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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’objectivité comme posture éthique dans l’onto-épistémologie de Donna Haraway : réponse au problème de l’objectivité en épistémologie féministe

Dufour-Villeneuve, Laurence 12 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire se veut une présentation et une interprétation de l’épistémologie de la philosophe féministe Donna Haraway, ainsi qu’une contribution à son rayonnement. Dans un premier temps, nous abordons le dilemme qui oppose deux grands types de réactions critiques face à la notion d’objectivité telle qu’elle est traditionnellement conçue : les réappropriations féministes de l’objectivité d’une part, et une forme de constructivisme radical « postmoderne » qui nie la possibilité d’accéder au monde réel et à un positionnement objectif d’autre part. Nous utilisons cette tension afin de mettre en évidence la manière originale dont Haraway la surmonte et afin d’éclaircir la notion d’objectivité encorporée qui se trouve au cœur de son approche théorique. Pour ce faire, nous la mettons en dialogue avec deux de ses interlocuteur.ices privilégié.es, Nancy Hartsock et Bruno Latour. Dans un deuxième temps, nous adoptons une posture d’interprétation internaliste et tentons d’établir la matrice conceptuelle dans laquelle la notion d’objectivité encorporée telle que la promeut Haraway prend sens. Nous nous attellerons alors à isoler et définir les concepts les plus importants que son approche met en jeu, sans pour autant remettre en question son caractère résolument non systématique. Le dernier temps de notre analyse consiste en une mise à l’épreuve de l’appareillage conceptuel que nous avons développé par l’application du dispositif épistémologique de Haraway à un objet de connaissance précis (le fœtus) afin de montrer concrètement le type de gains, en termes de savoirs et de compréhension, auquel donne accès l’épistémologie de l’autrice. / This master’s thesis is a presentation and interpretation of the epistemology of the feminist philosopher Donna Haraway, as well as a contribution to her influence. First, we address the dilemma that opposes two major types of critical reactions to the notion of objectivity as it is traditionally conceived: feminist reappropriations of objectivity on the one hand, and a form of radical "postmodern" constructivism that denies the possibility of access to the real world and to an objective positioning on the other hand. We use this tension to highlight the original way in which Haraway overcomes it, and to clarify the notion of embodied objectivity that lies at the heart of her theoretical approach. To do so, we put her in dialogue with two of her privileged interlocutors, Nancy Hartsock and Bruno Latour. Secondly, we adopt a posture of internalist interpretation and attempt to establish the conceptual matrix in which the notion of embodied objectivity as promoted by Haraway takes on meaning. We will then attempt to isolate and define the most important concepts involved in her approach, without questioning its resolutely non-systematic character. The last stage of our analysis consists in testing the conceptual apparatus that we have developed by applying Haraway's epistemological device to a precise object of knowledge (the fetus) in order to show concretely the type of gains, in terms of knowledge and understanding, to which her epistemology gives access.

Jag vill inte se din perfekta frukost när jag sitter i min fåtölj och har brödsmulor på bröstet : En autoetnografisk- och kritisk analys om visuellt material och den egna upplevelsen på plattformen Instagram / I don't want to see your perfect breakfast while sitting in my armchair with crumbs on my chest : Research of visual material and the own experience on Instagram through autoetnography and critical analysis

Filipsson, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsatsen handlar om utmaningen att få distans till ett visuellt material på Instagram och varför ett material betraktas på sättet det görs. Syftet med uppsatsen är på så sätt att hitta en djupare förståelse för min ståndpunkt i det visuella meningsskapandet och hur dagens visuella kultur speglas på Instagram. Uppsatsen uppnår detta genom en kritisk och subjektiv forskningsansats med hjälp av den teoretiska grundeni fenomenologi, feministisk ståndpunktsteori och autoetnografi. Undersökningen sker genom en metodkombination av autoetnografi och kritisk bildanalys där en instagramdagbok kombineras med foton från influensers eller kreatörer. I den autoetnografiska metoden tar jag, uppsatsens författare, ståndpunkten som ung kvinna medan jag i den kritiska bildanalysen tar ståndpunkten som grafisk designer. Metodkombinationen ger ett resultat som visar hur ståndpunkten, objekt och människans erfarenhet kan vara med och påverka en tolkning av ett foto. Resultatet visar även att influensers och kreatörer har en tydlig visuellt kommunicerad självrepresentation på Instagram. Den slutsats som kan dras genom uppsatsen är att den egna ståndpunkten har en avgörande betydelse i en analys av visuellt material, samt att branchen bör överväga ståndpunktens roll och ge betraktaren en större transparens.

Knowing To Transform : Sustainability and Openness In a (Post?)Colonial World

Reid, Navit January 2023 (has links)
Sustainability is seen as the solution to the wicked crisis of our unsustainability. However, the ways in which we know, understand, and enact sustainable solutions can often mean our participation reinforces the systems, institutions, and paradigms which have created our unsustainable societies in the first place. So how can we learn to be, do, think differently within them? Guided by a post-qualitative approach, this project investigates the relationship between knowledge systems and sustainable transformations, in an attempt to understand how we “know” sustainability and how such knowledge affects our ability to enact it. By deconstructing this relationship and situating it within communities of practice and the socio-historical frames of capitalism and colonialism, one’s own role emerges as a learner, researcher, and participant in transformation. In this situatedness, the need for concurrent transformations becomes clear: of not just the political and economic systems that drive our constant growth, but also the knowledge systems which underpin them. In this light, the Open Knowledge movement and Braided Knowledges are used as two case studies of knowledge system transformation, which provide an early glimpse into how our relationships with knowledge may help lead the way towards sustainable futures.

Nye skabelsesberetninger om æg, sæd og embryoner : Et etnografisk studie af skabelser på sædbanker og fertilitetsklinikker

Adrian, Stine January 2006 (has links)
Avhandlingen handlar om användandet av assisterad befruktning i Danmark och Sverige. Teknologierna är intressanta eftersom de skapar möjligheter för barn att födas som annars inte skulle ha blivit till. De utmanar också normerande föreställningar om sexualitet, etnicitet, normalitet, ålder, kön och släktskap. Genom att undersöka vad som sker i mötet mellan normer, patienter, personal, teknologi och könsceller på fertilitetskliniker och spermabanker, skapar avhandlingen insikt i de skapelse- och förändringsprocesser som äger rum. Analysen visar hur beslutsfattare, personal och patienter förhåller sig till teknologierna. Den genomgående princip som används för att sätta etiska gränser utgörs av försök att imitera naturen. Denna princip omförhandlas och förändras dock ständigt. Omförhandlingar kan äga rum i möten med teknologin eller genom kroppars sätt att reagera på. De äger också rum då naturaliseringsprincipen skapar absurda situationer, t.ex. sådana i vilka patienter och deras kommande barn stigmatiseras och marginaliseras. Med utgångspunkt i den empiriska analysen bidrar avhandlingen dessutom till en teoretisk förståelse av hur materialiseringsprocesser (skapelseprocesser) äger rum i mötet mellan diskurser och materiell agens. Avhandlingen är skriven med utgångspunkt i feministiska och teknovetenskapliga studier och kan läsas som ett bidrag till feministisk ny materialtetsteori och metod. / This thesis investigates the use of assisted reproduction in Denmark and Sweden. Assisted reproduction is fascinating, because it enables the creation of children who would not have been born otherwise. At the same time, it challenges existing norms concerning sexuality, ethnicity, normality, age, gender and kinship. The processes of creation and change that take place at fertility clinics and sperm banks are analyzed by exploring the encounters between norms, patients, employees, technology and gametes. The analysis shows how legislators, patients and employees relate to and manage the use of these technologies. It illustrates that the predominant principle used for setting ethical limits is the mimicking of nature. However, this principle is constantly negotiated and changed. One reason is that negotiations take place in an encounter with the agency of the technology, gametes and body. Another reason for the change of the naturalization principle is that absurd situations, such as stigmatization and marginalization of patients and their technologically conceived children, take place. The empirical analysis also contributes to a theoretical understanding of how materialization processes (creation processes) take place in the encounters between discourse and material agency. The thesis is written with a point of departure in feminist science studies, and can be read as a contribution to feminist new materialist theory and method.

Acclimater le conte sous nos latitudes : Une sociologie pragmatique du renouveau du conte / Acclimating Tale in Our Latitudes : A pragmatic sociology of the storytelling revival

Haeringer, Anne Sophie 17 November 2011 (has links)
Dans la perspective d’une sociologie pragmatique, cette thèse interroge ce qu’il en est du renouveau du conte. Ainsi, il ne s’agit pas de définir les causes de ce phénomène datant des années 1970, ni d’établir des filiations – entre un conte considéré comme « traditionnel » et un « néoconte » – mais de prendre pour thème de l’enquête celles qui lui sont prêtées par les conteurs ou les chercheurs s’étant intéressés à la question. L’approche n’étant pas interprétative, la thèse ne s’intéresse pas au texte, ni même au couplage texte/contexte, mais au conte-en-acte. Elle propose de penser le renouveau du conte en termes d’acclimatation plutôt que de changement de contexte et introduit ce faisant la notion de milieu. Cette hypothèse du conte associé à son milieu est mise à l’épreuve des redéfinitions contemporaines de la pratique du conte. Une première épreuve est considérée comme centrale en ce qu’elle transforme le mode d’existence du conte : grâce aux collectes entreprises par les folkloristes puis les ethnologues, le conte existe désormais sous un état non seulement graphique mais surtout bibliographique. Cette épreuve chapeaute toutes les autres. Les deux épreuves examinées ensuite sont celles de la persistance, à la campagne ou à la ville, d’une version ethnologisante du conte qui considère que le conte est attaché à la communauté. Les deux dernières épreuves concernent la définition d’une version esthétisante du conte. La thèse montre alors que le processus d’autonomisation du conte – au plan esthétique comme au plan politique ou institutionnel – n’aboutit jamais ; surtout qu’il n’y a là ni un défaut du conte ni une défaillance de ceux qui le défendent. Au contraire, c’est là leur qualité : le conte est une parole bègue, un art en mode mineur.Prenant au sérieux la réflexivité dont font preuve les acteurs du conte, la thèse met également en évidence, chemin faisant, différents régimes de réflexivité croisée entre les chercheurs et les acteurs du conte. / From a pragmatic sociology point of view, this dissertation calls into questions what the revival of storytelling is about. It does not deal with defining the causes of this phenomenon which dates back to the 1970s, nor with drawing filiations – from a storytelling understood as “traditional” and to a “new-storytelling” – but it is about focusing on those storytellers or researchers attribute to it. As the approach is not interpretative, the dissertation does not focus on the text, nor on the articulation text/context, but on the tale-in-action. It tries to figure the revival of storytelling in terms of acclimatation rather than of context evolutions. Thus, it weaves the notion of milieu.Contemporary redefinitions of the practice of storytelling challenge this hypothesis of a storytelling connected to its milieu. A first probing test can be considered as crucial as it transforms tale’s mode of existence: through collections initiated by folklorists and later on ethnologists, tale now exists not only in a graphic, but also bibliographic form. This probing test embraces the others.The two probing tests that are then explored are those of the persistence, in rural spaces as much as in cities, of an ethnologizing version of storytelling, which considers storytelling as tied to the community.The last two probing tests deal with the definition of an aestheticizing version of storytelling. The dissertation evinces then that the process of autonomization of storytelling – on the aesthetic level as much as on the political or institutional one – is never accomplished; especially since there is neither a flaw of storytelling or a failure of those who promote it. On the contrary, it is their quality: storytelling is stuttered speech, an art in a minor mode.Considering with attention the reflexivity actors of storytelling are showing, the dissertation also underlines, along its way, different regimes of crossed reflexivity between researchers and actors of storytelling.

Indigenous knowledges and power in friction with human rights and development discourses : the case of the Witoto Ethnic Safeguarding Plan in the Colombian Amazon

Herrera Arango, Alvaro Diego H. 09 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les négociations interculturelles des Gens du Centre (groupe amazonien multi-ethnique) avec les discours universels de droits humains et de développement mobilisés par l’État colombien. L’analyse se concentre sur le Plan de sauvegarde ethnique Witoto chapitre Leticia (ESP), qui est un des 73 plans formulés et implémentés par l’État colombien pour reconnaître les droits des peuples autochtones en danger par le déplacement forcé causé par les conflits armés internes. J’analyse l’ESP à travers la notion de friction (Tsing, 2005) qui fait référence aux caractéristiques complexes, inégalitaires et changeantes des rencontres contemporaines entre les différences des savoirs locaux et globaux. Mon analyse se base aussi sur des approches foucaldiennes et/ou subalternes de pouvoir comme la recherche anticoloniale et de la décolonisation, les perspectives critiques et contre-hégémoniques des droits humains, le post-développement, et les critiques du féminisme au développement. L’objectif de la thèse est d’analyser les savoirs (concepts de loi, de justice et de développement); les logiques de pensée (pratiques, épistémologies, rôles et espaces pour partager et produire des savoirs); et les relations de pouvoir (formes de leadership, associations, réseaux, et formes d’empowerment et disempowerment) produits et recréés par les Gens du Centre au sein des frictions avec les discours de droits humains et du développement. La thèse introduit comment la région habitée par les Gens du Centre (le Milieu Amazone transfrontalier) a été historiquement connectée aux relations inégalitaires de pouvoir qui influencent les luttes actuelles de ce groupe autochtone pour la reconnaissance de leurs droits à travers l’ESP. L’analyse se base à la fois sur une recherche documentaire et sur deux terrains ethnographiques, réalisés selon une perspective critique et autoréflexive. Ma réflexion méthodologique explore comment la position des chercheurs sur le terrain influence le savoir ethnographique et peut contribuer à la création des relations interculturelles inclusives, flexibles et connectées aux besoins des groupes locaux. La section analytique se concentre sur comment le pouvoir circule simultanément à travers des échelles nationale, régionale et locale dans l’ESP. J’y analyse comment ces formes de pouvoir produisent des sujets individuels et collectifs et s’articulent à des savoirs globaux ou locaux pour donner lieu à de nouvelles formes d’exclusion ou d’émancipation des autochtones déplacés. Les résultats de la recherche suggèrent que les Gens du Centre approchent le discours des droits humains à travers leurs savoirs autochtones sur la « loi de l’origine ». Cette loi établit leur différence culturelle comme étant à la base du processus de reconnaissance de leurs droits comme peuple déplacé. D’ailleurs, les Gens du Centre approprient les discours et les projets de développement à travers la notion d’abondance qui, comprise comme une habileté collective qui connecte la spiritualité, les valeurs culturelles, et les rôles de genre, contribue à assurer l’existence physique et culturelle des groupes autochtones. Ma thèse soutient que, même si ces savoirs et logiques de pensée autochtones sont liés à des inégalités et à formes de pouvoir local, ils peuvent contribuer à des pratiques de droits humains et de développement plurielles, égalitaires et inclusives. / This dissertation analyzes the intercultural negotiations of the Amazonian multi-ethnic group of the People of the Centre with the universal discourses of human rights and development promoted by the Colombian State. I focus on the Leticia Witoto Ethnic Safeguarding Plan (ESP), which is one of the 73 plans formulated and implemented by the Colombian State to acknowledge the basic rights of indigenous groups endangered by internal forced displacement. I analyze the ESP through the notion of friction (Tsing, 2005), which refers to the complex, unequal, and changing character of contemporary encounters across difference between local and global knowledges. My analysis also draws on Foucauldian and/or subaltern approaches such as anti-colonial and decolonizing research, critical and counter-hegemonic perspectives on human rights, post-development, and feminist critiques of development. I analyze the knowledges (understandings of law, justice, and development), logics of thought (practices, epistemologies, roles, and spaces for sharing and producing knowledges), and power relations (forms of leadership, associations, networks, and forms of empowerment and disempowerment) that the People of the Centre produce and renew in their frictions with human rights and development discourses. I introduce the tri-border Middle Amazon as a region historically connected to unequal global relations of power. I argue that these historical power relations influence the conditions in which the People of the Centre struggle for their rights through the ESP. I draw my case study on documentary analysis and on two instances of self-reflective and critical ethnographic fieldwork. My methodological reflection explores how researchers’ positions in fieldwork influence ethnographic knowledge and can contribute to inclusive and flexible intercultural relations connected to the needs of local groups. My analysis focuses on how power circulates on national, regional, and local scales in the ESP. I analyze how this circulatory power produces individual and collective subjects and is articulated with specific forms of knowledge, influencing both exclusionary and emancipatory possibilities for displaced indigenous people. Research results suggest that the People of the Centre approach human rights through their indigenous knowledge on the “law of origin.” This law asserts their cultural difference as a central basis of recognition of their human rights as displaced indigenous people. Similarly, the People of the Centre appropriate development discourses and projects through the notion of abundance. Understood as a collective ability connecting spirituality, cultural values, and gender roles, the notion of abundance aims to ensure the physical and cultural group’s survival. I argue that, although they are tied to local and unequal forms of power, these indigenous knowledges and their logics of thought can contribute to plural, egalitarian, and situated concepts and practices of human rights and development. / Esta tesis doctoral analiza las negociaciones interculturales de la Gente de Centro (grupo amazónico multiétnico) con los discursos universales de derechos humanos y desarrollo promovidos por el Estado colombiano. La investigación se concentra en el Plan de salvaguarda étnica Uitoto capítulo Leticia (ESP), uno de los 73 planes formulados e implementados por el Estado colombiano para reconocer los derechos básicos de los grupos indígenas en riesgo de desplazamiento forzado. Mi análisis emplea la noción de “fricción” (Tsing, 2005), la cual se refiere a las características complejas, desiguales y cambiantes de los encuentros contemporáneos entre las diferencias que existen entre saberes locales y globales. El análisis se basa además en perspectivas foucaultdianas y/o subalternas como la investigación anticolonial y la descolonización, perspectivas críticas y contra hegemónicas de los derechos humanos, el post-desarrollo, y las críticas feministas al desarrollo. Analizo los saberes (conceptos de ley, justicia y desarrollo), lógicas de pensamiento (prácticas, epistemologías, roles y espacios para producir saberes), y relaciones de poder (formas de liderazgo, asociaciones, redes, y formas de empoderamiento y desempoderamiento) que la Gente de Centro produce y recrea a través de sus fricciones con discursos de derechos humanos y desarrollo. Contextualizo la región habitada por la Gente de Centro (la triple frontera del Medio Amazonas) como un área históricamente influida por relaciones inequitativas de poder global. Sostengo que estas relaciones globales inequitativas influyen en las condiciones desiguales en las que la Gente de Centro lucha por el reconocimiento de sus derechos a través del ESP. Mi estudio de caso se basa en análisis documental y en dos períodos de trabajo de campo desde perspectivas etnográficas críticas y auto reflexivas. Mi reflexión metodológica explora cómo las posiciones de los investigadores en el campo influyen el conocimiento etnográfico y pueden contribuir a relaciones interculturales incluyentes, flexibles y conectadas con las necesidades de los grupos locales. La sección analítica presenta cómo formas de poder nacional, regional y local circulan en el ESP. Analizo cómo estas formas de poder producen sujetos individuales y colectivos y se articulan con formas de saber global o local, produciendo tanto exclusiones como posibilidades de resistencia entre los desplazados indígenas. Los resultados de la investigación sugieren que la Gente de Centro se aproxima a la noción de derechos humanos a través del concepto indígena de la “ley de origen.” Esta ley propone las diferencias culturales indígenas como una base para el reconocimiento de sus derechos humanos como pueblos afectados por el desplazamiento forzado. Además, la Gente de Centro se apropia de los discursos y proyectos de desarrollo a través de la noción de abundancia. Entendida como una habilidad colectiva que conecta visiones espirituales, valores culturales y roles de género, la noción de abundancia contribuye a asegurar la supervivencia cultural y física del grupo indígena. Mi tesis sostiene que, aun cuando estos saberes y lógicas de pensamiento indígena están ligados con formas de desigualdad y poder local, pueden contribuir a conceptos y prácticas de derechos humanos y desarrollo con una visión plural, igualitaria y localmente incluyente.


JULIA HELIODORO SOUZA GITIRANA 24 October 2014 (has links)
[pt] Em a Verdade e as Formas Jurídicas, transcrição de cinco conferências realizadas em 1973, Michel Foucault desenvolve a demonstração do vínculo entre os sistemas de verdade e as práticas sociais e políticas de onde eles provêm e onde se investem. Na análise dessa problemática o autor chega a destacar que só podem haver certos tipos de sujeito de conhecimento, certas ordens de verdade, certos domínios do saber a partir de determinadas condições sociais, políticas e históricas que são o solo em que se formam o sujeito, os domínios do saber e as relações com a verdade. Assim, as formas jurídicas - práticas judiciárias -são apresentadas como um dos campos de origem de modelos de verdade que circulam ainda pela sociedade, e que se infligem não somente no campo do domínio da política, como também no domínio do comportamento cotidiano e até na ordem da ciência. Questão, inclusive, que viria a ser largamente desenvolvida em Vigiar e Punir, lançado em 1975. O presente trabalho busca evidenciar que essa questão atravessa diversas obras de Foucault, como, por exemplo, em: História da loucura: na idade clássica, Vigiar e Punir, A história da loucura: a vontade de saber, Em defesa da sociedade; Segurança, Território e População, e Nascimento da biopolítica. Cada época e cada livro testificando dispositivos próprios de enunciados e de visibilidades, formas de exterioridade, que se dispersam e se disseminam, arregimentadas em um diagrama de forças – o poder como exercício e o saber como regulamento. Problematizar o direito sob uma perspectiva não essencialista, em que a dimensão da historicidade e da multiplicidade assume papel capital. Pensar diferentemente, oferecendo novas formas de analisar o direito. Uma aposta na pluralidade, nas práticas sociais como produtoras de tipos de subjetividade, formas de saber e, por conseguinte, relações variadas entre o homem e a verdade Fortalece-se, assim, a possibilidade da criação, da invenção, da provisoriedade das coisas e da diferença. / [en] In Truth and Judicial Forms,series of lectures presented in 1973, Michel Foucault conceive relationships between systems of truth and social practices and policies where they come from and where they invest. During the analysis of this problematic, the author notice that can only be certain types of subject of knowledge, orders of facts,realms of knowledge from social, political and historical conditions that are ground of formation of subject, realms of knowledge and relations with truth. So, the judicial forms – practices- are presented as one of the source models of truth that still circulated in society, which influence policy, daily behavior and science. Matter that would be largely developed in Discipline and Punish (1975). The present article is meant to discuss that this proposition is evident through Foucault´s work, just like in:History of madness in the classical age, Discipline and Punish, Society Must Be Defended Security, Territory and Population and TheBirth of Biopolitics Each season and each book testifying about own set of devices ad visibilities, exteriority forms, that disperse and spread, regimented in a diagram of forces – power as exercise and knowledge as regulation. Problematize the law in a non-essentialist perspective, when the historic dimension assumes the place. Think differently, offering a new form of law review. It is a bet in plurality, social practices as a producer of types of subjective, forms of knowledge and different relations between men and truth. It is a way to fortify possibilities of creation, invention and the difference.

Émergence et évolution des objets mathématiques en Situation Didactique de Recherche de Problème : le cas des pavages archimédiens du plan / Emergence and evolution of mathematical objects, during a “ Didactical Situation of a Problem Solving ” : the Case of Archimedean tilings of the plane

Front, Mathias 27 November 2015 (has links)
Étudier l'émergence de savoirs lors de situations didactiques non finalisées par un savoir préfabriqué et pré-pensé nécessite un bouleversement des points de vue, aussi bien épistémologique que didactique. C'est pourquoi, pour l'étude de situations didactiques pour lesquelles le problème est l'essence, nous développons une nouvelle approche historique et repensons des outils pour les analyses didactiques. Nous proposons alors, pour un problème particulier, l'exploration des pavages archimédiens du plan, une enquête historique centrée sur l'activité du savant cherchant et sur l'influence de la relation aux objets dans la recherche. De ce point de vue, l'étude des travaux de Johannes Kepler à la recherche d'une harmonie du monde est particulièrement instructive. Nous proposons également, pour l'analyse des savoirs émergents en situation didactique, une utilisation d'outils liés à la sémiotique qui permet de mettre en évidence la dynamique de l'évolution des objets mathématiques. Nous pouvons finalement conclure quant à la possibilité de construire et mettre en œuvre des ≪ Situations Didactiques de Recherche de Problème ≫ assurant l'engagement du sujet dans la recherche, l'émergence et le développement d'objets mathématiques, la genèse de savoirs. L'étude nous conforte dans la nécessité d'une approche pragmatique des situations et la pertinence d'un regard différent sur les savoirs à l'école / The study of the emergence of knowledges in teaching situations not finalized by a prefabricated and pre-thought knowledge requires an upheaval of point of view, epistemological as well as didactic. For the study of learning situations in which the problem is the essence, we develop a new historical approach and we rethink the tools for didactic analyzes. We propose, then, for a particular problem, exploration of Archimedean tilings of the plane, a historical inquiry centered on the activity of the scientist in the process of research and on the influence of the relationship with objects. From this perspective, the study of Johannes Kepler’s work in search of a world harmony is particularly instructive. We also propose, for the analysis of the emerging knowledge in teaching situations, to use tools related to semiotics, which allows to highlight the dynamic of evolution of mathematical objects. We can finally conclude on the opportunity to build and implement “Didactic Situations of Problem Solving”, which ensure the commitment of the subject in the research, the emergence and development of mathematical objects, the genesis of knowledges. The study reinforces the necessity of a pragmatic approach of situations and the relevance of a different look at the knowledge at school

Histórias de vida: saberes e práticas de alfabetizadoras bem sucedidas. / Life histories: successful beginning literacy teachers\' knowledges and practives.

Monteiro, Maria Iolanda 24 March 2006 (has links)
O trabalho visou o entendimento do sucesso escolar, na área de alfabetização, pelas experiências docentes, investigando os saberes e as práticas relacionados à vida pessoal, escolar e profissional de quatro alfabetizadoras bem sucedidas, que exerceram a profissão nas décadas de 50 a 80, no Estado de São Paulo. Estudou-se o peso da reforma de 1971 e os determinantes advindos das diferentes políticas, anteriores e posteriores, e o provável período em que se iniciou a conformação profissional das educadoras pesquisadas. Pelo estudo de histórias de vida, a investigação caracterizou as diferentes experiências das alfabetizadoras, identificando os saberes e as práticas, que deram sustentação ao trabalho bem sucedido com a alfabetização, e os condicionantes que acompanharam a formação docente. A articulação dos saberes da infância pré-escolar, da vida escolar, da trajetória no curso de formação e da vida profissional com o estudo das características das práticas alfabetizadoras justificou o sucesso escolar. Pela análise dos resultados, concluiu-se que as várias facetas da história de vida das educadoras, com saberes e concepções de ensino, sustentaram o êxito na alfabetização. Apesar das situações bem heterogêneas, o sucesso escolar decorreu da autonomia no trabalho docente para a organização de práticas de ensino, que garantissem a aprendizagem bem sucedida da leitura e escrita, sempre considerando que toda criança apresentava capacidade para aprender, independentemente das condições socioeconômicas, culturais e de aprendizagem. O estudo da história de vida das alfabetizadoras bem sucedidas, envolvendo saberes e práticas importantes e diferentes para configurações de práticas de alfabetização, que garantiram o êxito de todos os alunos, não visou apenas a sistematização de situações pedagógicas que servissem somente como referenciais para organizar o processo de alfabetização de docentes da atualidade, mas também a problematização de aspectos inerentes às ações educativas, no ensino da leitura e escrita, e o resgate de alguns valores que, na época dessas professoras, eram considerados essenciais e que, atualmente, recebem críticas e depreciações. A análise das práticas educativas sinalizou uma diversificação de estratégias de ensino entre as professoras pesquisadas. Apesar dessa diferença, as docentes apresentaram objetivos semelhantes, visando a aprendizagem de todos e rejeitando qualquer forma de discriminação. Verificou-se ainda a criação de rotinas e rituais, durante o desenvolvimento dos conteúdos e das atividades, mas com práticas e aspectos diferenciados. Essa característica confirma a formação de uma ética de trabalho pedagógico. A presente pesquisa oferece, assim, informações para o estudo da alfabetização, enriquecendo a análise dos elementos do trabalho docente, para o êxito escolar, e dos novos dados que possibilitam investigações da temática, também em outras abordagens. / This paper focused on the understanding of academic success in the alphabetizing area by investigating the knowledge and practices related to the personal, academic and professional life of four successful alphabetizers who exercised their profession in the state of Sao Paulo throughout 1950 to 1980. The impact of the 1971 reform was duly studied and so were the direct consequences of the different previous and posterior policies and also the probable period during which started the professional making of the researched teachers. By studying the life histories, the investigation underlined the different experiences of the alphabetizers, identifying the various knowledge and practices which gave support to the successful alphabetizing work, and the decisive factors which accompanied the process of a teacher\'s formation. The articulation of the pre-school childhood knowledge, academic life, personal performance, both scholar and professional, together with the study of the alphabetizing practices characteristics justified the academic success. The results analysis concluded that the various aspects of the teachers\' life history, together with their personal knowledge and teaching concepts, sustained the alphabetizing success obtained. In spite of quite heterogeneous scenarios, the academic success resulted from the autonomy in the work to organize teaching practices which would ensure a successful learning of writing and reading, always considering that every child presented capacity to learn independently of social/economic, cultural and learning conditions. The study of the life histories of the successful alphabetizer teachers, involving important and different knowledge and pratices to build up alphabetizing practices which guaranteed the success of every student, didn\'t focus just the systematizing of pedagogic aspects which would serve solely as references to organize the alphabetizing process of today\'s teachers, but also the intrincacies of those aspects inherent to educative actions, in teaching writing and reading techniques, and the rescue of a few values which were considered essential, back at the time when the researched teachers were active, and nowadays are criticized and depreciated. The analysis of educational practices pointed out a diversification of teaching strategies amongst the researched teachers. In spite of the differences, they presented similar purposes - everyone should learn and any form of discrimination was rejected. It was also verified the creation of routines and rituals while developing the contents and related activities, but with distinguished practices and aspects. This characteristic confirms the making of ethics applied to pedagogical work. So, the present research offers information for the study of alphabetizing while making richer the analysis of the elements pertaining to teaching work to achieve academic success, and of the new data which make possible the investigation of the matter also with other approaches.

La figure de l'En-Quête : l'inscription du savoir dans les romans policiers

Freytag, Aurélie 09 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse examine l’importance de la figuration dans le récit policier et ce sous le signe de l’En-Quête – figure centrale de cette étude – qui se développe en deux parties, chacune divisée en trois chapitres. La première partie se penche sur le roman policier en tant que genre et analyse la pertinence, voire la nécessité de s'en extraire afin de saisir l'importante charge des récits policiers. La deuxième partie reprend les éléments soulevés dans la première en plongeant cette fois dans les récits, dans les textes, dans le littéraire. La division en chapitres, quant à elle, permet d'identifier les engrenages de cette pensée en construction, de placer les bornes importantes au déploiement de l'argument. C'est en créant, en plaçant au centre de la pensée la figure de l'En-Quête, que j'invente petit à petit au fil de la réflexion, que j'aborde les récits policiers en tant que textes mettant en scène la quête du savoir par la mise en mots, la mise en figures de la pensée. En commençant par l’analyse des textes policiers classiques, pour ensuite me diriger vers ceux de la modernité, il s’agit de réfléchir sur la figure de l’En-Quête et la manière dont elle se place comme un potentiel de création dans ces textes – abordés d’abord et avant tout comme des récits –, opérant comme une sorte d’auteure dans le texte qui, par les figures qu'elle crée, invente ou découvre, réfléchit à l'objet même qui la fait advenir, soit le littéraire, en tant qu'accès aux savoirs. Cette réflexion permet de voir combien riches sont ces textes souvent ignorés par l'institution, combien importantes sont les réflexions présentées sous la forme de personnages, de mises en scène, puisque celles-ci donnent accès à un langage riche, une mise en mots toujours nouvelle, qui réfléchit le pouvoir du littéraire dans les figures. La figure de l'En-Quête, figure génératrice de figures, d'un savoir indissociable de la rhétorique, permet quant à elle de voir ce qui unit les textes dits policiers tout en déplaçant le focus pour insister non plus sur les thèmes, mais bien sur la construction des savoirs dans le littéraire et, par la mise en scène, la mise en figure justement. / This dissertation examines the importance of figuration in crime fiction, under the sign of the In-Quest, the central figure of this study which is developed into two parts, each one divided in three chapters. The first part looks into the notion of “detective novel” understood as a genre and analyses the relevance, and even the necessity of thinking outside of this category in order to grasp the full significance of this kind of fiction. The second part revisits these observations, this time diving into the texts and stories and into their literary components. The division in chapters enables us to get a glimpse of the key elements of this thought-in-process and to set the conceptual groundwork needed for deploying the argument. Focusing my reflection on the In-Quest figure, which I invent and create progressively through the course of the essay, I address crime fiction as texts that stage a quest for knowledge in their recourse to words and figures of thought. I begin by analysing classic detective tales and continue with more modern texts in order to observe how the In-Quest figure places itself as a potential of creation within those narratives, working through the literary device it is creating as a sort of author in the text reflecting upon the object from which it arises, namely the literary as a way of knowing. This conceptual drive allows us to see the richness of these texts frequently ignored by the institution and the importance of the reflections they embody in the form of characters and mises-en-scène; these elements give access to a diversity of language that creates renewed forms of writing showcasing the power of the literary, in and through figuration. Thus, the In-Quest as a figure of figuration, of knowledge that is inseparable from rhetoric, enables us to see what unifies the texts known as “detective novels” by changing the focus and insisting not on the themes, but on the construction of knowledge within their literary form, through figures of speech and their particular mises-en-scène.

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