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BENDROJO LAVINIMO MOKYKLOS PEDAGOGŲ Į(SI)TRAUKIMAS Į SPECIALIŲJŲ UGDYMO(SI) POREIKIŲ TURINČIŲ MOKINIŲ UGDYMĄ / Pedagogues’ involvement in the formation of children’s with special educational needs programs at comprehensive schoolsGedvilaitė, Miglė 27 August 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo santrauka
Darbe atlikta teorinė specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių tenkinimo ir pedagogų įsitraukimo į šių mokinių ugdymo procesą samprata ir analizė.
Iškelta hipotezė, kad dauguma mokytojų (tiek žemesniųjų, tiek aukštesniųjų klasių) yra linkę įsitraukti į specialiųjų poreikių tenkinimo procesą.
Anketinės apklausos bei interviu metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas – išsiaiškinti bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos pradinio ugdymo pedagogų ir mokytojų dalykininkų bei specialiųjų pedagogų požiūrį apie pedagogų į(si)traukimą į specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių ugdymą.
Tyrime dalyvavo 85 pradinio ugdymo pedagogai, 81 mokytojas dalykininkas ir 3 specialieji pedagogai.
Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjami pradinio ugdymo pedagogų, mokytojų dalykininkų bei specialiųjų pedagogų požiūriai apie pedagogų įsitraukimą į specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių (SUP) turinčių mokinių ugdymą.
Svarbiausios tyrimo išvados:
1. Atlikus literatūros ir dokumentų analizę paaiškėjo, kad pedagogas privalo suteikti pagalbą visiems SUP mokiniams, tačiau tinkamai ir kokybiškai įsitraukti į šių mokinių ugdymą lemia keletas dalykų: susipažinimas su specialųjį ugdymą reglamentuojančiais dokumentais; gebėjimas atpažinti, analizuoti ir vertinti mokinių specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius; gebėjimas prisitaikyti prie skirtingų mokinių gebėjimų ir poreikių; tinkamas ugdymo proceso organizavimas bei komandinis darbas (įsitraukimas) su SUP mokiniais ir jų tėvais.
2. Bendrojo lavinimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The work presents theoretical conception and analysis of children’s with special educational needs satisfaction and pedagogues’ involvement into process of such children’s education.
The hypothesis has been raised, that most of the teachers (both of junior, and senior classes) tend to involve in meeting the children’s special educational needs.
Using methods of survey and interview a special investigation has been carried out with a purpose to examine the level of primary teachers’, discipline teachers’, as well as special educators’ involvement into the process of children’s with special educational needs development.
85 primary teachers, 85 discipline teachers, and 3 special educators participated in the investigation.
The primary teachers’, discipline teachers’, and special educators attitudes towards pedagogues’ involvement in the children’s with special educational needs (SEN) development have been reviewed in the empirical part of the work.
The following conclusions, drawn from the investigation, are the most important:
1. After literary analysis and examination of documents it has been disclosed that a pedagogue is obliged to provide every SEN child with assistance. However, there are several points that determine appropriate and effective pedagogues’ involvement in such children’s development, such as: acquaintance with documents, regulating special education; ability to recognise, analyse, and evaluate children’s SEN; ability to adapt to children’s different... [to full text]
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Socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų išgyvenamo nerimo ypatumai profesinėjė veikloje / The Peculiarities of Anxiety Experienced by Social Pedagogues and Social Workers in Their Professional ActivityLučinskaitė, Laura 02 August 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojami socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų išgyvenamo nerimo ypatumai profesinėje veikloje. Suformuluota hipotezė, kad tikėtina, jog yra ryšys tarp socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų amžiaus, darbo stažo, pareigybės, klientų grupės, su kuria dirba ir patiriamo nerimo lygmens.
Tyrimui atlikti buvo pasirinktos kiekybinė ir kokybinė tyrimo prieigos. Todėl kiekybiniame tyrime dalyvavo 113 socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų, o kokybiniame tyrime dalyvavo 6 specialistės.
Anketinės apklausos metodu tirtas socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų išgyvenamo reaktyvaus ir asmeninio nerimo lygis, ypatumai. Siekta patikrinti ar yra statistiškai reikšmingi ryšiai tarp respondentų demografinių kintamųjų bei reaktyvaus ir asmeninio nerimo. Atlikta statistinė (aprašomoji: dažniai, vidurkiai, procentai, standartiniai nuokrypiai bei daugiamatė: neparametrinis Kruskal-Wallis T testas ir parametriniai ANOVA testai) duomenų analizė. Pusiau struktūruoto interviu metodu atliktas gilinamasis specialistų nerimo ypatumų profesinėje veikloje tyrimas. Siekta atskleisti situacijas, sukeliančias didžiausią nerimą, naudojamas nerimo įveikos strategijas bei siūlomas nerimo įveikos galimybes. Duomenims apdoroti atlikta kokybinė turinio (content) analizė.
Tyrimu nustatyta, kad dauguma socialinių pedagogų ir socialinių darbuotojų išgyvena žemą reaktyvaus ir vudutinį asmeninio nerimo lygį. Kiek mažesnė, tačiau ženkli dalis respondentų išgyvena aukšta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The present Bachelor Thesis analyzes the peculiarities of anxiety experienced by social pedagogues and social workers in their professional activities. We have formulated a hypothesis that possibly there is a link between social pedagogues and social workers age, seniority, position, clients‘ groups with whom they work and anxiety levels they face.
Quantitative and qualitative search methods have been chosen to accomplish the research. 113 social pedagogues and social workers were involved in the quantitative research and in the qualitative – 6 specialists.
The level of reactive and personal anxiety of social pedagogues and social workers has been analysed within application of questionnaire method. The objective was to examine whether there is a statistically significant relationship between respondents' demographic variables, and reactive and personal anxiety. The statistical (descriptive: frequencies, averages, percentages, standard deviations and multidimensional: nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis T test and parametric ANOVA tests ) data analysis has been done. Semi-structured interviews conducted deepening research in features of specialist anxiety in their professional activities. Aimed at identifying situations that cause the greatest anxiety, strategies used to overcome the anxiety and offered opportunities for overcoming anxiety. To process the data the qualitative content analysis has been done.
On the basis of the research it has been determined that... [to full text]
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Pedagogų ir tėvų bendradarbiavimas neformaliajame muzikiniame ugdyme: motyvacijos skatinimo aspektas / Cooperation of pedagogues and parents in informal musical education: aspect of motivation encouragementVaškelienė, Rasa 03 August 2012 (has links)
Neformaliojo muzikinio ugdymo poreikiui patenkinti ir jo tikslų įgyvendinimui užtikrinti svarbu ne tik galimybė pasirinkti interesus atitinkančią ugdymo įstaigą ar mokymo programą, bet ir sudaryti sąlygas vaikui džiaugtis pasirinkta muzikine neformalia veikla. Deja, neretai susiduriama su sėkmingai vaiko neformaliai muzikinei veiklai trukdančia motyvacijos šiai veiklai stokos problema. Kadangi vaiko motyvaciją lemia ne vienas veiksnys, susijęs su visa vaiko aplinka, pedagogui ypatingai svarbu į neformaliojo muzikinio ugdymo procesą įtraukti ir mokinių tėvus bei su jais bendradarbiauti. Todėl darbe nagrinėjamos pedagogų ir tėvų bendradarbiavimo galimybės įtakoti vaiko neformalios muzikinės veiklos motyvacijai poveikį darančius veiksnius. / In order to meet the need for musical education and to ensure achievement of it’s goals it is important not only to have a possibility to select an educational institution or an educational program meeting personal interests, but also to create conditions for a child to enjoy the informal musical activity selected. Unfortunately, very often the problem is encountered related to the lack of motivation in a child for informal musical activity and preventing him from successfully involving into such activity. Since motivation of the child is predetermined by several factors related to his whole environment, it is particularly important for a pedagogue to also involve children’s parents into the process of informal musical education as well as to cooperate with the latter. Therefore, the paper analyses possibilities of cooperation between pedagogues and parents in influencing the factors affecting the child’s motivation for informal musical activity: personal characteristic features of the child, family, pedagogue’s personality and competences, contemporaries.
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Rokiškio miesto ir rajono pedagogų su sveikata susijusios gyvenimo kokybės subjektyvaus vertinimo ypatumai / The peculiarities of health life quality subjective evaluation of pedaogues of Rokiškis town and districtJucikaitė, Ingrida 20 May 2005 (has links)
The aim of research: to investigate the health related life quality subjective evaluation of the pedagogues of Rokiškis town and district.
In the latter decade the topic and researches on life quality have become the underlying in the ranges of society health and health education. The quality of life by the most scientists is understood as the perception of subjective welfare, inclusive physical, psychological, social and inward levels. Scientists have created various expedients, designed to measure the subjective functional potential, the senses of state of health and the quality of life. The researches of quality of life may help to solve the most essential economic problems, related to the peoples’ welfare, the healthcare and social policy influence upon the society and its physical and psychological health. Though in Lithuania there have been made many valuable researches, analyzing various aspects upon quality of life, we have not succeeded in finding any researches on pedagogues’ quality of life, rather the analysis of quality of life according to their residence.
Summarizing the country and town pedagogues’ comparison of health related life quality factors of evaluation, we can state, that the hypothesis of our research has partly proved – we can not unambiguously affirm, that the health related life quality subjective evaluation of country and town pedagogues’ is essentially different, because only two health related quality of life aspects are superiorly rated by... [to full text]
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Fyra manliga pedagogers tankar om genus och förskolans genusuppdrag : En kvalitativ undersökning / Four male preschool teachers thoughts on gender and the preschool gender assignment : A qualitative studyHansson, Linda January 2014 (has links)
In this study I’ve used qualitative interviews to examine four male preschool teachers’ interpretations of gender and their work with gender in preschool. Specifically, I’ve been interested in what thoughts male teachers have about the preschool gender assignment, how they express these thoughts in their work, and how they perceive their role as men in preschool in relation to gender and gender equality. The teachers express that the preschool gender assignment means that one should treat girls and boys equally and give them the same opportunities. Based on their interpretations they explain how they work with gender, that they´re trying to change the image of what’s feminine and masculine through interactions with the children by using the language as an instrument. Despite this, they seem to have difficulties presenting substantial examples of how to counteract gender stereotypes. Unlike previous studies, the teachers in this study express their awareness that the replication of gender is unconscious. They’re not certain if they treat girls and boys equally. The male teachers believe that their role as men in the gender assignment is to show children that regardless of gender one can do everything and that there isn’t anything that´s typically feminine or masculine. / I denna studie har jag med kvalitativ intervju som metod undersökt fyra manliga pedagogers uppfattningar om genus och genusarbete i förskolan. Jag har genom mitt arbete velat ta reda på vilka tankar pedagogerna har om förskolans genusuppdrag, hur de berättar om hur de arbetar med detta i verksamheten samt hur de ser på sin roll som man i arbetet med genus och jämställdhet. Genusuppdraget innebär för pedagogerna att man ska behandla flickor och pojkar lika och ge dem samma möjligheter. Utifrån deras tolkningar berättar de om hur de arbetar med genus i verksamheten, de försöker att ändra bilden av vad som är kvinnligt och manligt genom interaktioner med barnen, med språket som verktyg. Däremot upplever jag att de har svårigheter att ge konkreta exempel på hur man kan motverka könsstereotyper i förskolan. Till skillnad från tidigare forskning framhåller pedagogerna i denna studie att de är medvetna om att reproduktionen av kön är omedveten och de menar att de inte vet om de behandlar flickor och pojkar lika. Pedagogerna ser att deras roll som man i förskolans genusuppdraget är att visa barn att man oavsett kön kan göra allting samt att det inte finns något som är typiskt kvinnligt eller manligt.
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Den pedagogiska kartläggningens betydelse inför åtgärdsprogram : En studie om pedagogers erfarenheter och upplevelser i arbetet med elever i behov av särskilt stödJohansson, Ann January 2014 (has links)
It has been shown in various research contexts that action programs do not always work as they should, even though there are clear guidelines on how the action programs should be designed and used. The aim of this study is to illustrate which processes that occur before an action program as well as how these processes lead to action that will give the student the support he or she needs. Through qualitative interviews with eight teachers, I have tried to answer the questions that I created. I have tried to answer my research questions that I have made based on the purpose. The questions are; What type of inquiry will be done if a student risk to not reach the knowledge goals? How will the inquiry support the action program? In what way does the action program support pupils in special needs? The result of my survey show that the survey being done for an action program is very individual-focused and that the mapping rarely shows on the teachers role or school environment to students who fall into special needs. It also shows that teachers find it difficult to identify the students who have general learning difficulties. It also emerged that there are teachers who do not believe that the action program helps students in need of special support, that educators believe that it depends on many different factors if the action program becomes to support the students or not. One factor are including the teachers themselves. Conclusions to be drawn from the survey is such that it is the pedagogue attitude toward the action program that governs whether it helps the student in need of special assistance or not. A further conclusion is that the action programs structure are similar to the formative assessment within the assessment theory, assessment for learning. / Det har i olika forskningssammanhang framkommit att åtgärdsprogrammen inte alltid fungerar som de ska, trots att det finns tydliga direktiv om hur åtgärdsprogrammen ska utformas och användas. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att belysa vilka processer som sker innan ett åtgärdsprogram upprättas samt på vilket sätt dessa processer leder till det åtgärdsprogram som ska ge eleven det stöd som han eller hon behöver. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med åtta pedagoger har jag försökt besvara de frågeställningar som jag utifrån detta syfte utformat. De frågeställningar jag utgått ifrån var: Vilken typ av utredning, kartläggning sker om en elev riskerar att inte uppnå kunskapsmålen? Påverkas utformandet av åtgärdsprogrammet utifrån den utredning, kartläggning som gjorts? På vilket sätt stödjer åtgärdsprogrammet eleven som är i behov av särskilt stöd? Resultatet av min undersökning visade att den kartläggning som görs inför ett åtgärdsprogram är väldigt individfokuserad och att kartläggningen sällan visar på lärarens roll eller skolmiljöns betydelse för eleven som hamnar i behov av särskilt stöd. Det visar även att pedagogerna upplever svårigheter att kartlägga de elever som har generella inlärningssvårigheter. Det visade även att det finns pedagoger som inte anser att åtgärdsprogrammet hjälper elever i behov av särskilt stöd, att pedagogerna anser att det beror på många olika faktorer om åtgärdsprogrammet blir till något stöd för eleverna som är i behov av stöd eller inte, däribland pedagogerna själva. Slutsatser som kan dras av undersökningen är till exempel att det är pedagogens inställning till åtgärdsprogrammet som styr om det hjälper eleven som är i behov av särskilt stöd eller inte. En ytterligare slutsats var att åtgärdsprogrammens uppbyggnad liknar den formativa bedömningen inom assessment teorin, bedömning för lärande.
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"Quem somos eu?" uma análise sobre a (re)construção das identidades profissionais das pedagogas no IFS/AracajuLima, Claudia de Medeiros 30 March 2015 (has links)
This dissertation investigated the (re)construction professional identities process of not- teachers pedagogues, who perform activities at the main Federal Institution of technical training on middle-level, in the state of Sergipe, Brazil. The features about the identity of the pedagogy career has been widely discussed on the national scene. However, there are few papers reporting the professional identity of pedagogues in non-teaching exercise at professional education institutions. The aim of this research was to study a professional category that faces many uncertainties in their formation, as well as in their operations, within a contemporary context of crisis; this study might favor to understand their professional identities and, in addition, to provide an discussion on training and exercise of educators who work in public basic education in Brazil. I opted for a qualitative and sociological methodology, through the articulation between questionnaires and individual interviews as the central instrument of data production. The field of research was the Federal Institute of Education (IFS), Science and Technology of Sergipe, Aracaju campus. The participants included: four pedagogues; Sixteen students; five teachers; three administrative staff and three managers. The delimitation of the subjects occurred through the trimming in the average level of education, offered in an integrated way, featuring the predominant performance space of not-teachers pedagogues. To align the purpose of this research, three specific objectives were choosen: (1) to discuss the (re) construction of professional identities of pedagogues non-teaching staff in relation to the symbolic systems of training and the performance in Pedagogy; (2) To identify changes in the professional profile and the roles played by not-teaching pedagogues from IFS / Aracaju on the interrelationship of objective and subjective realities; (3) To recognize the (re)construction identity of not-teaching pedagogues on the academic training, career and current employment, associated with perceptions of themselves and other institutional subjects on the process. The survey suggest, in a general way, an established social-interrelation, such as an identity crisis; this critical situation might provide to the pedagogues and educators the possibility of building another professional identities, and conquestly a new career in the workplace. The survey also indicates a minimization of spaces and reduction of actions performed by pedagogues in IFS / Aracaju. This research concludes that the institutional environment evaluated is highly prone to controversy and contest the legitimacy of the hegemony of the teaching category at the expense of other categories, combined with the confusing role and performance of pedagogues on the institutional body might be contributing devaluation and negative features of their professional identities, confirming the current landscape of identity crises. / A dissertação de mestrado que apresento, buscou investigar o processo de (re)construção das identidades profissionais das pedagogas não docentes, que exercem suas atividades na principal Instituição Federal de formação técnica profissional em nível médio de Sergipe. A discussão acerca da identidade do curso de pedagogia já foi amplamente discutida no cenário nacional. Entretanto, são raros os trabalhos que tratam sobre a identidade profissional de pedagogas em exercício não docente atuando em instituições de educação profissional. A proposta de estudar uma categoria profissional que enfrenta tantas incertezas na formação e na atuação dentro de um contexto contemporâneo de crises favorece a abertura de espaço não somente para compreender suas identidades profissionais, mas contribuir para discussões sobre a formação e exercício de educadores que atuam na educação básica pública do país. Optei por uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa e abordagem sociológica, a partir da articulação entre questionários e entrevistas individuais como instrumentos centrais de produção de dados. A pesquisa de campo ocorre no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Sergipe, campus Aracaju. Os atores participantes da pesquisa compreendem: quatro pedagogas; dezesseis alunos; cinco professores; três técnicos administrativos e três gestores. A delimitação dos sujeitos ocorreu através da opção de recorte no nível de ensino médio, ofertado na forma integrada, que caracteriza o espaço de atuação predominante das pedagogas não docentes. Para atender à proposta desta pesquisa, elegi três objetivos específicos: (1) Discutir a (re)construção das identidades profissionais das pedagogas não docentes na relação com os sistemas simbólicos sobre a formação e a atuação em Pedagogia; (2) Identificar as transformações no perfil profissional e nos papeis desempenhados pelas pedagogas não docentes do IFS/Aracaju diante da inter-relação das realidades objetiva e subjetiva; (3) Identificar a (re)construção identitária das pedagogas não docentes diante da formação acadêmica; trajetória profissional e emprego atual, associado às percepções das próprias pedagogas e dos outros atores institucionais quanto a este processo. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para um panorama macro globalizado estabelecido sobre crises de vínculo social e crises identitárias, conferindo à pedagogia e aos pedagogos a possibilidade de construção de outras identidades profissionais e conquista de novas ocupações no mundo do trabalho. A pesquisa também indica uma minimização dos espaços e redução das ações desempenhadas pelas pedagogas no IFS/Aracaju. A pesquisa conclui que o ambiente institucional pesquisado é palco de intensos conflitos de poder, onde a legitimação da hegemonia da categoria docente em detrimento de outras categorias, aliadas ao confuso papel e exercício das pedagogas diante do corpo institucional podem estar contribuindo para desvalorização e influenciando de forma negativa a construção de suas identidades profissionais, corroborando com o atual panorama de crises identitárias.
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"Quem somos eu?" uma análise sobre a (re)construção das identidades profissionais das pedagogas no IFS/AracajuLima, Claudia de Medeiros 30 March 2015 (has links)
This dissertation investigated the (re)construction professional identities process of not- teachers pedagogues, who perform activities at the main Federal Institution of technical training on middle-level, in the state of Sergipe, Brazil. The features about the identity of the pedagogy career has been widely discussed on the national scene. However, there are few papers reporting the professional identity of pedagogues in non-teaching exercise at professional education institutions. The aim of this research was to study a professional category that faces many uncertainties in their formation, as well as in their operations, within a contemporary context of crisis; this study might favor to understand their professional identities and, in addition, to provide an discussion on training and exercise of educators who work in public basic education in Brazil. I opted for a qualitative and sociological methodology, through the articulation between questionnaires and individual interviews as the central instrument of data production. The field of research was the Federal Institute of Education (IFS), Science and Technology of Sergipe, Aracaju campus. The participants included: four pedagogues; Sixteen students; five teachers; three administrative staff and three managers. The delimitation of the subjects occurred through the trimming in the average level of education, offered in an integrated way, featuring the predominant performance space of not-teachers pedagogues. To align the purpose of this research, three specific objectives were choosen: (1) to discuss the (re) construction of professional identities of pedagogues non-teaching staff in relation to the symbolic systems of training and the performance in Pedagogy; (2) To identify changes in the professional profile and the roles played by not-teaching pedagogues from IFS / Aracaju on the interrelationship of objective and subjective realities; (3) To recognize the (re)construction identity of not-teaching pedagogues on the academic training, career and current employment, associated with perceptions of themselves and other institutional subjects on the process. The survey suggest, in a general way, an established social-interrelation, such as an identity crisis; this critical situation might provide to the pedagogues and educators the possibility of building another professional identities, and conquestly a new career in the workplace. The survey also indicates a minimization of spaces and reduction of actions performed by pedagogues in IFS / Aracaju. This research concludes that the institutional environment evaluated is highly prone to controversy and contest the legitimacy of the hegemony of the teaching category at the expense of other categories, combined with the confusing role and performance of pedagogues on the institutional body might be contributing devaluation and negative features of their professional identities, confirming the current landscape of identity crises. / A dissertação de mestrado que apresento, buscou investigar o processo de (re)construção das identidades profissionais das pedagogas não docentes, que exercem suas atividades na principal Instituição Federal de formação técnica profissional em nível médio de Sergipe. A discussão acerca da identidade do curso de pedagogia já foi amplamente discutida no cenário nacional. Entretanto, são raros os trabalhos que tratam sobre a identidade profissional de pedagogas em exercício não docente atuando em instituições de educação profissional. A proposta de estudar uma categoria profissional que enfrenta tantas incertezas na formação e na atuação dentro de um contexto contemporâneo de crises favorece a abertura de espaço não somente para compreender suas identidades profissionais, mas contribuir para discussões sobre a formação e exercício de educadores que atuam na educação básica pública do país. Optei por uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa e abordagem sociológica, a partir da articulação entre questionários e entrevistas individuais como instrumentos centrais de produção de dados. A pesquisa de campo ocorre no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Sergipe, campus Aracaju. Os atores participantes da pesquisa compreendem: quatro pedagogas; dezesseis alunos; cinco professores; três técnicos administrativos e três gestores. A delimitação dos sujeitos ocorreu através da opção de recorte no nível de ensino médio, ofertado na forma integrada, que caracteriza o espaço de atuação predominante das pedagogas não docentes. Para atender à proposta desta pesquisa, elegi três objetivos específicos: (1) Discutir a (re)construção das identidades profissionais das pedagogas não docentes na relação com os sistemas simbólicos sobre a formação e a atuação em Pedagogia; (2) Identificar as transformações no perfil profissional e nos papeis desempenhados pelas pedagogas não docentes do IFS/Aracaju diante da inter-relação das realidades objetiva e subjetiva; (3) Identificar a (re)construção identitária das pedagogas não docentes diante da formação acadêmica; trajetória profissional e emprego atual, associado às percepções das próprias pedagogas e dos outros atores institucionais quanto a este processo. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para um panorama macro globalizado estabelecido sobre crises de vínculo social e crises identitárias, conferindo à pedagogia e aos pedagogos a possibilidade de construção de outras identidades profissionais e conquista de novas ocupações no mundo do trabalho. A pesquisa também indica uma minimização dos espaços e redução das ações desempenhadas pelas pedagogas no IFS/Aracaju. A pesquisa conclui que o ambiente institucional pesquisado é palco de intensos conflitos de poder, onde a legitimação da hegemonia da categoria docente em detrimento de outras categorias, aliadas ao confuso papel e exercício das pedagogas diante do corpo institucional podem estar contribuindo para desvalorização e influenciando de forma negativa a construção de suas identidades profissionais, corroborando com o atual panorama de crises identitárias.
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Formação e profissionalização de pedagogas do interior de Goiás a partir de suas biografias educativas / Training and professionalization of the interior of Goiás pedagogas from their educational biogrphiesLima, Daniel Fernando de 27 February 2014 (has links)
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Dissertação - Daniel Fernando Lima - 2014.pdf: 1187984 bytes, checksum: dc575c00e06d71c818f27f3a64809082 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-01-30T14:38:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertação - Daniel Fernando Lima - 2014.pdf: 1187984 bytes, checksum: dc575c00e06d71c818f27f3a64809082 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-02-27 / Objective to analyze the life histories and the formation of teachers/pedagogues egresses of the Pedagogy course on Catalão campus, on the Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG). Through interviews and memorials, I seek to reveal the following problem: how are effective the relationships between the training they had and training they provide while teachers? The general objective of this research is to elaborate reflections from educational biographies of the teachers interviewed, recovering his memories and meanings about training and professionalization throughout their lives. The specific objectives of this, in turn, consist of: 1) analyze the importance of lifelong education egresses of these teachers of the Pedagogy course, 2) reflect on the professionalization of these teachers, and 3) understand the relations between training and professionalization signified by them. In this sense, the guiding point of this research refers to the reflection of four teachers, relating the story of their own lives with lifelong training and professionalization. For this, I tried to work from the educational biographies, which, as Honorio Filho (2009), present in its developmental perspective, but also provide the narration itself caused by another, in case I, the researcher Daniel. The narrative itself caused by the researcher is not only the desire to tell, but to tell another very specific. From the understanding of how teachers/pedagogues live, I seek, therefore, to understand how the formation of these women as teachers, as well as their dialectical relations in society, demonstrating thus the relevance of life history in the formation processes. / Objetivo analisar as histórias de vida e formação de professoras/pedagogas egressas do curso de Pedagogia do câmpus Catalão da Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG). Através de entrevistas e memoriais, busquei desvelar o seguinte problema: como são efetivadas as relações entre a formação que tiveram e a formação que proporcionam enquanto professoras? O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é elaborar reflexões a partir de biografias educativas das professoras entrevistadas, resgatando suas memórias e significados sobre formação e profissionalização ao longo de suas vidas. Os objetivos específicos da presente, por sua vez, consistem em: 1) compreender importância da formação ao longo da vida dessas professoras egressas do curso de Pedagogia; 2) refletir sobre a profissionalização dessas professoras; e 3) compreender as relações entre formação e profissionalização significadas pelas mesmas. Nesse sentido, o ponto norteador desta pesquisa refere-se à reflexão de quatro professoras, relacionando a história de suas próprias vidas com formação ao longo da vida e profissionalização. Para isso, procurei trabalhar a partir das biografias educativas, as quais, conforme Honório Filho (2009), apresenta-se em sua perspectiva formadora, mas também proporcionam o narrar de si provocado pelo outro, no caso eu, o pesquisador Daniel. A narrativa de si provocada pelo pesquisador não é apenas o desejo de se contar, mas de se contar para outro muito específico. A partir da compreensão de como as professoras/pedagogas vivem, busco, portanto, compreender como se constitui a formação dessas mulheres enquanto professoras, bem como suas relações dialéticas na sociedade, de modo a evidenciar a relevância da história de vida nos processos de formação.
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Ethnographie des pratiques militantes dans le mouvement Freinet : une contribution à l'étude des tendances contemporaines de l'action et de la réflexion pédagogiques en France / Ethnography of militant practices in the Freinet movement : à contribution to the study of contemporary trends in the pedagogical action and reflection in FranceAl-Zaben, Rana 07 November 2014 (has links)
L’évolution du système éducatif et l’apparition de nouveaux lieux de production et de diffusion des savoirs en éducation jouent un rôle dans le développement des pratiques enseignantes en général, mais transforment aussi les conditions de l’action et de la réflexion pédagogiques. C’est à l’étude de ces évolutions et transformations que s’intéresse cette thèse, en prenant comme exemple le Mouvement de l’Ecole Moderne (ICEM, pédagogie Freinet). La recherche, à caractère ethnographique, vise donc à repérer comment ce mouvement pédagogique s’est adapté à ces nouvelles conditions, comment se construisent et se diffusent les actions et les idées pédagogiques novatrices, qui sont les « enseignants Freinet » aujourd’hui et quel est leur degré d’engagement… Un bref retour sur l’histoire du système éducatif et ses transformations éclaire le contexte dans lequel le mouvement Freinet a évolué. On s’interroge ensuite sur la manière dont celui-ci a évolué et s’est adapté en menant une enquête ethnographique dans plusieurs lieux : réunions et conférences départementales, stage régional, congrès national. Cette enquête par observation directe s’accompagne d’une analyse approfondie des échanges sur une liste de diffusion nationale. Enfin, des entretiens auprès d’anciens militants, de nouveaux adhérents, d’enseignants innovants et de chercheurs pédagogues, permet de mieux comprendre l’évolution des formes d’engagement, les nouveaux objets et les nouveaux lieux de construction des savoirs pédagogiques. Au final, après un temps d’agrégation puis de « désagrégation », on peut repérer un phénomène de réagrégation autour de « nouveaux pédagogues », dont l’idéologie et l’engagement militant ne sont pas de même nature que ceux de leurs aînés. / The evolution of the educational system and the emergence of new centers of production and dissemination of knowledge play a vital role in the development of teaching practices in general, and also in transforming the conditions of pedagogical action and thought. The present thesis is interested in studying these developments and transformations, using an example the Modern School Movement – Freinet’s pedagogy. This research is an ethnographic research, therefore, seeks to identify how this pedagogical movement was adapted with the new educational conditions, how to construct and disseminate these actions and innovative teaching ideas, and how are the « Freinet teachers » today and what is their level of commitment. A brief review of the educational system history and its transformations illuminates the context in which the Freinet movement has evolved. We, then inquire the way in which it has evolved and adapted by conducting an ethnographic study in several places : departmental meetings and conferences, regional trainings and national congress. The survey made by a direct observation was accompanied by a depth analysis of the exchange on a Freinet national survey list. Moreover, interviews with old militants, new members, innovative teachers and pedagogues researchers allow a better understanding of the evolution in forms of commitment, new objects and new construction centres of pedagogical knowledge. In conclusion, after a time of turn and aggregation followed by « disintegration », we could identify a phenomenon of reaggregation around « new pedagogues » whose ideology and militant commitment is not the same nature as those of their elders.
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