hypotheses making the legal rule be. However, it is in the underlyingthought, that only a language of philosophy of the right/law will know how to reveal, that theweakness will find its most demanding correspondence. There she joins the ontological andmetaphysical languages, which make that she "exists". Of an approach of philosophy of theright/law we shall thus retain that the right of the weakest obeys several common rules, andbeing of a shape of universality, and that these can find a real translation in substant ive law. Itis a shape of typology of the weakness that we find most of the time in practice in the speechof the judge. While calling upon the judgment of the judge, in his ruler judicial interpretation,the weakness take its last shape, the one that the person owes accept to assert to right a“right”.

La circulation internationale des situations juridiques / The transnational movement of legal situations

Bilyachenko, Alexey 12 January 2016 (has links)
La présente thèse part d’une tendance de la jurisprudence européenne, destinée à influencer la jurisprudence nationale de droit international privé, et se trouve dans le prolongement d’un grand débat doctrinal d’actualité. Il s’agit de la méthode de reconnaissance des situations juridiques, qui suppose l’abandon de la règle de conflit de lois. L’objectif est de conceptualiser cette nouvelle méthode et d’en définir le domaine et les conditions de mise en œuvre. Vu les particularités du sujet, la recherche passe nécessairement par plusieurs thèmes fondamentaux du droit international privé mais aussi du droit européen, du droit privé général et de la théorie du droit. / Inspired by a trend in the European case law, which is meant to affect the national ones, the dissertation takes part to a topical debate among European academics on the putting aside the choice-of-law rules. It is about application of so-called recognition method to the foreign legal situations that haven’t been enacted in court. The purpose is to conceptualise this new method and to determine its scope and its modalities. Given the particularity of the task, the study necessarily bears on several pivotal topics of private international law but also of European law, general private law and jurisprudence.

L'obligation de résidence chez l'employeur imposée aux travailleurs agricoles et domestiques migrants au Canada : une atteinte à leur droit constitutionnel à la liberté

Vathi, Lissia 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Zásady firemního dobrovolnictví v ČR / Principles of corporate volunteering in the Czech Republic

KAŇOKOVÁ, Simona January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to describe the corporate volunteerism in the Czech Republic and subsequently define a structured set of ethical principles that should be complied by companies to enhance the ethical standards of corporate volunteerism and its positive impact. The theoretical part introduces the civic and corporate volunteerism, pointing out their legal and content differences and also the environmental non-profit organizations and economic subjects companies. Corporate volunteerism (CV) is defined as a part of the donation, which is a social component of corporate social responsibility (CSR). This study describes CSR as a tool of business ethics and assesses its impact on corporate culture and social work environment in favour of solidarity projects as CV. Based on the experience and study of scientific texts, four models reflecting the company's ethical maturity phase are defined in the practical part of the study. Their names are derived from the context and causes of the launch of CV - models naturally moral, promotional, human resources and employee model. The analysis of models aimed at meeting the objectives of the work, compiling seven ethical principles for CV - principles of real potential, plan and impact, quantity and quality of the target, the benefits of a coordinator´s position, equal access, freedom to make decisions and the principle of truthful communication. The principles are not procedures, however, the principles ask questions and concentrate ethical basis for project of CV. This text is accompanied by an evaluation comment using practical examples (from the institutional, social and individual ethical perspective).

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