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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Titta på Muhammeds dotter! : -en kvalitativ studie om kvinnans roll i den kurdiska kulturen. / Look at Mohammed’s daughter! : -a qualitative study about the role of women in Kurdish culture

Humaloja Olsson, Mari January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur kurdiska kvinnor rekonstruerar könsroller, normer och värderingar i spänningsfältet mellan den kurdiska kulturen och det svenska samhället utifrån en hedersdiskurs. Utifrån syftet har studien diskursanalys som metod och teori med stora, och stundtals nationella, diskurser i fokus. Empirin i studien består av tidigare forskning och sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med kurdiska kvinnor. Kvinnorna i studien deltar fritt oberoende av varandra och de har blivit tillfrågade om de vill delta via bekanta eller på kurdiska forum i sociala medier. Resultatet uppnås genom en kategorisering av den insamlade empirin där fyra olika teman har skapats; Att tillhöra kollektivet, kvinnans möjliga identiteter, våldskapitalet i den kurdiska kulturen och för nationen. Studiens teori och metod består av en diskursanalys inspirerade av Foucault med begreppen identitet, subjektsposition och makt i fokus liksom Bourdieus teori om symboliskt kapital. Inledningen av studien belyser Kurdistans bakgrund och ett perspektiv på det kurdiska samhällets uppbyggnad. Det teoretiska perspektivet är kontextberoende och består av en hedersdiskurs som förekommer på nationell nivå liksom på kollektiv nivå i det kurdiska samhället. Den internationella forskningen kretsar kring patriarkala samhällen med könsroller, våldsnormer och hederskultur i fokus. Den nationella forskningen belyser intersektionella perspektiv utifrån makt, klass och i viss mån etnicitet. Resultatet visar att kvinnan är ett objekt, att våldet är norm och att nationsbyggandet är viktiga principer inom den kurdiska kulturen. Studien problematiserar till viss del även Islams påverkan på den kurdiska kulturen liksom betydelsen av avsaknaden av ett eget moderland för kurder. I studiens slutdiskussion konstateras att Sverige och svenskarna till stor del saknar kulturkompetens vilket skulle kunna vara ett viktigt verktyg för ett framtida samhällsbyggande då flera olika kulturer ska förenas och vävas in i en och samma samhällsgemenskap. Det konstateras också att det behövs mer kunskap kring kulturella skillnader avseende normer och värderingar vilket rimligtvis behöver forskas mer kring för att svenska myndigheter ska kunna förstå hur ett framtida arbete mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck ska bedrivas liksom hur verksamheter som främjar jämställdhet ska organisera sitt arbete. / The purpose of this study is to describe how Kurdish women reconstruct gender roles, norms and values in the field between the Kurdish culture and the Swedish society from an honour discourse view. With this purpose the study use discourse-analysis as method and theory with large and occasionally national discourses in focus. Empirical data in this study derives from earlier research and from six semi-structured interviews with Kurdish women. The women of this study participate freely independent of each-other and has been asked if they want to attend via acquaintances or at Kurdish forums in social media. Results are achieved by categorisation of the collected empirical data into four designed themes; to belong to the collective, possible identities for women, violence capital in the Kurdish culture and for the nation. The study´s theory and method consists of a discourse analysis inspired by Foucault with the concepts of identity, subject position and power in focus as well as Bourdieu´s theory of symbolic capital. The introduction of the study elucidates the background of Kurdistan and a perspective on the structure of the Kurdish society. The theoretical perspective is context-dependent and consist of an honour-discourse that exists on a national level as well as on the communal level in the Kurdish society. International research shed light on patriarchal societies with focus on with gender-roles; violence norms and honour-culture. The national research accent intersectional perspectives regarding power, class and to some extent ethnicity. Results show that women are objects, violence is a norm and building of a nation are important principles within the Kurdish culture. The study also problematizes to some extent the influence of Islam on Kurdish culture and that the absence of their own country is of importance. In the concluding discussion it is observed that Sweden and the Swedes substantially lack cultural-competence which could be an important tool for society-development in the future when several different cultures need to be joined together in the same social community. It is also concluded that more knowledge about cultural differences in regards to norms and values is necessary which reasonably should be more studied as Swedish authorities needs to understand how future work against honour-related violence and oppression should be conducted as well as how activities that promotes equality should be organised.

På vägen hit kan de mötas av både spott och spe : En kvalitativ studie om hur skolkuratorer på gymnasieskolor bemöter och arbetar med elever med könsöverskridande identiteter / They May Face Both Spit and Derision on Their Way Here : A Qualitative Study on How School Counselors at Upper Secondary Schools Act Toward and Work with Adolescents with Gender Nonconforming Identites

Dahlberg, Tindra, Nilsson, Cornelia January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine school counselors experiences of meeting and working with adolescents with gender nonconforming identites. The study was based on two research questions which were stated as following: What do school counselors at upper secondary schools believe is essential when working with students with gender nonconforming identites? And is there access to regulatory documents or general material for school counselors to use when meeting students with gender nonconforming identites? And what are the school counselor's opinions on that being implemented? We decided to do a qualitative study and conducted six interviews with school counselors operating in six different upper secondary schools in Sweden. In addition to the interviews we decided to further our research to provide us with a global perspective using previous research as well as theories related to the purpose of the study. The results showed that school counselors found trust, continuity, confidentiality, situation based treatment, equality and gender inclusive language as most relevant to ensure students with gender nonconforming identites feel safe and accepted botn at school and as well as the counselors office. We also found there to be little to no regulatory documents or general material for school counselors to use when meeting students with gender nonconforming identites and the opinions among the informants were scattered where some had a positive take on it and others were critical.

Unisex som identitet i parfymproduktbeskrivningar : En diskursanalytisk studie om hur en unisexidentitet konstrueras språkligt / Unisex as an identity in perfume descriptions : A discourse analytical study about how a unisex identity is constructed linguistically

Nyström, Irma January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats har analyserat fem produktbeskrivningar av unisexparfymer från företaget Lushs sortiment. Uppsatsen undersöker med vilka språkliga hjälpmedel parfymerna görs begärliga i produktbeskrivningarna, hur performativa identiteter skapas i dessa och slutligen hur dessa identiteter är genuskodade. Studien använder sig av diskursanalys, analys av värderande ord samt analys av semantiska fält för att studera hur unisex konstrueras i produktbeskrivningarna. Resultatet visar att parfymerna görs begärliga genom att betona parfymernas ingredienser och dessa ingrediensers positiva kvaliteter. I produktbeskrivningarna kunde tre performativa identiteter utläsas, varav två kan hävdas vara genuskodade, en som representerar manligt kodade drag samt en som representerar kvinnligt kodade drag. Ytterligare visar det sig att den kvinnligt kodade performativa identiteten förekommer betydligt mer än den manligt kodade. Slutligen föreslår uppsatsen att Lush väljer att fästa vikt vid parfymernas ingredienser samt skapa en performativ identitet som går att spåra tillbaka till parfymen. Det är denna identitet som uppsatsen föreslår är en unisexidentitet. / This thesis analyzes five product descriptions of unisex perfumes from the company Lush’s assortment. The thesis examines which linguistic tools are used to make the products desirable in the product descriptions, how performative identities are created within these and how these identities could be claimed to be gender coded. The study uses discourse analysis, valuing words and semantic fields to find out how unisex is constructed in the product descriptions. The result shows that the perfumes are made desirable by emphasizing the perfumes ingredients and their positive qualities. In the product descriptions three performative identities could be found, where two of these could be claimed to be gender coded: one which represent male traits and one which represents female traits. Further the study shows that that the female coded performative identity occurs significantly more than the male coded. This thesis suggests that Lush chooses to emphasize the ingredients and create a performative identity which could be traced back to the perfume advertised. This identity is the one that the thesis suggests is a unisex identity.

Freedom and Diversity, Openness and Acception : En kvalitativ studie om ukrainska flyktingars upplevelse av nationell identitet under pågående konflikt / “Freedom and Diversity, Openness and Acception” : A qualitative study of Ukrainian refugees’ experience of national identity during ongoing conflict

Hörnmark, Stina January 2023 (has links)
At the time of this study the war in Ukraine has been going on for one year and three months. Russia invaded Ukraine on the 24th of February 2022 with the purpose of erasing the Ukrainian state and its national identity. The purpose of this study is to investigate how Ukrainian citizens view their national identity during an ongoing invasion of their country, and the war that followed that invasion. In addition to that, this study investigates if and how Ukrainian refugees in Sweden have acted to maintain their Ukrainian identity during the time they are staying in Sweden. The study is based on previous research about national identity, nationalism and identity. The study uses two main theoretical approaches: national identity as an imagined community and national identity in relation to ethno-symbolism. The study is a qualitative study that has used eight semi-structured interviews which were performed during a period of three weeks in April to May of 2023.After a thematical analysis of the collected information from the participants this study points to that the perceived national identity with Ukrainian refugees in Sweden is strong, and the participants feel that it has grown stronger since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The participants also describe a strengthened unity between Ukrainians, both in their physical context in Sweden but also with Ukrainians who are spread out in the rest of the world. According to the participants in this study this unity will continue after the war has ended, and this will have a positive effect on Ukrainians within Ukraine. In contrast to what has happened after earlier conflicts between Ukraine and Russia, the result of this study indicates that the positive changes that has happened regarding the Ukrainian national identity and community since the invasion will be maintained after the war, and this thanks to the collective memory with Ukrainians.According to the participants of this study Ukraine as a nation and Ukrainians as a people will evolve and free themselves from the Russian propaganda that has, both internally and externally, shaped the Ukrainian national identity. This will be done by the Ukrainian people, joining to tell, spread and preserve Ukrainian history, culture and tradition as well as the Ukrainian language.

Den ryska militära inblandningen i Syrien : ”En kvalitativ fallstudie med inriktning på realism och socialkonstruktivism”

Mustafa, Nawaf January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this research paper was to examine and understand how Russia contributed to be exacerbating the situation in Syria, leading it from peaceful protests demanding freedom, justice, and a better social and economic life, to a devastating civil war that took and displaced the lives of millions around the world. It seeks to answer why Russia chose to militarily engage in the conflict that began on March 15, 2011. The thesis explores Russian´s methodology in exerting influence and navigating global power structures becomes apparent. The theoretical framework includes realism to analyze Russian´s intentions, with elements of self-interest, balance of power, and security dilemma. Additionally, social constructivism is used to illustrate how identities and norms influenced the course of events.    In conclusion, the thesis determines that Russia viewed the crisis as an opportunity to benefit its own interests and increase its power. There are many other significant geopolitical actors, including the USA, China, Turkey, and Iran, that have a history of utilizing international crises to advance their own strategic goals. Despite the actions of these countries, the focus remains on Russia.

Ungas politiska deltagande på sociala medier : Ungas upplevelser av det politiska klimatet på sociala medier under den svenska valrörelsen 2022

Andersson, Belinda, Omoomian, Fabian January 2023 (has links)
During recent years, there has been a major change in the way people engage in politics. The introduction of social media to the world, as well as the fact that the number of members of political parties has halved between 1990 and 2010, are part of a major shift in the study of political participation and engagement. This change shows that there has been a switch in political engagement, from the traditional representative democracy institutions to a much more digital way. Having taken this into consideration, this study aims to explore how young first-time Swedish voters experienced the political climate on social media during the Swedish general election in 2022. The focal point of this study is firstly to answer how the voters believe that the political climate on social media affected their political gathering of information ahead of the election. Secondly, to gain a deeper understanding of the students' opinions and experiences on politics in social media in relation to concepts like tolerance, freedom of speech, intolerance and censorship. And thirdly, if these experiences seem to influence the first-time voters' political participation and engagement on social media. The theoretical framework is foremost based on Henrik Bang’s theory on project-oriented identities, John Stuart Mill's understanding of freedom of speech and political scientist Sigal Ben-Porath’s definition on censorship. The method that will carry out this paper is face-to-face interviews with 10 upper secondary school students in a social science class in Orebro. The chosen method is content analysis, combined with an analysis scheme which will outline the empirical collection based on four main categories. The results show that the first-time voters did not use social media voluntarily for political information gathering, but that it rather happened because social media is part of their everyday life. The study also demonstrates that the first-time voters considered the political climate on social media as relatively harsh. Their opinions also vary regarding the political climate in relation to tolerance, freedom of speech, intolerance and censorship. Lastly, it was rather difficult to know with certainty whether the first-time voters’ experiences of the political climate had an impact on their political participation and engagement or not, but that it may possibly have been the case.

En Superdiagnos : Språklig granskning av hur offentliga individer konstruerar fram en egen bild av ADHD

Linde, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Arbetet lyfter fram olika framställningar av Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD. För att visa hur konstruktioner byggs upp kommer utgångspunkten vara att granska hur språket i framställningarna används. Syftet med att skildra ytterligheterna i de olika tolkningarna är att belysa att det dels är den sociala kontexten som påverkar talakterna men även hur diskurser påverkar varandra. Det diskurspsykologiska begreppet tolkningsrepertoarer hjälper till att dela in diskurserna i olika sociala sammanhang. Inledningsvis redovisas studier som skildrar hur vardagsdiskurser påverkas av de mer traditionella forskningsdiskurserna. Det är ett specifikt socialt sammanhang som undersöks - en slags semi-vardags-diskurs - som utmärker sig för att vara starkt påverkat av avsändarnas yrkesidentitet som influencers. Materialet som granskas är främst publicerade texter på olika influencers bloggar. Det är fem individer som har valts ut för att de skriver om ADHD på ett sätt där de kopplar sin identitet till diagnosen. Genom att kartlägga subjektspositioner kan det utläsas att aktörerna positionerar sig i en expertroll - de uttrycker hur ADHD-diagnostiserade bör vända sin diagnos till enbart en tillgång. Det skildras hur aktörerna skapar sina egen tolkningsrepertoar samtidigt som de i enstaka fall påverkas av de traditionella forskningsframställningarna. Språkliga handlingar används som resurser för att lyfta fram de sidor av ADHD som gynnar avsändarna. Gemensamt för samtliga utom en är att de vill gestalta en vändning när det kommer till deras egen inställning till diagnosen, vilket ofta görs genom att beskriva ett stökigt förflutet i kontrast till hur de beskriver att de idag ser på ADHD som näst intill enbart något positivt. Aktören vars beskrivningar skiljer sig från resten, ska visa sig inte vara diagnostiserad men talar ändå på ett sätt där identitet kopplas till diagnos - genom att beskriva sina beteenden som ”typiska för en ADHD-person”. Ytterligare en aspekt som förstärker konstaterandet av att de aktörer vars språk granskas, framställer en stark koppling mellan identitet och diagnos.

En text- och bildanalys av kulturella inslag i fyra läroböcker i engelska riktade till de yngre barnen

Mårts, Susanne January 2009 (has links)
<p>Kultur är ett oerhört komplext och omfattande begrepp som finns omnämnt i de olika läroplanerna och i kursplanen i engelska. Eleverna ska bland annat reflektera över levnadssätt och kulturer i engelsktalande länder och kunna göra jämförelser med egna erfarenheter, även känna till något om vardagslivet i något land där engelska används. Det här är mål som ska uppnås i årskurs fem enligt kursplanen i engelska. Mitt syfte var att undersöka om läroböcker i engelska riktade till de yngre barnen, överensstämmer med vad styrdokumenten säger. Jag har gjort en text- och bildanalys av fyra olika läroböcker för att se vilka engelskspråkiga länder som representeras, hur de representeras, om eleverna får insikt i den mångkulturalitet som finns i världen och om de även kan göra jämförelser och få en förståelse av talad engelska i olika situationer. Mitt resultat är dock nedslående och slutsatsen jag drar är att läroböckerna inte utgår från vad styrdokumenten säger. Så gott som inga möjligheter att jämföra med den egna kulturen finns, någon mångkulturalitet är det inte frågan om i någon av böckerna och de enda länder som antyds är England, USA och Canada. Den information som ges om dessa länder är genomgående vag.</p>

Det förlovade folkhemmet? : en studie av svensk civilreligion speglat i socialdemokraternas retorik 1928 - 2008

Brehmer, Thorbjörn January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this paper is to apply Robert N. Bellahs theory of civil religion, within a Swedish societal context. Bellahs theory was designed in, and influenced by American culture. Therefore, the “translation” of Bellahs theory does not come without problems. A methodological discussion concludes with methods focusing on national self-conceptions. Through this method, the Swedish social democratic notion of the “folkhem” can be related to the notions included by “the American way of life”. The “folkhem” as well as “the American way of life” includes ideas of the nation, made up by specific historical events, in both nations. Those ideas are vital parts of the national self conception in both nations. Historical premises are constantly reborn through the rhetorical reinterpretation, and through the eyes of Bellah, the notion of the folkhem creates a national embracive, ethical value system. The notion of the folkhem still is viable in the Swedish society. Contemporary use of the folkhem-notion is discerned by the threats of globalization and neoliberlismic tendencies. In the light of these threats, the folkhem-notion includes the preservation of Puritanism ideals.</p><p> </p>

Sjuksköterskans roll och behov av utökad utbildning i palliativ vård : en litteraturstudie / Nurse’s role and the need of further education in palliative care : a literature review

Medin, Malin January 2010 (has links)
Palliative care is a care that focuses on providing end of life care but not to delay or hasten death. Despite training, nurses often show a lack of knowledge in attitude, ethics and healthcare issues of palliative care. The nurse in palliative care has a central role in caring of the dying patient and therefore a big responsibility. However, palliative care is a low priority in basic training. The aim of this study is to investigate the roles of nurses in palliative care and if there is a need for increased education in the subject. The method is a qualitative literature review that is based on eight articles.Result and conclusion shows that the nurse role in palliative care is about nurse’s professional development and knowledge, self-awareness, leadership, supportive and communication skills. The nurse role in palliative care is about good self-awareness in health issues, ethics and treatment. Support program for nurses in palliative care is needed and there is also a great need for more discussion of ethical issues in palliative care. The conclusion of this study shows that the nurse needs to have a good self-awareness in health issues, ethics and treatment. Support programs and better focus on the substance of the basic education of nurses must be better when there is a great need for more discussion of ethical issues in palliative care. Nurses must be aware of the importance and meaningfulness of the nursing role. / Palliativ  vård  är  en  vårdform  som  inriktar  sig  på  att  ge  lindrande  vård  som  varken  ska fördröja eller påskynda döden. Trots utbildning visar vårdpersonal på en bristande kunskap inom bemötande, etik och vårdfrågor rörande palliativ vård. Sjuksköterskan inom palliativ vård har en central roll i omvårdnad av den döende patienten och därmed ett stort ansvar. Palliativ  vård  är  ett  ämne  som  är  lågprioriterat  i  grundutbildningarna  för  sjuksköterskor. Syftet  med  denna  studie  är  att  undersöka  sjuksköterskans  roll  i  omvårdnad  vid  palliativ vård för att se om det finns ett behov av utökad utbildning inom ämnet. Metoden var en kvalitativ litteraturstudie som var baserad på analys av åtta stycken vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat och slutsats visade att sjuksköterskans roll i omvårdnad vid palliativ vård handlar om     Sjuksköterskans     professionella     utveckling     och     kunskap,     Sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt, Sjuksköterskans förmåga att fatta beslut och Sjuksköterskans stödjande &amp; kommunikativa  förmåga.  Sjuksköterskan  behöver  ha  en  god  självinsikt  i vårdfrågor,  etik och  bemötande.  Stödprogram  och  bättre  fokus  på  ämnet  i  grundutbildningarna  för sjuksköterskor måste bli bättre då det finns ett stort behov av mer diskussion kring etiska aspekter  inom  den  palliativa  vården.  Sjuksköterskan  måste  vara  införstådd  i  vilken betydelse och meningsfullhet sjuksköterskerollen har.

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