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"Titta! Vi håller på att lösa ett problem, vill du vara med?" : En essäuppsats om pedagogers delaktighet i barns lek / "Look! We are solving a problem, do you want to join?"Wingren Björk, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
This essay begins with a story that reveals the encounter between pedagogues and children in their free play. In the first part, To be with or stand outside I describe how me and my colleague who are in the pre-school yard meet children through the different ways we participate or don’t participate in their play. In the second part To lose participation, I present a situation where I participate in the children’s play. When I start reflecting on what happens among the other children, I lose my participation on the game. With a starting point in these situations my dilemma becomes how we pedagogues act and interpret children’s play in different ways even though we follow the same curriculum. The purpose of this essay is to investigate pedagogue’s participation in children’s play. I reflect on questions about what is happening in children’s play, what role do pedagogues have regarding children’s play and how children´s play affects by participant pedagogues. In my essay, I try to reflect over the meeting between me, my colleagues and the children on the pre-school yard. In the essay, I rely on Rogers Säljö’s sociocultural theory on how individuals are influenced by the interactions around them. In this case, I refer to the children’s interactions with their surroundings. I reflect upon how pedagogue’s participation is both important for understanding children’s play, but also in creating fun-filled learning. I also reflect on how children’s play must be respected and handled with care in order to not be interrupted or disturbed. During my writing, I have gained an understanding of how educators can be present in children’s play and how a varied view of educators can create a more nuanced approach toward the child group. / Denna essä inleds med en berättelse som synliggör mötet mellan barn och pedagoger i barns lek. I den första delen Att vara med eller stå utanför beskriver jag hur jag och min kollega på gården bemöter barn genom att delta eller inte delta i deras lek på olika sätt. I den andra delen Att tappa delaktighet gestaltar jag en situation där jag från början deltar i barnens lek. När jag börjar reflektera över vad som sker bland de andra barnen tappar jag mitt deltagande i leken. Med en utgångspunkt från dessa situationer blir mitt dilemma att vi pedagoger handlar och tolkar barns lek på olika sätt trots att vi ska utgå ifrån samma läroplan. Syftet med denna essä är att undersöka pedagogernas delaktighet i leken. Jag reflekterar kring frågor om vad som sker i leken, vilken roll pedagoger har i barns lek samt hur påverkas barns lek av delaktiga pedagoger. I min uppsats försöker reflektera och tolka vad som händer i mötet mellan mig, mina kollegor och barnen på gården. I essän utgår jag ifrån Roger Säljös tankar kring den sociokulturella teorin om hur individer påverkas av samspelet med andra. I detta fall barns interaktion med sin omgivning. Jag reflekterar också över hur pedagogers delaktighet både är betydelsefull för att förstå barns lek men också genom att skapa lustfyllt lärande. Jag reflekterar också över hur barns lek måste respekteras och handskas med försiktighet för att inte avbryta eller störa den. Under mitt skrivande har jag fått förståelse för hur vi pedagoger kan ta tillvara på barns lek samt att varierade synsätt hos pedagoger skapar ett mer nyanserat förhållningssätt mot barngruppen.
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A Study of Breath Management as Treated by Four Major American Vocal Pedagogues: Appelman, Reid, Vennard, and MillerKim, Jisuk 08 1900 (has links)
Trained musicians cannot use the same breath process in daily living as for singing. Also, the normal breath cycle applied to speech is not efficient. Therefore, students who are learning to sing need to know proper breathing techniques. In this thesis, I will describe the breathing process and the correct way to breathe while singing, based on studies of four American pedagogues; Appleman, Reid, Vennard and Miller. To understand the breathing process for singing, it is necessary to study and understand the anatomical system and the mechanics of the respiratory system. Therefore, the first chapter contains anatomical system of breath management. Then, in the second chapter, the specific breath management techniques of four American pedagogues will be examined and compared. Three of them, Appelman, Vennard, and Miller, suggested some exercises in order to develop correct and efficient breathing habits.
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”Estelle, nu behöver du ta ett djupt andetag” : Dagens förskola - en institution som fortfarande upprätthåller exkluderande normer / ”Estelle, now you need to take a deep breath” : The Swedish preschool of today, an institution that still maintains non-inclusive gender normsPadilla Moreira, Franz Jhovanni January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to investigate how pedagogues talk and act with and to children and how this is related to norms and beliefs about sex and gender. As well ass to relate the pedagogues use of language and actions to the preschool´s assignment to counteract stereotypical gender norm. This study processes how pedagogues talk to children in preschool in relation to the children's biological sex, how pedagogues act towards the children from a gender perspective and in what ways pedagogues maintain, or break down heteronormative discourses and open up for gender diversities? The method used to collect empirical material for the study has been qualitative observations. This to be able to capture the pedagogues interactions whit the children in an authentic environment. The theoretical framework that has been used for the analytical work of this study is Feminist Poststructuralism. This, because that method provides good tools to investigate how language, communication and actions contribute to shaping children and their perception of male and female; and also to review the language the pedagogues used whit the children at the four different teams and preschools where I have conducted the observations. The results of the study show that pedagogues acted in a way that reinforces traditional gender patterns where the girls need to adapt to the boys. Thus, the male is positioned superior to the female.
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Dokumentární film v globálním a rozvojovém vzdělávání na středních školách / Documentary film in the global development of education in high schoolsDoležalová, Alžběta January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis Documentary film in the global development education in high schools deals with the issue of the global development education in conditions of Czech high schools. The aim of the diploma thesis is to introduce possibilities of utilisation of the documentary film as a method of global development education. The theoretical part elaborates on the global development education in the school curriculum and one of it's educational instruments - documentary film. The empirical part is focused on preparedness of the future high school teachers for use of documentary film in the global development education and it is also concerned with their attitudes and knowledges of the theme.
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Lek och sociala relationer på fritidshemmet : En studie om pedagogers roll och syn på barns relationsskapande i lekenJohansson, Patrik, Johansson, Rikard January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to contribute knowledge about how a few pedagogues apprehend playing’s opportunities to create social relationships between children. The purpose is also to contribute knowledge about how a few pedagogues apprehend their role in children’s relationship work in playing. To obtain empirical material to our study we have completed qualitative interviews with eight pedagogues who work in extended school in four different schools. The theoretical framework we have used to analyze the empirical data is symbolic interactionism, in particular concepts from Erving Goffman’s The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life (1959). According to the pedagogues, playing create social relationships between children by their fantasy, creativity and by their own initiative. According to the pedagogues, playing clarifies children how to work together and how to behave towards other children. To include and prevent children from being excluded the pedagogues use different tools to support them in entering social relationships with other children. The pedagogues use free play to get children to learn how to take responsibility and in an independently way create new social relationships with other children. The pedagogues use adult- conducted play to get children to interact in play, to enter community and create social relationships. The pedagogues feel they are in children´s free play depending on how the children act for example if there is a problem regarding children´s language or behavior in playing. In adult-conducted play the pedagogues apprehend their role to be an explicit and determined leader and be the one who always controls children’s play. The pedagogues also apprehend their role in adult-conducted play to break up subgroups and lead the children away from evil playing. / Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om hur ett antal pedagoger uppfattar lekens möjligheter för barn att skapa sociala relationer. Syftet är även att bidra med kunskap om hur ett antal pedagoger uppfattar sin roll i barns relationsarbete i leken. För att samla in empiriskt material till vår studie har vi genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer med åtta pedagoger som arbetar på fritidshem på fyra olika skolor. För att analysera det empiriska materialet använder vi oss av symbolisk interaktionism i form av ett antal begrepp från Erving Goffmans Jaget och maskerna: En studie i vardagslivets dramatik (1959). Pedagogerna uppfattar att leken skapar sociala relationer mellan barnen via deras fantasi, kreativitet, egna initiativ. Pedagogerna uppfattar att i leken får barnen lära sig att samarbeta och hur man ske bete sig mot andra barn. För att inkludera och motverka att barn är exkluderade uppfattar pedagogerna att de använder sig av olika verktyg för att stötta dem att ingå i sociala relationer med andra barn. Pedagogerna uppfattar att fri lek används för att barnen ska lära sig att ta ansvar och på ett självständigt sätt skapa nya sociala relationer med andra barn. Pedagogerna uppfattar att de använder styrd lek för att barnen ska få interagera i lek, ingå i gemenskap och skapa sociala relationer. Pedagogerna uppfattar att de intar olika roller i barnens fria lek beroende på hur barnen agerar i leken. Bland annat om det är problem angående barnens språkbruk eller beteende i leken. I den styrda leken uppfattar pedagogerna att sin roll är att vara en tydlig och bestämd ledare och hela tiden vara den som styr barnens lek. Pedagogerna uppfattar även att sin roll i den styrda leken är att bryta upp subgrupper och leda barnen bort från ondskefulla lekar.
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Genuspedagogers berättelser om makt och kontrollArvidson, Catarina January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis 14 gender pedagogues’ stories about power and control are described and analysed. Here the term gender pedagogue refers to educators who have participated in further training in gender and gender equality studies. The training programme was the result of an initiative taken by the former Social Democratic government. The intention of the government was that those who participated in the training programme would then work as resource persons in the work for gender equality in preschools and schools (Frånberg, 2010; Regeringen, 2001a, 2001b; Wahlgren, 2009). The purpose of this study is to describe and analyse the gender pedagogues’ access to power and control in work for change. The theoretical framework chosen for the study consists of Basil Bernsteins concepts classification and framing (Bernstein, 1977, 2000) and Hildur Ve’s (1999a, 1999b) use of the concepts technical limited rationality and care work rationality. The empirical evidence is based on observations in a seminar series on gender issues and semi-structured interviews. The results of the interviews are presented as stories which have been created in the interplay between the gender pedagogues and the interviewer. One conclusion that can be drawn from the stories is that power relations and gender patterns on many different levels influenced the possibilities of the gender pedagogues for power and control. Power and control in the relation between technical limited rationality and care work rationality is expressed in different ways. It is seen in the possibilities and descriptions of resistance and difficulties. Resistance and difficulties depended, according to the gender pedagogues, on the differences between their own view of knowledge and that of others. If gender and gender equality was not considered to be an important area of knowledge, possibilities for power and control decreased.
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Kolegijų pedagogų informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų taikymo kompetencijos turinys ir struktūra / Competences of college pedagogues in application of information and communication technologiesMontrimienė, Gražina 24 September 2008 (has links)
Darnios informacinės visuomenės klestėjimo periode, vykstant mokslo bei technologijų pažangai, kiekvienam asmeniui būtina tobulinti socialinius, komunikacinius, problemų sprendimo, veiklos bei kitus bendruosius gebėjimus ir kartu išsiugdyti svarbiausius įgūdžius, būtinus norint sėkmingai konkuruoti šiuolaikinėje darbo rinkoje. Aktuali tyrimo problema, atsakant į klausimą: koks pedagogų IKT taikymo kompetencijos turinys ir struktūra, nes nuo jų priklauso profesinio mokymo ir mokymosi proceso kokybė, pedagogų ir jų ugdytinių gebėjimas sėkmingai integruotis į pasaulinę ir šalies darbo rinką.Magistriniame darbe nagrinėjama kolegijų pedagogų informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų taikymo (IKT) kompetencija, kaip profesinės kompetencijos komponentas. Informacinės visuomenės ir kultūros kaita bei pedagogų standarto reikalavimai ES ir Lietuvoje pedagogų IKT kompetencijai keičiasi, kintant mokymo ir mokymosi procesui ir nacionaliniams ugdymo tikslams, įtakojant socialiniams-demografiniams veiksniams. Anketiniu tyrimu nustatyta, kad šalies aukštųjų neuniversitetinių mokyklų (kolegijų) pedagogai sistemingai tobulina informacinio raštingumo kompetencijas įvairiomis formomis, dalyvaudami ES projektuose ir programose, savarankiškai mokydamiesi nuotoliniu būdu, norėdami kokybiškai ir sistemingai dirbti edukaciniame procese. Pristatomas pedagogų IKT taikymo kompetencijos turinio ir struktūros empirinis pagrindimas. Analizuojamos kolegijų pedagogų IKT elgsenos, pridedamosios... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / During the period of prosperity of harmonic informational society, as the economy globalyzes and the science and technology development increases, it is necessary for everyone to develop social, communicational, problem-solving, practical and other common skills as well as to bring up the most important habits in order to be able to compete in today’s employment market. The urgent problem, when solving the problem of what the application volume and structure of competence of pedagogue’s information and communication technology (ICT) would be, since the value of professional teaching and learning and pedagogues’ their apprentices abilities to successfully integrate to national and international job market depend on it.The work analyzes competence, as a part of professional competence, of college pedagogues in application of information and communication technologies (ICT). The informational society and culture as well as the requirements for the pedagogues’ ICT competence changes as changes the learning and teachning process for national training goals influenced by social and demografic factors. The questionaire research has showed that the pedagogues of national universities and colleges, in order to perform a quality educational work, systematically increase their competences of informational capabilities in various ways. This work also presents the volume and structure empirical substantiation of pedagogues’ ICT competences. Moreover, this article analyzes the ICT... [to full text]
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Hur pedagoger kommunicerar med barn i förskolan : En observationsstudie i södra England / How pedagogues communicate with children in the nursery : An empirical study in the south part of EnglandJansson, Lina January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att erövra kunskaper om pedagogernas kommunikationshandlingar gentemot barnen, inom en engelsk pedagogisk verksamhet. Frågeställningen som ligger till grund för min studie är följande:- Hur sker kommunikationen mellan pedagogerna och det enskilda barnet, vid olika lärandetillfällen? - Hur sker kommunikationen mellan pedagogerna och det enskilda barnet, i olika emotionella situationer? Undersökningen är en kvalitativ studie, där pedagoger på en engelsk privat förskola har observerats. Barngruppen bestod av 11 till 18 barn i åldrarna fem och sex år, medan två till tre pedagoger närvarade varje dag. I resultatdelen har materialet om hur pedagogerna har kommunicerat med barnen behandlats utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Pedagogerna i den engelska förskolan innehar makt, och använder den i sitt förhållningssätt gentemot barnen. Varje pedagog kommunicerar med barnen på olika sätt, och de verkar inte utgå från någon gemensam mall. / The aim with this study is to acquire knowledge about communication, in everyday interactions between the pedagogues and children, in an English nursery school. This study is based on the following frame of questions: - How does the communication appear between the pedagogues and children, in different learning situations? - How does the communication appear between the pedagogues and children, in different emotional situations? The empirical research in this degree project is qualitative, and the data consisted of observations is focused on the pedagogues. The group of children consists of eleven to eighteen in total (aged 4 to 5 years) and there were about two to three pedagogues in the room. The result of this study is processed out of a socio-cultural perspective. I have come to a conclusion that the English pedagogues have power, which they used in the attitude among the children. The result showed that every pedagogue did communicate with the children, in different ways, and that their attitude was various.
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Gestaltningar av genus i förskolemiljö : En kvalitativ text- och bildanalys av hur genus gestaltas i ett bestämt urval av bilderböcker / Portrayals of gender in preschool environment : A qualitative text- and picture analysis of gender portrayals in picture booksJessica, Karlsson January 2018 (has links)
The study is a qualitative literature analysis with the purpose of examining how children and preschool pedagogues were portrayed in picture books that take place in the preschool environment, based on gender perspectives. To define the material, books that take place in the preschool environment had been selected. The purpose of the study was also to examine how relationships between children and preschool pedagogues were portrayed, from a gender perspective. And whether there was a difference between the gender portrayals depending on the year when the book was published. The picture book analysis has created an understanding of how preschool pedagogues can work gender pedagogically with literature as a tool, together with the children. The analysis and the results have shown that there are variations in how gender and gender roles were portrayed in the picture books. It also showed that there are picture books that are gender conscious and that some maintain and enhance gender roles.
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Normer för barns användande av förskolans material i leken / Norms for how children are allowed to use preschool material when they playLundqvist, Cornelia January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att synliggöra och beskriva förskollärares normer för barns användande av förskolans material i leken. De frågeställningar som har legat till grund för undersökningen har varit Vilka uppfattningar har förskollärare om barns användande av förskolans material i leken? Finns det regler för var och hur barnen får använda förskolans material i leken? och Finns det bestämda platser för var förskollärare anser att barnen bör leka med materialet? I denna studie har en kvalitativ metod samt tematisk analys använts. För att samla in empirin har kvalitativa intervjuer använts. I studien har fem förskollärare deltagit. I resultatet visade deltagarnas svar, att det finns normer och regler som både förskollärare och barnen rättar sig efter på förskolan. Resultatet visade även att förskollärare har regler för i vilka rum som barnen tillåts använda materialet samt vilka möjligheter de har till hur materialet får användas. Slutsatsen av undersökningen är att förskollärare strävar efter en speciell ordning av förskolans material. Tanken med denna ordning är att materialets placering påverkar barnen. / The purpose this study is to make visible and describe preschool teachers norms for how children use of preschool material when they play. The issues underlying the investigation have been what perceptions do preschool teachers have on how children use preschool material when they play? Are there rules for where and how children are allowed to use preschool material when they play? and are there specific places for where preschool teachers consider that children should play with the material? In this study, a qualitative method and thematic analysis have been used. Qualitative interviews have been used to collect empirical. Five preschool teachers participated in this study. The response from the participants showed that there are norms and rules that both preschool teachers and children adapt to in the preschool. The result also showed that preschool teachers have rules for where the children are allowed to use the material and what possibilities they have for how the material is allowed to be used. The conclusion of the study is that preschool teachers strive for a special order of preschool material. The idea of this order is that the materials location affects the children.
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