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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den polariserade fotbollen : Rädsla för våld i samband med Allsvensk fotboll

de Leur, Jonathan, Nordström, Viktor, Wennergren, Philip January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka rädslan för att bli direkt- och indirekt utsatt för våld från såväl besökare som polis i samband med Allsvensk fotbollsmatch. Urvalet bestod av 369 personer som besöker minst en fotbollsmatch per säsong (55 kvinnor och 314 män) med ålder mellan 18-75 år (M=34,59, SD=12,24) där data hämtats in via webbenkäter. Resultatet visade att besökare med högre besöksfrekvens i genomsnitt uppvisar högre nivåer av rädsla för våld för såväl andra besökare som för polisen, jämfört med de som har en lägre besöksfrekvens. Resultatet visade även på att det i genomsnitt fanns en högre rädsla för våld från polisen än våld från besökare. Resultaten pekar på att polisens strategier vid fotbollsmatcher tycks vara kontraproduktiva, då polisens uppdrag bland annat är att främja trygghet. Resultaten går i linje med dels tidigare forskning som påvisat att polisnärvaro på redan trygga platser tenderar att skapa otrygghet. Resultaten pekar på behovet av förnyade och mer evidensbaserade insatser från polisen under fotbollsmatcher, samt bättre dialog med besökare för att motverka stigmatisering av besöksgrupper och polismyndigheten.

The Classical Greek Mercenary and his Relationship to the Greek Polis

Trundle, Matthew F. January 1996 (has links)
<p>This dissertation examines the role of the Greek mercenary in the history of the Greek city-states from the Dark-Ages down to the end of the Lamian War in 322 B.C. It does not address the strategic and tactical uses of mercenaries on the battlefields of the eastern Mediterranean, but illustrates the social, political, and economic positions of mercenaries both inside and outside of the polis. The principal purpose of this work has been to demonstrate the central role of mercenary service to Greek society and history. This role is demonstrated in the accepted nature of mercenary service among Greek citizens. Greek mercenaries came from all the regions of the Greek world and from all strata of Greek society. Mercenary service was important in forging links between individuals and communities apodemia and, as such, it was a means by which foreigners and foreign rulers could exercise their power and their influence over the Greeks.</p> <p>Historians have studied the military uses of mercenaries. They have also studied specific aspects of mercenary service, such as pay, or specific regions and campaigns in which they served. Never before has one work examined mercenary service as a socio-economic problem for the whole polis period.</p> <p>The sources for this work come from every type of Greek literature. Historians such as Thucydides and Xenophon have provided the narrative and military contexts for the adventures of mercenaries. Philosophers have illustrated attitudes towards military service overseas as well as the status at home. Technical writers, for example the fourth-century strategist Aeneas Tacticus, have provided information on a variety of important issues concerning mercenaries. Forensic speech writers have illustrated how ordinary men served at home and abroad with alacrity and seemingly without care, while political speeches have shown the concern with which some saw the growth in the numbers of Greeks abroad. As well as the literary sources, the coinage of the period has promoted an understanding of payment and the relationships between the employer and those in service.</p> <p>By looking at Greeks who left the polis to serve abroad, either for a short campaign or for their entire lives, a clearer insight into the history of the city-states is achieved. In this study the focus of Greek history shifts from the inclusive communities of the Greek mainland to the tyrants and kings of the Mediterranean and the Near East. The Hellenistic world which emerged after Alexander, (and therefore beyond the scope of this thesis), embraced this wide geographic arena. In their work the Greek mercenaries of the polis period exemplify the continuity of one time frame to the next. The mercenaries aided the synthesis of east with west and as a result they laid the foundations for the world of the Hellenistic monarchies.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Hantering och stöd vid kritiska incidenter : En studie av blåljuspersonalens upplevelser

Berglund, Henrik January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund En kritisk incident orsakar upplevelser av oväntat starka emotionella reaktioner som har potential att inverka på förmågan att fungera i yrkesrollen eller senare i tillvaron. För att minska incidentens inverkan på den egna förmågan behöver känslornas hanteras efter en kritisk incident. Syfte Beskriva upplevelser och hantering av kritisk incident inom blåljuspersonalen polis, brandmän och ambulanspersonal. Metod Kvalitativ intervjustudie av totalt 10 deltagare från polisen, räddningstjänsten och ambulanssjukvården med deskriptiv, induktiv design och en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat Exponering av kritiska incidenter kan bero av en känslomässig påverkan där farhågor att eller associationer till den egna livsvärlden framträder samt upplevelser av att vara otillräcklig. Detta genererar individuella varningssignaler som behöver bemästras. Arbetsklimatets inverkan på bemästringen inkluderar jargong på arbetsplatsen, ett oförlåtande arbetsklimat samt ett förlåtande arbetsklimat. Bearbetning kan ske på olika vis och en individuell bearbetning kan likväl som en kollegial berabeting vara till hjälp på samma sätt som en organisatorisk hantering kan leda till ett ökat välmående och minska riskerna vid en kritisk incident men även medföra att någon får mer information än önskat och därmed förvärra en upplevelse. Slutsats  Att personal inom blåljusprofessionen påverkas av kritiska incidenter är ofrånkomligt. Inom samtliga tre blåljusprofessioner återfinns ett behov av att lyfta fram vikten och kunskapen av att kunna hantera sin upplevelser efter en kritisk incident på såväl organisatorisk nivå som på grupp och individnivå. Som fortbildning föreslås interprofessionell utbildning och ökad samverkan mellan blåljusorganisationerna.

“Det är tyst på RAPS” : Ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser av samverkan med polis under hot- och våldssituationer

Westlund, Ulrika, Bergstedt, Clara January 2024 (has links)
Hot- och våldssituationer har generellt blivit ett mer förekommande fenomen i samhället, som påverkar ambulanssjuksköterskorna då de riskerar hamna i situationer som medför att de blir utsatta för hot och våld. Samverkan med polis i hot- och våldssituationer har därför blivit allt viktigare för både omhändertagandet av en patient i hot-och våldssituationer men även för ambulanssjuksköterskornas arbetsmiljö. Det finns sparsamt med tidigare kunskap om ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser i dessa situationer därav intresset till föreliggande studie. Syftet var att beskriva ambulanssjuksköterskors upplevelser av samverkan med polis under hot-och våldssituationer. Genom intervjuer insamlades upplevelser från sju ambulanssjuksköterskor verksamma i Västra Götaland. Intervjuerna analyserades enligt Elo och Kygnäs (2008) metod för kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Dataanalysen genererade tre generiska kategorier; Kommunikationens betydelse för samverkan med polis, Samverkans betydelse för patientsäkerheten och Samverkans betydelse för den egna säkerheten. I resultatet framkom att kommunikationen var betydande för att samverkan mellan ambulanssjuksköterskorna och polisen skulle fungera. Det sågs en väsentlig skillnad mellan radiokommunikationen på talgruppen RAPS och den verbala kommunikationen på insatsplats. I situationer när samverkan var bristande på grund av otillräcklig kommunikation riskerade patientsäkerheten att äventyras, vilket resulterade i att ambulanssjuksköterskorna inte vågade åka fram till en hot-och våldssituation utan stöd av polis. Konsekvensen kunde bli en fördröjning eller utebliven vård, vilket riskerade ett lidande för patienten. Gemensamma samverkansövningar ansågs kunna vara en framgångsfaktor för att erhålla ökad förståelse om varandras professioner och arbetssätt. För att främja framtida samverkansinsatser under hot- och våldssituationer och tillsammans kunna stärka patienten i att eftersträva hälsa samt upprätthålla en säker och trygg arbetsmiljö.

Poliser i yttre tjänsts kompetensutveckling gällande digital teknik : En jämförelse mellan polisers upplevelser och officiella skrivelser

Lukosiute, Kamile January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to highlight how police officers in Sweden who work on patrol duty experience competence development, with a deeper focus on their digital competences. To do this, a qualitative study has been carried out in the form of a thematic analysis of published writings and interviews with two patrol duty police officers. Theoretical perspectives used in the study were adaptive and developmental learning and communities of practice. The results of the study show that police officers have access to formal and informal methods to develop their skills. The formal methods consist mainly of education, while the informal methods are largely about knowledge sharing among colleagues. It is also noticeable that the increasingly digitalised world has changed the way the police authority works, both in how to counteract crime with the help of digital tools and strengthening the public's trust in the police through social media. There are some differences between how the interviewees experienced the priorities for competence development compared to published writings, where the texts emphasized the importance of digital competences while the interviewees rather feel an increased will to improve, for example, communication and evaluation. Improvements can be made in how to efficiently develop police officers' skills, but this is an ongoing process and considering changes in the world around us, it is a complex job. / Syftet med denna studie är att belysa hur poliser i Sverige som arbetar i yttre tjänst upplever kompetensutveckling, med ett fokus på deras digitala kompetenser. För att göra detta har en kvalitativ undersökning genomförts via en tematisk analys av officiella skrivelser samt intervjuer med två poliser som arbetar i yttre tjänst. Teoretiska utgångspunkter som användes i studien var anpassningsinriktat och utvecklingsinriktat lärande och praktikgemenskaper. Resultatet av studien visar att poliser har tillgång till formella och informella metoder för att utveckla sina kompetenser. De formella metoderna består främst av utbildningar medan de informella handlar till stor del om kunskapsdelning bland kollegor. Det märks även att den alltmer digitaliserade världen har förändrat hur Polismyndighetens arbete ser ut, både i hur man motverkar brottslighet med hjälp av digitala verktyg och förstärker allmänhetens förtroende för poliserna genom sociala medier. Det finns vissa skillnader mellan hur intervjupersonerna upplevde prioriteringarna för kompetensutveckling jämfört med officiella skrivelser, där texterna betonade vikten av digitala kompetenser medan intervjupersonerna framhäver en ökad vilja att förbättras inom exempelvis kommunikation och utvärdering. Det kan göras förbättringar i hur man arbetar med att utveckla polisers kompetenser, men detta är en ständigt pågående process och med tanke på omvärldsförändringar så är det ett komplext arbete.

Friskfaktorer för poliser i yttre tjänst : En kvalitativ studie om polisers upplevelser av faktorer som främjar hälsa i en komplex arbetsmiljö

Larsson, Emma, Wallin, Elin January 2024 (has links)
Background: Police officers on external duty is often associated with a high workload. The work environment varies depending on the society and the surroundings. A large part of work-related health research consists of risk factors for ill health and deficiencies rather than health-promoting factors in the workplace.Aim: The purpose with the study is to investigate police officers’ experiences of factors that promote health in a complex work environment.  Method: A qualitative study with semi structured interviews was conducted with six police officers working on the external duty. Police officers on external duty were recruited through snowball selection. Data were analyzed trough qualitative content analysis. Results: The result of the study shows that the police officers experienced health-promoting factors at four system levels: individual-, group-, management- and organizational level. Individual factors that had an impact on health were motivation, balance in everyday life and individuals own preparation were perceived important on an individual level. Social relationship in the terms of colleagues, communication and everyday external social relationships had a health promoting impact on a group level. Supportive leadership was considered an important factor at the management level. At the organizational level conditions like benefits and support functions were perceived to have an important impact on the work-related health.Conclusions: The conclusion is that health-promoting factors for police officers on external duty are identified in four different system levels. The health-promoting factors need to be in alignment to reach workplace health.

Etnifierad platsprofilering i förorten : En kvalitativ studie om upplevelser av etnifierad platsprofilering och dess inverkan på mäns liv

Dehnad, Melina, Tastekin, Maria January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate young men's experiences of being stopped by the Stockholm police in two marginalized areas in Stockholm. The study had a special focus on the experience of ethnicized location profiling, which became relevant in connection with the new law on inspection zones. To achieve the study's goals, a qualitative research method was used as the empirical evidence was based on six interviews with men who gave an account of their experiences and perspectives of marginalized communities. The empirical work has been analyzed using stigma theory, territorial stigma and labeling theory. The results showed that the men had gone through similar experiences during their conversations with the police, where the police's frequent interest was based on the men's ethnicity, appearance and area of ​​residence. The men highlighted that this had an impact on the police's treatment, as the men felt that the police saw them as criminals and treated them differently from ethnic Swedes. Based on the men's previous experiences, they assumed that the inspection zones would worsen the image of marginalized communities and affect the living situation of the individuals of the community. Where there was a risk that the zones contribute to the stopping of innocents and that ethnic and geographic profiling increases.

Framtida polisers syn på informationspåverkan : En fenomenografisk analys / Future police officers' view on information influence : A phenomenographic analysis

Sundqvist, Sara January 2024 (has links)
Information influence is a hostile action exercised by foreign powers with the aim of increasing polarization in society and undermining democracy. In their mission to protect democratic freedoms and rights, and in their interactions with citizens, our Swedish police officers experience the consequences of the distrust and polarization caused by information influence. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to examine how future police officers perceive information influence and to examine the democratic challenges that may appear. Empirical data is collected through semi-structured interviews with six future and newly graduated police officers. Data analysis is done by using a phenomenographic approach. The results of the study show that future police officers perceive information influence as a game with our fundamental democratic rights, contributing to polarization and being difficult to combat. In the long term, these future police officers also believe that information influence can negatively impact democracy. They foresee that information influence may create challenges for them in their professional duties by contributing to conflicts in their interactions with citizens, sometimes to the extent that dangerous situations may arise. Furthermore, the future police officers reflect on the possibility of personal value conflicts occurring in their professional practice, especially in situations where they are tasked with protecting freedom of speech.

Adapta??o do modelo de gest?o do Programa Qualidade Rio (PQRio) a uma organiza??o do carnaval carioca: Estudo de caso do Gr?mio Recreativo Escola de Samba Beija-Flor de Nil?polis / Adaptation of the model Management Program Quality Rio (PQRio) to the one organization of the Carioca Carnival: Study of Case of the Recreativo Bosom School of Samba Beija-Flor de Nil?polis

SANTOS, C?ssio Dias dos 15 February 2006 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-06-29T17:53:44Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2006 - Cassio Dias dos Santos.pdf: 1409499 bytes, checksum: 3e4eb75652ad8d76ba015238a888bd54 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-29T17:53:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006 - Cassio Dias dos Santos.pdf: 1409499 bytes, checksum: 3e4eb75652ad8d76ba015238a888bd54 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-02-15 / The objective of this study of case, is to supply given, to information and analyses, that can come to collaborate with the classification and professionalization of a carnival organization, thus allowing to pass to be used as reference a model of planning for this this sector, therefore the carnival is the main popular party of Brazil. Trying to show that the G.R.E.S. Nilopolis de Beija-Flor samba school that presents all the characteristics of an organization of Quality, 1? ranking of the LIESA. Our it analyses will be based on the criteria of PQRio (leadership, strategy and plans, customers, society, information and knowledge, people and processes). Approaching with this its strategical planning, its social and cultural action. Indicating factors that had made Beija-Flor to become a successful organization in its segment. Thus getting a comprehensive and significant picture of the organizations (schools od Samba) of the Carioca Carnival. / O objetivo deste estudo de caso ? fornecer dados, informa??es e an?lises que possam vir a colocar a classifica??o e profissionaliza??o de uma organiza??o de carnaval, permitindo assim passar a ser utilizado como referencia para o modelo de planejamento para este setor, pois o carnaval ? a principal festa popular do Brasil.Tenta-se mostrar que o G.R.E.S. Beija-Flor de Nil?polis ? uma escola de samba que apresenta todas as caracter?sticas de uma organiza??o de qualidade, a primeira do ranking da LIESA. Nossa an?lise ser? baseada nos crit?rios do PQRio (lideran?a, estrat?gia e planos, clientes, sociedades, informa??o e conhecimento, pessoas e processos), abordando assim, o planejamento estrat?gico, as A??es sociais e culturais da agremia??o. Indicam-se fatores que fizeram a Beija-Flor torna-se uma organiza??o bem-sucedida em seus segmentos, obtendo-se, por conseguinte, um quadro compreensivo e significativo das organiza??es (escolas de Samba) do carnaval carioca.

Svenska polisers attityder &amp; kunskap om naloxon i polisiärt arbete : En kvantitativ studie baserad på Teorin om Planerat Beteende enligt OOAS, OOKS &amp; NaRRC-B

Magnusson, Tobias, Molin, Jens January 2023 (has links)
Accidental drug poisoning has tripled in Sweden since the start of the 21st century, and statistically the country has had one of the highest overdose death rates in Europe. To reverse an opioid overdose, which is the main cause of drug related death, the antidote naloxone has the capacity of breaking the effect, and it is widely recommended as a safe drug with limited side effects. Police forces around the world have started to use naloxone and there is proven connection between its introduction and a reduced number of drug related deaths. However, Swedish police has not started to use or, as far as we know, investigate use of naloxone despite proven benefits. Since police sometimes are the first to arrive at the scene of an overdose, naloxone in a police context is important to study. This survey had its origin in the Theory of Planned Behavior, in accordance with the research instruments Opioid Overdose Knowledge Scale (OOKS), Opioid Overdose Attitude Scale (OOAS) and Naloxone-Related Risk Compensation Beliefs (NaRRC-B). This quantitative study had the purpose to measure and create knowledge about Swedish police officers' attitudes towards introducing and administering naloxone in police work, as well as their general knowledge regarding the antidote. The participants agreed that Swedish police officers should be equipped with naloxone to be able to save more lives (mean value = 3,9). The demonstrated benefits significantly outweigh the disadvantages of a possible implementation of naloxone within the Swedish police. Hence, it is essential that the Swedish Police Authority further investigates whether the use of naloxone can be a new working method to save more lives.

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