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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur bestäms avgälden vid omprövning av tomträttsupplåtelse? / How is the fee to be determined upon renweal of a leasehold?

Andersson, Amanda, Svensson, Ebba January 2021 (has links)
Sedan 1907 har det upplåtits fastigheter med tomträtt i Sverige. Tomträtt innebär att kommun eller stat, mot en årlig avgäld, upplåter mark med nyttjanderätt till en tomträttshavare med avgäldsperioder om minst tio år. Att inneha bebyggelse på mark som är förenad med tomträtt kan, beroende på tomträttshavarens ekonomiska situation, leda till ett skräckscenario. En kombination av kraftiga markvärdestegringar och långa avgäldsperioder resulterar i chockhöjda tomträttsavgälder för tomträttshavare, på nivåer som är svåra att förutspå. I nuläget saknas tydliga direktiv för hur bestämmelse av tomträttsavgälden vid ny avgäldsperiod ska ske och trots förslag om att förenkla regleringen har inga ändringar gjorts.  Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka rättsläget kring bestämmelse av tomträttsavgälden inför ny avgäldsperiod och på så sätt försöka bringa klarhet i den problematik som finns. Genom en rättsvetenskaplig metod där rättskällor har tolkats, utretts och analyserats kunde vi dra slutsatsen att den reglering som finns kring bestämmande av tomträttsavgälden bör ses över. Tills vidare får denna undersökning och de riktlinjer vi funnit ses som en vägledning.

Финансирование амбулаторно­ поликлинического звена в системе обязательного медицинского страхования : магистерская диссертация / Financing of outpatient care in thе system of compulsory health insurance

Лыскова, Т. В., Liskova, T. V. January 2019 (has links)
Final qualifying work (master's thesis) is devoted to the study of the financing of outpatient care during the transition to predominantly single-channel: funding, in order to provide high-quality and affordable medical care. The main purpose of the master's thesis is to develop methods of financing and approaches to the provision of medical care, to identify problems and proposals for their solution, for the effective use of financial means of compulsory health insurance through the implementation of optimal and stimulating mechanism of payment of medical organizations -Fund holders. In conclusion, the recommendations on improving the funding mechanism for the object of study are outlined. / Выпускная квалификационная работа (магистерская диссертация) посвящена исследованию финансирования амбулаторно-поликлинического звена в период перехода на преимущественно одноканальное финансирование, в целях оказания качественной и доступной медицинской помощи. Основной целью магистерской диссертации является проработка методов финансирования и подходов оказания медицинской помощи, для выявления проблем и предложений по их решению, для эффективного использования финансовых средств обязательного медицинского страхования путем реализации оптимального и стимулирующего механизма оплаты медицинских организаций - фондодержателей. В заключении обозначены рекомендации по совершенствованию механизма финансирования для объекта исследования.

Säsongskortshypen - en guldgruva för fotbollsklubbar : En undersökning om de motiverande faktorerna bakom köp av säsongskort hos de allsvenska Stockholmsklubbarna

Viking, Hampus, Berggren Ennerfelt, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Fotbollssupportrarna i Stockholm är kända för sin entusiasm, sitt engagemang och den emotionella anknytningen de har till sina klubbar.  Syfte: Studien syftar till att med utgångspunkt ur den kärlek och lojalitet som fotbollssupportrarna till AIK, Djurgården och Hammarby har, undersöka vilka faktorer som motiverar dem till att köpa säsongskort till lagens hemmamatcher i Allsvenskan. Baserat på teorierna Relationsmarknadsföring, The Commitment-Trust theory, Maslows Behovshierarki, social identitetsteori och konsumentlojalitet skapas ett fundament som ger möjlighet till olika synsätt och infallsvinklar för att undersöka de faktorer som motiverar ett köp av säsongskort.  Metod: Med utgångspunkt ur tidigare teorier har metodtriangulering genomförts i studien som är av tvärsnittsdesign. En semistrukturerad intervjuguide har tagits fram som legat till grund för studiens kvalitativa undersökning. En representant från vardera av de tre klubbarna intervjuades och spelades in. Genom att transkribera och koda intervjuerna kunde därigenom svaren härledas och kopplas ihop med teorierna. Med en fortsatt utgångspunkt ur teorierna utformades en enkät med stöd  ur svaren från intervjuerna där studien kompletterades med en kvantitativ del för att kunna ge en mer generaliserad bild av vad som motiverar fotbollssupportrar till säsongskortsköp.  Slutsats: Studien visar att känslan av samhörighet och tillhörighet är avgörande faktorer för säsongskortsköp. Fotbollssupportrar som känner en stark tillhörighet och kan identifiera sig med fotbollsklubben köper säsongskort för att de är en så stor del av deras liv och denna lojalitet får dem att till och med stötta klubben endast för stöttandet skull utan någon större egen vinning såsom att få gå på match. / Background: Football fans in Stockholm are famous for their enthusiasm, commitment and the emotional attachment they have to their clubs.  Purpose: The study aims to investigate what factors that motivate fans to buy season tickets to the clubs home games in Allsvenskan, the top division of Swedish football. With a starting point from Relationship marketing, The Commitment-Trust theory, Maslow's Hierarchy of needs, Social identity Theory and Consumer loyalty a basis is founded for studying the motivating factors from different angles of approaches. By analyzing the theories and their view of the motivating factors towards buying season tickets, the goal is to reach an understanding of what motivates a purchase.  Method: With a starting point from previous theories the method used in the study is method triangulation. By one semi-structured interview guide which has been the basis for the qualitative investigation, a season ticket holder from each one of the three investigated football clubs has been interviewed. The interviews were recorded and transcribed. By coding the interviews they were analyzed and compared with the theories. Therefore a quantitative survey was handed out to give a more general picture of what factors that motivate football fans to purchase season tickets.  Conclusion: The study shows that the sense of affinity and belonging are determining factors towards a purchase of a season ticket. If football fans do feel a strong sense of belonging and can identify with the club they tend to be more likely to buy season tickets since it's such a big part of their lives and this loyalty tends to make them support the club just to support it without any significant gain like for example attending a match.


EDISON FAUSTO CUBA HUAMANI 14 September 2021 (has links)
[pt] Estudamos duas classes de equações diferenciais parciais, nomeadamente: uma equação de transferência radiativa e uma equação do calor duplamente não-linear. O primeiro modelo envolve uma equação não-local, na presença de um operador de espalhamento. Estuda-se a boa colocação do problema no semi-plano, no regime peaked. Prova-se um lema de averaging, que produz regularidade interior para o problema, além de regularização fracionária para as derivadas temporais da solução. O segundo conjunto de resultados da tese trata de uma equação de Trudinger com graus de não-linearidade distintos. Aproxima-se este problema pela p-equação do calor e importa-se regularidade da última para a primeira. Como consequência, mostra-se um resultado de regularidade melhorada no contexto não homogêneo. / [en] We consider two classes of partial differential equations. Namely: the radiative transfer equation and a doubly nonlinear model. The former concerns a nonlocal problema, driven by a scattering operator. We study the well-posedness of solutions in the peaked regime, for the half-space. A new averaging lemma yields interior regularity for the solutions and improved fractional regularization for the time derivatives. The second model we examine is a Trudinger equation with distinct nonlinearities degrees. Inspired by ideas launched by L. Caffarelli, we resort to approximation methods and prove improved regularity results for the solutions. The strategy is to relate our equation with p-caloric functions.


[pt] Uma medida de probabilidade com suporte compacto em um grupo de matrizes determina uma sequência de matrizes aleatórias i.i.d. Considere o processo multiplicativo correspondente e suas médias geométricas. O teorema de Furstenberg-Kesten, análogo da lei dos grandes números neste cenário, garante que as médias geométricas desse processo multiplicativo convergem quase certamente para uma constante, chamada de expoente de Lyapunov maximal da medida dada. Este conceito pode ser reformulado no contexto mais geral da teoria ergódica usando cociclos lineares aleatórios sobre o shift de Bernoulli. Uma questão natural diz respeito às propriedades de regularidade do expoente de Lyapunov como uma função dos seus dados. Sob uma condição de irredutibilidade e em um cenário específico (que foi posteriormente generalizado por vários autores) Le Page estabeleceu a continuidade de Holder do expoente de Lyapunov. Recentemente, Baraviera e Duarte obtiveram uma prova direta e elegante deste tipo de resultado. Seu argumento usa a fórmula de Furstenberg e as propriedades de regularidade da medida estacionária. Seguindo sua abordagem, neste trabalho obtemos um novo resultado mostrando que, sob a mesma hipótese de irredutibilidade, o expoente de Lyapunov depende Hölder continuamente da medida, relativamente à métrica de Wasserstein, generalizando assim o resultado de Baraviera e Duarte. / [en] A compactly supported probability measure on a group of matrices determines a sequence of i.i.d. random matrices. Consider the corresponding multiplicative process and its geometric averages. Furstenberg-Kesten s theorem, the analogue of the law of large numbers in this setting, ensures that the geometric averages of this multiplicative process converge almost surely to a constant, called the maximal Lyapunov exponent of the given measure. This concept can be reformulated in the more general context of ergodic theory using random linear cocycles over the Bernoulli shift. A natural question concerns the regularity properties of the Lyapunov exponent as a function of the data. Under an irreducibility condition and in a specific setting (which was later generalized by various authors) Le Page established the Holder continuity of the Lyapunov exponent. Recently, Baraviera and Duarte obtained a direct and elegant proof of this type of result. Their argument uses Furstenberg s formula and the regularity properties of the stationary measure. Following their approach, in this work we obtain a new result showing that under the same irreducibility hypothesis, the Lyapunov exponent depends Holder continuously on the measure, relative to the Wasserstein metric, thus generalizing the result of Baraviera and Duarte.

Interpolation réelle des espaces de Sobolev sur les espaces métriques mesurés et applications aux inégalités fonctionnelles

Badr, Nadine 17 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions l'interpolation réelle des espaces de Sobolev et ses applications. Le manuscrit est constitué de deux parties. Dans la première partie, nous démontrons au premier chapitre que les espaces de Sobolev non homogènes W^1_p (resp. homogènes ) sur les variétés Riemanniennes complètes vérifiant la propriété de doublement et une inégalité de Poincaré forment une échelle d'interpolation réelle pour un intervalle de valeurs de p. Nous étendons ce résultat à d'autres cadres géométriques. Dans un deuxième court chapitre, nous comparons différents espaces de Sobolev sur le cone Euclidien et nous regardons le lien de ces espaces avec l'interpolation. Nous montrons sur cet exemple que l'hypothèse de Poincaré n'est pas une condition nécessaire pour pouvoir interpoler les espaces de Sobolev. Dans le dernier chapitre de cette partie, nous définissons les espaces de Sobolev non homog'nes W^1_p,V (resp. homogènes ) associés à un potentiel positif V sur une variété Riemannienne. Nous démontrons que si la variété véifie la propriété de doublement et une inégalité de Poincaré et si de plus V est dans une classe de Holder inverse, ces espaces forment aussi une échelle d'interpolation réelle pour un intervalle de valeurs de p. Nous étendons ce résultat aux cas des groupes de Lie. Dans la deuxième partie, dans un premier chapitre en collaboration avec E. Russ, nous étudions sur un graphe vérifiant la propriété de doublement et une inégalité de Poincaré, la Lp bornitude de la transformée de Riesz pour p > 2 et son inégalité inverse pour p < 2. Pour notre but, nous démontrons aussi des résultats d'interpolation des espaces de Sobolev et des inégalités de Littlewood-Paley. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous démontrons en utilisant notre résultat d'interpolation, des inégalités de Gagliardo-Nirenberg sur les variétés Riemanniennes complètes vérifiant le doublement, des inégalités de Poincaré et pseudo-Poincaré. Ce résultat s'applique aussi dans le cadre des groupes de Lie et des graphes.

Koncept, praxe a kultura lobbování v anglofonních zemích / The concept, practice and culture of lobbying in the English speaking countries

Vymětal, Petr January 2004 (has links)
The regulation of lobbying is a current topic both at the level of international organizations as well as in many European and overseas countries. This work deals with the comparison of the rules on lobbying in selected English-speaking countries. Descriptive, doctrinal and comparative methods are used to analyze the main trends in the lobbying regulation of the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland as well as Australia. The text is structured into four chapters. The first chapter deals with the definition of lobbying and its differences from corrupt dealings; it also covers the types of lobbying activities and the various kinds of lobbyists. The second chapter attempts to contextualize lobbying into the theories of the decision-making process. A comparison of the similarities and differences of the lobbying rules is made and analyzed in the third and fourth chapters. Both the third and the fourth chapter have a similar structure -- first, the general rules and approaches to regulation are introduced, and then a comparison of selected English-speaking countries is made. The third chapter deals with the most common rules for lobbyists; the fourth chapter focuses on the relatively neglected side of lobbying contacts, i.e. the rules for the targets of lobbying (public office holders). In the end, some measures and recommendations for the Czech Republic are also outlined.

Visibility at risk for women as rights-holders : a study with regard to a refugee camp context

Zetterqvist, Jenny January 2019 (has links)
By taking the recognition of persons as rights-holders in the framework of international human rights into account, this study directs its attention to women in protracted refugee situations, restricted to stay in camps also when their human rights are at risk due to various forms of violence. The question in focus is the following: To what extent may there be a risk that women in a refugee camp context, distinguished by a protracted refugee situation, do not become visible as rights-holders and entrusted to act with regard to international human rights and the problem of violence against women, especially domestic violence? The research process has taken the form of a continuous dialogue with the material for the study, a dialogue directing attention to material from an established international human rights system on one hand and material dealing with a local refugee camp context on the other. The study finds its entry-point primarily in the context of the international human rights treaty the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), including the work of the CEDAW Committee as a treaty body, and also the international mandate of the Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, its causes and consequences. Due to the presence of a variety of justice mechanisms in the camps, certain aspects of a local customary law tradition are also addressed. The existence of an unlocked legal door for women to take actions in family law matters, or in cases of gender-based violence is something not to take for granted. The hindrances could lie deep in the legal system practiced. It could be an issue of not being entrusted by the structure of the system to act in person, as woman, with a legal capacity and by own right before the law. The study underlines the importance of sharpened awareness and analysis of the presence of a complex legal context and a variety of customary law traditions in the camps. It appears from the study that for women in a refugee camp to be able to act as rights-holders and claim human rights as laid down in human rights conventions, the issue of visibility is not only a matter of training in presenting facts on the ground in front of local authorities. To be visible in addressing the problem of gender-based violence and gaps in protection of human rights in a refugee camp context is first and foremost an issue for women to be recognized the right to act in legal matters. It is an issue of having the freedom of expression and to be recognized the social and legal status to act in their own capacity in front of the local legal structures, including the local customary law context, and to address international human rights monitoring mechanisms, such as the CEDAW Committee or the Special Rapporteur.

Estimation asymptotiquement exacte en norme sup de fonctions multidimensionnelles

Bertin, Karine 23 November 2004 (has links) (PDF)
On étudie deux modèles statistiques: le modèle de régression à pas aléatoire et le modèle de bruit blanc gaussien. Dans ces modèles, le but est d'estimer en norme sup une fonction f inconnue, à partir des observations, en supposant que f appartient à une classe de Holder. Dans le modèle de régression, pour l'estimation d'une fonction unidimensionnelle, on obtient la constante exacte et un estimateur asymptotiquement exact. Dans le modèle de bruit blanc, on s'intéresse à l'estimation sur deux classes de fonctions multidimensionnelles anisotropes dont une est une classe additive. Pour ces deux classes, on détermine la constante exacte et un estimateur asymptotiquement exact et on met en évidence leur lien avec l'"optimal recovery". La dernière partie donne des résultats d'asymptotique exacte dans un cadre adaptatif dans le modèle de bruit blanc. On détermine la constante exacte adaptative et un estimateur asymptotiquement exact adaptatif pour l'estimation sur des classes anisotropes.

Konstruktion av steghållare till brandbilar / Construction of ladder holder for fire engines

Svanström, Joel, Muschke, Daniel January 2010 (has links)
High demands are set on all equipment used in emergency service work, where small margins can be the distinguishing factor between life and death during a rescue operation. It is important that tools such as ladders quickly and easily can be dismounted from a vehicle and still satisfy the regulatory requirements for securing loads during transport. The existing solution for getting ladders down from the roof of a fire engine requires a large manual effort from the user in an ergonomically unsound posture. In this degree project a new ladder holder is developed with focus on the user to solve the ergonomic problems and at the same time create a more compact design that can be adapted to several different types of ladders. After an initial pre-study with user-interviews and measurement of forces and distances a set of requirements was formulated that came to govern the project's direction. Creative methods were used to generate concepts that improved the function and through design solutions, calculations and testing in CAD a base for manufacturing of a new product was created. The result is a completely new type of ladder holder that minimizes the user's manual effort and simplifies the securing of ladders in the holder. Measures have been taken to reduce material usage and manufacturing cost, while aiming for reliability and durability. Further development and construction of physical prototypes is needed before the new ladder holder can go into production. / Höga krav ställs på all utrustning som används vid räddningstjänstens arbete, då små marginaler kan vara skillnaden mellan liv och död under en utryckning vid olycka. Det är viktigt att verktyg såsom stegar snabbt och enkelt kan monteras av från ett fordon och samtidigt uppfyller lagkrav för säkring av last under färd. Den existerande lösningen för att få ned stegar från taket på en brandbil kräver en stor manuell kraftansträngning från användaren i en oergonomisk arbetsställning. I detta examensarbete utvecklas en ny steghållare med användaren i fokus för att lösa de ergonomiska problemen och samtidigt skapa en mer kompakt konstruktion som kan anpassas till flera olika typer av stegar. Efter en inledande förstudie med användarintervjuer och mätning av krafter och avstånd formulerades en kravspecifikation som kom att styra projektets inriktning. Kreativa metoder användes för att generera koncept som förbättrade funktionen och via konstruktionslösningar, beräkningar och tester i CAD skapades ett tillverkningsunderlag för en ny produkt. Resultatet är en helt ny typ av steghållare som minimerar användarens manuella kraft-ansträngning och förenklar låsningen av stegarna i hållaren. Åtgärder har tagits för att minska materialåtgång och tillverkningskostnad samtidigt som pålitlighet och hållfasthet har eftersträvats. Mer utveckling och konstruktion av fysiska prototyper är nödvändig innan den nya steghållaren kan gå i produktion.

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