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Cannabis Use Patterns and Their Association with DSM-IV Cannabis Dependence and GenderNoack, René, Höfler, Michael, Lüken, Ulrike January 2011 (has links)
Aims: To investigate the gender differences in the patterns of cannabis use (CU), namely frequency, times of day, social context and methods and in their association with DSM-IV cannabis dependence.
Methods: A sample of 3,904 students from German universities was recruited via an internet survey. Logistic regressions and associated areas under the ROC curve (AUC) were calculated among current cannabis users (at least once a month, n = 843).
Results: CU using a water pipe was more often reported by males (50 vs. 34.6%). Usual CU ‘before going to sleep at night’ was more often reported by females (47.3 vs. 35.7%). Most CU patterns showed a similar association with DSM-IV cannabis dependence in both genders. The association of CU ‘with strangers’ was stronger in females (AUC 0.68 vs. AUC 0.56). Slightly different multiple models were found (females AUC 0.86, males AUC 0.77).
Conclusions: There are considerable gender differences in the CU patterns and, thus, in the way CU functions. In the association of CU patterns with cannabis dependence, the similarities are rather great. Examining the CU patterns might make a considerable contribution to the better detection of high-risk population segments for prevention and early intervention in both genders. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.
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Hjälp eleverna välja : En studie om lärares arbete med elevers valkompetensBagge Anlind, Jenny, Andersson, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att studera hur grundskollärare beskriver sitt arbete med elevers valkompetens, särskilt när det gäller att uppmärksamma könsmönster och stärka elevers självförtroende för att kunna göra väl underbyggda val. För datainsamling användes en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer och en tematisk analys för att analysera insamlad data. Resultatet visade att lärarna ansåg sig spela en viktig roll för elevers valkompetens. Detta genom att hjälpa eleverna ta in och bearbeta information kring utbildningar och yrken. Men även genom att i sin dagliga undervisning arbeta för att utmana de könsmönster som finns i samhället och stärka elevernas situationsspecifika självförtroende genom bland annat positiv feedback. Studiens resultat tyder på att lärarna, genom sitt arbete med att stärka elevernas valkompetens, bedriver vägledning i ett generellt perspektiv utan att alltid vara medvetna om det. / The purpose of this essay is to study how compulsory school teachers describe their work with students’ career management skills (CMS), especially when it comes to paying attention to gender patterns and strengthening students’ self-efficacy in order to make well-founded choices. A qualitative method with semistructured interviews was used to answer the purpose of this essay and a thematic analysis was used to analyze the gathered data. The results showed that the teachers viewed themselves to play an important role in their students’ career management skills. This by helping their students collect and process information about different educations and vocations. But also by challenging gender patterns in society in the daily interactions with their students, together with strengthening their students’ self-efficacy through positive feedback, among other things. The results of this study indicates that the teachers, through their efforts to strengthen the students’ career management skills, provide guidance in a general perspective without always being aware of it.
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Hur karaktäriseras genus i barnlitteratur? : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ genusanalytisk studie / How is gender characterized in children's literature? : A qualitative and quantitative gender analytical studyZeliath, Emelie, Sjögren, Rebecka January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how gender is characterized in children's literature in the Swedish preschool. The research question is of great importance to investigate because the Swedish preschool operates as a social institution. The gender debate has exploded in the last decade, which means that preschools need to approach gender pedagogy in education. The Swedish preschool's curriculum also includes requirements on gender-pedagogically based education. It also includes norm-critical and equal values (Skolverket 2018). Since children's books are a big part of the preschool's education, it is of great importance to examine gender patterns in children's literature. The study is based on qualitative and quantitative analyses which highlights gender patterns in children's literature. The credibility of the literature study can be considered as valid because the research is based on two different supplementary gender analyzing schedules. The result that is prominent from the analyzing method is a male-dominant norm in the main and secondary characters of the children's books. The result showed that the characters who performed norm-breaking actions were more often performed by masculine characters. This result may not be considered surprising as the majority of the analyzed children's books have masculine main characters. The feminine characters who performed norm-breaking actions were for that reason not discovered as often as the male equivalent of the same phenomenon. The conclusion of the study implies higher demands on preschool teachers' awareness when handling children's literature. The consequences of the lack of awareness contain two main grounds that were identified in the study. Firstly, there is a cultural heritage in already existing children's literature that needs to be preserved. Secondly, it may be considered financially unjustifiable to exclusively replace existing literature with new gender awareness books. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur genus karaktäriseras i barnlitteraturen i den svenska förskolan. Forskningsfrågan är av stor vikt att utreda eftersom den svenska förskolan fungerar som en samhällsinstitution. Genusdebatten har exploderat det senaste decenniet, vilket gör att förskolorna behöver närma sig genuspedagogik i utbildningen. I den svenska förskolans läroplan finns även krav på genuspedagogiskt förankrad utbildning. Den omfattar även normkritiska och lika värden (Skolverket 2018). Eftersom barnböcker är en stor del av förskolans utbildning är det av stor vikt att undersöka könsmönster i barnlitteraturen. Studien bygger på kvalitativa och kvantitativa analyser som belyser könsmönster i barnlitteraturen. Litteraturstudiens trovärdighet kan anses giltig eftersom forskningen bygger på två olika kompletterande könsanalysscheman. Resultatet som är framträdande från analysmetoden är en mansdominerande norm hos barnböckernas huvud- och bipersoner. Resultatet visade att karaktärerna som utförde normbrytande handlingar oftare utfördes av maskulina karaktärer. Detta resultat kan inte anses förvånande eftersom majoriteten av de analyserade barnböckerna har maskulina huvudkaraktärer. De feminina karaktärerna som utförde normbrytande handlingar upptäcktes av den anledningen inte lika ofta som den manliga motsvarigheten till samma fenomen. Slutsatsen av studien innebär högre krav på förskollärares medvetenhet vid hantering av barnlitteratur. Konsekvenserna av bristen på medvetenhet innehåller två huvudgrunder som identifierades i studien. För det första finns det ett kulturarv i redan befintlig barnlitteratur som behöver bevaras. För det andra kan det anses ekonomiskt oförsvarligt att uteslutande ersätta befintlig litteratur med nya genusmedvetandeböcker.
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En litteraturstudie ur ett genusperspektiv : En analys av hur flickor och pojkar framställs i fem bilderböcker / A literature study from a gender perspective : An analysis of how girls and boys are portrayed in five picture booksJohansson, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to investigate how gender and gender patterns are presented in Swedish picture books. The essay is based on a analyze of five Swedish picture books for the ages of three to five years. The selection of books was made on the library's most borrowed list and on Bokus and Adlibris top lists. The study takes its theoretical starting point in a gender perspective with a hermeneutic approach. With the support of Hirdman's (2003, 2004) gender theory and Nikolajeva's (2017) opposite scheme as an analysis tool, the characters gender representation is made visible in the books. Through analysis of the characters appearance, characteristics and actions, gender stereotypical norms will be identified and interpreted in the essay and then also compared with theory and previous research.The result from this study shows that the presentation of the characters in the picture books both deviates and maintain society's gender stereotypical norms. The conclusion of this study provides in-depth knowledge regarding gender norms in children's literature / Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur genus och könsmönster framställs i svenska bilderböcker. Uppsatsen bygger på en analys av fem svenska bilderböcker för åldrarna tre-fem år. Urvalet av böcker gjordes på biblioteks mest lånade-lista och på Bokus och Adlibris topplistor. Studien tar sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i ett genusperspektiv med ett hermeneutiskt synsätt. Med stöd av Hirdmans (2003, 2004) genusteori och Nikolajevas (2017) motsatsschema som analysverktyg synliggörs karaktärernas genusframställning i böckerna. Genom analys av karaktärernas utseende, egenskaper och agerande kommer könsstereotypa normer att identifieras och tolkas i uppsatsen för att sedan också jämföras med teori och tidigare forskning.Resultatet från den genomförda studien visar att framställningen av karaktärerna i bilderböckerna både bryter mot och upprätthåller samhällets könsstereotypa normer. Slutsatsen är att denna studie ger fördjupad kunskap gällande könsnormer i barnlitteratur.
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Kulturkrockar i skolanOlofsson, Carina January 2017 (has links)
This text is an essay relating to a situation I was involved in where two different cultures caused a conflict in one of the pupils. The pupil was supposed to perform a swimming test and the parents wanted him/her to use full body clothing which the pupil had not done before. Because of this, the pupil suddenly was in conflict with herself/himself and I (the author) found myself in a situation where I felt torn between the purpose as an educator and the cultural values of the pupil. The purpose of my essay is to find an approach to the values of pupils and parents which sometimes affect my way of work. Our school curriculum states that we must prevent differences of gender but at the same time respect the culture of the individual. Several times I find myself trapped between cultural values from the pupil´s family situation and our educational purpose. How do I deal with this? How does switching between two cultures affect the pupil? The concept and perspectives that I am going to reflect on are interculturality, multi culturalism and I will also discuss heritage, environment, traditions, identity and the importance of the family. I will review myself and my own reflections. I will reflect upon how I use fronesis, my practical wisdom which I have gathered through experience. What can I improve when I use my professionalism within the cultural areas? Writing this essay, I still feel torn between the different missions. I always feel the need to act with the pupil´s best interest at heart. If this means I counteract gender patterns, so be it. In my opinion the culture doesn´t really matter because all individuals have the same value. The school simply cannot teach the pupils ethics and then not act accordingly themselves. / Den här texten är en essä och den utgår från en egen upplevd situation där två olika kulturer ger upphov till en konflikt hos en elev. Eleven ska utföra ett simtest och föräldrarna vill att hen skulle simma i heltäckande, vilket hen inte gjort tidigare. Det gjorde att eleven hamnade i en konflikt med sig själv och jag (författaren) hamnade i en situation där jag känner mig klämd mellan vad vårt uppdrag säger och elevens kulturella värderingar. Syftet med mitt arbete är att hitta ett förhållningssätt till elever och föräldrars värderingar som ibland påverkar mitt arbetssätt. I våra styrdokument står det att vi ska motverka könsskillnader, men samtidigt respektera individens kultur. Flera gånger ställs jag mellan vårt uppdrag och de kulturella värderingarna eleven har med sig hemifrån. Hur bemöter jag det? Hur upplever eleven det är att pendla mellan två olika kulturer? Begrepp och perspektiv jag kommer att reflekterar kring är interkulturalitet, mångkulturalitet och jag kommer även föra en diskussion kring arv, miljö, traditioner, identitet och familjens betydelse. Jag kommer granska mig själv och mitt eget reflekterande. Jag kommer använda mig av min fronesis, min praktiska klokhet som jag samlat på mig genom all erfarenhet. Vad är det jag kan bli bättre på i utförandet av min praktiska yrkeskompetens inom det kulturella området? Något jag kommit fram till i den här essän är, att känslan av att vara klämd mellan uppdragen kvarstår. Jag känner att jag alltid måste handla utifrån elevens bästa. Om det gör att jag motverkar att jag utjämnar könsmönster får det vara så. I mina ögon spelar kulturen ingen roll, alla individer är värda lika mycket, Vi i skolan kan inte lära ut värdegrunden till eleven, och sedan själva göra tvärtemot.
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"Han behöver bara springa av sig, låt honom hålla på" : En kvalitativ studie om hur ett antal lärare resonerar kring genus och genusmedvetenhet i grundskolans tidigare år / ”He just needs to run it off, let him keep on going” : A qualitative study of a number of teachers understandings of gender awareness in primary schoolPettersson, Emelie January 2010 (has links)
<p>The national curriculum states that the school actively should promote that women and men have equal rights and opportunities and that there is a responsibility to counteract traditional gender patterns. However do research observations show that teachers often treat girls and boys differently. Studies show that the teachers are influenced by their conceptions and their expectations of gender behavior. The aim of this study is to examine how teachers in preschool and primary school discuss gender awareness and how they state that they work with gender awareness according to the curriculum goals of counteracting the traditional gender patterns.</p><p>The study is inspired by the phenomenographic research approach and the empirical material has been collected by qualitative interviews with eight teachers in preschool and primary school. The empirical material has together with earlier research and theories been analyzed and discussed in order to reach a conclusion. The results show that the interviewed teachers have different views in what gender and gender awareness means. This resulted in that the teachers stated different ways of working with and counteracting traditional gender patterns and with a different commitment. Despite the teachers commitment to gender awareness they admitted that they some times, even if they did not want to, treated the pupils differently based on their gender. They explained this by saying that they also were a part of a society affected by traditional gender patterns.</p>
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Rörelse i förskolan : En essä skriven för att fördjupa ämneskunnandet och vinna insikt om olika förutsättningar för barns rörelse inomhus / Movement in preschool : An essay written for increasing the subject knowledge and gaining insight into the conditions of children's movement indoorsGjersvold, Emelie January 2015 (has links)
Denna essä tar sin utgångspunkt i två självupplevda händelser som speglar varandra i form av kaosartat spring inomhus och strukturerad rörelseaktivitet utomhus. Händelserna skapar starka motsatta känslor inom mig och jag undrar varför jag anser att det ibland är okej att röra på sig och ibland inte. Syftet med denna essä är att studera rörelse på förskolan utifrån olika perspektiv och utvinna kunskap om vad rörelse på förskolan innebär. Genom att undersöka flera olika perspektiv på rörelse har jag en vision om att skaffa mig tillräckligt med kunskap för att skapa bra förutsättningar för barns rörelse inomhus. Miljön ska locka alla individer oavsett kön och därför har jag även valt att undersöka vad tidigare forskning säger om pojkars och flickors rörelse. Frågorna som ligger till grund för studien öppnar upp för att distansera mig från dilemmat och skapa förståelse genom nya perspektiv. Hur ser jag på rörelse, hur ser andra på rörelse och vad kan ligga till grund för barnens kroppsliga uttryck för rörelse? Essän syftar till att rikta blicken mot mig själv och mitt agerande i händelserna, vad jag gjorde bra och vad jag kunde ha gjort annorlunda. Genom att reflektera med en pendlande rörelse mellan teorier, mina tankar och mina händelser, försöker jag synliggöra vad som är min praktiska kunskap. Jag ställer mig kritisk mot den forskning som påstår att stora barngrupper är stressande för barn och vuxna, då min upplevelse av fenomenet är annorlunda. Min praktiska kunskap, baserad på mina två års erfarenheter med stora barngrupper, säger mig att med välorganiserade strukturer blir även detta ett framgångsrikt arbetssätt. Essän i sig är en metod där jag genom att utgå från mina egna erfarenheter, reflekterar kring dessa med hjälp av andra teorier. Att skriva en essä handlar om processkrivande där jag undersöker ett fenomen ur flera olika perspektiv. Till grund för framskridandet av min studie ligger även hermeneutiken med sin tanke om att tolka meningen bakom och fenomenologin genom att se på ett fenomen så som det upplevs av människan som subjekt. / This essay is based on two self-perceived events that reflect each other in the form of chaotic indoor running and structured outdoor movement activity. The events create strong opposing emotions within myself and I wonder why I think that sometimes it is acceptable to move around and sometimes it is not. The purpose of this essay is to study movement in preschool from different perspectives and extract knowledge about what movement in preschool means. By exploring multiple perspectives on motion, I strive to gather enough knowledge to create exemplary conditions for children's movement indoors. The environment should attract all individuals regardless of gender and therefore I have chosen to examine what earlier research says about boys and girls movement. The questions that form the basis for the study allow me to distance myself from the dilemma and create an understanding through new perspectives. How do I view movement? How do others view movement and what could be the underlying factors for the children's physical expression of movement? The essay intends to look inwards at my thought processes and outwards at my actions in the events. What I did well and what I could have done differently? By reflecting continuously between theories, my thoughts and my events, I try to highlight my practical knowledge. I find myself critical of the research that says that large groups of children are stressful for children and adults, as my experience of the phenomenon is to the contrary. My practical knowledge, based on my two years of experience with large groups of children, tells me that with well-organized structures even large groups can be a successful approach. The essay itself is a method whereby I start from my own experiences and then reflect on those experiences with the help of other theories. The essay itself is a writing process throughout which I examine a phenomenon from different perspectives. The underlying theoretical perspectives of my study are hermeneutics with the idea of interpreting the meaning behind the situation and phenomenology, by looking at a phenomenon as it affects humans as subjects.
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"Han behöver bara springa av sig, låt honom hålla på" : En kvalitativ studie om hur ett antal lärare resonerar kring genus och genusmedvetenhet i grundskolans tidigare år / ”He just needs to run it off, let him keep on going” : A qualitative study of a number of teachers understandings of gender awareness in primary schoolPettersson, Emelie January 2010 (has links)
The national curriculum states that the school actively should promote that women and men have equal rights and opportunities and that there is a responsibility to counteract traditional gender patterns. However do research observations show that teachers often treat girls and boys differently. Studies show that the teachers are influenced by their conceptions and their expectations of gender behavior. The aim of this study is to examine how teachers in preschool and primary school discuss gender awareness and how they state that they work with gender awareness according to the curriculum goals of counteracting the traditional gender patterns. The study is inspired by the phenomenographic research approach and the empirical material has been collected by qualitative interviews with eight teachers in preschool and primary school. The empirical material has together with earlier research and theories been analyzed and discussed in order to reach a conclusion. The results show that the interviewed teachers have different views in what gender and gender awareness means. This resulted in that the teachers stated different ways of working with and counteracting traditional gender patterns and with a different commitment. Despite the teachers commitment to gender awareness they admitted that they some times, even if they did not want to, treated the pupils differently based on their gender. They explained this by saying that they also were a part of a society affected by traditional gender patterns.
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Burnout, work, stress of conscience and coping among female and male patrolling police officers / Utbrändhet, arbete, samvetsstress och coping hos kvinnliga och manliga poliserBackteman-Erlanson, Susann January 2013 (has links)
Background. Police work is a stressful occupation with frequent exposure to traumatic events and psychological strain from work might increase the risk of burnout. This thesis focuses on patrolling police officers (PPO), who work most of their time in the community and have daily contact with the public. Since police work traditionally is a male coded occupation we assume that there are differences between women and men in burnout as well as experiences from psychosocial work environment. Aim. The overall aim of this thesis is to explore burnout, psychosocial and physical work environment, coping strategies, and stress of conscience when taking gender into consideration among patrolling police officers. Methods. This thesis employs both qualitative and quantitative methods. In Paper I a qualitative approach with narrative interviews was used where male PPO described experiences of traumatic situations when caring for victims of traffic accidents. A convenience sample of nine male PPO from a mid-sized police authority was recruited. Interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Papers II, III, and IV were based on a cross-sectional survey from a randomly selected sample stratified for gender from all 21 local police authorities in Sweden. In the final sample, 1554 PPOs were invited (778 women, 776 men), response rate was 55% (n=856) in total, 56% for women (n=437) and 53% for men (n=419). The survey included a self-administered questionnaire based on instruments measuring burnout, stress of conscience, psychosocial and physical work environment, and coping. Results. Findings from Paper I were presented in three themes; “being secure with the support system,” “being confident about prior successful actions,” and “being burdened with uncertainty.” Results from Paper II showed high levels of emotional exhaustion (EE), 30% for female PPOs and 26% for male PPOs. High levels of depersonalization (DP) were reported for 52 % of female PPO, corresponding proportions for male were 60%. Multiple logistic regression showed that stress of conscience (SCQ-A), high demand, and organizational climate increased the risk of EE for female PPO. For male PPO stress of conscience (SCQ-A), low control and high demand increased the risk of EE. Independent of gender, stress of conscience (SCQ-A) increased the risk of DP. Psychometric properties of the WOCQ were investigated with exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, a six-factor solution was confirmed. DIF analysis was detected for a third of the items in relation to gender. In Paper IV a block wise hierarchical multiple regression analysis was performed investigating the predictive impact of psychological demand, decision latitude, social support, coping strategies, and stress of conscience on EE as well as DP. Findings revealed that, regardless of gender, risk of EE and DP increased with a troubled conscience amongst the PPO. Conclusion. “Being burdened with uncertainty” in this male-dominated context indicate that the PPO did not feel confident talking about traumatic situations, which might influence their coping strategies when arriving to a similar situation. This finding can be related to Paper II and IV showing that stress of conscience increased the risk of both EE and DP. The associations between troubled conscience and the risk of experiencing both emotional exhaustion and depersonalization indicate that stress of conscience should be considered when studying the influence of the psychosocial work environment on burnout. Results from this study show that the psychosocial work environment is not satisfying and needs improvement for patrolling police officers in Sweden. Further studies including both qualitative and quantitative (longitudinal) methods should be used to improve knowledge in this area to increase conditions for preventive and rehabilitative actions.
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Employer branding som ett verktyg för att bryta könsstrukturer i organisationer : En kvalitativ studie av tre svenska kommuner / Employer Branding as a tool to break gender patterns in organizations : A qualitative study of three Swedish municipalitiesLundqvist, Elin, Ström, Lisa January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis we present a qualitative study of Employer Branding through a perspective of gender. We examine the awareness of Employer Branding as a tool to break gender patterns in female and male dominated administrations in three Swedish municipalities. Six recruiters people were interviewed, including three pre-school managers and three managers of technical administrations, to see if there are any differences or similarities between the organizations’ Employer Branding to break gender patterns. In addition to the interviews, the Web pages of these three municipalities were investigated through a contextual perspective. We found that our interviewees do use Employer Branding, but that they were not necessarily aware of its’ meaning. The study does also show that the awareness of gender patterns differentiated between the female and male dominated administrations. Our investigation of the Web pages shows that only one of the municipalities used their Web site in their Employer Branding process.
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